
| 一年级 |



九年级Review of Units11-12


1. 积累、熟记一些词汇并会运用

2. 理解宾语从句

3. 能熟练使用委婉客气请求的句子


1. dress up as clowns 打扮成小丑 2. lend sb sth=lend sth to sb 借给某人某物

3.borrow sth from sb 向某人借某物 4. make plans to do sth.制定计划去做某事

5. go past the bank=pass the bank. 经过银行 6.on the second floor 在二楼

7. hand in 上交 8.be supposed to do sth 应该做某事

9. shake hands (with) (和...)握手 10. for the first time 第一次

11. drop by 顺便拜访 12. point at/ to 指向

13. learn ... by oneself/ teach oneself ... 自学...... 14. be pleased with sb. 对......满意 习题跟踪

1. Everyone is supposed ________ a seat belt in the car.

A. wearing B. to wear C. to be worn

2. She had never been to the Great Wall before. Today she saw it ________ the first time.

A. at B. for C. in D. by

3. We always ________ our friends’ homes without ______ plans.

A. drop by, make B. drop by, making

C. visit, make D. visit, making

4. Every day I walk ________ a beautiful park. A. pass B. past C. cross D. out

5. I find ________ difficult to remember everything, though I’m still young.

A. that B. this C. it

6. Don’t _____others with your chopsticks when you are at the table.

A. point at B. point into C. shout at









1. Can you please tell me where ____________ the post office?


A. to find B. can I find C. how to find D. find

2. Do you know where ______________?

A. is the shop B. is shop C. shop is D. the shop is

3. My friend asked me ________.

A. if I will come to the party B. that he would help me to clean the room

C. what was wrong with me D. how should he do it next

4. He said that he_______ speak a little English when he was five.

A. might B. would C. could D. can

5. Do you know where_______ now?

A. he lives B. does he live C. he lived D. did he live

6. Please tell me where______ have our picnic tomorrow.

A. we will B. will we C. will D. will you

7. Our geography teacher told us the earth______ around the sun.

A. goes B. go C. went D. Going

8. Alice wanted to know ______ her grandmother liked the dog.

A. that B. if C. which D. What

9. I really don’t know what I will do with the meat. (改为一个简单句) I really don’t know______ _______ do with the meat.

10 .Could you tell me how I can get to the furniture store?

(改为同义句)Could you tell me _______ _______ _______ to the furniture store?

Could you tell me which is_______ _______ _______ the furniture store?



A: Would/will you mind closing the window?

B: Could/Would you please close the window?

C:Would you like to close the window?


1. Could you please ________ us Mary’s telephone number?

A. to give B. give C. giving D. to giving

2. Would you please_____the door? A. opening B. open C. to close

find / think + it+形容词 to do sth. 如:发现/认为做某事。。。的

It’s adj. to do sth. 对某事/ 行为做出评判。



1. That is a good place ______ hang out. A. for B. on C. to D. with

2. Do you know where ______________ some maps?

A. can I buy B. can buy C. I can buy D. buy

3 ---Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? ---____________

A. Yes, I can. B. I could. C. Sure. D. I could tell you.【人教新目标九年级英语12单元分课时练习免费下载】

4. She prefer ______for a walk rather than ______ at home.

A. to go; stay B. going; to stay C. go; staying D. to go, staying

5. I prefer reading books ________ playing computer games.

A. for B. to C. with D. rather than

6. .-Do you know ________ the man with glasses is? -A reporter, I think.

A.what B.that C.who D.where

7. Yesterday my brother lent one hundred yuan to Alice.(改为同义句) Alice ______one hundred yuan ______my brother yesterday.

8. I found _____ very useful_____ notes in class.

A. it, taking; B. it, to take C. that ,taking; D. that, to take

9. Tom got up early this morning____be late for school again.

A. so that B. in order not to C. in order to

10. Water park is a great place for children_____.

A. for play B. to play C. playing

11._____room is on the 5th floor. A. Tom and Bob B. Tom and Bob’s

12.You should be polite to him._____, he is older than you.

13.I find ___difficult to remember everything, though I’m still young.

A. that B. this C. it

14.Do you need ______to read on the train?

A. special anything B. anything special C. anything specially

15.My parents _____getting up early on weekdays.

A. used to B. be used to C. are used to

16.What ____news it is! Nobody____it.

A. surprising; believes B. a surprising; believes C. surprised; believe

C. Tom’s and Bob’s 3



班级_______ 姓名 ______ 成绩______


( ) 1. --- Will you come to the dinner party? --- I will not come until Jenny __________.

