Einstein used to say that the only gift

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Einstein used to say that the only gift篇一:2014南京市江宁区中考二模英语试题

2014年南京市江宁区中考二模 英语试题

第I卷 选择题(共40分)


1. —Our school is planning __________ one-day trip to Niushou Hill.

—Really? It must be fun, I think.

A. a B. an C. the D. 不填

2. The terrible accident happened _________ a cold winter morning and the police arrived at the scene within 5 minutes.

A. in B. to C. at D. on

3. __________ he is good at playing basketball, he failed to join the school basketball team yesterday.

A. Since B. Unless C. Because D. Though

4. —The skirt in that shop is so nice but too expensive.

—You can shop online. Its price must be much __________in Taobao.com.

A. lower B. higher C. nicer D. cheaper

5. My grandpa ________in southern Nanjing. He was born there and has never lived anywhere else.

A. could live B. lives C. will live D. was living

6. I’ve got several novels by Mo Yan. You can borrow__________ if you like.

A. it B. every C. one D. either

7. —It’s reported that the plane MH370 hasn’t been found yet.

—I hope the problem __________as soon as possible.

A. is solved B. has solved C. was solved D. will be solved

8. —Why are they so angry with each other?

—Because they can’t come to a(n) __________on the plan.

A. development B. agreement C. advertisement D. movement

9. __________children Simon and Jim are! They always come up with lots of new ideas.

A. How imaginative B. How modest C. What imaginative D. What modest

10. —What should I do when the fire happens, Mom?

—First of all, it’s important to __________ and cover you with a wet blanket.

A. fall down B. calm down C. look down D. put down

11. There________ a lot of rubbish in the old town in the past. But now it has turned into a clean place.

A. used to be B. used to have C. was used to being D. was used to having

12. —We believe that success will belong to the people ________ never say “impossible”.

—I agree with you.

A. when B. what C. who D. which

13. —Excuse me, can I interview Mr. Green this afternoon?

— A moment, please. Let me check__________.

A. if Mr. Green will be free B. when will Mr. Green have time

C. if Mr. Green was free D. when did Mr. Green come back

14. —I won the first prize in the singing competition last Saturday.

—Really? __________

A. That’s right. B. Congratulations! C. Don’t mention it. D. It’s very kind of you.

15. —Helen, will you ride to Hangzhou with our cycling club?

—_________. It’s too good a chance to miss.

A. Of course not B. Sorry, I’m busy C. Never mind D. That’s for sure

二、完形填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

Einstein used to say that the only gift he had was curiosity, but this story about him shows

that he also had a sense of .

Einstein received many invitations to explain his theories(理论) at different universities.

On these trips always the same—a man called Hans. Hans often said to

him, “It’s a pleasure to drive a talent like you, Dr. Einstein.”

One evening, on their way to a university far away, Einstein said, “ I wish I didn’t have to give my lecture(演讲) tonight, Hans. I’m so , but I don’t want to let my audience down.”

“You give the lecture,” said Hans. “I can give it for you. I’ve listened to your lecture so many times that I’ve learnt it by heart. And knows you at this university, so they won’t find out.”

Einstein Hans, so they changed places. At the university, Einstein took a seat in the audience, listened to Hans give his lecture perfectly, and joined in the applause(掌声) at the end.

However, Hans left the platform(讲台), a professor shouted from the audience, “I’d like to ask you a difficult question. ”

Einstein thought, “Oh no! Now we’re ” But Hans just laughed and said, “That’s not a difficult question. In fact, the question is so easy that my driver knows how to answer it. Hans, please…” Einstein stood up and answered the question perfectly.

They left the university with Einstein driving. A little later, Hans to drive. “No, my friend,” laughed Einstein. “It’s a pleasure to drive a talent like you, Hans.”

16. A. humour B. direction C. smell D. hearing

17. A. leader B. reporter C. driver D. professor

18. A. tiring B. tired C. interesting D. interested

19. A. mustn’t B. can’t C. needn’t D. couldn’t

20. A. someone B. everyone C. nobody D. anyone

21. A. argued with B. fought with C. dealt with D. agreed with

22. A. before B. after C. until D. since

23. A. in trouble B. out of trouble C. in fear D. out of fear

24. A. once B. even C. usually D. always

25. A. disagreed B. refused C. failed D. offered


26. We can________ in Fun French or Spanish Clubs.

A. have a party B. play chess C. make friends D. watch movies

27. In LCF clubs, children can ________.

A. join fun painting and gym clubs B. get education at school clubs only

C. learn with songs, games and cooking D. learn with stories, games and movement

28. Jazz-Mataz is for children who can speak_________.

A. Spanish B. English C. Chinese D. French

29. If you want to join an LCF club, you’d better NOT ________.

A. post a letter B. send an email C. go to the local club D. make a phone call

30. From the article above, we can know ________.

A. LCF is a language and science school in France B. LCF has language clubs and music & gym clubs

C. LCF music & gym clubs can be found just online D. LCF provides excellent training, teachers and doctors

B He was struggling to tie his shoes. I was struggling with whether I should help him. I did, and he was thankful. “Thank you”, he said.

“I’m glad I could help. I just thought it would be easier for me to reach,” I said.

He was a disabled man, and had to look down most of the time. His arms and legs were twisted (扭曲的) terribly, and he couldn’t do what the rest of us would consider easy tasks. However, he always managed to look up to see how you respond(反应) to his words. He had a big smile, making me feel comfortable.

I was still on my knees by his wheelchair.

“Nice shoes,” he said.

“Thanks. No one ever complimented(称赞) me on them before,” I said.

“No one has the same view of the world as I do,” he replied.

“Tell me about the world as you see it,” I said smiling.

“Most people can see if someone is comfortable with them or not in their eyes. I see it in their feet,” he said. “If people keep moving their feet, I just let them go, because I know they’re not patient with me. I don’t want to make people uncomfortable.”

“What about me?” I asked.

“I could see your . And then you came down to my level. I was the one who was nervous,” he said. “I don’t normally have someone look me in the eye.”

“They don’t know what they are missing,” I told him.

“My old face isn’t worth showing off,” he said.

“But that smile is so big.”

Yes, and it’s not only a big smile but an attitude(态度).

31. The disabled man knew people were impatient mostly by their _________.

A. feet B. eyes C. words D. smile

32. The underlined word A. effort B. pity C. luck D. duty

33. We learn that the disabled man _________from the article.

A. couldn’t have a big smile B. always asked people for help

C. liked to talk about people’s clothes D. had difficulty looking after himself

34. We can infer(推断) from the article that_________. .

A. the writer would not give the disabled man more help

B. not many people went down to the disabled man’s level

C. the disabled man was good at telling people about the world

D. the disabled man had something wrong with his mind

35. Which of the following can be the best title of the article?

A. A Helpful Man B. A Disabled Man C. Nice Shoes D. A Big Smile


The British are known as people who love to stand in line, but a new research shows that the British are only about average (平均数) at waiting politely in a queue. The French are the best. It’s the Germans who don’t have a good habit of standing in line. They can’t stand to wait for anything. They begin to shout loudly and noisily if the line doesn’t seem

to be moving fast enough. Sadly it never moves fast enough for them.

The experts (专家) studied 940 people across Europe. They watched secretly as they waited in line to get tickets, to order fast food and to wait for the bus. They found people who are good at forming queues feel that they move along faster. For example, in Britain, the average waiting at a queue needs about three and a half minutes. In Germany or Sweden(瑞典) people hate waiting in line. In fact, people spend double the time as the British in queues. They get to the front of the queue without thinking about others, so they waste others’ time.

The experts who did the research had asked a person to jump a queue to see what people would do. In Britain, people shouted loudly at him, but when he said, “ I’m terribly sorry. I didn’t realize there was a queue. Do go before me.” People smiled and said, “Oh, that’s all right, one more won’t matter much.” It was also found in France that 80% of the people didn’t mind standing in line, only if they were treated politely. While in Germany everyone was angry and wore an unhappy face. The experts said, “If only they could learn from the British and the French to think of queuing as an exercise in making the best of an unhappy thing, they might find that the queue then moves faster. ”

36. The research shows that the people in _________ are the most polite in standing in line.

A. Sweden B. Britain C. France D. Germany

37. The Germans spend more time than the British in queues because they_________.

A. always talk a lot with others B. like waiting in line

C. don’t follow the rule of queuing D. don’t know the rule of queuing

38. The purpose of the example in the second paragraph is to show that ________.

A. people in Europe hate waiting in line B. waiting in line can save time

C. standing in line is a kind of exercise D. there are always queue jumpers all over the world

39. The people in Germany feel _________ about those who jump the queue.

A. angry B. happy C. sorry D. fast

40. From the last sentence we know the experts wished the Germans could_________.

A. take exercise in queues B. save others’ time while queuing

C. move quickly when queuing D. have a good habit of standing in line

第Ⅱ卷 非选择题(共50分)


A) 根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确。

41. Father’s Day is celebrated in the USA, the UK and most other countries on the third Sunday in 六月) each year.

42. —I am worried I’m getting fatter.

