《关于珍惜时间的句子 忘掉今天的人将被明天忘掉》
1. 成功=艰苦劳动+正确的方法+少说空话。
2. 放弃时间的人,时间也放弃他。
3. 没有方法能使时钏为我敲已过往了的钟点。
4. 人的全部本领无非是耐心和时间的混合物。
5. 任何节约回根到底是时间的节约。
6. 时间就是能力等等发展的地盘。
7. 时间是世界上一切成就的土壤。时间给空想者痛苦,给创造者幸福。
8. 时间是伟大的导师。
9. 时间是一个伟大的作者,它会给每个人写出完美的结局来。
10. 时间最不偏私,给任何人都是二十四小时;时间也是偏私,给任何人都不是二十四小时。
11. 忘掉今天的人将被明天忘掉。
12. 辛勤的蜜蜂永没有时间的悲哀。
13. 在所有的批评中,最伟大最正确最天才的是时间。
14. 从不浪费时间的人,没有工夫抱怨时间不够。
15. 时间是我的财产,我的田亩是时间。
16. 公道安排时间,就即是节约时间。
17. 春光不自留,浪漫一身官方旗舰店莫怪东风恶。
18. 抛弃今天的人,不会有明天;而昨天,不过是行往流水。
19. 抛弃时间的人,时间也抛弃他。
20. 一切节省,回根到底都回结为时间的节省。
21. 利用时间是一个极其高级的规律
22. 今天所做之事勿候明天,自己所做之事勿候他人。
23. 今天应做的事没有做,明天再早也是耽误了。
24. 浪费时间是一桩大罪过。
25. 你热爱佐丹奴官方网站生命吗?那么别浪费时间,由于时间是组成生命的材料。
26. 把活着的每一天看作生命的最后一天。
27. 迁延蹉跎,来日无多,二十丽姝,请来吻卧冬衰草枯杨,青春易过。
28. 普通人只想到如何度过期间,有才能的人想法利用时间。
29. 黄金时代在我们眼前而不在我们背后。
30. 人生苦短,若虚度年华,则短暂的人生就太长了。
31. 只要我们能善用时间,就永远不愁时间不够用。
32. 不管饕餮的时间怎样吞噬着一切,我们要在这一息尚存的时候,努力博取我们的声誉,使时间的不能伤害我们。
33. 不要老叹息过往,它是不再回来的;要明智地改善现在。要以不忧不惧的果断意志投进扑朔迷离的未来。
34. 不要为已消尽之年华叹息,必须重视匆匆溜走的时光。
35. 当很多人在一条路上徘徊不前时,他们不得不让开一条大路,让那珍惜时间的人赶到
36. 敢于浪费哪怕一个钟头时间的人,说明他还不懂得珍惜生命的全部价值。
37. 即将来临的一天,比过往的一年更为悠长。
38. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。
39. 黑发不知勤学早,白首方悔读书迟。
40. 花儿还有重开日,人生没有再少年
41. 如果青春的时光在闲散中度过,那么回忆岁月将会是一场凄凉的悲剧。
42. 少壮及时宜努力,老大无堪还可憎。
43. 时间带走一切,长年累月会把你的名字外貌性格命运都改变。
44. 时间就是生命,无端的空耗别人的时间,其实是无异于谋财害命。
45. 时间有三种步伐:未来姗姗来迟,现在象箭一样飞逝,过去永远静止不动。
46. 世上真不知有多少能够成功立业的人,都因为把难得的时间轻轻放过而致默默无闻。
47. 我愿意手拿帽子站在街角,请过路人把他们用不完的时间投在里面。
48. 一分时间,一分成果。对科学工作者来说,就不是一天八小时,而是寸阴必珍,寸阳
49. 应当赶紧地,充分地生活,因为意外的疾病或悲惨的事故随时都可以突然结束他的生命。
50. 用“分”来计算时间的人,比用“时”计算时间的人,时间多五十九倍。
51. 由于时光转瞬即逝,无法挽回,所以说它是世间最宝贵的财富,滥用时光无疑是人们最没有意义的一种消磨方式。
52. 在所有批评家中,最伟大最正确,最天才的是时间。
53. 志士嗟日短,愁人知夜长。
54. 最不善于利用时间的人最爱抱怨时光短暂。
55. 最忙的人有最多的时间。
56. 最有希望的成功者,并不是才干出众的人而是那些最善利用每一时机去发掘开拓的人。
57. 必须记住我们学习的时间是有限的。时间有限,不只由于人生短促,更由于人的纷繁。我们应该力求把我们所有的时间用去做最有益的事。
58. 节省时间;也就是使一个人的有限生命,更加有效而也即等于延长了人的生命。
Have you somewhat to do tomorrow,do it today.
