
| 三年级 |





7A Unit 1 This is me!

【单元学习重点和要求】 一、语音


`welcome `secondary `swimming `racket `lunchtime `badminton `tennis `breakfast 2.不完全爆破

ba(d)minton baske(t)ball brea(k)fast bla(ck) hair foo(t)ball 3.句子重音和语调

Are you my ↗master? Yes, I ↘am.

What’s your ↘name? My name’s ↘Daniel. 二、词汇 4.单词

welcome secondary racket tennis swimming badminton football lunchtime field court boots swimsuit 5.词组

come from 从……来,来自于…… be born 出生 play football 踢足球 at school 在上学,在求学 work hard 努力工作;努力学习 enjoy doing sth 爱好(喜欢)做某事 tennis racket 网球拍 football field 足球场 tennis court 网球场 football boots 足球鞋 swimming pool 游泳池 have breakfast 吃早饭/餐 watch TV 看电视 every day 每天;天天 take a bus 乘公共汽车 after school 放学后 half an hour 半小时 be good at 擅长……;对……学(做)得好 the World Cup 世界杯 the Computer Club 电脑兴趣小组 play computer games 玩电子游戏 the Music Club 音乐兴趣小组 look for things on the Internet 网上搜寻/浏览 三、日常用语

Hi, I’m Sandy. What’s your name? 你好,我叫桑迪。你叫什么名字?

My name’s Daniel. 我叫丹尼尔。 Are you my master? 你是我的主人吗? Yes, I am. 是的,我是。 四、语法

一般现在时可以用于以下几种情况: 1.表示人或事物动作、状态,如:

They usually watch TV on Sundays.他们通常在星期天看电视。 She gets up at six o’clock.她在六点起床。 2.表示人或事物现在的状态,如:

He is twelve.他十二岁。She is at home.她在家。 Her car is under the tree.她的车在树下。 3.表示经常的或习惯性的动作,如:

I go to school at 7:30 every day.每天七点半我上学。 4.表示主语具备的性格和能力等,如:

David can speak English and Spanish.戴维会说英语和西班牙语。 She likes apples.她喜欢苹果。


March comes after February.二月之后三月来到了。 The sun is bigger than the moon.太阳比月亮大。

一般现在时常与often, usually, always, every day, sometimes, every week, every month, every year, in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, once a week, on Sundays, never等时间状语连用。



如:read→reads, write→writes, say→says; 2)以s,sh,ch,x,o结尾的单词加-es;

如:teach→teaches, wash→washes, guess→guesses, fix→fixes, go→goes;

3)以辅音字母+y结尾的词,先变y为i,再加-es。 如:try→tries, carry→carries.


1.look after=take care of,“照料/顾”。例如:

You must look after the e-dog.=You must take care of the e-dog.你必须照料好这只电子狗。 2.welcome感叹词,“欢迎”,welcome to+地点,“欢迎到……来”。例如: Welcome to China.欢迎到中国来。

Welcome to our school.欢迎到我们学校来。 welcome也可以作名词,表示“欢迎”。例如: give sb a warm welcome给某人以热烈的欢迎 welcome还可以作动词,表示“欢迎”。例如:

We welcome you to our home.我们欢迎你到我们家来。


a welcome guest受欢迎的客人;嘉宾

You are always welcome.你总是受欢迎的。 3.be clever at=be good at,“擅长……”。例如:

He is clever at maths.= He is good at maths.他擅长数学。

4.You can call me Simon.你们可以叫我西蒙。动词call后面可以带复合宾语。例如: People call him Iron Ox.人们管他叫“铁牛”。

5.at school在上学,在求学。School前不加冠词,如果加冠词则成了“在学校里”。例如: He is at school in Beijing.他在北京上学。

He teaches English at a school in Beijing.他在北京的一所学校里教英语。 6.like doing sth喜欢做某事(表示习惯或爱好) like to do sth喜欢做某事(指具体的事情)。例如:

I like taking a walk after supper, but I don’t like to take a walk tonight. 我喜欢晚饭后散步,但今晚我不想散步了。

7.work hard努力工作;努力学习。work是动词,表示“工作;干活”。hard是副词。 hard work辛勤的劳动,艰苦的工作。这里的work是名词,hard是形容词。 8.wear glasses戴眼镜。wear动词,“穿,戴”,与where(哪儿)发音相同。

glass名词,“玻璃(不可数名词)”;“玻璃杯(可数名词)”,复数形式glasses可以指“眼镜”,“一副眼镜”a pair of glasses. 〖注意〗

wear“穿,戴”,强调状态,含有“穿(戴)着”之意。 put on“穿,戴”强调动作(过程),含有“穿(戴)上”之意。例如: He often wears a sweater, but today he is wearing a jacket. 他时常穿一件厚运动衫,但今天穿的是夹克衫。 It’s cold outside. You’d better put on your coat. 外面很冷,你最好穿上你的大衣。