—You should eat 少) food and do more exercise.

(百) of women dancing at the square after supper every day.

(选择) but to wait for the next one.

写) in English if you would like to get the job.

B) 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。

46. The song I Believe I Can Fly reminds us that believing in (we) is very important.

48. Now few young people want to buy (radio). Instead, they use their mobile phones to enjoy music.

49. If someone does not show good manners to others, he is (polite).

50. Many Chinese people would rather (stay) at home during public holidays because of heavy traffic.

C) 根据对话内容,从下面方框中选择适当的单词或短语填空,使对话内容完整正确。

A: Good morning, David.

B: Good morning, Li Yang. What’s the weather like today?

A: There’s still smog(雾霾) today. We’ll go to school with face masks.

B: What a pity! According to the news, PM2.5 pollution is .

A: Yes, and air pollution has been harmful to people’s health.

B: So the Chinese government and Chinese people must to fight it.

A: Can you give any ?

B: Since PM2.5 is mainly caused by vehicles and factories, cars with large emissions(排放)should not be allowed and

factories should be closely watched.

A: I agree. We hope that more and more people will us in making the blue skies return for good. B: I hope so, too.


A) 阅读下面短文,根据所读内容,在文章后第56—65小题的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。

注意:每个空格只填1个单词。 ....Smoking is bad for you, but what if your parents smoke? You might be worried about their health, be tired of smelling the smoke, or even a little embarrassed by it. You can’t order your parents to stop smoking, but you can help them to give up this bad habit. Tell them smoking is not good for their health.

If you think it will help, you could find some articles like this one and give them to your parents. Many states now have free programs to help people give up smoking. You might even see them advertised on billboards(公告栏) in your town. Point these out to your parents and help them to find out more about these programs.

What if your parents get angry with you for mentioning the topic of smoking? People don’t like to be told that they are doing something unhealthy, so it is possible your parents will be angry, especially if they are worried they won’t be able to give up smoking. Maybe they have tried before but failed.

Remember to be kind and show respect(尊敬) when you discuss smoking with your parents. Also remember that it is not easy to give up smoking. Some people have tried several times before they’re able to give up. Instead of shouting at them, tell them that you love them and want them to enjoy many healthy years ahead. They may finally realize you are right about smoking.

If your parents agree to stop smoking, be their biggest supporter. Ask if there is anything you can do when they feel the desire(渴望) to smoke. Maybe you could go for a walk, do a puzzle, or listen to music together. As they reach their

We go to school every day to become a better person. So how can we become successful in

we can learn something valuable from the US First Lady Michelle Obama.

her opinions on

education with students.

Chinese students to aim high (力争

上游) and get a good education. She told students that having a poor family doesn’t m 69 if

you have perseverance (毅力).

many Chinese students, her parents had big dreams for her. She felt the weight of her parents’ sacrifices (牺牲pleased.

Einstein used to say that the only gift篇二:完形填空



The ability to forgive others is a great thing that can certainly help to make life happier for everyone. However, some people think that it is very to do, and they don‟t know how to forgive others, especially their family and friends. This is all they don‟t understand the meaning of “forgiveness”.

In the dictionary, “to forgive” means “to feeling angry with somebody that has done something bad to you.” I‟m happy that many people have in doing this. I have succeeded, too, and I know how hard it is.

I lived with a friend for two years. During that time, he did cause me many . I easily got angry when communicating with him. However, we had a talk about our problems. When he pointed out that I wasn‟t treating him like a friend, I was . I never knew that I also needed to be forgiven for doing something wrong. I thought however I might get, I did love my friend deep in my heart. Then I understood the saying, “To love is to forgive.” And when we each other, we feel great. After that long talk, we both those bad moments. Our friendship became fresh again.

Now I understand the meaning of forgiveness better.

16. A. late B. difficult C. strange D. useless

17. A. why B. when C. because D. that

18. A. stop B. suffer C. keep D. consider

19. A. spent B. continued C. succeeded D. enjoyed

20. A. dangers B. mistakes C. questions D. problems

21. A. firstly B. finally C. suddenly D. always

22. A. surprised B. excited C. satisfied D. bored

23. A. worried B. frightened C. angry D. nervous

24. A. control B. help C. protect D. forgive

25. A. learn B. forget C. imagine D. consider



American actress Anne Hathaway had an early-life crisis (危机) at the age of 16. “When I was 16, I sobbing (哭泣) in the kitchen and my mom said: „What‟s the I said: „Tara won a gold medal at 15. I am now 16. What do I have to show for it?‟” she said to The Sun in an interview. “My mom Dad and then said to me: „Maybe you are taking things a little bit too seriously?‟”

That conversation her opinions on life. From then on, Hathaway made sure to take it easy. “My mother taught me to be always understanding of people—and to have a sense of humor about yourself no matter how embarrassed (尴尬的) you may be,” she said.

The 31-year-old, who last year won the best supporting actress Academy Award

her role in the film Les Miserables, admitted that she has been in many embarrassing situations over the years. Once she wore a strange dress to a film premiere (首映). “It was horrible. I my eyes out when I saw the pictures. Sadly, those pictures have never gone away. But if you don‟t have a laugh at things like that, you really are taking yourself and life too seriously.”

Hathaway had her setback (挫折) in 2008 when her former boyfriend went to prison. , she told US Weekly that it taught her “to have a sense of humor about everything”. “I‟m going to laugh first and is going to be able to laugh at me,” she said. In this way, she helps herself get out of trouble.

16. A. wondered B. doubted C. remembered D. forgot

17. A. matter B. story C. task D. accident

18. A. looked around B. looked after C. looked down on D. looked at

19. A. decided B. supported C. described D. changed

20. A. other B. others C. the other D. the others

21. A. of B. for C. at D. with

22. A. laughed B. shouted C. smiled D. cried

23. A. small B. bigger C. smallest D. biggest

24. A. But B. However C. Unless D. Though

25. A. somebody B. anybody C. nobody D. everybody

二、完形填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


Einstein used to say that the only gift he had was curiosity,

but this story about him shows that he also had a sense of


Einstein received many invitations to explain his

theories(理论) at different universities. On these trips his

was always the same—a man called Hans. Hans often

said to him, “It‟s a pleasure to drive a talent like you, Dr.


One evening, on their way to a university far away, Einstein said, “ I wish I didn‟t have to give my lecture(演讲) tonight, Hans. I‟m so ‟t want to let my audience down.”

“You give the lecture,” said Hans. “I can give it for you. I‟ve listened to your lecture so many times that I‟ve learnt it by heart. And knows you at this university, so they won‟t find out.”

Einstein Hans, so they changed places. At the university, Einstein took a seat in the audience, listened to Hans give his lecture perfectly, and joined in the applause(掌声) at the end.

However, Hans left the platform(讲台), a professor shouted from the audience, “I‟d like to ask you a difficult question. ”

Einstein thought, “Oh no! Now we‟re .” But Hans just laughed and said, “That‟s not a difficult question. In fact, the question is so easy that

my driver knows how to answer it. Hans, please…”

Einstein stood up and answered the question perfectly.

They left the university with Einstein driving. A little later, Hans to drive. “No, my friend,” laughed Einstein. “It‟s a pleasure to drive a talent like you, Hans.”

16. A. humour B. direction C. smell D. hearing

17. A. leader B. reporter C. driver D. professor

18. A. tiring B. tired C. interesting D. interested

19. A. mustn‟t B. can‟t C. needn‟t D. couldn‟t

20. A. someone B. everyone C. nobody D. anyone

21. A. argued with B. fought with C. dealt with D. agreed with

22. A. before B. after C. until D. since

23. A. in trouble B. out of trouble C. in fear D. out of fear

24. A. once B. even C. usually D. always

25. A. disagreed B. refused C. failed D. offered


Sneakers are a kind of shoes worn by many people all over

the world. , no one really knows where the word

“sneaker” came from. Some say it came from the old English

verb “sneak”, which means to move silently and quickly. The

only thing we are sneakers, you feel light-hearted, light-footed and ready to play.

Sneakers of some kind are used by those who play tennis, basketball, and other sports. New design has been made for people who run slowly. In fact American children of ages would much rather play in sneakers than anything else.

New York City once held a poetry competition for children. The subject was only “sneaker”. One prize winner called poem “The Sneaker and the World Peace”. “When everyone is wearing sneakers,” she said, “it will be impossible to

American school children can be seen every day They put them on in the morning and take them off at bedtime. Sneakers washed. Some children think the older and dirtier they are, the off. How do you explain the closeness and sneakers? Perhaps another young winner in the New York Poetry Contest said it best. “A shoe is just a shoe,” he said. “But a sneaker is a friend.”

