
| 中考 |





(完卷时间:100分钟 答案一律写在答卷纸上)

Part 1 listening (第一部分 听力)

I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解): (共30分)

A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) ( 6分


B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和

问题,选出最恰当的答案) (10分)

7. A)Warm. B) Rainy. C) Snowy. D) Cold.

8. A) At 7:00 a.m. B) At 7:30 a.m. C) At 7:00 p.m. D) At 7:30 p.m.

9. A)Mother and son. B) Teacher and student

C) Doctor and patient D) Driver and passenger.

10. A) By bus. B) By underground. C) On foot. D) By taxi.

11. A) A ring. B) A scarf C) A watch. D) A skirt.

12. A) Have lunch with him. B) Help Jim clean the house.

C) Look after her baby. D) Prepare lunch for Jim.

13. A) He got up later than usual B) His car broke down.

C) He was stuck in traffic. D) He left home too late.

14. A) Megan doesn’t like the novel. B) Rob has read the novel.

C) Megan has seen the movie. D) Rob wants to see the movie.

C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断

下列句子是否符合你听到的内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示) (7分)

15. Sam teaches others to play basketball.

16. Joe’s school basketball team lost all the games before Sam helped them.

17. In the first half of the 11th game, the school team didn’t play well.

18. The team wanted to invite Michael Jordan to join them.

19. Miller is a very famous basketball player.

20. The story mainly tells us that we should encourage team work if we want to succeed.

D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列内容。每空格限填


21. Plane spotting(看飞机) is a great example of a ____ but ____ hobby.

22. Plane spotters like to guess ____ _____ of the plane and the year it was built.

23. Bird-watching started as a way for people to ____ _____, and over time it became more useful.

24. Bird-watchers formed groups to find ways to protect ____ ____ and the environment.

25. Some people who are skillful at computers have ____ ____ computer work as a hobby.

Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar

(第二部分 词汇和语法)

II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案) (共20分)

26.She heard a very loud noise coming from the forest. Which of the following is correct in pronunciation for the underlined word in the sentence?

A [hɪəd] B [hɜ:d] C[hɑ:d] D [heəd]

27.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? 28.My father ______his sixties, but he looks much younger.

A in B on C at D for

29.Do you have to wear______ uniform if you work at McDonald’s?

A a B an C the D /

30.Jimmy has made up ______ mind to go to Oxford University for further study.

A he B his C him D himself

31.The Chinese______ the first to use paper money, probably as early as the 11th century.

A is B are C was D were

32.This pair of shoes is to small for me ,can you show me _____pair?

A other B others C another D the others

33.They are looking for someone who is familiar ______ computers.

A to B with C at D for

34.The food in this restaurant tastes ________ and the price is right.

A good B well C bad D badly

35.This kind of car is _______ than that one because it uses less fuel.

A popular B more popular C most popular D the most popular

36.Must we hand in the exercise book now?

No, you______, you can hand in it tomorrow.

A mustn’t B needn’t C can’t D shouldn’t

36.-Must we hand in the exercise book now?

--No, you ____________. You can hand it in tomorrow.

A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. can’t D. shouldn’t

37. You should go to bed early, ____________you will feel tired in the morning.

A. or B. but C. and D. so

38. The President __________China in the near future.

A. visit B. visited C. have visited D. will visit

39. The old lady _________along the road when the car hit her suddenly.

A. was walking B. walked C. had walked D. has walked

40. __________there are many advantages of television, some people are not satisfied with it.

A. until B. Since C. Although D. When

41. If I can’t finish _____________my homework now, I’ll go on with it after supper.

A. do B. doing C. did D. to do

42. The old man was upset because his favorite vase __________ by his grandson.

A. broke B. had broken C. is broken D. was broken

43. The teacher told the student __________attention to his spelling and grammar.

A. pay B. will pay C. to pay D. paying

44. --__________do you go to the after-school activity centre?

---Once a week.

A. How long B. How often C. How soon D. How many times

45. –Would you like to play basketball with me after school?

---____________I have to work for the wall paper.

A .That’s great B. I’m afraid I can’t C. Sure. Please go ahead. D. No, I wouldn’t

III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空限填一词,每词只能填一次) (共8分)

Several studies in the past few years have shown that music lessons can have a good on kids’ brain.

The longer a student learns it, the more greatly he will can lead to progress during brain development. The study followed a few four to six year old music learners over the of a year, measuring changes in each kid’s brain. When the scientists

the music learner with a group of non-music learners, they found music students’ brains were

developing differently.

Michelle was flying from Houston to London, and during the flight, she began talking to John, the man in the seat next to her. She found out that he was of a famous jeans company based in Texas, in fact, she was wearing a pair of blue jeans from his company! But that wasn’t the mostthing. He had lived in San Francisco when he was in high school, and it that he knew Michelle’s best friend, who also grew up in San Francisco! They continued talking. And the trip, they felt that they had known each other for much longer than eight hours.

IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词 的适当形式完成下列句子) (共8分)

54. The club organizes short trips to the mountains, , museums ,and so on.(beach)

55. After years’ practice, the boy became a very famous (art)

56. 57. time (four)

58. at this time of year.(change)

that a lot of people lost themselves in it.(beautiful)

off radar(appear)

61. It’s Dad’s birthday and we’re going out for a meal to (celebration)

V. Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词)


62. Sally had to finish her homework before dinner.(改为否定句)

Sally to finish her homework before dinner. 对划线部分提问)

your mother prefer to pay for things .

64. The driver and the injured passengers were sent to the hospital immediately. (保持句意基本不变) The driver and the injured passengers were sent to the hospital 65. The bookcase was too heavy for little Susan to lift.(保持句意基本不变)

heavy little Susan couldn’t lift it..

66. “Have you finished your project on France?” asked Tom.(改为宾语从句)

Tom asked I finished my project on France.

