
| 三年级 |



1.那些_____ 冰淇淋______ 吃完_____

等待_____ 发送______ 电子邮件____ 爱你的____

2.回来_______ 等候________ 赶快__________


1.Yesterday I w______ to the park with Sam and Amy.

2.Amy m_______ John in the park yesterday.

3.Yesterday I r________ to the bus. But I d_______ my ice cream on John’s new shoes.

4.Lingling sent an e______ to Daming yesterday.

5.We _______ _______ (回来) last Sunday.

6.Oh no! I _______(掉下) my ___________(冰淇淋) .

7.We’re _________ __________ (回家) now, John .Come __________(和我们一起)______.

8._______ ________(快点),Lingling Run!

9.________ _________(等等) me.

10.Look at ________(那些)girls ,they are skipping.

11.Animals are very useful ,we _______(爱)them.


1 2



John:_____________________________ Lingling:_________________________

Amy:______________________________ __________________________ 四.用所给词的适当形式填空

Yesterday I ________(go) to the park with Sam and Amy. We _______ (meet)John in the park. He’s Sam and Amy’s friend. We_______ (buy) ice cream. Then we______ (go) home by bus. I_______(run)to the bus. But I_______(drop) my ice cream. I ______(be) very sorry.


1. did/ yesterday/you/to/walk/school?


2. I/by/come/school/bus/to.


3. did/email/send/an/you/she?


4. cream/an/bought/yesterday/ice/I.


5. did/buy/you/what?


1.清单_______ 需要_______ 奶酪_______ 使用_______

瓶子_______ 一半_______ 千克_______ 丢失(过去式)_______

2.多少_______ 在那边_______ 许多的_______

二. 根据句意补全句子

1.I’ll make a shopping _________(清单).

2.We __________(需要) food for our picnic.

3.---_________ ________(多少) rice do you want ? ----Half a ________(千克).

4.---How much _________(奶酪) did she say ?

5.We can u_____ a big bag for our picnic.

6.We bought two b________ of milk yesterday.

7.There are ________(许多)pigs .They eat _______(许多).

8.____________(多少)eggs do you want?

9.We didn’t buy ______(一些)bananas .

10.I ______ (丢失)my pen yesterday.


Miss Smart:_______________________________________________________?




_____________________ at the supermarket?










1. drink/did/juice/much/she/how?


2. over/we/use/the/can/there/bag.





1.周末_______ 地方_______ 英国的_______ 博物馆_______ 如何_______ 旅行_______ 江河_______ 小时_______ 分钟_______ 墙_______ 到达_______ 植物_______

2.在周末_______ 许多_______ 乘公共汽车_______

二. 根据句意补全句子

1.They went to the __________ __________(大英博物馆)___ _____ __________(在周末).

2.They ______ (搭乘)a boat ________(旅行) along the ___________(河).

3.___________(怎样) did you go to these __________(地方).

4.They a________ there at ten o’clock in the morning.

5.They took photos of green p________.

6.They walked for two h_______.

7.It took me ________ _________(二十分钟)to go to the zoo.

8.There were ________ _______(许多)people there.

9.They took photos o____ the mountains w_____ beautiful flowers.


Daming:___________________________ Daming:__________________________

Amy:_______________________________ Amy:_____________________________

Daming:_________________________ Girl:___________________________



1. you/did/many/how/apples/buy?


2. took/this/who/picture?


3. weekend/did/you/go/at/the/where/the?


1.一双_______ 短裤_______ 麻烦_______ 穿_______


二. 根据句意补全句子

1.Don’t argue! What’s the ________(问题).

2.Sam _______(拿)my T-shirt. He wants to ______(穿)it.

3.Do you like this pair of ________(短裤),Sam?

4.My new s_______ shoes are in the bag.

三. 完成句子

Amy:_______________________________ Sam:___________________________

_______________________________ Ms Smart:______________________

Sam:________________________________ _________________________


四. 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空.

1.Mum_________(buy) new clothes for Sam.

2.Sam took my T-shirt. He __________(want)to wear it.

3.Your red T-shirt are on the line. I __________ (wash)them for you.