1. Don't come if you're busy.
2. If we don't receive a reply by tomorrow morning, I shall have to get on to him.
如果明天早上我们得不到答复, 我们还得和他联系.
3. It will really queer our pitch if it rains tomorrow.
4. If it does not rain tomorrow, we shall have a picnic.
如果明天不下雨, 我们将去野游.
5. If the whole place were swept away tomorrow, Letitia Dale could reconstruct it. 如果明天这里全部被夷为平地, 利蒂霞·戴尔也能够重建它.
6. That big baroque bead - nothing much - if I'm offered four dollars for it tomorrow I'll be in luck. 那颗奇形怪状的值不了多少钱的大珠子 - 如果明天有人给我四块钱,就算我好运气.
7. If It'should rain tomorrow, the work would be postponed for some days.
如果明天下雨, 工作就要延期几天.
8. If it's Saturday, then it's Portugal.
如果明天是星期六, 那么就是葡萄牙了.
9. If you don't wire it by tomorrow a lot of interest will be incurred.
10. But if it rains tomorrow, you could go to the museum instead.
如果明天下雨的话, 你就去博物馆.
《关于失恋伤感的句子 相信自己会有更好的明天》
1. 如果情感和岁也能轻轻撕碎,扔到海中,那么,我愿意从此就在海底沉默。你的言语,我爱听,却不懂得,我的沉默,你愿见,却不明白。
2. 把支离破碎的句子组成忧伤的画,看到就揪心!听那悲伤的旋律,猜测你的心事!看世界模糊点好,看的太清楚,伤的越痛苦!现实的社会,我们还是虚幻点比较好!要么生活会把我们糟蹋的遍体躏伤!
3. 记忆想是倒在掌心的水不论你摊开还是紧握终究还是会从指缝中一滴一滴流淌干净。
4. 是你变了心,还是白天黑夜交换了时差?你笑着说,我们还是似曾相识的朋友样子。我住在这个伤感的城市,而你却在那头看不见的城市,没有你的城市我只是一个人孤独,而你却依然存活的快活。我把所有白纸写满你的名字,写满我对你的所有心事,我想把对你的爱全部颠覆,让你知道这些都是事实。
5. 感情一点一滴的积累,又一层一层的消逝,最后成了透明的丝带,却一圈一圈缠绕着骨髓,一片一片埋在灵魂里因为,这辈子,我永远不会再喜欢一个人像现在喜欢你这样了
6. 一辈子的承诺不可以轻易说出口,你,给不起我未来。
7. 两个人一起是为了快乐,分手是为了减轻痛苦,你无法再令我快乐,我也唯有离开,我离开的时候,也很痛苦,只是,你肯定比我痛苦,因为我首先说再见,首先追求快乐的是我。
8. 似乎等待了一百年,忽然明白,即使再见面,成熟的表演,不如不见。
9. 如果我不爱你,我就不会思念你,我就不会妒忌你身边的异性,我也不会失去自信心和斗志,我更不会痛苦。如果我能够不爱你,那该多好。
10. 蓦然回首,梦还是一样,那年黯然离别后,再也没有与你同行,飞花轻似雾,奈何风吹起,细雨如愁,无声无息,花落满地,只留下芬芳依昔。
11. 我赢了所有人,却输掉了你。
12. 躲在某一时间,想念一段时光的掌纹;躲在某一地点,想念一个站在来路也站在去路的,让我牵挂的人。
13. 为什么要那么痛苦地忘记一个人,时间自然会使你忘记。如果时间不可以让你忘记不应该记住的人,我们失去的岁又有甚么意义?