16. A. However B. If C. Or D. And

17. A. excited about B. pleased with C. surprised at D. sure of

18. A. lovely B. lively C. specially D. cheaply

19. A. all B. some C. little D. old

20. A. his

21. A. explain

22. A. dressing

23. A. always

24. A. much

25. A. children B. her B. guide B. wearing B. usually B. many B. boys C. its C. hate C. putting on C. sometimes C. more C. other shoes D. their D. love D. having D. seldom D. most D. winners



American actress Anne Hathaway had an early-life crisis (危机) at the age of 16. “When I was 16, I sobbing (哭泣) in the kitchen and my mom said: „What‟s the I said: „Tara won a gold medal at 15. I am now 16. What do I have to show for it?‟” she said to The Sun in an interview. “My mom Dad and then said to me: „Maybe you are taking things a little bit too seriously?‟”

That conversation her opinions on life. From then on, Hathaway made sure to take it easy. “My mother taught me to be always understanding of people—and to have a sense of humor about yourself no matter how embarrassed (尴尬的) you may be,” she said.

The 31-year-old, who last year won the best supporting actress Academy Award her role in the film Les Miserables, admitted that she has been in many embarrassing situations over the years. Once she wore a strange dress to a film premiere (首映). “It was horrible. I my eyes out when I saw the pictures. Sadly, those pictures have never gone away. But if you don‟t have a laugh at things like that, you really are taking yourself and life too seriously.”

Hathaway had her setback (挫折) in 2008 when her former boyfriend went to prison. , she told US Weekly that it taught her “to have a sense of humor about everything”. “I‟m going to laugh first and is going to be able to laugh at me,” she said. In this way, she helps herself get out of trouble.

16. A. wondered B. doubted C. remembered D. forgot

17. A. matter B. story C. task D. accident

18. A. looked around B. looked after C. looked down on D. looked at

19. A. decided B. supported C. described D. changed

20. A. other B. others C. the other D. the others

21. A. of B. for C. at D. with

22. A. laughed B. shouted C. smiled D. cried

23. A. small B. bigger C. smallest D. biggest

24. A. But B. However C. Unless D. Though

25. A. somebody B. anybody C. nobody D. everybody

Einstein used to say that the only gift篇三:九年级英语学业水平调研试卷(二)


注意事项: 1.本试卷共90分,考试时间为90分钟;


第I卷 选择题(共40分)


从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答卷纸 上将该项涂黑。

1. —Our school is planning __________ one-day trip to Niushou Hill.

—Really? It must be fun, I think.

A. a B. an C. the D. 不填

2. The terrible accident happened _________ a cold winter morning and the police arrived at the scene within 5 minutes.

A. in B. to C. at D. on

3. __________ he is good at playing basketball, he failed to join the school basketball team yesterday.

A. Since B. Unless C. Because D. Though

4. —The skirt in that shop is so nice but too expensive.

—You can shop online. Its price must be much __________in Taobao.com.

A. lower B. higher C. nicer D. cheaper

5. My grandpa ________in southern Nanjing. He was born there and has never lived anywhere else.

A. could live B. lives C. will live D. was living

6. I’ve got several novels by Mo Yan. You can borrow__________ if you like.

A. it B. every C. one D. either

7. —It’s reported that the plane MH370 hasn’t been found yet.

—I hope the problem __________as soon as possible.

A. is solved B. has solved C. was solved D. will be solved

8. —Why are they so angry with each other?

—Because they can’t come to a(n) __________on the plan.

A. development B. agreement C. advertisement D. movement

9. __________children Simon and Jim are! They always come up with lots of new ideas.

A. How imaginative B. How modest C. What imaginative D. What modest

10. —What should I do when the fire happens, Mom?

—First of all, it’s important to __________ and cover you with a wet blanket.

A. fall down B. calm down C. look down D. put down

11. There________ a lot of rubbish in the old town in the past. But now it has turned into a clean place.

A. used to be B. used to have C. was used to being D. was used to having

12. —We believe that success will belong to the people ________ never say “impossible”. —I agree with you.

A. when B. what C. who D. which

13. —Excuse me, can I interview Mr. Green this afternoon?

— A moment, please. Let me check__________.

A. if Mr. Green will be free

B. when will Mr. Green have time

C. if Mr. Green was free

D. when did Mr. Green come back

14. —I won the first prize in the singing competition last Saturday.

—Really? __________

A. That’s right. B. Congratulations!

C. Don’t mention it. D. It’s very kind of you.

15. —Helen, will you ride to Hangzhou with our cycling club?

—_________. It’s too good a chance to miss.

A. Of course not B. Sorry, I’m busy C. Never mind D. That’s for sure

二、完形填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


Einstein used to say that the only gift he had was curiosity, but this

story about him shows that he also had a sense of .

Einstein received many invitations to explain his theories(理论) at

different universities. On these trips was always the

same—a man called Hans. Hans often said to him, “It’s a pleasure to

drive a talent like you, Dr. Einstein.”

One evening, on their way to a university far away, Einstein said,

“ I wish I didn’t have to give my lecture(演讲) tonight, Hans. I’m so , but I don’t want to let my audience down.”

“You give the lecture,” said Hans. “I can give it for you. I’ve listened to your lecture so many times that I’ve learnt it by heart. And knows you at this university, so they won’t find out.”

Einstein Hans, so they changed places. At the university, Einstein took a seat in the audience, listened to Hans give his lecture perfectly, and joined in the applause(掌声) at the end. However, Hans left the platform(讲台), a professor shouted from the audience, “I’d like to ask you a difficult question. ”

Einstein thought, “Oh no! Now we’re ” But Hans just laughed and said, “That’s not a difficult question. In fact, the question is so easy that my driver knows how to answer it. Hans, please…”

Einstein stood up and answered the question perfectly.

They left the university with Einstein driving. A little later, Hans to drive. “No, my friend,” laughed Einstein. “It’s a pleasure to drive a talent like you, Hans.”

16. A. humour B. direction C. smell D. hearing

17. A. leader B. reporter C. driver D. professor

18. A. tiring B. tired C. interesting D. interested

19. A. mustn’t B. can’t C. needn’t D. couldn’t

20. A. someone B. everyone C. nobody

D. anyone

21. A. argued with

22. A. before

23. A. in trouble

24. A. once

25. A. disagreed B. fought with B. after B. out of trouble B. even B. refused C. dealt with C. until C. in fear C. usually C. failed D. agreed with D. since D. out of fear D. always D. offered


阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项 并在答卷纸上将该选项涂黑。

26. We can________ in Fun French or Spanish Clubs.

A. have a party B. play chess C. make friends D. watch movies

27. In LCF clubs, children can ________.

A. join fun painting and gym clubs

B. get education at school clubs only

C. learn with songs, games and cooking

D. learn with stories, games and movement

28. Jazz-Mataz is for children who can speak_________.

A. Spanish B. English C. Chinese D. French

29. If you want to join an LCF club, you’d better NOT ________.

A. post a letter B. send an email C. go to the local club D. make a phone call

30. From the article above, we can know ________.

A. LCF is a language and science school in France

B. LCF has language clubs and music & gym clubs

C. LCF music & gym clubs can be found just online

D. LCF provides excellent training, teachers and doctors


He was struggling to tie his shoes. I was struggling with whether I should help him. I did, and he was thankful.

“Thank you”, he said.

“I’m glad I could help. I just thought it would be easier for me to reach,” I said.

He was a disabled man, and had to look down most of the time. His arms and legs were twisted (扭曲的) terribly, and he couldn’t do what the rest of us would consider easy tasks. However, he always managed to look up to see how you respond(反应) to his words. He had a big smile, making me feel comfortable.

I was still on my knees by his wheelchair.

“Nice shoes,” he said.

“Thanks. No one ever complimented(称赞) me on them before,” I said.

“No one has the same view of the world as I do,” he replied.

“Tell me about the world as you see it,” I said smiling.

“Most people can see if someone is comfortable with them or not in their eyes. I see it in their feet,” he said. “If people keep moving their feet, I just let them go, because I know they’re not patient with me. I don’t want to make people uncomfortable.”

“What about me?” I asked.

“I could see your . And then you came down to my level. I was the one who was nervous,” he said. “I don’t normally have someone look me in the eye.”

“They don’t know what they are missing,” I told him.

“My old face isn’t worth showing off,” he said.

“But that smile is so big.”

Yes, and it’s not only a big smile but an attitude(态度).

31. The disabled man knew people were impatient mostly by their _________.

A. feet B. eyes C. words D. smile

32. The underlined word is the closest in meaning to _________.

A. effort B. pity C. luck D. duty

33. We learn that the disabled man _________from the article.

A. couldn’t have a big smile

B. always asked people for help

C. liked to talk about people’s clothes

D. had difficulty looking after himself

34. We can infer(推断) from the article that_________. .

A. the writer would not give the disabled man more help

B. not many people went down to the disabled man’s level

C. the disabled man was good at telling people about the world

D. the disabled man had something wrong with his mind

35. Which of the following can be the best title of the article?

A. A Helpful Man B. A Disabled Man

C. Nice Shoes D. A Big Smile


The British are known as people who love to stand in line, but a new research shows that the British are only about average (平均数) at waiting politely in a queue. The French are the best. It’s the Germans who don’t have a good habit of standing in line. They can’t stand to wait for anything. They begin to shout loudly and noisily if the line doesn’t seem to be moving fast enough. Sadly it never moves fast enough for them.

