
| 中考 |






21. --- Mary, who’s______ woman over there?

--- She’s my aunt, ______ English teacher.

A. the; the B. a;the C.the; an D. a; an

22. If you work harder, you’ll have another______ to play the violin at a concert.

A. sleep B. chance C. mistake D.problem

23. --- Is there_____ beef in the fridge?

--- No, there isn’t. There is ______ pork.

A. some; any B. any; any C. some; some D. any; some

24. Mo Yan is one of _____ writers in the world.

A. famous B.more famous C. most famous D. the most famous

25. We don’t want to speak badly or ______ in front of the class.

A. clearly B. carefully C.carelessly D. properly

26. ______ month of the year is May.

A. Two B. The second C.Five D.The fifth

27. Robots _____more heavy work for us in the future.

A. will do B. did C. have done D. were doing

28. Look at our new school. It ____ last year.

A. built B. was built C.is built D. will be built

29. The book won’t____ until the end of the year.

A. come out B. come over C. come true D. come on

30. He was wearing a pair of sunglasses and I didn’t _____him at first.

A. advise B. promise C. recognise D. hear

31. Look at the “No parking” sign. You _____park your car here.

A. should B. must C. needn’t D. mustn’t

32. When you leave, please turn off the light_____ energy.

A. save B. saving C. saved D. to save

33. Cambridge is a small city____ the east of England.

A. between B. with C. in D. under 34. It was raining heavily, _____ we decided to stay at home and watch TV.

A. but B. or C. because D. so

35.—The programme is very popular.

--- _____. We all like it.

A. That’s right. B.Not at all.

C. It doesn’t matter D. You’re welcome

36.--- ____ you ever_____ the new Minyuan Stadium? --- No, I haven’t.

A. Do; visit B. Have; visited C. Did; visit D. Are; visiting

37.--- Could you tell me_____ yuanxiao in china?

--- Usually at Lantern Festival.

A. when do people eat B. how do people eat

C. when people eat D. how people ear

38. Be friendly and you’ll ____ well with others.

A. look at B.get on C.put on D. pick up

39._____ he was very tired, he continued working in his office.

A. Since B.Although C. As soon as D. Because

40. --- Can I havea look at your photos, please? ---______.

A. Sure, here you are B.Don’t mention it

C. I can’t agree with you D. I’m sorry to hear that


Many years ago, when I was a student, the radio studio manager at WXBN interviewed me and it changed my life.

“How old are you?”he looked down at _______41.

“Fifteen,” I said.

“And you want a job in radio?” Shouldn’t you be _______42?”he asked.

How could I explain? I’ve always _______43 the radio. When I was four or five years old, I remember sitting close to the radio in the living room, listening to my favourite programmes, and the voices of my favourite presenters. It seemed that they were speaking to me in person. _______44 the age

of nine, I asked for jobs in small radio stations.

As I grew older, my _______45 in radio grew. One day I learned about Internet radio. Once a week, I played my favoutite music from my father’s computer to the listeners, talked about life at school, and then closed down and did my homework.

Soon my friends at junior high school started to listen, and then they wanted to _______46. We prepared the weekly programmes, articles about music, sports news, jokes and the weather report. “OK, _______47 with me,” the WXBN manager said, I followed him into the studio. Then I sat down in front of a microphone. He was in another room, behind the glass wall.

“OK, let’s do a second check. Just tell me _______48 you had for breakfast.”

All radio presenters begin work with the same _______49.

“I had eggs, fruit and some milk.”

“OK, that’s great,” the man behind the glass said.

And this was how my first real _______50 in radio began.

41.A.me B.her C.you D. him

42.A.on the news B.on business C.at school D.at work

43.A.repaired B.loved C.sold D.cleaned

44.A.At B.In C.With D.For

45.A.trouble B.habit C.collection D.interest

46.A.fight B.refuse C.help D.laugh

47.A.speak B.sing C.read D.come

48.A.what B.how C.that D.why

49.A.station B.advertisement C.question D.time

50.A.game B.job C.joke D.report 四、阅读理解


A man lived in a village. He had an old cat at home. The cat couldn’t run fast, and she couldn’t bite,

because she was so old. One day, when she saw a mouse, she jumped and caught it. But she could not bite it. The mouse got out of her mouth and ran away.

