本学期我担任六年级的英语教学工作。经过三年时间的英语学习,大部分的学生已掌握了良好的英语学习基础,对英语的学习怀着浓厚的学习兴趣,上课认真听讲,积极举手发言,学习的积极性高,语言模仿的能力强,并养成了良好的英语学习习惯和学习方法。但仍有部分学生的英语底子较差,学习英语的兴趣不高,有时甚至没有按时完成作业。再加上本学期教材改版,本届学生3-5年级学的是PEP老教材,教材重难点清晰,句型简单,较易掌握,改版后难度增大,有大部分的单词及句子没有在老版教材里出现过,所以本年度的教学任务将面临巨大挑战。本学期我将继续抓好尖子生的培养工作,同时做好后进生的辅导工作,尽量让他们从思想上重视英语,加强对英语学习的兴趣。 二、教材分析
本册教材是PEP改版的新教材,该教材注重学生语言应用能力的培养,教材在整体构思、内容安排、活动设计和教学方法选用等方面紧密联系学生的生活实际,把知识和技能目标融会在完成任务的过程之中,充分体现了交际教学的思想,但是Let’s talk部分难度加大,课文中的每一个对话都可以视为一篇完整的阅读理解。更加考验学生对英语知识的综合理解及运用能力。本册课本共6个单元,其中有2个复习单元。
为贯彻落实国家的教育方针,学习并实践习总书记的“中国梦”重要思想,为孩子的终生发展奠基,围绕学校的中心工作,结合实际,力求做到有计划、有目的地实施教学大纲的要求,以便使学生获得一些最基本的语言知识和技能,培养他们良好的学习习惯,为以后继续学习英语奠定良好的基础。 四、教具、媒体
单词图片、录音机和录音带、多媒体教学。. 五、各单元的教学目标、教学重难点和课时安排
Unit 1 How can I get there ? 教学目标:
要求学生能够简单描述城市、城镇或乡村内公共设施的大致位置,如:Where is the museum? It’s near the hospital. 能够询问路线并简单回答如:How can we get there? Turn left at the bookstore.
要掌握Let’s learn , Let’s talk 中的四会短语、四会单词和句子 帮助学生了解交通规则,并在生活中自觉遵守交通规则。 教学重点:学习如何问路并回答。
教学难点:学生能够熟练使用所学语言询问并回答某地的方位和感叹句。 课时安排:6课时 (第1---3周)
Unit 2 Ways to go to school . 教学目标:
要求学生能够正确询问并回答乘坐何种交通工具去某地,如:How do you go to school? I often go by bus.能够描述人们日常出行的方式.
要求学生掌握Let’s learn , Let’s talk 中的四会的短语、单词和句子.
教学重点:学习如何询问并回答人们日常出行的方式。 教学难点:How引导的特殊疑问句、频度副词、“by+交通工具”表示出行方式。
Unit 3 My weekend plan 教学目标:
要求学生能够用“be going to do” 句型交流行事计划,如:What are you going to do tomorrow? I am going to have an art lesson .”;能够用where , when 替换句型“What are you going to do ?”中的疑问词 what来提问并给予回答,如:Where are you going ? I am going to the bookstore . When are you going ? I am going at 2 o”clock .等;能够以小组的方式讨论并完成购书、当小导游、采访等任务,熟练运用“be going to do” 结构句型。
要求学生能够掌握Let’s learn , Let’s talk 中的四会单词和句子 培养学生合理安排自己的学习与生活的能力;培养从小树立远大理想并为之努力的思想意识。
教学重难点:如何询问对方打算做什么,打算去哪儿,打算何时去做某事,主要句型是:”What are you going to do ? I am going to „.要求学生能对句型做替换练习。并能够掌握“wh-”疑问词一族。
Unit 4 I have a Pen Pal 教学目标:
要求学生能够询问和简单描述业余爱好,如:What are Peter’s hobbies ?He likes reading stories . 能够用一般现在时的一般疑问句形式询问他人的住处、爱好等情况并作答,如:Does he live in Sydney? Yes, he does . 知识目标
要求学生能够掌握Let’s learn , Let’s talk 中的四会单词和句子 鼓励学生培养广泛的兴趣与爱好,形成乐于与人交往的性格。