The experts (专家) studied 940 people across Europe. They watched secretly as they waited in line to get tickets, to order fast food and to wait for the bus. They found people who are good at forming queues feel that they move along faster. For example, in Britain, the average waiting at a queue needs about three and a half minutes. In Germany or Sweden(瑞典) people hate waiting in line. In fact, people spend double the time as the British in queues. They get to the front of the queue without thinking about others, so they waste others’ time.

The experts who did the research had asked a person to jump a queue to see what people would do. In Britain, people shouted loudly at him, but when he said, “ I’m terribly sorry. I didn’t realize there was a queue. Do go before me.” People smiled and said, “Oh, that’s all right, one more won’t matter much.” It was also found in France that 80% of the people didn’t mind standing in line, only if they were treated politely. While in Germany everyone was angry and wore an unhappy face. The experts said, “If only they could learn from the British and the French to think of queuing as an exercise in making the best of an unhappy thing, they might find that the queue then moves faster. ”

36. The research shows that the people in _________ are the most polite in standing in line.

A. Sweden B. Britain C. France D. Germany

37. The Germans spend more time than the British in queues because they_________.

A. always talk a lot with others B. like waiting in line

C. don’t follow the rule of queuing D. don’t know the rule of queuing

38. The purpose of the example in the second paragraph is to show that ________.

A. people in Europe hate waiting in line

B. waiting in line can save time

C. standing in line is a kind of exercise

D. there are always queue jumpers all over the world

39. The people in Germany feel _________ about those who jump the queue.

A. angry B. happy C. sorry D. fast

40. From the last sentence we know the experts wished the Germans could_________.

A. take exercise in queues B. save others’ time while queuing

C. move quickly when queuing D. have a good habit of standing in line

Einstein used to say that the only gift篇四:高一课文重要句型


I. 定语从句

1. In Spain, Italy and Greece, where people stand close together talking to each other, eye

contact is more frequent and lasts longer.

2. Choose the one that is right for you.

3. Choose a shampoo that suits your type of hair.

4. The choices you make are the key to healthy hair.

5. The animals you eat had to spend their lives crowded together in tiny spaces.

6. Lots of people are made ill because of the pesticides the farmers use on them.

7. They say, for example, people who eat lots of cheeseburgers and milkshakes will increase

their risk of heart attacks.

8. “Green agriculture” means traditional farming that grows plants in soil.

9. The research involves making green agriculture more profitable and finding farming

techniques which do not use manmade chemicals.

10. It also produces seeds which help farmers grow better crops.

11. The farmers that it has helped now have bigger and better harvests.

12. People who live in cities used to regard farming as boring and backward.

13. They appear amazed to see the vegetables which Sunqiao grows without using soil.

14. This is a place where technology and nature work well together.

15. Asians whose diets are like westerners’ experience more disease and weight problems.

16. Many Asians who are aware of this development are paying closer attention to their diets

than before.

17. Einstein used to say that the only gift he had was curiosity.

18. At the university, Hans was guided to a platform, where he stood surrounded by professors

and students.

19. You could keep it in your house, or plant it outside where it can grow to be more than 60

centimetres tall.

20. The yearly-awarded prizes are given to honor those who help mankind.

21. It has a long white root, in which there are many holes.

22. Many gingko trees have been around for more than 1,000 years—that is the reason why they

are known as “longevity trees” in China.

23. In Hangzhou, there is a kind of water lily whose pads are so huge that a person can stand on


24. Here are three plants which can decorate your home.

25. In early spring, they are covered with white blossoms which are more than 12 centimetres


26. I watched a TV program last night that completely changed my view about spiders.

27. It is the silk the spiders make their webs with.

28. It usually occurs in winter, when a creature does not move for weeks or months continuously.

29. These things help them save energy during long winters when it is difficult to find food.

30. While hibernating, bears stay in their dens, which are filled with leaves to make their stay

more comfortable and warmer.

31. They sat down beside a young boy who was traveling alone and bully him.




















13. The way +定语从句 It’s the way you stand and sit. It’s the way you communicate. The way you look at people doesn’t give them a good impression. In many situations, the way you say something is far more important than what you say. The choices you make are the keys to healthy hair. 名词从句 We guarantee (that) our hairstyles will make you feel on top of the world. She understood how lonely his life had been. That’s why they go to her for assistance, and not to you. She wanted to remind me that tomorrow is her birthday. In many situations, the way you say something is far more important than what you say. To ensure (that)your hair looks its best, pay attention to what you eat. I’m glad that I’m not one of the contestants! Many people believe that sugar is not healthy for you. Others say that sugar is the best source of energy. Einstein used to say that the only gift he had was curiosity. He then asked a question so complex that Hans had no idea what he was talking about. Nobel believed that the spread of knowledge would make the world a better place. In contrast to other creatures, hibernation bears do not appear as though they are dead, but

seem as though they are very sleepy.

14. We cannot decide what to eat without first doing intelligent research.

15. In fact, it is so easy that even my driver knows how to answer it.

16. If you have no ides what to grow, you could plant a golden ball cactus.

IV. 状语从句

(1) Five minutes until we start filming. =(You) wait minutes until we start filming.

(2) It was largely forgotten until it was discovered again in 1858.

(3) He then spent years wandering the earth until he found his home on the island.

(4) After digging deep into the mud at the bottom of a pond, they do not stir again until it is


(5) Habits like this can cause problems when people do not understand them.

(6) Do not rub your hair too quickly when you dry it.

(7) These drugs may still be in the meat when you eat it.

(8) When he died in 1896, he left a lot of money and property.

(9) When its roots reach the ground, they plant themselves and grow bark.

(10) Surviving winter in them, the spiders emerge healthy and hungry when spring comes.

(11) “Right!” shouted Lester, as the audience clapped.

(12) Debbie and Simon looked up as a well-dressed lady entered.

(13) Have you ever wanted to feel like part of the action while you watch a film?

(14) With an MP3, you can listen to high-quality music while you are doing nearly anything.

(15) She sat on the edge of her seat and chewed her fingernails while she watched.

(16) She forced him to leave home while he was still a child.

(17) Since MP3 players were introduced in 1997, people have taken them everywhere.

(18) I have become a vegetarian since I saw this programme on TV.

(19) White agriculture is useful for places with poor soil quality since it makes the best use of both

water and fertilizer.

(20) After he seated her on the stage, a make-up artist rushed forward.

(21) After the Khmer Kingdom was destroyed in 1431, the city was abandoned.

(22) We need another contestant before the show begins.

(23) However, before Hans left the platform, a professor shouted from the audience.

(24) In autumn, these leaves change to red and orange before they litter the ground with color.

(25) She’s fainted because it’s too hot.

(26) I eat meat because it contains vitamins and minerals not found in vegetables.

(27) He often sang to her at night, hiding behind a secret wall in her room because he was afraid of

letting her see his face.

(28) The spiders filled their empty stomachs, and the farmers become happy because their fields

have been protected.

(29) Since she answered the questions easily, she was soon ahead of the other two contestants.

(30) As the sound system has 44 speakers behind the screen, the sound seems very real.

(31) If you skim a passage before you read, you can get a general idea of it.

(32) At birth he was so ugly that his own mother made him wear a mask.

(33) Apply the conditioner and comb it into your hair so that every hair is covered.

(34) I’ve listened to your lecture so man times that I’ve learnt it by heart.

(35) He then asked a question so complex that Hans had no idea what he was talking about.

(36) In fact, it is so easy that even my driver knows how to answer it.

(37) In Hangzhou, there is a kind of water lily whose pads are so huge that a person can stand on


(38) Even though it is only one tree, it looks like a whole forest!

(39) While gingko trees can live for a long time, they are not even near being the oldest trees.

(40) While it prefers the sun, it tolerates temperature of below zero degrees centigrade.

(41) Plants can be much more interesting than you think.

(42) In the West, eating lotus roots or seeds is not as popular as it is in Asia.

(43) If you grow them on a frame over a path, the path will soon have a cover of white,

sweet-smelling flowers.

(44) If you like blossoms do not ignore the Yulan magnolia.

(45) If you have no ides what to grow, you could plant a golden ball cactus.

(46) When winter comes, bats find a safe place in a cave.

(47) One evening last month, I was visiting a close friend in her new high-rise flat when she

accidentally knocked a flowerpot from her window.

(48) Though no one was hurt, I have a guilty conscience.

(49) Their behavior was so bad that it made him move to another seat, but that did no good.

(50) A few days ago, I gave her a fifty-pound note to pay for a six-pound purchase, but she was so

busy grumbling that she accidentally gave me an extra ten-pound not in my change.

