
| 三年级 |





1、( )A.cat B.dog C.donkey D.lion

2、( )A.sing B.dance C.can D.say

3、( )A.zoo B.monkey C.tiger D.panda

4、( )A.river B.lake C.tree D.love

5、( )A.thin B.tall C.fat D.pig


1、fat(反义词) 2、let's (完全形式)

3、wolf(复数) 4、moo(发声的动物)


7、banana (复数) 8、horses (单数)

9、fish(复数) 10、bad(反义词)


1、in a river2、发生什么事

3、 bad wolf 4、 在动物园

5、 在森林里


1、A farmer lives on a .

A.farm B.school C.city

2、Sheep and goat different .

A.is B.am C.are

3、Is this a sheep ? No, It .

A.is B.isn't C.aren't

4、What you do ? I can sing .

A.can B.are C.does

5、What can fish do ? can swim .

A、A fish B.Fish C.Fishes

6、I see a bird , I love .

A.birds B.bird C.cat

7、Two little black bird, on a hill.

A.sit B.sitting C.sits

8、Let go to the zoo .

A.we B.I C.us

9、 elephant has a truck .

A.A B.An C.There

10、Dose a wolf fur ?

A.has B.have C.is

11、How many are there?

A.tree B.trees C.a tree

12、 it have feather ? No,It has a long tail .【冀教版三年级下英语试卷及答案】

A .Is B.Dose C.Do

13、There ten monkeys at the zoo .

A.is B.are C.do

14、The wolf looks like a .

A.dog B.bear C.tiger

15、My chicken can fly. That's .

A.funny B.fun C.funy


1、当你想说“这是一只狗吗?”,你应该怎么说:( )

A.This is a dog . B.Is this a dog ? C.What is this ?

2、当你想说“它们能做什么?”,你应该怎么说:( )

A.What can you do? B.What can they do ? C.What do you do?

3、当你想说“哪儿有几只猴子?”,你应该怎么说:( )

A.How many monkey are there? B.How many monkeys are there? C.How

many monkeys are they?

4、当你遇到危险时,你应该怎么说办:( )

A.Wa wa,wa B.Can I help you ? C.Help!Help!

5、当有人问你:“What animal has a truck ”,你应该怎么说:( )

A.A elephant has a trunk . B.An elephant . C.Elephant has a

trunk .


1、What can you do ? A. In a river ( )

2、What animal has fur? B.Yes .It is ( )

3、Is this a cat ? C.I can say“Holley” ( )

4、Dose a wolf have a tail ? D.A tiger ( )

5、Where dose a fish live ? E.Yes.It has a tail ( )


1、What animal lives in a tree ?

2、What animal has no leg ?

3、What animal eats meat ?

4、What animal eats leaves ?

5、What animal lay an egg ?


1、the ,zoo ,to,go ,Let’s (.) _______________________

2、monkey ,see ,I ,a (.) _______________________

3、It’s ,tall ,very (.) _______________________

4、Tigers , stripes , has , a (.) _______________________

5、else ,has ,What ,fur (?) ________________________

6. Cows , eat , grass (.) ________________________

7. leaves , eat , giraffes , (.) ________________________

8. Monkeys , bananas , eat (.) ________________________

9、where , a ,dose , live , snake (?) ________________________

10、you, can , help , me (?) ________________________



班级 姓名 得分






( )1. A. farm B. zoo C. park

( )2. A. eleven B. twelve C. thirteen

( )3. A. soup B. bread C. milk

( )4. A. under B. in C. on

( )5. A. ducks B. birds C. horses


1.I like ___________(chicken, fish).

2.I don’t like _________________(fruit, vegetables).

3.I like ___________(meat, rice).

4.____________ (Dumplings, Rice) are good.

5.My favourite food is _____________(noodles, fish)


1. ( ) I’ll take two, please.

2. ( ) What can you see in the picture?

3. ( ) I do my homework in the afternoon.

4. ( ) Monkeys eat bananas.

5. ( ) I want some rice and fish.


( )1. A. It’s brown. B. It’s a wolf.

( )2. A. You are welcome. B.Okay.

( )3. A. Yes, it is. B. It’s a snake.

( )4. A. Three. B. In a tree .


( )5. A.Okay. B.Help!


( ) In the morning, I have breakfast.

( ) I’d like some vegetables! X kb1.c om

( ) Rice is OK.

( ) What’s on the table?

( ) I like watermelons.


1.I don’t like dumplings. 2.Would you like some tea? 3.I have thirteen pears. 4.Juice and milk, I like to drink. 5.Dogs are my favourite animals.



