
| 四年级 |




班级 姓名 得分


一、听录音,选出与所听单词同类的一项。(本大题共10小题,满分10分) ( ) 1. a.Science b. subject c. Sing

( ) 2. a.table b. timetable c. pencil

( ) 3. a.football b. skate c. down

( ) 4. a. our b. we c. you

( ) 5. a.day b. Monday c. Today

( ) 6. a.school b. twenty c. grape

( ) 7. a. come b. fun c. aunt

( ) 8. a. duck b. where c. umbrella

( ) 9. a. breakfast b. nose c. bird

( ) 10. a. shoe b. table tennis c. lesson


( )1. A. It’s Monday. B. We have three. C. We have Chinese.

( )2. A. Here you are. B. I’d like a cake. C. I like English.

( )3. A. We have Chinese and English. B. We have five. C. We like Chinese.


( )4. A. It’s five o’clock. B. At five. C. It has five.

( )5. A. Yes, it is. B. No, they don’t. C. Yes, they are.


1. A: What _______ is it today?

B: It’s _______ .

2. A: _______ _______ __________ do you have on ________ ?

B: We have eight.

3. A: It’s _________ for PE. Let’s _________ ___________ now.

B: A_____ right.



1. 什么课程 _______________ 2. 今天早上_______________

3. 喜欢音乐_______ 4. 放学后 _______________

5. 在星期三________________ 6. What a pity!___________


7. a football match__________ 8. a football match ________________

9. All right. _______________ 10. my new timetable________________


( )1. A. table tennis B. basketball C. ball D. foot ball

( )2. A. when B. what C. welcome D. where

( )3. A. her B. they C. we D. you

( )4. A. Sunday B. Monday C. Mum D. Saturday

( )5. A. Chinese B. subjects C. Science D. Maths



( ) 1. It’s time _____ Maths.

A. to B. for C. on

( ) 2. _______ is the man? He’s my father.

A. What B. Who C. How

( ) 3. We don’t have _____ lessons on Sunday.

A. some B. any C. many

( ) 4. ______ you like PE?

No, I ______.

A. Do , do B. Do, don’t like C. Do , don’t

( ) 5. I have a _______ lesson today.

A. swim B. swimming C. swiming

( ) 6. _______ is it today? It’s Thursday.

A. What subjects B. What day C. What time

( ) 7. ________ are they? Fifty yuan.

A. How many B. How C. How much

( ) 8. I ________ Art.

A. not like B. can’t like C. don’t like

( ) 9. Welcome ______ the snack bar.



最新整理 Unit 1 Our school subjects A Listen and circle录音文字稿:1. —Hello. What subjects do you like?—I like PE. 2. —Do you like Art?—Yes,I do. 3. —What subjects do you like?—I like English. It's fun. 4. —Do you like Music?—No,I don't. I like Maths. 5. —What subjects do you like?—I like Chinese. 6. —What subjects do you like?—I like Science.参考答案:1. a 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. a 6. b B Listen and tick 录音文字稿:—Hello,Liu Tao. What subjects do you like?—I like Science and Music. What about you,Yang Ling?—I like English and Art.—Do you like Maths,Mike?—Yes,I do. I like Chinese too. What about you,Su Hai?—I like Science and PE.—What subjects do you like,Wang Bing?—I like Chinese and Maths.参考答案:Liu Tao: Music,Science Yang Ling: English,Art Mike: Chinese,Maths Su Hai: Science,PE Wang Bing: Chinese,Maths C Look and say参考答案:1. I like Chinese and Maths. 2. What subjects do you like? 3. Do you like English? 4. No,I don't. I like PE. D Read and choose参考答案:1. b 2. a 3. b 4. c E Read and order参考答案:b d a c e F Read,choose and write参考答案:1. have,subjects 2. Art,Maths 3. Chinese,Music Unit 2 After school A Listen and choose录音文字稿:1. Let's play table tennis on Saturday. 2. We have an English lesson on Tuesday. 3. Liu Tao and Mike play basketball on Friday. 4. Helen and Amy have an Art lesson on Thursday. 5. We have a PE lesson on Wednesday.参考答案:1. a