9.every day“每天;天天”,在句中作状语。

everyday形容词,“日常的;每日的”,在句中作定语,修饰名词。例如: He gets up very early every day.他每天起得很早。 everyday English常用英语 everyday life日常生活

10.weekend名词,“周末”,一般指Saturday and Sunday星期六和星期天。 at the weekend在周末。例如:

What do you do at the weekend?在周末你做什么?

weekday名词,“平常日,平时(=any day except Sunday or Saturday除了星期天或星期六之外的任何一天)”。如:I get up at six on weekdays.我平日六点起床。 11.half an hour半小时。half名词,“半;一半;二分之一”

two hours and a half=two and a half hours“两个半小时;两小时半” half a day半天 half a year半年 Half of six is three.六的一半是三。

12.grandparent名词,“祖(外祖)父;祖(外祖)母”是指其中之一; grandparents名词,“祖父(母);外祖父(母)”是指双亲,两个人。=father’s or mother’s parents grandfather祖父;外祖父 grandmother祖母;外祖母 grandson 孙子;外孙子 granddaughter孙女;外孙女 grandchild孙子(女);外孙子(女)

7A Unit2 Let’s play sports!

一、词组 1、


like walking very much 2、


walk to school = go to school on foot 3、 两碗饭

two bowls of rice 4、

一天一次/ 两次 /许多次

once / twice a day / many times a day 5、

踢足球 /打篮球/ 排球/ 网球

play football / basketball / volleyball/ tennis 羽毛球 / 乒乓球/ 棒球

badminton / table tennis / baseball 6、


我最喜欢的运动 / 足球明星 my favourite sport / football star 7、


enjoy listening to music 8、 你呢?

What about you? 9、


What about / How about going fishing? 10、


be in / be a member of the Reading Club 11、

篮球打得好 / 舞跳得好

play basketball well / dance well 12、

看起来强壮 look strong 13、

在他的空暇时间 in his free time 14、

使他(感到)开心 make him (feel) happy 15、


want / would like to do sth 16、【译林七年级下册英语知识点总结】


play in the next World Cup 17、 变成现实 come true 18、

通过电视看球赛[来源:Zxxk.Com] watch the ball games on TV 19、 在周末

at / on the weekend // at / on weekends 20、


many of my students 21、

别的什么 / 还有谁 what else / who else 22、 许多英雄

a lot of / lots of heroes 23、

一本有趣的书 an interesting book 24、



be interested in (sth / doing sth) 25、 谈论…

talk about / of

二 句型和知识点:

1、time: 1) 时间(不可数)have _______ time _____________(有许多时间打篮球) 2) 次数(可数)____________ a month (许多次) 2、enjoy: 喜欢;享受1) enjoy doing sth 2) enjoy oneself玩的开心= have a good time 3、你最喜欢的运动是什么?

Which sport _____ you _____ _____? = What’s your ______ sport? 4、make: 1)制作 make a kite

2)使某人…. make sb happy / sad / strong / tired… / make sb do sth 锻炼使我们强壮。_______________________________________.

戴眼镜使他看起来聪明。___________________________________________. 5、want = would like 想要… want / would like sth / to do sth

你想去看足球赛吗?________________ watch the football match? Yes, _______________. 6、hope: v.希望 1) hope to do sth I hope _________________________(去北京). 2) hope + 从句 I hope ____________________________(我的梦想成真). 注意: 不能说 hope sb to do sth

7、else: adv. 另外,其他 1) what / who / where else 2) something / someone else

_____________ do you __________________?(你还想买些什么?) 8、interesting有趣的 / interested感兴趣的: adj. something interesting有趣的事情 be interested in (doing) 对…感兴趣

fun (n.) -----have( great / lots of) fun My grandfather often plays cards for________.(消遣)

English is very _________. I’m very _____________ it. __________________________.(读书是件有趣的事。)

9、许多的表达法: many(可数) / much(不可数) / a lot of / lots of

I have ___________________ (许多作业要做)。So I don’t have ________ time to play chess. 三、语法:一般现在时(实义动词) 1、注意动词的第三人称单数的变化形式

have _______ do_______ fly________ study________ enjoy________ watch________ play________

go_________ dress________ be _______ need_______ get_________ say__________ 2、注意疑问句中be动词和助动词do / does的用法区别

如: He is at school. ---- 一般疑问句_______he at school? Yes, he _______. 短划线部分提问_______ _______ he ?

He does homework at home. ------- ________ he _______ homework at home? No, he ________.

________ ________ he _______ at home? 3、注意主谓一致的问题

如:1) Jim and his parents often ________(go) to the park at weekends. 2) Jim , with his parents often ________ (go) to the park at weekends. 3) _______ your mother and father ________ (work) in the same hospital? 4) One of the best _________ (play) ________ (come) from the USA.


