
| 一年级 |





1.discussion(动词) 2.east(形容词) 3.natural(名词)

4.依照某人的建议 5.数百万的 6.在···的顶部

7.在···的底部 8.超过,多余 9.穿过

10.相互,互相 11.世界奇观 12.朝东方看

13.同意某人 14.迷人的(比较级) 15.走出,出来


1. —Do you know Peng Liyuan?

—Of course, she is First Lady of China, famous singer.

A. a, a B. the, a C. the, the D. a, the 2. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is one of in American literature.

A. the great book B. the greatest book

C. the greater books D. the greatest books

3. —Which module is the most difficult in this book?

— I think _____ module.

A. ninth B. the ninth C. nineth D. the nineth

4. I’ll do an interview ______ the band Crazy Feet and do some reviews

______ the band.

A. about; about B. with; about

C. with; with D. about; with

5. --- Your coat looks nice. Is it ____ cotton?

--- Yes, it’s_____ Shanghai.

A. made of; made by B. made of; made in

C. made for; made in D. made from; made by

6. — Who is your hero?

— My uncle. He ____ his own company when he was only 18.

A. put up B. grew up C. made up D. set up

7. --- ______ do you like The Adventures of Tom Sawyer?

---It was ____ exciting that we all like it.

A. what, so B. what ,such C. how, so D. how, such

8. ---Look! The tree is growing well. When _______?

---Three years ago.

A. was it planted B. did it plant C. will it be planted D. is it planted

9. —Excuse me. Could you tell me what BIG _______?

A. stand for B. look like C. stands for D. looks like

10. — How long has John been here?

夯实基础,逐梦飞翔! 1

— Two years, _______ he still has no friends.

A. and B. so C. but D. or

11.Because Robert was seen ____ the room, everyone thought he was the thief.

A. to enter B. enter C. enterd D. entering

12 I won’t go to the island ________. It’s not interesting at all.

A. too much B. any more C. no more D. much too

13. —Has anyone taught him how to do it?

—Sure. Lots of advice________, but he hasn’t made a decision.

A. gave B. was given C. have been given D. has been given

14. — You look very worried. _______?

— My new car hurt an old woman.

A. Can I ask a favour B. What’s the wrong

C. How are you D. What’s up

15. —We won’t have classes tomorrow, do you know?

---Really? _________.

A. That’s news to me B. What’s it about

C. I’m sorry to hear that D. You’re welcome.


阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 One Sunday afternoon, my younger brother and I were left alone at home. I was doing my homework __31__ my younger brother was watching TV. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. My brother thought it was our parents, so he opened the __32__ quickly.

A tall man stood outside and __33__ politely if our parents were at home. Without thinking, my brother said, "No." When I wanted to close the door, he suddenly __34__ the door very hard and came into our house. He took out a __35__ and ordered me to tie up my brother's __36__ with a rope(绳索). I tied up his hands in a special way so my brother could untie(松开) himself __37__. The man then tied my hands up and locked __38__ of us in the kitchen.

Soon, he went upstairs. I taught my brother to __39__ his rope with his hands. He then untied __40__. I rushed to the telephone to call the police, __41__ the line was cut off. The doors were all locked from outside. It was lucky that the man forgot to__42__ the kitchen door. We got out of the house through the window and went to the nearest pay phone to call the police.Soon the police came and __43__ was caught. By the time, my parents had come home. We told them the __44__ story. My parents were glad that we were not hurt. They told me that I should stop my brother from __45__ the door to the stranger. I learned a lesson on safety.

31. A. when B. before C. after D. while

32. A. cupboard B. door C. doorbell D. window

2 夯实基础,逐梦飞翔!

33. A. guessed B. asked C. argued D. cried

34. A. pushed B. pulled C. knocked D. closed

35. A. candy B. gift C. knife D. phone

36. A. feet B. legs C. hands D. arms

37. A. hardly B. easily C. suddenly D. difficultly

38. A. all B. each C. neither D. both

39. A. make B. tie C. untie D. use

40. A. me B. myself C. him D. himself

41. A. but B. and C. or D. as

42. A. break B. lock C. move D. see

43. A. my father B. my mother C. my brother D. the man

44. A. happy B. whole C. usual D. same

45. A. turning B. sending C. opening D. closing



In most parts of the world, many students help their schools make less pollution. They join “environment clubs”. In an environment club, people work together to make our environment clean.

Here are some things students often do.

No-rubbish lunches.

How much do you throw away after lunch? Environment clubs ask students to bring their lunches in boxes that can be used again. Every week they will choose the classes that make the least rubbish and report them to the whole school! No-car day.On a no-car day, nobody comes to school in a car, not the students and not the teachers! Cars give pollution to our air, so remember:

Walk, jump, bike or run. Use your legs! It’s lots of fun!

Turn off the water!

Do you know that some toilets can waste twenty to forty m3 of water a half hour? In a year, that will fill a small river! In environment clubs, students mend those broken toilets.

We love our environment. Let’s work together to make it clean.

53. Environment clubs ask students ______.

A. to run to school every day B. to take exercise every day

C. not to forget to take cars D. not to throw away lunch boxes

54. On a no-car day, ______ will take a car to school.

A. both students and teachers B. only students

C. neither students nor teachers D. only teachers

55. After students mend toilets, they save ______.

A. a small river B. a club C. a lot of water D. a toilet

夯实基础,逐梦飞翔! 3

56. The writer wrote the passage to ask students to ______.

A. clean schools B. make less pollution

C. join clubs D. help teachers



“Jason, honey? Can you answer the door?”

“I am busy, mom!” Jason shouted back at his mother. He had spent three hours so far working to this point in the game. He couldn’t stop now.

