
| 教案 |



PEP4 Unit5 How much is it? Let’s talk



本案例的内容是PEP4第五单元A 部分的Let’s talk,通过这一节课的学习,学生能够能听懂、会说本课时重点句型“Can I help you? How much is this dress?“熟练运用上一节课所学的描述性词句 It’s



1.句型:“Can I help you? How much is this skirt/„? It’s colourful/„” 三、课前准备


2、教师准备各种衣服的挂图和价格挂卡。 3、教师准备一台录音机和相关的录音带。 4、教师准备服装店的海报。 5、教师准备小黑板。 四、预习过程


1. 你能正确读出下面的单词吗?你能正确翻译它们的汉语意思吗?(听录音跟读、试读,试翻译,可以借助单词表)来试试吧!

会读 翻译 会读 翻译 colourful ( ) ( ) cheap ( ) ( ) pretty ( ) ( ) expensive ( ) ( )

2.你知道它们的汉语意思吗?(通过录音等工具听懂、读准4个句子) (1)Can I help you?

(2)How much is this dress? (3)It's ninety-nine yuan. (4)It's too expensive.

五、教学过程: 1.Warm-up

⑴Let’s chant:P58 创设教学情境,活跃课堂氛围, 描述衣服单词,为下面的教学做铺垫。


(1)Greeting 2、How much is your shirt? 教师找一名孩子询问

Excuse me ,how much is your shirt? It’s „yuan . Is it cheap?

Yes, it’s cheap and colouful. 孩子们两人一组进行对话

(二)呈现新课 (Presentation)

教师在教室中挂上孩子们带来的衣物,围绕教室挂满一圈。 教师和孩子们进行对话的交流

T: Look at this shirt .It’s colourful. S: Yes, it’s pretty. T: How much is it?

S (请一个孩子走到背面翻出价格)It’s one hundred yuan . It’s too expensive.


(2)教授How much is this„?

师指着黑板上的裙子的价格牌,问生:“How much is this skirt? Is it ninty yuan? Is it thirty-five yuan?”生来猜测裙子的价格,师可用lower or higher做提示,猜完后师出示句子How much is this„?并带学生读几遍,然后出示裙子的价格牌并出示句型 It’s „yuan.并指着裙子的价格牌说It’s sixty-five yuan.师继续问生:What do you buy for her?师在课前已经所有衣服的图片和价格牌反贴在黑板上,因此师在问生要买什么的时候只须指着黑板就行,让生根据形状来猜并选择自己喜欢的衣服。生起来说I can buy a shirt.师指引I can buy这一句型,等生说完师继续问这生:How much is it? 生用It’s „yuan.来回答价格。师可直接显示价格给生看。按此过程将黑板上的其他五件衣服说完,师在这过程中将衣服翻过来。以此来练习问价格的句子。



同桌之间互相问身上衣服的价格,也可以选择黑板上的衣服互相问价格,用上句型How much is this„? It’s „yuan.

(4)教授Can I help you?

师在黑板上展示衣服商店的海报图,说Miss Chen has a shop. It name is colourful shop. I have many clothes, they’re pretty and colourful. Now I am an assistant.(在胸前贴上笑脸),Who want to be the buyer?任意请一生上来,师做营业员状,有礼貌地鞠躬并说:Can I help you? Which do you like?生可指着黑板上的任一商品说:I like„师接着说:Yes,it’s pretty. 指引学生问How much is this„?然后回答他价格。生下去后,师出示句子Can I help you?并带读,可适当地解释一下它的意思。然后再请一生上来扮演顾客,把刚才的剧情表演一遍:A:Can I help you? B::Yes,How much is this„? A:It’s „yuan. B:It’s expensive/cheap.


等生熟悉情节后,同桌之间表演营业员和顾客,并上来表演。 (6)Listen, read and act

表演完后,师说:Amy and mother go to buy clothes, let’s listen what are they buy? How much is it? 听课文,并回答问题。然后学生跟读一遍课文,学其中人物的语气。接下来师和生扮演角色: I am mom, boys are assistant, girls are Amy, ok?