(51) However, before I could continue, she barked, “Can’t you see there is a queue?”

V. 不定式做状语

1. To ensure your hair looks its best, pay attention to what you eat.

2. To help preserve the buildings, only a few people are admitted each day.

3. These should be soft enough not to damage your hair.

4. Only one man was enough to follow.

5. She had to answer six more questions to win the grand prize.

6. An MP3 uses digital technology to record and play music.

7. We should use land to grow food for people instead of cattle.

8. The yearly awarded prizes are given to honour those who help mankind.

VI. 分词状语

(1) The three contestants were sitting at their desks on the stage, waiting.

(2) Lester came running out and stood in front of the desks.

(3) A few minutes later, she left, still smiling.

(4) People stand close together talking to each other.

(5) He often sang to her at night, hiding behind a secret wall in her room.

(6) In Spain, Italy and Greece, where people stand close together talking to each other, eye

contact is more frequent and lasts longer.

(7) At the university, Hans was guided to a platform, where he stood surrounded by professors

and students.

(8) Speaking of trees, a gingko tree believed to be around 28,000 years old was recently

discovered in Hebei Province.

(9) Using this method, banyan trees can cover an enormous area.

(10) Surviving winter in them, the spiders emerge healthy and hungry when spring comes.

(11) In spring, having awakened, they leave their dens, thin and hungry.

(12) Looking like they are dead, they hand upside down.

(13) It smashed to the ground below, narrowly missing some children at play.

(14) Returning home later that evening, my friend learnt that the police had been to the flats and

questioned everyone.

(15) Frightened, my friend has said nothing to the police.

(16) At this point, I stopped looking and got off at my station, feeling sorry for the boy.

(17) I regret not helping him, but not being Superman and hating violence, what should I do?

(18) On discovering the error, I went back and tried to tell her.

(19) Apply it after wetting your hair with warm water.

(20) After shampooing, squeeze out the extra water and apply conditioner.

(21) After washing out the shampoo, apply the conditioner and comb it into your.

(22) Before shampooing, brush your hair thoroughly.

(23) Dry your hair gently with a towel before using the hairdryer.

VII. 分词定语

1. Many of the films shown at the theatres are nature films.

2. Animals kept this way can easily get sick, so they have to be given drugs.

3. I eat meat because it contains vitamins and minerals not found in vegetables.

4. Alfred Nobel was an inventor born in Sweden.

5. Speaking of trees, a gingko tree believed to be around 28,000 years old was recently

discovered in Hebei Province.

6. The scene begins with Winston and his wife Betty standing in their kitchen.

7. Scientists are trying to develop a material having similar properties.

8. Hibernation is a state often compared to sleep.

9. A typical example of a hibernating creature is the bat.

10. Their pulse and breathing rates greatly slow down.

VIII. 动名词

1. Communicating is more than speaking and listening.

2. In many Asian cultures, avoiding eye contact shows respect.

3. Avoiding eye contact might be considered impolite, but staring at others is also considered

rude and should be avoided.

4. Brushing your hair regularly will help it grow.

5. In western cultures, maintaining eye contact in conversations is necessary.

6. Your body language is telling people to go away.

7. Debbie’s body language is making them feel welcome.

8. The importance of having a variety of food in one’s diet is quite clear.

9. We cannot decide what to eat without first doing intelligent research.

10. The methods of preparing meals are also different.

11. One way of saving the concert hall was moving it.

12. Originally, the building was used for showing films.

13. On the others hand, having too much of anything, including one’s favorite food, is equally


14. The research involves making green agriculture more profitable and finding farming

techniques which do not use manmade chemicals.

15. They appear amazed to see the vegetables which Sunqiao grows without using soil.

16. Eating such a variety of food helps Asian people stay healthy.

17. In the West, eating lotus roots or seeds is not as popular as it is in Asia.

IX. Wh-连词+分词

1. It is done when talking to each other with anyone in authority or with anyone older.

2. When skimming a passage, look for clues to what it is about.

3. An Asian might close his eyes in concentration or look down while listening to a speaker.

4. Before shampooing, brush your hair thoroughly.

5. Dry your hair gently with a towel before using the hairdryer.

6. Apply the shampoo after wetting your hair wit warm water.

7. After shampooing, squeeze out the extra water and apply conditioner.

8. After washing out the shampoo, apply the conditioner and comb it into your hair so that

every hair is covered.

9. The Shanghai Concert Hall was completely restored after being moved.

10. After digging deep into the mud at the bottom of a pond, they do not stir again until it is


11. While hibernating, bears stay in their dens, which are filled with leaves to make their stay

more comfortable and warmer.

Einstein used to say that the only gift篇五:牛津上海版高一下Unit 2 Reading great minds

Einstein used to say that the only gift篇六:爱因斯坦

Einstein used to say that the only gift篇七:牛津上海版高一下课文



Unit 1 Reading The Phantom of the Opera

Read this short story adapted from the novel The Phantom of the Opera.

The Paris Opera House was a huge building. Beneath the building there was a strange, dark lake. On this lake was an island. On that island, one hundred years ago, lived the Phantom.

At birth he was so ugly that his own mother made him wear a mask. She forced him to leave home while he was still a child. He then spent years wandering the Earth until he found his home on the island. Yet, this monster of a man loved singing, and had a wonderful voice.

The phantom fell in love with Christine, a beautiful young singer at the Opera. He often sang to her late at night, hiding behind a secret wall in her room because he was afraid of letting her see his face. He taught her how to sing and helped her get better roles in the Opera. Christine enjoyed listening to his voice, too.

However, the Phantom wanted Christine for himself. He kidnapped her from the stage in front of the whole audience. Then, he took her down to his secret home on the lake. Only one man was brave enough to follow. He was Raoul, a young man who loved Christine. Raoul tried to rescue Christine, but the Phantom captured him and put him in a prison.

In the Phantom’s house, Christine pulled off his mask and saw the real man. At first, she was shocked at his horrible face with yellow eyes and no nose, but then she felt sorry about his suffering. She understood how lonely his life had been. She gently kissed his face.

No woman had ever touched the Phantom before. Christine’s kiss made him cry with joy. He released Raoul, and told him to take Christine to safety. By now, a group of people had reached the Phantom’s house. They burst in, ready to kill him. At that moment the Phantom disappeared and was never seen again.

Unit 1 MR The Concert Hall which moved

Reading this cutting from a city guide for Shanghai to see how one concert hall was kept from destruction.

In April 2003, the Shanghai Concert Hall was lifted into the air, and then moved 66.46 metres away.

The 5,650-tonne building was deigned and bilt in 1930 by Chinese architects Zhao Shen and Fan Wenzhao. Originally, the building was used for showing films. In 1959, it was changed into a concert hall. Some of the world’s top musicians, including the famous cellist Yo-Yo Ma and the violinist Isaac Stern, played there.

By 2002, however, the Shanghai Concert Hall faced some difficulties. The building was old and needed repair. Also, an elevated road had been built nearby. The noise of the traffic from the road drowned out the concerts. One way of saving the concert hall was moving it. So, over an eight-day period, workers used machinery to lift the concert hall into the air. They then pushed it along rails to a new location away from the elevated road.

The Shanghai Concert Hall was completely restored after being moved. It was also made larger to seat more people. On 1 October 2004 it reopened with a concert by the British Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. With new paint and a new location, the charm of the concert hall was brought back to life.

Unit 2 Reading Two Geniuses

Albert Einstein was a very famous scientist in the twentieth century. Read this legend about him in a magazine article.

Amany people regard Albert Einstein (1879-1955) as a genius. His attempt to explain the workings of the universe led to the development of nuclear energy.

Einstein used to say that the only gift he had was curiosity, but this story about hm shows that he also had a sense of humour.

As a young man with a growing reputation, Einstein received many invitations to explain his theories at different universities. On these trips his driver was always the same ---- a man called Hans. Hans often said to him, ‘It’s a pleasure to drive a genius like you, Dr. Einstein.’

One evening, on their way to a distant university, Einstein said, ‘ I wish I didn’t have to give my lecture tonight, Hans. I’m so tired, but I don’t ant to let my audience down.’

‘You don’t have to give the lecture,’ said Hans. ‘ I can give it for you. I’ve listened to your lecture so many times that I’ve learnt it by heart. No one know you at this university, so they won’t find out.’

Einstein agreed with Hans, so they changed places. At the university, Hans was guided to a platform, where he stood surrounded by professors and students. Einstein took a seat in the audience, listened to Hans give his lecture perfectly, and joined in the applause at the end.

However, before Hans left the platform, a professor shouted from the audience, ‘I’d like to ask you a difficult question.’ He then asked a question so complex that Hans had no idea what he was talking about.

Einstein thought, ‘Oh no! Now we’re in trouble.’ But Hans just laughed and said, ‘That’s not a difficult question. In fact, it’s so easy that even my driver knows how to answer it. Hans, please…’ Einstein stood up and answered the question perfectly.