七年级下册知识点总结Unit 1 Dream homes


1、Would you like to live in the palace, Eddie? 埃迪,你想住宫殿里吗?

①Would you like sth? 肯定回答: Yes, please. 否定回答: No, thanks.

②Would you like to do sth? 肯定回答:Yes, I’d like/love to. 否定回答:I’d like/love to, but„

2、There are twenty restaurants in town. 镇上有二十家餐馆。

There are about 8,000,000 people living in London. 大约有八百万人住在伦敦。

①表示某地有„„,用there be 句型,谓语动词就近原则。

There __________(be) an art room, a music room and two computer rooms in our school.

②表示有事情要做,用there be sth to do。 There are lots of things ___________(see) in Beijing..

③表示有某人正在做某事,用there be sb doing sth.。

On game shows, there are always famous people___________(talk) about their lives.

3、I live in a town 15 miles from London. 我住在离伦敦15英里的一个镇上。

be far (away) from 离„„远,但出现具体距离时,不用far

My home is __________________from the school.

My home is 5 kilometres ___________from the school. A. away B. far C. close D. next to

4. have fun with sb./sth. 和某人/某物玩得开心

have fun doing sth. 做某事很开心

have(has/had) fun= have(has/had) a good time= enjoy(enjoyed) onself(myself/yourself/youselves„„)

5、I also have a bedroom of my own. =I also have my own bedroom. 我也有自己的房间。

own ①(adj.) 自己的 用于形容词性物主代词或名词所有格后,加强语气

②(vt.) 拥有 owner (n.) 物主,所有人

He______________(own) a big company in New York.

He is the______________(own) of a big company in New York.

6、I share a bedroom with my sister. 我和妹妹共享一间卧室。

share sth. with sb. 和某人共享„„

7、We often listen to music in bed. 我们经常躺在床上听音乐。

①in bed 意为 (躺)在床上,bed 前无冠词修饰。 Don't read ________________. 不要躺在床上看书。 ②on the bed 表示某样东西在床上。 There is a book ____________. 床上有本书。

8、I Love to sit there and look out at the beach and the sea. 我喜欢坐在那里向外看海滩和海。

look out at sth 向外看„„ look out of… 看„„的外面 look out 向外看,小心

It’s good for your eyes to ______________ the green trees for a minute or two.

A. look out of B. look out at C. look out from D. look for at

look like 看起来像 look up 查阅(字典/资料),向上看 look after 照顾 look for 寻找(强调动作) in the sea 在海里 by sea= by ship坐船 by the sea 在海边

9、Your house is really different from the flats here in our town. 你的房子和我们城镇里的公寓真的很不一样。 be different from… 和„„不同,不同于„„ be the same as„„和„„相同

different 是形容词,名词为difference

Our classroom is different from___________(he ).

There are some _____________(different) between the four words.

10、Each room has a new computer. 每间房间都有台新电脑。

each 用于两者及以上的每一个,后面可以直接跟 of。如 each of them/you/us

every 用于三者及以上的每一个,后面不能直接跟 of,

如要表示每一个,可用 every one。如every one of them/you/us

Each student __________________(have) a book in his hand.

Each of the students__________________(have) a book in his hand.

The students each__________________(have) a book in his hand.

11. knife n.刀子,小刀 其复数为knives


12. thaks for sth./doing sth.= thank sb. for doing sth. 因为„„而感谢某人

Thank you for helping me.= Thanks for helping me.=Thank you/Thanks for your help.

13. Your garden is full of flowers.你的花园里都是花。

be full of„„= be filled with„„ 充满着„„

14. I hope to visit your home some day.我希望有一天能去拜访你家。

hope to do sth.希望去做某事

hope +(that)从句,上句等于I hope I can visit your home some day. 常用I hope you have a good time. some day 将来有一天,总有一天 只用来指将来

one day 某一天 可以指过去,也可以指将来

the other day 前几天 常用于一般过去时

He writes such wonderful stories that he _____________(make) a good writer some day.

I______________(happen) to meet him in the street the other day.

15. May I speak to Daniel, please? 我可以找Daniel接电话吗?


This is Daniel speaking.=Speaking. 表示正是某人在接电话。

Is that Tom speaking?那是Tom吗?