4.Lingling’s T-shirt is clean. She didn’t __________(wear) it.

5.These are __________(you) shoes. They aren’t my shoes.

6.—What’s the matter? ---I ________(lose) my bag.


1. for/me/a/new/bought/mum/T-shirt.


2. like/you/this/pair/of/you/do/shorts?


3. on/T-shirts/are/red/you/are/line/the.


4. matter/the/Daming/with/what/is?


5. I/bag/on/found/the/school/this/bus.


1.蜡笔_______ 开始_______ 地板_______ 幸福的_______ 许多_______ 十五_______ 十三_______ 十八_______

十九_______ 五十_______ 四十_______ 数字_______

2.分发_______ 好吧_______

二. 根据句意补全句子

1.There are twenty c_________ in my bag.

2.The children are dancing h_________.

3.There are so m________ people in the park.

4.---Class b_______ .Amy, please g_______ out the books.----All r________.

5.---Did I l _______ one?---No, you didn’t. There is one on the f________.

6.N_________ are having a party. Twenty ,thirty ,forty …They are all happy.

7.I b________ twenty caps yesterday.

三. 完成句子

________________________________ ________________________________

________________________________ ________________________________

四. 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空.

1.There _____ (be ) some water in the bottle .

2. There _____ ( be ) so many books on the desk .

3.Who put __________(they ) on the desk

4. I _______ (buy )twenty-five pencils yesterday .

5.This is ___________ (you ) pencil .

6.Please ___________ (give ) one pencil to every child .

7.My father and I _____________(go ) to the Great Wall at the weekend .


1. Sam/give/the/please/out/crayons(,.)


2. faces/you/can/many/see/how?


3. in/are/many/your/there/pupils/how/class?


4. are/party/having/numbers.


5. so/there/many/are






一. 选出你听到的单词,每个单词读两遍。(10’)

( )1. A. ooh B. oh C. wow

( )2. A. you B. your C. yellow

( )3 A. red B. black C. blue

( )4. A. bye-bye B. bye C. goodbye

( )5. A. boy B .girl C. bird

( )6. A. cat B. dog C. cap

( )7. A. desk B. chair C. door

( )8. A. seven B. six C. eleven

( )9. A. hello B. hi C. nine

( )10.A. panda B. point C. please

二. 选出你听到的句子,每个句子读两遍。(10’)

( )1. A. Hello, I’m Sam. B. Hello, Sam.

( )2. A. How are you? B. How old are you?

( )3. A. Good morning, Linling. B. Good afternoon, Linling.

( )4. A. I’m fine, thank you. B. Fine, thank you.

( )5. A. I’m Daming. B. My name is Daming.

( ) 6.A. Sit down, please. B. Stand up, please.

( ) 7. A. Point to the door. B Point to the blackboard.

( ) 8. A. It’s red. B. It’s green.

( ) 9. A. It’s a blue dog. B. It’s a green dog.

( ) 10.A.How many? B. What’s your name?

三. 听句子排序号,每个句子读两遍。(10’)

( ) A. How are you? ( ) B. What’s your name?

( )C.Point to the desk. ( ) D. One, two, there, four .

( ) E. I’m nine. ( ) F. How many?

( ) G. Good morning, Linling. ( )H. Stand up, Amy.

( )I. It’s a yellow cap. ( )J. Bye-bye, Ms Smart. 笔试部分(70分)

四. 选择正确的答案。( 20’ )

( )1.Good_____, Ms Smart.

A. morning B. fine C. hello

( )2.How are you, boys ____ grils?

A. and B. to C. up

( )3.What’s your name?

A. I’m Tom. B. I’m fine C. Thank you

( )4.Point____ the chair,please.

A.to B.the C.up

( )5.Stand_____.

A. up B.down C.sit

( )6.It’s _____yellow dog.

A. a B.an C./

( )7._____name is Xiaoqiang.

A.I B. My C. I’m

( )8.How many______?


A. girl B. girls C. boy

( ) 9. How______you?

A. am B. is C. are

( )10.______your name?

A. What B. What’s C. How


A. too B. boys C. to D. desk E. bird

( )1.Point _____the window.

( )2.Point to the _____.

