英语七年级上册 必须掌握的单词和短语 2.女衬衫;短上衣 Unit 1单词 3.粉色(的) 1.谢谢 4.真正地;确实地 2.可以、可能 5.画;绘画颜料 3.五 7.混合;调配 4.二 8.手套 5.指示、带路 9.天空 6.第一;首先 10.围巾 7.墙 11.也许;大概 8.教室 12.忘记 9.到处;在附近 13.夹克;上衣 10.办公室;职务 14.紫色(的) 11.商店 12.计划 13.橡皮擦 14.原谅 15.有趣的事;玩笑 16.借 17.猜测 18.东西;事情 19.后来 20.访问的;参观的 21.在那边;在另一处 22.同班同学 23.四 24.加拿大 25.实验室 26. 学生 27.需要 28.列表;名单;目录 29.八 30.琼斯 Unit 1重点短语 1.再见 2.来自…… 3.你/叫什么 4.我叫……(名字)。 5.你好吗? 6.我很好。你呢? 7.见到你也很高兴 8.在那里 9.早上好 10.指导教师 11.访问生 12.带领……参观 13.上课 14.抱歉/打扰。 我可以借……好吗? 15.不客气 16.……怎么样? 17.购物单 18.给你。 19.进行体育运动 20.猜谜游戏 21.玩得愉快 Unit 2单词 1.当然 15.恰恰;;差不多;刚刚 16.在外面;在……外面 17.接住;抓住 18.世界 19.帽子 20.裤子 21.准备好的 22.报告 23.短袖汗衫 24.双、对 25.丰富多彩的 26.明亮的 27.印度 28.非常;那么;很 29.传统的;惯例的 30.漂亮的;可爱的 31.中心;中央 32.制服 33.彩虹;虹 34.星期日(一/二/三/四/五/六) Unit 2重点短语 1.……怎么样? 2.看…… 3.你能看到多少种颜色? 4.准备去…… 5.在天空中 6.和……很相配;协调。 7.一双;一对 8.刚刚好;正好 9.下午好 10.患感冒 11.在购物中心 12.把所有的……取出 13.看上去很漂亮 14. 去购物 15.回去 16.穿上 17.身穿黑白相间的衣服 18.出现 19浅蓝 Unit 3单词 1.部分 2.感觉;情感 3.机器人 4.照相机
5.手指 6.家庭作业 7.笑 8.问题 9.意思是;刻薄的 10.地面 11.病的;生病的 12.微笑 13.米 14.歌手 15.小量;少量 16.倚着,靠着;反对,违反 17.足够的(地) 18.问题 19.头痛 20.药 21.伤害;疼痛;痛的,受伤的 22.肚子痛;胃痛 23.休息 24.尾部;尾巴 25.更好的 26.几乎;差不多 27.玻璃杯;玻璃 28.金色(的);浅黄色(的) 29.不同的 30.逗人喜爱的;漂亮的 31.在……上面 32.停留;留下,待一段时间 33.嗅;闻起来 34.比赛者,选手 35.恐惧的 36.可笑的;有趣的 Unit 3重点短语 1.和……一起玩 2.听…… 3.挥手 4.出什么事了? 5.怎么了? 6.你的头发是长还是短? 7.他/她多高? 8.他她身高……米。 9.你多高?我身高……米。 10.你感觉怎么样?我感觉…… 11.火冒三丈。 12.你还好吗? 13.我肚子/头痛。 14.靠着……站 15.待在家里 16.他/她长什么样? 17.看起来很酷/很可爱/很滑稽/不同 18.有点儿 19.看医生 20.你最好…… Unit 4单词 1.餐馆 2.色拉(凉拌生菜) 3.三明治 4.冰箱 5.肉 6.牛肉 7.糖 8.美味的;可口的 9.杯子 10.巧克力 11.钱 12.西瓜 13.午餐 14.订购;点(菜);顺序. 15.甜的 16.梨 17.工作 18.外卖食品 19.仅仅;只 20.胡萝卜 21.离开(某处);在(某距离)处 22.某事,某物 23.市场 24.一切事物 25.饺子 26.菜单 27.店员,办事员 28.传递;经过;路过 29.女侍者;女服务员 30.满的;充足的 31.可乐 32.将;愿意(用以提出建议或邀请) 33.葡萄 34.问题;难题 35.谷类食物(如麦片等)麦片粥 36.金属罐 37.十一(二/三/四/五/六/七/八/九) Unit 4重点短语 1.每天
2.我想要什么?我想要…… 3.早饭有什么? 4.一玻璃杯/杯…… 5 .写下来 6 .不得不 7.便利店 8.准备好点餐了吗? 9.充满 10.没问题。 11.你想买什么? 12.拿下,取下 13 .一听 / 瓶…… 14.你想要……吗? 15.……多少钱? 16.是……的时间了 17.分发;传送 18.让我想想 19.不在,离开
20.得到充足的休息 20.制做生日卡片 21.看电视 21.许多…… 22做得好 Unit 6单词 23.你想跟我一起去吗? 1 .乘坐;骑 24.你想要点儿什么?/需要帮忙吗? 2 .新鲜的
