School: hello hi boy girl ruler
chair desk pencil pen crayon
friend window book pencil box( boxes)
numbers: one two three Four five
six seven eight nine ten
Colour: red yellow blue green pink
orange brown white black purple
feel: cold hot tired happy sad
warm cool
body: hand head arm leg foot ( feet )
hair eye mouth ear nose toe(toes) face knee finger shoulder stomach family: father mother sister brother me
policeman teacher student worker doctor (Dr.) old young tall short bus driver birthday:cake gift party China year
1、How many多少 2、 How old..多大 3、see a doctor 看医生
4、Look at 看........... 5、Live in .....住在.....
1、What’s his/her name ? 他/她叫什么名字?
His name is....... 他叫........
2、This is a boy . 这是一个男孩。
3、That is a girl . 那是一个女孩。
4、What’s this? 这是什么? It’s a /an......
5、How are you ? 你好吗? I’m fine ,thanks. 我很好,谢谢。
6、Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。Nice to meet you,too.
7、How many books do you have? 你有几本书?
How many + 可数名词的复数形式 表示多少
8、Good-bye. / Bye !/See you later!再见!
9、Jenny,this is WangHong . 詹尼,这是王红。
10、He’s my friend. 他是我的朋友。
11、Open the window . 打开窗户。
12、Close the door. 关上门。
13、What colour is it? 他是什么颜色? It’s green.它是绿色。
14、How do you feel? 你感觉如何? I feel happy.我感觉很高兴。
15、I’m sad. 我很悲伤。
16、This is cold. 这是冷的。
17、That’s cool . 那是凉爽的。
18、Are you okay? 你还好吗?
19、My head hurts. 我头疼。
20、Let’s see a doctor. 让我们去看医生吧。
21、What’s the matter? 怎么了?
22、What colour is your hair? 你的头发是什么颜色的?
My hair is black. 我的头发是黑色的。
23、....I hurt my head ...... 我弄伤了我的头。
24、This is my mother. 这是我的妈妈。
25、We live in China. 我们住在中国。
26、We are a happy family. 我们是一个快乐的家庭。
27、I’m short/ tall /young / old. 我矮/高/年轻/老的。
28、How old are you? 你多大了?
I’m nine years old. 我九岁了。
29、Happy birthday, Jenny!詹尼,生日快乐! Thank you !谢谢你!
30、This gift is for you. 这是给你的礼物。
1、提问数量 How many........
How many +可数名词复数形式+dou you have? I have........
How many +颜色+物品名(复数)?
例子:How many blue boxes?
2、 提问颜色 What colour.....
举例:What colour is your hair? My hair is.......
What colour are your eyes? My eyes are.......
3、 提问年龄 How old..........
How old are you? I’m ....
How old is ....... ? She /He is ....
4、 提问地点 where........ There it is./ I don’t know.
5、 提问怎么了what’s the matter?
6、 提问姓名 what’s______name? My /His/ Her name is.....
7、 Let’s =let us 让我们
8、 介绍物品this a /an ....... They are......
提问感受 you feel ? I feel /I am.......
Are you +感受? Yes .I’m ..../no I’m ...
Do you feel.....? I feel.......
10、提问是什么 What is it ? It’s a /an+可数名词单数 提问复数:What are they? They are+可数名词复数
1. 主格和宾格:
see hit 主格 宾格 主格 宾格 主格 宾格 主格 宾格 .◆形容词性物主代词其后必须跟名词。
• my pen我的钢笔 your bag你的书包 his bike他的自行车
• her desk她的书桌 its name它的名字
例句:Is that your bike? 那是你的自行车吗?
Those are our books. 那些是我们的书。
◆如果名词前有形容词性物主代词,就不能同时用冠词(a, an, the)或指示代词(this, that, these, those)修饰此名词。
• [正]This is my pencil. [误]This is my a pencil.
• [正]This is a pencil. [误] This is a my pencil.