67. The school shouldn’t allow students to take iPads to school.(改为被动语态)

Students shouldn’t to take iPads to school

68. a fireworks, show, end, the festival, with ,will(连词成句)

Part 3 Reading and Writing(第三部分 读写)





(完卷时间:100分钟 答案一律写在答卷纸上)

Part 1 listening (第一部分 听力)

I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解): (共30分)

A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) ( 6分


B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和

问题,选出最恰当的答案) (10分)

7. A)Warm. B) Rainy. C) Snowy. D) Cold.

8. A) At 7:00 a.m. B) At 7:30 a.m. C) At 7:00 p.m. D) At 7:30 p.m.

9. A)Mother and son. B) Teacher and student

C) Doctor and patient D) Driver and passenger.

10. A) By bus. B) By underground. C) On foot. D) By taxi.

11. A) A ring. B) A scarf C) A watch. D) A skirt.

12. A) Have lunch with him. B) Help Jim clean the house.

C) Look after her baby. D) Prepare lunch for Jim.

13. A) He got up later than usual B) His car broke down.

C) He was stuck in traffic. D) He left home too late.

14. A) Megan doesn’t like the novel. B) Rob has read the novel.

C) Megan has seen the movie. D) Rob wants to see the movie.

C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断

下列句子是否符合你听到的内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示) (7分)

15. Sam teaches others to play basketball.

16. Joe’s school basketball team lost all the games before Sam helped them.

17. In the first half of the 11th game, the school team didn’t play well.

18. The team wanted to invite Michael Jordan to join them.

19. Miller is a very famous basketball player.

20. The story mainly tells us that we should encourage team work if we want to succeed.

D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列内容。每空格限填


21. Plane spotting(看飞机) is a great example of a ____ but ____ hobby.

22. Plane spotters like to guess ____ _____ of the plane and the year it was built.

23. Bird-watching started as a way for people to ____ _____, and over time it became more useful.

24. Bird-watchers formed groups to find ways to protect ____ ____ and the environment.

25. Some people who are skillful at computers have ____ ____ computer work as a hobby.

Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar

(第二部分 词汇和语法)

II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案) (共20分)

26.She heard a very loud noise coming from the forest. Which of the following is correct in pronunciation for the underlined word in the sentence?

A [hɪəd] B [hɜ:d] C[hɑ:d] D [heəd]

27.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? 28.My father ______his sixties, but he looks much younger.

A in B on C at D for

29.Do you have to wear______ uniform if you work at McDonald’s?

A a B an C the D /

30.Jimmy has made up ______ mind to go to Oxford University for further study.

A he B his C him D himself

31.The Chinese______ the first to use paper money, probably as early as the 11th century.

A is B are C was D were

32.This pair of shoes is to small for me ,can you show me _____pair?

A other B others C another D the others

33.They are looking for someone who is familiar ______ computers.

A to B with C at D for

34.The food in this restaurant tastes ________ and the price is right.

A good B well C bad D badly

35.This kind of car is _______ than that one because it uses less fuel.

A popular B more popular C most popular D the most popular

36.Must we hand in the exercise book now?

No, you______, you can hand in it tomorrow.

A mustn’t B needn’t C can’t D shouldn’t

36.-Must we hand in the exercise book now?

--No, you ____________. You can hand it in tomorrow.

A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. can’t D. shouldn’t

37. You should go to bed early, ____________you will feel tired in the morning.

A. or B. but C. and D. so

38. The President __________China in the near future.

A. visit B. visited C. have visited D. will visit

39. The old lady _________along the road when the car hit her suddenly.

A. was walking B. walked C. had walked D. has walked

40. __________there are many advantages of television, some people are not satisfied with it.

A. until B. Since C. Although D. When

41. If I can’t finish _____________my homework now, I’ll go on with it after supper.

A. do B. doing C. did D. to do

42. The old man was upset because his favorite vase __________ by his grandson.

A. broke B. had broken C. is broken D. was broken

43. The teacher told the student __________attention to his spelling and grammar.

A. pay B. will pay C. to pay D. paying

44. --__________do you go to the after-school activity centre?

---Once a week.

A. How long B. How often C. How soon D. How many times

45. –Would you like to play basketball with me after school?

---____________I have to work for the wall paper.

A .That’s great B. I’m afraid I can’t C. Sure. Please go ahead. D. No, I wouldn’t

III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空限填一词,每词只能填一次) (共8分)

Several studies in the past few years have shown that music lessons can have a good on kids’ brain.

The longer a student learns it, the more greatly he will can lead to progress during brain development. The study followed a few four to six year old music learners over the of a year, measuring changes in each kid’s brain. When the scientists

the music learner with a group of non-music learners, they found music students’ brains were

developing differently.

Michelle was flying from Houston to London, and during the flight, she began talking to John, the man in the seat next to her. She found out that he was of a famous jeans company based in Texas, in fact, she was wearing a pair of blue jeans from his company! But that wasn’t the mostthing. He had lived in San Francisco when he was in high school, and it that he knew Michelle’s best friend, who also grew up in San Francisco! They continued talking. And the trip, they felt that they had known each other for much longer than eight hours.

IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词 的适当

形式完成下列句子) (共8分)

54. The club organizes short trips to the mountains, , museums ,and so on.(beach)

55. After years’ practice, the boy became a very famous (art)

56. 57. time (four)

58. at this time of year.(change)

that a lot of people lost themselves in it.(beautiful)

off radar(appear)

61. It’s Dad’s birthday and we’re going out for a meal to (celebration)

V. Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词)


62. Sally had to finish her homework before dinner.(改为否定句)

Sally to finish her homework before dinner. 对划线部分提问)

your mother prefer to pay for things .

64. The driver and the injured passengers were sent to the hospital immediately. (保持句意基本不变) The driver and the injured passengers were sent to the hospital 65. The bookcase was too heavy for little Susan to lift.(保持句意基本不变)

heavy little Susan couldn’t lift it..

