
| 一年级 |


新目标英语八年级上第十单元测试题篇一:新目标英语八年级下册第十单元测试题 含答案




( ) 1 .Tom has a new bike, ______________?

A. has he B. hasn’t he C. does he D. doesn’t he

( ) 2. There is little milk left in the bottle, ________?

A. is it B. is there C. isn’t it D. isn’t there

( ) 3.-You didn’t send me an e-mail last night, did you?

- Sorry. My ________ broke down. I couldn’t get on line.

A. computer B. car C. clock D. camera

( )4.-Look! How _________the boys are!

-Yes. They won the game this afternoon.

A. exciting B. excitement C. excite D. excited

( )5.The plane from Shanghai to Paris will ________in an hour.

A. take up B. take away C. take out D. take off

( ) 6. - ____ you ever _____to Yantai?

-Yes, three times.

A. Did, go B. Have, gone C. Have, been D. Will, go

( ) 7. -Your sister doesn’t get up late, does he?

-____________. But she gets up late on weekends.

A. Yes, she does B. No, she doesn’t C. Yes, she doesn’t D. No, she does

( ) 8. He’s never late for school, __________?

A. doesn’t he B. is he C. isn’t he D. does he

( ) 9. Because I had a bad cold, my mother asked me _____ in bed.

A. staying B. to stay C. stayed D. stays

( ) 10. Don’t forget to put the book on the shelf, ____________?

A. do you B. don’t you C. will you D. won’t you

II. 用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)。

1. The price of the shoes ______ (be) high.

2. I went to Shanghai last year and ______ (fall) in love with it.

3. It’s really a __________ (wind) day.

4. They are _______ (plan) how to spend the summer holiday.

5. He ______ (leave) his bag at school yesterday.

6. We must be careful when we _________ (across) the road.

7. They are thinking about ______ (help) the poor children.

8. I usually do some ________ (shop) at weekends.

9. In English, I’m _______ (good) at reading than listening,

10. How are you __________ (get) along with your parents?


Dear Tony,

Thanks a lot for lending me the book Harry Potter. It’s a great book. I love reading it. I believe that you have read this book already. Do you like Harry Potter? I like him. I wish one day I could do the magic things as Harry Potter does .By the way, I have two tickets for the movie Harry Potter. Would you like to go to the movies with me tonight? Everybody says that the movie is as wonderful as the book. If you are free, call me please. Maria


Maria thanks Tony for ____________________________.

2. Maria enjoys ______________ this book.

3. Maria wishes she could do the __________________ like Harry Potter.

4. Maria has _________________ for the movie Harry Potter.

5. Maria invites Tony __________________ with her.



B: I went to the concert. B: Yes. I had a good time. I enjoyed the music and songs very much. B: They were very good. A: When will there be the concert?

B: 50 Yuan.

A: It’s kind of expensive.

B: I agree.


A lot of boys and girls in America are wearing the same clothes and many of them have long hair. So it is often difficult to tell they are boys One day an old man went (长凳of the pond(水池).

“Excuse me,” the old man said to the person next him on the bench, “Do you see the person red trousers and long hair? Is it a boy or a girl?”

“A girl,” said his neighbor, “

“Oh,” the old man said quickly, “I'm sorry but I didn't know that you

“I am not”, said the other person, “I am her __10_”

( )1. A. whether B. weather C. who D. where

( )2. A. and B. so C. or D. x

( )3. A. on B. for C. to D. about

( )4. A. in B. over C. under D. on

( )5. A. side B. back C. front D. left

( )6. A. at B. on C. to D. with

( )7. A. with B. wear C. on D. in

( )8. A. He B. She C. It D. Her

( )9. A. are B. was C. is D. were

( )10. A. aunt B. uncle C. mother D. father



Lucy and Lily had a good time last Sunday. They got up very early. After breakfast they went to a park. In the park, they saw a lot of flowers. Lucy wanted to pick one of them. But Lily stopped her. Then they went to the river. By the river they found a small boat. They got into(进入)the boat and started boating on the river. Two hours later, they left the boat and began to climb the hill near the river. They reached (到达)the top(頂部)at half past eleven. There they had their lunch. What did they have for lunch?Eggs, bread and some oranges.

In the afternoon, they went home.

Their mother asked them, “Did you enjoy yourselves?”

“Yes, very much. ” They answered.


( )1. Lucy and Lily went to a park last Saturday.

( )2. In the park, Lucy picked some flowers.

( )3. They had lunch before they started to climb the hill.

( )4. They had eggs, bread and some oranges for lunch.

( ) 5. They had a good time.


A traveler came out of the airport. There were a lot of taxis. He asked every taxi driver his name. Then he took the third one. It cost 5 dollars from the airport to the hotel. “How much does it cost for the whole day?” The man asked. “100 dollars,” said the taxi driver. This was very expensive, but the man said it was OK.

The taxi driver took the man everywhere. He showed him all the parks and museums in the city. In the evening they went back to the hotel. The traveler gave the taxi driver 100 dollars and said, “What about tomorrow? It’s another 100 dollars.” But the man said,” That’s OK! See you tomorrow.” The taxi driver was very pleased.

The next day the taxi driver took the traveler everywhere again. They visited all the parks and museums again, and in the evening they went back to the hotel. The man gave the taxi driver 100 dollars again and said, “I’m going home tomorrow.” The taxi driver was sorry because he liked the traveler and, above all , 100 dollars a day was a lot of money . “So you’re going home. Where do you come from?” he asked. “I come from New York!” said the traveler.” I have a sister in New York. Her name is Susanna. Do you know her?” “Of course I know her. She gave me 200 dollars for you! ”

1. Where did the traveler come from? ________ .

A. England B. America C. Canada D. France

2. Why did the traveler take the third taxi? Because __________.

A. the other taxi drivers asked for more money

B. the third taxi driver was a kind-hearted man

C. he didn’t want to spend his own money on the coming visit

D. the other drivers didn’t like him

3. Usually the cost traveling one day by taxi may be ____________.

A. 100 dollars B. 200 dollars

C. less than 100 dollars D. more than 200 dollars

4. Who asked the traveler to give the money to the taxi driver? ____________________ .

A. The traveler’s sister B. The traveler himself

C. Nobody D. The driver’s sister

5. The driver was unhappy _________________.

A. when he heard the traveler’s last words

B. when the traveler asked every taxi driver his name

C. when the traveler asked him for his sister’s name

D. during the two-day visit


David 上周日晚上邀请你Lucy参加他的生日聚会。Lucy在聚会上玩得很高兴,认识了许多朋友,觉得晚餐也非常可口。请你以Lucy的名义写一封感谢信,谢谢David的邀请,并把上述内容表达出来,词数60~80。

Dear David,


I 1~5 DBADD 6~10 CBBBC

II. 1. are 2. fell 3.windy 4. planning 5. left

6. cross 7. helping 8. shopping 9. better 10. getting

Ⅲ 1. lending her the book Harry Potter 2. reading 3.magic things 4.two tickets

5. to go to the movies

IV 1. What did you do last night?

2. Did you enjoy yourself?

3. What do you think of the singers?

4. Do you want to go?

5. How much is the ticket?





一、单项选择。(20分) ( )1.You will have fun if you _________ tomorrow. A. go hiking B. will go hiking C. went hiking D. are go hiking ( )2. ---- Can we bring food to the cinema? ----I ______ so. If you do that, they won’t let you in. A. think B. don’t think C. hope D. don’t hope ( )3. If you bring a pet dog to the party, the teacher will______ A. take a pet dog away B. take away them C. take it away D. take away it ( )4. The old man ______ a pair of glasses is a scientist. A. with B. has C. wears D. at ( )5.How do you ______ your spare time? A. take B. spend C. pay D. cost ( )6.You are late again. Why ______ a little earlier? A. not you come B. do you come C. don’t you come D.you don’t come ( )7. ----Who carried water for Grandma Li ? ----Li ping and Zhang Li _____. A. do B. did C. will D. carried ( )8.-----Mike and John ,did you enjoy _____ on Children’s Day? A. myself B. yourselves C. ourselves D. themselves ( )9. If I have no ticket, the man won’t _____. A. let me into B. let me in C. allow me in D. allow me into ( )10. What _____ if they ______ to the class late? A. will happen, go B. will happen, will go C. will be happening, will go D. will be happened ,go ( )11.When is ______ to have our sports meeting? A. good time B. good a time C. a time good D. a good time ( )12.______ you study English hard, you will speak English well. A. But if B. And if C. If D. Before ( )13.______ of them like playing golf.________like playing table tennis. A. Some, Others B. Some, The other C. Few, Other D. Many, The other ( )14. Don’t________jeans to the party. A.put on B.wear C.wearing D.dress ( )15. They didn’t go to bed________ they finished their homework.