Ding-Dong!Mom′s footsteps approached the front door.

“Jason, it’s your friend Todd.” Mom called from the doorway.

Todd, his best friend, stepped into the room. “ Jason!I need a partner for playing basketball. ”He sounded excited.

Jason snorted. “No way, Todd. I′m playing a game here.”

Jason gave his friend a dirty look, and his character in the game almost got killed while he looked away, “ I almost died because of you!”

Todd looked at Jason′s mother. Jason’s mother looked back at him. They both looked at Jason. “Why don′t you play basketball with your friend?” Jason’s mother suggested.

“Tomorrow, maybe„” There were more levels to beat tomorrow, though, Maybe he had played tomorrow. He’d have to see what mood he was in. He thought he heard footsteps walking away, but he was too busy beating the next level to care. An hour later, Jason’s father came home. It was dinner time after his father washed up and sat down. Jason didn′t even hear his name being called to the table. He didn′t hear his father walk at behind him and ask him to turn the game off, either.

When the screen suddenly went black and his father’s angry face loomed in front of him, Jason finally heard. “No more game for a month.” Jason′s father shouted at him. “You don’t play basketball, you don′t come to dinner, and you don′t do your chores. We′ll make you do something else before you play any more.” Jason nodded slowly. He knew better than to argue with his father, and when he thought about it, he had been playing quite a bit. It was fun, but he was letting down his friends, his family, and himself by paying too much.

He′d try harder in the future.

57. What did Todd ask Jason to do?

A. Help him cook dinner B. Beat more levels for him.

C. Repair the computer for him D. play basketball with him.

58. Why did Jason finally stop playing the game?

A. He won the game. B. His mother got dinner ready.

C. His father turned off the computer.

4 夯实基础,逐梦飞翔!

D. He decided to play basketball outside.

59. What did Jason learn in the end?

A. He thought that his father was too strict with him.

B. He found that playing computer games was quite interesting. C. He realized it was an unhealthy habit to play games without dinner.

D. He couldn’t spend all day playing games, because he had other duties.

60. Which of the following is the best title of this passage?

A. Inside the game B. Games or Supper.

C. Jason′s Angry Father D. Use of the Computer.




62. Mr. Green is ___________ as an expert in the factory.

63. Mark Twain isn’t known as a great ___________________ like Confucius.

64.The sun ________________ in the east every day.

65. We will have a _________match tomorrow.

B.阅读下面短文,根据所给中文正确拼写单词,使短文意思完整。每空限填一词。(10分) 林帆有一位来自美国的笔友名叫Bob。现在,他在给Bob写一封e-mail,介绍他十一长假的安排。但有几个单词他不会写,请你帮助他 Dear Bob,

National Holidays are coming. We have our National holidays from October 1st to October 7th. 66 (在„期间. )the holidays, the first thing I will do is to get 67 (.放松). Of course, I will do morning exercises as I did at school as 68 (寻常).

In the holidays, I’ll help my parents do as 69 (多的) housework as possible. I’m also going to (拜访) Hangzhou with them. I will go 70 (旅行) with my father, too, because my father and I 71 (都) like it.

I’m not good at Chinese, so I’d like to spend some time 72 (看) books in the holidays.

I’m 73 (肯定) I will have a good time. Do you have your National Holidays? If do, please tell me something about it. I will be very 74 (please) to receive your 75 (回复)!

Best wishes!

Love, Lin Fan

夯实基础,逐梦飞翔! 5

外研版九年级上Module 1单元测试试卷

外研版九年级上Module 1单元测试试卷


( )1. Do you know what _____________ to him last night?

A. happen B. did happen C. was happened D. happened

( )2. Did you tell _____________ about the news?

A. anyone other B. anyone else C. else anyone D. other anyone

( )3. Lucy, how about _________-____ this afternoon?

A.go swimming B. going swim C. to go swimming D. going swimming

( )4. There are many trees on ____________ of the street.

A. every side B.both side C. every sides D. both sides

( )5. Since I ___________ to the village, I __________ here for many years.

A. moved;lived B. moved; have lived

C. have moved;lived D. have moved; have lived

( )6. If Tom _____________ the game, we’ll give him a surprise.

A.win B. won C. wins D. winning

( )7. I told my mother I wasn’t worried about my exam. But in fact I ___________.

A. did B. was C. have D. had

( )8. –Do you often get online?

–Yes. I ______ lots of time on it. It’s a good way to kill time.

A. cost B. spend C. take D. use

( )9. –He has heard of this story before. –_______________.

A. So have I B. So did I C. So I have D. So I did

( )10. He’ll ________ Beijing tomorrow morning.

A. reach to B. arrive in C. get on D. arrive at

( )11. –Could you look after your sister, Tina?

– Sorry, mum. I___________ my homework now.

A. am doing B. will do C. was doing D. have done

( )12. The Great Wall is about 6,700 kilometres _____________.

A. far B. wide C. high D. long

( )13. –Can I see the headmaster at the moment, please?

–I’m afraid not. He _________out. He _________ in 10 minutes.

A. goes; comes B. gone, came

C. will go; will come D. has gone; will come back

( )14. I have _______________ to tell you.

A. important something B. something important

C. anything important D. important anything

( )15. –What do you do?

–I’m an engineer. I ___________ in a company in Wuhan. I like my job very much.

A. work B. had worked C. will work D. worked


阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 It was a Monday morning. As he walked into the ______ the teacher heard a low voice, “Here is the teacher. I’m ______this boring fellow is going to talk about putting in

commas.” It was ______ voice. His name is Bill. He was talking ______ the boy next to him.