出示关于勤俭节约,不铺张浪费的名言: Waste not, want not. 俭则不匮 Saving is getting. 节约等于增加收入 (8)Consolidation


purchase order(采购单)

(9) Homework

Make a research for your friends clothes, finish the list:

(10)板书设计 A:Can I help you?

B::Yes,How much is this„? A:It’s „yuan. B:It’s expensive/cheap.




教学过程中也有很多方面有待完善。如语言的输入还没有到位,就急于让生输出,以至于学生都不知道自己该怎么说,或者想说什么而说不出口的情况常出现。活动时间需严格控制,两个人的对话过多,以至后面没有时间完成巩固任务部分。要注意教学的张弛度,根据学生的实际情况适当调整教案中的活动。另外句子的 呈现单调、课堂设计不够丰富。




发表日期:2007年12月31日 作者:王雅洁 【编辑录入:】




【案例】句型“How much is it?”的导入教学。


教案 How much is it

Unit 3 How much is it?

Language in Use

I.Teaching aims

1. To improve the student’s abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

2. To consolidate the key points in this unit in real situation.【how,much,is,it,教案】

II.Teaching important points

1. To revise the positive, negative and interrogative forms of “there be…”sentence structure.

2. To train the students to memorize words according to their classifications of meanings.

III. Teaching difficult points【how,much,is,it,教案】

1. How to get the students to be able to make a shopping list.

2. How to help the students know about the shopping etiquette.

IV. Morality Objectives:

Make students know about the etiquette between salesmen and customers. V. Teaching Approach

task-based approach,audio-lingual method, communicative approach and situational language teaching

VI.Teaching procedure

Step 1 Revision and lead-in

Ask a pair of students to act out Dialogue B for the whole class on the stage.

Play a game with the whole class by showing the video named What’s in Sam’s room? to check if the students are able to use “there be…”.

Step 2 Grammar focus

Show the video “What’s in Sam’s room?”. Ask the students to describe Sam’s room with “there be…” sentence structure.

Show another video with the positive example sentences of “there be…”. Ask the students to read the video. Teach the students how to use the positive form of “There be…” sentence structure by showing the following example sentences on the screen. Ask some individual students to read them aloud. Ask the class to pay attention to the relationship between the noun and the main verb in each sentence

There is a house in the picture.

There is a clock on the wall.

There are many clothes in the shop.

There are three books in the bag.

Ask the students to change the sentences into the negative form and read aloud. Show a video which shows the interrogative form of “There be…”and ask the students to read after the video. Ask the students to change the four example sentences into the interrogative form. Get some individual students to read the example sentences.

Step3 Looking and writing

Describe Picture 1 as an example, using “There be…” sentence structure.

There is a coffee table in the room.

There is a sofa in the room.

There are two chairs in the room.

There are some books on the coffee table.

Ask students to follow the example to write down sentences to describe Pictures 2 and 3. Students should exchange what they’ve written down with their partners and correct the mistakes of each other.

Step 4 Talking and thinking

Pair work. To get familiar with “There be…” sentence structure and be able to use it, Students ask questions to each other. And then exchange their roles.

Class work. Make some pairs show their dialogues to the whole class.

Step 5 Talking and finding


Pair work. Students are asked to compare the two pictures and find out the differences between them. They are supposed to tell their partners what they have found out with “There be…” sentence structure.

Step 6 Reading and grouping

Ask students: What is sold in Downtown Supermaket? ( Suggested answer: Many things such as salad sauce and chicken.) Group work. Every 3 or 4 students make a

group and discuss how to sort the goods showed on the poster and put them into the correct shopping baskets. Check the answer with the whole class.

