
| 高考 |







I. 可数名词和不可数名词

4. 抽象名词一定都是不可数名词么?

E.g. 1. Everybody thought that his lecture was a failure.

2. He collects stamps for pleasure.

He finds work is a pleasure.

3. The athlete tried to win honour for his country.

I feel it an honour to make a speech here.

II. 名词的复数

1. 复数的规则变化



(3)-s, -x, -ch, -sh结尾的名词,——

(4)-f, -fe结尾的名词,——


2. 名词复数的不规则变化

(1) child __________ foot ____________

tooth __________ mouse ________

goose _______ ox ________

basis ________ analysis ______

emphasis________ phenomenon _______

medium ______




daughter-in-law, grown-up, woman doctor


作准备____________ 握手____________

交友 ______________ 轮流____________

费尽力气_____________ 情绪高 ___________

向某人问候_______________ 修理________________

祝贺______________ 奥运会________________


slippers, glasses, arms, forces,trousers...

Ex: Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the nouns

1. There are two _______(box) of _______(match), three _________ (knife), four ______ (brush), five ______ (key), six_____ (photo), two ________(dictionary), seven __________(tomato), eight __________(glass), two ________ (radio), and three __________(toy bus) on that table.

2. Look at those _______ (wolf), _______(sheep), _______ (deer), ______ (fox), ________(monkey) and _________ (goose).

3. Who are they? They are _______ (hero). And they are all ________ (woman doctor).

4. The wagon is being pulled by ______(ox)

5. Three _______ (Swiss) are over there in front of a car.

III. 有关集合名词

1. 表示复数含义:police, cattle, clothes, people

2. 不可数名词: furniture, equipment

3. 根据上下文,既有单数含义也有复数含义

family, committee, crew, team, audience


IV. 名词做定语

1. 一般单数名词作定语

school building summer holidays boy student a car key

billiard table pajamas top

2. 复数作定语

sports shoes a goods train a clothes brush a customs office

V. 名词的属格

1. 通常在名词后面加's

2. -s 或者-es结尾的复数名词________


3. 作为一个整体的词组,一般放在最后一个词加's

4. 必须用's 属格的情况




student's book

4) 表示住所或者店铺


1. I checked ___ car carefully, and found there was nothing wrong.

A. Johnson's and Ema's B. Johnson and Ema's

C. Johnson and Ema D. Johnson's and Ema

2. The Oriental TV Tower is one of the tourists attractions of Shanghai where one can get ________ of the metropolis.

A. a bird eye's view B. a bird-eye view

C. a bird's-eye view D. a view of a bird eye

3. A passenger came with ________, and each of them weighed more than twenty ____.

A. three luggages, kilograms B. three pieces of luggage, kilograms

C. three luggages, kilogram D. three pieces of luggages, kilogram

4.Mr Smith has two _______ , both of whom are teachers in a school.

A.brothers-in-law B.brother-in-laws

C.brothers-in-laws D.brothers-in law

5.——How many ______ does a cow have? ——Four.

A.stomaches B.stomach C.stomachs D.Stomachies

6.How far away is it from here to your school? It’s about ______ .

A.half an hour’s drive B.half hours drives

C.half an hour drives D.half an hour drive

7.The table is only ________ high.

A. two-foot B. two foot

C. two-feet D. two feet

8.My ________ all ________ hard for the people.

A. family; work B. family; works

C. families; work D. families; works

9.I told about some of the terrible ________ I had had in the war.

A. experience B. experiences

C. experiencing D. experienced things

10. His daughter is always shy in ________ and she never dares to make a speech to ________.

A. the public; the public B. public; the public

C. the public; public D. public; public

11. Dr. Jones ordered ________ for the laboratory.

A. two equipments B. two pieces of equipments

C. two pieces of equipment D. two equipment pieces

12. That' s________.

A. James and Charles father B. James and Charles's father

C. James's and Charles's father D. James's and Charles father

13. Each player must obey ________, who is the leader of the team.

A. captain B. a captain C. the captain D. captains

14. He dropped the ________ and broke it.

A. cup of coffee B. coffee’s cup C. cup for coffee D. coffee cup

15、The _______ of the building are covered with lots of .