Then the man became very angry and began to beat the cat. The cat said, “Don’t beat your old servant. I know I’m old and can’t kill a mouse. But I have worked for you for many years, and I still want to work for you. Be kind to the old, and remember what good work they did when they were young.”

When the man heard that, he realized that he was wrong.

51. Where did the man live?

A. In a village. B. In a city. C. In a factory. D. In a hotel.

52. What could the old cat do?

A. Run fast. B. Bite. C. Catch a mouse. D. Kill a mouse.

53. How did the man feel when the mouse ran away?

A. Angry. B. Happy. C. Afraid. D. Sad.

54. How long did the cat work for the man?

A. Several days. B. A few months. C. About a year. D. Many years.

55. What happened at the end of the story?

A. The cat left home. B. The man realized his mistake.

C. The man killed the cat. D. The man didn’t believe the cat.


How green are you? Do you know how to be green?

We all need a healthy environment, but we produce waste every day and it does harm to our environment. Though we are young, we can still do something to help. In fact, even the simplest everyday activities can make a real difference to the environment. Here are some ideas for you.


Reduce means “use less”. Don’t waste things. This saves money and reduces pollution and waste going into the environment. Before we buy something new, think whether it is really necessary—or maybe the old one will be just as good! When we do buy things, choose local products if possible, and try not to buy too many things from abroad.


Reuse means “use again”. Use things for as long as possible. When we buy things, make sure that they last a long time. We should look after them so that they will last, and we should repair them if we can instead of throwing them away and buying new ones. Don’t use a paper cup of a paper bag. It’s better to use a china cup and a lunch box because you can use them again.


Recycle means “change things into something else”. Though it takes energy to change something into something else, it’s better than throwing things away or burning them. Find out what can be recycled in your neighbourhood and take part in recycling programmes. We should also buy products made from recycled materials, such as recycled paper, to help save trees.

So please remember these three words: reduce, reuse and recycle.

56. What is the passage about?

A. How to produce things. B. How to burn things.

C. How to help others. D. How to be green.

57. Which of the following is right?

A. Don’t waste things. B. Always throw away old things.

C. Always buy new things. D. Buy too many things from abroad.

58. Why is it better to use a china cup and a lunch box?

A. You can burn them. B. You can use them again.

C. You can throw them away. D. You can change them into something else.

59. To protect the environment, we should remember these three words: _______.

A. waste, reuse and recycle B. repair, burn and recycle

C. reduce, reuse and recycle D. reduce, waste and recycle.

60. The passage may come from ______.

A. a menu B. a dictionary C. a storybook D. a magazine C

Is there intelligent (有智力的) life on other planets? For years, scientists said “no.” or “we don’t know.” But today this is changing. Seth Shostak and Alexandra Barnett are astronomers(天文学家). They believe intelligent life exists (存在) somewhere in the universe. They also think we sill soon contact these beings(人;生物).

Why do Shostak and Barnett think intelligent life exists on other planets? The first reason is time.

Scientists believe the universe is about 12 billion years old. “This is long enough for other planets to have intelligent life,” say Shostak and Barnett. The second reason is size—the universe is huge. “Tools like the Hubble Telescope(哈勃望远镜) have shown that there are at least 100 billion galaxies,” says Shostak. “And our galaxy, the Milky Way, has at least 100 billion stars. Some planets going around these stars


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21. --- Mary, who’s______ woman over there?

--- She’s my aunt, ______ English teacher.

A. the; the B. a;the C.the; an D. a; an

22. If you work harder, you’ll have another______ to play the violin at a concert.

A. sleep B. chance C. mistake D.problem

23. --- Is there_____ beef in the fridge?