16. Can you ask him to call me back?你能让他给我回电话吗?

ask sb. to do sth. 叫某人去做某事 ask sb. not to do sth. 叫某人不要去做某事

ask (sb.) for sth. (向某人)要某物

17、I would like to invite my friends to watch films with me at the weekend. 在周末,我想邀请朋友来看电影。

invite (v.) 邀请 invitation (n) 邀请 an invitation letter 一封邀请函

invite sb to someplace 邀请某人去某地或参加活动

invite sb to do sth 邀请某人去做某事

18、have an area of over 260,000 square miles 占地260,000多平方英里

91,000 square meters in size 91,000平方米的面积

square ①adj. 平方的square metre 平方米 ②n.广场 Tian’an men Square 天安门广场


1、1-12为独立的单词,有其各自的形式one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve 2、13-19都以teen结尾 thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen

3、20-90之间的“整十”都以ty结尾 twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety


如:22 twenty-two, 49 forty-nine, 94 ninety-four

5、101-999之间的非整百的基数词读法为: 百位数和十位数(或个位数)之间用and连接。

如:608 six hundred and eight, 732 seven hundred and thirty-two



1、表顺序。由单数名词 + 基数词,此时名词和基数词第一个字母大写。

如:Class One, Room Five, Lesson Ten, Page 108, No. 9 Middle School


基数词+ hundred, thousand, million, billion+ 名词复数 six hundred students

短语:hundreds, thousands, millions, billions+ of +名词的复数 数以百/千/百万/十亿计的„„

Thousands of visitors have come to Hangzhou in the last two weeks.

注意:two hundred of the students 学生中的两百个

3、another+基数词+名词复数= 基数词+more+名词复数 表示再增加一定的数量,意思是“再、又、还”。

He ate another two cakes. = He ate two more cakes. 他又吃了两块蛋糕。

We need one more hour to finish the work. = We need another hour to finish the work


1、第一到第三需逐个记忆 first, second, third

2、第四到第十九,特殊的是:fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth。其余都由相应的基数词加th构成。 3、20-90之间“第几十”的序数词由相应的基数词去掉y加 ieth构成。

twentieth, thirtieth, fortieth, fiftieth, sixtieth, seventieth, eightieth, ninetieth


接。如:twenty-first, twenty-ninth, seventy-eighth。

5、对比以下序数的写法:fourth, fourteenth, fortieth ninth, nineteenth, ninetieth



The second picture is very beautiful. 第二幅图很漂亮。

Today is grandma’s______________(nine) birthday.

He is always the first __________ (come) to school in our class.

2、表日期中的“日”。 2009 年7月6日 July 6th, 2009

(1) He lives on ___________________(seven) floor.

(2) The ________________(twenty-nine) Olympic Games took place in Beijing.

(3) Father’s Day is the ________________(three) Sunday in June.

(4) Now, everyone, please turn to Page________ and look at the _________ picture.

A. Twelve, fifth B. Twelfth, fifth C. Twelve, five D. Twelfth, five



1、the biggest one 最大的一个 2、the capital of Japan 日本首都

3、in the center of 在„„的中心 4、have my own bedroom 有我自己的卧室

5、in most homes 在大多数家庭里

6、people from 180 countries and areas 来自180个国家和地区的人

7、1815 feet tall 1815英尺高 8、Women’s Day妇女节

9、on the eighth of March在三月八日 10、of one’s own属于某人自己的

11、take a message传个话,捎个口信 leave a message留个口信

12、call sb back给某人回电话 13、more than enough food超多的食物

B. 重点句子

1、The living room is the best place to chat and watch TV. 客厅是聊天和看电视最好的地方。

2、There are about 8,000,000 people living in London. 大约有八百万人住在伦敦。

3、He is always the first to come to school in our class他总是我们班第一个到校的。

4、What kind of home do you live in? 你住在哪种类型的房子里?

Which floor do you live on? 你住在第几层?

5、My dream home is at the foot of a hill. 我理想的家在山脚下。

七年级下册 Unit 2 Neighbours


1. I am afraid they won`t welcome visitors like you.我恐怕他们不会欢迎向你这样的客人。

be afraid to do sth 害怕去做某事 be afraid of sth /doing sth.害怕某物/做某事 be afraid+(that)从句welcome sb. 欢迎某人 welcome to sp.欢迎来到某地

like (prep)像 He, _______his elder brother, likes chatting with others.

I’m afraid so.恐怕是的。 I’m afraid not. 恐怕不是这样的。

2.It`s good to live in a neighbour like that. 住在那样一个小区很好。

It`s+形容词to do sth

3.What are your neighbours like?= How are you neighbours?你的邻居们(性格品质)如何?

What be sb/sth like?你认为…怎么样(性格品质)?(用形容词回答)

What do/does sb. like?某人喜欢什么?

What do/does sb. look like?某人长什么样子(外貌)?