A. until B. because C. when D. if ( )16. We shouldn’t ________their mistakes. A. to laugh B. laugh at C. laugh D. to laugh at ( )17. ----I don’t know if my mother ________tomorrow. ----If she________, I’ll meet her at the train station. A. will come; comes B.comes; will come C. will come; will come D. comes; comes ( )18. ----Listen! Somebody is coming. ----No, _____ is coming. I can’t hear_____. A. somebody, anybody B. anybody, somebody C. nobody, anything D. somebody, somebody ( )19. The teacher told her students ________so late on weekends. A. not get up B. don’t get up C. to not get up D. not to get up ( )20. The good news will ________. A. make you happy B. make you happily

( )21.If Tina tomorrow, I will call her.

A. come B. doesn’t come C. will come

( ) 22. Don’t jeans to the party. It’s not allowed.(被


A. wear B. put on C. dress

( ) 23. If Mary is late again tomorrow, the teacher

won’t .

A. let in her B. let her in C. let into her ( ) 24. Do you know if Gina back this weekend? If she back, please let me know.

A. comes, will come B. will come, comes C. will

come, will come ( ) 25. What will happen if they to the party?

A. going B. goes C. go

C. make you be happy D. make happy to you 26. If he harder, he will catch up with us soon.

A. study B. studies C. will study

( )27. You can go out and play if you your homework.

A. finished B. finish C. will finish

( )28.If you help others, others help you.

A. won’t, don’t B. don’t, won’t C. don’t, don’t

( )29.Mr Lee asked Gina .

A. go to his office B. to go his office C. to go

to his office

( )30. The teacher my MP3 because I listened to music in class.

A. put away B. take away C. took away

( )31.We have friends all the world.

A. in B. of C. over

( ) 32. We’ll go to the Great Wall it doesn’t rain tomorrow.

A. when B. if C. until

( ) 33. I’m not sure if they a party next Sunday.

A. will have B. would have C. had

( ) 34. What’s your hometown famous ?

A. for B. of C. in

( ) 35. Gina wants to the English club in her school.

A. take part in B. join C. join in

( )36. I won’t pass the exam I work hard.

A. when B. if C. unless

( )37. I have some problems with my schoolwork. Can you give me some ?

A. advices B. advice C. advise

( )38.Linda was lost in the forest and her parents were really her.

A. worry B. worried about C.worried

( )39. Sara studies English very and her English is in her class.

A. careful, good B. carefully, well C.

carefully, the best ( )40. Some students are so that they often make mistakes in their homework.

A. careful B. careless C.

serious ( )41My mother often asks me more vegetables.

A. eat B. eating C. to


( ) 42. The little boy is young go to school


A. too; to B. to; to C. so;


( ) 43. If you don’t finish your homework, your teacher will


A. be angry with B. be angry at C. be

angry about

( )4 4. Half of the students in our class

interested in playing computer games.

A. is B. are C.


( )4 5. –Are you going to the Summer Palace this weekend? -Yes, I am. But if it , I stay at home.

A. will rain, will stay B. will rain, stay

C. rains, will stay

( ) 46.He is a famous athlete and can ______ a lot of money every year. A.pay B.make

C.cost D.ask

( )47.If you study harder,you will ______ go to college.

A.are able to B.be able C.can be able to him.He D.went be able to ( )48.Nobody went there with by ______.

A.him B.himself

C.his D.themselves

( )49.I'm late for school today.I think my teacher must be

______ me.






him as an honest friend.

2. The building is some c (世纪)old.

3. To my 4.Look!She‟s standing a _________the ten children.

5.Baby has a s

6. Eis Tom good at swimming.

7.They will h a meeting to discuss this problem tomorrow.

8.Can you c numbers?

9.Yesterday I bought a s(围巾)for my mother.

10. Tom is a t诚实的)boy.


1. He _____________ never ____________ (go) to the science museum.

2. ____________ you ever ____________ (drink) coke?

3.There are many toy ____________ (bear)in my home.

4.His brother never gave up ____________ (try)to help.

5.I can‟t ____________ (raise)a family on what I earn.

6.My mom‟s had a bread _______ (make)for a long time.

7. Last term I __________ (learn) many English words.

8. They ____________ (not read) the interesting books yet.

9.The museum _________ (be)here for over 20 years.

10.It _________ (be)one of the oldest buildings in this small town.



1. Li Hong has ________ the army for 2 years.

A. joined B. be in C. been in D. joined in

2. We have been friends since ______.

A. children B. five years C. five years ago D. five years before

3. My best friend Neil is_________ honest boy. You can believe him.

A. a B an C the D /

4. Those foreign friends left Guangzhou _______.

A. since last week B. a week ago C. for a week D. since a week ago

5. I _____ at this school for two years.

A. am studying B. study C. studied D. have studied

6. They _________ in the city since last summer.

A. live B. didn‟t live C. have lived D. live

7. Mrs. Wang has lived in Haikou _________ 1992.

A. since B. from C. after D. in

8. His father _______ for years.

A. has died B. has been dead C. died D. dies

9. He has a computer of his own. He ____ it two days ago

A. has had B. buys C. bought D. has bought

10. —Where is Li Lei? —He ___ Shanghai.

A. has gone to B. has been to C. went to D. goes to

11.The librarian ______ books ______ students

A. borrows; from B. lends; to C. returns; to D. gives back; to

12. I ______ this book for a week .I have to return it now.

A. borrowed B. have borrowed C. kept D. have kept

13. He ____ a cold for three days.

A. has caught B. has had C. has got D. caught

14.Mr.John considered _______ to see his old friends.

A. In B. On C. Of D. At

四、完形填空。 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,将答案填入题前的括号内。 There are many words in the English language. You will never the meaning of every word in English. When you read,you will often find many you do not know. You will not have enough time to reading and try to find every new word in a dictionary.

Sometimes you can 4 a new word because you know some of the parts of the new word. For example,if a word ends the letters “er”,that word

(某个动作). A writer is a person who writes. 9 to know the parts of a new word to understand it, 10 it will help you many times.

1.A.know B.learn C.find D. look up

2.A.books B.letters C.stories D. words

3.A.stop B.enjoy C.keep D. start

4.A.find B.get C.study D. guess

5.A.in B.off C. up D. with

6.A.can B.might C. should D. must

7.A.friend B. boy C. person D. girl

8.A. Then B. Now C.Yet D. Sometimes

9.A.helpful B. useful C. enough D. good

10.A.but B.and C. so D. for


阅读下列材料,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案,填入题前的括号中。 Mrs. Weeks was reading a newspaper story to her class. The story said:Were you ever in a hospital when you were small? How did you feel? The doctors in Children‟s Hospital are asking for money for children‟s toys(玩具). Some children in the hospital must stay in bed for many weeks. Toys are needed to keep these sick(生病的)children happy and quiet. Money for them can be sent to the hospital.

After Mrs. Weeks read the story,she said,“This story gave me an idea.”

“You want us to bring some money for the toys.” “We could bring some of our own toys for the children in the hospital.” said the boys and girls one after another. “Well,your ideas would be nice,” Mrs Weeks said,“but mine is different.” “We could make some toys.” shouted one of them.

Mrs. Weeks smiled. “Do you think you could make toys?” she asked.

“Yes, yes.” the whole class answered.

“Great! Let‟s begin to make toys tomorrow.” said Mrs. Weeks.

On Saturday afternoon,Mrs. Weeks took children to the hospital with the toys made by her students. The children in the class felt happy,too.

A few days later,Mrs. Weeks read another newspaper story to the class:

Some school pupils brought toys to Children‟s Hospital last week. The toys were made by the pupils of Grade Three in Green Street School. The doctor said,“We have never had so many wonderful toys. Our children are very happy with them. They say,„THANK YOU,GRADE THREE.‟”

1. What was the first newspaper story mainly(主要)about?

A. Sick children in Children‟s Hospital B. Doctors in Children‟s Hospital.

C. Mrs. Weeks and her students. D. Toys made by the boys and girls.

2. What “idea” did Mrs. Weeks have in mind?

A. Ask the class to give some money to the children in the hospital.

B. Ask the class to send some of their own toys to the children in the hospital.

C. Let the class make some toys themselves and give them to the children in the hospital.

D. Tell the class to go to see the children in the hospital.

3. Doctors in Children‟s Hospital didn‟t have ____ to keep the children happy and quiet.

A. enough time B. enough boys and girls

C. get money to buy toys for D. enough doctors

4. At first,the doctors in Children‟s Hospital wanted to ____ the sick children.

A. give some money to B. make some toys for

C. get money to buy toys for D. borrow some toys for

5. What Mrs. Weeks really wanted to do is to ____.

A. let everyone know her class B. save some money for toys

C. make herself famous

D. teach the pupils to do things themselves and be helpful to others



The stories inside ‟re still interesting.


have you had that bike over there?