--- No, there isn’t. There is ______ pork.

A. some; any B. any; any C. some; some D. any; some

24. Mo Yan is oneof _____ writers in the world.

A. famous B.more famous

C. most famous D. the most famous

25. We don’t want to speak badly or ______ in front of the class.

A. clearly B. carefully C.carelessly D. properly

26. ______ month of the year is May.

A. Two B. The second C.Five D.The fifth

27. Robots _____more heavy work for us in the future.

A. will do B. did C. have done D. were doing

28. Look at our new school. It ____ last year.

A. built B. was built C.is built D. will be built

29. The book won’t____ until the end of the year.

A. come out B. come over C. come true D. come on

30. He was wearing a pair of sunglasses and I didn’t _____him at first.

A. advise B. promise C. recognise D. hear

31. Look at the “Noparking” sign. You _____park your car here.

A. should B. must C. needn’t D. mustn’t

32. When you leave, please turn off the light_____ energy.

A. save B. saving C. saved D. to save

33. Cambridge is a small city____ the east of England.

A. between B. with C. in D. under

34. It was raining heavily, _____ we decided to stay at home and watch TV.

A. but B. or C. because D. so

35.—The programme is very popular.

--- _____. We all like it.

A. That’s right. B.Not at all.

C. It doesn’t matter D. You’re welcome

36.--- ____ you ever_____ the new Minyuan Stadium?

--- No, I haven’t.

A. Do; visit B. Have; visited C. Did; visit D. Are; visiting

37.--- Could you tell me_____ yuanxiao in china?

--- Usually at Lantern Festival.

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A. when do people eat B. how do people eat

C. when people eat D. how people ear

38. Be friendly and you’ll ____ well with others.

A. look at B.get on C.put on D. pick up

39._____ he was very tired, he continued working in his office.

A. Since B.Although C. As soon as D. Because

40. --- Can I havea look at your photos, please?


A. Sure, here you are B.Don’t mention it

C. I can’t agree with you D. I’m sorry to hear that


21. C此题考察冠词的知识点,第一个空考察定冠词“the”+n.,此处表达特指 “那边的女人”排除BD;第二个空“她是我的阿姨,是一位英语老师”,不是特指,仅表示数量,所以选择不定冠词“an”.

22 B.此题考察名词词意的辨析,根据句意“如果你更努力,你会得另一个在演唱会上演奏小提琴的___”

A. sleep睡觉 B. chance机会 C. mistake错误 D. problem问题

23 D此题考察不定代词some和any的用法,表示“一些”,some用于肯定句,any 用于否定句和疑问句。

24 D此题考察形容词最高级最常考的一个句型“one of the +形容词最高级+可数名词复数”表示“最..之一”

25 C此题考察副词词意辨析,根据句意“我们不想在同学面前说得不好或者___”

A. clearly清晰地 B. carefully仔细地 C. carelessly粗心地 D. properly合适地

26 D此题考察基数词与序数词的用法区别,及常识。基数词表示数量的多少,序数词表示顺序,此处明显选择序数词,又第五个月是May.

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27 A考察动词时态,此题最后有明显的将来时标志“in the future”。

28 B 此题继续考察动词的时态,同时考察动词的语态。当it做主语时,我们就要提高警惕了。“看看我们的新学校。它是去年建成的。”根据句意我们发现,此处it指代our school,那么学校必然是 “被制造”,故选择B

29 A此题考察动词词组辨析,根据句意“这本书知道年底才会__”

A. come out 出版 B.come over过来,顺便拜访,抓住

C. come true 实现 D. come on加油,快点

30 C 此题考察动词词意辨析,根据句意“他那时带着一副太阳镜,起初我没有__他 ”

A. advise建议 B. promise 承诺 C. recognise认出 D. hear听到

31 D 此题考察情态动词用法。“No parking”禁止停车,后面“你__把你的车停在这”

A. should应该 B. must一定 C. needn’t 不必要 D. mustn’t禁止 32 D 此题考察非谓语动词用法,注意原句中有谓语动词“please turn off ”,所以空中不能再填动词原形,根据句意“当你离开时,关灯以便省能源”我们发现此处表示目的,故不定式表目的。