14. 我再也不会奋不顾身的去爱一个人了,哪怕是你。
15. 雁过也,最伤心,却是旧时相识。
16. 我们再也回不去了……我们不可能再有一个童年,不可能再有一个邂逅,不可能再有一个初恋,不可能再有从前的快乐幸福悲伤痛苦……不管是,还是前一秒,不管是错失的友谊,还是放手的爱情,通通都不可能再回去了。生命原来是一场无法回放的绝版电影,一转身就错过了你给的幸福。
17. 该笑的时候没有快乐,该哭泣的时候没有眼泪,该相信的时候没有诺言。
18. 我生命里的温暖就那么多,我全部给了你,但是你离开了我,你叫我以后怎么再对别人笑……
19. 爱情的酒,总是离别前的那一杯格外醉人。
20. 一个人的世界总需要另一个人做陪衬。他离开了,那是他衬不起你,相信自己会有更好的明天!
21. 结局和过程都有了,再去纠缠,连自己都觉得贪婪。
22. 失望,有时候也是一种幸福,因为有所期待所以才会失望。因为有爱,才会有期待,所以纵使失望,也是一种幸福,虽然这种幸福有点痛。
23. 幸福要各自去寻找,最后会习惯一个人的风景。那么久以后,我终于学会了微笑着想他。
24. 最浪漫的三个字不是“我爱你”,而是“在一起”。
25. 如果失恋请不要悲伤,不是你不好,只是你的真爱还没有来;如果失恋请不要灰心,相信生活,只要耐心等待,再过不久你就会幸福了;如果失恋请不要 绝望,失去的爱情不是你的全部。 ,你只是失恋而不是从此失去拥有爱情的权利。请别把心窗关上,让伤心从左窗飞去,让缘分从右窗飞进啊!#p#副标题#e#
26. 如果我不爱你,我就不会思念你,我就不会妒忌你身边的异性,我也不会失去自信心和斗志,我更不会痛苦。如果我能够不爱你,那该多好。
27. 如果此刻的你正遭受了失恋的痛楚,请不要伤心,俗话说失恋不失志,只要重头再来,相信一切都会好的,失恋并不可怕,可怕的是你抓着回忆不放。
28. 回家的路上我哭了,眼泪再一次崩溃了,我无能为力这样走着,再也不敢骄傲奢求了,我还能够说些什么?我还能够做些什么?我好希望你会听见,因为爱你,我让你走了。
29. 如果说失恋是“失”,凭什么不能说失恋也是“得”呢! 惨烈的失恋固然是一种悲哀,但它更是一种解脱。
30. 很偶尔的,你会找我,联系我,你的突然出现,还是会挑拨我的心弦。只是,我也学会对你伪装了,不冷不热,不咸不淡,笑得没心没肺,也不会再流那廉价的眼泪了。然后听你轻轻地说:“你变了。”
31. 最浪漫的情话,是当那个已经跟你分手了的情人打电话来问:“你好吗?”你稀松平常的回答:“我很好。”而其实你还爱着他,你一点也不好。
32. 与其到处找借口,不如直接说一句我不爱了。
33. 爱情还没有来到,子是无忧无虑的;最痛苦的,也不过是测验和考试。当时觉得很大压力,后来回望,不过是多么的微小。
34. 我以为爱情可以克服一切,谁知道她有时毫无力量。我以为爱情可以填满人生的遗憾,然而,制造更多遗憾的,却偏偏是爱情。阴晴圆缺,在一段爱情中不断重演。换一个人,都不会天色常蓝。
35. 我的翅膀被一滴泪烫伤,飞不到天堂。
36. 每个人心底都有一个柔软的所在,记录着过往的点滴。
37. 只想找一个在我失意时可以承受我的眼泪,在我快乐时,可以让我咬一口的肩膊。
38. 如果有一天我们在路上重逢,而我告诉你:“我现在很幸福。”我一定是伪装的 如果只能够跟你重逢,而不是共同生活,那怎么会幸福呢?告诉你我很幸福, 只是不想让你知道我其实很伤心。
39. 失恋就是这样一次最深刻的革命。不是有个挺振奋人心的口号吗?“奴隶翻身做主人”!
40. 爱情,原来是含笑饮毒酒。
41. 撕心裂肺的挽留,不过是心有不甘的表现。
42. 你是这个秋天里最后一丝游离的秋风,而我恰是这秋天里随风飘落的最后一片枫叶!
43. 其实不是不会爱,不是不敢爱,只是怕受伤,怕自己受伤,也怕伤了别人,所以不去爱。我不是不想去爱。我爱得太辛苦。爱得太无奈。也不是不去爱。怕只怕爱也是一种伤害。
44. 其实我是一直相信的,我根本不需要想起什么,因为我从来没有忘记过。
45. 失去一段恋情,不应该再失去你自己,失恋了,别趴下!
