Everyone is born king,and most people die in exile. 每个人生下来都是王,而大多数人却在放逐中死去。 每个人生下来都是王,而大多数人却在放逐中死去。 任何人都可以为一个朋友的不幸感到同情, 任何人都可以为一个朋友的不幸感到同情,但一个人 需要非常优良的天性来为一个朋友的成功感到高兴。 需要非常优良的天性来为一个朋友的成功感到高兴。 -- 王尔德 What is the chief cause of divorce? Marriage. 离婚的主要原因? 结婚。 离婚的主要原因?——结婚。 结婚 I like men who have a future and a woman who have a past. 我喜欢有将来(有前途)的男人和有过去(不正派) 我喜欢有将来(有前途)的男人和有过去(不正派) 女人。 女人。 The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. 摆脱诱惑的唯一方式是接受诱惑。 摆脱诱惑的唯一方式是接受诱惑。 艺术是世界上唯一严肃的事情, 艺术是世界上唯一严肃的事情,而艺术家则是唯一永 远不严肃的人。 远不严肃的人。 除了诱惑,我什么都能抵御。 除了诱惑,我什么都能抵御。 -- 王尔德 by: 本草 at: 21-03-2007 12:09:20 女人激起我们成就大事业的欲望, 女人激起我们成就大事业的欲望,却阻止我们去付诸 实 When I was young , I used to think that money was the most important thing in life , now that I am old , I know it is. 我年青时以为金钱至上,而今年事已迈, 我年青时以为金钱至上,而今年事已迈,发现果真如 此。 除了我的天才,其他没什么可申报的。 除了我的天才,其他没什么可申报的。 注:这是王尔德说的最著名的话之一,传说这是在他通过纽约海关时说过的话。 尽管没有当时留下来的证据,第一本记录这件事的书(弗兰克 哈里斯奥斯卡在 1916 年出版的《奥斯卡·王尔德:他的生活和自白》)也是在多年之后才出现。 所以可能是假的,但如果王尔德当时没说,他也应该说的。 一个人恋爱的时候总是以自欺欺人开始, 一个人恋爱的时候总是以自欺欺人开始,而以欺骗别 人告终。 人告终。 We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. 我们都生活在阴沟里,但其中依然有人在仰望星空。 我们都生活在阴沟里,但其中依然有人在仰望星空。 I never put off till tomorrow what I can possibly do the day after. 我从不把后天的事拖到明天做。 我从不把后天的事拖到明天做。 I can resist everything except temptation. 我能抵御一切——除了诱惑。 除了诱惑。 我能抵御一切 除了诱惑 朝三暮四和永世相守的区别, 朝三暮四和永世相守的区别,在于前者比后者更持久 些 世上只有一件事比被人议论更糟糕了, 世上只有一件事比被人议论更糟糕了,那
就是没有人 事比被人议论更糟糕了 议论你。 议论你。 空虚预示着严肃时代的到来。 空虚预示着严肃时代的到来。 -- 王尔德 by: 本草 at: 21-03-2007 11:57:27 生活中不正常的事物与艺术的关系是正常的, 生活中不正常的事物与艺术的关系是正常的,而且是 生活中与艺术保持正常关系的唯一事物。 生活中与艺术保持正常关系的唯一事物。 The world is a stage , but the play is badly cast. 这世界就是舞台,可角色就分配得不象样子。 这世界就是舞台,可角色就分配得不象样子。 人真正的完美不在于他拥有什么,而在于他是什么。 人真正的完美不在于他拥有什么,而在于他是什么。 友谊远比爱情更为可悲,它持续得更久。 友谊远比爱情更为可悲,它持续得更久。 -- 王尔德 考试当中,傻瓜往往提出智者无法回答的问题。 考试当中,傻瓜往往提出智者无法回答的问题。 -- 王尔德 任何人都可以为一个朋友的不幸感到同情, 任何人都可以为一个朋友的不幸感到同情,但一个人 需要非常优良的天性来为一个朋友的成功感到高兴。 需要非常优良的天性来为一个朋友的成功感到高兴。 -- 王尔德 I make a great difference between people. I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their good intellects. A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies. 我对人有很大的区别,我选择朋友凭漂亮的外貌 选 我对人有很大的区别 我选择朋友凭漂亮的外貌,选 我选择朋友凭漂亮的外貌 择熟人凭高尚的人品,选择敌人凭聪明的头脑 选择敌 择熟人凭高尚的人品 选择敌人凭聪明的头脑,选择敌 选择敌人凭聪明的头脑 人是怎么小心都不会过分的。 