Suggested answer:

apple → pear

juice → tea, ice cream, milk

rice → potato, pizza

chicken → fish

Step 7 Thinking and writing

Pair work 1. Show the students the picture of Scene 1. Tell them that Jack is going to hold a birthday party for his classmate Tom and he wants to buy something for the party. Ask students to follow the example of Activity 14 to make a shopping list for Jack according to what the pictures show.

Pair work 2. Show the students the picture of Scene 2. Tell them that Jack wants to buy some gifts for his family. Ask students to follow the example of Activity 14 to make a shopping list for Jack according to what the pictures show.

Step 8 Looking and talking

Pair work. Show pictures in Activity 21 on the screen. Talk about them one by one. Write down the following questions on the blackboard. Ask students to think of them: a) Where is it?

b) What are they doing?

c) What does the man/woman wants to buy?

d) How much is it/are they? Is it/Are they on sale?

e) How many/much does the customer buy?

Step 9 Homework

Write down the dialogues in Activity 21.

Blackboard Arrangement (I)

Blackboard Arrangement (II)

How Much Is It教案1

创设情景 体验语言

小学英语四年级下册Module 4 unit 2 How much is it?

李桥镇高滩小学 叶礼会

一、 教材依据: 小学英语四年级下册Module 4 unit 2 How much is



二、 设计思想





三、 教学目标: 能谈论食物及购物, 积极参加各种课堂学习活动。

四、 教学重点: How much is it? Can I help you?

五、 教学难点: 学生能在真实情景中运用这些单词''want", "food",

"egg", "buy".

六、 教具



七、 Teaching Procedure:


1) Greetings Good afternoon boys and girls (设计意图:通过打招呼把学生


2. Learn new words

1) Show some pictures about new words (设计意图: 通过展示图片吸


2)Ask all the students to read new words (设计意图: 通过读单词加


3. Warmer

1) Play the " ten little fingers" for students to lead to numbers one to


2) Ask students sing it (设计意图: 通过一首英文歌既能激发学生的【how,much,is,it,教案】


3)Ask students' things' prices, lead to "How much is it"

4) Tell students today we are going to learn module 4 unit 2 "How

much is it? Then ask students to turn to page 23 and read its title and

speak out its Chinese meaning. Finally , ask students to look at

activity 1, ask students two questions, who are they? What happened

to them? Then play the radio for students, ask them to answer

questions, if ss don't understand it clearly, T explains for ss. (设计意

图: 激发学生买东西或卖东西的兴趣)

5)Show some pictures on the computer, and ask questions about

"how much" , and do you want to get it?(设计意图: 通过展示图片自

然而然的引出"How much"

4. Presentation

1) Do you want to buy or sell things

2) Tell students we should learn how to buy or sell things firstly, then we will do it. (设计意图:吸引学生的兴趣,将他们的注意力转移到书本上来)

3)Play the radio for ss, let they know its main idea, then ask ss its Chinese meaning

4) Role_play


5. Practice

1)Show students some real things and give them fake money to practice how to buy or sell things.

(设计意图: 通过对真实物品的训练增加了对话的真实性,从而让学生更感兴趣. )

6. Summery

Today we have a happy class. Let’s see what we have learned? Open your book on P23. Reading.

7. Homework

Write new words five times and say these sentences to your family 板书

八、 教学反思

1. 激发学生的学习兴趣是教学成功的关键。兴趣是学生学习英语的基本动力。这节课通过有趣的故事教学、自主合作表演、游戏和购物等多种形式激发学生的兴趣,使学生无拘无束地学习,保持英语学习的积极情感。

2. 为了重点突出,突破难点,在本节课中我利用制作的钱让学生买东西,它跟学生的真实生活很贴切、长度适中、具有较强的目的和意义,达到了教学目的,使学生在真实情景中体验语言,能够轻松掌握重点,运用难点,避免了死记硬背。