46. 我们活在世上,不是为了求人原谅。
47. 分手后不可以做朋友,因为彼此伤害过,不可以做敌人,因为彼此深爱过,所以我们变成了最熟悉的陌生人……
48. 乐观面对失恋,当失恋不期而至时,千万不要悲悲切切,更不要哭天喊地,应当庆幸,感谢对方拒绝了你。不是吗?正因为有了对方的拒绝,你才拥有了再度选择的机会!
49. 感情一点一滴的积累,又一层一层的消逝,最后成了透明的丝带,却一圈一圈缠绕着骨髓,一片一片埋在灵魂里因为,这辈子,我永远不会再喜欢一个人像现在喜欢你这样了。
50. 一直没有人懂我,我习惯假装坚强,习惯了一个人面对所有。其实,我很珍惜身边的人,只是生活的压力让我善于遗忘,把那些记忆通通遗忘-。我以为遗忘可以让自己快乐起来,可是,我感觉到的却是更多的寂寞,其实 我也渴望有一个人能懂我;我也渴望有一个人能走进我的心。
51. 世上最遥远的距离,不是生与死的距离,不是天各一方,而是我就站在你面前,你却不知道我爱你。
52. 那些曾经以为念念不忘的事情就在我们念念不忘的过程里,被我们遗忘了。
Business reception
Picking up the guests
When are you coming to Beijing?
When are you arriving?
What's the date and time?
What's your airline and flight number?
Shall I book a room for you?
Anybody picks you up at the airport?
Would you please give me a call when you arrive?
Could you tell me your arrival time so that I can pick you up at the airport?
We'll be at the airport to meet you.
We'll meet you at the airport.
We'll go there to pick you up.
How will I recognize you?
I'll be at the exit to the customs hall holding a plack up with your name.
I'm sorry I couldn't meet you at the airport.
Would you like the hotel car to meet you at the airport?
Here I am, Mrs. Lee.
Excuse me. But I think you are Mr. Brown of City Bank.
Excuse me. But would you perhaps be Mr. Brown of City Bank?
Excuse me. But are you Mr. Brown of City Bank?
You must be our long expected guest Mr. Brown of City Bank.
You must be Mr. Brown of City Bank.
Hello, Mr. Brown, How nice to see you again.
I'm sorry. I've got the wrong person.
I'm looking for a Mr. Brown of City Bank.
Our managers suggested that I get in touch with you.
He asked me to come to meet you.
He asked me to come here in his place to pick you up.
Some other business held him back, so He asked me to come in his place.
I'm appointed as your accompaniment during your staying in Beijing.
He meant to come here to meet you in person.
Our manage Mr. Zhang asked me to say Hello to you.
I'm Dorne from the Fairemess office.
I'm Dorn with Gilly holding group.
I'm from QingDao Bruery company Limited.
I'm the sales manager of ShangHai Zhen Hua port machinary company limited. I'm here to meet you.
I've come to meet you.
I'm here to pick you up.
Welcome. You made it.
Welcome to Beijing, I'm glad you are here.
I'm pleased to meet you.
Very pleased to meet you.
I'm glad to meet you.
How do you do?
Nice to meet you.
Nice to see you again.
How nice to see you again.
It's been nice seeing you again.
How was your flight?
Did everything go all right?
Did you have a safe trip?
Did you enjoy your trip?
Did you have a good trip?
Did you have a pleasant trip?
Did you get any sleep on the flight?
How are you feeling?
You must be exhausted.
I bet you're tired.
Have you gone through all the precedures?
Did you have any trouble clearing customs?
I hope you had a nice trip.
I hope you enjoyed your flight.
Do you need to get back to luggage?
Please give me your luggage check, I'll get them for you.
How many pieces of luggage do you have?
Do you have all your luggage check?
Your luggage is all here.
Let me help.
Let me carry that, I insist.
Let me help you with your luggage.
Let me take your things.
At least let me take one of them.
Can I take one of your bags?
May I help you with one of your bags?
Let me put your bags in the trunk.
Shall I have a porter help you?
We have a car over there and it'll take you to the hotel.
Our car is out at the Parking lot.
There's a car waiting for you, so please come this way.
We have a car waiting just outside.
I've got a company car waiting outside.
My car is outside.
Our car is waiting over there.
