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2012版七年级下英语 Unit 9 What does he look like 教案

Unit 9 What does he look like?

Section A (1a-2d)


1. 语言知识目标:

1) 能掌握以下单词: curly, straight, tall, medium, thin, heavy, build, tonight, little, cinema, glasses, later


—What does he look like?

—He’s of medium/build.

—What does he look like?

—She has long straight hair.

—Is he tall or short?

2. 情感态度价值观目标:



1. 教学重点:


2. 教学难点:



Ⅰ. Warming-up and revision

找出三名外貌差异较大的学生来做比较,一个胖而高大的男生(a fat and tall boy),一个瘦而较矮的男生(a thin and short boy),一个中等身材(of medium height)。

目的:引起学生的学习兴趣,了解人物的外貌特征,(即不管外貌如何在不同的游戏中都能获胜)的对比培养学生的情感和态度:不要以貌取人(Don’t judge by appearance)。

然后用这两名学生为例教heavy, tall, thin, short引出句型:

1. What do you look like? He’s really tall. He has long straight hair.

2. What does she look like? She’s of medium/build.

Ⅱ. Presentation (Section A 1a)

1. Match the words with the people in the picture. (1a)

学习课本的第一部分P49,1a先看图片,然后搭配图片和相关的外貌特征的词。 Now please look at P49, Use the letters to match the people in the picture with one of the numbered words. Write each letter next to a numbered word. You can use some letters more than once. Point out the sample answer. (Keys: c, f, a, a, d, h, e, b, g, e)


2. 引导学生熟悉有关描述人的外貌特征的词

(1). 用漫画画人物教有关height,curly等单词。然后操练“What does he look like? He is really tall.” 注意be 动词的用法。

(2). 一个cartoon girl 教身体的各部位(ear, face, hair, eye, nose, mouth)。然后操练“What does he look like? He has long straight hair.” 注意has的用法。

(3). pictures 来教有关头发的词汇, 注意has的用法。接着教a beard, a

moustache, glasses。

Ⅲ. Practice (Section A 1c)

1. Read the conversation and recite it.

2. Practice like the conversation according to some pictures.

Ⅳ. Listening (1b, 2a & 2b)

1. Look at the picture of 1a, listen and fill the blanks in the picture. (1b)

Listen carefully and fill in the blanks and find Amy’s friend? We will listen twice.The first time, just listen.The second time,listen and fill in the blanks.And say the look of Amy’s friend.( He's really tall.And he has curly hair.)

2. Listen and answer the questions. (2a)

3. Listen again and fill in the chart. (2b)

4. Listen a third time to understand the key words.

Ⅴ. Practice (2c)

1. Student A looks at the chart in 2b. Student B asks Student A questions about one of the people and then draws a picture of the person quickly.

2. Act the dialogue.

Ⅵ. Role-play the conversation. (2d)

1. Read the conversation to answer the questions:

(1)When are they meeting?

(2)Where are they meeting?

(3)What does David look like?

(4) Is he tall or short?

2. Read the conversation.

3. Role-play the conversation.

4. Explanation:

(1) may be

(2) a little

Ⅶ. Guessing game (李咏 潘长江)


Ⅷ. Homework

1. 熟记本节课所学单词,预习P51& P52。

2.Describe your friends in the class and draw a picture of them.


Section A (Grammar Focus-1d)


1. 语言知识目标:

1) 单词:handsome, actor, actress, person, nose


① He’s of medium/build.

② What does he look like? He’s really tall.

③ What does he look like? She has long straight hair.

④ Is he tall or short?

2. 情感态度价值观目标:



1. 教学重点:


2. 教学难点:【七下英语Unit,9,,,What,does,he,look,like,英文教案】



Ⅰ. Warming- up and revision

1. Say what your friends in the class look like and show the pictures of them.

2. Work in pair. One student describe one of his friends in class, the other student guess who he/she is.

3. Write these words in the correct box.

Read and write these words about 2 minutes.