They left the university, with Einstein driving. A little later, Hans offered to drive. ‘No, my friend,’ laughed Einstein. ‘It’s a pleasure to drive a genius like you, Hans.’

Unit 2 MR The Nobel Prize

Read this leaflet about the Noble Prize

Alfred Nobel was an inventor born in Sweden. When he died in 1896, he left a lot of money and property. This was then worth about nine million US dollars, and later became the original sourceof the world-famous Nobel Prize.

Nobel believed that the spread of knowledge would make the world a better place. The yearly-awarded prizes are given to honour those who help mankind. Nobel said that the prizes should honour ‘the most important discoveries or inventions’ in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine and ‘the most outstanding works’ in literature.

Since 1901. the Nobel Prize has been presented to the winners on 10 December, the anniversary of Alfred Nobel’s death. At the award ceremony in the Stockholm Concert Hall, the king of Sweden hands each winner a diploma and a medal. The ceremony is followed by a large banquet for about 1,300 peopoel Among the guests of honour are the Nobel Prize winners and their families, the King and the Queen, and many well-known leaders in science and culture. Two hundred and fifty young students are also honoured with invitations to this grand occasion.

Unit 3 Reading The interesting world of plants

Plants can be much more interesting than youn think. Read this transcript from a nature film to find out why.

Water lilies can often be seen in China, with their round leaves, or pads, floating in ponds. In Hangzhou, there is a kind of water lily whose pads are so huge that a person can stand on them. This is a Victoria lily, the largest kind of water lily in the world. Its pads are more than two metres wide and its white or purple flowers can grow as large as 45 centimetres across.

Some flowering plants can also be eaten. The lotus, a near relative of the water lily, is such a plant. It has a long white root, in which there are many holes. In Asian countries, lotus roots and seeds are often cooked and served in meals. In the West, eating lotus roots or seeds is not as popular as it is in Asia.

The banyan tree is an interesting tree with many roots growing down from its branches. It can be found in South China and other parts of Asia. When its roots reach the ground, they plant themselves and grow bark. Eventually they either become part of the original tree trunk or become separate tree trunks. Using this methid, banyan trees can cover an enormous area. The world’s largest banyan tree, in India, covers an area larger than a football pitch. Even though it is only one tree, it looks like a whole forest!

Speaking of trees, a gingko tree believed to be around 3,800 years old was recently discovered in Hebei Province, China. Many gingko trees have been around for more than 3,000 years ---- that is the reason why they are known as ‘longevity trees’ in China. While gingko trees can live for a long time, they are not even near being the oldest trees. Bristlecone pine trees in America are among the oldest living trees. One bristlecone pine tree in Nevada is over 4,600 years old!

Unit 3 MR Learn to care for plants

Read this article from a newspaper to get some new ideas about what plants you can grow this year.

Spring is in the air, so it is time to go outside and do some gardening. Here are three plants which can decorate your home.

Why not grow commone white jasmine/ You can raise it as either a bush or a vine. Jasmine vines produce more flowers than jasmine bushes, but they need a frame to grow on. If you grow them on a frame over a path, the path will soon have a cover of whit, sweet-smelling flowers. Jasmine is not just for tea.

Of course, if you like blossoms, do not ignore the Yulan magnolia. These trees can grow to be over 12 metres tall. In early spring, they are covered with white blossoms which are more than 12 centimetres wide. After the blossoms fall off, green leaves cover the trees all summer. In autumn, these leaves change to red and orange before they litter the ground with colour. The Yulan magnolia is ideal for cool, moist climates.

If you have no idea what to grow, you could plant a golden ball cactus. You could keep it in your house, or plant it outside where it can grow to be more than 60 centimetres tall. While it prefers the sun, it tolerates temperatures of below zero degrees centigrade.

Unit 4 Reading Friend or enemy?

Reading this excerpt from the play Winston and the Spider to learn about one kind of small creature. The scene begins with Winston and his wife Betty standing in their kitchen.

Betty: (jumping in fright, and then shouting)Kill it!

Winston: (calmly) Certainly not.

Betty: Why? You’re not frightened of it, Winston, are you? It’s only an insect.

Winston: It isn’t an insect, Betty. It’s a spider. Actually, spiders are very useful creatures. I watched a TV prgramme last night that completely changed my view about spiders. Do you want to hear about it?

Betty: Not really. (She sighs.) but I suppose you’re going to tell me anyway.

Winston: Spiders are the enemies of insects and the friends of humans. Chinese farmers realized that years ago. Do you know that in parts of China, in autumn, farmers build shelters for spiders and put them all over their fields?

Betty: No. I didn’t know that.

Winston: (ignoring her remarks) The shelters are like little tents. Surviving winter in them, the spiders emerge healthy and hungry when spring comes. At the same time, millions of insects arrive to attack the farmers’ crops. The spiders fill their empty stomachs, and the farmers become happy because their fields have been protected.

Betty: So everyone is hapy except the insects.

Winston: Right, and now this natural method of pest control is being copied all over the world. Betty: (looking bored) Interesting, but now I must go and…

Winston: (becoming excited) Wait! There’s more. What’s stronger than steel, lighter than a feather and as elastic as a rubber band?

Betty: What?

Winston: It’s the silk the spiders make their webs with. Scientists are trying to develop a material having similar properties. They plan to use it in spacecraft, artificial organs like hearts, and to make really bulletproof vests.

Betty: I still think spiders are nasty and should be killed. Their bites are dangerous, aren’t they? Winston: To insects, yes, but to people, rarely. But even their poison is useful. Doctors think it might be used to treat brain disorders in humans.

Betty: That’t good news for you, then. (She laughs.) But seriously, I get your point, Winston. We should try to understand things in nature and not destroy them.

Unit 4 MR The mystery of hibernation

No human has ever experienced hibernatin, and yet many creatures experience it every year. Read the following article from a science magazine to see what hibernation is all about.

What do bears, bats and frogs have in common? They all hibernate. Hibernation is a state often compared to sleep. It usually occrus in winter, when a creature does not move for weeks or months continuously. Creatures hibernate to survive the cold weather and the absence of food.

A typical example of a hibernating creature is the bat. When winter comes, bats find a safe place in a cave. Looking like they are dead, they hang upside down. Their pulse and breathing rates greatly slow down. Their body temperatures drop as well. These things help them save energy during long winters when it is difficult to find food.

Frogs, like many amphibians, also hibernate when it gets cold. After digging deep into the mud at the bottom of a pond, they do not stir again until it is warm. During hibernation, they breathe through their skins, not their mouths.

Another hibernating creature is the bear. In contrast to other creatures, hibernating bears do not appear as though they are dead, but seem as though they are very sleepy. If they are disturbed during hibernation, they can get up very quickly. While hibernating, bears stay in their dens, which are filled with leaves to make their stay more comfortable and warmer. In spring, having awakened, they leave their dens, thin and hungry.

Unit 5 Reading What should I do?

Letters from students asking for advice are published anonymously in a school newspaper as a part of the ‘ Counsellor’s Corner’. Read excerpts from the letters below.

On evening last month, I was visiting a close friend in her new high-rise flat when she accidentally knocked a flowerpot from her window. It smashed to the ground below, narrowly missing some children at lay. On our way out, we stopped to take a look, but now one was hurt, so we said nothing and left for the cinema as planned. Returning home later that evening, my friend learnt that the police had been to the flats and questioned everyone. They had even taken a neighbour’s son to the police station. After questioning him, they let him go temporarily. Frightened, my friend has said nothing to the police.

Though no one was hurt, I have a guilty conscience and …

Last night, while travelling home on the underground, I saw three tough guys enter my almost empty carriage.

They sat down beside a young boy who was travelling alone and began to tease and tully him. Their behavious was so bad that it made him move to another seat, but that did no good. They just followed him and continued their bullying. The boy was obviously frightened. At this point, I stopped looking and got off at my station, feeling sorry for the boy. I regret not helping him, but not being Superman and hating violence, what could I do? Should I …

The checkout assistant at my usual supermarket is always rude and unhelpful. A few days ago, I gave her a fifty-pound note to pay for a six-pound purchase, but she was so busy grumbling that she accidentally gave me an extra ten-pound note in my change.

On discovering the error, I went back and tried to tell her. ‘ Excuse me ’, I said. However, before I could continue, she barked, ‘ Can’t you see there’s a queue? Go to the end and wait your turn.’

That did it ! I left the shop with the £10 and a clear conscience. I had meant to correct the

Einstein used to say that the only gift篇八:高一下原文

Unit 1 Reading The Phantom of the Opera

Read this short story adapted from the novel The Phantom of the Opera.

The Paris Opera House was a huge building. Beneath the building there was a strange, dark lake. On this lake was an island. On that island, one hundred years ago, lived the Phantom.

At birth he was so ugly that his own mother made him wear a mask. She forced him to leave home while he was still a child. He then spent years wandering the Earth until he found his home on the island. Yet, this monster of a man loved singing, and had a wonderful voice.