A.roofs; leaves B.rooves; leafs C.roof; leaf D.roofs; leafs

16、My father often gives me ______ .

A.many advice B.much advice C.a lot of advices D.a few advice

17. Shelly had prepared carefully for her English examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first ________.

A. intention B. purpose C. attempt D. Desire

18. There are usually at least two ________ of looking at every question.

A. means B. directions C. views D. Ways

19. We have worked out the plan and now we must put it into ________.

A. fact B. reality C. practice D. Deed

20. She is young for the job, but on the other ________, she is well trained.

A. way B. situation C. chance D. hand


1. 他经历了许多危险。

2. 他把积蓄存在银行里。

3. "the"这个词占了三个空格。

4. 汤姆和玛丽的房间都朝东。

5. 你听了今天的新闻广播没有?一架飞机在圣保罗教堂附近坠毁。

高考英语不可数名词篇五:高考英语 名词



名词是英语中比较大的一类词,也是高考的重点和难点。从近几年全国各省市高考题可以看出, 高考对名词的考查主要涉及在特定的语境中考查名词词义辨析(包括名词与动词或介词的搭配),名词的数(包括可数名词的单复数形式,名词的可数性和不可数性及它们之间的转化等),名词的所有格,名词作定语,以及名词的修饰语和主谓一致。另外,考查名词常常和考查冠词一起进行。




名词的搭配主要包括名词和动词的搭配、名词和介词的搭配。 I can’t say which wine is better—it’s a (n) _______ of personal taste. 【解析】C。a matter of是一固定结构,表示“……的问题,事情”。此处是“个人口味问Dogs have a very good ______ of smell and are often used to search for survivors in an A. sense B. view C. means D. idea 【解析】A。A项sense表示“感觉官能”,本句中的sense of smell表示“嗅觉”;B项view A. affair B. event C. matter D. variety 题”。 earthquake. 表示“视野,想法,见解”;C项means表示“方法,手段”;D项idea表示“主意,想法”。本句的意思是:狗有非常灵敏的嗅觉,经常被用来搜寻地震中的幸存者。故选A。

—Why do you suggest we buy a new machine? —Because the old one has been damaged ______. A. beyond reach C. beyond control B. beyond repair D. beyond description 【解析】B。beyond是介词,意为“(程度)超出”,beyond repair是“无法修理”。 Despite such a big difference in what one eats, there is no doubt that A. point B. idea C. attitude D. sight people in the west regard the Chinese food as something special. 【解析】C。从题干的towards可以确定答案是C,因为attitude towards /to 是“对…… 的态度”。




To save some of the human languages before they are forgotten, the students in our school

started a discussion “Save Our ________”.

A. Sky B. Life C. Arts D. Voices




Most air pollution is caused by the burning of _______ like coal, gas and oil.

A. fuels B. articles C. goods D. products


题干中的“coal, gas, oil”可知都是燃料,故正确答案为A。B 项为“物品”;C项为“货物,商






抽象转具体:pleasure, surprise, help, success, failure, danger, difficulty, wonder等意为

“……的人 / 物”。如:The meeting is a success.

抽象转具体:worry, honor, disaster, rain, snow, fog, wind, gas, fire, crop, coffee, tea, food

等,指“一种”、“一场”及“多种”、“多场”时,有其单、复数形式。如:There have been strong

winds over the last two months.

抽象转具体:a need, a discovery, a love, a good time, a collection of, a knowledge of, a

history of, a population of, an area of, an understanding of等已形成固定形式。如:He has a good

practical knowledge of computer science.

具体转抽象:day, night, morning, noon, evening, night等用指天色时,表达抽象概念(注

意其前不用冠词)。如:Day may break now, for the birds are singing outside.


—How about Christmas evening party?

—I should say it was success.

