一、 选出不同类别的单词,将其编号填在括号内。
( ) 1、 A、 banana B、 pear C 、 short
( ) 2、 A、 pencil B 、 pen C 、 ruler
( ) 3、 A、 pencil B、 book C、 school
( ) 4、 A、 dog B、 pig C、 play
( ) 5、 A、 red B、 one C、 green
( ) 6、 A、 girl B、 teacher C 、 bus
( ) 7、 A、 class B、 school C、 pen
( ) 8、 A、 Chinese B、 English C 、class
( ) 9、 A、 mother B、 father C、 teacher
( ) 10、 A 、 twelve B 、five C 、box
二、 根据情景,选出答句。
1. 早上,你的同学对你说:“Good morning.”。你会说:( )
A. Good evening B. Good morning C. Good afternoon.
2. 你的同学帮你拿了一本书,你对他说:( )
A. I’m sorry. B . Thank you. C. Hello
3. 你想知道你的一个新同学叫什么名字,你问他: ( )
A. What is it? B. What are these? C. What’s your name?
4. 你看见你的朋友拿着几本书,你想知道有几本,你问: ( )
A. How are you ? B. How many books?
5. 有一天,你遇见一位很久没有见面的同学,你应该如何问候?( )
A .Who are you? B. How are you? C. Here you are.
6. 你第一次认识Mike,感到十分高兴,你应该这样说:( )
A. Me too. B. Nice to meet you. C. Good afternoon. 三. 完成下面单词的拼写,将答案的字母标号填入括号。 ( )1. ____ag A. b B. t
( )2. ____irl A. f B. g
( )3. ____ggs A. e B. a
( )4. ____anda
A. q B. p
( )5. ____ire A. f B. g
( )4. cat
( )5. snake
六. 看图,读句子,从A、B中选择适当的内容完成下列句子,将答案的字母标号填入括号。
( )1. My name”s _______________.
A. Ken B. Lily
( )2. This is my ___________________.
A. father
B. grandmother
( )3. __________ from America.
A. She”s B. He”s
( )4. This _______________ Ann.
A. is B. isn”t
( )5. This is _____________ bag.
A. his B. her
七. 读句子,选择与句子内容相符的图,将答案的字母标号填入括号。
( )1. Good morning. My name’s Wang Ling.
( )2. This is Danny. Oh! It’s a rabbit.
( )3. He”s my father. That’s his boat.
( )4. This isn”t a panda. It”s a
三年级上册 英语复习提纲
期末将至,请同学们抓紧时间坚持每天按照要求复习以上内容,也请家长们督促指导。 Come on! Good luck!
(1) 能完成规定要求的在相应的括号里打“√”。
(2) 不清楚或不懂得的应及时问同学或老师。
( )3. book
( )4. ruler
A. B.
( )5. pencil-sharpener A. B.【北师大版三年级上英语MP3免费下载】
三. 看图,读句子,从A、B中选择适当的内容完成下列句子,将答案的字母标号填入括号。
( )1. My name’s _______________.
A. Ken B. Lily
( )2. This is my ___________________.
A. father B. grandmother
( )3. __________ from America.
A. She’s B. He’s
( )4. This _______________ Ann.
A. is B. isn’t
( )5. This is _____________ bag.
A. his B. her
四. 读句子,选择与句子内容相符的图,将答案的字母标号填入括号。
( )1. Good morning. My name’s Wang Ling.
( )2. This is Danny. Oh! It’s a deer.
( )3. He’s my father. That’s his boat.
( )4. This isn’t a panda. It’s a rabbit.
三年级英语 第三册 教案
第 1 单元 内容:Don’t walk 本单元总课时:7
课 题:Unit 1 Don’t walk
授课日期: 年 月 日
教材分析:先锋英语教材以小学生的生活经验和认知发展水平为基本出发点,主人公都是活泼可爱的小动物和与学生年龄相仿的儿童。书中选用的话题与学生日常生活紧密联系,并采用任务式的活动设计,让学生在完成任务的过程中,运用语言,发展思维,0发挥想象,动手动口,合作参与,在实际交流中发展交流的能力。 本单元是北师大版先锋英语第三册第一单元的第一课时故事教学,主要讲述了主人公Mocky在公共场合做了一些不文明行为,找到了Ken, Ann的阻止。围绕这一情景展开对祈使句的学习,话题中包含的重点句子出现的频率较高,语言较简单,重在对故事的理解,了解功能句的适用场景。
学生分析:三年级学生经过2年的英语学习,已经有了一定的语言基础并且能够配合老师完成正常的教学活动。本册书第一单元Don’t walk,密切联系实际,教育学生在生活中应该做的一些事情与不应该做的一些事情,潜移默化的把学生带入英语的世界,让他们明白英语可以在我们的日常生活中起到非常大的作用,它是必不可少的一项基本技能。学生之前的学习中虽然没有接触过祈使句,比较生疏。但由于语言比较简单,贴近学生生活,能够激发学生的兴趣。
能根据上下文理解下列词right, left, again, litter, worry, move, here's your money.