4. They often meet at the community centre and share their different skills.

different +名词复数

5.Some of them are volunteers.他们中有一些人是志愿者。

some/most/all of +名词/代词 (名词前有限定词) one of +复数 表示“„„之一”

Most of the water is for drinking. 大多数水都是用来喝的。

Most of the students in our class are boys. 我们班大多数学生是男生。(注意主谓一致)

6.They help us with all kinds of problems. 他们帮助我们解决各种各样的问题。

help sb.(to) do sth.帮助某人去做某事 help sb. with sth. 在某方面帮助某人

with the help of sb 在某人的帮助之下 without one`s help没有某人的帮助 helpful adj.乐于助人的 all kinds of 各种各样的 different kinds of 不用种类的

7. There`s something wrong with my computer. = My computer is broken.= My computer doesn’t work.=My computer isn’t working. 我的电脑坏了。

something 指物的不定代词,“某事,某物”,看作单数。

形容词修饰不定代词要后置,something interesting , something strange,不定式修饰要后置something to eat 注:would you like /could you /can I结构还用something, 表委婉语气,或希望得到肯定回答。

其他的不定代词:someone/somebody anyone/anybody/anything everyone/everybody/everything

nobody(=no one)/nothing

8.I want to help sick people.我想要帮助生病的人

sick可修饰名词,ill 也表示生病的,但不能修饰名次,只能用“The little boy is ill.”

9.That sounds like a good idea. 那听起来像是个好主意。(That sounds good!)

sound like +名词词组 听起来像„„ look like „ 看起来像„„


eg. They look cool!他们看起来很酷! The music sounds beautiful!音乐听起来很美妙!

10.Some college students are ready to help.一些大学生乐于帮忙。

be ready to do sth. 准备/乐于做某事 be ready for sth 为„„做好准备

eg. We are ready for the coming exams.我们为接下来的考试做好了准备。

Please get ready for your lesson!请为你的课程做好准备,get ready强调动作,be ready 强调“已经准


11. Are you worrying about what to wear to a party or how to design your home?

worry about sth/sb 特殊疑问词+to do sth

①I don`t know who _________(ask) for help.

②Do you know when __________(start)?

12. Are you not feeling well these days? 你最近觉得不舒服吗?

I’m not feeling well.= I don’t feel well. “well”此处是形容词,表示身体好的。

13.They will make you feel better!他们会让你好起来。

make sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 make +宾语+adj. 使„„觉得„„

eg. Our teachers make us stop talking.

The exciting news makes hime (feel) excited.

14.When people do not know what to wear to a party or how to design their home, the artists will give them some ideas. 当人们不知道该穿什么去派对或者如何去设计自己的家,这些艺术家们将会给他们一些点子。 “特殊疑问词+动词不定式”可做宾语或主语,是对一个句子的省略,此处“what to wear”相当于“what they should/can wear”。


simple future tense with will and shall一般将来时

1.当将来一定会发生的事或已经计划好的事用will. We will have a charity show next week.

2. be going to更侧重于计划打算或很快就要发生的事。 It is so cloudy. I think it is going to rain.

①There ___________a football match in our school next week.

A. is going to have B. will have C. is going to be D are going to be

②It _________my brother’s birthday tomorrow. He ________a party.

A. is going to be; has B. will be; is having C. will be; is going to have D. will have; is going to be ③How cold now! I think it ___________(rain).

3.there be句型的一般将来时“there will be „„/there is(are)going to be„„”

4..shall可用语第一人称I/we, 替代will表示一般将来时,但shall更多用来表示建议。

eg.Shall we take a bus there? 我们能坐汽车去那儿吗?

5.常用的时间状语:tomorrow明天,tomorrow morning/afternoon,the day after tomorrow后天,next week/month/Sunday/year,in the future在将来,“in+一段时间”表示“多久以后”,in 2020在2020年


一、重要词组 住在第九街道城市花园的公寓里

2.most students=most of the students 大多数学生

3.have/hold a meeting 开会 为他们购物 do some washing/reading/cleaning 计划和叔叔一家外出一天

6.the day after tomorrow 后天 7.make a fire 生火 在镇中心一家餐馆工作 她的哥哥 乘火车上班 by +交通工具 在社区中心 在三月五号的下午 on Monday afternoon/morning 担心穿什么去晚会

15. all the day= the whole day=all day long

江苏新牛津译林版 7B 知识点汇总

Unit 1 Dream homes

一、 重点词汇

1、Would you like to live in a palace, Eddie? 艾迪,你想住在宫殿里吗?

这里would like 是“想,想要”的意思,后面可以加名词或动词或动词不定式。如: I’d like to go to the USA next year. 明年我想去美国。

2、I’d like to live next to a restaurant. 我想住在餐馆附近。

这里next to 是“附近,靠近的”的意思,相当于near。如: The table is next to the window. 这张桌子在窗户旁。

3、Which country is this photo from, Amy? 艾米,这幅照片来自哪个国家?

这里be from 相当于come from, 是“来自„„”的意思。如: Where is Mr Black from? 布莱克先生来自于哪儿?

4、Is Tokyo the capital of Japan? 东京是日本的首都吗?