33 C 此题考察介词的用法,根据句意“剑桥市英格兰东部的一个小城市” Cambridge在England内部,故用介词in。

A. between 两者之间 B. with和 D. under在下方

34 D此题考察连词的用法,根据句意“雨下的很大,__我们决定呆在家看电视”,我们发现后面动作是雨下的大的结果,故选择so.

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35 A 此题为情景类题目,根据句意“—这个节目很火啊。--__。我们都喜欢”

A. That’s right.是啊 B. Not at all.一点也不

C. It doesn’tmatter 没关系 D. You’re welcome不客气

36 B 此题考察根据答句选择问句的时态。问句中有ever这一完成时态的标志词,答句更是直接给出现在完成时。

37 C此题考察宾语从句,根据答句我们发现问句应该提问何时吃元宵,那么排除BD选项,AC的区别在于语序不同,我们强调宾语从句一大考点就是语序,从句部分应为主谓正常语序,所以A错了。

38 B此题考察动词词组搭配,根据句意“为人友善,你会与别人__”. A. look at看 B.get on wellwith sb.与..相处融洽

C.put on 穿上,上演 D. pick up捡起

39 B 此题考察状语从句,根据句意“ __他很累,他坚持在办公室工作”

A. Since 自从,由于 B.Although 虽然

C. As soon as一..就 D. Because因为

40. A此题考察情景交际。根据问句是提出的一个请求,

A. Sure, here youare 可以,给你 B. Don’tmention it 别提了

C. I can’t agree withyou 我不同意你 D.I’m sorry to hear that很遗憾听到你这样说,很明显选A

三、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分,) Many years ago, when I was a student, the radio studio manager at WXBN interviewed me and it changed my life.

“How old are you?”he looked down at _______41.

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“Fifteen,” I said.

“And you want a job in radio?” Shouldn’t you be _______42?”he asked.

How could I explain? I’ve always _______43 the radio. When I was four or five years old, I remember sitting close to the radio in the living room, listening to my favourite programmes, and the voices of my favourite presenters. It seemed that they were speaking to me in person. _______44 the age of nine, I asked for jobs in small radio stations.

As I grew older, my _______45 in radio grew. One day I learned about Internet radio. Once a week, I played my favoutite music from my father’s computer to the listeners, talked about life at school, and then closed down and did my homework.

Soon my friends at junior high school started to listen, and then they wanted to _______46. We prepared the weekly programmes, articles about music, sports news, jokes and the weather report.

“OK, _______47 with me,” the WXBN manager said, I followed him into the studio. Then I sat down in front of a microphone. He was in another room, behind the glass wall.

“OK, let’s do a second check. Just tell me _______48 you had for breakfast.”

All radio presenters begin work with the same _______49. “I had eggs, fruit and some milk.”

“OK, that’s great,” the man behind the glass said.

And this was how my first real _______50 in radio began.

41.A.me B.her C.you

D. him

42.A.on the news B.on business C.at school D.at work

43.A.repaired B.loved C.sold


44.A.At B.In C.With


45.A.trouble B.habit C.collection D.interest

46.A.fight B.refuse C.help


47.A.speak B.sing C.read


48.A.what B.how C.that


49.A.station B.advertisement C.question D.ti




二.单项填空(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 21. --- Mary, who’s______ woman over there? --- She’s my aunt, ______ English teacher. A. the; the

B. a; the

C. the; an

D. a; an

22. If you work harder, you’ll have another______ to play the violin at a concert. A. sleep

B. chance

C. mistake

D. problem

23. --- Is there_____ beef in the fridge? --- No, there isn’t. There is ______ pork. A. some; any