A. will be invited B. can be invited C. invited D. is invited

( ) 2. John _______ Beijing the day before yesterday.

A. arrived at B. arrived C. reached to D. arrived in

( ) 3.In Switzerland, people ________ visit a friend’s house.

A. make plans B. make plans to C. makes plans to D. make a plan

( ) 4. It’s too hot. Do you mind ______ the window?

A. my closing B. my opening C. open D. close

( ) 5.She ______Shanghai next week.

A. is leaving for B. leaves for C. leaved D. left

( ) 6.What are you nervous _____, Mary? A. in B. at C. on D. about

( ) 7.We go to school every day _____ Saturday and Sunday.

A. beside B. besides C. except D. except for

( ) 8.Yang Liwei is proud ____ his motherland.

A. in B. of C. from D. for

( ) 9. I find ________ difficult to remember everything, though I’m still young.

A. that B. this C. it D. what

( )10.He _____ at the last party. He felt sorry for it.

A. makes some mistakes B. make a mistake

C. made few mistakes D. made many mistakes

( )11. ---Is it easy for people from different countries to greet each other?


--- I don’t think so. Because different countries have different _______.

A. clothes B. food C. way D. customs

( )12. --- What ______ you ____ to your teacher if you are not on time?

--- I think we do the same as you do.

A. do, tell B. do, say C. will, say D. will, tell

( )13. Linda is new here. But she soon ________ getting up early.

A. get used to B. is used to C. used to D. uses to

( )14. What is an “abbreviation” in the following words? ___________

A. CU. B. BTW. C. CUL8r. D. How R U?

( )15. You can _____ how different the table manners here are from ours.

A. imagine B. meet C. look D. listen

( ) 16. Everyone is supposed ________ a seat belt in the car.

A. wearing B. to wear C. to be worn D. to dress

( ) 17. She felt

A. bit B. a bit of C. a bit D. a little of

( ) 18. I find ________ difficult to remember everything, though I’m still young.

A. that B. this C. it D. its

( ) 19. is really hard them to climb Mount Qomolangma.

A. It, for B. This, to C. This, for D. It, to

( ) 20. He gave up ______two years ago. That’s to say, he is a non-smoker now.

A. smoke B. smoking C. to smoke

A. at B. for C. in D. smoked D. by ( ) 21.She had never been to the Great Wall. Today she saw it ____ the first time.

( ) 22. In Switzerland, people ________ visit a friend’s house.

A. make plans B. make plans to

C. makes plans to D. make a plant

( ) 23. You’d better not read today’s newspaper because there is A. something interesting B. anything new

C. important thing D. nothing relaxed

( ) 24. It’s too hot. Do you mind ______ the window?【人教新目标九年级英语12单元分课时练习免费下载】

A. my closing B. my opening C. open D. close

( ) 25. —Did you go to Li Lei’s birthday party? —No, I A. wasn’t invited B. haven’t invited

C. don’t invite D. am not invited

( ) 26. He used to football after school last term.

A. play B. played C. playing D. plays

( ) 27. We mustn’t go into the teachers’ office withoutA. knock B. to knock C. knocking D. knocked

( ) 28. My mother made me my homework first yesterday.

A. do B. did C. to do D. doing

( ) 29. I think our teacher was too strict, but now I A. used to, used to B. am used to, am used to

C. used to, am used to D. am used to, used to


( ) 30. — — She here on June, 26th.

A. arrived in, arrived B. arrived at, got to

C. reach to, got D. get to, arrived


Once an Arab was travelling in the desert. When the sun went down in the west, he stopped and his tent, made a fire and had a simple meal. When night fell, he down to sleep.

He had already fallen aslep when he felt a soft on his elbow. He woke up to find that his camel had put his head inside the tent. The camel said, “Would you pleas let me my head in the tent to get warm It’s so cold outside. I won’t take up too much .

The Arab was a kind-hearted man. “All right, do as you ” he said. Then he turned on his side and back to sleep.

It wasn’t long he felt a push on his shoulder. It was the camel again. “Dear master,” the camel said, “ my head is quite warm now, but my neck is still cold. Do you mind I keep it inside the tent, too?”

“No, not at all,” the man said. But this time he felt a bit long neck.

No sooner had cloesed his eyes he got a harder push in his side. This time the camel said, “Will you please allow me to bring my front legs inside and warm them up a little?”

The Arab over to one side of the tent. He made himself as small as he could. It wasn’t cofortable, and sleep was now out of the question.