情感态度价值观:通过对故事的学习,教育学生要遵守交通规 则,别人遇到困难时要主动帮助。
教学难点:单词litter, worry, move, here’s your money
教学准备:教学卡片 录音机
一、 Greetings.
T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you.
二、Warm up (3分钟)
Simon says: walk, run, jump, swim, dance
T: Today we will learn Unit 1; the title is “Don’t walk”.
Read after me. 领读课题,让学生思考意思
First I want to ask you a question. In our life, what kind of public sign can you see?
For example, when we go to the park, we may see this sign.
T: Good, now can you tell me what the function is.
Yes, you are right. In English, if we want to warn sb not to do sth. We may use “Don’t”. Let’s go to see the text together.
三、Presentation of the story (3-5分)
T: Now look at the story. When you watch it, please think what
happened in this story. 播放课件
Can you tell us what happened? 学生一句话概括故事大意
Great, watch again. This time find out how many warnings there are in this story. What are they?
Who can say the warnings? 引导学生说出故事当中出现的警示语 (Don’t walk. Don’t litter. Don’t touch. Don’t move. Don’t worry. Don’t cry.)
Litter 做扔纸屑的动作 worry(做抓耳挠腮的动作) move 观察图片理解
T: Now let’s look at this story in paragraphs. Look at the first paragraph.(播放前两个片断)
I have some questions:
1. Can they across the street in picture 1? Why?
(No, the traffic light is red.)
2. Can they across the street in picture 2? Why?
(yes, the traffic light changes green)
3. How do Ken and Ann say? (Look right. Look left.)
T: Look at me, please. (做右转动作) This is right. (做左转动作)This is left.
(在黑板上画出左右的箭头并标出单词) read after me. 强调left的发音,多领读几遍
Now look at the second paragraph. (播放第二个片断)
In this paragraph, what did Mocky do? How did Ann and Ken say? 同样方法播放第三个片断,提出问题:what’s wrong with Ann? What’s the end?
解释here’s your money.
五、Drills (15分)
T: Now let’s listen, point and repeat sentence by sentence.
Listen again. (再放一遍)
Read after me. (教师领读)
Now read the story in your groups. (小组分角色朗读)
Can you make a performance? You can choose one paragraph you like most.
Listen to the tape and repeat, recite the story.
第 1 单元 内容:Don’t walk 本单元总课时:7
课 题:Unit 1 Don’t walk
授课日期: 年 月 日
教学内容:单词教学:Don’t walk/ litter/ touch. No swimming/
parking/ food/ smoking/ cameras.
Let's sing
教材分析:本单元是北师大版先锋英语第三册第一单元的第2课时词汇教学,在第一课时的基础上,对祈使句进行更深入的学习,共八个,分别由Don't, No引导,重在能够区分两种句子的区别。
学生分析:在第一课时已经对祈使句有了初步了解,本课时要求在理解的基础上识记并运用,学生可能在理解Don't, No的区别上出现困难,要引导学生仔细观察,发现规律。
设计理念:从复习故事入手,学习句子时要引导学生观察总结 教学目标:
知识与技能:能听说读写单词Don’t walk/ litter/ touch. No swimming/ parking/ food/ smoking/ cameras.
能够在真实情景中运用No, Don't 引导的祈使句。 过程与方法:通过听说读写唱做等形式,进行大量的语言操练。 情感态度价值观:通过本课时的学习,教育学生在生活中要仔 细观察,留心见到的公共标志。
教学重点:Don’t walk/ litter/ touch. No swimming/ parking/ food/ smoking/ cameras.
教学难点:Don’t 与No的区别
教学用具:教学卡片 录音机
一、 Greetings. (1分)
T: Good morning, boys and girls.
二、Warm up (3分)
T: First let’s review the story. open your books. Can you read the text? (学生跟读课文)
In this story, we have said there are some warnings. Do you remember what are they?
三、Practice (15分)
T: (出示Don’t walk的图片) what’s this? 引导学生回答
Read after me. 领读两遍
Group 1 read it one by one.
同样方法出示Don’t litter/ touch. No swimming/ parking/ food/ smoking/ cameras.