3. 教学活动有趣也是吸引学生的手段之一。本节课中我设计的三个活动跟学生平时生活有很大的联系,买卖是他们最喜欢玩的活动;问别人的价钱也是我们平时生活中经常发生的事;唱歌也是他们的最爱。这些活动促进了学生主动参与的能动性,他们积极地表演,把自己最好的一面展示给同学和教师。他们的思维、合作和创新精神、语言的表达和运用能力等等都得到了不同程度的提高。

how much is it教案

Unit 5 How much is it? 第一课时


1、学习本课四个单词colourful pretty cheap expensive。

2、句子:It’s cheap/pretty/expensive/colourful.来描述价格和颜色。



1、单词:colourful pretty cheap expensive

2、句子:It’s cheap/pretty/expensive/colourful.来描述价格和颜色。







(一)热身、复习 (Warm-up/Revision)

1、Talk about the weather

What’s the weather like today? What do you want to wear?

2、Show us your clothes孩子们走到台前,介绍一下自己的衣服的颜色,样子。 T:“How much is it?/Oh, it’s cheap./It’s expensive/It’s pretty./It’s colourful.”

(二)呈现新课 (Presentation)

1、教师出示几件衣服的实物,并标出价格,说:“Guess, how much is it?”

引导学生回答价格,教师追问:“Is it cheap?/Is it pretty?”

引导学生自己表述:“It’s cheap/expensive/colourful/pretty.”


2、教师出示Let’s learn部分的挂图。

2、教师出示Let’s learn部分的挂图。

T:“Look at that dress. It’s pretty. I want to buy it. It’s …yuan.”

Students try to say like this.





教师先和一个孩子进行示范(T: How much is that colourful dress? S:Very expensive. It’s …yuan. T:I want to buy it.)

(三)趣味操练 (Practice)

Guessing game: How much is it?


A: Guess, How much is it?

B: It’s twenty yuan .

A: No , too cheap. Guess again.

B: …

Let’s chant

听Let’s chant部分的歌谣,孩子边说边两个人一组表演

(四) 扩展性活动(Add-activities)

Is it expensive?

每个小组拥有一套衣物、文具等物品的单词卡片和一套标有10-100元的几个卡片。 孩子两个人一小组,一个孩子任意搭配物品和价格,另一个孩子进行描述:“It’s expensive/…”

Unit5 How much is it ? 第二课时 【教学目标】

1、学习句型句型:“Can I help you? How much is this skirt/…? It’s colourful/…”

2、对新词的读音的指导和规范,如:“ninety-nine yuan.”


句型:“Can I help you? How much is this skirt/…? It’s colourful/…”


对新词的读音的指导和规范,如:“ninety-nine yuan.”


本课生词的单词卡片、课文的配套挂图、配套的教学课件 、相配套的教学录音带、学生带来的衣服实物



1、let’s chant


2、How much is your shirt?


Excuse me ,how much is your shirt?

It’s …yuan .

Is it cheap?

Yes, it’s cheap and colouful.


(二)呈现新课 (Presentation)



T: Look at this shirt .It’s colourful.

S: Yes, it’s pretty.

T: How much is it?

S (请一个孩子走到背面翻出价格)It’s one hundred yuan . It’s too expensive. 教师播放课件,让孩子观看故事,理解内容。

再看一边,边看边模仿故事中人物的语气 说一说。



(三)趣味操练 (Practice)

Group work


仿照Let’s talk部分中的对话。

(四) 扩展性活动(Add-activities)



活动完成后,小组中交流购物收获 。运用How much is this skirt/..? It’s cheap.等句子进行描述。

Unit5 How much is it? 第三课时


1、听说认读掌握生词:skirt shirt jacket dress T-shirt


【教学重点】听说认读掌握生词:skirt shirt jacket dress T-shirt





1、Free talk

What color do you like?

What color is your /…?