Soon after that the camel gave him a rough push and said, “The tent is too small for the two of us. , my two back legs are still left in the cold. It is only that you should leave the whole tent to me.”

And with that, the camel the poor man out.

( )1. A. built

( )2. A. laid

( )3. A. touch

( )4. A. hold

( )5. A. place

( )6. A. please

( )7. A. after B. made B. lay B. beat B. place B. tent B. alike B. before

B. as

C. put up C. lied C. kick C. keep C. room C. are like C. since C. that C. warmer C. when C. climbed C. a bit C. After all C. sorry C. kicked D. set D. went D. bite D. reach D. blanket D. want D. then D.if D. narrower D. after D. moved D. a little D. But D. right D. let ( )8. A. whether ( )9. A. crowded ( )10. A. than ( )11. A. went ( )12. A. very ( )14. A.bad ( )15. A.pulled B. comfortable B. then B. walked B. much B. Besides B. wrong B. touched ( )13. A.Except



Tony: These days, the word “clone” has been seen very often in the newspapers. Do you know

its meaning?

Lana: I read a report. It said that Dr. Ian Wilmut successfully cloned a lamb named Dolly from a

grown-up sheep. So people call him the “father” of Dolly.

Tony: In fact, the word “clone” means to produce the “same” animal by taking cells from a

grown-up one. I think, if we know how to do cloning, we need only to keep a small number of sheep, cows or horses.

Lana: What’s more, these days some people even want to clone humans. They have asked: Can

we clone ourselves?

Tony: It seems interesting. But do you think it possible to do that?

Lana: No, impossible! First, I think we cannot clone a dead person, because the cells in his body


are dead already.

Tony: Then can we clone a living person?

Lana: Again no! You might clone yourself one after another, but it is only a copy, not a real you.

It is only something, not a “human”.

Tony: Well, you mean that it is not a real human.

Lana: True enough! I think Dr. Wilmut would most like to make better animals, and it has

nothing to do with human cloning.

( )1. The word “clone” means ___________.

A. to give birth to a new life B. to make a new thing according to the sample

C. to make a new animal D. to make a new living thing by taking cells from an old one

( )2. Dolly was the name of _________.

A. the father of a sheep B. a famous scientist

C. a sheep that was cloned D. a grown-up sheep

( )3. Lana says Dr. Ian Wilmut is the “father” of Dolly. Here, she means _______.

A. Dr. Ian Wilmut gave Dolly a new life

B. Dr. Ian Wilmut was the first man to clone a sheep in his lab

C. Dr. Ian Wilmut takes care of Dolly like a father

D. Dr. Ian Wilmut has a daughter whose name is Dolly

( )4. What are Tony and Lana talking about? They are talking about _________.

A. a newspaper B. sheep C. Cloning technique D. humans

( )5. According to the text, which of the following is TRUE?

A. Scientists have successfully cloned humans.

B. Dr. Wilmut likes to do human cloning.

C. Cloned animals are better than grown-up ones.

D. Lana thinks humans shouldn’t be cloned.


When Martin was a little boy, he lived in the town of Holtham. At the time, Martin thought that the little town was a very big town.

Well, Martin came back to Holtham last night. “It’s a small town!” he said to himself.

The town has changed very little in the past forty years. But Martin has changed a lot. He has grown into a man. His ideas are a man’s eyes.

Martin stayed in the town for five hours. He walked from street to street, but he knew nobody. Who were the strangers, the people in Holtham or Martin? Martin suddenly understood it all. Not the people in the town but he.

( ) 1. Holtham was ______________.

A. a little country B. a small town C. a big town D. a big country

( ) 2. Martin left the town __________.

A. when he was 40 B. 40 years ago C. 14 years ago D. 5 hours ago

( ) 3. During his five hours’ stay in the town, Martin __________.

A. met no friend B. didn’t want to see his friends C. saw nobody D. saw a lot of friends

( ) 4. Which of the following is true? __________.

A. Martin has never lived in the town B. Holtham was a town of strangers

C. There have been great changes in the town D. A man’s ideas are different from a child’s

( ) 5. Now Martin sees things through ________________.

A. a boy’s eyes B. a child’s eyes C. a man’s eyes D. a stranger’s eyes


There are students from all over the world at the United World School. In this school these students study and spend their free time together. The school believes this will help them grow up to be knowledgeable, caring and friendly.

Once a year, there is a special “United Nations” show. Students are allowed to show anything they want, but anything that comes from their traditional cultures. To get ready for the festival, they have to teach each other. And the school believesand enjoy the culture of their friends better.