Unit 5单词 1.成员 2.周末 3.警察(男) 4.一起 5.驾驶 6.努力,艰难 7.卧室 8.字典;词典 9.正面 10.野餐 11.女儿 12.儿子 13.收音机 14.安静的,平静的 15.纸,试卷 16.三十 17.其他人 18.诗歌,诗 19.玫瑰 20.礼物 21.软的;柔软的 22.篮,筐 23.在……的里面,在里面 24.摆放(餐具);放置;落下 25.茶杯 26.商人 27.桌布;台布 28. 许多 29.谜语 30.携带,搬运 Unit 5 重点短语 1.你多大了 2.我……岁了。 3.去野餐 4.史密斯一家 5.她/他多大?她/他 ……岁。 6.她是什么职业?她是一个…… 7.走着去上学 8.生日快乐! 9.在周末 10.踢足球 11.用警用对讲机交谈 12.与……亲近 13.努力学习 14.小心;注意 15.摆放餐具 16.一篮子…… 17.举行生日聚会 18.在……前面 19.在……正面 3.直的 4.跟随;明白 5.迷路的 6.做梦 7.狮子 8.森林 9.著名的 10.电影 11.飞机场 12.英雄 13.礼物 14.旅馆 15.战争 16.采摘;选择 17.响声;噪音 18.孤独的 19.无聊的 20.交通,车辆 21.学,学习 22.喂,喂养 23.幸运,运气 24.数v 25.解救;储蓄;节省 26.价格,价值 27.百 28.博物馆 29.友爱(好)的 30.神奇的,魔法 31.与……搏斗;打架 32.郊外,乡村 33.会堂,大厅走廊 34.电影院,戏院
35.历史,历史课程 36.过程,经过 Unit 6重点短语 1.我们怎么才能去那里? 2 .乘坐 42 路公共汽车。 3 .她 / 他们怎么去上班? 4.下车,从……下来 5.寻找 6.紧邻;挨着 7.迷路。 8 .别客气,没问题
9.沿着这条路往前走,在交通信号灯处然后左拐。 10.去动物园 11.骑自行车 12.在农场 13.我买这件了
14.有什么事?我可以帮你做什么? 15.当然
16.来吧 6.爬山 17.找出,发现 7.大优惠;大减价 18.在去……的路上 8 .运动会 19.祝你好运! 9.国庆节 10.新年快乐 Unit 7单词 11.你假期喜欢做什么? 1.日历,日程表 12.元旦 2.滑冰 13.闰年 3.山脉,山 14.看电影 4.三月 15.春节 5.四月 16.节礼日(圣诞节后的第一日) 6.五月 7.澳大利亚 8.六月 9.七月 10.国际的 11.九月 12.十月 13.十一月 14.标记 15.十二月 16.一月 17.二月 18。天气 19.有风的 20.阳光充足的 21.晴朗的 22.多雪的,下雪的 23.有雨的 24.日期,约会 25.节日 26.第一(的) 27.第二(的) 28. 第三(的) 29.第四(的) 30.第五(的) 31.第六(的) 32.第七(的) 33.第八(的) 34.第九(的) 35.第十(的) 36.第十一(的) 37.第十二(的) 38. 爬,攀登 39.希望 40.通常地,惯常地 41.国家的,民族的 42.在……期间 43.沙滩 44.圣诞节 Unit 7 重点短语
1. 天气怎么样?天气…… 2.玩得高兴 3.去溜冰
4.今天几号? 5.教师节
17.国际劳动节 18.倒计时,倒读数 Unit 8 单词 1.北方 2.南方 3东方 4西方 5方向 6国家 7东南 8不久 9邀请 10首都 11祖父母,外祖父母 12每个人;所有的人 13语言 14法语 15宫殿 16故宫 17旗帜 18塔 19瀑布 20和……一样;作为 21各个;每个 22条、条纹 23自由 24相同的、一样的 25叶子 26雕像、塑像 Unit 8重点短语 1.讲英语的国家 2.许多;大量 3.谢谢你邀请我 4.来自…… 5.在角落 6……的清单 7和……一样 8.全世界
七年级上册英语单词 UNIT 1
thanks n.谢谢
four num.四
five num.五
over adv.在那边;在另一处
homeroom n.年级教室(学生定期接受导师指导的教室) student n.学生
classmate n.同班同学
visiting adj.访问的;参观的
show v. 指示;带路
around prep.到处;在附近
classroom n.教室
office n. 办公室;职务
plan n.&v. 计划
fun n. 有趣的事;玩笺
lab n.实验室
eraser n. 橡皮擦
guess v. 猜测
first adv.&num. 第一;首先
wall n. 墙
may aux. 可以;可能
excuse v. 原谅
OK adj.&adv.&int.(口语)好;对;不错;可耻 borrow v. 借
two num. 二
three num. 三
store n. 商店
later adv. 后来;以后
thing n. 东西;事情
need v.&n. 需要
list n. 列表;名单;目录
ten num. 十
six num. 六
seven num. 七
one num. 一
nine num. 九
eight num. 八
sure adv. 当然
blouse n. 女衬衫;短上衣
really adv. 真正地;确实地;(表示惊讶、怀疑等)真的吗 pink adj.&n. 粉色(的)
paint v.&n. 画;绘画颜料
mix v. 混合;调配
rain bow n. 虹,彩虹
purple adj.&n. 紫色(的)
out adv.&prep. 在外面;在……外面
sky n.天空
scarf n. 围巾;头巾
glove n. 手套
