
| 六年级 |




勇敢__________ 乐于助人__________ 友善__________ 细心__________

小心__________ 有礼貌的__________ 感激的__________ 快的__________



1.Miss Cao is _____(idkn) to all students and everyone in her class likes her. 2.He likes ______(ctecoll) stamps very much. 3.The old woman was _____(gaetrafl) for his help. 4.Be ______(fluarec) when you cross the street. (二)合作探究

一、完成课本P81, Parts A练习。通过练习,你能找出部分形容词的反义词的变化规律吗?试着把它们写出来。


1. Who would Simon like to recommend for the Grade 7Most Helpful Student Award? 2. Where does Daniel spend a lot of time ? 3. Why do the other members of the club like him very much? 4. What is Daniel good at? 5. Who saved Mrs Lu last week? 二. 通过以上内容的学习,你能用形容词描述你的同学和朋友吗?向全班同学


四.Language points:

1.A helpful student Helpful是____词,意思是_______, 其反义词是________,意思是“无助的,无用的”,是由前缀加形容词helpful 构成的。

2.I would like to recommend Daniel for the Grade 7 Most Helpful Student Award. 我想要推荐丹尼尔为七年级“最助人为乐奖的得主”。

Recommend sb for…… 译为“推荐……做……” 翻译:我想推荐汤姆做厨师。______________________________

3.He is also good at swimming. 他也很擅长游泳。 Be good at…… 擅长于…… 翻译:我擅长唱歌。___________________

4.Mrs Lu was very grateful for his help.


Be grateful for “为……而感谢”,而be grateful to sb 感谢某人 be grateful to sb for sth 因某事而对某人感激 翻译;我们应该感谢我们的老师。

___________________________________________________ (一) 达标检测:

一. 根据提示补全句子.

1. Amy is a h________ girl, she never feels sad.. 2. Don’t be r________ to the others ,be polite! 3. Liu Dehua is a s______ star. People all over the world like his films and songs very much. 4. Monkeys are q________ animals. 二.翻译

1. Daniel不但善良而且勇敢 Daniel is not only _________ but also _________. 2他为俱乐部做了许多电脑方面的工作。 He _______ a lot of _________ __________ _________ the club. 3他常常想起那部有趣的电影。 He often ________ ________ that ___________ film. 4我想推荐Amy为最佳女运动员。 I would like ________ ________ Amy ________ the Best sportswoman Award. 5当你进行水上运动时请当心! __________ __________ when you play _________ _________.
















第一部分 听力(25分)


( )1.

( )2.

( )3.

( )4.

( )5.


( )6. A. How do you do? B. I’m fine, thank you. C. I’m five.

( )7. A. She’s thirteen. B. She’s a teacher. C. Her name is Jane.

( )8. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, they are. C. Yes, he is.

( )9. A. Thank you. B. Nice to meet you, too. C. See you.

( )10. A. I’m twelve. B. I’m OK. C. I’m from Beijing.


( )11. A. 7312-8492. B. 7623-5849. C. 7381-5849.

( )12. A. Class Seven. B. Class Four. C. Class One.

( )13. A. 12. B. 11. C. 13.


( )14. A. No, it isn’t. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, it is.

( )15. A. Li Lei. B. Li Ling. C. Li Ming.


( )16. Gao Hui is a teacher.

( )17. Ann Read is a teacher, too.

( )18. Miss Gao is Han Mei’s teacher.

( )19. Ann Read is fourteen.

( )20. It is morning.


Name Liu Mei

English name 21.

From 22.

Age 23.

Class 24.

Telephone number 25.

第二部分 基础知识运用(65分)


( )1. —____ is he?

—He is my friend.

A. What B. Where C. Who D. How

( )2. Mary and Joy are ____ Class One.

They are ____ the U.S.A.

A. from; in B. in; from C. to; from D. in; to

( )3. —____

—Yes, I’m Mike.

A. What’s your name? B. What are you? C. How are you? D. Are you Mike?

( )4. —Is this ____ car?

—Yes, it’s ____ English car.

A. a; an B. a; a C. an; an D. an; a

( )5. —What are those?

—____ are cakes.

A. That B. These C. It D. They

( )6. —What’s that ____ English?

—It’s a desk.

A. from B. to C. in D. /

( )7. —____ is she?

—She’s ten.

A. How old B. How C. Where D. What

( )8. —Is her name Kate?


A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isn’t. C. Yes, it’s. D. No, it isn’t.

( )9. I’m in Class 4. Are you in Class 4, ____?

A. please B. too C. and D. excuse

( )10. This is my teacher, Miss Chen. ____ is from Hebei.