句型结构为:The capital of +国家is +首都。如: The capital of the UK is London. 英国首都是伦敦。 [拓展]

(1)capital n. 省会

The capital of Jiangsu is Nanjing. 江苏省会是南京。 (2)capital n. 大写字母

We should write in a capital at the beginning of a sentence. 句子的开头我们应该用大写字母。 (3)capital n. 资本,资金,资产 personal capital 个人资产

(4)capital adj. 顶好的,一流的

He came up with a capital idea. 他想好一个绝妙的主意。

5、I like the kitchen best. 我最喜欢厨房。

Like…best 意为“最喜欢„„”,相当于like…most。如:

The girl likes playing the piano best/most. 这个女孩最喜欢弹钢琴。 What activity do you like best/most? 你喜欢什么活动?

6、I share a bedroom with my sister. 我和姐姐共用一个卧室。

这里share 的意思是“共同使用,共同分享”,通常用于以下结构:share sth with sb 表示“和某人共享某物”。如:

I share the computer with my brother. 我和我弟弟共用一台电脑。

7、I have my own bedroom and bathroom. 我有我自己的卧室和浴室。

own 在这里用作形容词,意为“自己的”,必须与物主代词连用。如:

Now ask the same questions about your own teacher.用同样的问题问一些关于你们老师的情况。 This book is my own. 这本书是我自己的。 [拓展]

own 用作动词时,意为“所有;拥有”。如:

Which of these would you most like to own? 这些东西,你最想拥有哪一个? We don’t own our flat—we rent it. 我们自己没有房子——这是租的。 (1)of one’s own 自己做的;自己独有的

He has a room of his own. 他有自己专用的房间。 (2)on one’s own 单独,独自

I’ve been living on my own for four years now. 我已单独一人生活了四年了。 You can’t expect him to do it all on his own. 你不能期望他独自一人做它。

8、France has an area of over 260,000 square miles. 法国有超过260,000平方英里的面积。

(1)这里over意为“多于,超过”,相当于more than。如:

The whale can stay under the water for over a half hour but then it must come to the top for air. 鲸鱼能在水下停留半个小时,然后必须到水面上来吸气。

According to his count, there were over 3,000 people at the meeting. 按照他的计算,有3,000多人出席了会议。 (2)have an area of 意为“有„„面积”如:

The town covers an area of ten square kilometers. 这个城镇的面积有10平方公里。

9、Hello. May I speak to Daniel, please? 喂。请问我可以和丹尼尔通话吗?

Hello. May/Can I speak to …, please? 是英语中打电话时常用的开场白,意为“请问,我能找某人接电话吗?”如果对方就是你要找的那个人,他/她通常会说Speaking.(我就是。)如: -Hello! May/Could I speak to Mr Green, please? -你好!我能找格林先生接电话吗? -Speaking./This is Mr Green speaking./Mr Green speaking. -我就是。

注意:用英语打电话时,询问对方是谁,不用Who are you? 而常用Who’s that?或者Who’s the (speaking?)(你是谁?),还可以说 Is that…?(你是„„吗?)。当需要自我介绍时可以说This is …(speaking).或者My name is …。

10、There is a football field in front of my house and a swimming pool beside it. 在我家房子的前面有一个足球场,在它的旁边的一个游泳池。

本句型是“There be +名词+介词短语”,意为“在某地有什么”,其中的be 必须与后面的名词在数上保持一致。如:

There is an MP3 on the desk. 桌子上有一只MP3。 There are two MP3s on the desk. 桌子上有二只MP3。 三、核心语法 基数词和序数词

英语中的数词分为基数词和序数词两类。表示数目的词是基数;表示数目顺序的词是序数词。 基数词的构成

注意:(1)21~99之间的各数词,在十位数和个位数之间加连字符“-”。 (2)101~999之间的数词,在百位数hundred后应加and 。 教你巧学巧记(巧记100内的基数词)


二十以内词各异,中间“-”号莫忘记。十三到十九相同,后加-teen莫忘记。 Hundred是“一百”,请你记住莫大意。二十、三十„„至九十。 读数的诀窍


从右向左三逗开,一逗千,二逗万,三逗就是十万万;左右三位分开读,保你又快又喜欢。 1、“从右向左三逗开,”指从右向左把长数字每三位用逗号分开。如:10,234;225,689;61,564,023 2、“一逗千,二逗百万,三逗就是十万万;”指从右向左的第一个逗号表示“千”(thousand);第二个逗号表示“百万”(million);第三个逗号表示“十万万”(billion,即十亿)。 3、“左右三位分开读,保你又快又喜欢”指读数时从左向右,每三位三位地按三位数的读法去读,遇到逗号时就分别加上该逗号所表示的哪个单词。如: 327;读作:three hundred and twenty-seven 508;读作:five hundred and eight

60,808;读作:sixty thousand, eight hundred and eight

1,234,567;读作:one million, two hundred and twenty-four thousand, five hundred and sixty-seven 13,000,000,000;读作:thirteen billion 基数词的用法


