
| 二年级 |



( ) 1. A. eg B. ej ( ) 2. A. HK B. FK ( ) 3. A. cIO B. ceg ( ) 4. A. LF B. MD ( ) 5. A.bef B. bdf ( ) 6. A. shirt B. soup ( ) 7. A. cold B. hat ( ) 8.. A. bell B. tie ( ) 9. A. juice B. water ( ) 10.A. light B.hand 三.认真听,判断下列图片是否正确,对的打√,错的打×。(8分)

1. 2.

3. 4.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


( ) 1. A. I live in Nanjing. B. I love Nanjing. ( ) 2. A. Have some soup. B. Have some noodles

( ) 3. A.Come and sing with me. B. Come and dance with me. ( ) 4. A.Get on the bus. B. Get off the bus.

( ) 5. A. Look at the snow. B. Look at the snowman.





( ) 1.公园 A. park B. road ( )2. 饼干A. pizza B. biscuit ( ) 3.游泳 A. sleep B. swim ( )4.飞机 A. plane B. play ( ) 5.慢的 A.slow B. fast ( )6. tree A. 星星 B.树 ( ) 7. jelly A. 手 B. 果冻 ( )8.glove A.围巾 B. 手套 ( ) 9. winter A. 冬天 B. 风 ( )10.put on A. 脱下 B.穿上 七.选择填空。(20分) ( ) 1.----Where do you live?

---- I live ______ Shanghai.

A.on B. in. ( ) 2.May I _____a hot dog?

A.have B. play

( ) 3..Come and sing ______ me.

A.under B. with

( ) 4..Get ____ the car.

A.in B. on

( ) 5. Look _______the clock.

A.at B. in

( ) 6.Listen ____the wind.

A.at B. to ( )7.Yellow light,______.

A.go B. wait


( ) 8..I go to Beijing _____plane.

A.in B. by

( ) 9..I like _____sing.

A.to B. on

( )10. ---What do you need?

----I _____a dress. A.need B.like

八.选择正确的答案。(8分) ( )1.当你看到绿灯时可以说:

A.Green light,wait. B. Green light,go. ( )2.你想知道对方是否喜欢冬天可以问: A. Do you like winter? B. What do you need? ( )3.想喝果汁可以说:

A.I like juice. B. May I have some juice? ( )4.请别人脱鞋可以说:

A. Put on your shoes. B. Take off your shoes. 九.圈出不同类的一项。(8分)

( )1. A. stop B. fast C.cold D.slow

( )2. A.shirt B. coat C.hat D.dress

( )3. A. bus B.light C.train D.car ( )4. A. sleep B. wind C.read D.dance




Part 1 Listening(听力部分)50%

I. Listen and choose (听录音,找出听到的字母组或单词,将字母代号写在括号内) 12% ( )1. A. PD B. BD ( )2. A. RP B. PR ( )3. A. TL B. TJ ( )4. A. un B. m n ( )5. A. p q B. q p ( )6. A. a r B. i r ( )7. A. horse B. bear ( )8. A. table B. desk ( )9. A. skip B. swing ( )10 A. cow B. chick ( )11. A. rubber B. pencil ( )12. A. quilt B. belt

II. Listen and tick (听录音,勾出听到的字母组) 8%

1. PQO OPQ QPO 2. DBR RDB BRD ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 3. EFG FEG GFE 4. LSN NSL SLN ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 5. vua vau uav 6. lmi ilm lim ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 7. pqb bqp bpq 8. oas soa osa ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

III. Listen and tick (听录音,勾出听到的图片) 6% 1.


( ) 3.

( )


( )

( )

( )

( )


( )

( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

IV. Listen and match(听录音连线) 5%

1. Draw a sheep ● ● the door. 2. Don’t climb ● ● the classroom. 3. Close ● ● the window. 4. Open ● ● the tree.

5. Come to ● ● on the ground. V. Listen and choose (找出你听到的句子,将字母代号写在括号内)5% ( )1. ( )2. ( )3. ( )4. ( )5.

A. This is my room. A. I hear a pig. A. Look at the umbrella. A. Sam can skip. A. I’ve got a rubber.

B. This is my bed. B. I see a pig.

B. There is an umbrella. B. Sam can swing. B. I’ve got a pencil.

VI. Listen and choose (听问句,选答句,将字母代号写在括号内)6% ( )1. A. I can sing. ( )2. A. I see a rabbit ( )3. A. It is a cow. ( )4. A. A park. ( )5. A. I hear a hen. ( )6. A. It is on the table.