A. a; a B. The; a C. a; 不填 D. the; 不填



Many people have come to realize that they should go on balanced diet and make

_______ room in their day for exercise.

A. a;/ B. the; a C. the; the D. /;a

【解析】A。go on a diet 为一固定搭配,room此处为不可数名词,前面一般不用冠词。

Washing machines made by China have won _____ worldwide attention and Haier has

become____ popular name.

A. a;the B. the;a C.不填;a D. 不填;the





Christie was one of my best friend at high school. (one of… “……中的一个”, 其后名词 What’s more, a good friend is willing to offer the help which you need, or can at least give 应用复数形式,故friend应为friends;)

you some advices. (advice为不可数名词, 既不能用a/an修饰又没有复数形式;故advices


I have been practicing for three weeks now, but I still couldn’t get used to it—in fact, I’ve

nearly killed three peoples. (people表“人, 人们”时是复数,既不能用a/an修饰又没有复数



The second man pointed to his glass, and asked if the angel could cure his poor eyesight.




I’d like to stay there for half a month, visiting place of interest。(“名胜古迹”应为places of 注意:有些不可数名词是不能转化为可数名词的,常见的如advice, information, traffic, interest, 属固定用法,故place应为places)

progress, weather, furniture,equipment, health, wealth, luggage, baggage, clothing, word(消息) ,

harm, fun, work等。

有些名词常以复数形式出现, 如glasses(眼镜), congratulations(祝贺,贺词),customs (海

关),instructions/directions(指示,说明) , thanks(感谢)等。同时,有些固定短语中名词需用复

数,如to make matters worse, make friends with, shake hands with, make preparations for, as

follows, in high spirits等。




The village is far away from here indeed. It’s _____ walk.

A. a four hour B. a four hour’s

C. a four-hours D. a four hours’

【解析】选D。本题考查名词所有格。-'s属格一般是用于有生命事物的名词,但有些表示用于表示时间、距离、价值和重量等无生命事物的名词,如a moment's thought, seven hours' walk, six dollars' worth, two tons' weight等。a four hours’ walk也可以用a four-hour walk。


With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good earth____ each year.

A. is washing away B. is being washed away

C. are washing away D. are being washed away

【解析】D。本题考查名词的修饰语与主谓一致, 同时考查了动词的被动语态。a large/ great/ huge quantity of既可以修饰可数名词复数又可以修饰不可数名词,做主语时谓语的单复数取决于名词,但是large/great/huge quantities of修饰名词作主语时,谓语动词一律用复数。此题中earth与wash away之间逻辑上是被动关系。

The young dancers looked so charming in their beautiful clothes that we took____ pictures of them.

A. many of B. masses of

C. the number of D. a large amount of

【解析】选B。本题考查名词的修饰语。A. “许多”应用many,many of表“……中的许多”;B. masses of, 也可以用a mass of, 表“许多”,既可以修饰可数名词复数,又可以修饰不可数名词;C. the number of 表“……的数量”,“许多”应用a number of; a large amount of 表“大量,许多”,但是只能修饰不可数名词。

因此,在复习备考中必须对只能修饰可数名词的限定词如many, a good/great many, 只能修饰不可数的限定词如much, a great amount of, 和既可以修饰可数名词复数又可以修饰不可数名词如plenty of, a mass of, a large/great quantity of,等进行归纳总结,以及它们修饰名词作主语时谓语的单复数形式需特别注意。如many a意为“许多”,但是只能修饰可数名词单数,作主语时谓语动词必须用第三人称单数形式。还应注意单复数同形的名词作主语时谓语动词的数要根据特定的语言环境判断。


名词在句中定语表示目的、 用途、 来源、所属、性质、材料、性别等,此时名词通常用单数形式。高考题主要涉及名词作定语和形容词作定语的区别。

(改错题)There have been sports in America about people trying to steal person information for bad purposes.