(1)作主语Two of then joined the army last year. 去年他们当中有两人参了军。 (2)作宾语Give her one, please. 请给她一个。

(3)作定语There are forty-eight students in their class. 他们班有四十八位学生。 (4)作表语She is only thirteen. 她只有十三岁。


Room 406:读作:room four 0[] six 第406房间

Page 40:读作:page forty 第四十页

编号时,也可用序数词表示,如:the first lesson=Lesson One。 序数词的构成

序数词表示“次序”,用途广泛。基数词变为序数词绝大多数是直接加-th,也有少数变化是不规则的。虽然不规则的少,但同学们却最容易弄错。如把twelfth写成twelvety,把ninth写成nineth。记住下面的口诀可以帮助我们克服诸如此类的错误: 一二三,特别记(1)其余后加-th。八减t(2),九去e(3),f要将ve替(4)。Y变为ie,然后再加-th(5)。“几十几”面前要注意,个位序数要牢记(6)。 注意:(1)first, second, third 无规律,需要特别记。, (2)eight的序数词,是去t再加-th,那eighth,读作[eit]。


(4)以ve结尾的基数词,five, twelve,要把ve变为f再加-th,即fifth, twelfth。 (5)“几十”是以y 结尾,先将y变为ie,再加-th 如twentieth, fortieth, ninetieth。 (6)“几十几”只将个位数变为序数词,十位数不变。如“第56”fifty-sixth, “第九十九”ninety-ninth。 另外,序数词缩写时,作阿拉伯数字,后加序数词的最后两个字母构成。First=1st, eighth=8th, twenty-second=22nd, ninety-third=93rd。 序数词的用法:

1、作表数The first is better than the second. 第一个比第二个更好。 2、作宾语I like the third. 我喜欢第三个。

3、作定语Tell us something about the second day, please. 请给我们谈谈第二天的情况吧。 4、作表语Miss Green is always the first o get to the office. 格林小姐总是第一个到达办公室。 注意:序数词一般要加定冠词the, 但有时加不定冠词a(n),则表示“再一”,“又一”的意思。例如:He cast his net for a third time. 他又撒了一网(表示已经撒过两次)。



Unit 1 This is me!


look after \ take care of 照顾 on the first day 在第一天

Class 1,Grade 7 7年级1班 play football 踢足球

after school 放学后 be\come from 来自

be good at \do well in 擅长 fly kites 放风筝

go home 回家 listen to music 听音乐

play a game 玩游戏 wear glasses 戴眼镜

at school 在学校 all the lessons 所有的课程

talk about 谈论 over there 那里

a lot of hobbies 许多爱好


love\like doing sth 喜欢做某事 let’s +动词原形 让我们


I am\My name is 我叫 welcome to +地点 欢迎来到

This is 这是 be good at \do well in doing 擅长做

in Class…Grade… 在几年级几班 live with…in…和谁住在哪里

I’m …year old. 我几岁了。 I have…hair.我留着……头发


What’s your name?你叫什么名字?

Nice to meet you! 很高兴见到你。

I love reading. 我喜欢阅读

Now let’s meet our new classmates. 现在让我们认识下我们的新同学。

I often play football after school.放学后我经常踢足球。

She is tall and slim. 她个头很高,身材苗条。

He is from Nanjing. 他来自南京。

He is good at Maths. 他擅长于数学。

Millie is 11 years old.米莉11岁。

They are all very nice.他们都很好。

I am good at dancing. 我擅长于跳舞。

语法:连系动词be 的一般现在时

动词be 的三变化 am is are. 我(I) 用am ,你(you)用are ,is 用于他(he)她(she)它(it),单数名词用is,复数名词都用are


1、肯定句:主语+am\is\are … It is a football.

2、否定句:主语+am\is\are+not… It is not a football.


Is it a football? 回答 Yes, it is. No, it isn’t

4、特殊疑问句:疑问句+am/is/are +主语+其他?

What’s your name?

Unit 2 Let's play sports!


play sports 做运动 many times a day 一天许多次

play football/tennis 踢足球/打网球 talk about 谈论

after school 放学后 go swimming 去游泳

a member of …中的一员 come from 来自

listen to music 听音乐 in the next World Cup 在下届世界杯

come true 实现 in one’s free time 在某人的空闲时间

live in 住/生活在 read books 看书

at/ on weekends=at/on the weekend在周末

stay at home 待在家里 a lot of 许多

ask sb about sth 问某人某事 on TV 在电视上

Watch basketball matches 看篮球比赛 feel great 感觉特棒


What about doing sth ?做…怎么样?

Enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事

make sb/sth +adj 使某人/某物 make sb to do sth 使某人做某事

want to do sth 想要做某事 hope to do sth 希望做某事

have fun doing sth 做某事开心


I like walking. 我喜欢散步。

I enjoy swimming.What’s your favourite sport? 我喜欢游泳,他最喜欢的运动是什么?