I'll bring my car here, so please wait a moment.
Let me call a taxi.
Please follow me.
Right this way please.
Bags go in the trunk, Haupin please.
Please get in the back.
I'll drive you downtown.
It's a long way to Changan, isn't it?
Is this your first visit to Beijing?
First time here?
Been here before?
Have any questions?
Are you hungry?
Are you thirsty?
How do you like this weather?
How have you been?
How's business these days?
How are things with you?
I wish you a pleasant stay here.
How long do you plan on staying?
How long do you plan to stay?
How long are you planning to stay?
How long will you be in BeiJing?
How long will you be staying?
I hope you enjoy your stay.
I hope you enjoy our city.
Let's talk about the arrangement in the car.
What shall we do first?
Would you like to go to your hotel to rest for a short?
Would you like to go to your hotel to rest and have a shower?
Would you like to go to your hotel to rest and wash and change?
Let's drive to the hotel.
Let's get you to the hotel.
We'd better stop for the hotel.
I'll take you to the hotel now.
Shall I take you to the hotel?
I think the best thing is to go to your hotel first, if that is ok.
I think we'll go to your hotel first.
I'll send you to Char Road hotel, we had a reservation there.
Is there anything you'd like to do before we go to the hotel?
You'll be staying at XiYang hotel.
We have reserved a room for you at Kun Lun hotel.
I've made a reservation at the hotel that you used last time.
We've booked a western style room for you.
We've reserved a single room in your name.
We chose this hotel for you because of the traffic problem.
Have you had a chance to arrange reservations for a hotel?
Did you make reservations for a hotel?
Forgive me for not asking before, but have you made reservations?
Let me make some arrangements for you.
I'll arrange it.
I know several convenient hotels, let me make some calls.
I'll try to find a hotel near our company.
What kind of room would you like?
Would you prefer western syle or chinese style?
Here's your hotel.
Here we are at the hotel you are going to stay.
This is the hotel you are going to stay.
It's one of the best hotels in Shanghai.
This hotel has very good service.
You may use the fitting room, swimming pool, sauna and the massage parlor in this hotel.
Shall we go to the reception desk and check in?
Let me help you with the formalities at the front desk.
Your room is on the top floor, facing the garden.
This is your room.
I hope you'll find everything satisfactory.
I hope you'll satisfied with everything.
How do you like this suite?
The hotel type is taking care of, you don't have to worry about the thing.
If you need anything let me know.
If you shoot counting in any conveniences, please not hesitate to let me know. Please ask the reception clerk for details.
I think the floor clerk will give you more information about the room equipment and the service.
Miss. Sun will arrange the recommendation and meals for you.
You must be tired after such a long flight.
Have a good rest today.
You certainly need a good rest after such a long flight.
You'd better take a shower and rest a bit.
Perhaps I should let you rest now.
Here's the schedule we've prepared.
I've arranged your schedule, I hope it's suitable.
We've drawn up the tentative program for the following three days.
Here's the scehdule we've prepared, I hope it's suitable for you.
I'd like to show you our tentative itinerary.
We have a tight schedule for your short stay, I hope you don't mind. Here's the itinerary we have worked out for you and your friends. Would you please have a look at it?
Take a look , see if it's ok.
I'd like your opinion.
I want your approval.
You can change it if you want.
I'm wondering whether you like this plan.
I'll give you a little information on our schedule.
I'll give you the schedule.
Here's your schedule for tomorrow.
We'll meet our general manager tomorrow.
Tomorrow I'll take you to our head office.
What time shall I come for you tomorrow?
By the way, when will we meet tomorrow?
I'll pick you up in your hotel at 7:30.
I'll be back around eight o'clock.
I'll be there on time.
I'll be waiting in the car.
Please wait in the lobby.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Did you have a good rest?
Did you sleep well last night?
Have you recovered?
How do you like your room?
Did you find the hotel comfortable?