I‟ve had it for three years.

3. 他不再住在这了。

He didn‟t live here any longer.

= He lived here.

4. 它在这附近至少二十年了

It‟ 5. 你的儿子拥有那套轨道火车多长时间了?自他4岁生日起,他就拥有了他。

the train and railway set?

He‟s owned it 七、书面表达。

请以“My hometown ”为题,按以下内容要求写一篇80 词左右的短文。

1. 家乡的环境等基本情况;

2. 家乡的人们及其主要活动;

3. 对家乡的简要评价。



1. yard sale 2. board game 3.Check out 4.no longer

5. to be honest 6. bring back 7. part with 8. clear out

9. according to 10. sweet memories 11. at least once a year

12. hometown feelings 13. search for 14. opposite the school

15. give up 16. a symbol of 17.ride a bike 18.a children‟s home 二、词汇。


1. regarded 2.centuries 3. shame 4. among 5.soft

6. Especially 7.hold 8. count 9.scarf 10.truthful


1. has, gone 2. Have, drunk 3. bears 4. trying 5. raise

6. maker 7. learned/learnt 8. haven‟t read 9. has been 10.is


1-5 CCBBC 6-10 CABCA 11-15 BDCCA


1—5 ADADD 6—10 BCDCA


1. A 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. D


1.may be a bit 2. How long, 3. no longer4 . at least 20 years

5. has, owned; since his fourth birthday.


One possible version:

My hometown

My hometown is a small village not far from the Chang Jiang River .A road runs

through it , leading to the nearest town . You can see houses behind green trees along both sides of the road .

There are about 300 people in the village. All of them are very friendly. In busy seasons most of them do farm work in the fields The village is famous for its fruits. When summer comes, many businessmen will drive here to buy them .

My hometown is becoming more and more beautiful .I love my hometown very much .


新目标英语八年级下第十单元验收测试题 姓名________ 座号_______ 班级________

I. 根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。(10分)

1. We use the e_________ to go up and down the building.

2. look! It’s raining outside, you’d better put on your raincoat or take an u______.

3. If you want to know the answer to the problem, you should look t______ books in the library.

4. Would you like to come and meet my parents and have a f_________ dinner with us?

5. When the t_________ lights are red, you must stop and wait. 6. There is one child a_________ in the room. 7. There are m________ of reasons for me to stay.

8. We were filled with g ________ when we heard of his death. 9. Yesterday Tom had a birthday party and I had many wines with a delicate f_______.

10. The old men should be spoken to p______. II. 将下列句子改为反意疑问句。(15分) 1. She is a school girl, __________? 2. It looks like rain, ____________? 3. They go there by bus, __________?

4. His mother goes to work at 8:00, __________? 5. The girl can sing an English song, __________?

6. The students had a class meeting yesterday, __________? 7. He forgot his umbrella, _____________?

8. There was a telephone for you, ___________? 9. Let’s clean our bedroom, ______________? 10. I think he is a teacher, ___________? III. 单项选择:(15分)

1. The foreign visitors have been in Nartony for _________ three weeks. A. more than

B. than

C. more

D. more and more

2. I can _________ swim _______ skate. Will you please teach me? A. either …or C. both …and

B. not only…but also

D. neither …nor

3. -Can I try it on?

-I’m ____________ you can. A. sure

B. be sure

C. make sure

D. surely

4. -We are free this afternoon. Let’s go to play computer games. -Well, I think I’d better watch an English program ________. A. too

B. either

C. then

D. instead

5. -How are you getting on with your work?

-I can’t do it _________ any longer, I’ll have to get help. A. singly

B. quietly

C. alone

D. hard

6. I learned _________ Russian at middle school. A. a bit

B. bit of

D. little of the

C. a bit of

7. Children are standing ________ and getting on the bus. A. on line

B. in a line

C. on a line

D. in line

8. You shouldn’t wait here, ____________ you can go and ask Jim why.

A. at the beginning C. at first

B. in the end D. at least

9. The book is __________. Most of the teachers are _________ in it. A. interesting, interested B. interesting, interesting C. interested, interesting D. interested, interested

10. Few of them hurt themselves in the accident last night , __________. A. don’t they C. did they

IV. 补全对话:(10分)

A: Hi, Kate! 1

B: Oh, I’ve been to many places, such as Xi’an, Hangzhou, Shanghai, Guilin and Tibet. A: 2 .

B: Really? What places have you been to? A: Very few. I’ve only been to Pingyao. B: 3 .

B. didn’t they

D. do they

A: It’s in Shanxi. It’s a small place, but it has a long history. It’s one of the oldest towns in China. There you can see a well-kept city wall.

B: 4 I’ve just seen a lot of natural beauties, but not much old Chinese culture (文化)yet. A: 5 . V. 完成句子:(10分)

1. 看起来他的确赢了那场比赛。

It ______ that he _________ that match. 2. 他昨天告诉了我一些关于汤姆的一些事。

He _______ me something ________ Tom yesterday. 3. 做班里拔尖学生不容易。

It isn’t ___________ the top students in the class. 4. 谢谢你邀请我参加你的聚会。

___________ me _________ your party. 5. 中国人对外国朋友很友好。

Chinese ___________ always _________ foreign guests. 6. 你能帮我搬这个大盒子吗?

_______ you _____ me __________ the heavy box? 7. 我们学校至少有1500名同学。

_______ are _______ 1500 students in our school. 8. 你和你的朋友们相处的如何?

________ are you _________ your friends? 9. 昨天我们举办了家宴。 Yesterday we __________

10. 我写完所有作业之后才开始看电视。

I ________ until I ___________ all my homework.

VI. 完形填空:(15分)

Fire can help people in many ways. But it can also be very harmful (有害的). Fire can keep your house 1 , give light and cook food. But fire can burn things 2 . Big fire can burn, trees, houses, animals or people.

Nobody knows how people began to use fire. But there are 3 interesting old stories about how a man or woman started a fire. One is 4 a man. The man 5 a very long time ago. He went up the sun and 6 fire down.

Today people know how to make a fire with matches (火柴). Children sometimes 7 to play with them. But matches can be very dangerous. One match can burn a piece of paper. and 8 it could burn a house. A small fire can turn a big fire. very quickly. So you 9 be careful with matches.

Be careful with fire, and it will 10 you. But if you aren’t careful with fire. and it may hurt you. 1. A. warm 2. A. also 3. A. many 4. A. over 5. A. worked 6. A. bring 7. A. enjoy become

8. A. after 9. A. can

B. warmer B. too B. much

C. cool

D. cooler D. neither

D. no

D. no

C. either

C. little C. a little

B. about B. studied B. take B. like

C. learned D. lived C. brought D. took C. don’t like


B. late B. man

C. yet

D. then D. must

C. will



Unit 10 It’ s a nice day, isn’ t it?

班级 姓名 得分


一. 听对话和对话后的问题,然后选择正确答案。读两遍(10分,每小题1分)。 ( )1. A. A bus B. A truck C. A train ( )2. A. In America B. In Australia C. In England ( )3. A. It’s six B. It’s eight C. It’s seven ( )4. A. Red B. Green C. Black

( )5. A. His brother B. His parents C. His friends ( )6. A. They’re reading newspaper. B. They’re having an English class. C. They’re cleaning the meeting room.

( )7. A. Tea B. Coffee C. Water

( )8. A. On Sunday evening B. On Saturday evening C. On Sunday morning ( )9. A. By bus B. By bike C. On foot

( )10. A. In a factory B.In a shoe shop C. In a vegetable market 二-听短文选择正确答案。读两遍(10分,每小题2分)。 ( )11. What did Saddam do one day?

A. He mended his car B. He mended his house C. He mended his bike ( )12. Where was Saddam when he saw Bush?

A. He was on the ladder B. He was in the street C. He was on the top of the house ( )13. Why was Bush waving to Saddam?

A. He wanted to ask Saddam for some money. B. He wanted to tell Saddam some news. C. He wanted Saddam to climb up the ladder. ( )14. What did Saddam give to Bush?

A. A ladder B. Some money C. Nothing

( )15. Why did Saddam ask the old man to climb the ladder onto the top of the house? A. Because he was very happy B. Because he was very angry

C. Because he wanted to talk with him 笔试部分(80分) 一、.基础知识(45分)

A.圈出下列正确选项,把答案写在横线上(10分)。 (don’ t you/isn’ t it)?

2.I like action movies. They’ re exciting,____ ___(I haven’ t/I didn’ t). 4.Are you waiting for the bus?

5.It’ s going to rain,______(isn’ t it/is it)?

7.He isn’ t going to have the concert tonight,______(isn’ t he/is he)? 8.—I hate rainy days.—__(So do I/So I do).


