
| 一年级 |


人教版8年级英语全英说课稿Unit 10 I've had this bike for 3 years

Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for three years.

Good morning, dear teachers. I’m number 8.

May I start now? Thank you.

It’s my great pleasure to present my lesson plan here. The lesson I’’ll interpret my lesson from the following aspects: Firstly, I’d like to analyze the teaching material and learners.

This lesson is chosen from the section A of unit 10, Book 8B, PEP Junior English. The main task for ss is to talk about possessions and things around us. Even though ss have learned the present perfect tense in last two units, they may still feel hard to talk about how long they have had something. Thus, enough practice will be organized to help ss learn some daily necessities and the present perfect tense used to express sustained actions and the state.

Based on the analysis above, I set the following teaching aims:

1. Knowledge aim. After the class, ss will understand the basic meaning of the new vocabulary and the function of sentences structures, such as yard sale, toy bear, scarf, how long have you had sth? I’ve had sth for/since---.

2. Ability aim. By the end of this lesson, ss will be better able to talk about possessions and things around them by using the target language.

3. Emotional aim. During the class, ss’ interest will be increased by talking about some old things that have brought them sweet memories.

Next, let’s focus on the key point and difficult point.

The key point is to talk about possessions and things around them by using the newly learned vocabulary and sentence structures, such as how long have you had sth? I’ve had it for 3 years. The difficult point is to understand why continuous verbs are used to express sustained actions and the state.

To achieve the objectives above, I’ll adopt Audio-lingual Approach, Communicative Approach as well as Situational Teaching Method. And ss will learn through cooperation, communication and role play.

Now, I’d like to describe my teaching procedure.

Step 1 is leading in.

At the beginning of the class, I’ll show ss some things I’ve had for years to attract ss’ attention, such as a MP3, a Nokia phone, a Walkman, a metal pencil-box. I’ve talk to ss about how long I’ve had them so that ss can experience the target language here. This activity can arouse ss’ interest and lead them to the topic naturally.

Step 2 is Presentation.

First, based on the former activity, I’ll ask ss to take out the old things they prepared for this class and present some pictures. With the help of real objects and pictures, some new words will be learned here, such as板书

Then, ss will be instructed to talk about how long they have had their things by using the sentence structures. 板书This activity can help ss smooth the way for listening.

So next step is listening.

First, I’ll lead ss to read the given material for 1b to make sure they know what they are supposed

to do. Then, ss’ll listen to a conversation about yard sale. While ss listen for the 1st time, there are 2 questions for them to answer. “What’s Jeff doing? Why?”nd time, ss will check the facts they hear. After the 3rd time, ss will answer a question, What does Jeff say in terms of old things and books? Here, ss ’ll be guided to find out the difference between since and for.

Step 4 is practice.

First, ss will role play the conversation in the picture. Then, they will make conversations about their old things.

Step 5 listening.

I’ll lead them to the conversation between Amy and her mother and find out how they deal with their old things. With this question, ss will listen for the 1st time. As for the 2nd time, they will listen for what Amy wants to keep and what to give away. While ss listen for the 3rd time, there are some blanks for ss to fill in to complete some sentences. When they finish, some ss will share their answers. Up to now, we have finished the listening.

So, next step is role play.

Ss will play the roles of Amy and her mother. They will talk about how to deal with their old things and why.

Next, let’s move on to summary.

We’ll imagine there is a yard sale. Ss will work in groups of 4. One st will be the seller and the other 3 ss will be the buyers.

As for the homework, ss will introduce “yard sale” to their parents and discuss with them how they are going to deal with their old things.

At last, I’d like to describe my blackboard design.

Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for 3 years.

Unit 10 I've had this bike for three years教案 2



新目标八年级英语下 说课稿

Unit 10 I have had this bike for three years.


Section A


今天我说课的内容是新目标八年级英语下册第十单元Section A题目是I have had this bike for three years.本堂课的说课内容共分了七大板块。


本单元教学内容为人教新版八年级下Unit10 I have had this bike for three years本课围绕“谈论个人财产以及你周围的物品,以Yald sale情境为切入点展开教学活动,安排了对个人物品的拥有时间描述的学习任务。重点学习掌握现在完成时态的构成用法,使用现在完成时态谈论日常生活,并通过本单元的看图说话,句型操练语境描述,对话表演等专项训练,培养学生的英语实际应用能力。Section A是基本认知部分,指导学生学习基本知识以及用现在完成时态谈论物品所拥有的时间. 根据《课标要求》、教材内容和初中学生的学习特征,在考虑教学设计过程中,我把本单元的教学难点进行了适当的分解,尽量采用由浅入深的教学呈现方式以降低学生的学习难度,同时运用多媒体教学为学生营造良好的语言学习氛围,其基本教学流程如下:第一课时(SectionA)主要引导学生能够与他人谈论个人财产以及周围的物品,以此提高学生的听说能力。(3a---4C)主要提高学生的阅读能力,同时锻炼学生的小组合作能力。【Ive,had,this,bike,for,three,years说课】