( )3.Good morning,____and girls.

( )4. I’m fine_____,thank you.

( )5.Look!It’s a _____.Hello,Tweet-tweet.

五. 连词成句。(15’)

1. are you How___________________________________

2. window Point the to______________________________

3.name is your What________________________________

4. fine am you thank I_________________________________

5. It’s red a dog________________________________________


1. What’s your name? A. Point to the bird.

2.Good morning, Daming. B. My name is Sam.

3.How many boys? C. Good morning,Mr li.

4.Hello,boy and girls. D. Hi, Ms Smart.

5.point to the door. E. Eleven boys


( ) 1.你想和同学告别,应该怎么说___.

A. Hello B. Goodbye

( )2.同学们问大明的名字,大明应该怎么回答______.

A. I’m fine, thank you. B. I’m Daming.

( )3.它是一只黄色的猫,应该怎么说___.

A. It’s a yellow cat. B. It’s a green cat.

( )4.有十个女孩,应该怎么说___.

A. ten girls B. ten boys

( )5.坐下,应该怎么说___.

A. Stand up B. Sit down




一. 选出你听到的单词,每个单词读两遍。(10’)

1. wow 2. yellow 3. blue 4. goodbye 5. girl

6. dog 7. desk 8. six 9. hello 10. panda


1. Hello, I’m Sam. 2. How are you?

3. Good morning, Linling. 4. I’m fine, thank you.

5. My name is Dam ing. 6. Stand up, please. 7 Point to the blackboard. 8.. It’s green.

9. It’s a green dog. 10. What’s your name?

三. 听句子排序号,每个句子读两遍。(10’)

1.One, two, there, four . 2. Point to the desk.

3. I’m nine. 4. How many?

5. Good morning, Linling 6. Bye-bye, Ms Smart.

7. It’s a yellow cap. 8. Stand up, Amy.

9.What’s your name? 10. How are you?



Hello,I’m Sam. 再见,玲玲。 Hi,Daming. 你好,我是大明。 Goodbye,Lingling. 你好,我是萨姆。 Hi,I’m Daming. 你好,大明。 二、近义词连线。

Goodbye hello

三、 找出下列各单词的汉语意思。

( )1.fine A.好的 B.健康的 ( )2.morning A.早晨,上午 B.下午 ( )3.good A.(身体)很好 B.好的 ( )4.thank A.谢谢 B.不用谢 四、为下列句子选择正确的译文。 ( )1. How are you?

A.你多大了? B.你好吗? ( )2. Good morning,I’m Lingling.

A.早上好,玲玲。 B. 早上好,我是玲玲。 ( )3. I’m fine.

A.我也很好。 B. 我很好。 五、选择填空。


A.is B.are C.am ( )2.Goodbye___you.

A.to B.in C.on ( )3.____are you?

A.how B.How C.What


Ⅱ.为下列句子选择正确的译文。 ( )1.早上好,男孩们

A.Good morning,boy. B.Good morning,boys. ( )2.你好吗?

A.How old are you? B.How are you? ( )3.我也很好。

A.I′m fine. B.I′m fine,too. ( )4.谢谢。

A.Thank you. B.Thank your. Ⅲ.选出下列各词的适当形式。

1.what’s(完整形式)_____ 2.to(同音词)_____ 3.I am(缩写形式) _____ 4.girls(单数形式)___ 5.hello(同义词)____ 6.boy(复数形式) ____ 7.bye-bye(同义词)___ 8.Ms(汉语意思)____ A.what is B.girl C.boys D.hi E.goodbye F.too G.I’m H. 女士 Ⅳ.选出不属于同一类的一项。

( )1.A.boy B.girl C.fine ( )2.A.I B.your C.you ( )3.A.hello B.are C.am ( )4.A.Mr B.how C.Ms V.连词成句。只写序号(别忘了加上标点哟)

1. ①name ②What’s ③ your (?) ——--------------------————————

2. ①Lingling ②am ③ I (.) ——--------------------————————

3. ①I′m ②too ③you ④fine ⑤ thank (.) ——---------------’-----————————

Hi Bye-bye


( )1.你想让别人指向小鸟,应说:

A.Point to the blackboard B.Point to the bird. ( )2.你想让别人坐下,应说:

A.Stand up,please. B.Sit down,please. ( )3.上午开始上课时,教师应向同学们说:

A.Good morning,boys and girls.B.Good morning,teacher Ⅱ.快乐手牵手。


( )1.Point to the

桌子________. A.chair B.desk

( )

2.Point to the 窗户________. A.window B.door

( )3.Ponit to the 小鸟

A.bee B.bird

( )4.Point to the 黑板________.