积极应用所学语言进行表达和交流,加强合作,共同完成学习任务。 了解美国孩子们的课外活动。 教学重点:询问某人爱好的句型。
教学难点:Do /Does引导的一般疑问句、第三人称单数形式、动词ing形式的变化规则。
Unit 5 What does he do ? 教学目标:
要求学生能够简单介绍人物的职业,:如:He’s a businessman . 能够应用句型
“ What does he do ?Where does he work ? How does he go to work ?”等询问他人的工作情况,并能做出相应的回答。
要求学生能够掌握Let’s learn , Let’s talk 中的四会单词和句子. 能够按要求较好的完成Let’s try 等活动。
热学习有关人物的英语知识,做到热爱生活、尊重他人的劳动。 能积极与他人合作,运用所学英语进行交流,共同完成学习任务。 了解衣领颜色象征着不同的职业。
教学重点:询问他人的职业,出行方式及工作地点。 教学难点:让学生在任务活动中熟练应用不同句型进行交流。常见的构成职业名词的后缀。
Unit 6 How do you feel? 教学目标:
要求学生能够掌握Let’s learn , Let’s talk 中四会单词和句子。 能够简单表达自己或他人的各种情绪和心理状况。
能够简单表达身体不舒服,心情不愉快时的调节方法。 能够简单陈述产生某种心情的原因。
教学重点:询问别人身体和心情状况,并给出合理建议。 教学难点:祈使句。 六、 采取措施【2014新版PEP六年级英语上册课本MP3】
a) 遵循英语教学规律,寓思想教育于语言教学之中。 b) 激发学习动机,培养学习兴趣。 c) 加强语言实践,着重能力培养。 d) 听说训练为主,视听说相结合。 e) 努力创设情景,尽量使用英语。 f) 发挥主导作用,创设和谐气氛。 g) 优化课堂教学,提高课堂效率。 h) 指导学习方法,养成良好习惯. 七、培优补差计划
本年级学生情况优等生人数占总人数的一成,中等生人数占总人数的五成,而后进生占了学生总人数的四成。从课堂表现和作业反馈来看,优生一般都能在课堂积极发言,作业也完成得比较好。而后进生缺乏学习兴趣和积极性,学习习惯差,上课不认真听讲,经常开小差,对基础知识没有基本的了解和掌握,作业潦草,马虎,甚至无法完成。学习态度不端正,出现消极和无所谓的心态。没有学习方法,对不懂的知识点常常不理不睬,对知识的应用较差,所以培优补差工作就显得尤为重要。经过一番认真的思考,本学期,我将从以下几个方面努力去做好培优补差工作: (1)、指导计划提高优生的自主和自觉学习能力,进一步巩固并提高中等生的学习成绩,帮助后进生取得适当进步,让后进生在教师的辅导和优生的帮助下,逐步提高学习成绩,并培养较好的学习习惯,掌握英语基础知识。培优计划要落到实处,发掘并培养一批英语尖子,挖掘他们的潜能,从培养英语能力入手,训练良好学习习惯,从而形成较扎实的基础和阅读能力,并能协助老师进行辅差活动,提高整个班级的英语素养和英语成绩。
(2)、制定目标:在这个学期的培优辅差活动中,培优对象能按照计划提高读、说、写的综合能力,成绩稳定在85分以上,并协助老师实施辅差工作,帮助后进生取得进步。辅差对象能按照老师的要求做好,成绩有一定的提高。特别是英语考试这一基本的能力。 (3)、定内容:培优主要是使学生每个知识点都得到落实和巩固,还有继续提高学生的阅读能力和理解能力。介绍或推荐适量课外阅读,让优生扩大阅读面,摄取更多课外知识,多给他们一定的指导,以便在写作中能灵活运用,提高写作水平,定时安排一定难度的练习任务要求他们完成,全面提高运用语言的能力。辅差的内容是教会学生敢于读,安排基础的内容让他们掌握。训练后进生,让后进生尝试说、敢说、进而争取善说。 (4)、具体措施: A.培优措施
4.在掌握好本阶段学习的情况下,渗入各个年级知识点的复习和单词的记忆。 5.加强基础知识与交际运用能力的训练,拓宽知识面,多做习题。 6.利用课余时间进行指导训练,落实每一个知识点。 培优对象: 每个班级80分段的学生。 B.补差措施
1.对于这些后进生课后要多督促他们做到每天把新学的课文,单词读出来,利用傍晚放学后辅导他们读,课前朗读时带读,对于后进生首先从26个字母开始,要求会读背写;后进生关于单词的听写降低要求,一天记一个或两个,由小老师负责听写并及时给予鼓励。从最基础的知识开始辅导,激起他们学习英语的信心。 2. 采用激励机制,对后进生的每一点进步都给予肯定,并鼓励其继续进取,在优生中树立榜样,给机会表现,调动他们的学习积极性和成就感。
3. 充分了解后进生现行学习方法,给予正确引导,朝正确方向发展,保证后进生改善目前学习差的状况,提高学习成绩.
