
| 六年级 |




一、找出不同类的单词,将其字母标号填入题前括号内。(2×5 = 10分)

( ) 1. A. went B. want C. played D. cooked

( ) 2. A. his B. her C. she D. your

( ) 3. A. was B. is C. am D. are

( ) 4. A. thin B. long C. tall D. fly

( ) 5. A. small B. better C. bigger D. shorter

二、选出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项。(2×5 = 10分) ( ) 1. A. please B. head C. sweater D. breakfast ( ) 2. A. these B. they C. thank D. that ( ) 3. A. window B. no C. now D. load ( ) 4. A. share B. hair C. pear D. near

9. wash clothes 10.听音乐

五、选择正确答案。( 2×5 = 10分)

( )1. ----How are you, Mike? You look so________.

----It's raining outside. I can't play football.

A. happy B. excited C. sad

A. 150cm B. 160cm C. 170cm

( )3.----What's the matter? My leg _____.

A. hurts B. sore C. is hurts

( )4.----_______did you go on your holiday?


A. What B. Where C. How

( )2.----Sam is 160cm tall. Ted is 10cm shorter than him. How tall is Ted?

( )5.----Did you ______ pictures yesterday?

A. take B. took C. taking

六、连线。(2×5 = 10分)

How does Zhang Peng feel? 56 cm.

What did Mike do yesterday? He went to a park.

What’s the matter? I have a sore throat.

How long are your arms? No,I didn’t.

Did you go fishing? He’s excited.

七、连词组句.( 2×5 = 10分)






八、补全对话。(把编号写在横线上)(2×5 = 10分)

A. What did you do yesterday? B. How did you go there?

C. What day is today? D. What did you do there?

E. What day was yesterday? F. Did you play computer game with your cousin?

G. Yes, I did. A: ?

B: It was Saturday. A: ?

B: I went to visit my cousin. A: ?

B: I went by bike. A: ?

B: I played computer game with my cousin.

A: Did you eat good food in your cousin’s home? B: . It was delicious.

九、阅读短文,按要求完成题目. (2×5 = 10分)

Hi, I'm Liu Yang. Last weekend I visited my uncle and aunt in Hangzhou. I went

there by bus. I got to Hangzhou at about 10:00 in the morning. Then my aunt, my

cousin----Tony and I took a taxi to the West Lake(西湖). We went there quickly because

my uncle is the taxi driver. We rowed the boat on the lake.

Then we went to the Taiziwan Park on foot. It was a hot day. The sun was shining

in the sky. We felt hot and hungry. We sat under a big tree and had our lunch. We

ate bread, orange juice, hamburger, milk and some bananas. Tony saw a fish in the

water. So we fed (feed,喂养) the fish with bread. More and more fish swam to us and

opened their mouths. We fed them. We were very happy that day.

1. 根据短文内容,判断正误。(正确的打“√”,错误的打“×”)

( ) (1)Liu Yang lives in Hangzhou.

( ) (2) Jenny went to the West Lake by train.

( ) (3) They had lunch under a big tree.

( ) (4) They fed fish in Taiziwan Park.

( ) (5) Liu Yang 's father is a taxi driver.

十、请根据文字提示,续写短文:(10分) Last weekend was sunny, I I have a happy weekend.



二、ACCDA 三、1. happy 2. do 3. heavier 4. played 5. thinner

6. has 7. took 8. coming 9. can not 10. no 四、1. 喉咙痛 2. have a cold

3. 看电视 4. have a fever

5. 买礼物 6. learn / study English

7. 弹钢琴 8. play football

9. 洗衣服 10. listen to music


六、连线。 .

. ,I didn’t.

He’s excited.

七、(1) You’re shorter than me.

(2) How big are your feet?

(3) What did you do on the weekend?

(4) Did you go swimming on the weekend?

(5) Where did you go on your holiday?