B. He can sing. B. I hear a chick. B. Yes, it is a cow. B. A lamp. B. I like a hen.

B. I t is on the floor.

VII. Listen and judge (听录音,判断正误,用“T”表示正确,“F”表示错误) 8% ( )1. I hear a cow on the farm. It goes “moo, moo”.

( )2. Look at the panda. It is black and white. It is on the box. ( )3. I have a friend. He is big and grey. He has two small ears.

( )4. There is a bed and a sofa in my room. The bed is blue. The sofa is red.

Part 2 Writing(阅读部分)50%

I. Copy the following (正确抄写字母和单词)10% N R U G K q p b d j come friend brown grass tiger

II. Look and circle (圈出相应的大写字母或小写字母)6% 1.Q( a q d )

2. t ( I L T ) 3. N ( n f m )

6. g ( G D J )

4. r ( R V S ) 5. U ( v u x)

III. Look and write (看图,将单词写完整) 10%

sw__ __ g




__ __bre__ __a __ __ n 9) 10)

s w __ __ t __ l__ ph__ nt

fly animal orange look pencil bed

walk tiger cake see sofa

t __ b __ __ 6)

__ __ m __ 7)

h __ __ se 8)

h__ __

c __ __ mb

IV. Read and choose (圈出不同类的词) 6%

floor chick banana here

swim panda peach hear sweet

. rubber ruler

. room table

V. Read and choose (选择填空,将字母代号填入括号内)6% ( )1. I have _______ orange. ( )2. _____ do you see? A monkey. ( )3. There ______ three boys in the room. ( )4. _____ you walk on the grass in the park? ( )5. ______ here. ( )6. The cat can _____.

( ( ( ( ( (

A. a B. an A. What B. Where A. is B. are A. Are B. Can A. Go B. Come A. fly B. jump

) ) ) ) ) )

VI. Read and judge( 读句子,判断正误,用“T”表示正确,“F”表示错误) 8% ( )1.你看到了天空中的一只鸟,说,I hear a bird.

( )2. 当你看见有人在公园里爬树,就劝他说,Climb the tree in the park.

( )3. 小猫在你的床下,你说, There is a cat under my bed.

( )4. 起风了,妈妈看见窗还开着就对你说,Close the window, please.

VII. Read and choose(根据短文,圈出正确的内容)4%

I am in the park. I can see many fish in the river. I hear the bees on the flowers. I can play on the swing. But I can not walk on the grass. Look, this is my umbrella. It is pink. I can sit under my umbrella. I am happy.


1. ( ) I am in the _______. A. park B. zoo 2. ( ) I can see many______ in the river. A. ducks B. fish 3. ( ) My umbrella is ______ A. red B. pink 4. ( ) I can play on the ______. A. grass B. swing



Part 1 Listening(听力部分)

I. Listen and choose 1. PD 2. R P 3. TJ 4. B. m n 5. p q 6. a r 7. bear 8. B 9. skip 10 cow 11. pencil 12. belt (A A B B A A B B A A B B) II. Listen and tick (听录音,勾出听到的字母组)

1. OPQ 2. DBR 3. GFE 4. LSN 5. vau 6. lim 7. bqp 8. oas III. Listen and tick (听录音,勾出听到的图片)

1. What do you see? I see a pig. 2. Is this a panda? Yes, it is. 3. I have got an umbrella. 4. She can skip the rope. 5. There is a sofa in the room 6. What do you hear? I hear a plane. IV. Listen and match(听录音连线)

Draw a sheep on the ground. Don’t climb the tree.

Close the window. Open the door. Come to the classroom.

V. Listen and choose (找出你听到的句子,将字母代号写在括号内)

1. This is my room. 2. I see a pig. 3. Look at the umbrella. 4. Sam can swing. 5. I’ve got a rubber. ( A B A B A) VI. Listen and choose (听问句,选答句,将字母代号写在括号内)

1.What can you do? 2. What do you see? 3. Look, is it a cow? 4. What’s in your room?. do you hear? 6. Where is the sofa? ( A A B B A

VII. Listen and judge (听录音,判断正误,用“T”表示正确,“F”表示错误) 1. I hear a cow on the farm. It goes “moo, moo”.

2. Look at the panda. It is black and white. It is on the ball. 3. I have a friend. He is big and grey. He has two big ears.