This school also believes that students should be allowed to make some decisions themselves. For example, the older students are allowed to wear what they want and the younger students are allowed to choose which kind of uniform they want to wear. But all students are asked not to wear an expensive necklace or something else like that, and not to wear clothes that will make other students unhappy.

It is never possible to make everybody happy, but if we want to have a much more wonderful world, it is important for students to understand and enjoy other cultures as well as to be proud of their own.

( )1. Where do the students at the United World School come from? _____

A. China B. America C. Canada D. All over the world

( )2. What are the students allowed to do at the United World School? _______

A. To do everything they want B. To wear anything they want

C. To decide something themselves D. To choose anything they want

( )3. Which of the following is NOT right according to the passage? _________.

A. The school can help the students grow up to be friendly

B. The school allows the students to make some decisions

C. We can make everybody happy by understanding each other

D. It’s important to help the students understand other cultures.

( )4. What can Li Lei, a Chinese boy, show on the festival according to the passage? ________

A. Play the piano B. Act Beijing Opera

C. Sing an English song D. Have a rock show

( )5. What does “” in the passage? ___________

A. The “United Nations” show B. The traditional culture



一、 用所给词的适当形式添空。一、1.supposed 2. closed 3. used cutting 4. running 5. seeing 6. unfamiliar 7. studying 8. Spending 9. to turn off

10. relaxed1. 1 You are _______________ (suppose) to shake hands when you meet a Chinese friend. 2. Keep your eyes ______(close) when you are doing eye exercises. 3. A knife is _____ (use) for _______(cut) things. 4. Trees can keep water from _______ (run) away. 5. Do you still remember______(see) me somewhere in Beijing ? 6. Everything was ______( familiar ) with me because I was in Japan for the first time? 7. Though you failed this time, don’t give up______ (study) .You still have a lot of chances. 8. ________ ( spend ) time with family and friends is very important. 9. Remember ________(turn off) the light when you leave the room. 10. People are pretty _______( relax ) about time in Colombia.

二 选择正确答案。 ( ) 1. ------ Will you come to the dinner party? ------ I won’t come until Jenny __________. A. will be invited B. can be invited

C. invited D. is invited ( ) 2. John _______ Beijing the day before yesterday. A. arrived at B. arrived C. reached to D. arrived in ( ) 3.In Switzerland, people ________ visit a friend’s house. A. make plans

B. make plans to C. makes plans to D. make a plant

( ) 4.It’s too hot. Do you mind ______ the window? A. my closing

B. my opening C. open D. close ( ) 5.She ______Shanghai next week. A, is leaving for B. leaves for C. leaved D. left

( ) 6.What are you nervous _____, Mary? A. in B. at C. on D. about

( ) 7.We go to school every day _____ Saturday and Sunday. A. beside B. besides C. except D. except for ( ) 8.Yang Liwei is proud ____ his motherland. A. in B. of C. from D. for

( ) 9.After receiving education, he changed a bad boy ____ an honor student.

A. to B. in C. for D. from ( ) 10.He _____ in his English Test Paper. His teacher was very angry with him. A. makes some mistakes B. make a mistake C.made few mistakes D. made many mistakes

Ⅲ.选择填空:1 ( )1.-Could you tell me the way to the department store? —__________. Walk along the road until you reach the end. A. Sure B. Great

C. Good D. No ( )2.The table manners are different _________ ours.

A. of B. for C. from D. with

( )3. In France, it’s __________ to say you are full. A. polite B. nice C. kind D. rude ( )4. ______ do you know about table manners in Korea?

A. What B. How many C. How much D. Which

( )5. This interesting book only ______ me ten yuan and I _______ ten month reading it. A. cost, spend B. cost, spent C. spends, cost D. spent, costs ( )6. There are __________ readers in the library.

A. hundred of B. three hundreds C. hundreds of D. three hundreds

of ( )8. Don’t throw litter around. Please__________.

A. pick it up B. pick up it C. pick up them D. pick them up ( )9. It was raining hard.___________ he didn’t have an umbrella.

A. Unfortunately B. Luckily C. Because D. So

( )10. Our classroom _____ every day, so it’s very clean.

A. cleans B. is cleaning C. is cleaned D. cleaned

( )11.Yao Ming is a _____ boy who is helping the Houston Rockets in NBA.

A.2.16-metres-tall B. 2.26-metre-tall C. 2.16 metres tall D.