【解析】形容词和名词都可作定语,但有时含义有别,有时则出现错误。如可说a golden medal(一块镀金奖牌/一块金色的奖牌),也可以说a gold medal (一块金牌); 但可说a chemistry teacher (化学老师),而不可说a chemical teacher(化学原料做的老师),但可说a chemical works (一家化工厂)。据此可见,此题中的“个人信息”不应用person information表达。

注意:名词在句中定语时,一般都要用单数式。如:a lady doctor, two lady doctors等。而man, woman常用“单单 (a woman doctor)”、“复复 (two women doctors)”式,及一些特殊词,如a goods ship, the sports shoes, a clothes shop等常用复数形式。在复习备考中特别注意特殊情况。


1. country 侧重国土与人民;


state 正式用词,强调政权。

2. issue 指有争论急需讨论研究的热点话题。

subject为 一般用词,使用广泛。指需要由读者或听众推断的主题或中心话题。 topic范畴小于subject,既可指题目、内容,也可指提纲中的标题甚至段落的主题或中心思想。

3. condition强调产生影响的原因或环境。




4. journey: 指时间较长、距离较远的单程陆上旅行,也指水上或空中的旅行。





5. job泛指一切有报酬的工作。


career: 指经过专门训练,终身愿意从事的职业。

6. 介词搭配不同

……的原因:cause of ..., reason for...

……的方法:way of …, approach to…■










(Abstract Nouns) 不可数名词(Uncountable Nouns)

物质名词普通名词(Common Nouns)集体名词(Collective Nouns)

(Individual Nouns) 可数名词(Countable Nouns)


(Countable Nouns),物质名词和抽象名词一般无法用数目计算,称为不可数名词(Uncountable Nouns)。

1. 个体名词: 指作为个体而存在的人或东西,可以指具体的人或物。Eg: aunts; a panda; apartments

也可指抽象东西。Eg: a year; fairy tales; a dream

2. 集体名词: 表示若干个个体组成的集合体

Eg: army; audience; crew; family; team; police; government; public 集体名词有时作单数看,有时作复数看。一般来说,视为整体时作单数看,突出它的成员时作复数看。

Eg: His family _____ not large.

His family ______ all music lovers.


Eg: The gang(犯罪团伙) is being hunted by the police.

Our company is sending him to work in Berlin.


Eg: The police are looking for him.

3物质名词: 指无法分为个体的物质。

Eg: water; cake; cloth; cotton;; fur; ice; paint; paper; soil; oil;coffee



Eg: rains (雨季) sands (沙滩) snows (积雪) waters(海域)…


Eg: education; love; policy; trust; nature; fashion; relief; silence; truth,etc.

多数情况下,这种名词常用于单数形式,不加任何冠词。 Eg: He’s learning French for I wish you good .



Eg:health, advice, glass, wood, English, America





1. stomach -- stomachs

2:以f/ef尾只加-s的词:proofs; gulfs; cliffs; roofs; serfs; beliefs; chiefs



变内部元音:foot-feet, tooth-teeth, goose-geese ,mouse-mice, man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen

词尾加-en或ren:ox-oxen, child-children

有些外来词的不规则复数形式:Eg: analysis-analyses; bass-bas thess; criss-cris

criteri-criteri phenomen; medi-medi 单复数相同的情况:sheep; deer; means; fish; works; species;以及由汉语音译表示度量衡、货币等单位的名词。 Eg: yuan, jiao, fen, jin

只有复数形式的情况:trousers(裤子); glasses(眼镜); compasses(圆规) thanks; clothes; goods; people; cattle


•单、复数相同 Chinese, Japanese, Swiss,…

•词尾加-s Africans, Asians, Canadians, Australians,


•变man为men Englishman---Englishmen,




1.一般将主体名词变为复数。father-in-law → fathers-in-law, passer-by→passers-by, looker-on→lookers-on, editor-in-chief → editors-in-chief

2.无主体名词的在词尾加复数。如:grown-ups, good-for-nothings(无用的人),go-betweens (中间人),look-outs(守望者)