The teacher didn’t get angry. He said ______ about it but he really began to talk about putting in commas, and then he wrote _____ the sentence: “Bill says the teacher is a boring fellow.”

The class ___ and Bill’s face red.

“Now,” said the teacher, “I will ______ you how important commas are.”

He put two commas in the sentence, and now read, “______is a boring fellow.”

( )1. A. library B. school C. classroom D. office

( )2. A. sorry B. sure C. glad D. surprised

( )3. A. his B. the teacher’s C. a boy’s D. a girl’s

( )4. A. with B. of C. about D. at

( )5. A. much B. everything C. something D. nothing

( )6. A. on his desk B. on the blackboard C. in his book D. in Bill’s exercise-book

( )7. A. laughed B. stopped C. looked D. read

( )8. A. began B. changed C. turned D. grew

( )9. A. answer B. show C. ask D. give

( )10. A. The teacher says, Bill B. Bill, says, the teacher

C. The teacher, says, Bill D. Bill, says the teacher



( )1.If you want to get more information about Health Center, you can call_______.

A. 3785290 B. 3801451 C.8754615 D. 3810451

( )2.One can get free physical examination in Health Center if he or she is ________.

A.9 B.67 C.73 D. 18

( )3.The Sunny English club is open _________ hours every Saturday.

A. 2 B.3 C.4 D. 5

( )4.You will pay____ yuan if you want to be a member of The Sunny English club for half a year.

A.200 B.600 C.1,200 D. 1,400

( )5.Ann’s birthday party starts at______ in the afternoon.

A.2:06 B.5:40 C.6:20 D. 6:40


Mr. Brown are going away for a week. Before he left, he said to his son, “ If anyone asks for me, you can tell him that your father has been out for doing something, and will be back in a week, then be sure to ask him to sit down for a cup of tea.”


“OK, Dad,” said his son. But Mr. Brown was afraid his son couldn’t remember this, he wrote these words down on a piece paper and gave it to his son. His son put it to the small pocket, took it out and looked it every now and then.

Four days passed, but no one came to see his father. The boy thought that no one came and that piece of paper was of no more use for him, so he burnt(燃烧) it that evening.

The next evening, someone knocked at the door. The boy opened it. A man was standing at the door and said, “Where is your father?” The boy put his hand into his pocket at once and looked for the piece of paper. He couldn’t find it. He suddenly remembered that he had burnt it, so he shouted, “No more.”

The man was surprised. He asked, “No more? I met your father last week. When did it happen?”

“Burnt yesterday evening.”

( ) 6. Mr Brown told his son that _________.

A.he would be away from home for four days.

B. he would be back in seven days.

C. he would be back in a month

D. he liked a cup of tea

( ) 7. Mr Brown wrote the words down on _________.

A. on the wall B. the door C. a piece of paper D. his son’s pocket ( ) 8. A man came to visit the boy’s father on________

A. the second day B. the third day

C. the fourth day D. the fifth day

( ) 9. The man was very surprised because_________

A. he thought the boy’s father was dead

B. the child didn’t ask him to sit down

C. the child gave him a cup of tea

D. he couldn’t find that piece of paper

( )10. What was burnt? ________.

A. The piece of paper B. Mr Brown C. The visitor D. The boy


Will it matter if you don’t take your breakfast? A short time ago, a test was given in the United States. People of different ages, from 12 to 83, were asked to have a test. During the test, these people were given all kinds of breakfasts, and sometimes they got no breakfast at all. Scientists wanted to see how well their bodies worked when they had eaten different kinds of breakfasts.

The results show that if a person eats a right breakfast, he or she will work better than if he or she has no breakfast. If a student has fruit, eggs, bread and milk before going to school, he will learn more quickly and listen more carefully in class.

The result is opposite to what some people think. Having no breakfast will not help you lose weight. This is because they are so hungry at noon they eat too much for lunch. They will gain weight instead of losing it. You will lose more weight if you reduce your other meals. ( )11. During the test, the people were given_____________.

A. no breakfast at all B. different foods or sometimes none

C. very rich breakfasts D. little food for breakfast

( )12. The results show that __________________

A. breakfast has great effect on work and studies.

B. breakfast has little to do with a person’s work.

C. a person will work better if he only has fruit and milk.

D. Girl students should have little for breakfast

( )13. According to the passage, some people think that if you don’t have breakfast, you


A. be healthier B. work better C. lose weight D. lose your way

( )14. The word “reduce” in the last sentence means__________.

A.增加 B.减少 C.放弃 D. 享用

( )15. Which of the following is NOT right?

A. It is bad for your health to have no breakfast

B. Too little for breakfast and too much for lunch may make you fatter.

C. If you don’t eat much for lunch and supper, you may lose weight.

D. The more breakfast you have, the more quickly you’ll learn in class.



“For those who____1_____ (never be) to Tibet, Tibet is a dream ; for me, Tibet is a memory.” said Li Wan, a graduate from Zhongshan University. three months. Since 1998, Li has been (much) of her time on the challenge—Li’sYunnan-Tibetan road. Although she couldn’t say a word of Tibetan language, this did not

really prevent her ( talk) with local (success). “To me, they are (friend), happy and close to nature. People should live in this way, dancing while living,” Li said.“My goal in the next ten years is



1. 我从车里出来,穿过一扇门沿着一条小路走。(get out of)


2.我仔细地观察,但是仍然太黑,什么也看不见。(too… to)


3.如果你把世界上最高的三座楼房放在山谷的底部,它们仍然到不了顶部。(at the bottom of) _________________________________________________________________

4.我站在峡谷的边缘,它是自然界中的奇迹之一。(on the edge of)


六、阅读表达 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


Mr King worked in a shop and drove a car for the manager. He drove carefully and could stay cook in time of danger. And he escaped from several accidents.

for work. His manager said the young man would be sent away unless he got to his office on time. Mr Baker hoped to buy a car, but he didn’t have enough money. Then he decided to buy an old one. He went to the market and at last he chose a beautiful but cheap car. He said he wanted to have a trial drive, the seller agreed. He asked Mr King to help him.

when he reached a crossing, the lights turned red. He tried to stop it, but he failed and nearly hit an old woman. A policeman told him to stop, but the car went on until it hit a big tree by the road. “ the policeman asked angrily.