Ⅱ. Grammar Focus

1. 学生阅读Grammar Focus中的句子,并完成下列句子填空练习。

2. 指导。注意提醒、区分单复数,is 与has。

① 他长的什么样子?_____________________

他个子很高。 _______________________

② 她长的什么样子? ___________________

她长着长的直发。 ____________________

③ 他们长的什么样子?___________________

他们中等身材。 ___________________

④ 他们长着直发还是卷发?__________________


⑤ 他个头是高还是矮? ____________________

他不高也不矮。他是中等身高。 _____________________________ Ss finish off the sentences and check the answers.

3. 自主探究


1. 她/他长得什么样子?

What does he/she ____ _______?

2. 他们长得什么样子?

What _____ they _____ ________?

3. 她个子是高还是矮?

______ she tall ______ _______?

4. 他长着长发还是短发?

_____ he have ______ hair _____ short hair?


1. 描述身高、体重等整体特征时用be动词。如:


Unit 9 What does he look like?

SectionB (1a-1e)


1. 语言知识目标:

1) 能掌握以下单词:blonde, mouth, round, face, eye, nose, singer

2) 通过谈论与交流,掌握描述人物相貌的句型。

2. 情感态度价值观目标:


2.能在小组活动中积极与他人合作,相互帮助,共同完成学习任务, 尽情享受学习的乐趣。





Ⅰ. Warming- up and revision

1. Let’s chant

2. Use some words to describe your classmate.

Ⅱ. Presentation

1. Show some pictures on the big screen, and present the new words in this period.

(blonde, round, face, mouth, eye, nose, singer)

2. Work on 1a: Match the words with the pictures.

3. Read the words.

Ⅲ. Writing (Work on 1b)

1.Make sentences about famous people with the words in 1a.

e.g. Jackie Chan has black hair.

2. Fill in the blanks and check each other.

Ⅳ. Listening (Work on 1c)

You will hear Maria and Danny talking about Tina Brown and Johnny Dean.

1. Your job is to write the job each person does. Point to the heading "Job" on the chart. Listen again and check the answers.

2. This time your job is to write what each person looks like. Point to the heading "looks like".


3. Listen a third time to understand the key words.

Ⅴ. Practice

Show some pictures of famous singers. Then describe what your favorite singer or athletic looks like.


1.Group Work: Interview and report

2. Students discuss with their partners, and then write a report: My friends’ favorite star! Ⅶ. Game

Choose your lucky number.


Show a picture of Fan Bingbing,ask a student to describe her.


1. Write what your favorite singer , athlete or teacher looks like.



人教版七年级下unit9 what does he look like(1a-1c)教案

人教版 七年级下

Unit 9 What does he look like? 教案

平乡县第三中学 张慧芳

I 教学目标

1. 知识目标


(2)用What does he/ she look like? 询问他人的外貌特征。

(3)He/ She is…; He / She has…来描述人物的外貌形象。



3. 情感目标



II 教学重难点


III 教具


IV 教学方法


V 教学过程

Step1 Lead in

通过问题激发学生的学习兴趣。Do you know how to talk about people’s looks? 提示学生进行简单的回答并引入新课 “ Unit 9 What does he look like?”

Step2 Vocabulary

通过展示不同的图片,教授新单词long/short/straight/curly hair; tall, short, of medium height; thin, heavy, of medium build. 总结所学单词,简单进行检测。

Step3 Exercise

1. Do 1a. Match the words with the people in the picture. You can use some letters

more than once.此练习旨在使学生加深新词汇的认识并能够快速、准确地使用,为下一步练习做铺垫。

2. Do 1b. Listen and fill in the blanks.同时注意听力的巩固。

Step4 Presentation

Look at the teacher. “What do I look like?” 学生思考并和老师齐答“You have long straight hair. You’re tall. You’re of medium build.”

提醒学生注意:新单词可分为hair,height,build三大类。hair前使用动词have/has, height与build前使用be动词。

Step5 Pair work

1. 用“What do you look like?”句型进行师-生,生-生问答练习。

2. 将图片所给四个名人运用“What does …... look like?”句型进行生-生问答练习。

3. 将图片中所给的五名同学运用“What does …… look like?”进行生-生问答练习。

Step6 Practice


— What does your aunt ____ ____?

— She ____long _____ hair. And she __ __ ____ height.