我用am,你用are,is连着它 他 她,单数名词用is,复数名词全用are。
C、以o结尾,表示有生命的事物的单数名词变复数加-es;表示没有生命的事物的单数名词变复数加-s。有生命如:potato-potatoes土豆,tomato-tomatoes西红柿, 无生命 如:photo-photos照片,piano-pianos钢琴等。
F、名词单数变复数,除了有规则可循的变化之外,还有一部分的变化是不规则的,我们将这部分名词的变化叫做不规则变化。这些词有:goose-geese(鹅), foot-feet, tooth-teech, man-men, woman-women, mouse-mice(老鼠), sheep-sheep, deer-deer,fish-fish, child-children, ox(公牛)-oxen
小学英语毕业复习是小学阶段一次全面综合性的复习,如果能合理安排复习计划, 精心组织复习内容, 那就能起到事半功倍的效果。总复习的关键在于对1~8 册教材的内容进行梳理, 使学生在脑海里建立起知识间的联系, 达到融会贯通, 从而夯实已学知识, 并形成运用能力。要达到这种效果, 教师对教材必须要有比较透彻的了解, 教材各部分之间的关系如各话题在1~8 册教材中循环扩展、各大知识和话题板块内容及要求都需有深刻的认识,这样才能制订出有效的复习方案。从学生方面来说, 他们需要的是有效的复习策略指导和高质量的复习材料来帮助他们进行学习。按当前有关外语教学理念, 复习课的目标在于:“①语言知识: 归纳总结阶段内所学语音、词汇、语法、功能、话题等知识规律; ②语言技能: 在新授课与巩固课的基础上, 进一步巩固与熟练听、说、读、写这几方面的技能, 使之达到自动化程度, 并能运用这些技能去完成任务; ③情感态度: 培养学生英语学习兴趣, 建立学习自信心, 积极参与课堂活动; ④学习策略: 学会整理、归纳所学知识的方法, 积极与他人合作学习,注意了解和反思学习中的进步与不足, 积极探索适合自己英语学习的方法, 并在学习上实现自我管理; ⑤文化意识: 初步了解日常生活中中西习俗的不同, 学会去尊重别人的文化。这五项目标功能不是独立分割出来的, 而是互相交错、融合、渗透的, 在教学过程中, 务必要把这些教学目标有机地整合起来。”( 凌顺诗)
贯穿整套教材的主线有三条, 第一是知识主线, 包括词
汇、语法等; 第二是技能主线, 包括听、说、读、写; 第三是话题
主线, 包括话题、功能。其中, 第一、二条主线是由第三条主线
带出来的, 而第三条主线中的话题和功能在教材中的编排都
题—功能—结构—运用性语言学习的思路来编写的, 强调对
旋上升, 不断扩大主题的内容范围和深度。词汇、语法、交际
用语等的安排均服从于话题, 然后辅以应用性的任务, 培养
学生的实际语言运用能力。因此, 在制订复习计划时, 一定要
考虑这些线索间的相互关联, 对教材进行纵横的分析, 形成 条块、点面, 建立起立体的复习系统。
( 一) 语音部分。
则, 过好语音关。英语课程标准二级目标提出: 要知道错误的 发音会影响交际; 知道字母名称的读音; 了解简单的拼读规 律; 了解单词有重音; 语音清楚、语调自然。在复习语音知识 时应强调了解语音知识的意义, 而不是语音规则的掌握; 强 调语音知识在交际中的作用, 而不是语音知识本身。从而为 学生继续以后的英语学习打下坚实的基础。进行总复习时, 可按照以下板块来分类复习。
A) 元音: a e i o u
Aa cake, face, date, snake, grape, make,
game, plate, later, name, lake, etc
cat, map, hat, sad, happy, black, etc
Ee evening, we, he, be , she, these, etc
bed, help, elbow, desk, ten, leg,
eleven, dress, egg, hen, yes, very, etc
Ii ice, time, bike, ride, white, Friday,
library, rice, like, nice, kite, size, etc
pink, six, in, pig, fifty, river,
windy, sick, sister, sit, milk, fish,
slipper, in, thin, big , swim, it, etc
Oo home, nose, rose, go, those, hole,
close, hotel, old, hello, rope, cold, etc
nod, not, closet, box, fox, lock,
lot, shop, rock, office, orange, on, etc
Uu sun, sunny, run, fun, jump, lunch,
supper, under, truck, duck, donut, us,
Sunday, hundred, etc
computer, Tuesday, excuse, unit,
January, avenue, music, use, etc
B) 元音字母组合
E — tea, speak, dream, east, easy, teacher,
leaf, leave, read, jeans, meat, cheap, etc
breakfast, bread, sweater, heaven, head, etc
ee — see, need, queen, sheep, teeth,
green, sleep, nineteen, street, knee, etc
oo — toothbrush, zoo, cool, food, noodles,
Kangaroo, school, afternoon, cookie, etc
classroom, book, foot, look, good,
bedroom, cookies, wood, etc
ou —blouse, house, mouth, mouse, south,
cloudy, about, etc
ar — department, arm, car, park, March,
apartment, far, marker, hard, party, etc
or —morning, north, for, corner, short,
shorts, story, horse, forty, etc
homework, work, doctor, world, word, etc
ir — shirt, bird, skirt, thirsty, thirty,