十、 略



PEP六年级期末试卷 听力部分(30分)

一、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10)

( )1、A. taller B. tallest C. fall D. doll ( )2、A. matter B. match C. meter D. mother ( )3、A. went B. want C. where D. were ( )4、A. B. C. D.

( )5、A. B. C. D.


( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) 三听录音,填单词。(10)

1. Did John draw pictures?

----No, he ______ pictures yesterday.

2.I’m very happy. I went___________ last night. 3.Sarah has a___________, so she can’t go to school.

4.My mother cooked some _______ noodles for me _______Sunday. 5.LiuYun visited her grandparents last_________【六年级pep下册哈尔滨期末考试】




( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


( ) 1.Tim is 5 kilograms heavier _______ me. A. than B. then C. /

( ) 2.It’s 7 o’clock. It’s time _______ get up. A. for B. to C. in

( )3.There _______ no gym in my school five years ago. A. was B. is C. were

( )4. _______did you go over your holiday. A. Where B. What C. How

( ) 5.Bill is _______ English teacher. He likes playing _______ football. A. an; the B. a; / C. an; / ( ) 6.-When are you going to Hong Kong? -_______

A. This weekend. B. Last weekend. C. Yesterday.

( )7.I often _______ TV on the weekend, but I _______ camping last weekend. A. watch; go B. watched; went C. watch; went【六年级pep下册哈尔滨期末考试】【六年级pep下册哈尔滨期末考试】

( )8.-The mice ______bad. They_______ people. A. is; hurt.

B. are; hurt. C. is; hurts ( )9.Teachers’ Day is in _______.

A. October

B. November

C. September

( )10-Whose book is it? -It’s not _______. It’s _______ book.

A. mine; her

B. my; hers

C. mine; hers

六.根据名意,用所给单词的正确形式填空。(10分) (1)The students are __________________(play) basketball now. (2)They __________________(visit) their grandparents last weekend.

(3)There __________________(be) a bed, a chair and two tables in my room. (4)-Did you __________________(wash) the clothes last night? -No, I didn’t.

(5)I __________________(do) my homework yesterday evening. (6)My mother usually __________________(read) books in her free time. (7)I’m __________________( heavy) than you now.

(8)She __________________(go) to Beijing by train last Sunday. (9)Tim is my new pen pal. He __________________(study) Chinese hard. (10)There __________________(be) no tall buildings in my town three years ago.七.给下列问句选择合适的答语。(10分)

( )1.What did you do yesterday? A.I feel cold

( )2.How do you feel? B.I climbed a mountain. ( )3.What’s the date? C. October 1st. ( )4.Where did you go ? D. Yes, I did. ( )5.Did you learn English? E.I went to Xingjiang. 八.连词成句(10)

1. are, I , you, heavier, think(.)

________________________________________________________ 2. heavy, he , How, is(?)



3. stayed, I, home ,my , at, grand ma, with ( .)


4.want , buy, I , magazine, new ,a film, to(.)

__________________________________________________________ 5.did, John, Where, last Sunday, go (?)

_____________________________________________________________ 九、阅读理解

Yesterday was Sunday. Mr. Green and Mrs.Green went to the park with their children, Jim and May. They got up early and had their breakfast quickly. Ater that Mr. Green drove a car. The children were very excited(兴奋)in the car. They arrived there at a quarter(一刻钟)past nine.There were so many people in the park. Jim and May went boating,

Mr. Green went fishing and Mrs. Green read her favourite book under a big tree. They all had a good time.

1. What day is today?______________________________________ 2. What did the Green family do yesterday?_____________________ 3. How did they go there?___________________________________ 4. Did Mr. Green go boating, too?____________________________ 5. Where did Mrs. Green read the book?_______________________

It was Saturday yesterday. It was sunny. I got up at 7:30. after breakfast, I went to the beach with Alice. There were many people on the beach. We ran, jumped and played volleyball on the sands. We swam in the sea. Some men fished on a boat. We had a good time. We were tired, but happy.