基于以上分析,我认为本节的学习要达到以下几个目标:1.在知识目标中,掌握本课的基本句型How long have you had that bike over there?I have had it for three years. /I’ve had it since I was a child. 2.在能力目标中,引导学生学习谈论某人拥有某物多长时间,通过听说读写的训练使学生获得英语基础知识和初步的口语交际能力。3.在情感价值观方面,结合教材内容,联系生活实际,培养同学间互相帮助,勤俭节约的精神。


根据教学目标和学生特点,本课的教学重点为:1.熟练运用句型How long

have you had that bike over there?I have had it for three years. /I’ve had it since I was a child,表达某人拥有某物多长时间。2.学会用for和since描述某人拥有某物多长时间和how long的用法。本课的教学难点为:学会用现在完成时谈论某人拥有某物多长时间,用创设的情景来编写对话,并进行课堂口语交际。这是因为我校学生在英语学习方面没有一个好的语言氛围,所以我侧重于听力和口语的培养。而难点的确立是由于本套教材的特点是采用任务型语言教学模式,交际功能以及学生的认知水平。知识难点的突破--重点讲解、拓展练习、评析巩固。利用图文创设情境,采用结对活动的形式,培养学生交际能力来突破口语难点。


结合课标要求,我主要采用以下教学方法;情景教学法、任务型教学法由浅入深、由易到难、由听到说循序渐进地深化教学内容。并结合多媒体辅助教学手段,增强直观性和趣味性。教法的选择固然重要,但学法也是必不可少的,结合我教的学生情况来看,他们对学习英语既感到好奇又担忧,希望能得到他人的肯定, 本单元的话题也与他们实际生活紧密联系。因此在本节教学中我主要采用小组自由合作学习的方式,因为这样的合作学习方式能突出以人为本的教育思想,符合教育的宗旨,使不同程度的学生通过小组合作学习都能有所提高。

五、说教学准备 :课件、与课件配套的练习题


接下来是教学程序,我主要采用任务型的教学模式,分以下几个环节进行: 第一环节 创设情景导入

利用自己在生活中收集的物品创设情境,很自然的询问同学们在生活中喜欢收集什么物品并能描述拥有某物多长时间了,引出话题How long have you had that bike over there?I have had it for three years. /I’ve had it since I was a child为本节课做好铺垫。然后运用多媒体呈现图片让学生与我进行闲谈,不知不觉将学生引入教学交往的境地。这一环节大约需要3分钟。

设计意图:是为了激发学生的学习兴趣,活跃课堂气氛,导出本课中心话题。 第二环节 ( Presentation) 知识新授


对话表演的完成奠定语言基础。 2. 随后我利用上述内容师生对话进行扩充。 师How long have you had that bear over there?生I have had it for three years. 3、通过上述师生对话结合教材图片,让同学们举出拥有某物多长时间了。


第三环节 小组对话(两人)【Ive,had,this,bike,for,three,years说课】

在这一部分,我把教材做了调整,就是把1c和2C进行了融合,集中练习形成操练的整体性,基本上形成了对语言的练习。让学生与同伴合作进行开放交流,共同完成学习任务, 那么,要在听力的练习中得到相关的信息,也就做到水到渠成了。


第四环节 听说训练

任务1. 接着让学生理解1b中句子的意思,我着重鼓励学生猜测对话的内容, 并向学生介绍英语语言国家的文化习惯即怎样举办一个“家庭拍卖会”以及要注意避免的内容和话题。在此基础上明确听力任务,再让学生按要求完成听力1b。再播放一遍录音,展示的听力文字材料帮助学生们理解。


任务2 .在2a和2b进行的听力练习和说的练习中,练习目标语言的同时培养学生学习西方文化的能力,要注意到中外文化的差异。



第五环节:Presentation for 3a



第六环节:Groupwork 3b



第六环节 反馈练习

这一环节也是巩固和突破难点的环节,题型有三类:1.辨析for 和since的区别2.现在完成时的运用3。对现在完成时态句子的翻译。

设计意图:设计练习,旨在让学生在做题过程中暴露问题,最终达到更好的理解和巩固现在完成时,并且做到题型与中考接轨,为今后的继续学习做铺垫。 第七环节Summary

让学生自己总结这节课所学的内容。1.用How long have you had that bike over there?I have had it for three years. /I’ve had it since I was a child,表达某人拥有某物多长时间。2.学会用for和since描述某人拥有某物多长时间和how long的用法。


第八环节 Homework

Have you ever thought about having a yard sale to sell your things? What would you do with the money you raise? (Discuss with your classmates)



第九环节 说教学评价设计

首先激发学生活泼思维,使课堂气氛热烈,提高学生参与率。其次,教师面向全体学生,实施因材施教。学生受益发展面要大,不同程度的学生在原有的基础上都有所发展。在此基础上创新发展,探索新目标,学生负担合理。以教师自己喜欢收集邮票开始,告诉学生我已收集多少张邮票了,看哪组收集邮票最多为竞争机制,最后收集邮票最多的组就是最终的胜利者(eg:They/I/We have collected ten stamps)。



Key phrases: check out,no longer,at least ,to be honest. Sentence patterns:How long have you had that bike over there?

I’ve had it for three years.

I’ve had it since I was a child.