A. She B. He C. Her D. His

( )11. Linda is fifteen ____ old. ww w.x k b1.co m

A. a year B. the year C. years D. year

( )12. —Welcome to our school.


A. OK. B. Thanks. C. Excuse me. D. Hello.

( )13. —Thank you.


A. You’re welcome. B. That’s OK. C. Thanks. D. A and B.

( )14. 当你被介绍认识某人后, 你应该说: “____”。

A. Good morning! B. Thank you!

C. Nice to meet you! D. How are you?

( )15. 当别人称赞你时, 你应该说: “____”。

A. Thanks. B. Good. C. Yes. D. No.


A. 从Ⅱ栏中选出Ⅰ栏各句子的应答语。(5分)


( )16. Where is he from? A. No. I’m Mr. Wang.

( )17. What’s his name? B. That’s OK.

( )18. What class are you in? C. Canada.

( )19. Are you Mr. Li? D. He’s Li Dawei.

( )20. Thank you. E. Class Eight, Grade Seven.

B. 从方框中选出适当的句子补全对话,有两项多余。(5分)

A: Excuse me, are you Amy?

B: Yes, I am. 21

A: My name is Tom. Nice to meet you.

B: 22 Where are you from?

A: I’m from England. 23

B: No. I’m from the U.S.A.

A: How old are you?


B: I’m twelve. 24

A: I’m eleven. What class are you in?

B: 25

A: Oh. We are in the same class. Goodbye!

B: Bye!

A. How are you?

B. And you?

C. What’s your name?

D. Nice to meet you, too.

E. I’m in Class Two, Grade One.

F. OK.

G. Are you from England, too?


Hello! 26 name is Li Ying. I’m twelve. I’m from Kunming. Now I’m in Beijing No.14 High School. I’m 27 Class Five, Grade One. I’m Number 4. Miss Gao 28 my English teacher. She is 29 old teacher. I have(有) a pen, a ruler and two 30 in my pencil-box(文具盒). Liu Ping is in Grade One, too. She is 31 Guangzhou. She is my good

32 . We are in 33 same class. Now she 34 at school. I think(认为) she is at home(在家). Look(看)!That is a 35 , but it is not my book.

( )26. A. I B. My C. Your D. Me

( )27. A. from B. to C. not D. in

( )28. A. is B. are C. am D. be

( )29. A. a B. an C. good D. /

( )30. A. buses B. desks C. schoolbags D. pencils

( )31. A. in B. to C. from D. but

( )32. A. friend B. teacher C. student D. mom

( )33. A. these B. the C. an D. a

( )34. A. is B. isn’t C. are D. aren’t

( )35. A. eraser B. ruler C. pen D. book



A: Good morning!

B: Good morning! What’s your name, please?

A: My name is Kitty. And you?

B: I’m Peter.

A: Nice to meet you!

B: Nice to meet you, too. What class are you in?

A: I’m in Class 4, Grade 2. What class are you in, Peter?

B: I’m in Class 3, Grade 1.

A: How old are you?

B: I’m eleven. And how old are you?

A: I’m twelve. Who is your English teacher?

B: Mr. King.

A: Oh. He’s my English teacher, too.


( )36. Kitty is in Class 4, Grade 1.

( )37. Peter is 11.

( )38. Their (他们的) English teacher is Mr. King.

( )39. Peter and Kitty are in the same grade.

( )40. Peter and Kitty are old friends.


Name Age From Tel.

Zhong Nan 40 Beijing 8876-5342

Gao Ming 13 Shanghai 5673-6981

Martin 28 England 7342-6979

( )41. Gao Ming is from ____.

A. the U.S.A. B. Japan C. China D. Canada

( )42. Martin is ____.

A. Chinese(中国人) B. Japanese(日本人) C. American(美国人) D. English

( )43. Is Zhong Nan from China?

A. No, he is. B. No, he isn’t. C. Yes, he is. D. Yes, it is.

( )44. How old is Zhong Nan?

A. 8876-5342 B. 13 C. 28 D. 40

( )45. His telephone number is 5673-6981. Who is he?

A. He is Martin. B. He is Zhong Nan. C. He is Gao Ming. D. He is 40.


Look at (看) Li Ming. He is from Guangzhou. He is thirteen years old. Now he is in Guangzhou Yuying Junior High School. He is in Class Five, Grade Eight. His telephone number is (020)7868-9688. Li Ming and Sally are friends. They are in the same class, but not the same age. She is twelve. She’s from Canada. Now Sally and her mom are in the same school. Her mom is a good teacher. Li Ming and Sally are good friends. 根据短文内容, 回答下列问题。

46. Where is Sally from?


47. Is Sally thirteen years old?