3.由man, woman,构成的复合名词应将前后两个词都变成复数。men-doctors, women-drivers, women-singers

注:boyfriends, girlfriends, boy students, girl students


beauty(美,美貌)---a beauty(一个美人/物)

danger(危险)—a danger(一件危险的事/人)

failure(失败)—a failure(一件失败的事/人)

honour(光荣)—an honour(带来荣誉的/或事)

pity(遗憾)—a pity(一件可惜的事)

success(成功)—a success(一件成功的事/人)

surprise(惊奇)—a surprise(一件令人吃惊的事)

pleasure(乐趣)—a pleasure(一件有趣的事)

worry(担心)—a worry(一件令人担心的事)

experience(经验)—an experience(一次经历)

service(服务)—a service(一个服务机构)


a poem(一首诗) poetry(诗歌总称)

a machine(一台机器) machinery(机器总称)

a job(一件工作) work(工作)

a laugh(一个笑声) laughter(笑声)

a permit(许可证) permission(允许)

a garment (一件衣裳) clothing(衣裳总称)

高考英语不可数名词篇十:高考英语 高考语法全集之--名词

高考英语 高考语法全集之--名词



John is my friend.My children love their teachers.(人)

The dog is running after a rat.(动物) The meeting was a great success. (事物) This school is good.Broadway is a street in New York City.(地方)

My pencil is lost.The window of this house is pretty.(东西)

Poverty is a big problem.Everyone seeks happiness.(状态)

His bravery is well-known.I enjoy the beauty of this garden.(品质)

His arrival was on Sunday.His judgment is not correct.(动作)







family家庭class班,阶层army军队 council委员会 staff

工作人员team队 public公众 jury陪审团generation一代人 club俱乐部 government政府 crowd人群 group组police警察 press新闻界 board董事会 people人们 youth年轻人 majority大多数 population人口 party群,队,组 personnel全体人员 committee委员会 audience观众;全体船员/机组人员等。

public, crew, mankind, personnel, 等通常只有单数形式,但不能直接加a或an; audience也只有单数形式,但可在前面加不定冠词,尤其是有形容词修饰时。其中public,police,press,youth等前通常加

①形式上总是单数,作主语时谓语用单数;②不可直接与a(n)或具体数词连用。表数量时,多与much, little, some, a piece of, an article of等连用;③用代词指代时用单数代词。如:clothing衣服 information信息 machinery机械 stationery文具 furniture家具jewelry珠宝 traffic交通 data数据; garbage垃圾scenery风景 underwear内衣 baggage/luggage行李

③物质名词: 指材料、食品和饮料,或物理学上固体、液体和气体的物质,或化学元素等的名称,是无法分为自然个体的物质。物质名词一般无复数形式,常不用冠词,只有特指时加the。常见的物质名词如:beer啤酒 metal金属ice冰 ink墨水coffee咖啡cloth布meat肉juice果汁棉花coal煤oxygen氧medicine药等。 当物质名词出现可数或复数现象时意义已two coffees两杯咖啡,a strong wind一阵大风,two irons两个熨斗,sands沙滩,waters水域、大量的水等。

④抽象名词:指抽象概念的名词。一般不可数,但有些抽象名词在表示具体的人或事物时就为可数了。如:a success成功的人或事,a worry令

数可数名词前,不用限定词。如: Hey, young man! Look out! Poor fellow! Failed again!

名词的复数变化分 规则变化和不规则变化 (一)名词复数形式的规则变化: mosquito等加-es变复数;②photo, piano, radio, bamboo加-s变复数;③zoo, zero, motto, buffalo, mango, volcano(火山)加-s或-es变复数均可。

2.有些以-f或-fe结尾的词直接加-s变复数:chief, reef, cliff, cuff, roof, fife, belief, safe, gulf, proof,strife.也有加-s和变-f/-fe为v再加-es两种变法的:hoof, beef, staff, scarf, handkerchief,... 3.-ths多数读/-θs/,但长元音或双元音后-ths 读/-ðz/,

如:baths/ba:ðz /, mouths/mauðz/, months /mΛnθs/.