4. 增加与家长联系的次数,请家长协助解决后进生的学习问题。
Unit 1 How can I get there?
(1)能够简单描述城市、城镇或社区内公共设施的大致位置,如:“Where is the cinema, please? It’s next to the hospital.”等。
(2)能够询问线路并简单回答,如:How can I get to the „? Turn left at the „, then go straight. It’s on the left.
(3)能够掌握四会单词hospital,cinema,post office,bookstore ,Turn ,left, go straight.
(4)能够听懂、会唱歌曲“Where is the hospital?”。
(1)掌握A,B部分Let’s learn, Let’s talk中的四会短语和句子。
(2)能够听、说、认读A,B部分Let’s learn的三会单词和Let’s talk, read and write中出现的三会句型。
(3)能够理解read and write, Let’s check, Let’s wrap it up等部分的内容。
(4)能够了解tips for Pronunciation中音标的音与形,并能正确读出例词。
(5)了解Story time等部分的内容。
教学重点: 问路以及指点方向。
教学难点:问路的用语以及AB部分read and write中的对话。
第一课时:A Let’s learn / Make a map and talk
第二课时:A Let’s try/ Let’s talk
第三课时:B Let’s learn /Be a tour guide
第四课时:B Let’s try / Let’s talk
第五课时:B read and write/ Tips for Pronunciation
第六课时:B Let’s check /Let’s wrap it up/C Story time
一、教学内容:A Let’s learn / Make a map and talk
1.能够听、说、读、写单词或短语:hospital,cinema,post office,bookstore
2.能够听、说、认读短语science museum。
3.能够听、说、认读句型:“Where is the library? It's near the post office.”并进行关键词的替换操练。
4.会唱歌曲《Where is the hospital?》
1、掌握Let's learn部分的四会单词和短语。
3. 掌握句型:“Where is the library? It's near the post office.”进行关键词的替换操练。
1. Warm-up
(1) Greeting
(2)师生对话,复习介词in,on, under, behind, in front of, near, next to.
Let's learn
(1) listen and say
T: I want to post the letter. Where can I go? (post office)
Oh, I feel bad, I need to see a doctor. Where can I go? (hospital) I’m ok now, I want to see a film, Where can I go? (cinema)
I need to buy some books, where can I go? (bookstore)
Q: Where is the post office? (It’s near the hospital.)
E: We also can say “it’s next to the hospital.” Can you guess what meaning of “next to”? (It’s the same as near.)
(2) Make a map and talk
There are other two buildings. Look at this one, this is a science museum. The other one is library. In the map, there are 2 blanks A and B. Now, please guess where are they?
Sence: I want to go to the library, but I don’t know how to get to the library? Can you help me?
Q: Excuse me, How can I get to the library?
A: „
Q: Where is the library?
A: „
Listen to the tape, read after it.
(4) Make dialogues
(5) Next week, we will have a long holiday. I want to go to Beijing. I prepare a map. But it’s too small, who can help me write it on Bb?
(6) Do the same with partners.
Copy the 4-skilled words, each 5 times.