人是怎么小心都不会过分的。 -- 王尔德 She is a peacock in everything but beauty. 她浑身上下纯粹是只孔雀,只是少了美丽。 她浑身上下纯粹是只孔雀 只是少了美丽。 只是少了美丽 -- 王尔德 I believe that if one man were to live out his life fully and completely, were to give form to every felling, expression to every thought, reality to every dream - I believe that the world would gain such a fresh impulse of joy. 我相信一个人若是能充分而完全的生活,能表现 我相信一个人若是能充分而完全的生活 能表现 他的每一种情绪,每一种想法 实现他的每一个梦想 他的每一种情绪 每一种想法,实现他的每一个梦想 世 每一种想法 实现他的每一个梦想,世 界就会得到一种很新鲜的欢乐的冲动. 界就会得到一种很新鲜的欢乐的冲动 -- 王尔德 The English public takes no interest in a work of art until it is told that the work in question is immoral. 英国人决不对一件艺术品感兴趣, 英国人决
不对一件艺术品感兴趣,直到有人说这件东 西不道德。 西不道德。 -- 王尔德 人生的首要任务是变得尽可能的矫揉造作, 人生的首要任务是变得尽可能的矫揉造作,何为第二 任务至今尚无人发现。 任务至今尚无人发现。 -- 王尔德 布兰登太太介绍客人,就像拍卖商介绍卖品一样, 布兰登太太介绍客人,就像拍卖商介绍卖品一样,要 么轻描淡写说上几句,要么什么都说, 么轻描淡写说上几句,要么什么都说,就是不说你想 知道的。 知道的。 -- 王尔德 人生是美的,所以结局注定是悲剧。 人生是美的,所以结局注定是悲剧。 -- 王尔德 倘若穷人有鲜明的个性, 倘若穷人有鲜明的个性,解决贫困问题就不会困难重 重。 -- 王尔德 所有好的决定都有其致命的弱点, 所有好的决定都有其致命的弱点,那就是都决定得太 匆忙。 匆忙。 -- 王尔德 如今信息很少是无用的,这实在是件可悲的事。 如今信息很少是无用的,这实在是件可悲的事。 -- 王尔德 我不想改变英国的任何东西,除了天气。 我不想改变英国的任何东西,除了天气。I don't desire to change anything in England except the weather. -- 王尔德 一个男人可以与任何女人快乐地在一起, 一个男人可以与任何女人快乐地在一起,只要他不爱 上她 -- 王尔德 每一件美好的故事背后都有一段悲哀的隐情, 每一件美好的故事背后都有一段悲哀的隐情,就连一 朵小花的开放, 朵小花的开放,世界都得经历阵痛 -- 王尔德
王尔德说:“ 倘若穷人有鲜明的个性,解决贫困问题就不会困难重重。 ”
王尔德说:“ 使儿童们从善的方法,是使他们快乐。”
王尔德说:“逢场作戏和忠贞不渝之间的区别只在于逢场作戏稍微短一些。 ”
王尔德说:“我不想改变英国的任何东西,除了天气。 ” 王尔德说:“只有肤浅的人才不以貌取人”。
王尔德说:“公众是惊人地宽容,可以原谅一切,除了天才。” 王尔德说:“我喜欢有未来的男人和有过去的女人。”
王尔德说:“我们都生活在阴沟里,但仍有人仰望星空。 ” 王尔德说:“什么是离婚的主要原因?结婚。 ”
王尔德说:“ 伟大的艺术家所看到的,从来都不是世界的本来面目。一旦他看透了,他就不再是艺术家。”
王尔德说:“ 不满是个人或民族迈向进步的第一步。 ”
王尔德说:“梦想家只能在月光下找到前进的方向,他为此遭受的惩罚是比所有人提前看到曙光。 ”
王尔德说:“每个圣人都有过去,每个罪人都有未来。 ”
王尔德说:“真朋友才会当面中伤你。 ”
王尔德说:“平常的财宝会被偷走,而真正的财富则不会。你灵魂里无限珍贵的东西是无法被夺走的。 ”
王尔德说:“教养良好的人处处和他人过不去,头脑聪明的人处处和自己过不去。 ”
王尔德说:“我想世界上最迷人的女人都是被宠爱着的,这是她们吸引力来源的秘密。 ”
The only difference between a caprice and a life-long passion is that the caprice lasts a little longer. 逢场作戏和终身不渝之间的区别只在于逢场作戏稍微长一些。
When one is in love, one always begins by deceiveing one's self, and one always ends by deceiving others. That is what would calls a romance.