1.It’ s very cold today.(变为反意疑问句)

It’2.You gave me much help. I thank you.(两句合一句)

3.Your apartment is quite comfortable.(变为反意疑问句)

4.I have taught in this school for one year.(改为同义句)

__year. 5.He told me. I got to school at seven today.(两句合一句)

____day. C.单项选择:(10分)

( )1. The foreign visitors have been in Nartony for _________ three weeks.

A. more than B. than C. more D. more and more

( )2. I can _________ swim _______ skate. Will you please teach me? A. either …or B. not only…but also C. both …and D. neither …nor ( )3. -Can I try it on? -I’m ____________ you can. A. sure B. be sure C. make sure D. surely ( )4. -We are free this afternoon. Let’s go to play computer games. -Well, I think I’d better watch an English program ________.

A. too B. either C. then D. instead

( )5. -How are you getting on with your work?

-I can’t do it _________ any longer, I’ll have to get help.

A. singly B. quietly C. alone D. hard ( )6. I learned _________ Russian at middle school. A. a bit B. bit of C. a bit of D. little of the ( )7. Children are standing ________ and getting on the bus. A. on line B. in a line C. on a line D. in line

( )8. You shouldn’t wait here, ____________ you can go and ask Jim why.

A. at the beginning B. in the end C. at first D. at least

( )9. The book is __________. Most of the teachers are _________ in it.

A. interesting, interested B. interesting, interesting C. interested, interesting D. interested, interested ( )10. Few of them hurt themselves in the accident last night , __________.

A. don’t they B. didn’t they C. did they D. do they D.补全对话:(10分)

A: Hi, Kate!

B: Oh, I’ve been to many places, such as Xi’an, Hangzhou, Shanghai, Guilin and Tibet. A:

B: Really? What places have you been to? A: Very few. I’ve only been to Pingyao. B: .

A: It’s in Shanxi. It’s a small place, but it has a long history. It’s one of the oldest towns in China. There you can see a well-kept city wall.


B: I’ve just seen a lot of natural beauties, but not much old Chinese culture (文化)yet.


Skin-diving(潜泳)is a new sport today. This sport takes you into a wonderful new world. It is like a visit to the moon! When you are under water, it is easy for you to climb big rocks, because you are no longer heavy.

Here, under water, everything is blue and green. During the day, there is plenty of light. When fish swim A: .

nearby, you can catch them with your hands.

When you have tanks(罐)of air on your back, you can stay in deep water for a long time. But you must E..按括号中的汉语意思填空(5分)

be careful when you dive in deep water.

To catch fish is one of the most interesting parts of this sport. Besides, there are more uses for

__(玩得开心)at the party last night.

skin-diving. You can clean ships without taking them out of the water. You can get many things from the deep

认为……怎么样)of our school?


陪伴)me this afternoon, I will go with you tomorrow.

Now you see that skin-diving is both useful and interesting.

_(完成)your homework?(如果)you have, please do some cleaning.


5.You don’ t like the comedy,_____(是吗)?

( )1.Skin-diving can take you to______.


A.exciting world B.new world C.beautiful world D.an interesting and new world

( )2.This sport______.

Fire can help people in many ways. But it can also be very harmful (有害的). Fire can keep your house A.is like to travel on the moon B.is like to play on water . Big fire can burn, trees, houses, animals or C.is like to visit a new country D.is like to climb a big rock people. ( )3.You can stay in deep water for a long time because______.

A.you can swim B.you can skin dive

Nobody knows how people began to use fire. But there are interesting old stories about how a man C.you can bring something to eat D.you can take tanks of air with you or woman started a fire. One is a man. The man a very long time ago. He went up the sun and ( )4.Which of the following statements is NOT true? fire down. A.Skin-diving is a new sport. B.Skin-diving is like visiting the moon.

C.The only use of skin-diving is to have more fun. D.Skin-diving is not only interesting but useful.

Today people know how to make a fire with matches (火柴). Children sometimes to play with ( )5.Skin-diving is a useful and interesting sport because______. them. But matches can be very dangerous. One match can burn a piece of paper. and it could burn a A.you can catch fish with your hands B.you can clean the ship in the water house. A small fire can turn a big fire. very quickly. So you be careful with matches. C.you can get many things from the deep sea D.all of the above


When Billy was very small, he loved pictures. His mother often drew some for him on pieces of old Be careful with fire, and it will you. But if you aren’t careful with fire. and it may hurt you.

paper. She was very bad at drawing, but Billy enjoyed her pictures and always wanted more.

Then, when he was a little older, Billy’ s mother gave him some pencils, and a drawing book, and he ( )1. A. warm B. warmer C. cool D. cooler

began drawing pictures too, but they were never good.

When Billy was five years old, his mother gave him a small black-board, some pieces of chalk, and a

( )2. A. also B. too C. either D. neither

duster(揩布).He liked those very much. One day he was trying to draw a picture of his father on the blackboard. He drew lines and rubbed them out(擦去),drew more and rubbed those out too for ten minutes, but when he

( )3. A. many B. much C. little D. no looked at his picture he was not happy.

“Well,”he said at last to his mother,“I’ ll put a tail on it and make it a monkey.”

( ) 4. A. over B. about C. a little D. no 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)(10分)

( )6.Billy’ s mother wanted to draw better than his son.

( )5. A. worked B. studied C. learned D. lived ( )7.Billy began drawing pictures at the age of five.

( )8.Billy’ s mother was bad at drawing and Billy was bad at it,too.

( )9.One day he tried to draw a picture of his father because he loved his father. ( )6. A. bring B. take C. brought D. took

( )10.He drew lines and rubbed them out because the picture on the blackboard wasn’ t like his father at

all. ( )7. A. enjoy B. like C. don’t like D. become



( )8. A. after B. late C. yet D. then


( )9. A. can B. man C. will D. must ( )10. A. help 三.阅读理解(20分)


B. do C. tell D. hope




1. isn' t it2. aren' t they3. I haven' t 4. I' ve been waiting for two hours. 5. isn' t it 6. aren' t you

7. is he 8. So do I 9. high 10. by noon


B.句型变换(10分)1. isn' t it2.:for helping3. isn' t it4. began, last 5. he, this

Unit 10 It’ s a nice day, isn’ t it?

C.单项选择: 1—5 ADADC 6—10 CDCAC

D.补全对话:(10分)1. E 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. B

听力答案:一、 1—10小题:AACBCCCACB 二、11—15小题: BCACB

E great time 2. What, think3. come along 4. finished, If 5. do you

听力材料:一. 听对话和对话后的问题,然后选择正确答案,读两遍。

二、完形填空: 1—5 C CDCA 6—10 B DABD

1. W: Oh, look! The bus is coming.

三.阅读理解(20分)1—5 DADCD 6—10 FFTTT

M: Yes, it is.


Q: What do they see?

I like little animals. I want to get a cat long ago. But my mother doesn' t like them. Last month my friend

2. M: Were you born in Australia ,Lucy?

gave me a white cat. I was so glad that I often played with it after school. My mother was annoyed by the cat' s

W: No, I was born in America

voice. She said it always broke the things and the sofa ,and its hair could be seen here and there. So last Friday

Q: Where was Lucy born?

when I came back home and wanted to play with my pet, it didn' t appear. I asked my mother, she told me she

3. W: What’s the time, please?

had sent the cat to the zoo. I was mad at her. I shouted and cried, and didn' t listen to her. When my father came

M: Let me see, Oh, it’s seven o’clock.

home, I told him the event. He also said it wasn' t an important thing. Later, I said sorry to my mother and so

Q: What’ s the time?

did she.

4. W: What colour is your sweater, Peter?

M: It’s green.

Q:What colour is Peter’s sweater?

5. W: Are you waiting for your friends here, Tom?

M: Yes, I am

Q: Who’s Tom waiting for?

6. M: Excuse me. What are the students of Class One doing?

W: They’re cleaning the meeting room.

Q: What are they doing now?

7. M: Would you like some tea?

W: No, thanks. I’d like some water, please.

Q: What does the woman want to drink? 8. M: Will you be free on Sunday evening? W: Yes.

Q: When will the man have time? 9. W: Jim, is your home far from your school? M: No, It’s very near. W: How do you come to school every day? By bike or on foot?

M: On foot.

Q: How does Jim come to school every day? 10. M: What can I do for you, madam?

W: I’m looking for a pair of shoes. Will these shoes wear well? M: Of course. They are our best shoes. Q: Where does the man work? 二、听短文,读两遍。

Whenever it rained, water came into the house from the top of it. So one day Saddam got his ladder, climbed up onto the top of the house and began to mend it. It was quite difficult and dangerous work.