maybe adv. 也许;大概
Lynn 琳(人名)
just adv. 恰恰;差不多;刚刚
catch v. (疾病);接住;抓住;抓球(游戏) ready adj. 准备好的
dinosaur n. 恐龙
T-shirt n. 短袖汗衫
jacket n. 夹克;上衣
forget v. 口 忘记
hat n. 帽子(多指有边的帽子)
pants n. 裤子
colorful adj. 丰富多彩的
so adv. 非常;那么;很
bright adj. 明亮的;耀眼的
world n. 世界
report n.&v. 报告
traditional adj. 传统的;惯例的
India 印度(地名)
uniform n. 制服
pretty adj. 漂亮的;可爱的
centre n. 中心;中央
Saturday n. 星期六
will aux. 将要
pair n. 双;对
part n. 部分
feeling n. 感觉;情感(常用作复数) robot n. 机器人
camera n. 照相机
smell v. 嗅;闻起来
finger n. 手指(大拇指除外)
player n. 比赛者;选手
homework n. 家庭作业
singer n. 歌手
question n. 问题
sick adj. 病的;生病的
scared adj. 恐惧的
smile v.&n. 微笑
wave v. 挥手;招手
mean v. 意思是 adj.刻薄的
metre n. 米
bit n. 小量;少量
against prep. 倚着,靠着;反对,违反 toil n. 尾部:尾巴
flat adv. 水平地
upon prep. 在…上面
ground n. 地面
oh int. 哦
hurt adj. 痛的;受伤的;伤害;疼痛 donut n. 面包圈
enough adj.&adv. 足够的(地)
laugh v. 笑
stomachache n. 肚子痛;胄痛
better adj.&adv. (good/well的比较级)更好的(地) matter n. 问题
headache n. 头痛
medicine n. 药
stay v. 停留;留下;待一段时间
rest n&v. 休息
different adj. 不同的
cute adj. 逗人喜爱的;漂亮的
twelve num. 十二
blond adj.&n. 金色(的);浅黄色(的) thirteen num. 十三
almost adv. 几乎;差不多
funny adj. 有趣的;可笑的
glass n. 眼镜 (glasses);玻璃,玻璃杯
restaurant n. 餐馆
fifteen num. 十五
cereal n. 谷类食物(如麦片等);麦片粥 would aux. 将;愿意(用以提出建议或邀请) salad n. 色拉(凉拌生菜)
sugar n. 糖
delicious adj. 美味的;可口的 cup n. 杯子
full adj. 满的;充足的
cookie n. 饼干
chocolate n. 巧克力
everything pron. 一切事物
meat n. 肉
job n. 工作
market n. 市场
grape n. 葡萄
carrot n. 胡萝卜
cabbage n. 洋白菜,卷心菜
watermelon n. 西瓜
sweet adj. 酣的
pear n. 梨
waitress n. 女侍者;女服务员
order v. 订购;点(菜)n. 顺序 fourteen nun. 十四
eleven num. 十一
beef n. 牛肉
dumpling n. 饺子(常用复数形式) something pron. 某事;某物
problem n. 问题;难题
menu n. 菜单
can n. (盛食品或饮料的)金属罐
coke n. 可乐
bottle n.瓶
corner n. 角;角落
money n. 钱
clerk n. 店员;办事员
fridge n. 冰箱
twenty num. 二十
pass v. 传递;经过;路过
away adv. 离开(某处);在(某距离)处 sandwich n. 兰明治
takeout n. 外卖食品
tip n. 指点;提示
only adv. 仅仅;只
P.S. n. (信末署名后的)附言;又及
member n.. 成员
son n. 儿子
daughter n.
drive v.
policeman n.
radio n.【冀教版七年级上册英语mp3】
businessman n.
weekend n.
together n.
others pron.
hard adj./adv.
bedroom n.
dictionary n.
front n.
above prep.
thirty num.
picnic n.
carry v.
basket n.
tablecloth n.
lot pron.
quite adj.
paper n.
inside prep./adv
poem n.
rose n.
riddle n.
present n.
soft adj.
woof n.
set v.
teacup n.