2.26 metres ( )12. I’m not sure if I’m going to the cinema, I may take my family to the concert________. A. early B. late C. instead of D. instead

C. are used to eat D. get ( )13.Now those foreigners ___________ Chinese food. A. used to eat B. are used to eating

used to eat ( )14.Many young adults _________ foreign cartoons now.

A. be interested in B. become interest in C. show great interest in

D. show great interested in ( )15.Could you tell me _________________get to the mall? A. How I can B. how to C. how D. A and B 阅读短文,试试你的判断力,选出正确答案. ABCDD Dinner customs (习惯) are different around the world. If you are a guest in Ghana( 加纳), this information will help you a lot.

In Ghana, dinner is usually from four in the afternoon to six in the evening. But there are no strict rules (规则) about time. Whenever a guest arrives, a family offers food. When you go to a home, the person who receives guests takes you to the living room first. At this time everyone welcomes you. Then you go to the dinning room. There you wash your hands in a bowl of water. All the food is on the table.

In Ghana you usually eat with your fingers. You eat from the same dish as everyone else .But you eat from one side of the dish only. It is not polite to get food from the other side of the dish. After dinner, you wash your hands again in a bowl of water.

Most meals in Ghana have a dish called fufu. People in Ghana make fufu from the powder(粉末) of some plants. Sometimes they cut the fufu with a saw(锯子) because it is very hard. You must chew(咀嚼) fufu well, or you may get sick. You eat fufu with the fingers of your right hand only. ( ) 1.From the passage we know that in Ghana ______________. A. the rules for dinner time are not strict B. dinner is always at six in the evening C. a family offers food only at four in the afternoon D. people usually invite their guests to dinner late in the evening ( ) 2.If you are a dinner guest in Ghana, the host (主人) always takes you to _______. A. the dining room first B. the living room first C. the kitchen first D. the garden first ( ) 3.People in Ghana usually eat ________ A. from one side of a dish to the other B. from the other side of the dish C. with their fingers D. with their spoons

( ) 4.In fact, most dishes in Ghana _______.A. are cooked with the powder of some plants B. have fufu in them C. are too hard to eat D. are not very hard

( ) 5.When you eat fufu, you’d better _________. A. cut it with a saw

B. use your right hand only C. chew it well D. all of the above

Dear Rose,

I like your programmes very much. I’m now writing to ask you something about American social customs .My American friends want me to join them in their dinner party. I am very happy and have decided to go, but I’m a little worried about it, too. The social customs in my country are very different from here, so I’m afraid of making mistakes. Should I bring a present, such as sweets or flowers? Should I arrive on time or a little late? At the dinner table, how can I know which fork or knife to use? How can I let the family know that I’m thankful for their kindness?

Wang Lin

Dear Wang Lin,

It’s a good idea to bring a small present when you go to a dinner party. Flowers are always nice, or you may bring a bottle of wine if you know that your friends drink it. You should arrive on time or five to ten minutes late. Don’t get there early. If you’re going to be more than fifteen minutes late, you should call and tell them. Try to be free at the dinner table. If you don’ t know about choosing the right fork or knife, just watch the other people, and follow them. If you still have no idea of what to do, ask the person next to you. If you like the food, say so. Of course, you’ll thank them for the meal and for their kindness. It’s also a good idea to send a thank you card the day after.

1. Wang Lin wants to .

A. make friends with Rose


C. make her friends happy Rose B. know some social customs for a dinner

2. Rose is possibly .【人教新目标九年级英语12单元分课时练习免费下载】

A. a good housewife B. a TV hostess (主持人) C. a member of the dinner party

3. If you’re asked to a dinner party but not sure about what to bring as a present, it’s good to bring _______.

A. some fruits B. a bottle of wine C. some flowers

4. Which of the following is NOT proper(适当的)for joining in a dinner party?

A. Get there 15 minutes earlier. B. Make yourself at home.

C. Follow others to use forks and knives.

5. From the letters we’ve learned it’s very to know something about American


A. difficult


B. friendly C. helpful



Unit 12 标准检测

(时间:100分钟 满分:120分 得分:________)




( )1.What's the man talking about? A. B. C.

( )2.What do many people complain about? A. B. C.

( )3.What can't Mr.Smith afford? A. B. C.

( )4.What was left in the shop?

A. B. C.

( )5.Who is waiting on the fifth floor? A. B. C.




( )6.What will the boy probably do first?

A.He'll play soccer.

B.He'll finish his homework.

C.He'll watch a soccer match.


