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北师大版高中英语必修一教案精选, 下面是中国招生考试网http://www.chinazhaokao.com/小编今天为大家精心准备了北师大版英语必修一unit1lesson2教案,希望对大家有所帮助!



Students are to be able to

predict what to hear.

use the group of words related to stress.

tell the ways to deal with the stress.





1) Listen to an interview concerning stressful situations

2) Predict before listening


1) To identify stressful situations.

2) To use stress related words and expressions.

3) To learn about ways of dealing with stress.

4) To predict before listening.





时间 教具



Lead in

Ask questions

Write down key words on the Bb Answer the questions

Get familiar with the topic 2’ Pictures

Computer Title

New words and key sentences Ss might not use the target words



Items in


Write down model sentences on the Bb Brainstorm and talk about stressful situations 3’

Textbook Model sentences Differences between

very, quite vs.

a little

Check point Ex. 2 Page 10 Focus on the form, meaning and use of the lexical items 3’

Textbook Key words Ss might have difficulty producing the answer:

stress pressure

Prediction Introduce the technique of prediction Ss use the technique to predict answers individually

Justify their opinions in pairs 5’ Textbook

computer No Ss’ individual differences


Play the cassette

Highlight the strategies Play the cassette

twice Listen for general information to check the answers 10’ Computer

Textbook No Some Ss might feel depressed after checking, then they need encouragement

Listening Play the cassette for the third time

Encourage Ss to choose suitable ways to answer the 3 questions based on their ability

Help Ss to find the right answers Listen for specific information to answer the question

Get enough information on stress and learn the ways to deal with stress 12’


Answer sheet

Computer No

Ss might over or under- estimate their own ability to answer the questions

Ss might not be able to collect enough specific information to finish the task

Give Suggestions Offer a chance for Ss to evaluate their study Solve practical problems in their life in groups


Evaluation 10’ Answer sheets Evaluation form

The suggestions might be quite different based on individual differences, whatever the results everyone should be awarded

Homework Read Supplementary Reading on P7 & P9



Unit 1 A Perfect Day教学设计

Thinking before class:

This is a narrative passage. It talks about two different kinds of lifestyles. Through learning this passage, students can think about their attitudes towards life. And maybe they can improve their life quality.

Teaching aims:

To read two texts for specific information

To improve the students’ reading ability and expressing ability.

Teaching course:

Step 1: Lead-in (pair work)

First ask students the question to arouse their interest.

1. What do you think a perfect day is like?

(Students will give all kinds of answers: go shopping ; watching TV; read novels; listen to music; surf the Internet and so on.)

2. What are your favourite kinds of TV program?

(Students will give all kinds of answers: sports programmes; the news; TV serious; cartoons; game shows; films; and so on.)

3. Draw a conclusion: do all you like to do; live a life in the way you like.

Now read two texts telling you two people’s perfect days.

step2: Fast reading or listen to the passage with books open (pair work)

Understanding the text

Read the text and answer the following questions.

1. What kind of lifestyle do you think the man in a couch potato?

2. Do you ever watch too much TV? How much time do you spend watching TV every day?

3. What kind of lifestyle do you think the man in the second text?

Step3: Careful reading( pair work)

After students read the passage carefully, they will do the following reading comprehension on the paper:

1.Is Brain a lazy person? Can you find two examples of his lazy behaviour?

(Yes. He doesn’t get up early. He doesn’t work but his wife works and she makes his meals.)

2.What do you think “You’ve got the world at your feet ” means?

(It means you are in a position where you have the chance to become very successful. In the text, it is used in a humorous way. It means this person feels he has a successful life because he can watch anything he likes in the TV.)

3.How does Bob spend his morning and evening?

(His morning is very busy, with very little time to get dressed and have all kinds of urgent matters. His evening is not easy, either. He has documents to read and never gets to sleep until mid-night. )

4.Why does Bob’s family complain?

(Because he seldom has time for fun and other activities with his family.)

5.Why does Bob work so hard?

(He wants to make more money for his family and he likes being busy.)