女儿 驾驶;用车送。。。。。。 (男)警察 收音机 商人 周末 一起 其他人 努力,艰难 卧室 字典 正面 在。。。。。。之上 三十 野餐 携带,搬运 篮,筐 罗孚 桌布,台布 许多 安静的,平静的 纸,试卷 在……里面. 诗,诗歌 玫瑰 谜语 礼物 软的,柔软的 汪汪(狗叫声) 简(人名) 摆放;放置,落下 弗雷德(人名) 海蒂(人名) 茶杯 n. 驱车行走
Lesson 1 Hello
一 、Teaching content:
1. Greetings: hello, hi
2. Self-introduction: My name is„
3.Asking for others’ names: What’s your/his/her name?
二、Teaching goals
1. Understand the text
2.Remember the words: hello, name, my, your, his, her, I, is, what
3. Make sure the Ss can introduce each other in English
三、Key points:
What’s your/his/her name?
My /his/her name is „
四、Difficult point: What’s his/her name?
五、Preparation: A map of China and a map of Canada; some pictures of characters such as Sun Wukong, LanMao and so on.
六、Teaching aids: Recorder, pictures or cards
七、Type of the lesson: Listening and speaking
八、Teaching procedure
Step 1.Warming up. Discuss the following questions with the Ss in Chinese
1. Why do we learn English?
2. Where is English spoken?
3. Do you know any English words?
4. Is English interesting?
5. Do you often come across English words?
Step 2. Lead in. Discuss these questions:
1. What do you say when you meet someone?
2.Do you know what Canadians say when they meet?
3. How do you introduce yourself or someone else in Chinese?
4.Do you know how to introduce someone in English?
Today we’re going to learn something about them. Do you want to know?
Step 3. New lesson:
No. 1 Hello/Hi, my name is
1. Presentation
Pretend to meet someone. Say “Hello” or “Hi”, my name is„.
Make sure the Ss can understand it. Encourage them to repeat.
2. Practice
Work in pairs. Encourage the Ss to greet each other and introduce themselves. Then ask some pairs to act it out.
No. 2. What’ your/his/her name
1. Presentation
Say “My name is___. What’s your name?” Translate if necessary. Then repeat a few times. Encourage the Ss to follow until they can say it correctly.
2. Practice
Work in chain like this:
A: (to B) My name is ___. What’s your name?
B: My name is ___. (to C) What’s your name?
C: „
Then ask some Ss to act it out.
3. Presentation and practice: What’s his/ her name?
Show a picture of LAN Mao and say, “What’s his name? His name is Lan Mao”. Ask the question and help the Ss to answer. Then repeat. Work in pairs to practice the dialogue and ask some pairs to act it out.
4. Introduce the characters on the textbook: Li Ming, Jenny, and Danny. Teach the words China and Canada, using maps of them. Then explain the sentence “I live in___.”
5.Listen and follow
6. Play the tape for the Ss to follow.
Sum up the lesson briefly by practicing all the dialogues in the text.
8. Homework
Read the text and practice the dialogue.
Lesson 2 How are you?
一、Teaching content
1. Greeting: Nice to meet you
2. Teach the song “How are you?”
二、Teaching goals
1. Understand the text
2. Remember the mastery vocabulary
3. Understand and sing the song “How are you?”
三、 Key points: Greet someone with the phrase “How are you?”
四、 Difficult point: greeting and response in the text
五、 Preparation
1. Prepare some pictures and put them on the Bb
2. Write the new words on the Bb
六、Teaching aids: audiotape and some pictures
七、 Type of the lesson: listening, speaking and singing
八、 Teaching procedure
Step 1. Warming up. Greeting and review. After greeting (Hi, Hello), review the dialogue in the last lesson briefly.
Step 2. Lead in. Ask the Ss the questions in Chinese:
1. What do Chinese say when they meet each other?
2. Canadians don’t ask the questions such as “Have you had your meal?” or “Where are you going?”. Do you know what they say expect “Hi” or “Hello”
Step 3. New lesson
1. Presentation. Explain that Canadians greet each other by saying “How are you?” and “Nice to meet you”. Explain the meaning of the expressions. Encourage the Ss to repeat a few times.
2. Listen and say. Play the tape for the Ss to follow.
3. Practice. Work in pairs. Encourage the Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs. Demonstrate the
dialogue with one or two Ss, and then ask some pairs to act it out for the rest of the class. Step 4. Demonstrate and practice the dialogue:
Hello! My name is ___. What’s your name?
My name is ____ .Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you, too.
Step 5. Teach the song “How are you?”