一、教学内容:A Let’s try/ Let’s talk
1.复习单词或短语:hospital,cinema,post office,bookstore,science museum
2.能够听、说、读、写句型:“Where is the museum shop? It's near the door.” 3. 能够听、说、认读单词:ask,sir,interesting和句子:Is there a...? I want to... What a great museum!
1、学习句型:“Where is the museum shop? It's near the door.”
Let’s do
Go to the bookstore.
Buy some books.
Go to the post office.
Send a letter.
Go to the hospital.
See the doctor.
Go to the cinema.
See a film.
Go to the museum.
See some robots.
复习单词或短语:hospital,cinema,post office,bookstore,science museum. 教师先出示单词卡片,抽读这五个单词,然后再出示图片,让学生看图说单词。
Let’s try
(1) 打开课本读一读Let’s try中呈现的问题和选项。
(2) 播放录音,学生听完后勾出正确的选项。
(3) 全班校对答案。
Let’s talk
(1)播放Let’s talk录音,学生带着问题听录音,where is the museum shop?where is the post office?听完录音后让学生回答这两个问题,教师板书:It’s near the door. It's next to the museum.教师讲解:“near”表示在附近,“next to”表示与„„相邻,它的范围比near小。最后让学生用“near”和“next to”来讲述学校周围的建筑物。
(2)讲解“A talking robot!What a great museum!”,让学生说说这两个感叹句的意思。
(3)跟读、领读Let’s talk.
4.Consolidation and extension
(1) 分角色扮演Let’s talk的内容,三人一组表演对话,然后请一些同学到台前表演。
(2) 教学A. Talk about the places in your city/town/village.
T: Is there a zoo in our city?
S:Yes, there is.
T: Where is it?
S: It’s near the park.
2013-2014人教版六年级英语上册 期中测试
学生姓名: 得分: 听力部分
一、听录音,选出与你所听到的内容符合的一项。(10分) ( ) 1. A. jeep B. sheep C. ship ( ) 2. A. east B. easy C. near ( ) 3. A. far B. fast C. farm ( ) 4. A. where B. what C. when
( ) 5. A. next week B. next weekend C. this weekend ( ) 6. A. No.7 bus B. No. 17 bus C. No. 70 bus ( ) 7. A. comic book B. note-book C. story-book
( ) 8. A. get off at the bank. B. get off at the museum. C. get off at the supermarket.
( ) 9. A. climbing the mountain B. going to climb mountains C. climbs mountains
( )10. A. a comic book and a picture book. B. a dictionary and a comic book
C. a dictionary and a picture book
( ) 6. You can go to the park by the No. 30 bus. ( ) 7. His home isn’t far from the hospital. ( ) 8. The cinema is on the left.
( ) 9. I usually walk to school.
( ) 10. I am going to read a magazine tonight.
三、听问题,将最合适的答案的字母编号填到括号里。(10分) ( ) 1、 A.I go by car. B.It’s near the park. C.There are seven. ( ) 2、 A. Yes, I do. B.Yes, you do. C.No, it isn’t.
( ) 3、 A.I’m drawing pictures. B.I often draw pictures. C.I’m going to draw pictures.
( ) 4、 A.It’s in front of the school. B.I go straight for five minutes. C. You’re welcome.
( ) 5、 A. I’m going to visit my grandparents. B.A picture book. C.This evening.
1、________ at a red light.【2014新版PEP六年级英语上册课本MP3】
2、Is there a ___________ near here?
3、Li Ming goes to Hong Kong by _______.
4、_______ are you going to do sports? This afternoon. 5、What are you going to do next ______? 五、 根据录音的对话内容,判断下列句子的正误,对的打“”,错的打“”。(10分)
( ) 1. John is going to buy a toy bus on Saturday ( ) 2. John is going to buy a toy car for his friend. ( ) 3. John is going to the post office on Sunday.
( ) 4. John is going to post a letter on Sunday morning. ( ) 5. John is going to the post office by subway.