The phantom fell in love with Christine, a beautiful young singer at the Opera. He often sang to her late at night, hiding behind a secret wall in her room because he was afraid of letting her see his face. He taught her how to sing and helped her get better roles in the Opera. Christine enjoyed listening to his voice, too.

However, the Phantom wanted Christine for himself. He kidnapped her from the stage in front of the whole audience. Then, he took her down to his secret home on the lake. Only one man was brave enough to follow. He was Raoul, a young man who loved Christine. Raoul tried to rescue Christine, but the Phantom captured him and put him in a prison.

In the Phantom’s house, Christine pulled off his mask and saw the real man. At first, she was shocked at his horrible face with yellow eyes and no nose, but then she felt sorry about his suffering. She understood how lonely his life had been. She gently kissed his face.

No woman had ever touched the Phantom before. Christine’s kiss made him cry with joy. He released Raoul, and told him to take Christine to safety. By now, a group of people had reached the Phantom’s house. They burst in, ready to kill him. At that moment the Phantom disappeared and was never seen again.

Unit 1 MR The Concert Hall which moved

Reading this cutting from a city guide for Shanghai to see how one concert hall was kept from destruction.

In April 20003, the Shanghai Concert Hall was lifted into the air, and then moved 66.46 metres away.

The 5,650-tonne building was deigned and bilt in 1930 by Chinese architects Zhao Shen and Fan Wenzhao. Originally, the building was used for showing films. In 1959, it was changed into a concert hall. Some of the world’s top musicians, including the famous cellist Yo-Yo Ma and the violinist Isaac Stern, played there.

By 2002, however, the Shanghai Concert Hall faced some difficulties. The building was old and needed repair. Also, an elevated road had been built nearby. The noise of the traffic from the road drowned out the concerts. One way of saving the concert hall was moving it. So, over an eight-day period, workers used machinery to lift the concert hall into the air. They then pushed it along rails to a new location away from the elevated road.

The Shanghai Concert Hall was completely restored after being moved. It was also made larger to seat more people. On 1 October 2004 it reopened with a concert by the British Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. With new paint and a new location, the charm of the concert hall was brought back to life.

Unit 2 Reading Two Geniuses

Albert Einstein was a very famous scientist in the twentieth century. Read this legend about him in a magazine article.

Amany people regard Albert Einstein (1879-1955) as a genius. His attempt to explain the workings of the universe led to the development of nuclear energy.

Einstein used to say that the only gift he had was curiosity, but this story about hm shows that he also had a sense of humour.

As a young man with a growing reputation, Einstein received many invitations to explain his theories at different universities. On these trips his driver was always the same ---- a man called Hans. Hans often said to him, ‘It’s a pleasure to drive a genius like you, Dr. Einstein.’

One evening, on their way to a distant university, Einstein said, ‘ I wish I didn’t have to give my lecture tonight, Hans. I’m so tired, but I don’t ant to let my audience down.’

‘You don’t have to give the lecture,’ said Hans. ‘ I can give it for you. I’ve listened to your lecture so many times that I’ve learnt it by heart. No one know you at this university, so they won’t find out.’

Einstein agreed with Hans, so they changed places. At the university, Hans was guided to a platform, where he stood surrounded by professors and students. Einstein took a seat in the audience, listened to Hans give his lecture perfectly, and joined in the applause at the end.

However, before Hans left the platform, a professor shouted from the audience, ‘I’d like to ask you a difficult question.’ He then asked a question so complex that Hans had no idea what he was talking about.

Einstein thought, ‘Oh no! Now we’re in trouble.’ But Hans just laughed and said, ‘That’s not a difficult question. In fact, it’s so easy that even my driver knows how to answer it. Hans, please…’

Einstein stood up and answered the question perfectly.

They left the university, with Einstein driving. A little later, Hans offered to drive. ‘No, my friend,’ laughed Einstein. ‘It’s a pleasure to drive a genius like you, Hans.’

Unit 2 MR The Nobel Prize

Read this leaflet about the Noble Prize

Alfred Nobel was an inventor born in Sweden. When he died in 1896, he left a lot of money and property. This was then worth about nine million US dollars, and later became the original sourceof the world-famous Nobel Prize.

Nobel believed that the spread of knowledge would make the world a better place. The yearly-awarded prizes are given to honour those who help mankind. Nobel said that the prizes should honour ‘the most important discoveries or inventions’ in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine and ‘the most outstanding works’ in literature.

Since 1901. the Nobel Prize has been presented to the winners on 10 December, the anniversary of Alfred Nobel’s death. At the award ceremony in the Stockholm Concert Hall, the king of Sweden hands each winner a diploma and a medal. The ceremony is followed by a large banquet for about 1,300 peopoel Among the guests of honour are the Nobel Prize winners and their families, the King and the Queen, and many well-known leaders in science and culture. Two hundred and fifty young students are also honoured with invitations to this grand occasion.

Unit 3 Reading The interesting world of plants

Plants can be much more interesting than youn think. Read this transcript from a nature film to find out why.

Water lilies can often be seen in China, with their round leaves, or pads, floating in ponds. In Hangzhou, there is a kind of water lily whose pads are so huge that a person can stand on them. This is a Victoria lily, the largest kind of water lily in the world. Its pads are more than two metres wide and its white or purple flowers can grow as large as 45 centimetres across.

Some flowering plants can also be eaten. The lotus, a near relative of the water lily, is such a plant. It has a long white root, in which there are many holes. In Asian countries, lotus roots and seeds are often cooked and served in meals. In the West, eating lotus roots or seeds is not as popular as it is in Asia.

The banyan tree is an interesting tree with many roots growing down from its branches. It can be found in South China and other parts of Asia. When its roots reach the ground, they plant themselves and grow bark. Eventually they either become part of the original tree trunk or become separate tree trunks. Using this methid, banyan trees can cover an enormous area. The world’s largest banyan tree, in India, covers an area larger than a football pitch. Even though it is only one tree, it looks like a whole forest!

Speaking of trees, a gingko tree believed to be around 3,800 years old was recently discovered in Hebei Province, China. Many gingko trees have been around for more than 3,000 years ---- that is the reason why they are known as ‘longevity trees’ in China. While gingko trees can live for a long time, they are not even near being the oldest trees. Bristlecone pine trees in America are among the oldest living trees. One bristlecone pine tree in Nevada is over 4,600 years old!

Unit 3 MR Learn to care for plants

Read this article from a newspaper to get some new ideas about what plants you can grow this year.

Spring is in the air, so it is time to go outside and do some gardening. Here are three plants which can decorate your home.

Why not grow commone white jasmine/ You can raise it as either a bush or a vine. Jasmine vines produce more flowers than jasmine bushes, but they need a frame to grow on. If you grow them on a frame over a path, the path will soon have a cover of whit, sweet-smelling flowers. Jasmine is not just for tea.

Of course, if you like blossoms, do not ignore the Yulan magnolia. These trees can grow to be over 12 metres tall. In early spring, they are covered with white blossoms which are more than 12 centimetres wide. After the blossoms fall off, green leaves cover the trees all summer. In autumn, these leaves change to red and orange before they litter the ground with colour. The Yulan magnolia is ideal for cool, moist climates.

If you have no idea what to grow, you could plant a golden ball cactus. You could keep it in your house, or plant it outside where it can grow to be more than 60 centimetres tall. While it prefers the sun, it tolerates temperatures of below zero degrees centigrade.

Unit 4 Reading Friend or enemy?

Reading this excerpt from the play Winston and the Spider to learn about one kind of small creature. The scene begins with Winston and his wife Betty standing in their kitchen.

Betty: (jumping in fright, and then shouting)Kill it!

Winston: (calmly) Certainly not.

Betty: Why? You’re not frightened of it, Winston, are you? It’s only an insect.

Winston: It isn’t an insect, Betty. It’s a spider. Actually, spiders are very useful creatures. I watched a TV prgramme last night that completely changed my view about spiders. Do you want to hear about it?

Betty: Not really. (She sighs.) but I suppose you’re going to tell me anyway.

Winston: Spiders are the enemies of insects and the friends of humans. Chinese farmers realized that years ago. Do you know that in parts of China, in autumn, farmers build shelters for spiders and put them all over their fields?

Betty: No. I didn’t know that.

Winston: (ignoring her remarks) The shelters are like little tents. Surviving winter in them, the spiders emerge healthy and hungry when spring comes. At the same time, millions of insects arrive to attack the farmers’ crops. The spiders fill their empty stomachs, and the farmers become happy because their fields have been protected.

Betty: So everyone is hapy except the insects.

Winston: Right, and now this natural method of pest control is being copied all over the world.

Betty: (looking bored) Interesting, but now I must go and…

Winston: (becoming excited) Wait! There’s more. What’s stronger than steel, lighter than a feather and as elastic as a rubber band?