《每天至少半小时单词 从明天开始 至少看一段句子 坚持 坚持 再坚持》
每天至少半小时单词 从明天开始 至少看一段句子 坚持 坚持 再坚持!! !affluent ['æfluənt]a. 富裕的,富足的,丰富的副 词:af'fluentlyprosperous同反义词同: [n.] confluent, feeder, tributary prosperous [a.] flush, loaded, moneyed, wealthy 反: [n.] distributary参考例句1. His circumstances are more affluent than ever. 他的境况较从前丰裕收藏 2. He was affluent in worldly goods. 他拥有许多财产。收藏 3. He was born to an affluent family. 他生在富裕人家。收藏 4. Possessing or exhibiting great wealth; affluent. 富裕的占有或具有大量财富的;丰富的收藏banal[bǩ'nɑ [bǩ'nɑ:l]a. 平凡的,陈腐的 副 词:banal'ly同反义词同: [a.] commonplace, hackneyed, old-hat, shopwornbatter ['bætə ]out of shapev. 打击,撞击,打坏,把…打得不成形状,炮击; (尤指因不加爱惜而)磨损,损坏 n. 击球员 a mixture of eggs, milk and flour used in cooking to cover food such as fish or chicken before you fry it, or to make pancakes n.面糊(煎料) v. 打击,撞击,打坏,把…打得不成形状,炮击; (尤指因不加爱惜而)磨损,损坏 n. 击球员 a mixture of eggs, milk and flour used in cooking to cover food such as fish or chicken before you fry it, or to make pancakes n.面糊(煎料) 时 态:battered,battering,batters同反义词同: [n.] batsman, hitter, slugger [v.] baste, buffet, dinge, knock about 参考例句 They battered at the gate. 他们猛敲那个门。收藏 Your car looks rather battered. 你的汽车看上去破破烂烂的.收藏 The victim's face was battered to a pulp. 受害者的脸打得血肉模糊.收藏 The ship was battered against the rocks. 船被岩石撞坏了。收藏 Stirred up some popover Batter; stirred the paint. 搅拌做酥料饼的材料;搅拌油漆收藏beam [bi:m] n. 光线,横梁,容光焕发 vi. 微笑,闪亮 vt. 上梁,发射 n. 光线,横梁,容光焕发 vi. 微笑,闪亮 vt. 上梁,发射 时 态:beamed,beaming,beams 同反义词同: [n.] balance beam, electron beam, irradiation, radio beam [v.] air, glow, radiate, shine 词义辨析 laugh,smile,siggle,grin,beam,sneer 这些动词均含“笑”之意。 laugh 最常用词,指因喜悦、愉快或轻视而出声的笑或大笑。 smile 指面露微笑,侧重于无声。 siggle 指发出咯咯的笑声,较多地用于女人或孩子。 grin 指露齿而笑。 beam 书面用词,指人因心情舒畅而发出的笑,即喜形于色地笑。 sneer 指冷笑、嘲笑。 点击查看…… 参考例句 Artificial light in an intensely bright and broad beam. 泛光高亮度和宽度的人工光收藏 The Beams receive the full weight of the walls and roof. 椽子承受着墙和屋顶的全部重量收藏 The beam lighted the ship into the harbor. 光束指引船只进港。收藏 The sun beamed down on them. 太阳照射着他们。收藏I knocked my head on a low
Beam. 我的头撞到了一根低梁上收藏 behead [bi'hed] vt. 斩首,砍头 vt. 斩首,砍头 时 态:beheaded,beheading,beheads 同反义词同: [v.] decapitate, decollate 参考例句 He was beheaded for high treason. 他因叛国罪被斩首收藏 Anne Boleyn was beheaded in 1536. 安妮·博林于 1536 年被斩首.收藏 Henry VIII gave the order to behead Anne Boleyn. 亨利八世下令将安波林斩首。 boast [bə ust] 添加成功,访问生词本 v. 吹嘘,自夸,自称拥有,以拥有…而自豪 v. 吹嘘,自夸,自称拥有,以拥有…而自豪 时 态:boasted,boasting,boasts 名 词:boast'fulness 形容词:boast'ful 副 词:boast'fully 点击查看…… 同反义词同: [n.] boasting, jactitation, self-praise [v.] feature, gas, gasconade, sport 点击查看…… 词义辨析 boast,brag,crow,pride 这些动词均含有“自夸,吹嘘”之意。 