
| 一年级 |



塔中联中初一英语复习题(汉译英) class name

1. 劳驾,这是你的英语书吗?

this English book?

2. 你能拼写出DICTIONARY吗? you ‘dictionary”?

3. 那个用英语怎么表达? This ?

4. 请问,他姓什么?

! What’s name?

5. 请打ALAN 4953539的电话.

Please Alan 4953539.

6. 这是我姐姐CINDY的身分证.

This is sister .

7. 这些是老师,那些是学生.

These are , those are 8. 你能把这些书带给我的妹妹吗?

you these books my sister?

9. 你有<少林寺>的光盘吗? 我想看一下.

the CD of Shaolin Temple? I want to

10. 他喜欢踢足球,他经常和朋友一起踢足球.

He soccer his friends.

11. Tom 有很多运动收藏品. Tom a great sports .

12. 他不做运动,只是在电视上观看.

He sports, he them TV.

13. 我只喜欢语文,不喜欢英语和数学.

I like English math.

14. 让我们下课后去打蓝球吧.

basketball class.

15. 他们吃许多健康食品吗?他们晚饭吃什么呢?.

they eat healthy food? And do they eat


16. 早餐我喜欢汉堡和蛋.

I like breakfast.

17. 我同样喜欢足球,它令人激动.

I like soccer ball. very .

18. 你需要什么吗? 是的,我想要一件夹克衫.

I you? Yes, . I a 19. 你的这条裤子多少钱? 对不起,我不知道.

the pants? 20. 这些花菜多少钱? the broccoli?

21. 我父亲的帽子在床上,鞋在床下.

My hat bed, the shoes bed.

22. 我卖不起这些表 I these .

23. 请到我们服装店来看一下,我们的T恤每件只售5元

Please and my clothes store. We our T-shirts only five dollars .

24. 这些服装价格公道,任何人都可以接受.

The clothes good . can our prices.

25. 在我们商店有红色,蓝色,黑色的包.

We have bags , and .

26. 这是TOM和JIM的房间. This is room.

27. 学生们的书在讲台上.

The are the teacher’s desk.

28. 我们老师的生日在什么时候? 在12月22号.他30岁了

is birthday? It’s .

He is .

29. 他不喜欢英语演讲会,但他喜欢英语聚会.

He like English , but he English party.

30. 他想去看这部喜剧片吗?不,他很忙,他有很多家庭作业.

he . He has homework .

31. DALE认为我的钢笔不在他书包里.

Dale think my pen in his backpack.

32. 我也不喜数学和英语,太难了.

I don’t like math English, . very .

33. 他也喜欢纪录片. He likes

34. 你想了解中国历史吗?让我告诉你吧.

Do you want go ? Let tell you.

35. 小明常常在周末打电脑游戏.

Xiao Min often computer games .

36. 他能弹钢琴吗?是的,他钢琴弹得好.

he ? Yes, he can do it .

37. 那个男孩能做什么呢? 他会游泳,他想加入游泳俱乐部.

What the boy . He want to join the club.

38. 李平和王老师相处好吗? 是的.

Li Ping Miss Wang. Yes, 39. 我们的英国朋友想在英语方面帮助我们.

English want help English.

40. 她想当一名医生,但我认为她能成为一名老师.

She a doctor, but I he a teacher.

41. 你能给我们表演中国功夫吗?

you Chinese Kung fu?

42. 他工作很长的时间, 每天都很累.

He very He tired .

43. 晚饭后,我通常要洗个澡. dinner. I usually .

44. 你通常什么时候回家,大约5.00.

do you usually 45. 你父母最喜欢的城市是什么?他们最喜欢的城市是成都和上海.

your favorite favorite are Chengdu and


46. 为什么TOM喜欢体育课? 因为它让人放松.

Tom like P.E? it’s 47. 星期一,星期四我们要上科学课.

We have science and .

48. 你想加入什么俱乐部?

do you want ?

49. 你喜欢什么样的电影?喜剧还是动作片?

What of do you like? Comedies action movies?

50. 我真的喜欢听JAY的音乐.

I like listen music.


y塔中联中初一英语复习题(汉译英) class name

1. 劳驾,这是你的英语书吗?

! this English book?

2. 你能拼写出DICTIONARY吗? you ‘dictionary”?

3. 那个用英语怎么表达? This 4. 请问,他姓什么?

! What’s name?

5. 请打ALAN 4953539的电话.

Please 4953539.

6. 这是我姐姐CINDY的身分证.

This is 7. 这些是老师,那些是学生.

These are , those are 8. 你能把这些书带给我的妹妹吗?

you these books my sister?

9. 你有<少林寺>的光盘吗?

the CD of Shaolin Temple?

10. 他喜欢踢足球,他经常和朋友一起踢足球.

He soccer his friends.

11. 他不做运动,只是在电视上观看.

He sports, he them 12. 我只喜欢语文,不喜欢英语

I like English .

14. 让我们下课后去打蓝球吧.

basketball class.

15. 他们吃许多健康食品吗?他们晚饭吃什么呢?.

healthy food? And do they eat


16. 早餐我喜欢汉堡和蛋.

I like breakfast.

17. 我同样喜欢足球,它令人激动.

I like soccer ball. very 18. 你需要什么吗? 是的,我想要一件夹克衫.

I you? Yes, . I a 19. 你的这条裤子多少钱? 对不起,我不知道.

the pants? , I 20. 这些花菜多少钱? the broccoli?

21. 我父亲的帽子在床上,鞋在床下.

My hat bed, the shoes bed.

23. 请到我们服装店来看一下,我们的T恤每件只售5元

Please and my clothes store. We our T-shirts only five dollars .

24. 这些服装价格公道, The clothes good


We have bags and .

26. . 学生们的书在讲台上.

The are the teacher’s desk.

28. 我们老师的生日在什么时候? 在12月22号.他30岁了

is birthday? It’s

He is 29. 他不喜欢英语,但他喜欢英语聚会.

He like English , but he English party.

31. DALE认为我的钢笔不在他书包里.

Dale think my pen in his backpack.

32. 我也不喜数学和英语,太难了.

I don’t like math English, . very .

34. 你想了解中国历史吗?让我告诉你吧.

Do you want go ? Let tell you.

35. 小明常常打电脑游戏.

Xiao Min often computer games .

36.我不想变胖。I________ _________to________ ___________.


Do you like _________ __________ __________?No,they’re__________ ________

38.你想要什么颜色?What _________do you ___________?

39.我买了。I’ll _________ _____________.

40.我们在大甩卖,快来买衣服吧。Come and _______your clothes________our_______great________.

41.对于女生,我们有紫色的裙子,仅售20美元。_________girls,we have________ __________ _________ ____________only 20美元。


—What do you ________?----I need_______ ________ _________black shoes ________school.




1. 一件白色的衬衣_____________________________ 2. 两件黄色的毛衣_____________________________ 3. 黑色的裤子 _____________________________ 4. 八条裙子 _____________________________ 5. (价钱)多少 _____________________________ 6. 一件红毛衣 _____________________________ 7. 看一看 _____________________________ 8. 以……价格 _____________________________ 42. 一串钥匙______________________________ 43. 失物招领______________________________ 44. 我的学生证____________________________ 45. 她的姐姐们____________________________ 46. 我的哥哥们____________________________ 47. 你的外祖父____________________________ 48. 我的朋友 _____________________________ 49. 他的父母亲____________________________ 50. 我的数学书____________________________ 9. 从……买 _____________________________ 10. 每个学生 _____________________________ 11. 排球赛 _____________________________ 12. 学校上课日 _____________________________ 13. 汉语演讲比赛 _____________________________ 14. 动作片 _____________________________ 15. 去看电影 _____________________________ 16. 京剧 _____________________________ 17. 两部喜剧片 _____________________________ 18. 喜欢恐怖片 _____________________________ 19. 拉小提琴 _____________________________ 20. 说英语 _____________________________ 21. 摇滚乐队 _____________________________ 22. 在星期天 _____________________________ 23. 学校音乐节 _____________________________ 24. 在8点钟 _____________________________ 25. 去上学 _____________________________ 26. 起床 _____________________________ 27. 洗澡 _____________________________ 28. 去上班 _____________________________ 29. 到达 _____________________________ 30. 回家 _____________________________ 31. 乘坐2路车 _____________________________ 32. 在 星期一 _____________________________ 33. 上中国历史课 _____________________________ 34. 和……一起玩 _____________________________ 35. 我的音乐老师 _____________________________ 36. 下课后 _____________________________ 37. 蒂姆的文具盒 _____________________________ 38. 她的双肩书包 _____________________________ 39. 他的钢笔 _____________________________ 40. 我弟弟的语文书____________________________ 41. 用英语 _____________________________ 8. The shop has many nice sweaters at a very good p_________.