I hope his dream comes true. 我希望他梦想成真。

What does Li Hua do in his free time? 李华在业余时间做什么?

What else do you want to do? 你还想做什么其他的事情?

Reading is fun. 读书是有趣的事情。




当主语为第三人称单数(he, she, it) 时,谓语动词也要用单数形式。


主语人称是三单,动词要把-s/-es 添;



(1)否定句:主语+ don’t/doesn’t + 动词原形+其他

I don’t like bread.

He doesn’t often play football.

(2)一般疑问句:Do/Does + 主语+动词原形+其他

Do you often play football? Yes, I am /No, I am not【译林七年级下册英语知识点总结】

Does he often play football? Yes, he does/ No, he doesn’t


When do you go to school? I go to school at seven o’clock.




词尾若是字母o ,加上-es 不用愁。

词尾是“辅音字母+y” ,先变y为i, 后边再加-es

Unit 3 Welcome to our school!


on foot 步行 far away from 远离

a few 一些,少量 learn about 学得,获知

would like sth/to do sth 想要/想要做某事 after class 下课后

on this day 在今天 all kinds of 各种各样

on the phone 在电话中 look at 看

ground floor 底层,一楼 on the wall 在墙上

by bus 乘公共汽车 in front of 在……前面

let me see 让我看看 go to school 去上学

reading room 阅览室 borrow from 从……借……

get to school 到达学校 on the Open Day 在开放日


Thank you for doing sth 为做某事而感谢你

be ready to do sth 准备做某事

It takes sb some time to do sth 花费某人多少时间做某事

show sb around 领某人参观

need to do sth 需要做某事


Welcome to our school.欢迎来到我们学校。

What’s the date taday?今天几月几号

Let’s meet at the school gate at 1:30.让我们1:30 在学校门口会面吧

Who’s that man in the white shirt?穿白衬衫的那个男的是谁?

There are all kinds of books in our library.在我们图书馆有各种各样的书

I’d like to say hello to her.我想向她问好。

Do you borrow books from the library?你从图书馆借书吗?

We only have a few classrooms.我们只有几间教室

It takes me about an hour to get to school.大约花了我一个小时的时间到达学校。




I am a teacher. You are student. He is a student, too.

We/You/They are students.


Give it to me. Let’s go (let’s =let us)





Is this your book? No,,it isn’t, it’s hers(her book)

This pen is mine.


单数的人称代词为 第二人称,第三人称,第一人称(2,3,1)


Unit 4 My day


Wake sb up 叫醒某人 go out 出去,熄灭

have breakfast/lunch/dinner 吃早中晚饭 have fun 玩的开心

get up 起床 have lessons 上课

go to bed 去睡觉 be late for 迟到

chat with 聊天 each other 相互

have a good time 玩的开心 all the best 一切顺利,万事如意

get ready for为……准备好 need a good rest 需要好好休息

do morning exercises


It is time for sth/ to do sth 到该做什么的时间到了。

have fun doing sth 高兴地做某事

how to have fun 如何玩得高兴

wish our team good luck.祝愿我们队好运。

have too much homework.有太多的家庭作业


Some dogs just don’t know how to have fun.

I’m never late for school.

After class, we often chat with each other or play in the playground.下课后,我们经常在一起聊天或者在操场上玩

We practice after school on Wednesday afternoon.周三下午放学后我们一起训练

Best wishes 美好的祝愿



On 指特定的某一天,日期,星期和季节

At 用在时刻前,还有正午,午夜连


从频率最大到频率最小依次为:always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never.

对频率副词提问要用how often

Unit 5 Let's celebrate !

新牛津译林版七年级英语下册《Unit 4》知识点归纳

《Unit 4》知识点归纳



2.south ---southern


4.west ----western

5.danger-----dangerous 6.fun----funny






1.have to

2. plan a class trip

3. be far away from

4. lie down all day long

5. turn left

6. turn right

7. make beautiful sounds

8. make people laugh

9. bamboo leaves

10. cross the bridge =walk across the bridge

11. on the left /right

12. walk past the post office

13. turn left at the first turning =take the first turning on the left

14. at the traffic lights

15. at the corner of the street =at the street corner

16. plenty of food and drinks

17. prepare ---for 三、主要语言点

1.remember /forget 的用法

1)remember to do sth 记住去干某事( 未干)

2)remember doing sth 记得干过某事 (已干)

3)forget to do sth 忘记去干某事( 未干)

4)forget doing sth 忘记干过某事 (已干)


1)sound ,动词,听起来

sound +形容词 , sound great

sound like a +名词 , sound like a ghost

2)sound ,名词 , 声音

3.cross、across/ crossing 的用法

1)cross,动词, 横过, cross the road = walk across the road

2) across , 介词,横过

3)crossing ,名词,十字路口 at the second crossing