A.chair B.blackboard IV.快乐连一连。

指向椅子 Point to the door.

指向门 Sit down,please. 请坐下 Stand up,please. 请起立 Point to the chair


1. 2. 3.4.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

A.green B.red C.yellow D.black Ⅱ.选择正确的译文。 ( )1.它是黑色的。

A.It’ blue. B.It’s black. ( )2.我是一只熊猫。

A.I’m an panda. B.I’m a panda Ⅲ.选择填空。

( )1.It’s___green.

A.a B.an C./ ( )2.Now it ____green. A./ B.an C.is ( )3. ____name is Panpan. A.I B.My C.my ( )4.The panda is black ____white. A.or B.and C./ IV.选出不属于同一类的一项。

( )1.A.cap B.cat C.dog

( )2.A.yellow B.green C.panda ( )3.A.black B.red C.my ( )4.A.chair B.desk C.cap V.翻译下列句子。 1.It’s a yellow cap.

_____________________________ 2.I’m a black bird.



三 年 级 英 语 调 研 试 卷

时间:60分钟 分值:100分




( ) 1. A. adb B. qbd C.qdb

( ) 2. A. BN B. JM C. GN

( ) 3. A. BSC B. XSZ C. SXZ

( ) 4. A. she B. he C. it

( ) 5. A. father B. mother C. brother

( ) 6. A. white B. write C. orange

( ) 7. A. T-shirt B. skirt C. cap


1. 2. 3. 4.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


5. 6. 7. 8.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


( ) 1.A.Would you like a ball?

B.Would you like a cake ?

( ) 2.A.It’s a cap. B.This is a cap.

( ) 3.A.What about a car? B.What about a robot ?

( ) 4.A.The doll is for you. B. The ball is for you .

( ) 5.A.Happy New Year. B. Happy Birthday.


( )1. A. Good afternoon B. Good morning.

( )2. A. How nice . B. Thank you .

( )3. A. Yes I am. B. Yes .please .

( )4. A. It’s orange B. what’s this?

( )5. A. Nice to meet you.Helen B. Hi .Yang Ling



g Nn



七、选出不同类的单词。(20分) ( ) 1. A. pie B. skirt C. cake

( ) 2. A. orange B.brown C. cap

( ) 3. A. A. morning B. afternoon C. hello

( ) 4. A. family B. sister C. brother

( ) 5. A. Mike B. bobby C. Liu Tao ( )6. A.he B.she C.your ( ) 7. A.robot Bcap C.jacket ( ) 8. A.nice B.great C.how ( ) 9. A colour B.red C.blue ( ) 10.am B is C.he


( ) 1. --What colour is your jacket? -- _____________.

A. It’s great. B. How nice! C. It’s yellow.

( ) 2. This is my father. _______________.

A. Thank you. B. Nice to meet you. C. Great.

( ) 3. Look at my toy car . ______________.

A. How nice! B. Yes, please. C. It is for you.

( ) 4. Would you like an ice cream? _____________.

A. No, I’m not. B. Yes, I am. C. No, thanks.

( ) 5. Happy Birthday , Mike.

A. Happy Birthday! B. Thank you. C. It’s nice. ( ) 6. This is Miss Li. She’s _____ teacher.(老师)

A. a ; my B. / ; my C. my ; a

( ) 7. ______ you Paul ? No, _________.

A. Is ; I’m not B. Are ; I am. C. Are ; I’m Tom

( ) 8. This is ______ new cap. It’s _____ orange.

A. a ; an B. an ; a C. a ; /

( ) 9. _____ that ? It’s a CD.

A. What B. What about C. What’s

( ) 10. This is Alice. _____my sister.