She __ a little ____.

Step7 Summary


What do you look like?

I’ m tall. I’ m thin.


What does she look like?

She has curly hair. She is of medium build.

Step8 Homework

Write a short passage to describe your parents and your best friend.


Unit9 What does he look like?

have / has + hair be + height be + build

long tall thin

short of medium height of medium build straight

curly short heavy

人教版新目标英语七年级下册教案Unit 9 What does he look like 教案

Unit 9 What does he look like?

Section A 1 (1a-2d)


1. 语言知识目标:

1) 能掌握以下单词:curly, straight, tall, medium, thin, heavy, build, tonight, little,

cinema, glasses, later


—What does he look like?

—He’s of medium/build.

—What does he look like?

—She has long straight hair.

—Is he tall or short?

2. 情感态度价值观目标:



1. 教学重点:


2. 教学难点:



Ⅰ. Lead-in

1. Look at the picture of 1a and think about the questions:

1. How many people are there in the picture?

2. Where are they?

3. What are the two girls doing?

4. Can you describe the people in the picture?

2. Learn some new words

Ⅱ. Presentation (Section A 1a)

1. Match the words with the people in the picture. (1a)

学习课本的第一部分P49,1a先看图片,然后搭配图片和相关的外貌特征的词。 Now please look at P49, Use the letters to match the people in the picture with one of the numbered words. Write each letter next to a numbered word. You can use some letters more than once. Point out the sample answer.



2. 1b Listen and fill in the blanks in the picture above. Can you find Amy’s friend? A: Is that your friend?

B: No, it isn’t.

A: What does he look like? Is he short or tall?

B: Well, he’s really ____. And he has _________.

Listen to the dialogue of 1b again and try to find the sentence pattern for asking people’s appearance and the sentences for describing people.

What does he look like? Is he short or tall?

He is really tall.

He has curly hair.

3. 通过图片展示以问答的形式练习对话。

Ⅲ. Practice (Section A 1c)

1. Read the conversation and recite it.

2. Practice like the conversation according to some pictures.

Ⅳ. Listening (2a & 2b)

1. Listen and answer the questions. (2a)

1. Is David tall or short? __________________

2. Does Sally have long or short hair? _________________

3. Is peter tall or short?_________________

2. Listen again and fill in the chart. (2b)

3. Describe David, Sally, Peter’s appearances according to the information of 2b.  David is heavy and tall. He has curly hair.

 Sally is thin and of medium height. She has long straight hair.

 Peter is short and of medium build. He has short hair.

Ⅴ. Practice (2c)

1. Student A looks at the chart in 2b. Student B asks Student A questions about one of the people and then draws a picture of the person quickly.

2. Act the dialogue.

Ⅵ. Role-play the conversation. (2d)

1. Read the conversation to answer the questions:

1. Where are Mike and Tony going tonight?

2. Where are they meet?

3. Who is going with them?

4. What does David look like?

2. Read the conversation.

3. Role-play the conversation.

VII. Language points

1. We’re meeting at seven, right? 我们七点见,对吗?

1) meet相当于汉语中“集合;见面;碰头;聚集”。如:

Let’s meet at the school gate tomorrow at eight.


2) right表示“对吗,是吧”,用来表示对此前陈述内容进行确认和核实。全句为Is that right? 口语中常用不完整的句子表达意见或想法。

2. …, but I may be a little late.

a little意为“有点儿”,用来修饰形容词。

e.g. It’s a little cold tonight.


【拓展】a little意为“一些;少许”后跟不可数名词。

e.g. There’s a little meat in the bowl.


3. Well, he has brown hair and wears glasses.


e.g. Glass is broken easily.


There’s no water in your glass.


Does she wear glasses? 她戴眼镜吗?

4. He isn’t tall or short. 他不高也不矮。

英语在受到否定概念限定的部分中一般不用and, 而用or。

e.g. I don’t have any brothers or sisters.


在以上这种用法中,or相当于and not。试比较:

Sophie never cleans or even offers to wash the dishes.

=Sophie never cleans and does not even offer to wash the dishes.