51. 他的闹钟 _____________________________ 52. 录像带 _____________________________ 53. 她的帽子 _____________________________ 54. 在地板上 _____________________________ 55. 乒乓球拍 _____________________________ 56. 网球拍 _____________________________ 57. 运动俱乐部____________________________ 58. 打篮球 _____________________________ 59. 电脑游戏 _____________________________ 60. 六个梨 _____________________________ 61. 十个橙子 _____________________________ 62. 五个冰淇淋____________________________ 63. 薯条 _____________________________ 64. 吃沙拉 _____________________________ 65. 吃早饭 _____________________________ 66. 大量,许多____________________________ 67. 健康食品 _____________________________ 68. 一位跑步明星__________________________ 69. 一张食物清单__________________________ 70. 在周末 _____________________________

二、 根据句意和首字母提示完成单词

1. You can buy the T-shirt for eight d_____________. 2. -Thank you very much.

-You’re w___________________.

3. My socks are not red. They are w______________. 4. This ruler is long, but that one is s_____________. 5. Please look at my new s_________________. They are small, but my feet are big. 6. -What is seven and eight? -It’s f_________________.

7. Ten yuan and twenty yuan is t____________ yuan. 9. We want to buy some new c_______________ at Huaxing Clothes Store.

10. These black and blue hats are on s__________ for

only three yuan.

11. This shirt is too long for me. I want a s_____one. 12. I like the two c_____________, red and yellow. 13. Do you n___________ bags for school?

14. My bike is very old. I want to b______ a new one from the shop.

15. They e_________ have a blue T-shirt in Class 2. 16. Do you want to have a t___________ to Beijing? 17. We have an English p___________ on August 8th. 18. -When is the b______________ game? -It’s on July sixth.

19. They have an A_____________ Festival on March 26th.

20. The old man is 80 y___________ old.

21. It’s N____________ 10th today. It’s my birthday. 22. December is the t___________ month of the year. 23. Do you have a Music F_________ at your school? 24. These boys all like the school t_____________. 25. My uncle is thirty-one. Today is his t__________ birthday.

26. We have an English evening p______ on May 5th. 27. -When is the English s______________ contest? -It’s March 26th.

28. Look at the photo. The s_______ girl is my sister. 29. Do you like to w__________ the football game? 30. When is your school t________________? 31. He isn’t happy; he’s s_______________.

32. The girl doesn’t like thrillers. She thinks they’re s_____________.

33. We o_________ go to see Chinese action movies. They are interesting.

34. -Do you want to l____________ English? -Yes, I do.

35. My f____________ comedy is Mr. Bean.

36. I can l____________ a lot about Chinese history. 37. His f______________ food is chicken.

38. My sister likes action movies. She thinks they’re e_______________.

39. I don’t like thrillers. They are very b_________. 40. A lot of students like the movie Mr. Bean. It is f______________.

41. Teachers’ Day is on S__________ 10th each year. 42. -Let’s have a school trip.

-That sounds i_________________. 43. Can you f_______________ our seats? 44. China has a long h______________.

45. I like Chinese tea w____________ nothing in it.

46. Can you s____________ your name? 47. I can’t p____________ volleyball.

48. He can paint. He wants to join the a_______ club. 49. My English is not good. Can you h______ me with it?

50. -What kind of s__________ do you like to play? -Football.

51. Kate likes music and she wants to be a m_______. 52. Can you play the guitar and the p____________? 53. S_______________ is the first day of a week. 54.-Can you come and s____________ them your Chinese kung fu? -Yes, I can.

55.-Can you tell me your e-mail a________, please? -Scott@sina.com.

56. Betty’s father can play the v______________. 57. -What club do you want to j____________? -The basketball club.

58. I often play games on c______________. 59. He wants to l____________ Chinese kung fu. 60. He likes s_______________. He can play volleyball, ping-pong and baseball.

61. December is the t____________ month of a year. 62. -Can you s____________ Chinese and English? -Yes, I can.

63. Miss Wang is twenty-one y___________ old. 64. My aunt has two c_______, a son and a daughter. 65. We want two m___________ for our rock band. 66. -What t___________ does Li Ming eat breakfast? -At 6:30.

67. I u______________ go to learn the guitar with Jim and Tom.

68. A_________ dinner, we often watch TV. 69. -What’s Mary’s uncle’s j_____________. -I think he is an actor.

70. Please l________ to the teacher carefully in class. 71. The third day of a week is T_____________. 72. -Is b______________ your favorite subject? -Yes. I like it very much.

73. I have a lot of homework all day. I am t________. 74. We go to school from Monday to F___________. 75. Miss Gao is a good teacher. She is very s___________ with us.

76. W______________ comes before Thursday. 77. Beijing is a beautiful c_____________.

78. He d___________ like math but he likes history. 79. Don’t be late n_____________ time.

80. I join the a_______ club because I like drawing. 81. Twenty and thirty is f______________.

82. Kate likes music and she wants to be a m_______. 83. -Can you tell me your e-mail a________, please? -Kate @ 163. com.

84. There is an English speech c____________ in our school and Jim is the winner.

85. The comedy is funny and e_________, so we all like it very much.

86. Three and six is n____________.

87. I have a dog. I_________ name is Niuniu. 88. I know her phone n______________.

89. Zhang Jian is a Chinese boy. Zhang is his f______ name.

90. The ID c_________ is very new.

91. We have a new friend. H_________ name is Kate. 92. Fei Junlong is a famous astronaut. Fei is his f____ name.

93. What’s John’s t________________ number? 94. -What’s h________ name? -He is Jack.

95. Jenny a__________ Tom are my friends.

96. My ID c_______ number is 37072719950109383. 97. -What is six and t__________? -It’s eight.

98. L___ at the picture on the wall. It’s very beautiful. 99. It’s pencil s_______________.

100. Is that your English-Chinese d___________? There are some new words.

101. -How do you s_________ your family name, please?

-S-M-I-T-H, Smith.

102. -E____________ me. Is this your watch?

-Yes, it is.

103. H______________ can you answer the question? 104. -How do you s______________ “ruler”?


105. Please c____________ me.

106. I find a set of k_______________ in the room. 107. His English book is l____________. 108. Is that your c______________ game?

109. The woman wears a gold r_____________. 110. E______________ me! Is this your book? 111. My father’s brother is my u______________. 112. This is my p____________.

113. He has two children, a son and a d___________. 114. This is Bob. His mother is my aunt. He’s my c__.

115. T______________ for your nice photo. 116. Xiaoming’s m____________ is 35.

117. Is his d_____________ your girl friend?

118. This is my good f________. His name’s Frank. 119. T_______________ for your help.

120. Dick is Tom’s uncle’s son. He is Tom’s c_____. 121.-Where is my baseball?

-It’s u____________ the chair.

122. My English book is on the t____________. 123. -Are the keys in the d______________?

-No, they aren’t.

124. 90 books are on the b_____________. 125. -Where are my English books?

-Sorry, I don’t k_______________. 126. The boy has a s_____________ ball.

127. In our school we have m__________ clubs. 128. Zhao Ruirui is a famous v___________ player. 129. -Let’s play tennis.

-That s_____________ good. 130. -Does he play t______________?

-Yes, he does.

131. -Do you like computer games?

-Yes. They are very i______________. 132. I don’t play soccer. It’s b_____________.

133. Do you like s_____________ -ping-pong, basketball or more?

134. I have o______________ one sister.

135. Jim likes playing basketball, while Mike likes playing v_______________.

136. Math is very b___________. I don’t like it. 137. -Does he have a bat?

-Yes, he o_____________ has one.

138. My father has a g___________ sports collection. 139. Do you have a tennis r_____________?

140. She likes ice cream for d_________ after dinner. 141. Do you have e____________ for breakfast? 142. C______________ is a kind of meat. 143. Liu Xiang is a famous r______________.

144. There are l_______ of students in the classroom. 145. Many b______________ are in the fruit shop. 146. In our school the students like t______ for lunch. 147. Eating v_____________ is good for our health. 148. An apple is a kind of f______________.

149. He likes salad and h_____________ very much. 150. My parents have d______ at 6:00 in the evening. 151. Does he like e___________ for breakfast? 152. Fruit and vegetables are h____________ food.

153. Let’s eat eggs for b____________ this morning. 154. Liu Xiang is a running s______________.

155. Mary’s grandfather has two sons, her father and her u____________.

156. I don’t like math at all. It’s d______________. 157. Jack is a good boy. His p____________ love him very much.

158. Please b__________ your notebook to my house. 159. -What’s this in English?

-It’s a Chinese d_____________. 160. For d___________, I like ice cream.


1. How much ________ these black shoes? A. is B. are C. have D. has 2. -What colour do you ________? -Red.

A. likes B. to like C. want D. wants 3. -Can I help you? -_______.

A. Yes, please B. I’m sorry C. Here you are D. That’s OK 4. -What color is it?

-It’s ______ red. It’s _____ red apple. A. a; an B. a; a C. the; / D. /; a 5. -Where ________ your new pants? -______ are on the bed. A. is; It B. is; They C. are; They D. are; It

6. _______ has 100 dollars. What can you buy? A. Each you B. Your each C. You of each D. Each of you 7. We have blue bags _______ five dollars. A. for B. at C. in D. with 8. The price of the socks ______ 8 yuan. A. does B. do C. is D. are

9. _____ she _____ clothes at Huaxing Clothes Store? A. Is; buy B. Does; buys C. Do; buys D. Does; buy 10. -______ is your eraser? -The red one. A. What B. Which

C. Who D. Where

11. Joe _____ a new pen ____ the store in his school. A. sell; from B. sells; to C. buys; from D. buys; to 12. The yellow shorts _______ 20 yuan.