While he was up there, he suddenly saw an old man, Bush, in the street. This man was waving to him. He wanted Saddam to come down. Saddam thought. “What has happened? What news has this man got for me?”So he climbed down the ladder quickly. Several times he nearly fell off the ladder. When he reached the ground, Bush said, “I am a poor man. Please give me some money.”

Saddam was very angry, he said, “Come up.” He helped the old man to climb up the ladder onto the top of the house. Then he said, “I am a poor man , too. I have no money for you. And now go down alone. I will not help you.”




班别____________ 姓名______________ 分数____________

(考试时间 120分钟 满分120分)






2. 3. 4.


5. A. Tall. B. An engineer. C. A basketball.

6. A. Study hard. B. By bus. C. Very well.

7. A. Yes, I can. B. No, it isn’t. C. Yes, there will.

8. A. About pollution. B. My cousin. C. Hong Kong.

9. A. Yesterday. B. Last Saturday. C. Next Sunday.

10. A. Sure, I’d love to. B. No, I don’t. C. Yes, I will.

(三) 听对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题1分,共10分)


11. A. Angry. B. Excited. C. Sad.

12. A. To look after his sister. B. To watch TV. C. To see a movie.

13. A. A teacher. B. A doctor. C. A reporter.

14. A. England. B. Japan. C. America.

15.A. On July 4th. B. On July 5th. C. On July 15th.



16. What’s John going to be when he grows up?

A . A singer. B. An actor. C. A doctor.

17. How is John going to do that?

A. He is going to take acting lessons.

B. He is going to take art lessons.

C. He is going to learn a foreign language.


18. What are they going to do?

A . Eat apples. B. Buy an apple milk shake. C. Make an apple milk shake.

19. How much yogurt do they need?

A. One cup. B. Two cups. C. Three cups.

20. How many apples do they need?

A. One. B. Three. C. Thirty.


21. How did John go to visit his aunt?

A. By bus. B. By car. C. By bike.

22. When did John go to Tom’s party?

A. On Saturday morning. B. On Saturday afternoon. C. On Saturday evening.

23. Who is more outgoing?

A. Tim. B. John. C. Jim.

24. What did John do on Sunday?

A. He went to visit his aunt. B. He went to a movie. C. He went shopping.

25. Where did John have lunch?

A. In the restaurant. B. At home. C. At school.


31. –What does your brother do?

–He is a A. driver B. pilot C. doctor D. teacher

32. Mike joined an English club at school last year and his English a lot.

A. improved B. learned C. discussed D. questioned

33. After twenty minutes’ walk, we got to the park.

A. hardly B. too C. either D. finally

34. –Where do you usually have lunch?

–In the school dining hall. It usually us meat, rice and vegetables.

A. adds B. serves C. plans D. grows

35. –I was so when I heard our teacher was ill in hospital.

–Me, too. She is our good teacher.

A. upset B. careful C. happy D. serious

36. –What are you going to do the winter holiday?

– I’m going to read some books and take a trip.

A. for B. at C. during D. to

37. May I the TV, Mom? My favorite TV show will start soon.

A. turn on B. turn to C. turn off D. turn down

38. – Why didn’t Jim come to school yesterday afternoon?

– Because his sister was lost and he had to her with his parents.

A. look after B. look out C. look at D. look for

39. –Which hobby are you going to –I like the violin very much.

A. take up B. take away C. take to D. take her place

40. Lin Ke, please to close the door before you leave the room.

A. find out B. make sure C. feel like D. take out

41. –What did you do yesterday morning?

–I with my friends in the supermarket.

A. went out B. hang out C. came out D. hung out

42. In the school talent show, I performed well and Ann did even _________.

A. well B. better C. more D. worse

43. Each of us is looking forward a good result. Let’s work hard.

A. to get B. for getting C. to getting D. get

44. – The weather report says it is going to rain.

–We won’t go to the beach if it this afternoon.

A. is raining B. rains C. will rain D. is going to rain

45. –Some people think robots will fight with humans.

– . I think they will be friendly to us.

A. I disagree B. I agree C. I think so D. That’s a good idea



My uncle Sid is a famous scientist. He likes to make predictions about the future. He says that 100 years some things will be better than now. For example, Robots will do the dishes or sweep the floor. We’ll be , because we don’t have housework and traveling will be faster and cheaper than it is now. Maybe some people will their vacations in space stations.

However, he says that more things will in the next century. If more people use cars, there more pollution. Also, if there are fewer trees, the air will become dirtier. If pollution gets bad, maybe people will move to planets. So everyone should play a part in saving the earth.

46. A. much B. lots of C. a lot D. a little

47. A. in B. at C. for D. on

48. A. can B. may C. must D. be able to

49. A. tired B. famous C. available D. busy

50. A. much too B. too much C. too many D. many too

51. A. spend B. keep C. pay D. take

52. A. get more B. get worse C. get less D. get better

53. A. are B. is C. will be D. will have

54. A. really B. probably C. hardly D. easily

55. A. every B. other C. others D. another




There was once a little crab (螃蟹) named Croqui. He lived on a beach in the south of Spain. In his free time, Croqui loved to enjoy the sunshine on the beach. When summer came, Croqui would always stay at the beach and find a place to sunbathe (沐日光浴). Many elder crabs advised him not to sunbathe for long, because Croqui might easily get burned(烧伤的)! But Croqui never listened to them.

One day, Croqui was sunbathing on the beach. Suddenly, he that something was burning! “What can that be?” Croqui thought. Then he found that it came from himself! One of his legs was seriously burnt by the sunshine! Croqui ran fast into the sea to cool himself off. However, his leg was still badly hurt(受伤).

After getting out of the water, Croqui went to a doctor. The doctor said that he must have a rest at home. Croqui felt sad. He thought that if he could listen to the elder crabs, he would never get burned. He also learned that it was necessary to listen to the advice from the elders (长者).

56. Croqui enjoyed when he was free.

A. talking with the elder crabs B. swimming in the sea

C. sunbathing D. playing on the beach

57. The elder crabs thought that Croqui might if he sunbathed for long.

A. keep healthy B. get burned C. keep warm D. get dirty

58. The underlined word “smell” means “” in Chinese.

A. 闻到 B. 触摸 C. 品尝 D. 试用

59. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Croqui was a very old crab. B. Croqui ran into the sea to clean himself up.

C. Croqui listened to the elders’ advice. D. The doctor told Croqui to stay at home and rest.

60. From the story, we can know .

A. it’s good to listen to the elders’ advice

B. it’s bad to sunbathe on the beach

C. Croqui wasn’t afraid of getting burned

D. it’s OK for Croqui to enjoy the sunshine on the beach


One evening Sam played with his brother Jack in the park. When it was getting dark, they walked home. On their way home, a car stopped and a man got down and asked them the way to No. 5 Street. Sam gave him directions(方向). Then the man told them that he would take them to their house. Sam and Jack got into the back seats and the car moved. They saw him go in the wrong(错误的)direction and both of them shouted, “Uncle, you’re going in the wrong direction!”

The man suddenly became very angry and asked them to keep quiet. The music in the car was very loud, so no one could hear their shouts. They were very scared.

A few minutes later, the car waited for the signal(信号灯). It was a 2-minute signal.

Another car drove up alongside(与……并排) and the boys saw their neighbor Uncle Peter sitting inside. They got out of the car quietly, ran to Uncle Peter’s car and told him what happened. The man did not notice (注意) that because the music was too loud. Uncle Peter called the police and the police caught the man at the next signal.

Sam and Jack’s grandfather was very happy with their courage(勇气) and gave a pen to Sam

and a watch to Jack.

61. Where did Sam and Jack play one evening?

A. At home. B. At school. C. In the park. D. On the street.

62. Why did Sam and Jack get into the man’s car?

A. Because they were tired.

B. Because they were hungry.

C. Because they wanted to go to the man’s home.

D. Because the man told them that he would take them to their house.

63. Who called the police?

A. Sam. B. Uncle Peter. C. Jack. D. The man.

64. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The bad man’s car was very quiet.

B. Sam’s grandfather gave him a watch.

C. Jack showed the man the way to No. 5 Street.

D. The boys asked their neighbor for help when the car was waiting for the signal.

65. What’s the best title for this passage?

A. Two Smart Boys B. A Happy Grandfather

C. How to Call the Police D. How to Show Others the Way


A man from the Japanese City of Osaka works in an office. He has become an Internet star because of his great drawing skills(技艺).

The man has a degree (学位) in art but he starts to work in an office. He doesn’t think that he can make enough money as an artist.

Although he doesn’t have much free time, he never gives up (放弃) his dream of being an artist. When he has time, he will draw. But he doesn’t draw on paper. He draws on his iPad. He draws all kinds of things, such as famous pictures, people’s faces and other things.

The man always makes a video when he is drawing. He puts the videos on YouTube. The videos are very popular. People like his videos very much and he is famous now. He said he would go on his dream.