2. b 3. b 4. a 5. a B Listen and number录音文字稿:1. —What day is it today?—It's Monday. 2. —Come and play basketball.—All right. 3. —Do you have a Music lesson on Wednesday?—Yes,I do. 4. —I don't have any lessons on Saturday. What about you,Helen?—I have a swimming lesson. 5. —It's time for the PE lesson.—OK. Let's go. 6. —Hi,Su Hai. Let's play table tennis on Sunday.—Sorry,I have a football match.参考答案:a 4 b 5 c 3 d 1 e 2 f 6 C Read and say参考答案:1. On Tuesday morning,I have Maths,English and Chinese. On Tuesday afternoon,I have Science and Art. 2. On Wednesday morning,I have Chinese,Music and Maths. On Wednesday afternoon,I have PE and English. 3. On Thursday morning,I have Maths,English and Art. On Thursday afternoon,I have Chinese and Science. 4. On Friday morning,I have English,Maths and Music. On Friday

afternoon,I have Art and PE. D Read and match参考答案:1. b,e 2. a,e 3. c

4. d E Read and order参考答案:1. What day is it today? 2. Helen has an Art lesson on Monday. 3. We don't have any lessons on Sunday. 4. Liu Tao has a Music lesson on Tuesday. F Look,read and write参考答案:1. Monday,swimming 2. Thursday,have,and 3. lessons,Wednesday 4. go,has

Unit 3 My Day A Listen and match录音文字稿:1. —Liu Tao,when do you go to school?—I go to school at seven thirty. 2. —Helen,do you skate every Sunday?—Yes. I usually skate at nine forty in the morning. 3. —Do you have a Maths lesson at three twenty,Wang Bing?—Yes,I do. 4. —When do you play basketball,Su Hai?—I usually play basketball at four fifty.参考答案:1—c—e 2—d—f 3—a—g 4—b—h B Listen and write录音文字稿:Hello,I'm Yang Ling. I get up at seven thirty every Sunday. At eight o'clock,I have breakfast. In the morning, I do my homework. I have lunch at twelve. In the afternoon,I have a piano lesson. I have dinner at six. I usually watch TV at seven and go to bed at nine.参考答案:1. every

2. morning 3. have lunch 4. have dinner 5. watch TV C Ask and answer参考答案:1. —When do you go to school?—I go to school at seven forty. 2. —When do you have a Maths lesson?—I have a Maths lesson at eight fifty. 3. —When do you have lunch?—I have lunch at eleven fifty. 4. —When do you go home?—I go home at four twenty. 5. —When do you do your homework?—I do my homework at seven. 6. —When do you go to bed?—I go to bed at eight. D Look,read and write参考答案:

1. get up 2. seven 3. go to school 4. twelve 5. four thirty 6. do my homework

7. have dinner 8. nine E Look,read and write参考答案:1. When 2. seven ten

3. seven forty 4. have lunch 5. watch TV 6. When do you go to bed? Unit 4 Drawing in the park A Listen and circle录音文字稿:1. I can see some boys in the park. 2. We can see some birds under the tree. 3. Let's draw the boat. 4. The boy can draw pictures on the blackboard. 5. Look at the ducks on the lake. 6. Look at the dog on the hill.参考答案:1. b 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. b 6. b B Listen and judge录音文字稿:1. —What can you see on the lake?—I can see some ducks. 2. —What can you see on the river?—I can see a boat. 3. —What can you see in the boat?—I can see two

lions. 4. —What can you see on the hill?—I can see a cow.参考答案:1. 2. 3.

4. C Ask and answer参考答案:1. —What can you see in the tree?—I can see a monkey in the tree. 2. —What can you see in the river?—I can see an elephant in the river. 3. —What can you see on the lake?—I can see some ducks on the lake. 4. —What can you see in the tree?—I can see a bird in the tree. D Look,read and tick参考答案:1. a 2. a 3. c 4. b E Look,read and write参考答案:1. tree,see,five 2. lake,boat,man 3. trees,draw 4. dog,can,it