4. There is a bed and a sofa in my room. The bed is blue. The sofa is red. ( T F F T )

5. What


------- 牛津英语二年级上册英语期末试卷 -




































































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I.听力部分 (40分) 一、听录音,圈出你所听到的字母。(12分) 1. C H 2. L B 3. A I 4. E K 5. J D 6. M F 二、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词,把序号写在括号内。(12分) ( ) 1. A. apple B. juice ( ) 2. A. cat B. dog ( ) 3. A. building B. sleep ( ) 4. A. bell B. star ( ) 5. A. put B. present ( ) 6. A. in B. on 三、 听录音, 选出你所听到的句子。 (10分) ( )1.A. Red light. B. Wait, wait, wait. ( )2.A. Listen to the wind. B. Take off your shoes. ( )3.A I love Shanghai. B. Merry Christmas! ( )4.A. It’s on the tree. B. Is it in the bag ? ( )5.A. Put the star on the tree. B. Put on your shirt. 四、听录音,给下列图片排序。( 6分)

( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( )

II.笔试部分 (60分)


( )1、外套 A. coat B. juice

( )2、星星 A. snow B. star

( )3、游泳 A. dress B. swim

( )4、公共汽车 A. bus B. car

( )5、在…上面 A. on B. under


1. on van in 2. sleep water dance

3. love yellow green 4. apple road pizza

5. hats wind scarfs 6. cat bin fish


( )1. 我住在乐清。

A. I live in Yueqing B. I live in Shanghai.

( ) 2. 我能吃个热狗吗?

A.May I have a pizza? B. May I have a hot dog?

( ) 3. 你喜欢冬天吗?

A. Do you like winter? B. Do you like the snowman?

( ) 4. 我喜欢跳舞。

A. I like to dance. B. I like to play

( ) 5. 穿上你的外套。

A.Take off your coat. B. Put on your coat.




1. I go to Beijing by bus.

I go to Beijing by plane.

2. Put the bell on the tree.

3. Look at the light.

Look at the biscuit. Put the bell under the tree.

4. I love juice.

I love hot dog.

5. I need a new hat. I need a new coat.

五、 把正确的答案序号写在括号内。(10分)

( )1.--- Where do you live? ----_________

A. I live in Yueqing B. I go to Yueqing by taxi.

( ) 2. ----Merry Christmas

---- ____________.

A. Thank you. B.Merry Christmas

( ) 3.--- Red light! ---_______

A. Wait! B. Stop!

( ) 4. Listen ___the wind.

A. to B. at

( ) 5.--- Do you like winter? ---________

A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I don’t

( ) 6. 当你想请小朋友们吃饼干时,你可以说:_____

A. Have some milk. B. Have some biscuits.

( ) 7. 当我们看到绿灯时,我们可以跟小朋友说______

A. Wait. B. Go.

( ) 8. 当你想问礼物是不是在圣诞树下面时,你可以问______

A.Thank you. B. Is it under the tree?

( ) 9. 当你想说“我们是坐公共汽车来到公园的。”你可以说______

A. We go to the park by bus. B. We go to the park by train.

( ) 10. 当圣诞老人给你礼物时, 你说______

A. Thank you. B.Goodbye.

六、用书写体在四线格中正确抄写下列字母 (10分)

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj

2013牛津英语二年级2A M1~M4测试题


Class______Name______ Test No._______


I. Listen and circle(圈出听到的单词) 8%

1. A . ferry B. fly 2. A. pencil B. pizza

3. A. nice B. dance 4. A. egg B. eight

5. A. come B. some 6. A. bus B. taxi

7. A. road B. read 8. A. bike B. biscuit

II. Listen and circle (圈出听到的句子) 10%

1.A. This is a cat. B. That’s a cake.

2. A. Is that Ben’s father ? B. Is this Ben’s brother X Kb 1.C om

3. A. Happy birthday! B. Happy New Year!

4. A. Draw a bag on the paper. B. Draw a bed on the paper.

5. A. Does Peter like to swim? B. Does Peter like to sleep?

III. Listen and number(听音, 给下列单词编号) 8%

mooncake van bin write

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

sleep noodles clean water

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

IV. Listen and circle( )5%

1. cake strawberry juice

2. bed pink run

3. fine car I

4. duck 5. zoo 给下列句子编号)8%

( ( ( )To Jingmao Building.