A. are on sale for B. are on sales for C. are on sale D. is on sale

13. Come and have a look _______ Mr. Cool’s Clothes Shop. A. on B. for C. down D. at 14. _______ milk do you want?

A. How old B. How many C. How much D. How 15. This hat is _______.

A. 10$ B. $10 C. 10dollar D. dollars 10

16. Let’s go to this ________ to find a pair of shoes to match my new skirt.

A. shoe shop B. toy shop C. electrical shop D. clothes shop 17. -Wow. What a nice dress you are wearing! -______.

A. Thank you B. I think so C. Yes, it is D. No, it’s bad 18. The story ______ is very interesting. A. there is B. it’s C. its D. itself

19. -Where can you see this notice: EVERYTHING HALF-PRICE? - ______.

A. In a bank B. In a school C. In a theater D. In a shop 20. _______ has an apple.

A. Every of us B. Each of us C. All of us D. Both of us 21. Here _____ some shoes under the small bed. A. is B. are C. has D. have

22. The boy ____ these blue shorts is my good friend. A. in B. of C. on D. at

23. Please come to my shop and see for _____. A. you B. your C. yours D. yourself

24. Lily’s sister has a lot of red sweater ______ only nine yuan in the shop.

A. in B. at C. for D. on 25. -How much are _____ socks? -_____ are eighteen ______. A. the; They; dollar B. the; It; dollars

C. these; They; dollar D.these; They; dollars 26. -Your coat is very beautiful. -______.

A. Oh, no B. Where? Where? C. Thank you D. Don’t say it 27. -Thank you very much. -_______.

A. No, thanks. B. All right C. OK D. You’re welcome 28. -What color is that pen?

-It’s _____ green. It’s _____ green pen. A. a; a B. the; a C. /; / D. /; a 29. -_____?

-Yes, please. I want a notebook.

A. Where are you B. Who are you

C. Can I help you D. What do you want 30. Visitors ______ lots of healthy ______. A. eats; foods B. eat; food C. eat; foods D. eats; food

31. Our shop has socks _____ all colors ____ $4each. A. at; in B. in; at C. at; at D. in; in

32. Tony has ______ eggs and vegetables ____ lunch. A. /; in B. an; for C. /; for D. /; at

33. The socks are very cheap. I’ll _____ them. A. bring B. like C. take D. call

34. How ___ books do you have and how _____ salad do you have?

A. much; many B. many; many C. much; much D. many; much 35. January is the ______ month of a year. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth 36. -When is your birthday? -My birthday is _________.

A. April one B. April the one C. April first D. the April first 37. -Is Kim’s ______ birthday July 18th? -Yes, it is.

A. father B. fathers’ C. father’s D. fathers 38. In China, Women’s Day is _________.

A. October 1st B. September 10ts C. July 1st D. Match 8th 39. -_____? -She is 15.

A. How is Mary B. How old is Mary C. What is Mary D. Where is Mary 40. -Is she twenty-one years old? -_________.

A. Yes, she’s B. Yes, she isn’t C. No, he is D. Yes, she is

41. ________ our school have a ping-pong game every year? A. Is B. Are C. Do D. Does 42. -When is the Chinese contest? -It’s ______ September 10th. A. in B. at C. on D. to 43. Mr. Black is ______ father.

A. Jim and Kate B. Jim and Kate’s C. Jim’s and Kate D. Jim’s and Kate’s 44. Lana _____ an English evening party on May 9th. A. has B. have C. there is D. there are

45. The ______ letter in the word “develop” is “v”. A. second B. third C. fifth D.first 46. All the teachers live on _____ floor. A. the second B. two C. second D. twice 47. -Happy birthday, Jim! -_________!

A. The same to you B. Thank you

C. Good luck D. Have a good time 48. -What’s ______ date today? -It’s February 2nd. A. a B. an C. the D. / 49. -What does your father do? -He is _______ art teacher. A. a B. an C. the D. /

50. Our school has ______ Art Festival every year. A. a B. an

新目标七年级英语上册汉译英练习题篇四:新目标英语七年级(上)期末复习汉译英专练 (附答案)

新目标英语七年级(上)期末复习汉译英专练 (附答案)

Class name


1. 早上好。你叫什么名字? _________ morning. What's __________ name? 2. 我叫史密斯,而他叫什么呢?________________ is Smith. And what's ________________?

3. 你姓什么?

4. 你的电话号码是多少? What's your _________________________?

5. 这是你的橡皮擦吗?是的。 _____________ your eraser? Yes, _________

6. 这个用英语怎么说? What's this ________________?


7. 你怎样拼写“钥匙”? ________ do you spell _________?

8. 你的书包什么颜色?是红色。________________ is your backpack? _______ red.

9. 这是我的哥哥。 _______ is ______ brother.

10. 她是你的姐姐吗?不,她不是。Is _______ your sister? No, ___________

11. 我的数学书在哪里? __________ my math book?

在书桌上。 It's __________________.

12. 我的书包在桌子上吗? __________ schoolbag on the desk?


13. 我有一台电脑。 I _____________ computer.

我没有电视。I _____________________ TV。

14. 你有棒球吗? __________________________baseball?

不,我没有。No, _____________.

15. 我们看电视吧。 ___________ watch TV.

16. 听起来不错。 That ______________________.

17. 我喜欢西红柿。 I like ____________.

我不喜花椰菜。 I _________ like ___________.

18. 你喜欢草莓吗? _____________ like ____________?

是的,我喜欢。Yes, I ______.

19. 那件蓝色的长T恤多少钱? 三十五美元。 .

20. 那些手表多少钱? How much _________________________?

21. 我就买这个。 I'll _________________.

22. 你的生日在什么时候? _________ is your birthday ?

十二月二日。It's December 2nd.

23. Kate 的生日是在什么时候 ?四月三日。________?

24. 你多大了?十三岁。

25. 你出生在哪一年? _________ were you born?

26. 你想去看电影吗?是的,我想看动作片。

_______ you want ________________________?

27. 你喜欢哪一类型的影片?我喜欢喜剧片。

What ___________________ do you like? I like ___________.

28. 你会游泳吗?是的,我会。 _______ you swim? Yes, I ______.

29. 你想参加什么俱乐部?我想参加游泳俱乐部。

___________________ do you want ___________?

I want to join _____________________.

30. 我不会弹钢琴。他会弹钢琴。I _____________play ______________. He can .

31. 你会做什么?我吹喇叭。 What can you do? I can________________

32. 你几点钟起床? _________________ you get up?

早上六点半。 ______ ________________.

33. Alice 什么时候淋浴,她五点钟淋浴。

What time __________ Alice _________________?

She __________________ at five.

34. 那些是你的朋友吗? ___________your________________?

35. 请两人一起活动。 Please ________________________.

36. 我们一起学英语吧。 ______________ learn English.

37. 你每天午饭吃会什么?

What do you __________________________________.

38. 我们所有颜色的毛衣只卖50元。

We have sweaters______all color ______50 yuan ______.

99. 他的钢琴弹得很好。 He ________ the piano______________.

40. 妈妈乘223路汽车去上班。

My mother ___________the ________223 bus to work.

41. 她经常在电视上看京剧。

She often____________Beijing Opera ________TV.


1. A: What's your name ?

B: __________ I ___________ your name?

2. A: What is your age ?

B: ____________ ___________ are you?

3. A: His name is Victor.

B: ____________ ____________ Victor.

4. A: What can you do for you ?

B: __________ I ____________ you?

5. A: We have red sweaters.

B: We have __________ _________ red.

6. A: My father and mother are teachers.

B: My _____________ are teachers.

7. A: My favorite subject is English?

B: I ___________ English ___________.

8. A: This is his family photo.

B: This is the ____________ of _______ family.

9. A: - Thank you very much. -That's all right.

B: - __________ ______ ______. -__________ _________.

10. A: Her family name is Green.

B: Her __________ name is Green.

11. A: What year were you born?

B: ________ were you born?

12. A: What's the time?

B: What time _________ __________?

13. A: Mike and I often go to movies.

B: I often go to movies ___________ _________.

14. A: What subject do you like best?

B: What's __________ ____________ _________.


1. does, Barry, not, ping-pong, like


2. day, play, you do, every, sports

3. have, clubs, here, soccer, we, many

4. lots, food, brother, eats, healthy, my, of

5. fifteen dollars, hats, blue, we, for, black, and, have


6. when, birthday, is, Sandy's, party


7. can, he, help, the, swimming, with, children

8. four, around, is, it, thirty


一. 汉译英

1. Good, your 2. My name, his name 3. family 4. tiliphone number

his, it is 6. in Ehglish, a compuet 7. How, key 8. What color, It's 9. This, 5. Is t my




1. 早上好。你叫什么名字? _________ morning. What's __________ name?