“Yes, I did, sir,” said Mr King, “but the car didn’t.”

1. 写出 (1) 处划线句子的同义词。

It’s far from his house and he had to work.

2. 将 (2) 处划线句子改为反意疑问句。 3. 把 (3) 处划线句子译成汉语。

4.用don’t和know 仿造一个与 (4) 处划线句子相似的句子。

5.Why did Mr Baker want to buy an old car?(根据短文内容回答问题)


外研版九年级上Module 1单元测试试卷

外研版九年级上Module 1单元测试试卷


( )1. Do you know what _____________ to him last night?

A. happen B. did happen C. was happened D. happened

( )2. Did you tell _____________ about the news?

A. anyone other B. anyone else C. else anyone D. other anyone

( )3. Lucy, how about _________-____ this afternoon?

A.go swimming B. going swim C. to go swimming D. going swimming

( )4. There are many trees on ____________ of the street.

A. every side B.both side C. every sides D. both sides

( )5. Since I ___________ to the village, I __________ here for many years.

A. moved;lived B. moved; have lived

C. have moved;lived D. have moved; have lived

( )6. If Tom _____________ the game, we’ll give him a surprise.

A.win B. won C. wins D. winning

( )7. I told my mother I wasn’t worried about my exam. But in fact I ___________.

A. did B. was C. have D. had

( )8. –Do you often get online?

–Yes. I ______ lots of time on it. It’s a good way to kill time.

A. cost B. spend C. take D. use

( )9. –He has heard of this story before. –_______________.

A. So have I B. So did I C. So I have D. So I did

( )10. He’ll ________ Beijing tomorrow morning.

A. reach to B. arrive in C. get on D. arrive at

( )11. –Could you look after your sister, Tina?

– Sorry, mum. I___________ my homework now.

A. am doing B. will do C. was doing D. have done

( )12. The Great Wall is about 6,700 kilometres _____________.

A. far B. wide C. high D. long

( )13. –Can I see the headmaster at the moment, please?

–I’m afraid not. He _________out. He _________ in 10 minutes.

A. goes; comes B. gone, came

C. will go; will come D. has gone; will come back

( )14. I have _______________ to tell you.

A. important something B. something important

C. anything important D. important anything

( )15. –What do you do?

–I’m an engineer. I ___________ in a company in Wuhan. I like my job very much.

A. work B. had worked C. will work D. worked


阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 It was a Monday morning. As he walked into the ______ the teacher heard a low voice, “Here is the teacher. I’m ______ this boring fellow is going to talk about putting in commas.” It was voice. His name is Bill. He was talking ______ the boy next to him.

The teacher didn’t get angry. He said ___about it but he really began to talk about putting in commas, and then he wrote ___ the sentence: “Bill says the teacher is a boring fellow.”

The class and Bill’s face ______red.

“Now,” said the teacher, “I will ___ you how important commas are.”

He put two commas in the sentence, and now read, “___is a boring fellow.”

( )1. A. library B. school C. classroom D. office

( )2. A. sorry B. sure C. glad D. surprised

( )3. A. his B. the teacher’s C. a boy’s D. a girl’s

( )4. A. with B. of C. about D. at

( )5. A. much B. everything C. something D. nothing

( )6. A. on his desk B. on the blackboard C. in his book D. in Bill’s exercise-book


( )7. A. laughed B. stopped C. looked D. read

( )8. A. began B. changed C. turned D. grew

( )9. A. answer B. show C. ask D. give

( )10. A. The teacher says, Bill B. Bill, says, the teacher

C. The teacher, says, Bill D. Bill, says the teacher



( )1.If you want to get more information about Health Center, you can call_______.

A. 3785290 B. 3801451 C.8754615 D. 3810451

( )2.One can get free physical examination in Health Center if he or she is ________.

A.9 B.67 C.73 D. 18

( )3.The Sunny English club is open _________ hours every Saturday.

A. 2 B.3 C.4 D. 5

( )4.You will pay____ yuan if you want to be a member of The Sunny English club for half a year.

A.200 B.600 C.1,200 D. 1,400

( )5.Ann’s birthday party starts at______ in the afternoon.

A.2:06 B.5:40 C.6:20 D. 6:40


Mr. Brown are going away for a week. Before he left, he said to his son, “ If anyone asks for me, you can tell him that your father has been out for doing something, and will be back in a week, then be sure to ask him to sit down for a cup of tea.”

“OK, Dad,” said his son. But Mr. Brown was afraid his son couldn’t remember this,

he wrote these words down on a piece paper and gave it to his son. His son put it to the

small pocket, took it out and looked it every now and then.

Four days passed, but no one came to see his father. The boy thought that no one came and that piece of paper was of no more use for him, so he burnt(燃烧) it that evening.

The next evening, someone knocked at the door. The boy opened it. A man was standing at the door and said, “Where is your father?” The boy put his hand into his pocket at once and looked for the piece of paper. He couldn’t find it. He suddenly remembered that he had burnt it, so he shouted, “No more.”

The man was surprised. He asked, “No more? I met your father last week. When did it happen?”

“Burnt yesterday evening.”【外教版九年级上英语第一单元检测】

( ) 6. Mr Brown told his son that _________.