1. Go over the words of the song and practice them.
2. Explain the last line
3. Play the song for the Ss to follow.
Step 6. Summary. Sum up the greeting and response, combining with the useful expressions in this lesson.
Step 7. Homework.
1. Read and practice the dialogue.
Sing the song “How are you”
Lesson3 Boy, Girl and Teacher
一、 Teaching content
1. The statement “This is a teacher/boy/girl
2. Number one—five
二、 Teaching goals
1. Understand the text
2. Remember the mastery vocabulary: boy, girl, teacher, chair, book, desk, one—five
三、 Key point: This is ____; Number one to five
四、 Difficult point: plural forms of the nouns
五、 Preparation
1. Prepare some pictures and put them on the Bb
2. Write the new words on the Bb
3. Bring ten books on the teacher’s desk
六、 Type of the lesson: listening, speaking, reading
七、 Teaching resources: audio tape, pictures, books, chairs and desks in the classroom
八、 Teaching procedure
九、 Teaching procedure Design for activities
Say “Hello, how are you?” make the Ss respond correctly. Then sing the song “ How are you” Step 2. Teach the new words boy, girl, and teacher by pointing a girl/boy/yourself or pictures. Explain the sentence “This is a _____”.
Step 3. Let the Ss to practice “This is a ____” by pointing at someone.
Step 4. Use the pictures to teach the new words: chair, book. Demonstrate “ What’s this? It’s a ___”. Then practice them with the Ss.
Step 5. Teach the numbers one –five, using your fingers to show the meaning. Then use the【冀教版七年级上册英语mp3】
books on the desk to demonstrate. Pay attention to the plural of the word “book”.
Step 6.Encourage the S to practice the number by pointing boys, girls, desks, chairs, and books. Then ask some Ss o do this in front of the class.
Step 7. Sum up the items briefly
Step 8. Homework
Read the text. Try to use the items in the classroom
Lesson 4 Where
一、 Teaching content
1. Where is___?
2. New words: classroom, library
3. Sing the song
二、 Teaching aims
1. Understand the text
2. Remember the words: where, school, classroom, library
3. Sing the song
三、Key point: Where is____?
四、Difficult point: the words of the song
五 Preparation before class
1. Some pictures of school, classroom and library
2. Write the new words on the Bb
3. Bring 5 pictures about the song
六、 Type of the lesson: listening, speaking, response and singing
七、 Teaching aids: audiotape, pictures
八、 Teaching procedure
Step 1. Warming up
1. Greeting. Greet the Ss with the expressions in L1 and L2
2. Sing the song “How are you”
3 Review the item “This is a _____.” and “What’s this?” by pointing something
4. Count the numbers
Step 2. Presentation
1. Use pictures to teach the words “classroom, school, and library”.
2. Pretend to look for your book everywhere, saying, “Where is my book?” Then point to the
book and say “There it is”. Write the sentence on the Bb.
Step 3. Practice. Encourage the Ss to practice in pairs, using books, chairs, desks, etc. Play the tape for the Ss to follow. Then ask someone to demonstrate for the rest of the class.
Step 4. Presentation: go over the words of the song
1. Do actions to demonstrate jump, look, point, reach, sit and stand, adding up and down. e.g. look up/down.
2. TPR activities. Demonstrate “order and response” with one student. Say “stand up, look up” and so on, and encourage the student to respond. Then do the same with the rest of the class.
3. Practice. Work in pairs. One gives the orders and the other do the actions.
4. Go over the words of the song. Make sure the Ss understand them.
5. Chant and sing.
①Play the tape for the Ss to follow.
②Practice in pairs
③Do it together
Step 5. Sum up the text briefly to consolidate the items. Play “Hide –and –search” game to review “Where is___”
Step 6. Homework
1. Read the text
Sing the song
Lesson 5 What’ this?
一、 Teaching content
1. New words: pen, pencil, pencil case, marker, blackboard
2. What’s this? It’s a _____.
3. How many ____ do you have?
二、 Teaching aims
1. Understand the text
2. Remember the new words
3. Ask and answer about “ How many____?”
三、 Key points
1. What’s this?
2. How many___ ?
四、 Difficult points: The question “How many___?” And the answers
五、 Preparation
1 Prepare some pictures of school, classroom and library
2. Bring some real things such as pen, pencil, pencil case and marker
六、 Teaching aids: audiotape, some pictures, books, pens, pencils and markers
七、 Type of the lesson: Listening and speaking
八、 Teaching procedure
Step 1. Warming up. Greet the Ss and review the last lesson. Ask some pairs to act out the dialogue like this:
A: What’s this?
B: It’s a ____. (Using old words)
Step 2. Presentation
Use real objects or pictures to teach the new words. Write them on the blackboard. Play the tape for the Ss to follow.
Step 3. Practice.