1. irl 2. ish 3. og 4. uck

5.r ce 8. ot og 7. amburger 8. __lephant【冀教版三年级下英语试卷及答案】


( )1、A、juice B、apple C、watermelon

( )2、A、chair B、hot dog C、


( )3、A、juice B、fish C、milk

( )4、A、seventeen B、fifteen C、morning

( )5、A、like B、rice C、tea


1. I see ________(net) kites.

2.The apple is ___________(edr).

3. The box is _________(nerud) the desk.

4. I can see a __________(idbr) in the zoo.

5. My favourite fruit is ________________(welatrmoen).

四.给下列句子选择合适的答语。 (10分)

( )1.Would you like some noodles?

( )2.How many apples on the table?

( )3.What would you like to drink?

( )4.Do you know the donut woman?

( )5.May I go with you?

A.Ninteen. B.Yes, please. I’d like some noodles.

C.I’d like a glass of milk. D.Sorry, I don’t know. E.Sure.


( )1. 这只猴子非常聪明。

A.That money is clever. B.This monkey is clever.

( )2. 我将要买3支钢笔。


A.I will buy three pens. B.I will take three pencils.

( )3. 他是你爸爸吗?

A.Is he your father? B.Is he your brother?

( )4. 它有小眼睛和大耳朵。

A.It has small eyes and big ears.

B.It has big eyes and small ears.

( )5.我的玩具汽车在哪里?

A.Where is my toy car? B.Where is my pencil box?


( )1.---____do you have? ---I have a football.

A.What B.Where C.What’s

( )2.I_______ want to eat ice cream.

A.don’t B.isn’t C.doesn’t

( )3.How ____ animals can you see? A.much B.many C.are

( )4.---Where does the bird live? ---________

A.In the river. B.In the tree. C.It’s singing.

( )5.---Where is the cat? ----_______ the box.

A.At B.In C.Ducks

( )6.There _____ a monkey. A.am B.is C.are

( )7.---What animals can sing? ---________

A.Birds. B.Rabbits. C.Ducks.

七、连词成句。(5分) 1. like, the, monkey, I (.) 2. How, many, teachers, and, students(?) 3.get, I , can, the, apples(.) 4.you, would, some, like, juice (?) 5. the, fast, can, rabbit, run(?)


Look! How many books do you see? I see nineteen books. They are Mike’s. John has thirteen pencils. Amy has twenty crayons. Sam has eleven rulers. Lisa has twelve pens. Peter has eighteen erasers. Miss White will take them to Xiwang School.

( )1.Mike has 19 books.

( )2.John has 12 pencils.

( )3.Sam has 11 rulers.

( )4.Lisa has 13 pens.

( )5.Peter has 18 erasers.




farm twelve milk under birds A B C A B


1.I like chicken. 2.I don’t like vegetables.

3.I like meat. 4.Dumplings are good.

5.My favourite food is noodles.


1. ( F ) I’ll take three, please.

2. ( T ) What can you see in the picture?

3. ( F ) I do my homework in the evening.

4. ( T ) Monkeys eat bananas.

5. ( F ) I want some rice and vegetables.


1. What colour is it? 2.Thank you!

3.What is it?

4. How many pencils do you have? 5.May I use it?



What’s on the table? In the morning, I have breakfast. Rice is OK. I’d like some vegetables! XI like watermelons. 24315


1.I don’t like soup. ( C )

2.Would you like some milk? ( C )

3.I have eighteen pears. ( B )

4.Water and milk, I like to drink. ( A )

5.Rabbits are my favourite animals. ( A )



英 语 试 卷

( 满分:100分 时间60分钟 )

一、选择正确的单词,写在相应图片下面的括号内:( 10分) 1.




【冀教版三年级下英语试卷及答案】 【冀教版三年级下英语试卷及答案】


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 6. 7. 8. 10.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) A. pig B. duck C. juice D. dog E. ice cream F. milk G. fish H. monkey I. fruit J. elephant 二、选择每组中不同类的单词:(10分)

( ) 1. A. five B. sixteen C. twenty D. apple

( ) 2. A. dinner B. morning C. lunch D. breakfast ( ) 3. A. bread B. chicken C. grass D. egg ( ) 4. A. run B. fly C. jump D. short ( ) 5. A. bear

B. zoo

C. horse

D. panda

三、选择与图片相符的选项:(10分) A. This is soup. ( ) 1. B. This is meat.