A.he would be away from home for four days.

B. he would be back in seven days.

C. he would be back in a month

D. he liked a cup of tea

( ) 7. Mr Brown wrote the words down on _________.

A. on the wall B. the door C. a piece of paper D. his son’s pocket ( ) 8. A man came to visit the boy’s father on________

A. the second day B. the third day

C. the fourth day D. the fifth day

( ) 9. The man was very surprised because_________

A. he thought the boy’s father was dead

B. the child didn’t ask him to sit down

C. the child gave him a cup of tea

D. he couldn’t find that piece of paper

( )10. What was burnt? ________.

A. The piece of paper B. Mr Brown C. The visitor D. The boy


Will it matter if you don’t take your breakfast? A short time ago, a test was given in the United States. People of different ages, from 12 to 83, were asked to have a test. During the test, these people were given all kinds of breakfasts, and sometimes they got no breakfast at all. Scientists wanted to see how well their bodies worked when they had eaten different kinds of breakfasts.

The results show that if a person eats a right breakfast, he or she will work better than if he or she has no breakfast. If a student has fruit, eggs, bread and milk before

going to school, he will learn more quickly and listen more carefully in class.

The result is opposite to what some people think. Having no breakfast will not help you lose weight. This is because they are so hungry at noon they eat too much for lunch. They will gain weight instead of losing it. You will lose more weight if you reduce your other meals.

( )11. During the test, the people were given_____________.

A. no breakfast at all B. different foods or sometimes none

C. very rich breakfasts D. little food for breakfast

( )12. The results show that __________________

A. breakfast has great effect on work and studies.

B. breakfast has little to do with a person’s work.

C. a person will work better if he only has fruit and milk.

D. Girl students should have little for breakfast

( )13. According to the passage, some people think that if you don’t have breakfast,

you will___________.

A. be healthier B. work better C. lose weight D. lose your


( )14. The word “reduce” in the last sentence means__________.

A.增加 B.减少 C.放弃 D. 享用

( )15. Which of the following is NOT right?

A. It is bad for your health to have no breakfast

B. Too little for breakfast and too much for lunch may make you fatter.

C. If you don’t eat much for lunch and supper, you may lose weight.

D. The more breakfast you have, the more quickly you’ll learn in class.



“For those who____1_____ (never be) to Tibet, Tibet is a dream ; for me, Tibet is a memory.” said Li Wan, a graduate from Zhongshan University. her time on the challenge—Li’salong the Yunnan-Tibetan road. Although she couldn’t say a word of Tibetan language, (success). “To me, they are free,(friend), happy and close to nature. dancing while living,”

九年级上学期外研初三Module 1单元测试题

外研版初三上学期Module 1 Wonders of the world试题

I. 单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分)


( )1. — Let’s give our teacher a present for Teachers’ Day.

— .

A. That’s a fantastic idea! B. Anyone else?

C. That’s news to me! D. What’s it about?

( )2. a Chinese athlete, Liu Xiang is looking forward 2008 Olympic Games.

A. For; at B. As; to C. With; for D. Of; to

( )3. Fifty kilometres is not a long for people who have a car.

A. length B. distance C. height D. weight

( )4. Our geography teacher told us the sun in the east.

A. gets B. rises C. faces D. lifts

( about something interesting happening in the summer holidays.

A. composition B. exam C. picture D. music

( )6. — Is it going to be colder tomorrow?

— Yes. The radio says it will be five zero.

A. below B. with C. under D. up

( )7. The books were everywhere on the in Lucy’s room.

A. ground B. floor C. land D. earth

( )8. — , everyone! I have some good news to tell you!

— What’s it?

A. Listen to B. Hear C. Hear of D. Listen up

( )9. — — Some experts say it’s 7,025 kilometres but others say it’s 6,440 kilometres.

A. How far B. How soon C. How much D. How long

( to her question and left hurriedly.

A. answer B. ask C. reply D. say

( )11. — Would you like to visit the museum with us?

— No, thanks. I it.

A. visited B. have visited C. visit D. was visiting

( )12. — Have you ever been to a village

— Never.

A. call B. to call C. called D. calling

( )13. — I’m here to see Doctor Johnson.

— Sit down, please. The doctor will be free .

A. 5 minutes B. after 5 minutes

C. in 5 minutes D. 5 minutes ago

( A. on the edge of B. in the middle of C. at the bottom of D. on the top of

( )15. — What do you think of my new bike?

— Sorry, but what did you say? I about something else.

A. think B. am thinking C. thought D. was thinking

II. 完形填空((每小题1分,共10分))

通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 size and beauty. The Grand Canyon is one of the greatest

wonders of the world.

The Colorado River made the Grand Canyon over millions of years. Slowly, the river cut down hard rocks. At the same time, the land was . Today the canyon is very 20 . It’s also very , about 20 kilo-

metres. And its height, there are different kinds of plants and animals on both sides of the canyon.

The canyon looks different at different times of the day, and different seasons and weather. At sunrise, the red, gold, brown and orange colours of the rocks are clear and bright. Whether you see the Grand Canyon from the top or the bottom, it will be a(n) that you will never forget.