Finish some exercises

VIII. Homework

1. 总结所学过的描述人物长相的词汇,用英语写出来。

2. 编写三个小对话来描述一下你的家庭成员(爷爷/奶奶;爸爸/妈妈;哥哥/妹妹)。

Section A 2 (Grammar focus-3c)


1. 语言知识目标:

1) 单词:handsome, actor, actress, person, nose


① He’s of medium/build.

② What does he look like? He’s really tall.

③ What does he look like? She has long straight hair.

④ Is he tall or short?

2. 情感态度价值观目标:



1. 教学重点:


2. 教学难点:



Ⅰ. Warming- up and revision

1. Say what your friends in the class look like and show the pictures of them.

2. Work in pair. One student describe one of his friends in class, the other student guess who he/she is.

Ⅱ. Grammar Focus

1. 学生阅读Grammar Focus中的句子,并完成下列句子填空练习。

2. 指导。注意提醒、区分单复数,is 与has。

① 他长的什么样子?_____________________

他个子很高。 _______________________

② 她长的什么样子? ___________________

她长着长的直发。 ____________________

③ 他们长的什么样子?___________________

他们中等身材。 ___________________

④ 他们长着直发还是卷发?__________________


⑤ 他个头是高还是矮? ____________________

他不高也不矮。他是中等身高。 _____________________________

Ss finish off the sentences and check the answers.

3. 探究乐园

七年级下册英语Unit9 What_does_he_look_like?教案

Unit 7 What does he look like?

Bai Mei

Teaching Aims of Unit 7

1. Learn the words about describing persons’ appearance and how to describe people’s looks.

2. To enable students to describe people’s looks correctly and improve students listening skill.

3. Learn to describe people’s looks in different ways and the useful words and expressions about describing persons’ appearance.

4. Learn how to make a new look.

Learn some useful words and expressions about describing persons’ appearance.

period 1

Step 1 Leading-in

T: Look, this is my family photo. Let’s meet them one by one. (Show a photo of my family.)

Step 2 New words【七下英语Unit,9,,,What,does,he,look,like,英文教案】

1. Present new words.

T: Look, this is my mother. she has long hair. Read after me, long hair, H-A-I-R, hair.

Ss: H-A-I-R, hair.

(Then look at the pictures of my father and my sisiter and teach the other new words in the same way such as “short hair, curly hair and straight hair.”)

T: Look at this man. He is my father. He is very tall. Read after me, tall, T-A-L-L, tall.

Ss: T-A-L-L, tall.

(Teach the other new words in the same way such as “short, medium height, thin, heavy, medium build”.)

2.Practice the new words.

T: Look at 1a. Match the new words with the pictures as quickily as you can.

·Step 3 Listening practice

Listening 1a

T: Listen to the tape. Work on 1b. Help Amy find her friend


Listening 2a.2b

T: I have three good friends. They are David, Sally and Pete. Do you know what they look like?

T: Look at 2a. Listen and circle “is” or “has” below.

(Play the tape and then check the answers.)

T: Listen again. Fill in the chart in 2b.

(Play the tape again and check the answers.)

Step4 New drills

1. Present the drills

T: I have long, straight hair. I’m of medium height and I’m of medium build. What do you look like?

S1:I have …And I’m….

(Ask three more students to practice.)

T: And what does he look like?

S5: He is…, and he has….

(Ask three more students to practice.)

2.Practice the drills

A: What do you look like?

B: I am…, and I have….

A: What does he/she look like?

B: He/She is…, and He/She has….

Step5. Exercises


1. Ma Yan isn’t . She’s________________.

2. My hair isn’t . It’s__________________.

3. friend and that’s my _______________friend.

4. 5. Peter doesn’t have二、连词成句

1. tall, with, he’s hair, brown


2.always, dress, a , she, red, wears


3.stops, never, talking, she


4.Class Five, have, I, new, in, friend, a


5.Jack Chan, my, is, actor, favorite


Step. 5 Summary

Step. 6 Homework

Make dialogues according to: A: What do you look like? B: I am…, and I have….

A: What does he/she look like? B: H e/She is…, and He/She has… Step. 7 Blackboard


1. be+ adj.

2. have/has +n.

Sentence structure:

What does he/she look like?


