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2015年3月22日 星期日 晴







Sentiment after Watching Taken / 96 Hours

Directed by Pierre Morel ,the leading role was acted by Liam Neeson who was a famous actor from England .

Liam acted as a father whose work was special agent and was divorced with hie wife .His daughter was played by Margaret Grace,who in the film wanted to travel in Paries but need his father”s permission .After all the father whose name in the film was Bryan agreed to sign the agreement but asked the daughter named Kim call him every day in Paris.

Not everything went well in the life in Paris ,however, a group of kidnapper kept their eyes on Kim and her partner att the second they arrived in Paris , and they kidnapped them two in an quiet afternoon .

Then Bryan came into our scene and somehow rescued his daughter and punished the bad man, eventually he went home with his daughter and introduced her daughter to a famous singer who was willing to teach her daughter songs .

Liam is a perfect actor and by his brilliant act the father’s figure is picturesque. Bryan is a strict father that he will do everything he can to protect his daughter ,even strictly limit his daughter’s life .But he is also a father with love and skill by which he can fight with bad man .Not only does he cares ,but he also knows how to care.

Which the film attracts me is the tense stroy line.Following the line we see a strict and lovely father .Even when write this article now ,I found it excited to revenge this story.


The film tells people to live in harmony with nature, to care for animals, but the depth of the kind of film on faith and trust。I would like to explain several scenes. The first is that Maya in the order to let McClellan Dr wear life-saving rope, although there have been cracks in the ice surface ,the situation is very dangerous, but when Jeremy Maya back to see the order, it will no longer hesitate, but go ahead boldly! the trust was establishedbetween people and dog .The second is the dog has hold back national flag,theand from the Mayan visionof the north side, we see the sled dogs were the masters of practice promises . They believe this station will be there, so the symbol of the station can not be lost. The third is Finally i would also like to say something , Jeremy is able to make the trip should thank the dog trainer , "you need to do some things you peace of mind,……" Indeed, one can regret - not Have done a good job, but absolutely can not allow ourselves regret it because of we haven’t do it. Thus, Jeremy became experiencing a multi-start the efforts after failure…… I think heshould also thank Dr. McClellan's son, "My hero are the dogs who saved my father" one sentence speak out the McClellans depth mind .people would only note that some so-called major aspects - for instance, the successful experience of what is scientific, or the guide of Jeremy , but the children can find the most essential things, perhaps it is very small, but most can move people's hearts……"You deserve the world's Association to take the risk of things" - For Dr. McClellan, is his cause, and for Jeremy, is his "friend."Maya did not look white hope, Jerry White did not pay a sincere, the same Kate's efforts have not east, although the final eight short of two dogs, but the outcome is still happy.



女儿小星期,为了放松紧张的生活。夜里,一家三口去阳光影院看电影《灰姑娘》,炫丽的场景设计,精彩的名家表演,给在场的观众留下了极好的印象。特别是灰姑娘母亲临终前给女儿的嘱托,使我的心灵受到了深深的震憾——你要永远记住,无论什么时候,都要坚强而勇敢,仁慈而善良! 从《小学生守则》、《中学生守则》到《大学生守则》,再到如今的职业道德。经历了太多的道德说教,都是要我们爱祖国,爱人民,爱劳动,爱科学。却很少教育我们要如何爱自己,如何保护自己;如何面对纷繁复杂、险象环生的世界,来保护自己的身心不受伤害。记得曾看过美国、英国等西方的小学生守则,其对个人身心的保护,可以说是无微不至的。如:平安成长比成功更重要;背心、裤衩覆盖的地方不许别人摸;生命第一,财产第二。等等。看看我们的《守则》,有对于学生身心的保护的词句吗?






《英文电影赏析观后感 英文版》


The famous movie named The Lion King ,which becomes the most successful movie in Walt Disney and gains public attractions. In the movie, the little prince whom made the African savannah awaken was born when the sun rising from the horizon. As the the king's brother scar hated Simba because Scar wanted to become the king.Scar attempted many ways to kill Simba.The most impressive thing was a time when Simba was immediately killed by Scar , but Mufasa saved Simba's life .His father's death frustrated him. Finally Simba conquered many difficulties and defeated Scar. Simba was officially announced to own the regime within the chorus of his mother and his friends.The Lion King shows us a new grand world, letting us to experience the adventures of the love and the moving of life.