The very essence of romance is uncertainty.
Man is a rational animal who always loses his temper when he is called upon to act in accordance with the dictates of reason.
My wallpaper and I are fighting a duel to the death. One or other of us has to go.
No man is rich enough to buy back his own past.
-An Ideal Husband (1895)王尔德语录含义。
The truth is rarely pure and never simple.
-The Importance of Being Earnest (1895)
To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.
We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.
Most people discover when it is too late that the only things one never regrets are one's mistakes. 大多数人发现他们从未后悔的事情只是他们的错误,但发现时已经太晚了。
What is the chief cause of divorce? Marriage.
When a love comes to an end, weaklings cry, efficient ones instantly find another love and wise already had one in reserve.
No great artist ever sees things as they really are. If he did he would cease to be an artist.
I represent to you all the sins you have never had the courage to commit.
One can always be kind to people one cares nothing about.
We Irish are too poetical to be poets; we are a nation of brilliant failures, but we are the greatest talkers since the Greeks.
What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise
The advantage of the emotions is that they lead us astray.
Over the piano was printed a notice: Please do not shoot the pianist. He is doing his best.
Personal Impressions of America (Leadville) (1883)
The heart was made to be broken.
The public is wonderfully tolerant. It forgives everything except genius.
Religions die when they are proved to be true. Science is the record of dead religions.
Why was I born with such contemporaries
A poet can survive everything but a misprint.
Only the shallow know themselves.
The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it... I can resist everything but temptation.
Discontent is the first step in the progress of a man or a nation
I like to do all the talking myself. It saves time, and prevents arguments.
Quotation is a serviceable substitute for wit.
A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.
Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future.
To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.
I have nothing to declare except my genius.
I like men who have a future and women who have a past
Pessimist: One who, when he has the choice of two evils, chooses both.
Society exists only as a mental concept; in the real world there are only individuals.
What is a cynic? A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing
I like persons better than principles, and I like persons with no principles better than anything else in the world.
It is the confession, not the priest, that gives us absolution
I don't want to earn my living; I want to live.
Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess.
The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.
When the gods wish to punish us, they answer our prayers
-An Ideal husband, 1893
"Life is never fair...And perhaps it is a good thing for most of us that it is not."
-An Ideal Husband,1893
How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being.
All charming people, I fancy, are spoiled. It is the secret of their attraction
Nothing is so aggravating than calmness.
Popularity is the one insult I have never suffered.
Ridicule is the tribute paid to the genius by the mediocrities.
To do nothing at all is the most difficult thing in the world, the most difficult and the most intellectual 什么也不做是世上最难的事情,最困难并且最智慧。
A true friend stabs you in the front.
Ordinary riches can be stolen, real riches cannot. In your soul are infinitely precious things that cannot be taken from you.
The well bred contradict other people. The wise contradict themselves.
Hatred is blind, as well as love.
Looking good and dressing well is a necessity. Having a purpose in life is not.
Always forgive your enemies - nothing annoys them so much.
Children begin by loving their parents; as they grow older they judge them; sometimes, they forgive them 孩子最初爱他们父母,等大一些他们评判父母;然后有些时候,他们原谅父母。
There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it. 生活中只有两种悲剧:一个是没有得到我们想要的,另外一个是得到我们想要的。
A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone's feelings unintentionally.
Conversation about the weather is the last refuge of the unimaginative
One's real life is often the life that one does not lead.
Wickedness is a myth invented by good people to account for the curious attractiveness of others 邪恶是善良的人们编造的谎言,用来解释其他人的特殊魅力。
Every great man nowadays has his disciples, and it is always Judas who writes the biography 现在每个伟人都有自己的信徒,而他们的传记总由叛徒来写。
The world has been made by fools that wise men should live in it.
Men marry because they are tired; women because they are curious; both are disappointed.
The happiness of a married man depends on the people he has not married.