66. “Have you finished your project on France?” asked Tom.(改为宾语从句)

Tom asked I finished my project on France.

67. The school shouldn’t allow students to take iPads to school.(改为被动语态)

Students shouldn’t to take iPads to school

68. a fireworks, show, end, the festival, with ,will(连词成句)

Part 3 Reading and Writing(第三部分 读写)




英语学科试卷 2015.4 (满分150分,考试时间:100分钟)


Part 1 Listening (第一部分 听力)

I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解): (共30分)

A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片): (6分)



1. ________ 2. _______ 3. _________ 4. __________ 5. __________ 6. _________

B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案): (8分)

7. A) America. B) Thailand. C) Australia. 8. A) Rainy. B) Sunny. C) Cloudy. 9. A) 7:40. B) 8:00. C) 8:20. 10. A) By car. B) By plane. C) By train. 11. A) Exciting. B) Boring. C) Short. 12. A) A nurse. B) A waitress. C) A policewoman. 13. A) He‟s going to watch a live basketball game. B) He‟s going to play a basketball game.

C) His favourite basketball team won the game.

D) The girl has accepted his invitation to a basketball game. 14. A) The woman wants to share a house with Rob.

B) The woman doesn‟t want to live with her roommate. C) The woman lives in a house on Lake Street.

D) The woman and her roommate want to move into Rob‟s house.

D) Japan. D) Snowy. D) 8:40. D) By bus. D) Sad.

D) An air hostess.

C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列

句子是否符合你听到的短文内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示): (6分) 15. A Texan(德克萨斯州)farmer was taking a trip in Europe.

16. As he was hot and tired, the Texan decided to find a place to take a rest. 17. The owner of the house gave a warm welcome to the Texan. 18. The house owner was a farmer and kept some chickens. 19. The house owner was quite proud of his farm.

20. The Texan‟s car was getting old and was in poor condition.

D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences (听短文,完成下列内容,每空格限填一

词): (10分)

21. Luke Cameron is a 26-year-old man __________ __________.

22. He had done a range of good deeds like __________ __________ to charity, taking out rubbish for an elderly neighbour.

23. The warm-hearted young man had spent about __________ __________ on his good deeds. 24. Luke earns his money as a part-time ________ ________.

25. For his kindness, Luke has been awarded “the __________ _________ in the world”.

Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and vocabulary

(第二部分 语音、语法和词汇)

Ⅱ. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案): (共20分)

26. They are searching for the plane‟s underlined word in the sentence?

A) //

B) //

C) //

D) //

27. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?

A) a A) word A) large A) good A) in A) friendly A) for A) deal

B) an B) information B) larger B) better B) for B) likely B) from B) dealing

C) the C) material C) largest C) best C) on C) seriously C) with C) to deal

D) / D) text D) the largest D) the best D) at D) lonely D) of D) to dealing

28. Carlos wants to play ______ trick on his classmates, so he hides in the back of the fire truck. 29. You can play some mind games to improve your memory and recall huge amounts of ______. 30. Los Angeles is the second ______ city in the US. 31. The journey was not so ______ as we had expected.

32. We were told the pizza would be delivered ______ 20 minutes. 33. As a teacher, it‟s important that the kids take you ______.

34. They got tired ______ fighting with each other. They decided to make peace. 35. I spent the whole morning ______ with the emails.

36. You have a choice – you can ______ stay here on your own ______ come with us.

A) both … and B) neither … nor C) either … or D) not bed. before

only … but also

37. Children are taught to give their teeth a good brush ______ they go to

A) if A) keeps

B) after B) has kept

C) because C) had kept


D) would keep

38. My mother ______ herself busy since she retired from work.

39. One day, when Ben ______ with Sam in the street, a motorcycle came towards Ben and knocked him down.

A) is walking A) or A) buy


45. – Would you mind helping me with my suitcase? – ______ Anything else I can carry for you?

A) Of course. C) Never mind.

B) You‟re welcome. D) Not at all.

B) walked B) but B) buying A) can A) What A) turn

C) was walking C) and C) to buy B) may B) What a B) are turned

D) had walked D) so D) to buying C) must C) What an C) turned

D) should D) How D)


40. I remembered everything else ______ I forgot about the beach towels. 41. Music and lighting are used to encourage customers ______ more.

42. This amazing computer program ______ translate your articles into other languages.

43. Sixteen children were killed in the accident. ______ sad their parents would be! 44. Please make sure all the mobile phones ______ off during the performance.

Ⅲ. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词或词组只能填一次):(共8分)

of well

-being and

contentment.” If you ask someone what brings them happiness, they might say money, family, friends, or having fun. There are many things that happiness. However, studies shows that money is

not one of them. Richer countries do not have happier people. Nigeria and Bangladesh are two of the happiest countries in the world. However, they have some of the people. This has scientists to take an ever closer look at the world and happiness in it.

According to ness is influenced by their genes(基因), health, and

environment, to name a few. More importantly, scientists believe that happiness is heavily the choices that people make in their everyday lives. They have found that people are paying less attention to their relationships with others in the this is one big reason why people are not as happy as they could be. We need close relationship because they give us feelings of safety, love and comfort. Now, politicians, economists, and academics are looking at how they can happiness in their countries. Figuring out the science of happiness and how to

create it may give a country an advantage in today‟s global society.

Ⅳ. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词 的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词): (共8分)

54. He worked as a __________ on a local newspaper after graduation from the college. (report) 55. It's time for dinner. Mother keeps the __________ with the forks. (knife) 56. The lift was stuck on the __________ floor. (four)

57. The Internet is becoming more __________ available across the world. (wide) 58. I felt I was doing well and my __________ began to grow. (confident)

59. My grandpa is getting so __________ – I have to remind him to take his medicine. (forget) 60. You can‟t __________ your difficulties by running away. (solution) 61. If you are so __________, why don‟t you change schools? (happy)

Ⅴ. Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。62-67题,每空格限

填一词。68题注意句首大写): (共14分) 62. We had a heated debate yesterday. (改为一般疑问句) ________ you ________ a heated debate yesterday?