A. It’s on the table. ( ) 2. B. It’s under the table.

A. I can sing. ( ) 3. B. I can dance.

A. This is a zoo. ( ) 4. B. This is a farm.

A. There are twelve sandwiches. ( ) 5. B. There are eleven sandwiches.


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 五、问句答语匹配:(10分)

( ) 1. What’s your favourite food ? A. Ten yuan.

( ) 2. Where do tigers live ? B. They live in the forest. ( ) 3. What’s for lunch ? C. I like some noodles. ( ) 4. How much is it ? D. My favourite food is rice. ( ) 5. Can you swim ?

E. No, I can’t.

六、判断句子内容与图片是( T )否( F )相符:(10分)

( ) 1. The monkey is in the box. ( ) 2. Monkeys eat bananas.

( ) 3. I’m hungry. I’d like some chicken.

( ) 4. There is a wolf on the mountain ( 山 ). ( ) 1. 当你想问:“你会跳舞吗?”时,应说:________ A. Can you dance ? B. Can you fly? ( ) 2. 你感到饿了,你会对妈妈说:________ A. I’m hungry. B. I’m thirsty.

( ) 5. The pig is under the tree.

七、选择正确的翻译:(20分) ( ) 1. favourite food A. 最喜欢的食物 ( ) 2. eighteen cows A. 十八头奶牛 ( ) 3. on the farm A. 在农场 ( ) 4. in a forest A. 在洞里 ( ) 5. in the box A. 在盒子上面 ( ) 6. 十九把椅子 A. nineteen chairs ( ) 7. 多少钱? A. How much ? ( ) 8. 一些茶 A. some tea ( ) 9. 晚安!【冀教版三年级下英语试卷及答案】

A. Good evening ! ( ) 10. 米饭和面包

A. hamburger and rice 八、情景交际:(10分)

B. 最喜欢的动物 B. 八头奶牛 B. 在动物园 B. 在森林里 B. 在盒子里面 B. Good night ! B. rice and bread

( ) 3. 早上你见到了你的英语老师,你会说:_______ A. Good morning ! B. Good afternoon ! ( ) 4. _________ B. Where does a fish live ? ( ) 5. _________ B. What do you like ? ) (15分) B: Yes, please._______________ A: They are twenty- eight yuan.

B: ______________ A: You’re welcome !



学校 : 姓名: 班级: 分数:

一 、写一写,选择合适的字母补充下面单词所缺的字母。( 5 分)

t m h d w d b n m e ___orse ___iger ___og ___onkey ___olf ___uck ___anana ___ine ___eat ___lephant

二、认一认,选一选。将图片与单词配对。请将图片下面的字母序号填入相应的单词前面的括号里。( 10 分





G H I J ( ) 1.dog ( ) 2. boy ( )3. father ( )4.egg ( )5. fish ( )6. apple ( )7. cat ( )8.monkey ( )9. bear ( ) 10. tiger

三 、在右栏中找出左栏每个单词的中文意思,把它的字母编号写在左边的括号里。( 10 分)

( ) 1. cow A. 鸡肉 ( ) 2. chicken B. 母牛 ( ) 3. farm C. 兔子 ( ) 4. rabbit D. 农场

( ) 5. zoo E. 熊猫 ( )6. panda F. 动物园 ( )7. elephant G. 树 ( )8. tree H. 大象 ( )9. river I. 草 ( )10. grass J. 河

四 、连线单词和句子。( 25 分) A (单 词)

long 肉 1 two meat 长的 2 one

short 大的 3 four big 短的 4 three elephant 动物 5 six

animal 大象 6 five

snake 胖的 7 eight

fat 蛇 8 seven B (句 子,选序号)

( )Can you swim?. A.它们吃什么?( )What do they eat? B.你会游泳吗?( )What happened? C.好的。 ( )Yes,please. D.出什么事了?( )It’s a sheep. E.这是什么? ( )What is this? F.它是一只绵羊。

( )Tigers eat meat. G.不用谢。 ( )You’re welcome. H.老虎吃肉。 ( )Fish can swim. I.鱼会游泳 五、单词归类,将序号填入横线上。( 10 分)

1. apple 2. banana 3. two 4. one 5. monkey 6.wolf 7. big 8. fat 水果类:______________ 动物类:______________________ 数字:________________ 形容词类:_____________________ 六 、选择填空。( 10 分)

( )1.The elephant ___ big. A. is B. are C.am ( )2.What __ a fish live? A.do B. does C.is

( )3.How many ___ are there? A.monkey B. monkeys C.Monkey ( )4.Tigers eat ___. A.meat B. grass C.fish