boast 普通用词,指对自己所做的事,自己的长处、财富以及家庭等的夸耀,常含言过其实 的意味。 brag 非正式用词,其夸耀和吹嘘意味强于 boast,到了过分夸大,有时令人讨厌的地步。 crow 多指大声吵嚷地吹嘘,夸耀自己做某事比他人做得好。 pride 与 boast 的意义较接近,指炫耀、夸口,自鸣得意,常与反身代词连用。 点击查看…… 参考例句 The town boasts an 18 - hole golf course . 该市镇以拥有一个 28 穴的高尔夫球场而自豪。收藏 The captain is always boasting of his military valor. 上尉老是自夸阵前之勇。收藏 That's nothing to boast about.那没有什麽值得自吹的.收藏 Shakespeare is the boast of English literature. 莎士比亚是英国文学引以为傲的文学家。收藏 We can outpace the fastest of your boasted airplanes. 我们能比你所夸言的最快的飞机快。收藏braid [breid] 添加成功,访问生词本 n. 辫子,穗带 vt. 编成辫,镶边 n. 辫子,穗带 vt. 编成辫,镶边 时 态:braided,braiding,braids 名 词:braid'er 点击查看…… 同反义词同: [n.] braiding, gold braid, plait, tress [v.] lace, plait, pleach 反: [v.] unbraid 点击查看…… 参考例句 Ralph tried to braid a belt from strips of leather. 雷夫试着把一条条的皮革编织成一条皮带。收藏 She braids her hair every morning. 她每天早晨都梳辫子.收藏 A plait of braided hair. 辫子梳成辫的头发的发辫收藏 To plait or braid. 为…打折或编辫收藏 A cord or braid worn as a fastening or an ornament. 饰带用于固定或装饰的带或编带收藏burdenburden ['bə:dn] n. 负担,重载,担子,责任 vt. 装货于,麻烦,使负担 时 态:burdened,burdening,burdens同反义词 同:• • •[n.] core, encumbrance, incumbrance, load [v.] burthen, charge, saddle, weight [v.] disburden, unburden反: 词义辨析burden,cargo,load这些名词均有“负担,负荷”之意。 burden 指沉重、令人不快的负担;指精神负担
时常有不堪忍受的意味。 cargo 指用轮船、车辆或飞机长距离运载的货物。 load 普通用词,含义广泛,指人、畜、车、船等负载的东西,指精神负担时,可与 burden 换用,但无感情色彩。 参考例句 1. It eased me of the burden. 这使我减轻了负担。收藏 2. A donkey can carry a heavy burden. 驴子能驮很重的东西。收藏 3. Shrug off a Burden. 摆脱负担收藏caution ['kɔ:ʃə ɔ ʃə ʃən] n. 小心,慎重,警示 vt. 警告 n. 警告 时 态:cautioned,cautioning,cautions同反义词 同:• • •[n.] carefulness, caveat, circumspection, forethought [v.] admonish, monish [n.] incaution, incautiousness反: 词义辨析advise,caution,warn,admonish,counsel 这些动词均有“劝告、忠告、警告”之意。 advise 普通用词,泛指劝告,不涉及对方是否听从劝告。 caution 主要指针对有潜在危险而提出的警告,含小心从事的意味。 warn 含义与 caution 相同,但语气较重,尤指重后果。 admonish 一般指年长者或领导对已犯错误的或有过失的人提出的忠告或警告以避免类似错误。 counsel 正式用词,语气比 advise 强一些,侧重指对重要问题提出的劝告、建议或咨询。 参考例句 1. The policeman cautioned the motorcyclist about his speed. 警察警告这个开摩托车的人注意车速。收藏 2. The footballer was cautioned for a foul on an opponent. 那个足球运动员因对对手犯规而受到警告。收藏 3. Caution:Careful forethought to avoid danger or harm. 谨慎:仔细考虑以避免危险或伤害。收藏 4. Heedless of caution;reckless. 粗心的把警告当作耳旁风;粗心大意的收藏 5. The policeman let the driver off with a caution. 警察向司机提出警告后就让他走了。收藏cellar ['selə ] ə n. 地窖,地下室,藏酒 时 态:cellared,cellaring,cellars 同反义词 • [n.] basement, root cellar, wine cellar 同: 参考例句 1. Wine shall be stored in a cool cellar . 葡萄酒应存放在凉快的地下室里。收藏 2. He has an excellent wine-cellar. 他有窖藏佳酿.收藏 3. I found him in the cellar drinking my best brandy. 