66. The man has become an Internet star because of A. his great drawing skills B. his great singing skills

C. his great writing skills D. his great dancing skills

67. The man works in an office because he A. doesn’t like art at all B. wants to make enough money

C. wants to have much time D. doesn’t want to give up his dream

68. The man draws A. on the face B. on the iPad C. on YouTube D. on the paper

69. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The man comes from Japan. B. The man draws all kinds of things.

C. People like the man’s videos very much. D. The man gives up his work in an office.

70. The passage mainly talks about A. how to draw B. how to watch C. a famous artist D. the videos on YouTube


Unit 10 If you go to the party,you'll have a great time!



1.He is a famous athlete and can ______ a lot of money every year. A.pay C.cost



2.If you study harder,you will ______ go to college. A.are able to

B.be able D.be able to

C.can be able to

3.Nobody went there with him. He went by ______. A.him C.his



4.I'm late for school today. I think my teacher must be ______ me. A.worried about C.friendly to

B.pleased with D.angry with

5.If she ______,she'll have a great time. A.do

B.will do

C.does D.did

6.It's a secret between you and me. I hope you can keep it ______. A.to us C.for us

B.to ourselves D.for ourselves

7.Unless we ______ the problem,we won't be happy. A.solve C.solved

B.will solve


8.Your son often smokes. Please advise him ______it. A.to smoke C.smoking

B.not to smoke D.not smoking

9.He got ______ before he was famous. A.a education C.education

B.an education

D.some education

10.He often makes ______ mistakes,because he doesn't read ______. A.careful;carefully C.careless;carefully



11.—I don't remember the teacher's telephone number. —If you______,we can call her for help. A.are C.do

B.will D.did

12.______ a problem is like ______ it in half. A.Share;cut

B.Sharing;cut D.Sharing;cutting


13.Do you think the worst thing is ______nothing? A.do


C.to do D.done

14.When they move ______ there,they live in ______. A.to;apartment C./;apartment

B.to;an apartment

D./;an apartment

15.Half the class______. A.is sing

B.is singing D.sings

C.are singing


I'm thinking about what I'm going to do this summer. Maybe I'll get a job. If I get a job,I'll have to buy some new things. I'd like to have some new music CDs. I really love jazz(爵士乐).,but I'd like to learn to play it much better. Or maybe I can use the money to pay for the piano lessons. I'd like to learn to play the piano,too.

If I don't get a job this summer,I'll visit my grandparents in San Francisco .They

my favorite food. I'll also go to the with my grandparents. Because I like swimming in the sea. My grandparents like to go to museums but I don't enjoy it so much,.

16.A. less

B.many C.a few


D.if D.as D.to buy D.best D.to D.may D.teacher


17.A. because B.where C.when 18.A. for

B.to C.at

19.A. to skate B.to pay for C.to spend 20.A. very good B.well C.better 21.A. in

B.at C.near

22.A. be able to B.won't C.must 23.A. cook

B.lawyer C.agent

24.A. museum B.San Francisco C.shop 25.A. travel abroad B.go to college C.stay at home D.lie on the beach 三、阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)


Long ago there was a man with the name Smith. He made a living by making caps. One day he went to sell his caps. He went through a forest. There were many monkeys in it. It was very hot and the man wanted to have a rest. He came up to a large tree,put his caps on the ground,took one of them and put it on his head .Then he lay down and soon fell asleep.

“Where are my caps?” Smith cried when he woke up. He looked up and saw many monkeys in the tree and each monkey had a cap on its head.

“Give me back my caps!” the man shouted at the monkeys. But the monkeys didn't understand him. They only laughed. The man got angry,took off his own cap,threw it on the ground and cried,“If you want all my caps,you may take this one,too!”

And what do you think happened?The little animals did the same. Each monkey took off its cap and threw it on the ground. The man was very glad. He quickly collected all his caps and went on his way.

26.The cap- maker was so tired ______. A.to have a rest

B.that he wanted to sell his caps in the forest C.that he had to stop for a rest D.that he wanted to return home

27.He ______ and lay down and fell asleep soon. A.put all his caps on his head B.put all his caps on the ground C.put all his caps in the tree D.put one of his caps on his head

28.When the man woke up,he found ______. A.each monkey had a cap on its head B.some monkeys were stealing his caps C.the monkeys were laughing at him D.a monkey had stolen his cap and tried it on 29.The man cried and told the monkeys ______. A.to return his caps B.not to get away with his caps C.to buy his caps D.not to laugh at him

30.At last the monkeys threw the caps on the ground because ______. A.they took pity on him B.the man had got angry C.they didn't like the caps

D.they liked to do the same as the man did


Traveling is one of the most important activities and people have been interested in it for many years. Modern traffic develops fast,so traveling to different places has become much easier than before.

Staying healthy while traveling can make your trip happier. But do you know

how to keep healthy during a trip?The following information may be useful for you.

Before traveling:

●Wear comfortable shoes,a hat and sunglasses.

●Take some necessary medicine with you. They can be used when you get sick or have other problems.

●If you do lots of sports like walking or climbing during your trip,you should do some exercise for weeks or months before you leave.

While traveling:

●Be sure not to eat dirty food or bad fruit. ●Have enough time to take a rest during your trip.

●Tap water is not safe,so drink bottled water and always clean the cover on the bottle.

31.Traveling has become much easier because of the ______. A.modern technology B.modern traffic development C.travel agencies

D.development of people's lives

32.You should______ before you leave your home for a trip. A.take some medicine with you B.clean the cover C.drink much water D.wear warm clothes

33.You had better not______ while you are having a trip. A.wear glasses B.be too tired C.wear a hat D.take a rest

34.If you ______while traveling,your trip will be happier. A.walk fast B.eat too much



1.演讲比赛__________ 2.学校旅行__________ 3.生日聚会__________ 4.多大________ 5. basketball game ____________ 6.Chinese __________ 7. music festival _______ 8. 排球比赛 ___________ 9. 艺术节 10. School Day 二、句型转换。

have an English contest ? 2.I’m thirteen years old?

are you?

3.His birthday is June 4 th.(就划线部分提问) his birthday?

4.Tom likes baseball.(改为否定句) Tom baseball.

5.My birthday is June 4 th.(改为一般疑问句) June 4 th ? 三、根据句意和汉语提示完成句子。

1.I like (美术).

2.I have (学校庆祝日)every year.

3.They have an Art (节日)on March 26th. 4.He is a (中国的)boy. 5.I lost my (音乐) book. 四、根据汉语意思完成句子


I often watch on TV. 2.彼得中文演讲比赛在8月20号。

Peter’s 3.我妹妹不在家里举办她的生日聚会。

My sister doesn’t at home. 4.我们学校也有校庆日。

We also have a 5.琳达,你们学校郊游是什么时候?

When is your 五、完形填空。

It’s ___1___ day of school. Li Ping wants to ___2___. He wants to see his friends . He wants to meet his new teacher.

He ___3___ early in the morning. H e washes and eats breakfast . Then he ___4__ his bike to school.

He sees his friends in school. He ___5___them happily .Then the bell rings . Everyone ___6___ the classroom. Li Ping meets his new teacher, ___7___ is Zhao Ling .She teaches ___8___ this term. Li Ping ___9___ Miss Zhao. He thinks she ___10___ is a nice teacher. ( ) 1. A.one B. first C. the first D. the one ( ) 2. A. go to the school B. to the school

C. go back school D. go back to school

( ) 3. A. gets up B. get up C. goes up D. go up ( ) 4. A. has B. rides C. sits D. ride ( ) 5. A. plays with B. plays C. says with D. talks ( ) 6. A. goes B. go to C. run D. runs to ( ) 7. A. His name B. Her name C. He D. Her

( ) 8. A. their Chinese B. their China C. them Chinese D. them China ( ) 9. A. likes B. like C. to like D. liking ( ) 10. A. am B. is C. are D.be

六、下面是格林中学(Green School) 十月份的活动安排,请根据表格内容回答问题。

1. Do they have a School Day at Green School ?

2. When is the Chinese speech contest?

3. Is the school trip October 20 th ?

4. Is the Music Festival October 26 th ?

5. When is the volleyball game ?




一、翻译词组。 (15分) — I’m going to study harder.

A.How B.Where C. What D.Why

1. 全世界 2. 一两年

3. 取得好成绩 4. 上表演课 ( ) 18.There are people in the street. It’s raining heavily. 5. 保持健康 6. 同时

A.a little B.a few C.little D.few

7. 找一个兼职工作 8. 举办艺术展览 ( ) 19. Tom wants to find his lost dog for . 9. 攒些钱 10. 制订新年决心 A.a week or two B.a week and two 二、单项选择 (15分)

( ) 11.Some parents want to communicate better their kids.