( )16. A. you B. your C. yours D. yourself

( )17. A. natural B. modern C. ancient D. national

( )18. A. along B. through C. across D. past

( )19. A. rise B. rising C. rose D. risen

( )20. A. more B. dangerous C. deep D. low

( )21. A. long B. deep C. high D. wide

( )22. A. as a result B. because of

C. thanks to D. thanks for

( )23. A. in B. on C. at D. for

( )24. A. especially B. friendly C. hardly D. differently

( )25. A. interview B. trip C. visit D. experience III.. 阅读理解 (每小题2分,共30分)



Dear Year 5 kids,

Hello! I’m from Year 6 in Mrs. Batley’s class. However, last year I was a Year 5 kid in Mr. Poulter’s class. We went on a fantastic journey to see “The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World” by courtesy of (承蒙„„的允许) Time Travel Tours Ltd. Yes, we got into their “time machine” (we had to travel this way as the wonders are all gone now except for the pyramids) and set the dials for the correct time and place. And before we knew it, we were walking around the masterpieces of architecture (建筑杰作). We sent back postcards from all

seven places. Click on any of these seven locations on the map below to find out what we saw. This year’s Year 5 kids may find it very useful! So, get exploring and discover ...

Lots of love,

Holly Reardon


( )26. Holly is introducing the fantastic journey to Year 6 kids.

( )27. Mr Poulter is Holly’s teacher this year.

( )28. Holly travelled to “The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World” in the “time machine”.

( )29. We can see “The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World” in the real world.

( )30. This passage is from a website and there is a map below it.


Hearst Castle is in California, America. A person called William Randolph Hearst built it between 1922 and 1939, at a cost of more than $30 million. Last year, I had a trip to that castle.

I spent the whole day looking around. But there was much to see, and a day wasn’t enough. Hearst Castle has four houses. The main house, “Casa Grande”, is the biggest one. Visitors can live in the other three ones. Many of them are Hollywood film stars, and they often come to the parties there. At Hearst Castle, there are also beautiful gardens and two swimming pools, one inside and a larger one outside. I loved the one outside, the “Neptune Pool”. It was a pity that we couldn’t go swimming there!

The guide told us that Mr. Hearst travelled around Europe with his mother at the age of ten and looked at paintings and castles. He never forgot that tour and wanted his house to look like a castle. When Mr Hearst died in 1951, his family gave Hearst Castle to the people of California. Now it’s a museum.


( )31. The underlined word “Castle” in the first paragraph means _____.

A. 城堡 B. 胜地 C. 城垛 D. 楼阁

( )32. “Casa Grande” is _____ the other three ones at Hearst Castle.

A. younger than B. bigger than C. older than D. smaller than

( )33. There are _____ at Hearst Castle.

A. beautiful gardens B. one swimming pool inside

C. one swimming pool outside D. all the above

( )34. _____ made Mr. Hearst build this wonderful castle.

A. A tour around Europe B. The paintings and castles in Europe

C. His mother D. His dream

( )35. Which of the following sentences is TRUE?

A. Hearst Castle in California was cheap to build.

B. Hearst Castle is on a mountain near the sea.

C. Many Hollywood film stars come to Hearst’s parties.

D. After Mr. Hearst died, his family lived at Hearst Castle.


Here is some information about some of the wonders of the world. I am sure you will be interested in them.

The Pyramids of Egypt

There are about eighty pyramids known today. The most well-known was for Pharaoh(法老) Khufu. It is known as the “Great Pyramid”. It’s also the largest one. Workers used about 2.3 million blocks of stone to build it. (A)用了20年的时间才建成。【外教版九年级上英语第一单元检测】

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

The garden sat on a hill. It was a large and wonderful structure(建筑物). Many parts of the garden were high up on large columns(支柱). There were many big and green trees with lovely flowers. Although there are many different ideas about the garden, we are not sure whether this wonder ever existed(存在)!

The Lighthouse of Alexandria

The Lighthouse of Alexandria was designed about 2,000 years ago. It was in Egypt, too. (B) It was one of the ancient wonders of the world, about 135 metres high. It was once the highest building in the world. Although it doesn’t exist now, many people come to see its relic(遗址) every year. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。

( )36. The passage has talked about _____ wonders of the world.

A. one B. two C. three D. four

( )37. “_____” has the same meaning as Sentence A.

A. We built it for twenty years. B. It spent twelve years building it.

C. It took twenty years to build it. D. Workers took twelve years to build it.

( )38. _____ raised high up the parts of the garden.

A. Big green trees B. Lovely flowers C. Stones D. Large columns

( )39. The Chinese meaning of Sentence B is “____”.

A. 它是世界奇迹之一 B. 它是世界古代奇观之一

C. 它是世界古代奇观 D. 它是世界自然奇观之一

( )40. Which is NOT true?

A. The Great Pyramid has used many stones to build.

B. Scientists can prove that the Hanging Gardens of Babylon has ever existed.

C. The Lighthouse of Alexandria was in Egypt.

D. The Lighthouse of Alexandria was about135 metres high.

IV. 单词拼写,每空限一词。(10分)

41. The Great Wall is one of the ________ (奇迹) of the world.

42. Suddenly, the clouds ________ (散开) and the rain stopped.

43. The ________ (高度) of the building is 10 metres.

44. For my homework I have to write a ________ (作文) about the Great Wall.

45. I don’t think this building is ________ (古老的) than that one.

46. I’ll do some ________ (评论) about our favourite bands.

47. The sun ________ (升起) in the east every day.

48. ________ (自然的) means something is not made by people.

49. The village ________ (消失) into the distance as I drove far away.

50. He stood on the ________ (边缘) of the canyon and looked down.

V. 句型转换,每空限一词。(5分)

51. Tony watched TV yesterday evening. (用at nine yesterday evening改写句子) Tony ________ ________ TV at nine yesterday evening.

52. Please tell us what we are going to have for dinner. (同义句转换)

Please tell us what ________ ________ for dinner.

53. Tom likes playing basketball. Li Lei likes playing basketball, too. (连成一个句子) ________ Tom and Li Lei ________ playing basketball.

54. Few of them were interested in the old story. (改为反意疑问句)

Few of them were interested in the old story, ________ ________?