我撞见他在地窖里喝我最好的白兰地。收藏 4. We went downstairs from the kitchen to the cellar. 我们从厨房走到楼下地下室。收藏 5. That same day he was put to work in Durham's cellars. 就在同一天他被派去达勒姆的地下室工作。收藏ceremonial [seri'mə l] uniə n. 仪式 a. 正式的 n. 仪式 a. 正式的 名词:cer'emo'nialist 副词:cer'emo'nially 点击查看…… 同反义词同: [n.] ceremonial occasion, ceremony, observance 点击查看…… 参考例句 A ceremonial procession. 一个仪式行列收藏 Ceremonial bestowal of knighthood. 骑士授予礼授予骑士称号的仪式收藏 cord [kɔ:d] ɔ n. 细绳,粗线 时 态:corded,cording,cords 名 词:cord'er 同反义词同: 参考例句•
[n.] corduroy, electric cord1. It was bound with a cord. 它用绳子拴着。收藏 2. Snatched at the lamp cord. 握住灯绳收藏 3. Somebody tripped over the cord. 有人被电线绊倒。收藏 4. Keep a cord of wood in the shed. 将木材储存在小屋里收藏 5. A cord or braid worn as a fastening or an ornament. 饰带用于固定或装饰的带或编带收藏debris [də 'bri:] n. 碎片,残骸添加成功,访问生词本n. 碎片,残骸 同反义词同: [n.] detritus, dust, junk, rubble 点击查看…… 词义辨析 waste,garbage,rubbish,litter,debris,junk 这些名词均含“废物,垃圾”之意。 waste 普通用词,概念广泛,指任何被丢弃的东西。 garbage 主要指有机废料,包括厨房的剩菜剩饭或不能再用的食物。也可作引申用。 rubbish 普通用词,指任何成堆的、破损的、用过的或无用的东西,尤指弃掉的垃圾堆。也 可作引申用。 litter 是四下乱丢物品的总称,尤指散落于地,有碍观瞻的废物。 debris 着重指分解、分裂或破坏后剩下的碎片,也指零散的普通废品。 junk 指回收的旧汽车或大型机器,也指毫无实用价值,或破烂物体,但不指垃圾。 点击查看…… 参考例句 The sea tided the deBris ashore. 潮水把碎片杂物冲上海滩。收藏 The debris is solidly plastered over with snow. 瓦砾堆被雪覆盖得严严实实。收藏 A drain that was jammed By deBris. 被残余物阻塞的下水道收藏Diagnose diagnose ['daiə uz] gnə添加成功,访问生词本vt. vi. 诊断 vt. vi. 诊断 时 态:diagnosed,diagnosing,diagnoses 形容词:di'agnos'able 点击查看…… 同反义词同: [v.] name 点击查看…… 参考例句 The doctor diagnosed his illness as malaria. 医师诊断他的病为疟疾。收藏 The doctor diagnosed measles. 医生诊断出麻疹.收藏 The doctor diagnosed the illness as influenza. 医生诊断此病为流行感冒。收藏 点击查看……dispute [dis'pju:t] n. 争论,争执 vt. 争论,争执 vi. 争论,争执添加成功,访问生词本n. 争论,争执 vt. 争论,争执 vi. 争论,争执 时 态:disputed,disputing,disputes 名 词:disput'er 点击查看…… 同反义词同: [n.] conflict, contravention, difference, difference of opinion [v.] altercate, argufy, challenge, gainsay 点击查看…… 词义辨析 argue,quarrel,debate,dispute,discuss,reason 这些动词均含“辩论,争论,说理”之意。 argue 指提出理由或证据为自己或自己一方的看法或立场辩护, 着重说理、 论证和企图说服。 quarrel 指两人之间或两个团体之间不友好的、吵吵嚷嚷地大声争论某事,尤指“吵嘴、吵 架” 。 debate 侧重指意见等对立的双方之间正式或公开的争辩。 dispute 侧重对分歧进行激烈或热烈的争论或争辩,带一定感情色彩,常隐含“各持已见”或“争论不休”意味
。 discuss 最常用词,指就某一或某些问题表明观点、看法等,以便统一认识,解决问题。 reason 指据理力争以说服对方或求得对问题作更深入的研究。 点击查看…… 参考例句 Everybody put forward his opinion on the disputed case. 大家都对这个疑案提出自己的见解。收藏 The ownership of the land is disputed. 那土地的所有权有争议收藏 impounding disputed electoral ballots. 扣押有争议的选票收藏 They disputed how to get the best results. 他们讨论如何获得最佳结果。收藏 Our soldiers disputed every inch of ground. 我方战士寸土必争.收藏