A. He’s B. She’s C. It’s

( ) 11. 当你想把娃娃送给对方时,说:

A. This ball is for you. B. This doll is for you. C. It’s a doll.

( ) 12. 问对方是否要一个热狗,可以说:

A. Would you like a hot dog? B. What about a hot dog? C. Look at the hot dog.

( ) 13. 告诉对方这是一顶棕色的帽子,可以说:

A. What colour is this cap ? B. It’s a brown cap. C. Look at my cap.

( ) 14.你让别人看你的全家福,可以说:

A. Look at my friend. B. Look at my family. C. Look ,this is my father.

( ) 15.下午李老师上课前会说:

A. Good afternoon, Miss Li. B. Hello, Miss Li. C. Good afternoon, class.



( ) 1. What colour?

( ) 2. What can you do?

( ) 3. Do you like cakes?

( ) 4. It’s for you. A. No, thank you. B. Yes, I do. C. The black car. D. It’s blue and white.

( ) 5.Would you like a toy E. That’s Sue Clark.


( ) 6.Which is your car, Mr Li?

( ) 7. Who’s that girl?

( ) 8. Whose is this ball?

十、 根据图意,完成对话,每空一词。(10分)

1. Mike: Happy New Year, Uncle John.

Uncle John: Happy New Year!

Mike: What’s _______?

Uncle John: It’s a robot. It’s _______ you. Mike.

And this ______ for _______, Helen.

Helen: _______ you, Uncle John.

2. Mr May: Who’s ______ girl?

Mr Crisp: Which _______?

Mr May: The girl on the _______ bicycle.

Crisp: That’s Sue Clark. ______ is Sandy’s _______.

十一、连词成句,注意大小写和标点。(5分) F. I can kick the ball. G. It’s Sandy’s. H. Thank you.

1. you nice meet to Sandy (, . )



2. robot is Sue this for ( . )


3. at, new, look, rubber, my ( . )


4. Skirt green my is new ( . )


5. like some would milk you ( ? )



一 .听录音,选出你所听到的字母或单词,听两遍。(7分)

1. qdb 2. JM 3. SXZ 4. she 5. father 6. white 7. Skirt


1.-- Good afternoon, dear. --Good afternoon, Mum.

2.--Would you like this T-shirt ? --Yes, please.

3.-- Hi ,Sam . This is my sister, Tina. –Hello!

4. ---Would you like a hot dog ? Yes, please.

5. --What would you like, girl ? --I’d like a cake and an ice cream .

--What about you, boy ? --An egg and a hot dog,please.

6.-- Look at my jacket. --How nice !

7. What’s that, Mike ? It’s a doll. It’s for me.

8. Look ,this is my mother and this is me.


(1). Look at my jacket. It’s great. (2). Would like an egg?

(3). Look at my cap. How nice! (4). Do you like my toy car?

(5)Would you like a hot dog? No, thank you.


1. Would you like a ball ?

2. This is a cap.

3.. What about a car ?

4. The ball is for you .

5. Happy New Year.


1. Good morning.

2. Look at my skirt.

3. Would you like an egg?

4. what colour is it

5. Hi, Helen.




1、go , let’s

. 意思是

2、thank , you

. 意思是

3、love, I, you

. 意思是

4、morning, good

. 意思是

5、for , time, class

. 意思是

6、afternoon , good

. 意思是

7、to , happy , birthday, you

! 意思是 8、good, night

. 意思是

9、try, let, me

. 意思是

10、for, time, class

. 意思是


Happy Teacher’s Day! Nice to meet you. Good night! What’s your name,please? Time for class. Good evening! Class is over. Happy birthday to you! Good afternoon!

三、选择正确的答语,并将编号填在左边的括号里:X k B 1 . c o m ( )How old are you? A、I’m here.

( )What song? B、Let me try.

( )Who’ll try? C、 Ten Little Indan Boys. ( )Where are you? D、I’m nine.

( )What colour ? E、Merry Christmas!

( )What’s your number? F、The same to you.

( )Big or small? G、It’s seven. ( )Merry Christmas! H、 It’s orange.

( )Happy New Year! I、 You’re welcome.