2、Let’s chant

B部分的Let’s chant.的歌谣,边说边出示单词。

(二)呈现新课 (Presentation)

1、教师准备好一些大小不一的衣服。说:“I think this skirt is pretty.”然后教师穿一下,说:“But it’s too big.”然后再拿起一件,说:“This one, it’s nice. It’s fits me well.”

2、教师请一个孩子上来选衣服,指导孩子运用句子:This shirt is …,but it’s too….


4、小组活动:孩子们把自己的衣服带来,在小组中每个孩子轮流挑选衣服,在这一过程中运用This shirt is …,but it’s too….





(三)趣味操练 (Practice)






3、教师请几个孩子穿上不同大小的衣服(有的服装不合适),然后大家一起来评论一下。运用句子This shirt is …,but it’s too….

(四) 扩展性活动(Add-activities)


PEP小学英语四下 Unit 5 How much is it教学设计

PEP4 Unit 5 How much is it? 教学设计

---A Let’s learn & Let’s chant


2.能够运用句子“It’s colourful/pretty/cheap/expensive”等来评价衣服的颜色、款式及价格。

3.学生能够说唱Let’s chant部分的歌谣。

4.能够在小组中运用所学语言,在相应的情景下进行表达与交流。 教学重难点:1.掌握评价衣服颜色、款式及价格的四个单词。






1. Let’s chant

2. Ask and answer:

T: What colour is the sweater/ jacket/ dress…?

S: It’s …


1. T: Look, who’s she? S: Mei Yangyang

T: Look at her dress. It’s red. It’ T: Mei yangyang has more pretty dresses. Which one is pretty?

S: This / That dress is pretty.

2. T: Mei yangyang has pretty dresses. She also has pretty clothes. Look at her big

closet. Let’s see what’s in it. What colour is it?

S: It’s …. (show sweater, shirt, dress, …)

T: What colour is the T-shirt?

S: It’s …

T: Look at Mei yangyang’s bedroom. What is colourful in her room? S: Colourful, colourful, the … is colourful.

Let’s chant together.

3. T: Mei yang yang is not happy. Why? She sees Xiao Ming. Xiao Ming has old

T-shirt. The classroom is old. The jacket is old. The book is old. Mei yang yang wants to buy Xiao Ming pretty clothes. How much money are there in Mei yangyang’s money box?

S: 20yuan? 50yuan? …

T: She has 80 yuan. Mei Yangyang goes to the shop.

(1) Assistant: Can I help you?

M: Yes. I want a T-shirt. This T-shirt is colourful. How much is it?

A: It’s 95yuan.

M: Oh, I have only 80yuan. I can’t buy this T-shirt. Oh, this yellow T-shirt is

35yuan. It’ ea /i:/ I want this T-shirt.

(2) M: Now I have 80-35=45yuan, I want to buy a jacket for Xiao Ming.

This jacket is colourful, too. How much is it?

A: It’s 85yuan.

M: I have only 45yuan. It’

T: How much is the jacket? S: 85yuan.

Teach “expensive”

T: The jacket is too expensive. Mei yangyang can’t buy it in the shop. Oh, she can

buy it on taobao net. Let’s help her.

Guess the price of the two jackets. I will tell you “too expensive” or “too cheap”.


1. Let’ chant.

2. T: Mei Yangyang has a T-shirt and jacket for Xiao Ming. But she wants more gifts.

Let’s help her to get more gifts for Xiao Ming. If you can finish the three tasks, you can get the gifts.

Task 1: Listen and choose gift: a pencil-case

Task 2: Can you say: Look at the _____. It’s ________ gift: a book Task 3: Role Play. gift: a schoolbag

3. Mei yangyang gives these gifts to Xiao Ming. He’s very happy.

We should learn from Mei yangyang.

More people need our help like XiaoMing.

Save your money, help others. Our world will be colourful and pretty.


1. Listen to the tape and read page 58.(听磁带,读58页。)

2. Use the four new words (colourful / cheap/expensive/pretty) to describe people

and things. (用所学的四个新单词来描述人和物。)