B. any; any

C. some; some

D. any; some

24. Mo Yan is one of _____ writers in the world. A. famous

B. more famous

C. most famous

D. the most famous

25. We don’t want to speak badly or ______ in front of the class. A. clearly

B. carefully

C. carelessly

D. properly

26. ______ month of the year is May. A. Two

B. The second

C. Five

D. The fifth

27. Robots _____more heavy work for us in the future. A. will do

B. did

C. have done

D. were doing

28. Look at our new school. It ____ last year. A. built

B. was built

C. is built

D. will be built

29. The book won’t____ until the end of the year. A. come out

B. come over

C. come true

D. come on

30. He was wearing a pair of sunglasses and I didn’t _____him at first. A. advise

B. promise

C. recognize

D. hear

31. Look at the “No parking” sign. You _____park your car here. A. should

B. must C. needn’t

D. mustn’t

32. When you leave, please turn off the light_____ energy. A. save

B. saving

C. saved

D. to save

33. Cambridge is a small city____ the east of England. A. between

B. with

C. in

D. under

34. It was raining heavily, _____ we decided to stay at home and watch TV. A. but

B. or

C. because

D. so

35.—The programme is very popular. --- _____. We all like it. A. That’s right.

B. Not at all.

C. It doesn’t matter

D. You’re welcome

36.--- ____ you ever_____ the new Minyuan Stadium? --- No, I haven’t. A. Do; visit

B. Have; visited

C. Did; visit

D. Are; visiting

37.--- Could you tell me_____ yuanxiao in china? --- Usually at Lantern Festival. A. when do people eat C. when people eat

B. how do people eat D. how people ear

38. Be friendly and you’ll ____ well with others. A. look at

B. get on

C. put on

D. pick up

39._____ he was very tired, he continued working in his office. A. Since

B. Although

C. As soon as

D. Because

40. --- Can I have a look at your photos, please?

---______. A. Sure, here you are

B. Don’t mention it D. I’m sorry to hear that

C. I can’t agree with you


Many years ago, when I was a student, the radio studio manager at WXBN interviewed me and it changed my life.

“How old are you?”he looked down at _______41. “Fifteen,” I said.

“And you want a job in radio?” Shouldn’t you be _______42?”he asked.

How could I explain? I’ve always _______43 the radio. When I was four or five years old, I remember sitting close to the radio in the living room, listening to my favourite programmes, and the voices of my favourite presenters. It seemed that they were speaking to me in person. _______44 the age of nine, I asked for jobs in small radio stations.

As I grew older, my _______45 in radio grew. One day I learned about Internet radio. Once a week, I played my favoutite music from my father’s computer to the listeners, talked about life at school, and then closed down and did my homework.

Soon my friends at junior high school started to listen, and then they wanted to _______46. We prepared the weekly programmes, articles about music, sports news, jokes and the weather report.

“OK, _______47 with me,” the WXBN manager said, I followed him into the studio. Then I sat down in front of a microphone. He was in another room, behind the glass wall. “OK, let’s do a second check. Just tell me _______48 you had for breakfast.” All radio presenters begin work with the same _______49. “I had eggs, fruit and some milk.”

“OK, that’s great,” the man behind the glass said. And this was how my first real _______50 in radio began. 41.A.me

B. her C. you

D. him

42.A.on the news 43.A.repaired 44.A.At

B. on business B. loved B. In

C. at school C. sold C. With

D. at work D. cleaned D. For

45.A.trouble 46.A.fight 47.A.speak 48.A.what

B.habit B. refuse B. sing B. how

C.collection D.interest C. help C. read

D. laugh D. come

C. that D. why C.question C. joke

D.time D. report

49.A.station 50.A.game

B.advertisement B. job




A man lived in a village. He had an old cat at home. The cat couldn’t run fast, and she couldn’t bite, because she was so old. One day, when she saw a mouse, she jumped and caught it. But she could not bite it. The mouse got out of her mouth and ran away. Then the man became very angry and began to beat the cat. The cat said, “Don’t beat your old servant. I know I’m old and can’t kill a mouse. But I have worked for you for many years, and I still want to work for you. Be kind to the old, and remember what good work they did when they were young.”When the man heard that, he realized that he was wrong. 51. Where did the man live? A. In a village.