Encourage the Ss to practice “What’s this?” “It’s a ___, (using new words). Then ask some pairs to act it out, using real things or pictures.
Step 4. Presentation
Hold up three pens and say “How many?” a few times. Make sure the Ss understand it. Introduce in this way: How many? →How many pencils? How many pencils do you have?
Step 5. Practice
Let the Ss work in pairs. Lead them to practice like this:
A: Do you have any ___?
B: Yes/No.
A: How many ___ do you have?
( ( B. visiting ( )3. A. classroom B. office C. lab D. plan ( ( )5. A. pen B. pencil C. wall D. eraser 二.单项选择题。(每小题1分,共计25分) 1. Han Mei__________ my name.
A. am B.is C. are D. / 2. —May I have a book? —_________________.
A. Tanks B. Sure. Here you are C. Goodbye D. Not at all 3. How many _______in the pencil box ?
A. marker B. erasers C. pencil D. pen 4 My brother_____ three markers, but I _______one.
A. have; has B. has; has C. have; have D. has; have 5. I want a skirt ______ this.
A. like B. likes C. look D. look like 6. —____ clothes are these? —They’re Miss Liu’s. A. Whose B. Where C. How D. What 7. How many _____ are there in your school?
A. apple trees B. oranges trees C. apples trees D. oranges tree 8. I ______like your clothes.
A. don’t B. do C. does D. am 9.  ̄Do you like this white desk?  ̄___________.
A. Yes, I like that yellow one B. Yes, I don’t C. No, I don’t D. No, I do
英语试卷 第1页共8页
10. —Are your pants new_____ old?
—They are new.
A. or B. from C. and D. with 11.—I’m a girl. I’m a student. —____! We are the same.
A. I do B. I’m a girl C. Me, too D. You’re a girl 12. How many hairs _____ Danny _____ ?
A. are; have B. is; have C. do; have D. does; have 13. —______ is he? —He’s 1.6 meters tall.
A. How B. How tall C. How many D. How much 14. —How are you today? —_________ .
A. I’m fine B. Yes, I fine C. Ok D. Goodbye 15. —How ___ is the river (河)? —About3, 0000 meters.
A. short B. long C. many D. old 16.—Is it warm or cool today? —______ .
A. Yes, it is B. No, it isn’t C. It’s cold D. It’s cool 17.—How much is your pen?
A. One pen B. Beautiful C. Six yuan D. In the library 18. I don’t have _____ rice at home, but I have ____ meat.
A. some; some B. any; some C. any; any D. some; any 19. —How is the weather today?
A. It is sun B, It is wind C, It is suny D. It is sunny 20. We are hungry, Mum! What’s _____ supper? A. at B. for C. on D. of 21. They _____ in China.
A. living B. live C. lives D. do live 22. —What ___ she doing? —She _____.
A. is; is crying B. is; cries C. does; cries D. is; crying 23. I live____ school. I go to school by bus.
A. near from B. near C. far D. far from
英语试卷 第2页共8页
24. The first day of the week is ______.
A. Sunday B. Monday C. Saturday D. Friday 25. —What’s the date?
It’s ________.
A. February 8 B. the eighth February C. the February eight D. 8th February
Do you like animals? There are a lot of animals in the __1__. They are pandas, koalas, tigers, lions, dolphins, are very__2_. They are kind of__3__ when I’m free, I _4__watching them. They can _5_ fast and jump very high. They can _6__ with a ball. They can _7__ up and walk on the water. They are very _8_ to people. If you fall into(掉进) the water and_9__ swim, they may come up and _10_ you. Do you like them?
1. A. home B. shop C. library D. zoo 2. A. scary B. interesting C. boring D. ugly 3. A. smart B. shy C. ugly D. lazy 4. A. run B. want C. have D. like 5. A. swim B. run C. jump D. walk 6. A. live B. play C. go D. speak 7. A. stand B. sit C. go D. walk 8. A. clever B. friendly C. funny D. cute 9. A. can B. can’t C. doesn’t D. are 10.A, help B. visit C. meet D. eat
项中,选出一个最佳答案,每小题1分,共计10分) A Liu: What’s your name, please? Wang: My name is Wang Yan. Liu: Who is that girl? Wang: she is my sister. Liu: What’s her name?
Wang: Her name is Wang yu. Liu: Are you from Beijing? Wang: No, we aren’t. Liu: Where are you from? Wang: We are from Hebei.
英语试卷 第3页共8页
Liu: Are you a student?
Wang: No, I’m not. I’m a teacher. Liu: Is your sister a teacher, too?
Wang: No, she is a bus driver. She works in Xinjiang. Liu: Are your father and mother in Shijiazhuang now? Wang: No, they are in Beijing.