third, circle, first, girl, etc
ur — Thursday, purple, curly, hurt, nurse,
hamburger, Saturday, etc
er — sweater, sister, teacher, letter, supper,
computer, burger, under, corner, tiger, etc
ear —ear, year, near, hear, dear, etc
ay — X- ray, day, May, play, may,
always, today, gray, okay, way, etc
ow —tomorrow, know, below, slow, elbow,
yellow, show, snow, bowl, etc
cow, now, brown, flower, down, etc
oa —coat, boat, goat, road, etc
C) 辅音字母组合
sh — cashier, she, sheep, shoes, fish, etc
ch — chicken, teacher, chalk, chair, chant,
children, much, China, etc
tr — waitress, tree, street, truck, traffic,
strawberry , trick, etc
dr — drink, dress, drive, dream, draw, etc
th — theatre, thirsty, three, think, third,
Thursday, teeth, etc
mother, father, this, that, they,
brother, these, their, etc
wh —where, what, white, when, why, etc
( 二) 词汇部分。
包括: 名词、动词、形容词以及常见词组、短语等。
各词类在复习时可按主题再进一步的划分, 如小学阶段
庭成员、蔬菜、水果、服装、食品、场所、交通工具、动物、植物、 家具、形状、季节、节日、国家等; 动词可分为运动、休闲娱乐、 学习、家务、感官动词等; 形容词可分为描写外貌、性格、情 感、天气、表示“好”的形容词等类别。这样分类的目的是帮助 学生整理知识, 并丰富他们的积极词汇量, 如学生在描述人 物性格时, 可以有多个不同的形容词涌入头脑, 供其选择。这 样说( 写) 出来的词汇和内容都会比较丰富。
结果表明分类记忆的词汇效果较好, 并易于提取。除此之外,
我们还可以教给学生采用记忆同义词、反义词、联想记忆等 方法来整理、记忆词汇。
教材中出现的比较重要的词组和短语, 我们也可以一起 来整理记忆。如:
in /on /under the desk /table⋯ in a river /tree⋯
in the classroom/gym/library⋯ in the top
in front of /behind the tree⋯ in the sink
in the bedroom/living room⋯ on the ice / snow
on the blackboard on a map on the right /left⋯
in the morning /afternoon /evening
in winter /spring /summer /fall
open the window/book /door close the window/book /door go to bed go to school
go to sleep go for a walk
go straight go up the stairs
go shopping go to the park /zoo /gym⋯
go swimming go /walk /drive to work
eat breakfast /lunch /supper have breakfast /lunch /supper read a book read books
read the newspaper a pair of shorts /gloves⋯
read my /your book
play basketball /sports /cards⋯ play on the computer
work on the computer speak English /Chinese
teach English learn English
take a picture take off
take the bus by bus /bicycle⋯
write a story write a letter
2014年—2015年冀教版三年级重点知识汇总 重点单词:
School: hello hi boy girl ruler
chair desk pencil pen crayon
friend window book pencil box( boxes) numbers: one two six seven Colour: red yellow orange brown feel: cold hot warm cool body: hand head hair eye face knee toe(toes)
family: father mother policeman doctor old young birthday:cake gift 重点短语:
1、How many多少 2、How old..多大
3、see a doctor 看医生 4、Look at 看...........
three eight blue white tired
arm mouth finger sister teacher tall party Four nine green black happy leg ear shoulder brother student short China five ten pink purple sad foot ( feet )
nose stomach me worker bus driver year
5、Live in .....住在..... 重点句子:
1、What’s his/her name ? 他/她叫什么名字? His name is....... 他叫........ 2、This is a boy . 这是一个男孩。 3、That is a girl . 那是一个女孩。
4、What’s this? 这是什么? It’s a /an......