(对划线部分提问) ________ ________ do I need to have my eyes checked? 64. The audience consisted mainly of teenagers. (保持句意基本不变) The audience were mainly __________ __________ of teenagers. 65. Walt Disney created many famous cartoon characters. (改为被动语态) Many famous cartoon characters _________ _________ by Walt Disney.

66. The elephant is so powerful that it can pull down the tree in a moment. (保持句意基本不变) The elephant is __________ __________ to pull down the tree in a moment. 67. “When did you wake up this morning?” asked Tom. (改为宾语从句) Tom wanted to know ________ I ________ up that morning. 68. important, an emergency, it, to, in, stay calm, is (连词成句) _______________________________________________.

Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分 读写)

Ⅵ. Reading comprehension (阅读理解): (共50分)

A. Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案): (6分)

Charles sat in the cafeteria with five other students, waiting for Ms. Swanson to interview all of them. Ms. Swanson, the seventh-grade science teacher, was looking for a lab helper. Charles‟s palms were sweaty and his face felt hot. He wondered if his face was red – and if anyone would notice.

As he prepared for his interview, Charles reviewed a set of index cards(索引卡)with notes that he had made earlier. On each card, he had written an answer to a question that Ms. Swanson might ask. “The emergency eyewash station is not a place to get a drink of water,” he quietly read aloud from one card.

Charles decided to check out the other candidates. Nearby, a girl with dark red hair was shuffling (洗牌) her own set of index cards. He watched as she tore a card into tiny pieces and pieces into a pocket. Suddenly she looked up at Charles. “Are you nervous?” she

“No, I‟m not nervous – not at all,” Charles stammered. “What about you?”

put the asked.

“Uh, no, me neither,” the girl responded.

At that moment, Ms. Swanson appeared. “Charles Locke?” she called out. 69. The passage is mainly about ________.

A) waiting to be interviewed C) making notes on index cards A) her face turned red C) she kept looking at Charles A) Charles will talk to Ms. Swanson. C) Charles will help the girl.

B) working as a science teacher D) training to be a lab helper B) she tore up one of her index cards D) she read her index cards aloud B) Charles will tear up his index cards. D) Charles will decide not to try for the work.

B. Choose

the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰

70. You can tell that the girl was nervous because ________.

71. What is most likely to happen next in the story?

当的答案): (6分)

72. How does T&K Bakery deal with the unsold bread?

A) They keep the

bread for the next day.

C) They


杨浦区2014九年级4月基础英语篇五:上海市杨浦区2013届九年级4月基础测试 英语试题



Part 1 Listening(第一部分 听力)

Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar(第二部分 词汇和语法) II.Choose the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案)(共20分)

31. The young man beside the teacher is __________ university student.

A) the

A) by

A) us

A) Both

A) sixty

A) well

A) big

A) clearly B) / B) in B) we B) All B) sixtieth B) good B) bigger B) well C) an C) with C) they C) Neither C) sixties C) better C) biggest C) good D) a D) for D) them D) None D) the sixties D) best D) the biggest D) loud 32. If I didn‟t see it __________ my own eyes, I would never believe it possible. 33. My cousins live in New York. I hope to visit __________ in the summer holidays. 34. __________ of the twin brothers works as a newspaper boy. 35. He took up learning German in his early __________. 36. My grandma has been in hospital for many weeks, but now she looks much __________. 37. Which is __________, the sun, the earth or the moon? 38. Your plan sounds __________, but it still needs to be discussed.

39. People waste __________ electricity every day. It‟s time to take action.

A) a large number of B) huge amounts of C) many D) quite a lot

40. We need to hurry __________ we‟ll miss our flight.

A) and B) or C) but D) so

41. __________ exciting match! Miami Heat beat New York Knicks at last.

A) What an

--- How amazing!

A) can

A) cross

A) wait

A) don‟t rain

A) was writing

A) although

A) are cut

--- __________ B) What a C) What D) How 42. --- The machine __________ translate simple messages into 24 different languages. B) may B) crossing B) waiting B) not rain B) is writing B) until B) are cutting C) must C) to cross C) to wait C) won‟t rain C) was written C) because C) cut D) should D) to crossing D) waited D) doesn‟t rain D) wrote D) unless D) have cut 43. The only way __________ the river is by ferry. There isn‟t a bridge for miles. 44. I‟m sorry to keep you __________ for such a long time! 45. If it __________ tomorrow, we will have a picnic in the park. 46. Tom __________ a report when I telephoned him yesterday afternoon. 47. Some students had to give up their hobbies __________ they were busy with their work. 48. Many trees__________ down every year, so we are losing our warm home, the Earth. 49. --- Sorry, I didn‟t return your book on time.

A) I agree with you. B) It doesn‟t matter. C) You‟re welcome. D) That‟s a good idea.

50. --- It is a bit cold today. Would you mind closing the window?

--- __________

A) Of course not. B) You are welcome. C) Yes, I would. D) No, thanks.

III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once. (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填

All the students at the beach party were members of the English club. Before they began to ____51____ or to play games, Miss Barnes wanted them to learn some new words. She taught them how to say beach, sand, ocean and waves in English. The students repeated the new words and tried to use them in ____52____.

After the English lesson the boys started ____53____ volleyball. Miss Barnes helped them to keep score in English. The students laughed at their ____54____ mistakes, but they enjoyed practicing their new words and having fun ____55____.

Afterwards, there was plenty of time for those who liked to swim in the water. Some of the waves were quite large and could be ____56____ for people who do not swim well. Miss Barnes watched them very ____57____. When it was time for lunch, Miss Barnes asked each

member of the club a question in English. If the students could not answer their questions, she taught them how to say it ____58____. Everyone thanked Miss Barnes for being such a nice teacher.