1. How many people are there in Wang Yan’s family? There are_______.
A. four B. three C. five D. six 2. Where is Wang Yan from? She is from______.
A. Beijing B. Sichuan C. Xinjiang D. Hebei 3. What does Wang Yu do? She is ______. A. a teacher B. a student C. a bus driver D. a police officer 4. Who is a teacher?
A. Wang Yu’s sister. B. Wang Yan’s sister. C. Wang yu’s father D. Wang Yan’s mother 5. Liu Yun is Wang Yan’s______. A. old friend B. English teacher C. new friend D. good student B
December 17 is Jenny’s fifteenth birthday. It is Saturday. Jenny’s mother has a big birthday party for Jenny. Jenny’s mother has a big birthday party for Jenny. Jenny invites a lot of her friends to the party.
Each of them brings a birthday present for her and says happily, “Happy Birthday Jenny!” There are fifteen girls at the party.
Jenny’s mother makes a big birthday cake with fifteen candles on it. She also buys a lot of fruits. There are apples , oranges, pears and a lot of biscuits. The girls are very happy, and they are singing and dancing. Jenny is happy, too. She dances and sings many songs in a sweet voice. All of them enjoy themselves very much.
6. How old is Jenny?
A. 14. B. 15. C. 16. D. 17. 7. ____ are dancing and singing at the party.
A. Only Jenny B. Jenny’s friends C. Jenny and her friends D. Jenny’s mother 8. From the passage we can guess Jenny is a/an ______ girl. A. shy B. outgoing( 外向的) C. bad D. lazy 9. Jenny and her friends are_____ on that day.
英语试卷 第4页共8页
A. happy B. unhappy C. crying D. skating
10. Jenny’s mother gives the girls ______ to eat.
A. only a birthday cake B. only a birthday cake and fruits C. only fruits and biscuits D. a birthday cake, fruits and biscuits
( )1. ) _______________
A B C D ( )___________
A B C D ( )3. It’s time to go for sleep. ( )_______ A B C D
( )4. )________ A B C D
( )5. Danny like to go to Beijing with Jenny. ( ) ____________ A B C D 六.正确的词形填空。( 每小题2分 共计10分) 1. Tom and Jim like to go_______ (shop) on weekends. 2. I leave my backpack on the _______(teacher) desk. 3. All the ________ (child) are singing there. 4. It’s _______ (sun) today.
5. My mother _______ (not go) to work on Saturday. 七.句型转换。(每小题2分,共计10分) 1. Does he come from Canada? (做否定回答)
_____, he _____.
2. Tom is talking on the phone with his friend? (改为一般疑问句) ______ Tom _______ on the phone with his friend? 3. I like dumplings, rice and noodles. (改为否定句) I_____ _____ dumplings, rice ______ noodles. 对划线部分提问) ______ ______ the weather?
5. My father drives to work. (改为同义句) My father goes to work _____ _____. 八.动词填空。(每小题2分,共计10分) 1. His name _____ (is) Zhang Wei.
2. Listen .Some girls __________( sing)in the classroom .
英语试卷 第5页共8页
3. My mother ____________ ( cook )some nice food now.
4. We often ______ (play) in the playground.
5. He ______ (get) up at six o’clock. 九.完成句子。(每小题2分, 共计10分) 1. 你能看到多少种颜色? _____ _____ ______ do you see? 2. 天气怎么样?
_____ _____ the weather?
3. 欢迎来到我的学校。
________ _________ our school. 4. 丹尼准备好上学了。
Danny is ______ ______school. 5. 你假期喜欢做什么?
_______ ________ you like to do on holidays? 答案:
一. 语音题
1-5 C A D A C 二. 选择题
1-5 B B B D A 6-10 A A D C A 11-15 C D B A B 16-20 D C B D B 21-25 B D D A A 三. 完型填空
1-5 D B A C A
英语试卷 第6页共8页
6-10 B A B B A 5. 四.阅读理解 A
1-5 A D C A C B 6-10 B C B A D 五.句子改错
1.( B ) 2. ( D ) 3. ( C ) 4. ( C ) 5. ( A ) 六.正确词形填空
1. 七.句型转换。
1. 3. 九.完成句子
2. 英语试卷 第7页共8页
英语试卷 第8页共8页 封
1. Chengdu is in the west of China and Shanghai is in the e______ of China.
2. Beijing is the c______ city of China.
3. Forty plus sixty equals one h______.
4. E______ me. Where is the park?
5. Danny is in Class 1. Jenny is in Class 2.They are in d______ classes.
II. 单项选择。(30分)
( ) 1. He says “ __________” to his parents when he goes to bed.
A. Good evening B. Hello C. Goodbye D. Good night
( ) 2. ----How do you say it________ English? ---It’s a radio.
A. for B. to C. of D. in
( )3. Millie is _____English. She often writes ______e-mail to me.
A. an, an B. /, an C. /, a D. an ,the
( )4. My English book is at home today. Can you _____yours with me?