5、How are you ? 你好吗? I’m fine ,thanks. 我很好,谢谢。 6、Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。Nice to meet you,too. 7、How many books do you have? 你有几本书? How many + 可数名词的复数形式 表示多少 8、Good-bye. / Bye !/See you later!再见! 9、Jenny,this is WangHong . 詹尼,这是王红。 10、He’s my friend. 他是我的朋友。 11、Open the window . 打开窗户。 12、Close the door. 关上门。【冀教版小学英语知识要点】
13、What colour is it? 他是什么颜色? It’s green.它是绿色。 14、How do you feel? 你感觉如何? I feel happy.我感觉很高兴。 15、I’m sad. 我很悲伤。 16、This is cold. 这是冷的。 17、That’s cool . 那是凉爽的。 18、Are you okay? 你还好吗? 19、My head hurts. 我头疼。
20、Let’s see a doctor. 让我们去看医生吧。
21、What’s the matter? 怎么了?
22、What colour is your hair? 你的头发是什么颜色的?
My hair is black. 我的头发是黑色的。 23、....I hurt my head ...... 我弄上了我的头。 24、This is my mother. 这是我的妈妈。 25、We live in China. 我们住在中国。
26、We are a happy family. 我们是一个快乐的家庭。 27、I’m short/ tall /young / old. 我矮/高/年轻/老的。 28、How old are you? 你多大了?
I’m nine years old. 我九岁了。
29、Happy birthday, Jenny!詹尼,生日快乐! Thank you !谢谢你! 30、This gift is for you. 这是给你的礼物。 重点结构:
1、提问数量 How many........
How many +可数名词复数形式+dou you have? I have........ How many +颜色+物品名(复数)? 例子:How many blue boxes? 2、 提问颜色 What colour.....
举例:What colour is your hair? My hair is....... What colour are your eyes? My eyes are....... 3、 提问年龄 How old..........
How old are you? I’m .... How old is ....... ? She /He is ....
4、 提问地点 where........ There it is./ I don’t know.
5、 提问出什么事情what’s the matter?
6、 提问姓名 what’s______name? My /His/ Her name is..... 7、 Let’s =let us 让我们
8、 介绍物品this a /an ....... They are...... 9、 提问感受 you feel ? I feel /I am.......
Are you +感受? Do you feel.....? 10、提问是什么 What 提问复数:What
Yes .I’m ..../no I’m ... I feel.......
is it ? It’s a /an+可数名词单数are they? They are+可数名词复数
1.What’s your (his\her) name? My (His\Her) name is Jenny.
2.Hello! Hi!
你好! 你好
3.How are you? I’m fine .
你好吗? 我很好。
4.What’s this? It’s(This is) a book .
这是什么? 这是一本书。
5.Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.
见到你很高兴。 见到你也很高兴。
6.Where is the school ? There it is.
学校在哪儿? 它在那儿。
7.See you later! Bye!
回头见! 再见
8.How many books do you have ? I have two books.
你有多少本书? 我有两本书。
9.How do you feel? I’m happy.
你感觉怎么样? 我很高兴。
10.What colour is your hair? My hair is black.
你的头发是什么颜色的? 我的头发是黑色的。
11.What does she look like? She is beautiful.
她长的怎么样? 她是漂亮的。
12.Are you okay? No, I feel sick.
你好吗? 不,我生病了。【冀教版小学英语知识要点】
13.What’s the matter? I cut my knee.
哪儿不舒服? 我划破了我的膝盖。
14.What are they doing? They are playing.
他们正在做什么? 他们正在玩。【冀教版小学英语知识要点】
15.How old are you? I’m ten years old.
你多大了? 我十岁了。
16.Thanks!(Thank you!) You’re welcome.
谢谢!(谢谢你!) 不客气。
17.Today is my birthday. Happy birthday.
今天是我的生日。 生日快乐。
18.I’m hungry. I want to eat.
我饿了。 我想吃。
19.I’m thirsty. I want to drink.
我渴了。 我想喝。
20.Would you like some soup? Yes, please. (No, thanks.)