IV.Complete the sentences with the given words in their suitable forms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空限填一词)(共8分)

59. It‟s important to brush your __________ at least twice a day. (tooth)

60. It is the __________ time Lee has won an Oscar for best director. (two)

61. Why do you think you did so __________ in your test? (bad)

62. My grandma has become very __________ in recent years. (forget)

63. I‟m not happy with the __________ of the trip. I think two weeks is long enough. (long)

64. The floods have killed hundreds and made thousands __________. (home)

65. The new programme aims to __________ older people to study at college. (able)

66. Why shouldn‟t doctors __________ on their family members? (operation)

V. Rewrite the following sentences as required.(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词)(共14分)

67. She always sits in the corner of the room. (改为一般疑问句)

__________ she always __________ in the corner of the room? 对划线部分提问)

__________ __________ is the competition held?

69. She has never been abroad. (改为反意疑问句)

She has never been abroad, __________ __________?

70. A driver took the boy the hospital yesterday. (改为被动语态)

The boy __________ __________ to the hospital by a driver yesterday.

71. You can come with us. You can also stay at home with your mother. (合并为一句) You can __________ come with us __________ stay at home with your mother.

72. “I can help repair the bike.” said Jerry. (改为宾语从句)

Jerry said __________ he __________ help repair the bike.

73. She arrived early in order to get a good seat. (保持句意基本不变)

She arrived early __________ __________ she could get a good seat.

Part 3 Reading and Writing(第三部分 读写)

VI. Reading comprehension. (阅读理解) (共50分)

A. Choose the best answer.(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)(12分)

Joe and his friends were on their way to the Red Cross Headquarters to take the test for the first-aid badge (徽章). They had worked and practiced very hard the whole year and were confident that they would do well for their test.

On their way to the test place, they saw a hit-and-run accident. A taxi driver had sped through the red light and narrowly missed hitting a schoolboy. However, he could not stop in

time to avoid (避开) a motorcycle that had turned round the corner. The passenger at the back was thrown off the motorcycle and landed heavily on the ground. The taxi driver was frightened and drove off. Everyone on the street was greatly surprised.

Joe realized that they should take action when he saw the victim bled (流血) heavily. “Come on,” he said to his friends and wanted them to follow him but they didn‟t move.

Joe knew what they were thinking. They would have to wait for another year if they were to miss the test. “Which is more important? A man‟s life or a badge?” Joe asked his friends.

The question made his friends feel small.

The victim had a deep cut on his head. Joe and his friends dressed his wound to stop the bleeding while waiting for the ambulance to arrive. This was what the Red Cross Society had trained them for.

74. Joe and his friends were on their way to the Red Cross Headquarters to __________.

A) take a test on first-aid B) collect their first-aid badges

C) report a hit-and-run accident D) help the victim of an accident

75. Who got hurt in the accident?

A) The passenger in the taxi. B) The passenger on a motorcycle.

C) The taxi driver . D) The motorcycle rider.

76. Everyone on the street was surprised because __________.

A) the ambulance had already arrived. B) the schoolboy was seriously hurt.

C) Joe did first-aid for the victim in time.

D) the driver ran away after the accident.

77. The test for the first-aid badge is held __________.

A) once a year. B) twice a year. C) once a term.

78. What did Joe and his friends do for the victim? D) twice a term.

A) They took him to the hospital. B) They stopped the bleeding for him.

C) They did nothing for him.

D) They made a phone call to his family.

79. The writer thinks __________.

A) Joe should take the test B) Joe was foolish

C) Joe put others before himself D) Joe was rude to his friends

B. Choose the words or expression and complete the passage. (选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)(12分)

When I was young, I liked to play jokes on people I knew, especially on my parents and friends. One day my mother was ____80____ and I was playing with my younger brother Tony. Suddenly I ran to my mother and said, “Tony fell from the open window!” She was very ____81____ and ran out of the kitchen. Then I said, “Don‟t worry, I‟m just joking.” And my mother shouted at me, “If you do it again, I‟ll hit you.”

One day I went swimming with my friends in the sea. I wanted to play a joke on them. In



(完卷时间 100分钟 满分 150分)一、选择题(本大题每小题4分,满分24分)


1.下列数中属于无理数的是 ( ▲ )

22& (A); (B)164; (C)0.1; (D


2. 下列关于x的方程一定是一元一次方程的是 ( ▲ ) (A)



x1; (B)(a21)xb; (C)axb; (D

3. x

3.布袋中装有大小一样的3个白球、2个黑球,从布袋中任意摸出一个球,则下列事件中是必然事件的是 ( ▲ ) (A)摸出的是白球或黑球;


(C)摸出的是白球; (D)摸出的是红球.

4.某外贸公司要出口一批食品罐头,标准质量为每听454克,现抽取10听样品进行检测,它们的质量与标准质量的差值(单位:克)如下:-10,+5,0,+5,0,0,-5,0,+5,+10。则这10听罐头质量的平均数及众数为 ( ▲ ) (A)454,454; (B)455,454; (C)454,459; (D)455,0.


5.已知非零向量a,b,c,其中c2ab。下列各向量中与c是平行向量的是 ( ▲ ) urrrrrrrrrurrr(A)ma2b; (B)nb2a; (C)q4a2b; (D)g2a4b.

6. 下列每个图中都有一对全等三角形,其中的一个三角形只经过一次旋转运动即可和另一


( ▲ )

(A) (B); (C); (D). 二、填空题(本大题每小题4分,满分48分) 7.当x2时,化简:x2=

8.若关于x的一元二次方程xx2m0有两个不相等的实数根,则m的取值范围 是 ▲ . 9.函数y



的定义域是 ▲ . x2



11.抛物线y2x4x2的顶点坐标是. 12.某区在初一年级一次数学期末考试后,随机抽查了部分 同学的成绩,整理成频数分布直方图如右,则本次抽查的样 本的中位数所在的区间是 ▲ .