Project 1 My school life A Listen and judge录音文字稿:1. —What subjects do you like?—We like English. 2. —What day is it today?—It's Sunday. I usually have a swimming lesson. 3. —When do you get up in the morning?—I usually get up at seven. 4. —What lessons do you have on Friday afternoon?—We have a football lesson. 5. —When do you go to bed?—I go to bed at eight thirty. 6. —What can the girl draw?—She can draw trees and hills. 7. —Do you usually watch TV in the morning?—Yes,I do. 8. —Can they play table tennis?—Yes,they can.参考答案:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. B Listen and number录音文字稿:1. —What time is it?—It's seven forty.—Let's go to school.—All right. 2. —Hello,Mike.—Hello,Liu Tao.—Let's go and play table tennis.—Good idea. 3. —When do you have lunch?—I have lunch at twelve.—Where do you have lunch?—At school. 4. —What can you see on the lake?—I can see a boat.—Can you draw it?—It's difficult,but I can try. 5. —What lessons do you have today?—I have English,Maths,Science,PE,Art and Music.—What subjects do you like?—I like English. 6. —What day is it today?—It's Wednesday.—Let's play football after school.—All right.参考答案:a 2 b 1 c 4 d 3 e 6 f 5 C Listen and write录音文字稿:Good morning,boys and girls. Welcome back to school. This is our new timetable. We have seven subjects. They're Chinese,Maths,English,Science,Music,PE and Art. We usually have six lessons every day. Today is Monday. We have an English lesson in the afternoon.参考答案:1. school 2. new 3. Chinese 4. every 5. Monday 6. afternoon D Ask and answer参考答案:1. —What lessons do you have on Monday,Mary?—I have



Listening Part

Ⅰ. Listen and choose. 听录音,选出你所听到的选项。

( ) 1. A. hill B. here C. there

( ) 2. A. Tuesday B. Thursday C. Today

( ) 3. A. when B. them C. home【苏教版四年级下册译林英语听录音材料】

( ) 4. A. aunt B. uncle C. Art

( ) 5. A. match B. Monday C. Maths

Ⅱ. Listen and number. 听录音,给下列图片排序号。

( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( )

Ⅲ. Listen and answer. 听录音,选择合适的答句。

( ) 1. A. Good idea! B. You‘re right.【苏教版四年级下册译林英语听录音材料】

( ) 2. A. It‘s seven. B. At seven.

( ) 3. A. We have PE. B. We like PE.

( ) 4. A. Thank you. B. How nice!

( ) 5. A. It‘s easy. I can‘t draw it. B. It‘s difficult, but I can try. Ⅳ. Listen, link and draw. 听录音,连线并画出所缺的部分。





听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(5分) ( )1.A.lake B.cake C.late ( )2.A.lunch B.peach C.watch ( )3.A.sit B.see C.salad ( )4.A.night B.eight C.right ( )5.A.SUN B.THUR C.TUE 根据你所听到的句子判断图意。对的打“T”,错的打“F”。(12分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、根据你所听到的问句,选择正确的应答。(5分) ( )1.A.I have Science. B.We like Science. C.We have five. ( )2.A.See you. B.Thank you. C.Nice to see you. ( )3.A.I can see a hill. B.I can see a monkey. C.I can see six. ( )4.A.At five. B.It’s five o’clock. C.Five yuan. ( )5.A.Good idea. B.Thank you. C.How nice! 四、根据你所听到的问句,结合实际情况来写出正确的应答。(8分)





( )1.A.watch B.match C.lunch ( )2.A.draw B.skate C.swim ( )3.A.easy B.difficult C.nice ( )4.A.lake B.tree C.river ( )5.A.boat B.bird C.bed ( )6.A.Maths B.Chinese C.English ( )7.A.Tuesday B.Thursday C.Wednesday ( )8.A.at night B.at school C.at home ( )9.A.I can jump B.I can see a hill C.What can you do? ( )10.A.lesson B.subject C.Science 二、根据所听内容先后顺序,给下列图片排序。(8分) 三、根据你所听到的问句,选择正确的答句。(5分) ( )1.A.No,I don’t. B.I like English. C.We have PE. ( )2.A.They are on the sofa. B. It’s in the bedroom. C.No, it isn’t. ( )3.A. I can see a bird. B. Yes I can. C. I can run. ( )4. A. Sorry ,let’s go. B. Good idea. C. Let’s go. ( )5.A.Yes,it’s easy. B.No,it’s difficult. C.he can draw some flowers 四、听录音,将对话补充完整。(7分)