你想要一些汤吗? 是的,请来点儿。(不,谢谢)
21.What’s your favourite food? My favourite food is noodles.
你最喜欢的食物是什么? 我最喜欢的食物是面条。
22.Are you ready to order? Yes , please. I would like a bowl
你们准备好点菜了吗? 是的,我想要一碗面条。
1 of noodles.
23.May I have one book,please? Sure.
请给我一本书可以吗? 当然。
24.How much for(is) one donut? One yuan.
一个面包圈多少钱? 一元。
25.May I borrow your pencil? Sure.
我可以借你的铅笔吗? 当然可以。
26.What’s he wearing? He’s wearing a green sweater.
他正穿着什么? 他正穿着一件绿色的毛衣。
27.I like your skirt. Thanks.
你喜欢你的短裙。 谢谢。
28.Whose hat is this? It’s mine.
这是谁的帽子? 它是我的。
29.What day is it? It’s Sunday.(December seventeenth.)
今天星期几? 今天星期日。(十二月十七日)
30.What do you want to do? I want to play badminton.
你想要做什么? 我想打羽毛球。
31.Good morning! Good morning!
早上好! 早上好!
32.Where’s the gym? I can show you.
体育馆在呢? 我可以给你指路。
33.Where are you going? To the office.
你要去哪儿? 去办公室。
34.Let me help you. Thank you.
让我帮助你吧。 谢谢。
35.May I help you? Yes, I want to buy a dress, please!
36.I’ll show you. Thank you.
我领给你看。 谢谢。
37.Where are the dresses? Here they are.
连衣裙在哪儿? 它们在这儿。
38.How’s the weather? It’s hot and sunny.
天气怎么样? 天气是炎热晴朗的。
39.What happened? Li Ming fell in the mud.
发生了什么事? 李明摔倒在泥里了。
40.Where does a fish live? In a river.
鱼生活在哪儿? 在河里。
41.Why are you crying? Because I hurt my finger.
你为什么哭? 因为我划破了我的手指。
42.Where is Danny? He is under the desk.
丹尼在哪儿? 他在桌子底下。
43.Is this a pen or a pencil? It’s a pen.
这是一支钢笔,还是一支铅笔? 这是一支钢笔。
44.What are these? They are two erasers.
这些是什么? 它们是两块橡皮。
45.What’s the date? It is October 19.
今天几号? 今天是十月十九日。
46.Can you help me? Sure.
你能帮助我吗? 当然可以。
47.When is New Year’s Day? January first.
元旦是什么时候? 一月一日。
48.What time is it? It’s 7:00.
现在几点了? 七点了。
49.How tall are you? I’m 1.3 metres tall.
你多高? 我1.3米高。
50.What is your address? My address is 135 Ninth Avenue.
你的地址是什么? 我的地址是第九大街135号。
51.How do you go to school? By bus.
你怎样去上学? 坐公共汽车。
52.What do you like to do? I like to play ping-pong.
你喜欢做什么? 我喜欢打乒乓球。
53.How far is it from China to Canada? It’s about eight thousand
从中国到加拿大有多远? 大约八千五百千米。
hundred kilometers.
54.How often do you play basketball? Three times a week.
你多久打一次篮球? 一星期三次。
55.Where are you from? I’m from Canada.
你是哪里人? 我是加拿大人。
56.Did you have a good trip? Yes, thanks.
你旅途愉快吗? 是的,谢谢。
57.What would you like for breakfast? I would like cereal, please.
你早饭想吃什么? 我想要麦片粥。
58.What’s for supper? I’m cooking meat and vegetables.
晚饭吃什么? 我正在做肉和菜。
59.What’s the name of your city? My city is Shijiazhuang.
你住在哪座城市? 我住在石家庄。
60.What’s the temperature outside? It’s fifteen degrees
外面的温度是多少? 十五度。
61.What’s the weather forecast? Sunny, but cool.