13.如果矩形的周长是20cm,相邻两边长之比为2:3,那么对角线长为cm. 14.内角为108°的正多边形是对称图形. 15.如图,△ABC中∠ABC=70°,∠BAC的外角平分线与∠ACB的外角的平分线交于点O,则∠ABO= ▲ 度.

16.如图,等腰△ABC中,AB=AC,BC=8。已知重心G到点A的距离为6,则G到点B的距离是_ ▲ .

17.我们把四边形两条对角线中点的连线段称为“奇异中位线”。现有两个全等三角形,边长分别为3cm、4cm、5cm。将这两个三角形相等的边重合拼成凸四边形,如果凸四边形的“奇异中位线”的长不为0,那么“奇异中位线”的长是 ▲ cm。






O O B (第15题图) (第16题图) (第18题图)



19.(本题满分10分) 计算:60+.





20.(本题满分10分) 解方程组:2 2


21. (本题满分10分) 如图,矩形ABCD中,AB=3,AD=5,点E在AD上,且AE:ED=1:4,联结BE,射线EF⊥BE交边DC于点F。求CF的长.



22.(本题满分10分) 某商店第一次用600元购进某种型号的铅笔若干支,第二次又用600元购进该款铅笔,但这次每支的进价比第一次贵1元,所以购进数量比第一次少了30支. (1)求第一次每支铅笔的进价及购进的数量.



(第22题图) 0

23.(本题满分12分) 如图,在平行四边形ABCD中,AE⊥BC于E,AF⊥CD于F。 (1)求证:CDDFBCBE;






24.(本题满分12分,第(1)小题4分,第(2)小题4分,第(3)小题4分,) 已知抛物线yax2ax4与x轴交于点A、B(点A在点B的左侧),与y轴交于点C,△ABC的面积为12.




,求点P的坐标; 2






(第24题图) 25.(本题满分14分,第(1)小题4分,第(2)小题5分,第(3)小题5分) 已知AM平分∠BAC,AB=AC=10,cos∠BAM=










备用图 图(1)




一、 选择题

1、D;2、B;3、A;4、B;5、C;6、D 二、 填空题





14、轴;15、35;16.5;17. 三、


73;18. 104




20. 解:由方程1得:(xy)(x2y)0,∴xy0或x2y0-----------3分


∴原方程组转化为(Ⅰ)2或(Ⅱ)2,-----------2分 22





xx34解(Ⅱ)得------------------------------2分 ,

yy34xxx12x2234,∴原方程组的解为:,---------1分 ,



21. 解:∵AE:ED=1:4,AD=5, ∴AE=1,ED=4, -----------------2分

∵矩形ABCD,∴∠A=∠D=90°,∴∠AEB+∠ABE=90° ∵EF⊥BE,∴∠AEB+∠DEF=90°, ∴∠ABE=∠DEF,



,-----------------------------------1分 

AEDF344∴,∴DF----------------------------2分 1DF3




22. 解:(1)设第一次每支铅笔的进价为a元/支,




一、选择题: 1. 如果x=2是方程


的一个根,那么a的值是( ) (B)2;




2. 在同一直角坐标系内,若正比例函数

( ) (A)




; (D).

3. 某篮球队12名队员的年龄如下表所示:

则这12名队员年龄的众数和中位数分别是( ) (A)2,19;





4. 下列命题中,真命题是( )



(B)周长相等的直角三角形都全等; (D)周长相等的等腰直角三角形都全等。

5. 下列图形中,是中心对称图形但不是轴对称图形的是(






6. 设边长为3的正方形的对角线长为a,下列关于a的四种说法:①a是无理数;②a可以用数轴

上的一个点来表示;③3<a<4;④a是18的一个平方根。其中,所有正确说法的序号是( ) (A)①④;




二、填空题: 7. 分解因式:8. 不等式9. 方程

__________________; 的解集是_________________; 的解为_________________;

有两个实数根,那么m的取值范围是____________; 平移到抛物线


10. 如果关于x的方程11.



12. 一个盒子内有大小、形状相同的四个球,其中红球1个、绿球1个、白球2个,小明摸出一个


13. 如图,△ABC中,如果AB=AC,AD⊥BC于点D,M为AC中点,AD与BM交于点G











14. 如图,在△ABC中,记ABa,ACb,点P为BC的中点,则AP=______________(用a、


15. 如图,Rt△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,BC=4cm,AC=3cm,




16. 本市某校开展以“倡导绿色出行,关爱师生健康”为主题的教育活动。为了了解本校师生的出行


17. 对于平面直角坐标系xOy中的点P(a,b),若点的坐标为






18. 如图,△ABC中,∠ABC>90°,tan∠BAC=


,BC=4, 4

将三角形绕着点A旋转,点C落在直线AB上的点C处, 点B落在点B’处,若C、B、B’恰好在同一直线上,则 AB的长为__________. 三、解答题: 19.






20. 解方程组:





21. 如图,在一笔直的海岸线l上有A、B两个观察站,A在B的正东方向,A与B相距2千米,有

一艘小船在点P处,从A测得小船在北偏西60°的方向,从B测得小船在北偏东45°的方向。 (1) 求点P到海岸线l的距离;

(2) 小船从点P处沿折线AP方向航行一段时间后到达点C处,此时,从B点测得小船在北偏

西15°的方向。求点C与点B之间的距离。 (注:答案均保留根号)


22. 现有甲、乙两个空调安装队分别为A、B两个公司安装空调,甲安装队为A公司安装66台空调,


23. 已知,如图,Rt△ABC和Rt△CDE中,∠ABC=∠CDE=90°,且BC与CD共线,联结AE。点M为AE中点,联结BM, 交AC于点G,联结MD,交CE于点H。 (1) 求证:MB=MD;

(2) 当AB=BC,DC=DE时,求证:四边形MGCH为矩形。




(完卷时间 100分钟 满分 150分)


1.下列数中属于无理数的是 ( )

22 (A); (B)164; (C)0.1111······; (D


2. 下列关于x的方程一定是一元一次方程的是 ( ) (A)



x1; (B)(a21)xb; (C)axb; (D

3. x

3.布袋中装有大小一样的3个白球、2个黑球,从布袋中任意摸出一个球,则下列事件中是必然事件的是 ( ) (A)摸出的是白球或黑球; (B)摸出的是黑球; (C)摸出的是白球; (D)摸出的是红球.