2. 我叫史密斯,而他叫什么呢?

________________ is Smith. And what's ________________?

3. 你姓什么?

4. 你的电话号码是多少? What's your _________________________?

5. 这是你的橡皮擦吗?是的。 _____________ your eraser? Yes, _________

6. 这个用英语怎么说?是电脑。

7. 你怎样拼写“钥匙”? ________ do you spell _________?

8. 你的书包什么颜色?是红色。________________ is your backpack? _______ red.

9. 这是我的哥哥。 _______ is ______ brother.

10. 她是你的姐姐吗?不,她不是。Is _______ your sister? No, ___________

11. 我的数学书在哪里?在书桌上。

__________ my math book? It's __________________.

12. 我的书包在桌子上吗?不,在抽屉里。

__________ schoolbag on the desk? _______

13. 我有一台电脑。我没有电视。

I _____________ computer. I _____________________ TV。

14. 你有棒球吗? 不,我没有。

__________________________baseball? No, _____________.

15. 我们看电视吧。 ___________ watch TV.

16. 听起来不错。 That ______________________.

17. 我喜欢西红柿。 I like ____________.

我不喜花椰菜。 I _________ like ___________.

18. 你喜欢草莓吗?是的,我喜欢。

_____________ like ____________? Yes, I ______.

19. 那件蓝色的长T恤多少钱?三十五美元。

20. 那些手表多少钱? How much _________________________?

21. 我就买这个。 I'll _________________.

22. 你的生日在什么时候?十二月二日。

_________ is your birthday? It's December 2nd.

23. Kate 的生日是在什么时候 ?四月三日。

24. 你多大了?十三岁。I'm twelve.

25. 你出生在哪一年? _________ were you born?

26. 你想去参加Mary的生日聚会吗?是的。

_______ you want ________________________?

27. 你最喜欢的科目是什么?地理。

What ___________________ ? ________.

28. 你会游泳吗?是的,我会。 _______ you swim? Yes, I ______.

30. 我不会踢足球。他会。I _____________play ______________. He can .

31. 有什么需要帮助的吗 ________________ ?

32. 那三本历史书在哪里?书柜里面。

_________________ the three books? They‟re ______________.

34. 那些是你的朋友吗? ___________your________________?

36. 我们一起学英语吧。 ______________ learn English.

37. 你每天午饭吃什么?

What do you __________________________________.

38. 我们所有颜色的毛衣只卖50元。

We have sweaters______ all colors______ ______50 yuan .

99. 他的足球踢得很好。 He ________ soccer_________

41. 她经常在电视上看京剧。

She often ___________ Beijing Opera ________TV.


1. 劳驾,这是你的英语书吗?

English book?

2. 你能拼写出DICTIONARY吗? you „dictionary”?

3. 那个用英语怎么表达? This ?

4. 请问,他姓什么?

‟s name?

5. 请打ALAN 4953539的电话.

Please 4953539.

6. 这是我姐姐CINDY的身分证.

This is .

7. 这些是老师,那些是学生.

These are .

8. 你能把这些书带给我的妹妹吗?

you these books my sister?

9. 你有<少林寺>的光盘吗? 我想看一下.

the CD of Shaolin Temple? I want to


10. 他喜欢踢足球,他经常和朋友一起踢足球.

He soccer his friends.

11. Tom 有很多运动收藏品. Tom a great sports 12. 他不做运动,只是在电视上观看.

He sports, he them TV.

13. 我只喜欢语文,不喜欢英语和数学.

I like English math.

14. 让我们下课后去打蓝球吧.

basketball class.

15. 他们吃许多健康食品吗?他们晚饭吃什么呢?.

healthy food? And do they eat dinner?

16. 早餐我喜欢汉堡和蛋.

I like breakfast.

17. 我也喜欢足球,它令人轻松的.

I like soccer ball very 18. 你需要什么吗? 是的,我想要一件夹克衫.

I you? Yes, a 19. 你的这条裤子多少钱? 对不起,我不知道.

the pants? .

20. 这些花菜多少钱? the broccoli?

21. 我父亲的帽子在床上,鞋在床下.

My hat bed, the shoes bed.

22. 我卖不起这些表 I these .

23. 请到我们服装店来看一下,我们的T恤每件只售5元

Please and my clothes store. We our T-shirts only five dollars 24. 这些服装价格公道,任何人都可以接受.

The clothes good can our prices.

25. 在我们商店有红色,蓝色,黑色的包.

We have bags , and 26. 这是TOM和JIM的房间. This is room.

27. 学生们的书在讲台上.

The are the teacher‟s desk.

28. 我们老师的生日在什么时候? 在12月22号.他30岁了

is birthday? It‟s . He is 29. 他不喜欢英语演讲会,但他喜欢英语聚会.

He like English , but he English party.

30. 他想去看这部喜剧片吗?不,他很忙,他有很多家庭作业.

he homework .

31. DALE认为我的钢笔不在他书包里.

Dale think my pen in his backpack.

32. 我也不喜数学和英语,太难了.

I don‟t like math very 35. 小明常常在周末打电脑游戏.

Xiao Min often computer games 39. 我们的英国朋友想在英语方面帮助我们.

help English.

40. 她想当一名医生,但我认为她能成为一名老师.

She a doctor, but I he a teacher.

45. 你父母最喜欢的城市是什么?他们最喜欢的城市是成都和上海.

your favorite favorite are Chengdu and Shanghai.

46. 为什么TOM喜欢体育课? 因为它让人放松.

Tom like P.E? it‟s .

47. 星期一,星期四我们要上科学课.

We have science and .

50. 我真的喜欢苹果和草莓.

I like and .



-_____ _______ ______ the _______? -_____ 6_____.


-____ ______ ____the dictionary? -______28_____.

3那些蓝袜子多少钱?How much _____ those _____ ______.

4你想要什么颜色?____ _______ do you ______?


Come _______ _________your _________ _______my great ________.


_____ and ____bags_____ ________ _____ Huaxing‟s _______ _______!

7我们有价格便宜的服装。We have ____ _______ ______good________.


We have sweaters____ _____, _____and ______ ________69yuan.


________boys, you____ _______socks_____ _______ 5yuan______.


Come ____ _____ _____ ____ _____the shorts______ _______.

11任何人都能负担得起我们的价格。 __________can __________our ___________.


These green shorts are_________ ____________for 25___________.


Come and see _____ ______ _____Huaxing Clothes Store!

14这些黑色的小帽子也 是10美圆。

These _______ ________ hats ________ _______ ten dollars.

15我想买一双红色的鞋子。 I _______ ______ ______a pair of red _________.


We have sweaters_______ a very good _________.


________ _________your __________? It‟s ________ ________.


_______ _______ do you ________? I want ______.


When is the _________ _________? It‟s_______ _________.


_______ is _________ Day? It‟s the ________ _________ in May.


When is the English _______? It‟s _______ _______.


______you _______ a _________ ________? Yes, we ______.

23 Maria的生日宴会是什麽时候?8月20日。

_______is _____ ________ ______? ______ _________ ___________.


Do you ______ _____English _____ ______ ____ your school?

25你们学校有艺术节吗?Do you ______ _____ _____ ________?


Do you want to ____ ___ ___ _____? Yes, I do.I want to see ___ _____ _______.

27恐怖片让人害怕。______ are_______.


I like_______ and _________. _______they are _______and _______.


Guo Peng _______ ______but he _____ ______ ______ ______.


Jakie Chan is a _____ _______,his movie Rush Hour is very __________.


She often ________ to _______Beijing Opera ________her father on _________.


Where _________ __________ __________ the English party?


What________ of__________ __________your cousin___________ like?

34Jackie Chan 是一位非常成功的功夫电影演员。

Jackie Chan is a very ___________ __________ movie ____________.


_____ _____do you want to _____? I want to ______the_________ ________.


Tom can ____ the ______ but he can‟t ______ it ______.

37你能下棋吗?只会一点。Can you ____ the ______?Yes,____ _____.

38.我们需要为我们的北戴河学校旅行提供帮助。你能帮助孩子们游泳吗? We ______ ________for our Beidaihe School ______? Can you _______ kids_________ ___________?


Mary __________ _____________good ____________her family.

40 你能吹小号还是能打架子鼓?我会练中国功夫。

Can you play the _______ _____ the ______?I can ____ _____ _____ ___.


We _____ two good _______ _____ our _____ _____.


You ____ _____ _____our school _____ ________.Come and ____ _____.

43我能知道你的名字吗?____I _____your name?



姓名 班级 分数



一、 选择题(20分)

( ) 1. —What color is it? — It’s___ red.

A. an B. a C. /

( ) 2. —____is your father ? — He is 42 years old.

A. How old B. How much C. How

( ) 3. We would like some meat and fruit _____ lunch.

A. to B. in C. for

( ) 4. Broccoli and carrots are ______

A. fruit B. food C. vegetables

( ) 5. Some apples ____ on the table.

A.are B. is C. be

( ) 6. —Let’s play ping-pong ! — Good idea! ___I don’t have a bat.