天气预报说天气怎样? 晴天,但是有点儿凉。
eat-ate bring-brought buy-bought am\is-was are-were
吃饭 带来 买 是 是
come-came fall-fell give-gave make-made see-saw
来 摔倒 给 做 看见
put-put stand-stood write-wrote shine-shone know-knew
放 站着 写 照耀 知道
grow-grew teach-taught do-did get-got go-went
成长 教 做 得到 去
3 five
run-ran sing-sang read-read think-thought
跑 唱 读 想
1.play Ping-Pong 2.play soccer 3.play basketball 4.play badminton
打乒乓球 踢足球 打篮球 打羽毛球
5.play the piano 6.play the guitar 7.play cards 8.swim 9.skip
弹钢琴 弹吉它 打扑克 游 跳
10.run 11.walk 12.ride a bicycle 13.ski on the snow 14.skate on the ice 跑 步行 骑自行车 滑雪 滑冰
15.game 16.team 17.player 18. fly kites; fly a kite
游戏 队 运动员 放风筝
19.play with the sand; play on the beach 20.watch clouds 21.read the newspaper 玩沙子 在海滩上玩 看云 读报纸
22.watch TV 23.get up 24.eat(have) breakfast/lunch/supper 25.go to school 看电视 起床 吃早饭、吃午饭、吃晚饭 去上学
26.do my homework 27.wake up 28. play checkers 29.dry her face
做我的家庭作业 醒来 下棋 擦干她的脸
30.talk 31.brush his teeth 32.have class 33.go to bed
交谈 刷他的牙 上课 上床睡觉
34.play on the computer 35.cook on the stove 36. wash the dishes 玩电脑 在炉灶上做饭 洗盘子
37.cry 38.read a book 39.I hurt my elbow. My elbow hurts 40.wash face 哭 读书 我弄伤了我的肘, 我的肘疼 洗脸
41.what’s the matter? 42. What’s wrong with you? 43.sunny
你怎么了? 你怎么了? 晴朗的
44.cloudy 45.rainy 46.snowy 47.windy 48. fall down 49.say hello to
多云的 下雨的 下雪的 多风的 摔倒 对…. 说你好
50.good_bye 51.wash my hands 52. listen to the music 53.clean the house 再见 洗我的手 听音乐 打扫房子
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty thirty forty fifty 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 30 40 50 sixty seventy eighty ninety one hundred thousand
60 70 80 90 100 千
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 星期日 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 星期六 December January February March April May June July August 十二月 一月 二月 三月 四月 五月 六月 七月 八月 September October November
九月 十月 十一月
cold snowy warm rainy hot sunny windy cloudy
寒冷的 有雪的 温暖的 有雨的 炎热的 晴朗的 有风的 多云的
first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth 第一 第二 第三 第四 第五 第六 第七 第八 第九 第十 第十一 第十二 4
一、家庭成员:family 家庭father父亲 mother 母亲 grandfather grandmother奶奶 sister姐妹brother兄弟 parents 父母uncle叔叔aunt阿姨cousin表兄妹
二、职业: teacher 老师doctor医生 nurse护士 worker工人famer农民student学生 bus driver公交车司机
三、交通工具:car轿车 bike自行车 train火车 plane飞机 bus公交车
四、十二生肖: rat鼠ox 牛tiger虎rabbit兔dragon龙snake蛇horse马sheep羊monkey猴rooster鸡dog狗pig 猪
五、序数词first 第一 second 第二 third 第三 fourth 第四 fifth 第五 sixth 第六 seventh 第七 eighth 第八ninth 第九 tenth 第十 eleventh 第十一 twelfth 第十二
六、反义词:fast---slow 快-慢 this---that这个--那个 these---those这些-那些 old---young老---年轻 tall---short 高-矮 thin-fat瘦-胖 go-come去-来 near-far 近-远 big-small 大-小 black- white 黑-白 cold- warm 冷-暖
节日: the Spring Festival春节 the Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节 the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节Natival Day国庆节 New Year’s Day新年 Children’s Day儿童节
七、星期:Sunday 星期日Monday 星期一Tuesday 星期二Wednesday 星期三 Thursday 星期四 Friday 星期五 Saturday 星期六
八、月份: January 一月February 二月March 三月April 四月 May 五月June 六月July七月August 八月September九月 Octorber 十月November 十一月December十二月
九、动词及词组: go for a walk 去散步 read books 读书 water flowers 浇花plant flowers 浇花watch TV看电视 go shopping 购物watch a film 看电影watch the animals 看动物plant vegetables 种蔬菜 fly kites放风筝 work on the computer玩电脑 play basketball打篮球 go fishing 钓鱼 wonderful 太棒了beautiful 美丽的
1、Li Ming’s family 李明的家庭
2、I don’t have brothers or sisters. 我没有兄弟姐妹
3、How old is your grandfather. 你爷爷多大了?