55. Where does she live? Can you tell me? (连成一个句子)

Can you tell me ________ she ________?


I. 1-5 ABBBA 6-10 ABDDC 11-15 BCCAD

II. 16-20 DABBC 21-25 DBAAD

III.. 26-30 FFTFT 31-35 ABDAC 36-40 CCDBB

IV. 41. wonders 42. cleared 43. height 44. composition 45. more ancient

46. reviews 47. rises 48. Natural 49. disappeared 50. edge

V. 51. was watching 52. to have 53. Both; like

54. were they 55. where; lives




1. Anne loves her son,____ he often makes her feel angry.

A. because B. though C. until D. unless

2. _____I was walking down the street, an American asked me for direction to the nearest station.

A. If B. Though C. Until D. As

3.--would you like ___ playing with me?

--I’d like to. But I’m busy___ my homework.

A. to go, to do B. to do, doing C. going, to do D. going, doing

4. I ___ why Mary didn’t answer my phone.

--Perhaps she was busy at that time.

A. suppose B. agree C. believe D. wonder

5. I hear our teacher will be back_____ three weeks’ time.

A. at B. in C. for D. after

6.The 31st Olympic Games will begin__ August 5th,2016.

A. in B. on C. at D. for

7.Mary made few friends in Beijing,_____?


A. was she B. wasn’t she C. did she D. didn’t she

8. I have just finished writing a ____ composition.

A. nine-hundred-words B. nine-hundreds-word

C. nine-hundred-word D. nine-hundreds-words

9. The little kid didn’t stop crying___ he found his mother.

A. after B. until C. because D. when

10. –Could you please tell he about the news?

---Sure, I’ll tell her about it as soon as she___ back.

A. come B. will come C. came D. comes

11.-Mum, I got an A in the math exam.

--Good job, Bob. I’m ____ of you.

A. tired B. proud C. sure D. sick

12.___my grandfather exercises every day, __he is very healthy.

A. Because, so B. Because, through

C. Because, / D. Though, /

13.He had a cold, ___ he went to see a doctor after school.

A. if B. where C. because D. so

14.Tom, ___ Jane and Rose,____ going to the farm on foot.

A. as long as, is B. as well as, are

C. as long as, are D. as well as, is

15.Could you please__ my little dog while I’m out?

A. take out of B. take care of

C. take part in D. take away from


The best experience of my life was when we went to Stonehenge. We went there on a group tour.

When I saw Stonehenge, my first__16_ was that it was huge. You know, Stonehenge is about

5,000 years old. I __17_how the ancient people moved these huge pieces of stone.

After we parked at the Stonehenge parking lot, our guide Nick took us to a __18_shop. There my mum got a nice painting of Stonehenge. After we left the gift shop, We went to Stonehenge __19____the tunnel.

That was a privilege(优惠待遇)at Stonehenge __20___we were able to go right up to the stones and touch them. Usually visitors __21_get really close and touch the stones. At Stonehenge we walked around the circle and then _22__the ceremonial(仪式的)centre. There we were given half a(n) _23__to look around and explore.

__24__30 minutes we got ready to leave. It was _25__ that we had to leave Stonehenge. Hopefully one day I’ll go back.

16. ( )A. impression B. experience C. interest D. instruction

17. ( )A. knew B. wondered C. asked D. replied

18. ( )A. gift B. flower C. shoe D. card

19. ( )A. above B. across C. over D. through

20. ( )A. although B. so C. because D. if

21. ( )A. can B. mustn’t C. must D. needn’t

22. ( )A. left B. bought C. built D. entered

23. ( )A. hour B. day C. week D. month

24. ( )A. Since B. Until C. After D. Before

25. ( )A. surprising B. nice C. exciting D. sad



This week we have learned a lot about the wonders of the world. The Grand Canyon is one of the greatest wonders in the natural world. The Great Pyramid at Giza is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World still standing today.

For my homework I wrote a composition called ― A Great Wonder of the world‖. It was about the Grand Canyon. I wrote about its location, its height, and the sights there. At night I had a dream. I dreamed that I went to visit the Grand Canyon.

When I got out of the car, the sky was becoming light. After about forty minutes I stood on the edge of the Grand Canyon. The sun rose behind me. If you put the three tallest buildings in the world at the bottom of the canyon, they still won’t reach the top.

Suddenly a piece of music came to my ears. I listened carefully, but it disappeared in the distance. I looked across to the other side of the canyon. Oh, it was my favorite band performing over there! I was so excited. Just then I woke up. What an interesting dream!


( )26. The Great Pyramid is at Giza.

( )27. The writer wrote an article about the Grand Canyon for a magazine.

( )28. In the dream the writer visited the Grand Canyon by car.

( )29. The Grand Canyon is 2 kilometers long.

( )30. The writer’s favorite band performed on one side of the canyon in the dream. B

Thanksgiving Day is a very special day for people in the United States. They celebrate it on the last Thursday in November. Canadians also celebrate Thanksgiving Day, but they do it on the

second Monday of October. In Britain, where this festival is called Harvest Festival, people celebrate it earlier in the year, in September.

A harvest is the fruit you take from the trees and the crops you take from the ground. In North America and Britain, harvest time for most fruit and crops is in the autumn. In these

countries and other Christian(基督徒的) places, people give thanks to God on a special day of the year. They thank God for the good things that have happened during the year and for the good harvest they have had. People usually take small boxes of fruit, flowers, and vegetables to their churches to show their thanks.