A. So B. And C. But

( ) 7. My son is ____. Today is his _____birthday.

A. twelve; twelfth B. twelfth; twelfth C. twelfth; twelve

( ) 8-What’s your favorite______? —Basketball

A. sport B. color C. subject

( ) 9 —.______ — Yes, please. I want a pair of sports shoes.

A. Can I help you?

B. What do you have?

C. What do you do?

( ) 10. — ____the man? -He is Kate’s father.

A. What’s. B. Who’s C. How’s

( ) 11. Amy has a son . ____ name is Edward.

A. He’s B. His C. Her

( ) 12. 1. This is _________ alarm clock. A. a B. an C. the

( ) 13. —Happy birthday, Tom . —________

A. Happy birthday, too. B. Thank you. C.You’re welcome.

( ) 14. —Where is the book ? — Is ____on the desk?

A. that B. this C. it

( ) 15. My brother and I ___sports every day .

A. don’t play B. doesn’t play C. plays

( ) 16. Look! There are some _____on the plate .

A. orange B. tomatos C. ice cream

( ) 17.Let’s _________ now.

A. go to home B. to go home C. go home

( ) 18. —.

—Nice to see you, too.

A. Nice to see you. B. How are you? C. How do you do!

( )19. 3. _________. Is this your pen?

A. Sorry B. Hello C. Excuse me

( ) 20. My baseball is____ the floor, ____the table.

A. on; under B. on; on C. under; in


My name is Bill. I have a brother. name is Tom. We like different sports. I __. It’s basketball. He has four basketballs. every day. We also like different(不同的)often play sports and eat good food.

( )21. A. He B. She C. His

( )22. A. volleyball B. TV C. watch

( )23. A. and B. with C. but

( )24. A. fun B. boring C. interesting

( )25. A. likes B. don’t like C. like

( )26. A. looks B. knows C. plays

( )27 A. food B. books C. colors

( )28 A. in B. on C. for

( )29. A. pingpong B. chicken C. books

( )30. A. boring B. healthy C. relaxing



Here are my three photos.

This is my friend, Wu Huan. She is a good girl. She is 11 years old. She is in Chongqing with her family. She likes vegetables and chicken. She doesn’t like ice cream or strawberries.

This is me. My name is Chen Ming. I am 12 years old. I’m a middle school student in Suzhou. I like eating fruit and vegetables, but I don’t like eggs or carrots.

This is my friend, too. His name is Doudou. He is 12 years old .He is in Suzhou with me. He likes bones(骨头). He doesn’t like broccoli. He likes playing with balls. He is a nice dog!

( ) 31. How many friends does Chen Ming have?

A. One B. two C. three

( ) 32. Where is____ Wu Huan ?

A. In Chongqing B. In Hangzhou C. In Suzhou

( ) 33. Doudou doesn’t like ______.

A. bones B. ice cream C. broccoli

( ) 34. Doudou is a nice _____

A. boy B. girl C.dog

( ) 35. Which is the best title of the text ?(哪个是文章中最好的标题)

A. My friends and I B. My family C. My dog and I


Hi! I’m Lucy. I am a student in Class5, Grade 1. I have a big

backpack. It’s blue and red. The price is $88. I have a nice pencil case in it. It is $10. Its color is white. I buy it in a store. There are four pencils and one pen. Each pencil is $1 and the pen is $12. My eraser is yellow. It is $2. My ruler is orange and very long. I like them very much. I study very hard.

( ) 36. I’m in Class ______

A. One B. Two C. Five

( ) 37. My backpack is _____

A. blue and red B. red C. black

( ) 38. What color is my pencil case ? It’s _______

A. red B. blue C. white

( ) 39. How much are my pencils ?

A. $1 B. $2 C. $4

( ) 40. The color of my eraser is _____

A. orange B. black C. yellow C

Ben likes sports. He plays sports every day. He likes playing basketball. Because he thinks it is very interesting. He likes playing volleyball, too. Because he thinks it is fun. Ben has a great sports collection. He has 49 basketballs ,82 tennis rackets, 65 baseballs, 26 volleyballs and 52 soccer balls. 根据短文意思判断正(T)误(F)

( ) 41. Ben doesn’t like sports.

( ) 42. He likes baseball only.

( )4 3. He doesn’t like volleyball.

( ) 44. He has a small sports collection.

( ) 45. He doesn’t have computers.


( )46. What’re these on the sofa? A. She is eleven.

( )47. Do you have an eraser? B. Yes, it is.

( )48. Let’s play soccer. C. You’re welcome.

( )49. How old is she? D. Sorry, I don’t know.

( )50. Thanks a lot. E. They’re eggs.

( )51. When is your birthday? F. Yes ,here you are.

( )52. Is that red skirt 4 dollars? G. That sounds good.

( )53. Can I use(使用) your dictionary? H. It's December 15th.

( )54. Does his mother like apples? I. No, but I have a pen.

( )55. Where’s the baseball? J. No, she doesn’t.


56.She doesn’t _________(like) ice cream.

57. My pants are too old. I want_____________(buy) a new pair.

58. This black bag is___________, but that white bag is big.

59. Bob (not like) salad or strawberries.

60. Can you_________ (take) the notebook to my brother?

61. Those are her CDs. _________(it) are on the chair.

62. Jim likes bananas and Tom likes ________(they), too.

63. February is the __________(two) month of the year.

64. How much________(be) the shorts?

65. These are our__________(room)


66. Tom doesn’t have any soccer balls. (肯定句)

Tom soccer balls.

67. This yellow sweater is is this yellow sweater?

68. Are your books on the bed? (否定回答)


the school trip?

70. 我不想变胖。(汉译英)

I don’t __________ to _______fat.


假设Sally是你的好朋友,请根据下面表格的提示,以My good friend为题,写一

___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________


七年级英语单词检测(英语) Unit 1



常用于原形动词之前,表示该动词为不定式 v.遇见;相逢 adv.也;又;太 pron.你的;你们的

(用于女子的姓氏或姓名前,不指明婚否)女士 pron.他的

conj.和;又;而 pron.她的

interj.是的;可以 pron.她 pron.他

interj.不;没有;不是 adv.不;没有 num.零 num.一 num.八 num.六 num.二 num.四 num.九 num.五 num.七 num.三

n.电话;电话机 n.号码;数字 n.电话;电话机 电话号码 adj.第一 名字

adj.最后的末尾的 姓

n.朋友 中国

adj.中间的;n.中间 n.学校

中学;初中 吉娜(女名) 珍妮(女名) 布朗(姓) 艾伦(男名) 汤姆(男名) 迈克(男名) 杰克(男名) 玛丽(女名) 米勒(姓) 琳达(女名) 简(女名) 格林(姓) 史密斯(姓) Unit 2 n.姐;妹 n.母亲

n.父亲;爸爸 n.父(母)亲 n.兄;弟




n.家;家庭 pron.那些

pron.谁;什么人 interj.哦;啊 pron.这些

pron.他(她、它)们 interj.嗯;好吧 v.经受;经历

n.一天;一日;白天 (表示祝愿)过得愉快! Interj.(=goodbye)再见 n.儿子









adv.(用以介绍某人或某物)这就是;在这里 n.照片

prep.属于(某人或某物);关于(某人或某物) adj.下一个(的);接下来(的) n.照片;图画 n.女孩 n.狗

萨利(女名) 凯特(女名) 保罗(男名)

Unit 3 n. 铅笔 n. 书 n. 橡皮 n. 箱;盒

n. 铅笔盒;文具盒 n. 书包

n. 词典;字典 pron. 他的 pron. 我的 pron. 她的 v. 原谅;宽恕

pron. (I的宾格)我 劳驾;请原谅 v. 感谢;谢谢 n. 老师;教师 prep. 关于


pron. 你的;你们的 prep. 为了;给;对 为…而感谢

v.&n. 帮助;援助 adj. 受欢迎的 别客气 n. 棒球

n. 表;手表

n. 计算机;电脑

n. 游戏;运动;比赛 n. 卡片 学生卡;身份证 n. 笔记本 n. 戒指 n. 袋;包 prep. 在…里 n. 图书馆 v. 请求;要求;询问 请求;恳求(给予) v. (过去式、过去分词/ ) 找到;发现 adj. 一些;某些 pron. 有些;有的 n. 教室 n. (=email) 电子邮件 prep. (提供电话号码等时使用)按照;根据;在(某处、某时间或某时刻) v. (给…)打电话 v. (动词 的过去式)遗失;丢失 modal v. 必须 n. 一套;一副;一组 一套;一副;一组 安娜(女名) 约翰(男名) 戴维(男名) Unit 4 adv. 在哪里;到哪里 n. 桌子 n. 床 n. 书架;书柜 n. 沙发 n. 椅子 prep. 在…上 prep. 在…下 v. 来;来到 快点儿 n. 书桌 v. 认为;想;思考 n. 房间 pron. 他(她、它)们的 n. 帽子 n. 头 interj. 是的;对 v. 知道;了解 n. 收音机;无线电广播 n. 时钟 n. 磁带;录音带;录像带 n. 播放机 录音机 n. 模型 n. 飞机 飞机模型 adj. 整洁的;井井有条的 conj. 但是 pron. 我们的 adv. 处处;到处;各个地方 adv. 总是 Unit 5 (第三人称单数形式 )用于构成否定句和疑问句;做;干

n. 网球 n. 球

n. 乒乓球

n. 球棒;球拍 n. (英式)足球 (英式)足球 n. 排球 n. 篮球

interj. 嘿;喂 v. 允许;让

(we的宾格)我们 让我们 v. 去;走 pron. 我们 adj. 迟到

v. (have的第三人称单数形式)有

v. 去取(或带来);得到 adj. 美妙的;伟大的 v. 参加(比赛或运动);玩耍 v. 听起来好像 adj. 有趣的

adj. 没趣的;令人厌倦的 adj. 有趣的;使人快乐的 n. 乐趣;快乐 adj. 困难的

adj. 轻松的;令人放松的 v. 注视;观看 n. 电视;电视机 看电视

adj. 相同的

v.&n. 爱;喜爱 n. 体育运动 pron. (they的宾格)他(她、它)们

adv. 只;仅 v. 喜欢;喜爱

adj. 容易的;不费力的 prep. &conj. 在…以后 n. 班级;课 n. 同班同学 比尔(男名)