4、My grandfather is eighty-one years old.我爷爷81岁。
5、What does Uncle Dachao look like? He is tall and thin. 大超叔叔看起来什么样? 他又高又瘦。
6、Where does he work? She works at a hospital. 她在那工作,她在医院工作。
7、What does your father do? He is a teacher. 你爸爸是做什么的?他是一名老师。
8、How does she go to work? She goes to work by bike. 她怎么去上班,他骑自行车去上班。
9、My father likes to cook, I like to help him。我爸爸喜欢做饭,我喜欢帮助他
10、We like to have fun together 我们喜欢一起散步
11、I love travel 我喜欢旅行。
12、Do you love travel? 你喜欢旅行吗?
13、There are many interesting places in Beijing. 北京有许多有趣的地方。
14、May I travel to Beijing? Yes, you may. No, you may not.
15、May I invite them? Yes, you may. No, you may not.
16、I will call Mrs. Smith. 我会给史密斯太太打电话。
17、Hello. This is Jenny. May I speak to Danny? This is Danny.
18、Li Ming and I are going on a trip to Beijing
19、Can Jenny and Danny come?
20、I can talk to Danny’s mother.
21、When will we go to Beijing.
22、We will go to Beijing at 11:58 in the morning on February 3.
23、How far is it from Shijiazhuang to Beijing? 从石家庄到北京有多远
24、It’s 278 Kilometres.
25、Let’s take a train.我们坐火车吧. let’s +动词原形
26、Did you have a nice trip?你们旅途愉快吗?Yes, thanks! 是的,
27、Danny and Jenny arrives in Shijiazhuang at ten O’clock in the evening on May 1. 詹妮和丹尼1月31日晚上10点钟到达石家庄。
28、The Spring Festival is coming! 春节来了!
29、What do you do for the Spring Festival? 你们为春节做什么?
30、What do you do on the Dragon Boat Festival? 端午节你们做什么?
31、We have drangon boat races and we eat zongzi. 我们举行龙舟赛和吃粽子。
32、When is the Spring Festival? 什么时候是春节?
33、Each year has an animal name.每年都有一个动物的名字。
34、What is your year?你属什么?
35、My year is the year of the rat. 我属鼠。
36、We need train tickets from Shijiazhuan to Beijing.我们需要从石家庄到北京的车票。
37、I don’t like these trousers, I like those trousers. 我不喜欢这些裤子,我喜欢那些裤子
38、 country the capital city of speak the flag of famous palaces China Beijing Chinese five yellow stars Tian’anmen Square the Palace Museum the Great Wall Canada Ottawa English French a red leaf and white Niagara Falls the CN tower the U.S. Washingtn.
D.C English stars and stripes red white blue Statue of Liberty the White House the U.K. London English red white blue King or Queen Buckingham Palace Australia Canberra English red white blue Kangaroos beautiful beaches
39、 第一人称 I(我) My(我的) we(我们) our(我们的) 第二人称 you(你) your(你的) you(你们) your(你们的) 第三人称 she(她) her(她的) they(他们) their(他们的) he(他) his(他的) it(它) its(它的)
40、 My family
I have a happy family. My father is a doctor. He works at a hospital. He goes to work by bus. My mother is a teacher. She works at a school. She goes to work by bike. I am a pupil . I go to school by bike. This is my family. I love my family
My country
I live in China. We speak Chinese. Beijing is the capital city of China. Tian’anmen Square is in Beijing. It’s very big. the palace Museum is beautiful .It’s in Beijing,too. China's flag is red. It has five yellow stars. I love my country.
My travel plan
I will go to Beijing with my father and my mother, I will go to Beijing on July 1. We will go to Beijing by train. We will go to the Great Wall on July 2. We will go to Tian’anmen Square on July 3. We will go to the Palace Museum on July 4. We will go shopping on July 5. We will go home on July 6. I love Beijing.
My favourite festival
My favourite festival is the Spring Festival. It comes in January or February 。We buy new clothes. We clean our rooms . We make dumpling. We visit our family. We get luck money. I love