( ) 1. Yesterday was .

A. Sunday B. Saturday C. Thursday D. Friday ( ) 2. The weather was . A. cloudy B. windy C. sunny D. snowy ( ) 3. I got up at . A. 7:00 B. 7:30 C. 8:00 D. 8:30

( A. Peter B. Ann C. Betty D. Alice ( ) 5.Where did the men fish?

A. On the beach B. On the boat. C. On the sand



命题人:胡波(谷里中学) 2014.4.21

时间:90分钟 总分:100分



1、one (序数词、longer (反义词、thin (比较级

4、tooth (复数、buy(过去式、swim (现在分词

7、have (第三人称单数、read (过去式、that(复数)


( )1、English book.

A. a B. an C./

( )2、---How are you today?

A. I’m fine. B. I feel well. C. I can jump.

( )3、Mike is 165cm tall . John is 160cm tall . John is __________ than Mike .

A、taller B、longer C、shorter

( )4、---How do you go to school ?


A、Yellow . B、By bike . C、Miss White .

( )5、---What does your father do ?


---He is ______ engineer .

A、an B、a C、the

( )6、---What’s your hobby ?

---I like ___________.

A、play football B、played football C、playing football

( )7、I _________ my grandparents last weekend with my mother .

A、visited B、visiting C、visits

( )8、---Where does the rain come from ?

---It comes from the __________.

A、clouds B、water C、vapour

( )9、--- Did you read books ?

--- Yes, _________ .

A、I do B、I did C、I does.

( )10、---Where is the bookstore ?

---It’s __________ the post office .

A、next to B、in C、on

( )11、---What are you going to do this evening ?

---I’m going to ______ a book .

A、bought B、buy C、buying

( )12、---What’s your name ?

--- ____________________.

A、I’m 13 years old . B、I’m a student . C、My name is Mike .

( )13、The dog’s tail is long. The monkey’s tail is A. long B. longer C. longest

( )14、---I am 42 kg. She is 44kg.

than her.

A. taller B. stronger C. thinner

( )15、did you go on your holiday?

---I went to Xin jiang.

A. What B. Where C. How

( )16、One meter is_______ centimeter.

A. 10 B. 100 C. 1000

( )17、

A. black B. red C. blue

( )18、We ______have a football match tomorrow.

A. are going B.are go to C. are going to

( )19、---How____you feeling?

--- I’m feeling better.

A. am B. are C. do

( ) 20、We stay ____ home ______ Sundays.

A. at, on B. in, on C. at, in D. on, on

三、 连线:(每题2分共10分)

1. What did you do yesterday ? A.I feel sick.

2. How do you feel ? B.I climbed a mountain.

3. What’s the date ? C.October 1st.

4. Where did you go ? D.Yes , I did.

5. Did you learn English ? E.I went to Xinjiang.



1. likes he listening music to .

2. last weekend did What you do ?

3. do you when Beijing to go ?

4. have I throat sore a .

5. two years I’m than you younger .

六、 阅读短文,判断正误。 正确的打T,不正确的打F. (10分)

My name is Mike. I am 12. I like singing. I am from Nanhai.

My friend and I had a long holiday last month. We went on a trip.

I went to Hangzhou with my parents by plane. We saw the West Lake.

John is my cousin. He is one year older than me. He went to Beijing by train. He visited the Great Wall. Alice is my pen pal. She is from Canada.

She is in Guangzhou now. She went to Hong Kong by bus.

She ate good food and bought some clothes. Tim is my classmate. He is English. He went to Huangshan by plane. He climbed the mountains.

Tim and Alice are one year younger than me. We are all in Grade 6 now.

We are going to a new middle school in September. We will be in Grade 7.

( ) 1、Mike went to TangShan last month.

( )2、John is one year younger than Mike.

( )3、Tim is Alice’s classmates.

( )4、We will be Grade 7 in September.

( )5、Tim is 13 years old.