4.某外贸公司要出口一批食品罐头,标准质量为每听454克,现抽取10听样品进行检测,它们的质量与标准质量的差值(单位:克)如下:-10,+5,0,+5,0,0,-5,0,+5,+10。则这10听罐头质量的平均数及众数为 ( ) (A)454,454; (B)455,454; (C)454,459; (D)455,0.


5.已知非零向量a,b,c,其中c2ab。下列各向量中与c是平行向量的是 ( )


(A)ma2b; (B)nb2a; (C)q4a2b; (D)g2a4b.

6. 下列每个图中都有一对全等三角形,其中的一个三角形只经过一次旋转运动即可和另一

个三角形重合的是 ( )


) (B); (C); (D). 7.当x2时,化简:x2= .



是 . 9.函数y


的定义域是 . x2





12.某区在初一年级一次数学期末考试后,随机抽查了部分 同学的成绩,整理成频数分布直方图如右,则本次抽查的样本的中位数所在的区间是 .


13.如果矩形的周长是20cm,相邻两边长之比为2:3,那么对角线长为 cm. 14.内角为108°的正多边形是 对称图形.

15.如图,△ABC中∠ABC=70°,∠BAC的外角平分线与∠ACB的外角的平分线交于点O,则∠ABO= 度.

16.如图,等腰△ABC中,AB=AC,BC=8。已知重心G到点A的距离为6,则G到点B的距离是_ .

17.我们把四边形两条对角线中点的连线段称为“奇异中位线”。现有两个全等三角形,边长分别为3cm、4cm、5cm。将这两个三角形相等的边重合拼成凸四边形,如果凸四边形的“奇异中位线”的长不为0,那么“奇异中位线”的长是 cm。













19. 计算:+.



20. 解方程组:2 2



21. 如图,矩形ABCD中,AB=3,AD=5,点E在AD上,且AE:ED=1:4,联结BE,射线EF⊥




22. 某商店第一次用600元购进某种型号的铅笔若干支,第二次又用600元购进该款铅笔,但这次每支的进价比第一次贵1元,所以购进数量比第一次少了30支. (1)求第一次每支铅笔的进价及购进的数量.



23.如图,在平行四边形ABCD中,AE⊥BC于E,AF⊥CD于F。 (1)求证:CDDFBCBE;











,求点P的坐标; 2









4 。点O为射线AM上的动点,以O为圆心,5







O M 图(1)



M 备用图





一、 选择题

1、D;2、B;3、A;4、B;5、C;6、D 二、 填空题





14、轴;15、35;16.5;17. ;18.







20. 解:由方程1得:(xy)(x2y)0,∴xy0或x2y0-----------3分















xx34解(Ⅱ)得------------------------------2分 


xx34x12x22∴原方程组的解为:,---------1分 ,


y21yy3421. 解:∵AE:ED=1:4,AD=5, ∴AE=1,ED=4, -----------------2分

∵矩形ABCD,∴∠A=∠D=90°,∴∠AEB+∠ABE=90° ∵EF⊥BE,∴∠AEB+∠DEF=90°, ∴∠ABE=∠DEF,



,-----------------------------------1分 AEDF344∴,∴DF----------------------------2分 1DF3




22. 解:(1)设第一次每支铅笔的进价为a元/支, 则据题意得:


30,--------------------------------(2分) aa1




(完卷时间 100分钟 满分 150分) 2014.4


1.下列数中属于无理数的是 ( ▲ )



; (B)164; (C)0.1&; (D

2. 下列关于x的方程一定是一元一次方程的是 ( ▲ ) (A)



x1; (B)(a21)xb; (C)axb; (D

3. 3.布袋中装有大小一样的3个白球、2个黑球,从布袋中任意摸出一个球,则下列事件中是必然事件的是 ( ▲ ) (A)摸出的是白球或黑球;


(C)摸出的是白球; (D)摸出的是红球.

4.某外贸公司要出口一批食品罐头,标准质量为每听454克,现抽取10听样品进行检测,它们的质量与标准质量的差值(单位:克)如下:-10,+5,0,+5,0,0,-5,0,+5,+10。则这10听罐头质量的平均数及众数为 ( ▲ ) (A)454,454; (B)455,454; (C)454,459; (D)455,0.


c是平行向量的是 ( ▲ )(A)umrra2br; (B)rnbr2r

a; (C)rq4ra2rb; (D)ugr2ra4rb.

6. 下列每个图中都有一对全等三角形,其中的一个三角形只经过一次旋转运动即可和另一


( ▲ )

(A) (B); (C); (D). 二、填空题(本大题每小题4分,满分48分) 7.当x2时,化简:x2=



是 . 9.函数y



的定义域是 ▲ . 10.点A(x1,y1)、B(x2,y2)在一次函数y2xb的图像上,若x1x2,则y1y2


11.抛物线y2x24x2的顶点坐标是. 12.某区在初一年级一次数学期末考试后,随机抽查了部分 同学的成绩,整理成频数分布直方图如右,则本次抽查的样 本的中位数所在的区间是 ▲ .

13.如果矩形的周长是20cm,相邻两边长之比为2:3,那么对角线长为cm. 14.内角为108°的正多边形是. 15.如图,△ABC中∠ABC=70°,∠BAC的外角平分线与∠ACB的外角的平分线交于点O,则∠ABO= ▲ 度.