六、找出与其他三个不同类的单词。(5分) ( ) 1. A. bus B. car C. book ( ) 2. A. school B. bus C. park
( ) 3. A. red light B. traffic light C. yellow light ( ) 4. A. go B. Canada C. English ( ) 5. A. stop B. go C. light
七、选择,请将正确选项字母标号填入题前的括号内。(10分) ( A. bike B. foot C. plane
( ) 2. _______ do you go to school? A. How B. Who C. Where
( ) 3. I'm going 3 o'clock. A. on B. in C. at
( ) 4. I'm going to buy a magazine plants. A. about B. at C. in
( ) 5. If you go by car, by bike or on foot, you must know the . A. traffic rules B. traffic C. traffic light
( ) 6. Red means _______. A. go B. wait C. stop ( ) 7. ______ is the cinema, please? A. Where B. What C. When
( ) 8. Is it far here? A. from B. about C. for ( ) 9. The hospital is ______ the left. A. for B. in C. on
( ) 10. Walk straight three minutes. A. at B. for C. in 八、连词成句。 注意---句首字母大写,标点符号正确,书写工整。(10 分)1. do, how, to, you, go, school
2. foot , I, to, usually, school, go, on
3. a, at, light, stop, red
4. What, you, going, do, to, are, this weekend? ? 5. the, you, go, by, bus, can , No.15
九、阅读对话,选择合适的句子填空,将其编号写到横线上。(10分) A. What are you going to buy?
B. Where are you going this evening? C. Is it far?【2014新版PEP六年级英语上册课本MP3】
D. When are you going there? E. How can you get there?
A:_________________________________________________? B: I am going to the fruit stand this evening.
A:_________________________________________________? B: I am going to buy some grapes.
A: ________________________________________________? B: Yes, it’s far. The fruit stand is next to the pet shop.
A: ________________________________________________? B: I can get there by the No.112 bus. Then get off at the pet shop. A: I want to buy a big watermelon. Can I go with you? B: Sure. Let’s go together. A: Thank you.
Hello! I'm Liu Ying. I'm going to have a busy weekend. On Saturday
morning, I'm going to the Renmin Park with my sister Liu Hong by bike. In the afternoon, we are going to visit my grandparents. In the evening I'm going to visit my aunt with my mother. On Sunday morning, I'm going to the bookstore with my good friend Tom. I'm going to buy some
story-books. After lunch, I'm going to play sports with Amy. In the evening, I'm going to watch TV and clean my room. How happy I am! ( ) 1. Liu Ying is going to __________ on Saturday. A. the bookstore B. the zoo C. the park ( ) 2. How is Liu Ying going to the Renmin Park? A. On foot. B. By bike. C. By bus.
( ) 3. -----What is Liu Ying going to do in the bookstore? -----She is going to ___________.
A. buy a new CD B. buy a pen C. buy story–books ( ) 4. Liu Ying is going to the bookstore with __________. A. Tom B. Amy C. her sister
( ) 5. Liu Ying is going to clean her room on ___________.
A. Saturday morning B. Saturday evening C. Sunday evening 十一、英语小练笔:周末你打算干什么?写出自己的周末计划。(10分) 要求:1. 条理清晰,意思明确、连贯,句子通顺,标点正确,书写工整、规范; 2. 体现提示的信息,适当发挥想象。
I'm Mike. I'm going to have a busy weekend. On Saturday morning, 听力材料
一、听录音,选出与你所听到的内容符合的一项。(10分) 1. I go to Shang Hai by ship. 2. It’s east of the hospital. 3. Canada is far from China.
4. When are you going to the hospital? 5. Where do you live?
6. You can go by the No.17 bus. 7. I want to buy a note-book.
8. I often get off at the supermarket.
9. Amy often climbs mountains on the weekends. 10. I am going to buy a comic book and a dictionary.
二、根据录音内容判断,相符的在括号里打“”,不符的打“”。(10)1. A:How do you go to Zhong Shan Park? 2. B: I often go to Zhong Shan Park by taxi. 3. Go at a green light.
4. The bookstore is west of the supermarket. 5. A: What are you going to do tonight? B: I’m going to visit my grandparents.
6. A: What are you going to do this weekend? B: I’m going to the Great Wall with my father.
7. A: How can I go to the park? B: You can go by the No. 30 bus. 8. A: I s your home near the hospital? B: Yes, it is.
9. Go straight for 3 minutes. Then turn left. You can see the cinema on the right.
10. A: How do you go to school? B: I usually go to school on foot.
11. A: What are you going to do this evening, Chen Jie? B: I am going go read a comic book.
二、 听录音,将最合适的答案的字母编号填到括号里。 1. Where is the pet shop?