( )Come and go with me.

( )How do you go there?

( )OK.

( )Look! The ferry is coming.

( )Hurry up!

VI. Listen and choose(听音, 选出正确的应答句)6%

1 A. I’m at the bus-stop.

B. It’s a bus-stop.

2. A. I go by taxi.

B. That’s a taxi.

3. A.I like to play.

B. She likes to play.

4. A. Yes, here you are.

B. No, thank you.

5. A . I like dogs.

B. I like ice-creams.

6. A. Yes, I love Shanghai.

B. Yes, I live in Shanghai.


I. 默写26个大小写字母:26%



II. 选出正确的单词填入横线上:8%

1. I live______(on, in )Shanghai.

2. Where ______( do ,are)you live?

3. The boys are waiting_______(to, for) the train.

4. Have ________(a, an)orange, please.

5. I haven’t got________(any, some) water.

III. 1. boat read 新 课 标 第 一 网


floor chair

IV. Choice (将正确答案的字母写在前面的括号里) 5%

( )1. There is______orange______the table.

A. an…to B. a…on C. an…on

( ) 2. I see____my___.

A. with …eyes B. in…eyes C. with…eye

( )3. This _____my grandfather. He is_____.

A. is…old B. are…good C. are…old

( )4. Let’s go to Hangzhou_______train.

A. on B.by C. in 新|课 |标| 第 |一| 网


班级__________ 姓名____________ 学号___________



一 听录音,圈出你所听到的图片(10分)





5. 6. .





二 圈出你所听到的内容(10分)

1. bed bad 2. FGD EBD

3. big bag 4. small smell

5. night eight 6. nine fine

7. five four 8. draw a snake do it again

9. six apples seven apples 10. Good morning Good night

三 听录音编号(10分)


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

2. big boy bag pig book

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

四 判断下列图片是否与听到的内容一致,一致的用√表示, 不一致的用×表示。(8分)


2. 3. 4.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


6. 7.


( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

五 听录音,选择合适的答语,写序号。(8分)

( )1. A. Good morning B. Good evening

( )2. A. I’m fine. Thank you. B. Thanks.

( )3. A. Yes, I’m seven. B. No, I’

m seven.

( )4. A. You’re Kitty. B. I’m Kitty.

六 听小对话,圈出你所听到的内容,圈序号。(4分)

1. Good __________. A. morning B. afternoon

2. Tom is _________. A. nine B. eight

3. How many apples? _____ A. five B. four

4. Alice is _______. A. tall B. short

笔试部分 60分

一 正确书写字母和单词,注意占格。(10分)

B C a f E d short seven bag girl 二 写出下列所给字母的左右邻居。(8分)

1. ___ c___ 2. ___E___ 3. ___B___ 4. ___ d____

三 根据字母表顺序补充下列所缺的字母。8分

Aa _____ _____ Dd ______ _____ Gg

四.看图,选出正确的字母填空 (8分)


2. 3.

4. __pple __at __lephant __ive ( e a g ) ( k c d ) ( a e b ) ( f t

h )

5. 6. 7. 8.

__ag __orning __irl __even ( b d f ) ( n m g ) ( g h b ) ( f p s )

五 看图圈出正确的单词或词组。(6分)



3. Good morning ten apples mouse Good afternoon three apples cat

4. 5.

6. kite bag nine cat boy nice

六 圈出不同类的单词,写序号。(5分)

( )1.A. morning B. evening C. night D. goodye

( )2.A. tall B. short C. boy D. thin

( )3. A. mother B. father C. girl D. grandfather

( )4. A. five B. two C. thin D. ten

( )5. A. monkey B. three C.tiger C. lion

七 读一读,看图勾出正确的句子。(5分)

1. No, I’m ten. ( ) Are you ten? No, I’m eight. ( )

2. Good morning. ( ) Good evening. ( )

3. Is it a cat? No, it’s a dog. ( ) Is it a cat? Yes, it’s a cat. ( )

4. I’m a short girl. ( ) I’m a tall girl. ( )

5. You’re a boy. ( ) You’re a girl. ( )

八 选择正确的答句,写序号。5分

( )1. Good afternoon. A. I’m fine. Thank you.

( )2. How are you? B. You’re Tom.

( )3. Who am I? C. Yes, it’s a dog.

( )4. Are you seven? D. Good afternoon.

( )5. Is it a dog? E. No, I’

m eight.