Unit 6 n. 香蕉 n. 汉堡包 n. 西红柿 n. 冰淇淋 n. 沙拉 n. 草莓 n. 梨 n. 牛奶 n. 面包 n. 生日

n. (中午或晚上吃的)正餐 n. 周;星期 思考;思索 n. 食物

adv. 当然;肯定;一定 (提出建议)…怎么样? n. (hamburger)汉堡包 n. 蔬菜 n. 水果

adj. 正确的;适当的

adv. 那么 n. 蛋;鸡蛋 n. 胡萝卜

n. 大米;米饭 n. 鸡肉

conj. (引出评论或问题)那么 n. 早餐;早饭 n. 午餐

n. 明星;星星 v. 吃

adv. 好;令人满意的 n. 习惯

adj. 健康的 adv. 真正的 n. 问题

v. 需要;想要 v. 变成

adj. 肥的;肥胖的

Unit 7

pron.&adj. 许多;大量;多少 (购物时)…多少钱? n. 短袜 n. T恤衫 n. (pl.)短裤 n. 毛衣

n. (pl.)裤子 n. 鞋 n. 裙子 n. 元(美国、加拿大等国的货币单位,符号为﹩) adj. 大的;大号的 adj. 短的;矮的 adj. 长的

n. (pl. )女子 我能帮您吗? v. 需要

v. 看;看上去 n. 一双;一对 v. 买下;拿;取 给你。 num. 十 num. 十一 num. 十二 num. 十三 num. 十五 num. 十八 num. 二十 num. 三十


n.(pl.)衣服;服装 n. 商店

v. 购买;买

n. 特价销售;出售 v. 出售;销售;卖 adj. 所有的;全部的 adv. 很;非常 n. 价格 n. 男孩 一双

Unit 8

adv. (疑问副词)什么时候



一、单项选择题 (25分) 从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出正确的答案

( ) 1. 下面字母中哪一个不是元音字母?

A . Ii

B. Uu

C. Ww

D. Aa

( ) 2. 中央电视台的英语简称是________


( ) 3. --- Nice to meet you. ---_________.

A. Hello! B. Thank you. C. Nice to meet you, too. D. I’m OK.

( ) 18. --- ______are my dictionaries ? ---They’re in the schoolbag. A. Where B. What C. What color D. Who ( ) 19. ---Have a good day! ---__________________.

A . You are welcome B. Nice to meet you, too. C . Thanks! You, too. D. I’m fine, thanks.

( ) 20. --- Is this ________ books ? --- No. It’s not ______. It’s__________. A. you, my, her B. your, mine, his C. his, him, her D. she, hers, mine 号考( ) 4. Look! This is ______ ID card.

( ) 5. --- What A. name B. telephone C. telephone number D. color ( ) 6. A. My B. Her C. His D. Your

( ) 7. --- What 名 A. This is a computer game B. That姓 C. It ( ) 8. --- How is your mother? --- _______ fine.

( ) 9. ---What color is the jacket? ---____________________


班( ) 10. His name is John Brown. Brown is his ____ name. A. first B. family C. given D. full ( ) 11. ( ) 12. ---_____.Is that your notebook? ---- Ah, no, it A. Hello. B. Sorry. C. Excuse me. D. Thanks. ( ) 13. This ___ my sister and those ______my parents .

校学( ) 14.( ) 15 .I like Wang Nan and I like to play ping-pong. A. a B. this C. the D. / ( ) 16. Here are two nice ______ of my family.

A. photo B. photos C. picture D. photoes ( ) 17. ---______ is she? --- She A. What B. Where C. How D. Who

A. a B. an C. the D. /

’s your _______ ? --- It’s 8086-0246.

She is a nice girl. _____ name is Linda. ’s that in English? ---__________________. ’s a computer game ’s a computer game D. It’s computer game A. I’m B. He is C. She is D. It is

A. It’s a blue B. It’s blue jacket. C. It’s blue. D. They’re ---Let’s watch TV. --- .

A. Yes, I do B. That sounds good C. Sorry, I don’t D. No, I don’t.

’s her notebook. A. are , is B. is, is C. are, are D. is , are

--- Is Paul your brother ? --- No, ____。

A. it is B. he is C. he isn’t D. it isn’t

’s my sister. ( ) 21. My books and tapes _______on the table . A. am B. be C. is D. are

( ) 22. ---Is this your watch? Please call Alan____ 5353--4691.

A. for B. at C. to D. in

( ) 23. ---Where is the map? ---It’s in _________ room. A. Kate B. Kates’ C. Kate’s D. Kates ( ) 24. --- Where _______your books? -- _______ in the bookcase

A. is , It’s B. is, They’re C. are, it’s D. are, They’re ( ) 25. your brother baseball?

A. Do; have B. Does; has C. Does; have D. Do; has 二、完型填空:( 10分)

My name is Li Hua. I’m thirteen. I’m a middle school student. I’m 26 Class 5, Grade 7 . My English teacher 27 Mr. Lin. He is 28 old teacher. I have a good 29 , She is a girl. _ 30__ name is Lin Ping. 31 is thirteen, too. She is not 32 today. I think she is at home. Look! What are those? Oh, they are two _ _33_ and a 34 . But they’re not my things. I think they are 35 things.

( )26. A. in B. at C. on D./ ( )27. A. are B. am

C. is D. has

( )28. A. a B. an C. / D. the ( )29. A. sister B. brother C. friend D. class ( )30. A. She

B. Her C. His D. She’s ( )31. A. Her B. It C. He D. She ( )32. A. at school B. where

C. at home D. there

( )33. A. eraser B. eraseres C. erasers D. watchs

( )34. A. pen

B. books C. pictures D.ID card

( )35. A. Lin Ping B. Lin Ping’s C. Lin Pings’ D. Lin Pings 三、.阅读理解(20分)



This is Tom’s bedroom. It is very nice. A pair of shoes is behind the door. They are black and blue. He likes You can see

red sofa. ( )46.It’s ______ bedroom . A. my B. her C. he D. his ( )47. His shoes are ________.

A. behind the door B. behind a door C. near the door D. under the desk

them very much. His desk is near the bookcase. It is not too big. A red sofa is behind the desk.

a clock and some books on the desk. His English books are in his schoolbag.. The bag is on the

( )36. If (如果

A. 122-3454 B. 476-5656 C. 446-5567 D. 685-6034

( )37. If you found a dictionary, it may be ________.A. Jim’s B. Mary’

s C. Bob’s. D. Tony’s

( )38. Lily found a _________。A. notebook B. pencil case C. computer game D. video tape.

( )39.

What’s Mary’s telephone number?A. 476-5656 B.235-0285

C. 446-5567 D. 685-6034 ( )40. Tony

lost his________. A. school card B. pencil case C. dictionary D. video tape.


阅读短文,判断正误。 正确的请选择(A)错误的请选择(B)。 Mike:

Mother, this is my friend, Paul.

Paul: Nice to meet you, Mrs. Brown. Mrs. Brown: Nice to meet you, Paul. Mike: And these are my grandparents, Kevin and Emma Brown. That’s my brother,


and this is my cousin, Tim.

Paul: Hello! Everyone .And is this your sister? Mike:

Yes, this is Jenny.

( )41. Paul and Mike are brothers. ( )42. Bob and Tim are cousins.

( )43. Kevin and Emma are Mike’s grandparents. ( )44. Jenny and Bob are sisters and brothers. ( )45. Mrs. Brown is Jenny’s mother.


( )48. You can see _______ on the desk.

A. a book and a clock B. some books and clocks C. some books and a clock D. a book and some clocks

( )49. The desk is ________.