( )5.Is this a sheep? A.Yes.it is B. Yes.it isn’t C.No.it is. ( )6. Thanks! ___. A. You’re welcome. B.Thank you C. Yes. ( )7.____ go to the zoo. A. Let’s B.What C.Where ( )8.__ tail is long. A. It’s B. Its C.It

( )9A bird lives ____. A.in a tree B.in a river C.in a forest ( )10.It’s ___ elephant. A. a B. an C.\ 七、情景反应。(10分)

( )1.有一天,你在街上遇见一位很久没有见面的同学,你应该如何问候? A. How are you? B. Fish can swim. C. Birds can fly. ( )2.你第一次认识Mike,感到十分高兴,你应该这样说:

A. Rabbits can jump. B. Nice to meet you. C. Monkeys eat bananas. ( )3.John说:“I love cat.”你说:“I love(鱼)”你可以用英语说: A. I love fish. B. Hi ! C. Hello ! ( )4.老师说:“这是什么?”,用英语该这样说: A. Hello ! B. What’s this?. C. Hi !

( )5.Jenny是班长,老师走进教室准备上课,她应该这样说:

A. Stand up. B. Sit down. C. Good morning.


( ) 1. What do they eat? A. Ten monkey. ( ) 2. How many monkeys are there? B. Bananas. ( ) 3. Where is the rabbit? C. It’s an elephant.. ( ) 4. What’s this? D. It’s under the box. ( ) 5. What animals can fly? E. Birds can fly.


( )1.A. red B. leg C. yellow ( )2.A. dog B.banana C. monkey ( )3.A. zoo B.apple C. school ( )4.A. cat B.farmer C.pig ( )5.A.eye B.elephant C.nose




1._________ 2. ___


_________ 4. ________ 5.

二、选出下列单词不同类的一项。(10分) 1、( )A.cat B.dog C.horse D.tiger 2、( )A.sing B.dance C.can D.say 3、( )A.zoo B.monkey C.tiger D.panda 4、( )A.river B.lake C.tree D.love 5、( )A.thin B.tall C.fat D.pig 三、完成下列单词的不同形式。(10分) 1、fat(反义词) 2、let's (完全形式3、wolf(复数) 4、moo(发声的动物 5、have(第三人称单数 6、sheep(复数 9、big(反义词 10、fish(复数 四、英汉互译。(10分) animals 救命 在农场 in a river 发生什么事 bad wolf 在动物园 clever monkey 在森林里


1、A farmer lives on a . A.farm B.school C.city 2、Sheep and goat animals . A.is B.am C.are

3、Is this a sheep ? No, it . A.is B.isn't C.aren't

4、What you do ? I can sing .

A.can B.are C.does

5、What can fish do ? can swim . A.A fish B.Fish C.Fishes 6、I see a bird , I love . A.birds B.bird C.cat 7、Let go to the zoo . A.we B.I C.us

8、How many are there?

A.tree B.trees C.a tree 9、There ten monkeys at the zoo . A.is B.are C.do 10、The wolf looks like a . A.dog B.bear C.tiger 六、情景对话。(10分) 1、当你想说“这是一只狗吗?”,你应该怎么说:( ) A.This is a dog . B.Is this a dog ? C.What is this ? 2、当你想说“它们能做什么?”,你应该怎么说:( ) A.What can you do? B.What can they do ? C.What do you do? 3、当你想说“那儿有几只猴子?”,你应该怎么说:( ) A.How many monkey are there?

B.How many monkeys are there? C.How many monkeys are they?

4、当你遇到危险时,你应该怎么说办:( ) A.Wa wa,wa

B.Can I help you ? C.Help!Help! 5、当有人问你:“What animal has a truck ”,你应该怎么说:( ) A.A elephant has a trunk . B.An elephant .

C.Elephant has a trunk .


( )1、What can you do ? A. In a river ( )2、Can I help you? B.Yes ,it is

( )3、Is this a cat ? C.I can say“Hello” ( )4、Thank you . D.Yes,please. ( )5、Where does a fish live ? E.You’re welcome. 八、选择正确的序号来回答下面问题。(10分)

1、What animal lives in a tree ? 2、What animal has no leg ? 3、What animal eats meat ? 4、What animal eats grass ? 5、What animal lay an egg ? 九、把下列单词依次排成句子。(10分)

1、the ,zoo ,to,go ,Let’s (.) _______________________ 2、monkey ,see ,I ,a (.) _______________________ 3. Monkeys , bananas , eat (.)

4、where , a ,does , live , snake (?) 5、you, can , help , me (?)