但youths读 /ju:θs/或/ju:ðz/青年;truths读/tru:θs/或/tru:ðz/ 真理。

4.以元音字母加y结尾的词直接加-s,如:toys, monkeys.



the Messrs.Smith或the Mr.Smiths

the Doctors Smith或 the Doctor Smiths. the John S.Blacks,Jr.或 the John S. Black,Jrs.

the children Johnson或 the Johnson children

有些只有一种复数形式(人名不同但头衔相同): Messrs.(或 Professors,Presidents,Fathers,Drs.,Lieu-tenants) Smith and Brown

但是: Mr.,Mrs.and the Misses Watanabe; Professor and Miss Lee(人名相同但头衔不同)

(二)复数形式的不规则变化: 单复数同形名词的注意点:

1)sheep, deer, fish, swine, cod, salmon, trout....但在表示不同种类时可加-s。 2)dozen, score(20), head(头数), series, species„前边有数词时不能用复数形式,如:two dozen of these, a hundred species of fish, 20 head of cattle, six hundred.但前边无数词而后边有of则要用复数形式,如:all kinds of craft, hundreds of, thousands of years等。 3)phenomena, data,....这些拉丁词原为复数形式,也可作单数用。

4)Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese,Burmese, Swiss.

这些表示一些国家的人民,也是单复同形。 ★a. works表示“工厂”时,单复数同形,但表示“作品”时,单数是work,复数为works。 b. penny意为“便士”,是英国的小硬币和货币单位,100便士等于1英镑。pence及pennies都是penny的复数形式,但用法有别:在表示“枚

The Whites are having lunch. 怀特一家在吃午饭。

4.数词+ 姓氏复数,表示同姓多人: three Wangs三个姓王的人,等。

(三)复合名词复数的构成: (四)只有复数形式的名词 ①由两个相同部分构成的名词。

trousers裤子glasses眼镜chopsticks(筷子) scissors剪刀slacks便裤trunks(男式)游泳裤



它们之前不能用a或an,但可用a pair of等来修饰。



前面不能加a或an,或表具体数量的词,但可以用some, many, a few, several等表模糊数量的词。作主语时,谓语动词要用复数。指代时,代词用复数。


earnings薪水, savings储蓄金, findings发现, lodgings住处,

sightings发现, winnings赢得的

钱,surroundings环境, greetings问候

belongings所有物;财物 takings(某一时期的)进账


arms武器 thanks谢意 times时代looks相貌 ruins废墟 spirits情绪 manners礼貌

papers文件 stairs楼梯 sands沙滩greens绿色蔬菜mathematics数学news新闻outskirts市郊blues 忧郁 dregs渣滓riches财富ashes骨灰 dues应付款 the Commons(英)下议院 valuables

the Olympics奥运会

do exercises做操 take turns轮流

take notes做笔记 make repairs修理

in high spirits兴高采烈 as follows如下

hurt one's feelings伤人感情 in rags衣衫褴褛

make preparations为...做准备 in dozens成打的 change trains换车 make friends with与...交友

shake hands with 同...握手

2.在有些短语中,名词用单复数均可,如: make faces / a face 做鬼脸

play jokes / a joke on sb 开某人的玩笑 have talks / a talk with 同某人交谈 3.在有的短语中名词用单复数意义有别,如: have a word with sb 同某人说句话 have words with sb 同谋人吵架 4.通常只用单数形式的名词,如:

have a cold, have a headache, have a stomachache, have a rest/break, have a

swim/bath/shower, take a nap/sleep, come to a stop, take a deep breath等。

★表达可数名词量的常用结构: several, (a good/great) many, hundreds of, a (large/good/great) number of, numbers of, few, a few, quite a few, not a few, some, any, all, none, enough, plenty of, a lot of, lots of, a (large) quantity of, quantities of, a diversity of, diversities of, a variety of, varieties of, a world of, a wealth of等。下划线者也可用于不可数名词。


不可数名词包括物质名词和抽象名词,一般无复数形式,不能同不定冠词和具体数词连用,可用“a/数词 + 单位词 + of”结构来表示物质名词的量。表示泛指时不用冠词,表示特指时用定冠词或其他的限定词。 如:a glass of water, the water in the glass, his water,etc.