A.with B.on



( ) 12.There a match this afternoon.

A.will have

B.are going to have

C.is going to have D.is going to be ( ) 13.What are you going to do ?

A.last night B. yesterday

C. just now D. this evening

( ) 14.What he said made her .

A. happily B. happy C. happiness D .sadly

( ) 15.She is going to write some articles and magazines and


A. send it to B. send them to C. send to them D. send to it

( ) 16.Lucy’s going to study in university. A.a B.the C.an D.不填 ( ) 17.— are you going to get good grades.

C.one and two weeks D.one or two weeks

( ) 20.He’s going to practice basketball every day. A.play B.to play C.playing D.the

( ) 21.My uncle is going to somewhere quiet next year .

A.moves B.move to C.move D.moved

( ) 22.He is going to be a programmer when he college.

A.finishes B.start C.left D.begins

( ) 25.I don’t know .

A.how is going to do it B.how is going to do C.what is going to do D.A and C

( ) 24.I’m not going to move_____ _.

A.boring somewhere B.somewhere boring C.anywhere boring D.boring anywhere

( )25.He’s going to buy a new house___ the money.

A.by B.for C.with D.in

三、完形填空 (10分)

Dennis is a schoolboy from Shanghai. He_26_some New Year’s resolutions yesterday. He wants to_27 .So he is going to exercise

more and eat a lot of healthier food. He_28 junk food. He is going to make a soccer team because he likes it and he is also good at playing _29_. He is going to be the _30_of the soccer team. He also wants to improve his_31_.He is going to read English every morning. He is going to_32_a pen pal in England or Australia. And he is going to write letters or e-mails in English_33_his pen pal. When he grows up, he is going to be a doctor for children. He wants to help sick people. He is going to medical school for six years first_34_he finishes high school. He is going to work hard. He loves children and he thinks_35_children will be wonderful.

( ) 26.A had B made C did D listened ( ) 27.A keep fat B keep young C keep old D keep fit ( ) 28.A didn’t eat B is going to eat

C isn’t going to eat D eats

( ) 29.A basketball B volleyball C soccer D baseball ( ) 30.A captain B player C friend D classmate ( ) 31.A Chinese B English C Japanese D French ( ) 32.A find B have C get D look for

( ) 33.A with B in C on D to ( ) 34.A where B when C why D what ( ) 35.A looking for B looking like

C looking at D looking after

四、阅读理解 (30分)


A boy who was cleaning shoes in the street said to a young man

passing by, "Let me clean your shoes." The young man said, "No, thank you." "You may pay me only a pound(英镑), sir." said the boy. But the young man refused(拒绝) again. Then the boy told him that he would clean his shoes for nothing. The young man agreed to this, and soon one of his shoes was shining brightly. The man put the other shoe on the boy, but the boy refused to clean it unless(除非) he was paid two pounds for his work. The young man refused to pay anything and went away. But the dirty one looked so bad that he couldn't walk away. He had to turn back and gave the boy two pounds. In a very short time his shoes shone brightly.

( ) 36.The boy was a shoes ____. A. cleaner


C.repairer D.seller

( ) 37.At first the young man refused to clean his shoes, because .

A.he couldn't pay B.he had not enough money C.he didn't think it necessary D.he had just cleaned his shoes ( ) 38.Then the young man agreed to clean his shoes, because the boy asked for____.

A.two pounds B.one pound C.nothing D.few money ( ) 39. The boy refused to clean the second shoe, because ____. A.it was very dirty B.the young man paid only one pound C.it was difficult to clean D.he asked to be paid two pounds ( ) 40. The boy said he would clean the young man's shoes for nothing just in order to(为了) A.show his kindness

B.help the young man

C.get more money from him D.let everyone see


The summer vacation is over(结束). It’s true that time flies fast. During the vacation, the weather was hot and I could not do much work, but I lived happily.

As the afternoon was hot, I did my work in the morning, I used to (习惯于)get up at 6:30 and take a walk in the garden for half an hour. After that, I began to read English and Chinese and did some math exercises. Those took me three hours or more. I worked very hard and made good progress(进步).

I spent the afternoon outside. I went swimming and it was funny. I would not go home until it was five or six o’clock. Sometimes a friend would come to see me and we would spend some hours listening to music.

In this way I spent my vacation happily. And I not only studied well but also became a good swimmer. Now I am in good health and high spirits(精神).

( ) 41.What did the writer(作者)think of his vacation?

A.It was sad. B.It was boring. C.It was great. D.It was not fun. ( ) 42.The weather was very_____during the vacation.

A.cool B.hot C.warm D.cold

( ) 43.How long did it take the writer to have a walk?

A.Three hours B.Half an hour C.Only one hour D.One and a half hours

( ) 44.The writer spent most of the afternoon ____________.

A.visiting his friend B.doing homework C.swimming D.listening to music

( ) 45. Which of the following is wrong?

A.The writer was not healthy. B.He was good at swimming.

C.He studied very well. D.He spent his vacation happily.


Do you know how blueberries(蓝莓) grow? They grow on bushes

(灌木). Each blueberry is small and round. Many blueberries can grow on one bush. At first, the blueberries are green. You can not eat the green berries. They need a lot of sun and rain to help them become fat and sweet. When the berries turn blue, they are ready to be picked.

Some farmers grow blueberries in big fields. The people who live nearby can earn money by helping pick the blueberries. They work fast. They want to get as much money as they can. When they are picking the blueberries, their fingers are blue from the juice of the berries!

After the blueberries are picked, they are put into boxes and sent to the stores. People buy the blueberries and take them home to eat. Some people like to wash the berries and eat them one by one. Other people like to cook with blueberries. They make blueberry pancakes.

No matter how you eat them, blueberries are great!

( ) 46.What color are the blueberries when they are ready to be picked? A.Green.




( ) 47. Where do the blueberry workers work? A.In a barn(谷仓). B.In a field.

C.In a forest.

D.Near a river.

( ) 48.What happens to the blueberries after they are picked? A.They are put into boxes. B.They need sun and rain. C.Farmers plant them D.They become sweet. ( ) 49. What does the underlined word “earn” mean? A.Sell.




( ) 50. What is the best title of the passage?

A.All about blueberries. B.How to cook with blueberries. D.Eating blueberries. D.All about strawberries.


Unit 10 If you go to the party,you'll have a great time!


I. 根据所给首字母及句意完成句子:(每小题1分,共5分)

1.We have a c______ meeting every Monday afternoon.

2. They often learn English by watching English v________ .

3. I won’t go there u______ he invites me.

4. You must be c________ and not make the same mistake.

5. Lisa felt very u________ after she broke the glass.


1.We'll go to the Great Wall if it______(not rain)tomorrow.

2.If it is fine tomorrow,I ______(go)for a field trip.

3.The poor boy in the street asked the man______(give)him some money.

4.—Why not______(go)to the zoo on Sunday?

— That's a good idea.

5.My friend thinks I should ______(travel)to Guilin.

6.I hope to do a lot of work______(help)others who are in trouble.

7.If I go to college,I ______never ______(become)a great soccer player.

8.I learned how ______(ride)a bike when I was six years old.

9.The man's son is old enough______(look)after himself.

10.Would you like ______(organize) the class party?

III. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)

( )1.He is a famous athlete and can ______ a lot of money every year.

A.pay B.make C.cost D.ask

( )2.If you study harder,you will ______ go to college.

A.are able to B.be able C.can be able to D.be able to

( )3.Nobody went there with him. He went by ______.

A.him B.himself C.his D.themselves

( )4.I'm late for school today. I think my teacher must be ______ me.

A.worried about B.pleased with C.friendly to D.angry with

( )5.If she ______,she'll have a great time.

A.do B.will do C.does D.did

( )6.It's a secret between you and me. I hope you can keep it ______.

A.to us B.to ourselves C.for us D.for ourselves

( )7.If we don’t ______ the problem,we won't be happy.

A.solve B.will solve C.solved D.solving

( )8.Your son often smokes. Please advise him ______it.

A.to smoke B.not to smoke C.smoking D.not smoking

( )9.He got ______ before he was famous.

A.a education B.an education C.education D.some education

( )10.He often makes ______ mistakes,because he doesn't read ______.

A.careful;carefully B.careless;careful

C.careless;carefully D.careful;carelessly

( )11.Do you know our teacher’s phone number ?If you___,we can call her for help.

A.are B.Will C.do D.did

( )12.______ a problem is like ______ it in half.

A.Share;cut B.Sharing;cut C.Share;cutting D.Sharing;cutting

( )13.Do you think the worst thing is ______nothing?

A.do B.Does C.to do D.done

( )14.When they move ______ there,they will live in ______.

A.to;apartment B.to;an apartment

C./;apartment D./;an apartment

( )15.Half the class______.