七、 阅读短文,选择正确答案:(每题2分共10分)

Jack and John are twins. They are good at English. They like to swim and ride bikes in their holidays. They like to fly kites too. They often fly kites near the lake. But they not all the same .Jack likes playing football, but John likes playing ping-pong. Jack likes listening to music, but Jonh likes drawing pictures. They often help each other.

1. What are they good at ?( )

A. English B. Math C. Chinese D. Science

2. What do they like to do in their holiday ? ( )

A. Play ping-pong and run. B. Swim and ride bikes.

C. Swim and play basketball. D. Play ping-pong and ride bikes.


3. Where do they fly kites ? ( )

A. Near the lake. B. In the park.

C. On the beach. D. Near the river.


镇 区

学 校班 级 姓 名

学 号

( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

2. A. good B. food C. foot

3. A. sweep 4. A. cloth 5. A. horse 6. A. swim 7. A. say 8. A. fight 9. A. shorts 10. A. catch

B. sweet B. clothes B. house B. swing B. day B. light C. sleep C. closet C. night C. socks C. match

二、Listen and circle


( )1.

( ) 2. What is the girl doing now?

A. B. A. B


) 3. What can you see at the zoo? (

) 4. What would the boy like to eat?

( ) 5. What does the man often do ( ) 6. What is the weather

on the weekend ?

A. B.

( ) 7. What time is it now? ( ) 8. What’s in the study?

A. B.

( ) 9. What is the girl going to do Sun.

A. 三、Listen and choose


( B. He is a doctor. ( B. I go there by train. ( B. Yes, they did. ( B. She is excited. ( ) 5. A. Mike is heavier than John. B. John is heavier than Mike. ( ) 6. A. It’s rainy and hot. B. It’s cold and snowy. ( ) 7. A. He has a toothache. B.. She has a fever and a headache. ( ) 8. A.I often go shopping. B. I went to Shanghai. ( ) 9. A. We are doing an experiment. B. I often go shopping.

( ) 10. A. Because I can eat ice-creams. B. Because he can swim

in the sea.

四、Listen and fill


1. Zip: _____________ the matter with you, Zoom? Zoom: I am sick. I have a sore ________________. 2. Uncle: What did you do on your holiday? John: I ______________ _________________ . 3. Lily: Did you climb mountains last weekend?

4. Peter: Look at the white dog. It’s Tim: Yes. But the yellow dog is ___________ 6. Woman: What’s on your grandpa’s farm? 7. Mom: Hurry up. It’ Sister: It’’t go to school. 五、

T”,错误的写“F” (每小题1分,共5分)

( ) 1. Ivy is from America. ( ) 2. Kate and Ivy are sisters. ( ) 3. Ivy likes summer best. ( ) 4. Kate is short and thin.

( ) 5. Ivy and Kate are going to swim next weekend.

You are great!很棒哦!让我们继续挑战笔试部分吧!要认真审题哦!


六、Read and choose


1 Amy: No. She is my new classmate.

3 2

七、Read and choose (阅读理解,每小题1.5分,共15分)


你喜欢写日记吗?阅读下面的日记,根据所读内容,选择正确的答案,并 将字母编号填在题前的括号内。(每小题1.5分,共7.5分)

March 12th Dear diary,



满分:100分 时间:60分钟 亲爱的同学:沉着应试,认真书写,祝你取得满意成绩!


( )1. A. spring B.summer C. weather ( )2. A. juice B. milk C. book ( )3. A. tree B. desk C. window

( )4. A. sunny B. rain C. cloudy ( )5. A. the B. near C. behind

( )6. A.singing B.speak C.playing ( )7. A.hand B.ear C.cold ( )8. A.seven B.six C.eighth ( )9. A.black B.America C.red ( )10. A.goodbye B.teacher C.student 二、选择正确的选项,填写在前面的括号内。(20分) ( )1. -- _______is his football ? A. Where -- It’s under the bed. ( )2. -- Thank you very much! B. Who A. You're right B. All right -- ________. C. What C. You are welcome ( )3.Which season do you like ________? A. better ( )4.The red car is ________ than the black one. B. good C. best A. nice B. nicer C. very nice ( )5.It's very hot _____ summer in Beijing.