《怪物史莱克4》作为该系列的最后一部,故事延续上集的结尾,在拯救公主,寻找到真爱并且稳定住了Far far away王国后,有了“小史莱克”,我们的史莱克成了一个居家好男人。但一次生日聚会,却使生活出现了变数。有小朋友希望怪物大叔发出野性的吼声,以此取乐,但史莱克觉得有点难堪或受屈辱,忍着不发作,一连串的麻烦,最终使他情绪暴燥,不可收拾,他成了离家出走的男人。在这里,影片隐含着对孩子们进行教育:暴怒可能会出问题,离家出走更可能险象环生。






Yesterday I watched a movie named <Shrek> with my brother .It is so funny.

It is about a ogre.He is upset because he cannot be acceptted by other men because of his awful look.One day he gets a mission to rescue a princess so that the King gives back his mire.He,along with a talking donkey,goes through fire and water and finally reaches the tower where the princess is kept.He fights against the dragon that guards the princess.At last he rescues the princess.After that ,he gives her his first kiss.

This movie tells us,when we are not acceptted by others,at least,we should try to let them know us and don't say die.


看了一个3D动画电影《怪物史莱克》,觉得很好看,所以忍不住要说两句。 其实开头没啥意思,直到公主被救我都没太笑,结果美丽的公主清早起来不刷牙,非得和小鸟飙歌,公主的嗓子那个高啊,一使劲把小鸟给震爆了,羽毛纷飞„„哈哈,实在忍不住了,太能扯了,黑色幽默。

哦,对了,鸟巢里还有三枚可怜的、没了娘的鸟蛋,也被我们美丽温柔的公主给煎成了荷苞蛋,猛人!这大概是本世纪到目前为止最搞怪的公主形象。 公主还会中国功夫?我怎么看着像恶搞《黑客帝国》呢?特别是那个空中悬停裙里腿。顺便说一句,鲁宾逊这个小子,除了歌唱得还成,其它方面真是很“逊”。 堂堂一个公主,吃烤老鼠也就算了,问题是你怎么能用蜘蛛网抓虫子,还整成棉花糖的形状给史莱克吃?史莱史还真吃。一个拿癞蛤蟆当气球吹,一个拿吹鼓了的蛇编气球马,这都什么乱七八糟的。编剧的想像力真是不盖的。



史莱克和驴在月光下胡扯,史莱克很忧伤,因为人们一看到他就说:救命! 一个大丑妖怪!驴安慰他说:知道吗,我们刚见面时,我没有认为你是个大丑妖怪。史莱克说:对,我知道。驴说:那么,天上有驴吗„„


史莱克不是英雄,他要救公主,仅仅是一种交易,为了图个清静而已。或者说,他很自卑,甚至有自闭症。丑陋的外表让他泯失了与人交流和沟通的勇气,他身在孤独的焦烤里,却安慰自已说:我喜欢清静。借口! 环境孤独其实并不可怕,可怕的是精神孤独。古往今来,我还从未曾听说有哪一个活的隐士喜欢精神孤独,林逋够隐了吧,但他种梅养鹤,寄情山水,“暗香疏影”诗成绝唱。他的精神还不算孤独,所以他没有自杀。海子为什么自杀?梵高为什么自杀?我以为不过是精神上太孤独罢了。




The Shawshank Redemption

--A Film Full of Faith and Warmth

The Shawshank Redemption is based on a story, Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption, which is written by Stephen King. The movie is directed by Frank Darabont. He paints the prison in drab grays and shadows, so that when key events do occur, they seem to have a life of their own. The Shawshank Redemption is rated R (Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian). It includes profanity and occasional violence. However, the horror here is not of the supernatural kind, but of the sort that flows from the realization of a man when staying in the same unchanging daily prison for several years.

“Without a single riot scene or horrific effect, it tells a slow, gentle story of camaraderie and growth, with an ending that abruptly finds poetic justice in what has come before. The writer and director, Frank Darabont, tells this tale with a surprising degree of loving care.”(Janet Maslin) The partnership between the characters played by Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman is crucial to the way the story unfolds. In prison, Andy and Red develop their deep friendship. They care for each other and finally meet freely outside the prison. “There is a lot of life and humor in it and warmth in the friendship that builds up between Andy and Red.”(Roger Ebert)