A.is sing B.is singing C.are singing D.Sings

IV. 用方框内所给选项补全对话(其中有一项多余)(每空一分,共5分):

A:Hi, Bill! You look upset. What’s wrong ?

B:I failed the exam again. I’m afraid I have to give up my study.

B:Yes. I want to practice basketball and become a basketball player like Yao Ming or Kobe.

B:Because it’s my dream job. If I am famous, I can make lots of money.

B:I know. But If want to hold on to(坚持) my dream.

A:Have you talked with your parents?

But they don’t agree. They want me to be a doctor.

A:I think you’d better take your parents’ advice.

B:Maybe you’re right/ But why can’t I make my own decisions

After all, your parents have more experience.


Nearly everybody enjoys chicken, and the most famous name in chicken is Kentucky Fried Chicken. Mr Sanders, the man who started this was not always very rich. At a small gas station next to highway (公路). Many truck drivers 3 there to to get gas and take a test. Mr Sanders realized they were often , so he began serving the sandwiches he made tasted good, and didn’too much, Mr Sanders began to serve fried chicken. People it very much, and his new business grew quickly . Not long after, however, Mr Sanders’ restaurant. to sell his idea of opening fried chicken restaurants. He . By 1967, there were almost 5000 Kentucky Fried you go in the United States, you will see one. If you like chicken, I’m sure, you’ll enjoy eating Kentucky Fried Chicken.

( )1. A. Business B. shop C. life D. search

( )2. A. found B. worked C. saw D. owned

( )3. A. passed B. got to C. stooped D. left

( )4. A. late B. hungry C. tired D. sick

( )5. A. Although B. If C. As D. Once

( )6. A. need B. pay C. spend D. cost

( )7. A. passengers B. drivers C. students D. doctors

( )8. A. then B. So C. But D. For

( )9. A. ate B. liked C. tried D. drank

( )10. A. Appeared B. found C. built D. broken

( )11. A. out B. to C. over D. on

( )12. A. close B. run C. return D. take

( )13. A. trying B. believing C. thinking D. suggesting

( )14. A. failed B. fails C. succeeds D. succeeded

( )15. A. whenever B. wherever C. where D. when



Long ago there was a man with the name Smith. He made a living by making caps. One day he went to sell his caps. He went through a forest. There were many monkeys in it. It was very hot and the man wanted to have a rest. He came up to a large tree,put his caps on the ground,took one of them and put it on his head .Then he lay down and soon fell asleep.

“Where are my caps?” Smith cried when he woke up. He looked up and saw many monkeys in the tree and each monkey had a cap on its head.

“Give me back my caps!” the man shouted at the monkeys. But the monkeys didn't understand him. They only laughed. The man got angry,took off his own cap,threw it on the ground and cried,“If you want all my caps,you may take this one,too!”

And what do you think happened?The little animals did the same. Each monkey took off its cap and threw it on the ground. The man was very glad. He quickly collected all his caps and went on his way.

( )1.The cap- maker was so tired ______.

A. to have a rest B. that he wanted to sell his caps in the forest

C.that he had to stop for a rest D. that he wanted to return home

( )2. He ______ and lay down and fell asleep soon.

A.put all his caps on his head B.put all his caps on the ground

C.put all his caps in the tree D.put one of his caps on his head

( )3. When the man woke up,he found ______.

A.each monkey had a cap on its head B.some monkeys were stealing his caps

C.the monkeys were laughing at him D.a monkey had stolen his cap and tried it on

( )4.The man cried and told the monkeys ______.

A.to return his caps B.not to get away with his caps

C.to buy his caps D.not to laugh at him

( )5.At last the monkeys threw the caps on the ground because ______.

A.they took pity on him B.the man had got angry

C.they didn't like the caps D.they liked to do the same as the man did


Traveling is one of the most important activities and people have been interested in it for many years. Modern traffic develops fast,so traveling to different places has become much easier than before.

Staying healthy while traveling can make your trip happier. But do you know how to keep healthy during a trip?The following information may be useful for you.

Before traveling:

●Wear comfortable shoes,a hat and sunglasses.

●Take some necessary medicine with you. They can be used when you get sick or have other problems.

●If you do lots of sports like walking or climbing during your trip,you should do some exercise for weeks or months before you leave.

While traveling:

●Be sure not to eat dirty food or bad fruit.

●Have enough time to take a rest during your trip.

●Tap water is not safe,so drink bottled water and always clean the cover on the bottle.

1.Traveling has become much easier because of the ______.

A.modern technology B.modern traffic development

C.travel agencies D.development of people's lives

2.You should______ before you leave your home for a trip.

A.take some medicine with you B.clean the cover

C.drink much water D.wear warm clothes

3.You had better not______ while you are having a trip.

A.wear glasses B.be too tired

C.wear a hat D.take a rest

4.If you ______while traveling,your trip will be happier.

A.walk fast B.eat too much

C. keep healthy D.climb a mountain

5.The passage mainly talks about______.

A.traveling development B.how to keep healthy during a trip

C.activities before traveling D.activities while traveling


Today we had a discussion about “If you have only one day left”.It seemed that different people had different opinions. Most students said they would stay at home and help their parents with housework. They wanted to show love to their parents. Some students wanted to do something different such as helping others. They said they should do something meaningful to the world. Only a few students said they would do nothing but just have a rest at home. They had too much to do every day. They needed a rest.

Although the class had different ideas. We all knew one point,that was to cherish(珍惜)our life. At last,the teacher summed up our discussions. She said,“I'm glad you all want to use your limited(有限的)life to do something meaningful. But please remember:try to make the best of your time!”







1. 答案:B 点拨:句意为“他是一名著名的运动员,一年能挣许多钱”。make有“挣钱”的意思。

2. 答案:D 点拨:will后接动词原形;be able to do为固定搭配。

3. 答案:B 点拨:前句“没人和他一块儿去”,自然是“他自己去的”,故选B项。

4. 答案:D 点拨:A项意为“担心……”;B项意为“对……满意”;C项意为“对……友好”;D项意为“生……的气”;根据“今天我上学迟到了”可知“我认为老师肯定对我很生气”,故D项正确。

5. 答案:C 点拨:主句用了一般将来时,那么if引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时。

6. 答案:B 点拨:“你和我”即“我们”,故keep...to oneself中的反身代词用ourselves。B项正确。

7. 答案:A 点拨:unless引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时,故A项正确。

8. 答案:B 点拨:advise sb. not to do sth.意为“建议某人不要去做某事”,故选B项。

9. 答案:B 点拨:get an education意为“接受教育”,B项正确。

10. 答案:C 点拨:根据 read是动词可知用副词修饰,排除B项;由后句“因为他没有仔细阅读”可知“他经常犯粗心的错误”,可知C项正确。

11. 答案:C 点拨:do 代指上文提到的记得老师的电话号码一事,句子为一般现在时,因此不能用did。

12. 答案:D 点拨:根据is可知前面是动词-ing短语作主语;like是介词,故后接动词-ing形式,D项正确。

13. 答案:C 点拨:is后接表语,动词不定式可以作表语。故选C项。

14. 答案:D 点拨:there是副词,故其前不加介词;apartment是名词,其首音素是元音,故前用an,D项正确。

15. 答案:C 点拨:class是集体名词,指班级成员时谓语动词应用复数形式。 二、

答案:16.D 点拨:句意为“如果我能得到工作,我将有足够的钱买新东西”。由句意知应选enough“足够的”。

17.C 点拨:指作者九月份又开始上学的时候想买一些新衣服穿。

18.A 点拨:考查介词用法。for表目的。

19.B 点拨:句意为“我能用钱为网球课付款”。由句意知应选pay for“付……的账;付买……的钱”。

20.B 点拨:修饰动词要用副词。由句意知“我能打得好,但想学习以打得更好”。

21.C 点拨:考查句意理解。句意为“……靠近沙滩的老房子里”。near“靠近”。

22.B 点拨:not ...until意为“直到……才……”。

23.A 点拨:考查句意理解。因为祖母是出色的厨师所以能吃到美味的食物。

24.D 点拨:由下文知喜欢在海里游泳,故和祖父母去的是海滩。

25.C 点拨:句意为“因此或许我将待在家里看电视”,由句意知选C项,stay at home “待在家里”。



答案:26.C 点拨:根据第一段第六句“It was very hot and the man wanted to have a rest.”可知。

27.D 点拨:根据第一段倒数第二句句意“他来到一棵大树下,把所有的帽子放在地上。拿了一顶戴在头上。”可知。

28.A 点拨:根据第二段中的“He looked up and saw many monkeys in the tree and each monkey had a cap on its head.”可知。

29.A 点拨:Give me back my caps!= Return my caps!意为“还我帽子”。