Einstein used to say that the only gift篇九:九年级英语学业水平调研试卷(二)


注意事项: 1.本试卷共90分,考试时间为90分钟;


第I卷 选择题(共40分)


从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答卷纸 上将该项涂黑。

1. —Our school is planning __________ one-day trip to Niushou Hill.

—Really? It must be fun, I think.

A. a B. an C. the D. 不填

2. The terrible accident happened _________ a cold winter morning and the police arrived at the scene within 5 minutes.

A. in B. to C. at D. on

3. __________ he is good at playing basketball, he failed to join the school basketball team yesterday.

A. Since B. Unless C. Because D. Though

4. —The skirt in that shop is so nice but too expensive.

—You can shop online. Its price must be much __________in Taobao.com.

A. lower B. higher C. nicer D. cheaper

5. My grandpa ________in southern Nanjing. He was born there and has never lived anywhere else.

A. could live B. lives C. will live D. was living

6. I’ve got several novels by Mo Yan. You can borrow__________ if you like.

A. it B. every C. one D. either

7. —It’s reported that the plane MH370 hasn’t been found yet.

—I hope the problem __________as soon as possible.

A. is solved B. has solved C. was solved D. will be solved

8. —Why are they so angry with each other?

—Because they can’t come to a(n) __________on the plan.

A. development B. agreement C. advertisement D. movement

9. __________children Simon and Jim are! They always come up with lots of new ideas.

A. How imaginative B. How modest C. What imaginative D. What modest

10. —What should I do when the fire happens, Mom?

—First of all, it’s important to __________ and cover you with a wet blanket.

A. fall down B. calm down C. look down D. put down

11. There________ a lot of rubbish in the old town in the past. But now it has turned into a clean place.

A. used to be B. used to have C. was used to being D. was used to having

12. —We believe that success will belong to the people ________ never say “impossible”. —I agree with you.

A. when B. what C. who D. which

13. —Excuse me, can I interview Mr. Green this afternoon?

— A moment, please. Let me check__________.

A. if Mr. Green will be free

B. when will Mr. Green have time

C. if Mr. Green was free

D. when did Mr. Green come back

14. —I won the first prize in the singing competition last Saturday.

—Really? __________

A. That’s right. B. Congratulations!

C. Don’t mention it. D. It’s very kind of you.

15. —Helen, will you ride to Hangzhou with our cycling club?

—_________. It’s too good a chance to miss.

A. Of course not B. Sorry, I’m busy C. Never mind D. That’s for sure

二、完形填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


Einstein used to say that the only gift he had was curiosity, but this

story about him shows that he also had a sense of .

Einstein received many invitations to explain his theories(理论) at

different universities. On these trips was always the

same—a man called Hans. Hans often said to him, “It’s a pleasure to

drive a talent like you, Dr. Einstein.”

One evening, on their way to a university far away, Einstein said,

“ I wish I didn’t have to give my lecture(演讲) tonight, Hans. I’m so , but I don’t want to let my audience down.”

“You give the lecture,” said Hans. “I can give it for you. I’ve listened to your lecture so many times that I’ve learnt it by heart. And knows you at this university, so they won’t find out.”

Einstein Hans, so they changed places. At the university, Einstein took a seat in the audience, listened to Hans give his lecture perfectly, and joined in the applause(掌声) at the end. However, Hans left the platform(讲台), a professor shouted from the audience, “I’d like to ask you a difficult question. ”

Einstein thought, “Oh no! Now we’re ” But Hans just laughed and said, “That’s not a difficult question. In fact, the question is so easy that my driver knows how to answer it. Hans, please…”

Einstein stood up and answered the question perfectly.

They left the university with Einstein driving. A little later, Hans to drive. “No, my friend,” laughed Einstein. “It’s a pleasure to drive a talent like you, Hans.”

16. A. humour B. direction C. smell D. hearing

17. A. leader B. reporter C. driver D. professor

18. A. tiring B. tired C. interesting D. interested

19. A. mustn’t B. can’t C. needn’t D. couldn’t

20. A. someone B. everyone C. nobody

D. anyone

21. A. argued with

22. A. before

23. A. in trouble

24. A. once

25. A. disagreed B. fought with B. after B. out of trouble B. even B. refused C. dealt with C. until C. in fear C. usually C. failed D. agreed with D. since D. out of fear D. always D. offered


阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项 并在答卷纸上将该选项涂黑。

26. We can________ in Fun French or Spanish Clubs.

A. have a party B. play chess C. make friends D. watch movies

27. In LCF clubs, children can ________.

A. join fun painting and gym clubs

B. get education at school clubs only

C. learn with songs, games and cooking

D. learn with stories, games and movement

28. Jazz-Mataz is for children who can speak_________.

A. Spanish B. English C. Chinese D. French

29. If you want to join an LCF club, you’d better NOT ________.

A. post a letter B. send an email C. go to the local club D. make a phone call

30. From the article above, we can know ________.

A. LCF is a language and science school in France

B. LCF has language clubs and music & gym clubs

C. LCF music & gym clubs can be found just online

D. LCF provides excellent training, teachers and doctors


He was struggling to tie his shoes. I was struggling with whether I should help him. I did, and he was thankful.

“Thank you”, he said.

“I’m glad I could help. I just thought it would be easier for me to reach,” I said.

He was a disabled man, and had to look down most of the time. His arms and legs were twisted (扭曲的) terribly, and he couldn’t do what the rest of us would consider easy tasks. However, he always managed to look up to see how you respond(反应) to his words. He had a big smile, making me feel comfortable.

I was still on my knees by his wheelchair.

“Nice shoes,” he said.

“Thanks. No one ever complimented(称赞) me on them before,” I said.

“No one has the same view of the world as I do,” he replied.

“Tell me about the world as you see it,” I said smiling.

“Most people can see if someone is comfortable with them or not in their eyes. I see it in their feet,” he said. “If people keep moving their feet, I just let them go, because I know they’re not patient with me. I don’t want to make people uncomfortable.”

“What about me?” I asked.

“I could see your . And then you came down to my level. I was the one who was nervous,” he said. “I don’t normally have someone look me in the eye.”

“They don’t know what they are missing,” I told him.

“My old face isn’t worth showing off,” he said.

“But that smile is so big.”

Yes, and it’s not only a big smile but an attitude(态度).

31. The disabled man knew people were impatient mostly by their _________.

A. feet B. eyes C. words D. smile

32. The underlined word is the closest in meaning to _________.

A. effort B. pity C. luck D. duty

33. We learn that the disabled man _________from the article.

A. couldn’t have a big smile

B. always asked people for help

C. liked to talk about people’s clothes

D. had difficulty looking after himself

34. We can infer(推断) from the article that_________. .

A. the writer would not give the disabled man more help

B. not many people went down to the disabled man’s level

C. the disabled man was good at telling people about the world

D. the disabled man had something wrong with his mind

35. Which of the following can be the best title of the article?

A. A Helpful Man B. A Disabled Man

C. Nice Shoes D. A Big Smile


The British are known as people who love to stand in line, but a new research shows that the British are only about average (平均数) at waiting politely in a queue. The French are the best. It’s the Germans who don’t have a good habit of standing in line. They can’t stand to wait for anything. They begin to shout loudly and noisily if the line doesn’t seem to be moving fast enough. Sadly it never moves fast enough for them.

The experts (专家) studied 940 people across Europe. They watched secretly as they waited in line to get tickets, to order fast food and to wait for the bus. They found people who are good at forming queues feel that they move along faster. For example, in Britain, the average waiting at a queue needs about three and a half minutes. In Germany or Sweden(瑞典) people hate waiting in line. In fact, people spend double the time as the British in queues. They get to the front of the queue without thinking about others, so they waste others’ time.

The experts who did the research had asked a person to jump a queue to see what people would do. In Britain, people shouted loudly at him, but when he said, “ I’m terribly sorry. I didn’t realize there was a queue. Do go before me.” People smiled and said, “Oh, that’s all right, one more won’t matter much.” It was also found in France that 80% of the people didn’t mind standing in line, only if they were treated politely. While in Germany everyone was angry and wore an unhappy face. The experts said, “If only they could learn from the British and the French to think of queuing as an exercise in making the best of an unhappy thing, they might find that the queue then moves faster. ”

36. The research shows that the people in _________ are the most polite in standing in line.

A. Sweden B. Britain C. France D. Germany

37. The Germans spend more time than the British in queues because they_________.

A. always talk a lot with others B. like waiting in line

C. don’t follow the rule of queuing D. don’t know the rule of queuing

38. The purpose of the example in the second paragraph is to show that ________.

A. people in Europe hate waiting in line

B. waiting in line can save time

C. standing in line is a kind of exercise

D. there are always queue jumpers all over the world

39. The people in Germany feel _________ about those who jump the queue.

A. angry B. happy C. sorry D. fast

40. From the last sentence we know the experts wished the Germans could_________.

A. take exercise in queues B. save others’ time while queuing

C. move quickly when queuing D. have a good habit of standing in line

Einstein used to say that the only gift篇十:动词不定式2