A. borrow B. take C. share D. bring
( )5. Everyone in my class _______ on Sundays.
A. go fishing B. goes fishing
C. going fishing D. goes to fishing
( ) 6. ---- Where ______you_______? ----Haian.
A. do ,from B. are, come from C. do, come from D. does, come from
( )7. China joined(加入)________ in 2001.
( )8. ----Would you like _______ milk? --- Yes, thanks.
A. some B. many C. any D. lot of
( ) 9. ---Are there any birds ______the tree? ----_____, but there is only one.
A. on, Yes B. in, Yes C. on, No D. in, No
( ) 10. ----Let’s go and ________the game. ----Why not?
A. see B. look C. look at D. watch
( )11.---- Kitty, _______late for school again ----- Sorry, I won’t.
A. isn’t B. doesn’t be C. don’t be D. not be
( )12. She wants _______ an Mp3 _____me on my birthday.
A. buys /for B. to buy/to C. buy/to D. to buy/for
( )13. -----Are these _______erasers? -----Yes, they are______ .
A. your, our B. his, my C. his, mine D. your, ours
( )14. The music sounds ________. Let’s enjoy it.
A. nice B. well C. bad D. sad
( )15. — _____ oranges do you want?
— Seventeen.
A. How much B. How many C. What
( )16.It is time _____ you ___ oranges.
A. on,for have B. for,to drink C. in,to drink
( )17.How much _____ twelve hot dogs?
A. are B. is C. am
( )18. I have__ supper at 6:30 in _____ evening.
A. /,/ B. an ,the C. the,the D./,the
19. --- ______.What’s this in English? --- It’s a pencil sharpener.
A. Excuse me B. Sorry C. Hello D. OK
( )20. -Do you _____ TV every day? – No, _____ on the weekend.(周末)
A. look, but B. watch, only C. see, and D. play, only
21.- Let’s play volleyball. –That sounds ______. I don’t like volleyball.
A. great B. fun C. relaxing D. boring
( )22. -________ – OK, but I don’t have a baseball.
A. Do you like baseball? B. Let’s play baseball.
C. Do you have a baseball? D.Let’s watch TV.
II、完形填空(10分) In many English homes, people eat 1 meals(餐)a day: breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner. They 2 breakfast at any time 3 seven 4 nine in the morning. They 5 tea or coffee 6 eat bread or eggs. 7 comes at one o’clock in the afternoon. 8 tea is from four to fivein the afternoon, and dinner is about 7:30. First, they have some soup; then they have meat(肉)or fish with
vegetables(蔬菜). After that, they eat some other things, 9 bananas, apples or oranges. But not all English people like that. Some 10 them have their dinner in the middle of the day. Their meals are breakfast, dinner, tea and these meals are very simple(简单).
( ) 1. A. one B. two C. three D. four
( )2. A. has B. have C. eats D. eating
( ) 3. A. to B. on C. from D. in
( )4. A. in B. to C. from D. at
( ) 5. A. drink B. drinks C. cook D. cooks
( )6. A. but B. and C. or D. with
( )7. A. Breakfast B. Lunch C. Supper D. Tea
( ) 8. A. Morning B. Afternoon C. Evening D. Night
( )9. A. look like B. are like C. like D. would like
( )10.A. of B. on C. in D. for
III、 阅读理解(10分)A
Yao Ming is a basketball star. But now he is a film star.There is a film about Yao Ming. Its name is The Year of the Yao. Americans made the film(制片). Now it has come to China.The film lasts(持续) for 88 minutes. It is about Yao Ming’s first year in the NBA. SomeNBA stars talk about Yao Ming in the film. So you can see Michel Jordan and Shaquille O Neal in it. The film can help us know more about Yao Ming. Let’s go to the cinema. 根据短文,判断正误,正确的写 “T”,错误的写 “F”。
( )1 Yao Ming plays for Huanghe Football Team.
( )2. The film is made in USA.
( )3. The film lasts for one and a half hours.
( )4. You can see Lihua in the film.
( )5. The film can help you know more about Yao Ming.
Today is Sunday. Our class meets at seven thirty a.m. at the school gate. We take a bus to Haian Park. The price(价格)of the ticket(票) for each adult(成人) is eighteen yuan, but for each student is half. The park is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.First we play games in the park. And then we have dinner at noon. After that we sit and chat under the trees. At half past three, we go to the Swimming Club. We come back home at about six o’clock in the afternoon because(因为) it is time for all of us to have supper. We are tired(累) but we are very happy.
( )6. We meet ___________
A. at the school gate. B. in the park C. in the bus D. in the Swimming Club
( ) 7. The price of the ticket for each student is _________yuan.
A. nineteen B. thirty—six C. nine D. eighteen
( )8. The park is open for _______hours a day.
A. eight B. nine C. ten D. eleven
( ) 9. After dinner we sit and chat________