( )7.What are the two speakers doing now?

- 1 -

A.Cooking at home.

B.Collecting water.

C.Preparing for the meal.


( )8.How many friends has the woman made so far?

A.Four. B.Five. C.Six.


( )9.What will Anna do next?

A.Go to Anna's house.

B.Buy another guide book.

C.Go to New York.


( )10.What's true about the talk?

A.Jane is on the way to the farm now.

B.Jane is having supper with a villager.

C.A villager has helped Jane reach the farm safely.


( )11.Whom are they going to help?

A.A blind woman.

B.An old woman.

C.A poor man.

( )12.How many children does the old woman have?

A.One. B.Two. C.None.


( )13.Who did Betty's father go to London with?

A.No one. B.Betty. C.His wife.

( )14.What is Betty hoping to do?

A.To take vacation with her father.

B.To stay with her mother.

C.To visit London.

( )15.How does Betty like her father's behavior?

A.It's boring. B.It's impolite. C.It's all right.



( )16.The earthquake happened ________ .

A.on Monday

B.on Wednesday

- 2 -

C.on Friday

( )17.The earthquake lasted for________.

A.several minutes

B.over one minute

C.a whole afternoon

( )18.From the news, we know ________.

A.no villagers were killed in the storm

B.the earthquake made over 200 people homeless

C.two houses were badly destroyed by the earthquake

( )19.About the farmer, we know that________.

A.some parts of his house fell down

B.his wife was killed

C.one of his children was missing

( )20.When the earthquake happened, the woman ________.

A.tried to take some things out

B.rushed out with her children

C.asked her husband not to leave





( )26.I think I have ________ my key in the car.

A.forget B.left

C.forgotten D.leave

( )27.By the time he got up, he found his father ________ to work.

A.went B.have gone

C.gone D.had gone

( )28.—What happened ________ Cindy yesterday?

—She was hit in a car accident.

A.on B.to C.in D.for

( )29.When I got to the bus stop, the bus ________ already

- 3 -

________ for 5 minutes.

A.has; left B.had; left

C.has; been away D.had; been away

( )30.________, he got an “A” in the final exam.

A.Luck B.Lucky

C.Luckily D.To lucky

( )31.I was nearly late for class yesterday morning, but I only ________ my class.

A.made B.made to

C.made it to D.made it

( )32.It is ________ good exhibition that I have seen it several times.

A.so B.such

C.so a D.such a

( )33.My sister ________ a teacher two years ago.

A.got married to B.got married of

C.married to D.married with

( )34.________ your sweater.It's cold outside.

A.Put on B.Dress

C.Wear D.To put on

( )35.Please write down ________ you can in your exercise-books.

A.as much as words B.as much words as

C.as many words as D.as many as words

( )36.When I got to the shop, the fresh vegetables had ________.

A.be sold out B.sold out

C.been sold out D.sell out

( )37.We felt ________ when we heard the ________ news.

A.embarrassed; embarrassed

B.embarrassing; embarrassed

C.embarrassed; embarrassing

D.embarrassing; embarrassing

( )38.He is a very unfriendly man, so few people ________ at his party last Sunday.

A.showed up B.showed off

C.showed in D.on show

( )39.Tom has lost lots of ________ in the past few months.

A.weigh B.weighs

C.weight D.weighed

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( )40.My sister ________ the e-mail invitation, but she realized she had forgotten to invite John.

A.sent out B.sent up

C.sent to D.send out

( )41.I like to play jokes ________ my classmates.

A.on B.into C.in D.to

( )42.________ he knows it, he'll not let out the secret.

A.As if B.Even though

C.So that D.What if

( )43.Be sure to keep the classroom ________ after class.

A.cleaned B.clean

C.to clean D.cleaning

( )44.There is a boy ________ soccer on the street.

A.played B.to play

C.playing D.play

( )45.The ________ of Columbus was quite an event in the world.

A.discover B.discovery

C.discovered D.discoveries



I think April Fool's Day is a very unusual holiday.On April Fool's Day, fake (假的)articles into their papers to fool people.I heard a story about how April Fool's Day, a London newspaper printed an article about how aliens landed in many people to panic not to go too far.On April Fool's Day, I called my mother from the university I attended.I told her that I was failing all of my classes and to cry.I felt really bad about making her sad and tried to tell her it was just and apologize before she would talk to me again.

April Fool's Day's jokes can be funny but you should be careful not to hurt people's feelings by embarrassing them you act, you should always make sure to put yourself in someone else's shoes and

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