A. behind the door B. near the bookcase C. on the bed D. behind the sofa ( )50. The English books are _________.

A. on the desk B. on the floor C. under the desk D. in the schoolbag


选择适当的句子,补全对话。 (注意:若选E选项涂AB) Kate: Hello, Tom. ______51______? Tom: I’m fine. What about you , Kate ? Kate: I’m OK., thank you. Tom, _____52_____ ? Tom: It’s a photo of my family. Kate: _____53______.

Tom: He is my brother. He is only six years old. Kate: ______54______.

Tom: No, she isn’t. She is my aunt. Kate: Excuse me, Tom. ______55______ ?

Tom: Look, it’s under the chair. I like it very much.


四、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分,每小题1分) 56.Where ______ (be) your brother’s bed?

57.This is Harry’s book and _______ (this) are Lucy’s pens. 58.Are these your ____________ (dictionary)? 59.Tom and I ______ (be) good friends. 60.Look! ______ (her) is my aunt. 61._______ (those) is a pencil box. 62.Who ______ (be) you? 63.It’s ________ (Lucy) hat. 64.They are his _______ (cousin). 65.______ (he) name is Mike.

五、句型转换。( 每空一词 10分, 每空0.5分)

66. This is my backpack. ( 改为否定句 ) This _____ ______ my backpack. 67. These are Tom’s parents. (变一般疑问句, 并作肯定回答)) __________ __________ Tom’s parents? Yes, _________ _________. 68. My ID card number is 1971012649623456. ( 对划线部分提问 ) _________ ________ ID card number?

69. The watch is under the bed. ( 对划线部分提问 ) _______ ________ the watch? 70. My mother is a teacher.( 改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答 ) ________ _______ mother a teacher? Yes , ________ ________ .

71.It’s a nice box. (变为复数) ___________ __________ nice ____________ . 72. Here’s my family photo.(同义句改写)Here’s a ________ ________ family photo. 73.on, sofa, the, is, the baseball .(连词成句) ________________________________________ 六、汉译英: ( 每空一词 10分,每空0.5分)

74. ----你好吗?-----我很好,谢谢。----_________ _________ you? ---- Fine. Thanks. 75. 那个用英语怎样表达? ___________ ____________ in English? 76. 她的姓是格林吗? Is her___________ __________Green? 77. 你的电话是多少? What’s your____________ ___________? 78. 感谢你的来信. ____________ ____________ your letter. 79. 请给拨打电话370-5641找我。Please ___________ me ___________ 370-5641 . 80. 梳妆台上有一串钥匙There is a _________ __________ _________ on the dresser. 81. 他的书在桌子上吗? ____________ his books __________the desk?

82. 你怎么拼写 “ruler” 这个单词________ ________ you _______ the word “ruler”? 七、 任务型阅读。(5分 每题1分) Bob:

Oh, no! My book isn’t in my backpack. Where is it?

Gina: Your book is on the table. Bob: But where are my keys?

Gina: Your keys are in your backpack. Bob: Yes, yes„Where are my pencils? Gina: They’re under the bed. Bob: And my hat? Gina: It’s on the bed. Bob: Where’s my pencil case?

Gina: It’s on the chair. Oh!...No, it isn’t. That’s my pencil case. Bob: But where is my pencil case? Gina: Sorry, I don’t know.


83. Bob’s book is on the ____________________ . 84. Gina’s ______________________ is on the chair. 85. Are Bob’s keys in his backpack? (请用完整的形式回答) __________________________________________________________ 86. Where is Bob’s hat? __________________________________________ 87. But where is my pencil case? (请将文中划线的句子翻译成汉语) ____________________________________________________________ 八、书面表达: (10分)

Jim想给他的朋友Mary介绍一下他房间的照片:书架上的书,床下的铅笔盒,桌子上的字典,书包里的钢笔等等。如果你是Jim,帮他介绍一下他的房间。 要求:1 语句通顺达意;2、至少要写5句;

Dear Mary,


Unit 1


2.澳洲;澳大利亚 3.日本 4.加拿大 5.法国 6.美国 7.新加坡 8.英国 9.国家 10.悉尼 11.纽约

12.巴黎(法国首都) 13.多伦多(加拿大城市) 14.东京(日本首都) 15.居住 16.语言 17.世界 18.用英语 19.日本;日本人 20.法国人;法语 21.任何一个;无论哪个 22.讨厌;不喜欢

Unit 1


2.澳洲;澳大利亚 3.日本 4.加拿大 5.法国 6.美国 7.新加坡 8.英国 9.国家 10.悉尼 11.纽约

12.巴黎(法国首都) 13.多伦多(加拿大城市) 14.东京(日本首都) 15.居住 16.语言 17.世界 18.用英语 19.日本;日本人 20.法国人;法语 21.任何一个;无论哪个 22.讨厌;不喜欢

Unit 1


2.澳洲;澳大利亚 3.日本 4.加拿大 5.法国 6.美国 7.新加坡 8.英国 9.国家 10.悉尼 11.纽约

12.巴黎(法国首都) 13.多伦多(加拿大城市) 14.东京(日本首都) 15.居住 16.语言 17.世界 18.用英语 19.日本;日本人 20.法国人;法语 21.任何一个;无论哪个 22.讨厌;不喜欢

Unit 1


2.澳洲;澳大利亚 3.日本 4.加拿大 5.法国 6.美国 7.新加坡 8.英国 9.国家 10.悉尼 11.纽约

12.巴黎(法国首都) 13.多伦多(加拿大城市) 14.东京(日本首都) 15.居住 16.语言 17.世界 18.用英语 19.日本;日本人 20.法国人;法语 21.任何一个;无论哪个 22.讨厌;不喜欢


邮件;邮递 办公室;事务所 邮局

餐馆;饭店 图书馆 超级市场 银行


付钱;支付 投币式公用电话 街;街道 中央;中心 邮件;邮政 在……近旁 桥

横过;在对面 在……对面

介于(两者或多者)之间 前面;前边 在……前面 在……之后 在那里

大街;林荫道 原谅;宽恕 附近;邻近 一直;直接 转弯;转变方向 向左;左边 向右;右边

向下;下去;沿着 开着的;营业中的


邮件;邮递 办公室;事务所 邮局

餐馆;饭店 图书馆 超级市场 银行


付钱;支付 投币式公用电话 街;街道 中央;中心 邮件;邮政 在……近旁 桥

横过;在对面 在……对面

介于(两者或多者)之间 前面;前边 在……前面 在……之后 在那里

大街;林荫道 原谅;宽恕 附近;邻近 一直;直接 转弯;转变方向 向左;左边 向右;右边

向下;下去;沿着 开着的;营业中的


邮件;邮递 办公室;事务所 邮局

餐馆;饭店 图书馆 超级市场 银行


付钱;支付 投币式公用电话 街;街道 中央;中心 邮件;邮政 在……近旁 桥

横过;在对面 在……对面

介于(两者或多者)之间 前面;前边 在……前面 在……之后 在那里

大街;林荫道 原谅;宽恕 附近;邻近 一直;直接 转弯;转变方向 向左;左边 向右;右边

向下;下去;沿着 开着的;营业中的


邮件;邮递 办公室;事务所 邮局

餐馆;饭店 图书馆 超级市场 银行


付钱;支付 投币式公用电话 街;街道 中央;中心 邮件;邮政 在……近旁 桥

横过;在对面 在……对面

介于(两者或多者)之间 前面;前边 在……前面 在……之后 在那里

大街;林荫道 原谅;宽恕 附近;邻近 一直;直接 转弯;转变方向 向左;左边 向右;右边

向下;下去;沿着 开着的;营业中的


清洁的;干净的 宁静的 肮脏的 市场;市集 房子;住宅 (菜、花)园 区域;地方

享受……的乐趣;欣赏 散步;步行 穿过;通过 开始


拜访;访问;参观 地方;地点 (表条件)如果

饥饿的 到达;抵达

出租车;的士;计程车 私人飞机;小型民用机场 通过


用在信末署名前,做客套词 南希(女名)


清洁的;干净的 宁静的 肮脏的 市场;市集 房子;住宅 (菜、花)园 区域;地方

享受……的乐趣;欣赏 散步;步行 穿过;通过 开始


拜访;访问;参观 地方;地点 (表条件)如果

饥饿的 到达;抵达

出租车;的士;计程车 私人飞机;小型民用机场 通过


用在信末署名前,做客套词 南希(女名) Unit2第2部分

清洁的;干净的 宁静的 肮脏的 市场;市集 房子;住宅 (菜、花)园 区域;地方

享受……的乐趣;欣赏 散步;步行 穿过;通过 开始


拜访;访问;参观 地方;地点 (表条件)如果

饥饿的 到达;抵达

出租车;的士;计程车 私人飞机;小型民用机场 通过


用在信末署名前,做客套词 南希(女名)


清洁的;干净的 宁静的 肮脏的 市场;市集 房子;住宅

(菜、花)园 区域;地方

享受……的乐趣;欣赏 散步;步行 穿过;通过 开始


拜访;访问;参观 地方;地点

(表条件)如果 饥饿的 到达;抵达

出租车;的士;计程车 私人飞机;小型民用机场 通过


用在信末署名前,做客套词 南希(女名)