“But mostly the film is an allegory about holding onto a sense of personal worth, despite everything. If the film is perhaps a little slow in its middle passages, maybe that is part of the idea, too, to give us a sense of the leaden passage of time, before the glory of the final redemption.”(Roger Ebert) The Shawshank is a jail—actually a hell in the world. Not only for the inhumanity of the jailors——they behaved brutally; but also for the jail gnawed at people’ heart by keeping them waiting and waiting as life passed. It seemed that only those utterly worthless people who gave up everything

could survive. Although the conditions are so nasty, Andy doesn’t give up hope. Conversely, he takes advantage of his ability to prove himself. “The Shawshank Redemption might change a few minds about the usefulness of incarceration in terms of rehabilitation. Mostly, though, it reminds us of that we all hold the keys to our own prisons.” (Rita Kempley) Andy understands what he needs, and he was longing for freedom. So with his wisdom, he finds his own keys leading to new life.

"The Shawshank Redemption is a movie about time, patience and loyalty -- not sexy qualities, perhaps, but they grow on you during the subterranean progress of this story, which is about how two men serving life sentences in prison become friends and find a way to fight off despair.”(Roger Ebert) The movie opens in 1947 as Andy, as played by Tim Robbins, a prominent New England banker, is on trial for murdering his wife and her lover. He insists that he is innocent, but the jury finds him guilty. Sentenced to life twice over, Andy is shipped to the maximum-security state prison at Shawshank, Maine. An introverted loner with an interest in reading, chess and rock carving, Andy keeping thought to himself doesn't make himself many friends until Red, a 30-year-veteran of the system, played by Freeman, decides to take him under his wing. The story is narrated by Red. “Red's narration of the story allows him to speak for all of the prisoners, who sense a fortitude and integrity in Andy that survives the years.”(Roger Ebert) Therefore he is a crucial element in the story. He has been inside the walls of Shawshank Prison for a very long time. He can get you whatever you need: cigarettes, candy, even a little rock pick like an amateur geologist might use. He befriends Andy, and keeps close observation to Andy. So the story goes on. Things begin to change when Andy promises to help the officers in the prison with their tax problems to get some cold beers for his friends who are working on the roof. Later he depends on himself to try to build a formal library in the prison, and he succeeds. Then his fame spreads. Before long, he’s been assigned to the warden's office, where he keeps tabs on the warden's ill-gotten gains. Eventually he's doing the taxes and pension plans for most of the officials of the local prison system

The fact doesn’t be revealed until the end of the story. Andy got a hammer from Red, and he spends nineteen years digging a tunnel in order to get out. Finally he

crawls through the tunnel and gets freedom. What impresses me most is that he stands the dirty water and even disgusting mud for freedom. It is difficult to stick to a goal in daily life, let alone be placed in a hopeless position. But Andy makes it. Then he gives the evidence of the warden’s guilt to the government, so the warden kills himself. Justice defeat evil. When Red is out, they both enjoy the freedom facing the blue sea and white clouds.

Behind the simple story, there are many spiritual qualities that worth our learning. Actually, this film reminds me of hope, faith, freedom, and friendship. That’s why I like this film. It encourages people to fight to preserve the dignity of human beings, to appreciate the beauty of life, and the most important is to keep hope forever. No matter how hard the life is, just believe ourselves and believe our life. Once a person is born, he is inevitable to die. Everyone is the same. The only difference is whether busy living or busy dying. The film tells me even a man can live once, but if he keeps faith, keeps hope and works his life right, then once is enough. The faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark, the hope is the chief happiness that this world affords, and the life should be full of the singing of the bird and the happiness hope brings. As to freedom, we learn that it is so important to a prisoner. Also, enjoying the freedom should be the one of the true colors of a human being alive. If not, life turns to be a burden to us. Try to be hopeful, and then make friends with others. We are cared by friends and we care about them. Only in this way can our life be filled with warmth and hope.

Get busy living or get busy dying? In The Shawshank Redemption, the life turns to be a difficult choice. Actually, the redemption is worth digesting. Believe in ourselves; never give up; never stop trying; wait for our own success----maybe these are the true meaning of the redemption. We need to know all the time, we can find the way leading to the heaven, but it is filled with sweat and sorrow. The life is actually a prison, but as long as we have hope, faith and friendship, we can find the key to it finally.


1. Janet Maslin “Prison Tale by Stephen King Told Gently, Believe It or Not”New York Time September 23, 1994

2. Roger Ebert “The Shawshank Redemption”Chicago Sun-Times September 23, 1994


3. Rita Kempley “The Shawshank Redemption” the Washington Post September 23, 1994