Step 4:Post-reading ( individual work )

1. Which lifestyle do you prefer? Which one is healthier? What can Bob or Britain do to improve their lifestyles?

2. What does a couch potato refer to?

3. What does a workaholic mean?

Step 5: Discussion (group work)

Talk in pairs. Is your partner a “couch potato”, a “workaholic” or neither? Ask questions like these:

What do you do at weekends? Do you often study at weekends?

Step 6: Homework:

Write a composition “My Perfect Day”

Words:100 words or so

Thinking after class:

1.Through many kinds of reading methods, students understand the passage very well, and form certain reading abilities including students-students activity and teacher-students activity. It reflect students’ leading role.

2.Use different Teaching Aids properly.

3.When students discuss, the teacher should become not only tutor but also controller, making every student take part in it.

4.The last work about speaking and writing can make student form the ability of learning by themselves.


Reading部分 说课稿 Unit one lifestyles

Lesson one a perfect day?


※第一环节——说教材。作为高中英语开篇单元, 本单元的话题是lifestyles,主题与生活紧密贴切。 那么作为本单元的第一课A Perfect Day?其重要 性不言而喻。本课的知识点是大部分学生乐于学 习和接受的,相信他们对本课的学习充满期待。 第二环节——说教学目标。

新英语课程标准指出,基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力。而综合语言运用能力又以学生语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识五个方面的综合素养为基础。 1) Knowledge Objects

a. To discuss favorite TV programs and daily activities b. To revise Present Simple and Present Continuous. c. To read two texts in order to check predictions. d. To read two texts for specific information. 2) Ability Objects

a. Enable the students to learn how to scan and skim.

b. Enable the students to guess the meaning of the words from the context. c. Enable the students to understand the importance of reading. d. Enable the students to read a lot after class 3) Emotion Objects

a.To discuss the healthy lifestyles and improve the awareness of cross-cultural communication.

b. Let the students know and respect different ways of lifestyles of people and let them know how to plan her/his future after reading the texts.

在仔细研究教材和分析学生的心理和生理特点的基础上,我认为本课的重难点有: Teaching Important Points:

1) Help the students to master the key words associated with lifestyles. 2) Talk about people’s different lifestyles. 3) Get the general idea about two passages. Teaching Difficult Points:

1) How to grasp the key information of an article in the limited time.

2) Train the students to use the third person in Present Simple to complete sentences correctly. 3) The omit of “be” in Present Continuous. 第二个板块——教学与学法分析。



1. 直观演示法:利用图片等手段进行直观演示,激发学生的学习兴趣,活跃课堂气氛,促进学生对知识的掌握。

2. 活动探究法:引导学生通过创设情景等活动形式获取知识,以学生为主体,使学生的独立探索性得到了充分的发挥,培养学生的自觉能力、思维能力、活动组织能力。

3. 集体讨论法:针对学生提出的问题,组织学生进行集体和分组语境讨论,促使学生在学习中解决问题,培养学生团结协作的精神。 第二环节——说学法。 我们常说:“现代的文盲不是不懂字的人,而是没有掌握学习方法的人”,因而,我在教学过程中特别重视学法的指导。让学生从机械的“学答”向“学问”转变,从“学会”向“会学”转变,成为学习的真正的主人。这节课在指导学生的学习方法和培养学生的学习能力方面主要采取以下方法:思考评价法、分析归纳法、自主探究法、总结反思法。


在这节课的教学过程中,我注重突出重点,条理清晰,紧凑合理,各项活动的安排也注重互动、交流,最大限度的调动学生参与课堂的积极性、主动性。主要有: Step1.Lead-in:


1. Begin the class with showing some pictures about different life styles.

2. Ask the students: What kind of life style do you think the people in the pictures have? and what?s your favorite lifestyle and why?

3. Tell the students we are going to learn about A perfect Day.

Step2. Warming –up: TV Spider gram: what are your favorite programs and why? Step3. Learning the new words:

Step4.Understanding the texts and collecting information: 掌握阅读技巧,提高于都速度: The first article: A Couch Potato

1. Listen to the tape, and during the listening, please underline the new words and repeat after the