2. Is your school far from your home? 3. What are you doing? 4. Thank you very much.
5. When are you going to the cinema? 三、 根据录音内容,在句子的空格填上单词,将句子补充完整(每空一词)。1. Stop at a red light.
2. Is there a cinema near here?
3. Li Ming goes to Hong Kong by train.
4. When are you going to do sports? This afternoon. 5. What are you going to do next week?
五、 根据录音的对话内容,判断下列句子的正误,对的打“”,错的打“”。 Z: What are you going to do this weekend, John? J: I’m going to the toy shop on Saturday. Z: What are you going to buy?
J: I’m going to buy a toy car. I like toy cars very much. Z: Are you going to have a busy Sunday, too?
J: Yes, I am. In the morning, I am going to buy a post card in the post office for my friend.
Z: How are you going there?
J: I’m going to take the subway there. 参考答案
二、 三、BCACC
四、Stop cinema train When week 五、 文章来
源莲 山课件 w ww.5 Y K J.cOm
Unit 1 How can I get there?
A Let’s learn & Make a map and talk
一、 教学目标与要求:
1. 能够听、说、读、写:
science museum , post office, bookstore, cinema 。2. 能够听、说、认读短语:near 在……附近与……相邻
3. 能够听、说、认读句型:“?”
“ It’s next to the bookstore.”
1、掌握Let's learn
“They Are in the Zoo.'’师生齐唱。
教师课前在黑板上画一个框,将hospital,post office,bookstore,cinema,science museum,park,library,school等单词卡片反面朝外
贴在黑板上作为地图,每张卡片面都写着数字。教师指着其中一张卡片说:“Now I am in No·l. Please{what place it is.Is it a ZOO/school/park…?”教师要注意先出示两个学生的场所,第三次再让学生猜的时候,他们首先会考虑学过的词汇,这时再呈现新词cinema。教师示范朗读,学生跟读。教师带领学生拼读并cinema。
(2)继续做“请你猜猜”活动。教师说:“No.3 is a cinema.film’ cinema.”接下来教师拿出一封信,说:“1 want the letter·Shall I go to the cinema? .”教师继续利用黑板上的卡片让学生猜:并领读post office。教师指着黑板上post office map.The post office is here.”然后问: is the postoffice in our town?”
(3)同法教授hospital,,science museum。
next to和句子“Where is the cinema?” “ It’s next to the bookstore.”并注意纠正其发音。
3、Pair work
教师请学生先在方框里填上单词或短语,再根据所填写的地图进行描述,如:The post office is near the museum.The cinema is next to the post office.”等。
Step3 .Practice
1、 听音贴图。
2、 看图快读单词。
3、根据板书呈现的地图,利用句型“Where is the ---?”
“ It’s next to the ----.”自编对话
Step4. Production
,post office,hospital,science museum,cinema,“现在你们都是城市设计师,设计之后会有记者来采访。”生充当小记者去采访“,逐个提问:“Where is the hospital/…?”由“设计师”Step5.Progress
2、 what have you learned today ?
A Let’s try &Let’s talk
1. 能够听、说、认读句子,并能在情景中进行运用。
2. 能够四会掌握句子:“Where is the museum shop?”
“ It’s near the door.”
本课时的教学重点和难点是使学生掌握句型:“Where is the museum shop?” “ It’s near the door.”
2.Let's try
教师放Let's try时部录音,学生做出正确的选择。’t
1出示实物postcard,让学生根据发音规律试读,教师领读。接着老师走到一名学生旁边问:I want to buy a postcard
2、教学I want to send it today
买到卡片之后,老师在接着提出I want to send it today
引导学生理解send 含义,教师领读,学生在小组内练读。
出示两个问题Questions: Where is the museum shop?
Where is post office?
※ Let’s talk.
Robin: It’s near the door.
Robin: I don’t know. I’llMan: It’sRobin: Thanks.
Where is post office?
3、 角色朗读:师生、生生、同桌分角色朗读,注意语音语调。