The first thanksgiving service (仪式) in North America took place on December 4th, 1619 when 38 English people, arrived in America to make their home in the new country. They held this service not to thank God for the harvest, but to thank God for their safe journeys. The next year, many more English people arrived. They had a bad winter, but fortunately the harvest was good. they decided to celebrate it with a big meal. They shot and killed small animals to eat and cooked everything outside on large fires. About 90 Indians also came to the meal. Everyone ate at tables outside their houses and played games together. The festival lasted three days.

A Thanksgiving Day celebration was held every year for a long time, but not always on the same day of the year. Then, in 1789, President George Washington named November 26th as the Day of Thanksgiving. In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln changed the date, and said that the last Thursday in November should be Thanksgiving Day.

Nowadays, North Americans around the world get together with their families on this day to eat good food and have a happy time.

31. In Britain, people celebrate Thanksgiving Day ______.

A. on the last Thursday in November

B. on the second Monday of October

C. in September

D. on November 26th

32. 38 English people held The first thanksgiving service (仪式) to thank _____.

A. God for the harvest

B. God for their safe journeys.

C. God for the good things that have happened during the year【外教版九年级上英语第一单元检测】

D. God for the good harvest they have had.

33. What does the word ―fortunately‖ mean in Chinese?

A.机会 B. 好运 C. 幸运地 D.侥幸地


Who is your hero (偶像)? Why do you like the person? Cool looks? Money? A lot of talent (才华)?

Shanghai teenagers say they look for more than that. Most of them say their heroes are hard-working and brave. NBA star Yao Ming was the No.1Chinese hero with 48 per cent of all votes (投票). Zheng Hua, a 13-year-old boy from Shanghai, told us that it was hard for him to go all the way to the NBA. He's a big star. Most of us think he is still kind and loves others after he becomes a famous star. He also helps disabled (残疾的) children.

Jay Zhou from Taiwan is the teen's most favorite star. Liu Yan from a high school of Shanghai is one of Jay's big fans. In her sight, Jay is not just a pop star. ―Jay's so kind to his mother and grandma. He takes good care of them," said Liu Yan.

Wang Hao, from a high school of Guangdong, said he liked Zhou Enlai. "He's great. He loved his people. He saw people as his own children. And he never thought he was different from others."

Shanghai students also like US businessman Bill Gates. More than half consider him as their hero. One teenager from Beijing who likes Gates said, "Bill was not born rich. He worked hard. And he doesn't like to tell everyone how rich he is. He also has courage (勇气). He left school to start his own business."

34Most of the teenagers think their heroes must be_______.

A. hard-working and brave

B. rich and good-looking

C. talent and good-looking

D. brave and talent

35. Teenagers like Yao Ming because _______after he becomes a famous star.

A. he is kind and brave

B. he is kind and love others.

C. he had talent in playing basketball

D. he is brave and tall

36. Young children love Zhou Enlai because__________.

A. he was a great leader

B. he was kind to the people

C. he was different from others

D. he loves reading

37. Teenagers see Bill Gates as their hero because _________.

A. he works hard and becomes very rich

B. he has courage and has a big company

C. he works hard and he has courage

D. he left school and later became famous

38. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Most of the teenagers think their heroes must be rich and good-looking

B. 48% of the teenagers see NBA star Yao Ming as their hero

C. Teenagers think Zhou Enlai was very kind to his people

D. More than half of the teenagers see Bill Gates as their hero


Hi, Louis!

I’m writing to tell you something about the customs and festivals.

Everyone loves holidays since one doesn’t need to go to school or work. Although all holidays mean no school and work, but not all of them are the same. On some of them you go out with friends; on others you stay home to eat, talk, and have fun with your family. For example in the U.S., everyone thinks New Year’s Eve and New Year are both for partying with friends. Christmas is the time to stay home and exchange gifts with family members. The opposite is true in Japan though. For example, in Japan, New Year is for spending time with the family to eat, talk, have fun, and go to the temples. But Christmas is for boy and girl friends to go out and exchange gifts. Originally Christmas should be to celebrate the birth of Christ.

I have been interested in foreign customs since I was little. If you learn these different

holiday customs, you will learn about different histories and cultures. This is much more interesting than learning them at the library from morning to evening.



39. This passage is about______.

A. the customs and holidays in Japan.

B. the customs and holidays in the U.S.

C. the customs and festivals.

D. New Year and Christmas.

40. Christmas in Japan is for_____.

A. partying with friends.

B. exchange gifts with family members.

C. boy and girl friends to go out and exchange gifts.

D. spending time with the family to eat, talk, have fun, and go to the temples.



Once there was a piano player in a bar(酒吧). People came just to hear him ___1___(play). But one night, a lady asked him _2_______(sing) a song.

"I don't sing," said the man. But the lady told the waiter, "I'm tired of __3______(listen) to the piano. I want the _____4_(play) to sing! The waiter ___5____(shout) across the room, "Hey, friend! If you want to get paid, sing a song!'

So he did. He had never sung in public before. Now he was singing for the _6_____(one) time! Nobody had ever heard the song Mona Lisa sung so ________7_____(beautiful)!

He had talent(天赋) he was sitting on! He may have lived the rest of ___8__(he) life as a no-name piano player in a no-name bar. But once he found, by accident, that he could sing well, he went on ____9__(work) hard and became one of the best-known __10____(sing) in the US. His name was Nat King Cole.

You, too, have skills and abilities. You may not feel that your talent is great, but it may be _____11__(good) than you think. With hard work, most skills can ___12_____(improve). Besides, you may have no success at all ff you just sit on your talent.





1、我认为自然景观比人造景观更有趣。(more interesting)




3、人们做简短的致辞,并且感恩他们的食物。(give thanks for)


4、她无论做什么,都不放弃。(give up)



― Green ‖ is more than just a colour. It means that you should live to protect the environment .