16.如图,等腰△ABC中,AB=AC,BC=8。已知重心G到点A的距离为6,则G到点B的距离是_ ▲ .

17.我们把四边形两条对角线中点的连线段称为“奇异中位线”。现有两个全等三角形,边长分别为3cm、4cm、5cm。将这两个三角形相等的边重合拼成凸四边形,如果凸四边形的“奇异中位线”的长不为0,那么“奇异中位线”的长是 ▲ cm。






O B (第15题图) (第16题图) (第18题图)



19.(本题满分10分) 计算:0+.



20.(本题满分10分) 解方程组:2 2



21. (本题满分10分) 如图,矩形ABCD中,AB=3,AD=5,点E在AD上,且AE:ED=1:4,联结BE,射线EF⊥BE交边DC于点F。求CF的长.



22.(本题满分10分) 某商店第一次用600元购进某种型号的铅笔若干支,第二次又用600元购进该款铅笔,但这次每支的进价比第一次贵1元,所以购进数量比第一次少了30支. (1)求第一次每支铅笔的进价及购进的数量.



(第22题图) 0

23.(本题满分12分) 如图,在平行四边形ABCD中,AE⊥BC于E,AF⊥CD于F。 (1)求证:CDDFBCBE;










,求点P的坐标; 2





(第24题图) 25.(本题满分14分,第(1)小题4分,第(2)小题5分,第(3)小题5分) 已知AM平分∠BAC,AB=AC=10,cos∠BAM=










备用图 图(1)



一、 选择题

1、D;2、B;3、A;4、B;5、C;6、D 二、 填空题





14、轴;15、35;16.5;17. ;18.







20. 解:由方程1得:(xy)(x2y)0,∴xy0或x2y0-----------3分


∴原方程组转化为(Ⅰ)2或(Ⅱ)2,-----------2分 22






xx34解(Ⅱ)得------------------------------2分 ,


xxx12x2234∴原方程组的解为:,---------1分 ,,


y21yy3421. 解:∵AE:ED=1:4,AD=5, ∴AE=1,ED=4, -----------------2分

∵矩形ABCD,∴∠A=∠D=90°,∴∠AEB+∠ABE=90° ∵EF⊥BE,∴∠AEB+∠DEF=90°, ∴∠ABE=∠DEF,



,-----------------------------------1分 AEDF344∴,∴DF----------------------------2分 1DF3




22. 解:(1)设第一次每支铅笔的进价为a元/支, 则据题意得:


30,--------------------------------(2分) aa1





1. 如果x=2是方程错误!未找到引用源。的一个根,那么a的值是( )





2. 在同一直角坐标系内,若正比例函数错误!未找到引用源。的图像与反比例函数错误!未找到

引用源。的图像没有公共点,则( )

(A)错误!未找到引用源。; (B)错误!未找到引用源。; (C)错误!未找到引用源。; (D)错误!未找到引用源。.

3. 某篮球队12名队员的年龄如下表所示:

则这12名队员年龄的众数和中位数分别是( ) (A)2,19;





4. 下列命题中,真命题是( )



(B)周长相等的直角三角形都全等; (D)周长相等的等腰直角三角形都全等。

5. 下列图形中,是中心对称图形但不是轴对称图形的是(






6. 设边长为3的正方形的对角线长为a,下列关于a的四种说法:①a是无理数;②a可以用数轴

上的一个点来表示;③3<a<4;④a是18的一个平方根。其中,所有正确说法的序号是( ) (A)①④; 二、填空题:




7. 分解因式:错误!未找到引用源。__________________; 8. 不等式错误!未找到引用源。的解集是_________________; 9. 方程错误!未找到引用源。的解为_________________;

10. 如果关于x的方程错误!未找到引用源。有两个实数根,那么m的取值范围是____________; 11. 如果将抛物线错误!未找到引用源。平移到抛物线错误!未找到引用源。的位置,那么平移的


12. 一个盒子内有大小、形状相同的四个球,其中红球1个、绿球1个、白球2个,小明摸出一个


13. 如图,△ABC中,如果AB=AC,AD⊥BC于点D,M为AC中点,AD与BM交于点G,那么错














14. 如图,在△ABC中,记ABa,ACb,点P为BC的中点,则AP=______________(用a、


15. 如图,Rt△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,BC=4cm,AC=3cm,错误!未找到引用源。是以BC为直径的


16. 本市某校开展以“倡导绿色出行,关爱师生健康”为主题的教育活动。为了了解本校师生的出行


17. 对于平面直角坐标系xOy中的点P(a,b),若点错误!未找到引用源。的坐标为错误!未找到引


18. 如图,△ABC中,∠ABC>90°,tan∠BAC=


,BC=4, 4

将三角形绕着点A旋转,点C落在直线AB上的点C处, 点B落在点B’处,若C、B、B’恰好在同一直线上,则 AB的长为__________. 三、解答题: 19.






20. 解方程组:





21. 如图,在一笔直的海岸线l上有A、B两个观察站,A在B的正东方向,A与B相距2千米,有

一艘小船在点P处,从A测得小船在北偏西60°的方向,从B测得小船在北偏东45°的方向。 (1) 求点P到海岸线l的距离;

(2) 小船从点P处沿折线AP方向航行一段时间后到达点C处,此时,从B点测得小船在北偏

西15°的方向。求点C与点B之间的距离。 (注:答案均保留根号)


22. 现有甲、乙两个空调安装队分别为A、B两个公司安装空调,甲安装队为A公司安装66台空调,


23. 已知,如图,Rt△ABC和Rt△CDE中,∠ABC=∠CDE=90°,

且BC与CD共线,联结AE。点M为AE中点,联结BM, 交AC于点G,联结MD,交CE于点H。 (1) 求证:MB=MD;

(2) 当AB=BC,DC=DE时,求证:四边形MGCH为矩形。

24. 已知,在直角坐标系中,直线错误!未找到引用源。与x轴交于点A,与y轴交于点B,抛物线