( A. on )6. Can you sing the song in English? -- No, I ____ . B. at C. in

( )7. --What did you do last weekend? -- I did my homework

A.can't B. mustn't C. needn't and _____ TV A. watch .

B. watched C. am watching

( )8. I like drawing pictures and she____________.X k B 1 . c o m

( ) 9. Wu Ming is a girl, she _________ long hair.

A. like to sing B. likes singing C.like singing ( A. has B. was C. have

( )10. He is going ____________ artist in the future. A. to an B. to be an strongest

)11. She is _________ than me.

C. an A. strong B. stronger C. ( )12. I usually get up ______ seven o’clock in the morning.A .at ( B. on C. of

)13.-- ______ is the coat? A .How --Thirty-five yuan, please.

( B. How much C. How old

) 14. -- Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the Cinema? -- Let me see. You can ______No. 5 bus. A .by B. take

( ( )15. --Mike is playing ______ basketball in the playground.

C. go

) 16. --A .a It’s time __________ B. the lunch. C. \ ( ) 17. A. to --_____ you watch B.have TV last night? --Yes, C. for


watched TV ( .

)A. Did 18. --What’s the_________ you, Mike ? B. Do -I have a cold. C. Does with A. matter on B. match with C. matter (____________.

)19.John got a nice present yesterday, he looked so A. sad B. happy C. ( tired ) 20.--Are there any students in the classroom? -- Yes, there are ______ students in the classroom. A .some B. any C. a

三、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(20分) 2.Let’s 3.--What is on the table? There (be) some apples on it.

4.Helen (take) many pictures last week. 5.My sister likes (draw) pictures very much. 6.Mary’s eyes are(big ) than Lucy’s. 7.Amy want to (visit) her grandparents . 8.My father (buy) a new car last month.

9.It is Sports Day, all the __________ (student) are very excited. 10.I will

四、按要求写单词。(20分) 1.let us(缩写形式2.上个周末(汉译英) 3.have (过去式4.heavy(比较级 5.foot(复数) 6.make(现在分词) 7.bigger(反义词) 8.teach(单三形式) 9.sing(过去式10.thin(比较级五、按要求完成下列句子。(10分)

1.They are making kites. (变一般疑问句)


2. the like what’s weather Beijing in (?) (连词成



? 5. Did Mike go to Kunming with his mom last holiday?(做否定回答) _____________________________________________________.


Mr. Green is an Englishman. He is a teacher. He teaches English in No.15 Middle School in Beijing. He likes teaching very much. He goes to work by school bus every morning.

There are fifty students in his class. He speaks English with them in class. He plays games with them after class. He likes them

very much. And his students love him, too. They are good friends. ( )1. Mr. Green is a Canadian.

( )2. He likes teaching very much. ( )3. He goes to work by bike every morning.

( )4. He speaks Chinese in class.

( )5. He likes his students very much.

七、阅读理解。( 10 分) X k B 1 . c o m

This is a picture of a family. The grandmother’s name is Harry

Smith. The grandfather’s name is Jean Smith. They are very old.

They are Americans. The father’s name is Lake Smith. He is 44. The

mother’s name is Kate Smith. She is 40. They have a son of ten and a

daughter of fifteen. The son’s name is John Smith and the

daughter’s mane is Mary Smith. They are students of No.12 Middle

School. Kate is a teacher of the same school. Lake is a policeman. It’s

a very good family.

( . A. Americans B. American C. America ( )2. John’s father is . A. 44 B. 40 C. very old ( )3. Mary’s mother is a . A. teacher B. policeman C. doctor ( )4. They are in the school.