(澳洲)树袋熊 动物园 熊猫

可爱的;聪明的 地图;图 老虎;虎 大象

海豚 狮子 企鹅 长颈鹿

聪明的;漂亮的 动物

方格;方框 有几分


宾戈(一种游戏) 丑陋的;难看的 友好的

害羞的;怕羞的 聪明的;机灵的 美丽的;美好的 其他的;另外的 狗

因而;所以;那么 睡;睡觉 在……期间

(食用)肉;肉类 叶;树叶 懒惰;懒散的 放松;休息


(澳洲)树袋熊 动物园 熊猫

可爱的;聪明的 地图;图 老虎;虎 大象

海豚 狮子 企鹅 长颈鹿

聪明的;漂亮的 动物

方格;方框 有几分


宾戈(一种游戏) 丑陋的;难看的 友好的

害羞的;怕羞的 聪明的;机灵的 美丽的;美好的 其他的;另外的 狗

因而;所以;那么 睡;睡觉 在……期间

(食用)肉;肉类 叶;树叶 懒惰;懒散的 放松;休息


(澳洲)树袋熊 动物园 熊猫

可爱的;聪明的 地图;图 老虎;虎 大象

海豚 狮子 企鹅 长颈鹿

聪明的;漂亮的 动物

方格;方框 有几分


宾戈(一种游戏) 丑陋的;难看的 友好的

害羞的;怕羞的 聪明的;机灵的 美丽的;美好的 其他的;另外的 狗

因而;所以;那么 睡;睡觉 在……期间

(食用)肉;肉类 叶;树叶 懒惰;懒散的 放松;休息


(澳洲)树袋熊 动物园 熊猫

可爱的;聪明的 地图;图 老虎;虎 大象

海豚 狮子 企鹅 长颈鹿

聪明的;漂亮的 动物

方格;方框 有几分


宾戈(一种游戏) 丑陋的;难看的 友好的

害羞的;怕羞的 聪明的;机灵的 美丽的;美好的 其他的;另外的 狗

因而;所以;那么 睡;睡觉 在……期间

(食用)肉;肉类 叶;树叶 懒惰;懒散的 放松;休息



助手;助理 店员 医生

记者;通讯员 男警察

待者;服务员 银行职员 医院

女警官;女警察 护士

钱;金钱;货币 给;授予 穿;戴 制服

不时;有时 危险的 小偷;贼 电视台 警方;警察

政府机关的署;局 警察局 谈话;谈论 在外;向外 报纸

辛苦的;努力的 作为


故事;事迹;小说 杂志;期刊

年轻的;年纪小的 戏剧;剧本 校园剧 新闻;消息 国际的 教练




助手;助理 店员 医生

记者;通讯员 男警察

待者;服务员 银行职员 医院

女警官;女警察 护士

钱;金钱;货币 给;授予 穿;戴 制服

不时;有时 危险的 小偷;贼 电视台 警方;警察

政府机关的署;局 警察局 谈话;谈论 在外;向外 报纸

辛苦的;努力的 作为


故事;事迹;小说 杂志;期刊

年轻的;年纪小的 戏剧;剧本 校园剧 新闻;消息 国际的 教练




助手;助理 店员 医生

记者;通讯员 男警察

待者;服务员 银行职员 医院

女警官;女警察 护士

钱;金钱;货币 给;授予 穿;戴 制服

不时;有时 危险的 小偷;贼 电视台 警方;警察

政府机关的署;局 警察局 谈话;谈论 在外;向外 报纸

辛苦的;努力的 作为


故事;事迹;小说 杂志;期刊

年轻的;年纪小的 戏剧;剧本 校园剧 新闻;消息 国际的 教练




助手;助理 店员 医生

记者;通讯员 男警察

待者;服务员 银行职员 医院

女警官;女警察 护士

钱;金钱;货币 给;授予 穿;戴 制服

不时;有时 危险的 小偷;贼 电视台 警方;警察

政府机关的署;局 警察局 谈话;谈论 在外;向外 报纸

辛苦的;努力的 作为


故事;事迹;小说 杂志;期刊

年轻的;年纪小的 戏剧;剧本 校园剧 新闻;消息 国际的 教练


新目标七年级英语上册汉译英练习题篇十:人教版新目标英语七年级上册第一单元unit1测试题 3

Test for Unit 1 My name’s Gina

I. Vocabulary and structure (词汇和结构) (30分)

A. Choose the word in which the underlined part is pronounced differently in the group. (找出划线部分与


( (


( ( ( ( ( ( ( 词) B. Fill in the blank according to the meaning of the sentence and the first letter given. (根据句意及首字母填

1. My name’s Alan Green. My f_________ name is Alan.

2. His name’s Tom Miller. His f_________ name is Miller.

3. Her name’s Linda Hand. Her l_________ name is Hand.

4. That girl is from (来自) the US. H_________ name is Mary.

5. I’m Jenny. Nice to m_________ you.

6. My telephone n_________ is 586-5901.

7. This is my ID c_________.

8. Please answer my q_________, Jim.

9. —What’s y_________ name? —My name’s Nick.

10. —What’s your p_________ number, Nick? —It’s 579-0832.

II. Multiple choice (单项选择) (10分)

( )1. —Hello, Linda. I’m Jim. ______. —Nice to meet you, too.

A. How are you

A. My B. Nice to meet you

B. Your B. Mary B. am B. It B. His C. Hello C. His ( )2. —What’s your name? —______ name’s Jack Smith. ( )3. —What’s her family name? —It’s _______. A. Mary Brown A. is C. Brown C. are C. It’s C. Her ( )4. I ______ Tony. What’s your name? ( )5. —What’s your telephone number, Nick? —______ 885-7348. A. Its A. My A. question ( )6. —What’s his telephone number? —______ telephone number is 557-0752. ( )7. Alan, please answer my ______. B. number C. name

( )8. How ______ your mother, Linda?

A. is

B. am

C. are C. Mrs Gates C. His ( )9. His name is Bill Gates. We call him ______. A. Mr Bill A. Her B. Mr Gates ( )10. — What’s her name? — ______ name is Jenny White. B. Its

( )11.My English teacher’s name is Bruce White. So we all call him ________.

A. Miss Bruce B. Mr. Bruce C. Mr. White D.Sir Bruce.

( )12. You want to know Mary’s mobile phone number. You ask her:

A. Is this your mobile phone? B. This is your mobile phone number.

C. What’s your mobile phone number? D. Your mobile phone number is what

A. Her B. Its C. His

( )13.. ---- What’s this?---- It is ___________.

A. an ID card B. a orange C. ruler D. an UFO

( )14..This is __________ jacket.

A. blue me B. my blue C. blue my D. the my blue

( )15.. A: What's your name? B: My name is .

A.Wang Xiaomei B. Wang xiao mei

C. Wang Xiao Mei D. Wang xiaomei


A. first name, last name B. last name, first name

C. full name, family name D. family name, first name

( )17.在上学的路上,你遇见你的同学Gina时,你应说:

A. Good morning, Gina.

B. Hello, this is Gina. D. Good night, Gina. C. What’s your name, Gina?

III. Communication (情景交际) (A部分5分,B部分10分,共15分)

A. Match the sentences. (从I栏中找出II 栏的正确答语)


A. Hello, Mary. I’m Jenny. ( )1. Hello. I’m Mike

B. I’m Jack. ( )2. My name’s Tom.

C. It’s 821-8403. ( )3. Hello, I’m Mary. .

D. Nice to meet you, Mike. ( )4. What’s your name?

E. Nice to meet you, Tom ( )5. What’s your telephone number, Dale?

IV. Translation and writing (翻译与写作) (A部分5分,B部分10分,共15分)

A. 汉译英

1. 我叫汤姆,你叫什么名字?I Tom . Name ?

2. —他的电话号码是多少? —是789-5460。What ?

______ 789-5460 .

3 .你叫海伦吗?不,我叫艾伦。Alan .


5这是你的号码吗?是的。 .

B. 根据表格中所给的信息,以My pen friend(朋友)为题,写一篇短文,要求包括所给的主要信息,语句通




_________ _________ __________ name?


____________ ___________ telephone number?

3. He is Bob.(同义句转换) ______ ______ _______ _______.

4,is, telephone, what, number, it, your, ?, is, 298-5197. (连词成句)


1.名字,名称 2.令人愉快的,宜人的 3.遇见,相逢 4.又,太

5.你的,你们的 6.女士 7.他的 8.她的 9.他 10.零 12.一

13.二 14.三 15.四 16.五 17.六 18.八 19.九 20.

电话,电话机 21.号码,数字 22.第一 23.最后的 24.朋友

25.中国 26.中间的 27.学校


1.中学,初中 2.在中国 3.姓 4.名字

5.我的朋友 6.他的电话号码 7.119 9.布朗女士

10.见到你真高兴 11.学生证 12.张明明

13.吉娜·史密斯 4.write English words 15.greet your classmates

16.put it in a bag 17.take out 18.on a piece of paper 19.match ...with

20.full name