B. In a city.

C. In a factory.

D. In a hotel.

52. What could the old cat do? A. Run fast.

B. Bite.

C. Catch a mouse.

D. Kill a mouse.

53. How did the man feel when the mouse ran away? A. Angry.

B. Happy.

C. Afraid.

D. Sad

54. How long did the cat work for the man?

A. Several days. B. A few months. C. About a year. D. Many years.

55. What happened at the end of the story? A. The cat left home.

B. The man realized his mistake. D. The man didn’t believe the cat.

C. The man killed the cat.


How green are you? Do you know how to be green? We all need a healthy environment, but we produce waste every day and it does harm to our environment. Though we are young, we can still do something to help. In fact, even the simplest everyday activities can make a real difference to the environment. Here are some ideas for you. Reduce

Reduce means “use less”. Don’t waste things. This saves money and reduces pollution and waste going into the environment. Before we buy something new, think whether it is really necessary—or maybe the old one will be just as good! When we do buy things, choose local products if possible, and try not to buy too many things from abroad. Reuse

Reuse means “use again”. Use things for as long as possible. When we buy things, make sure that they last a long time. We should look after them so that they will last, and we should repair them if we can instead of throwing them away and buying new ones. Don’t use a paper cup of a paper bag. It’s better to use a china cup and a lunch box because you can use them again. Recycle

Recycle means “change things into something else”. Though it takes energy to change something into something else, it’s better than throwing things away or burning them. Find out what can be recycled in your neighbourhood and take part in recycling programmes. We should also buy products made from recycled materials, such as recycled paper, to help save trees. So please remember these three words: reduce, reuse and recycle.




21.--- Does your father go to work by ______ car every day?

--- No, he sometimes takes ______ bus.

A. A;the B. the; a C. 不填; a D. a; 不填

【解析】:本题考点为冠词。方式介词by直接加交通工具,所以第一个空不填,排除答案A、B和D;动词take加a/ an/the/ one’s再加交通工具,所以第二个空填a。故答案为C。

22.I don’t like ______ watch. I like ______.

A. me; your B. my; your C.me; yours D. my; yours


23.Lao She’s Teahouse ______ the changesin Chinese society over fifty years.

A. describes B. improves C.prepares D. corrects


24.In 1998, Liu Xiang’s ______ in hurdling was noticed by Sun Jiangping.

A. ability B. trade C.electricity D. memory


25.Meimei thinks maths is ______ than Chinese.

A. easy B.easier C. theeasiest D. very easy


26.--- Is that man Mr. Smith?

--- It ______ be him. He has gone to NewYork on business.

A. may not B. needn’t C.can’t D. mustn’t

【解析】:本题考点为情态动词表推测。根据题中有has gone to,是“去了某地还没回来”的意思,情态动词否定推测应为can’t,而不是mustn’t,因为mustn’t是“禁止”的含义。故答案为C。

27.The novel ______ by many people today.

A. is read B. are read C.reads D. were read

【解析】:本题考点为被动语态。主语是the novel,所以谓语要用单数形式,所以排除答案B和D;题中出现明显时间词today,所以时态应为一般现在时。故答案为A。

28.--- Could you tell me the way ______ the railway station?

--- Go along this road and soon you’ll findit.

A. at B. to C. in D. between

【解析】:本题考点为介词搭配。the way to加地点。故答案为B。

29.Bob is taking the desks away because they ______ too much room.

A. stand up B. pick up C.take up D. listen up


30.Basketball is so exciting that ______ people play it for fun.

A. million B. two millions C.million of D. millions of

【解析】:本题考点为数词。million不单独使用表示数字,一种方式为two million;另一种则是millionsof的表达方式表达概数,为“数以百万计的”。故答案为D。

31.--- Will you carry the box for me, please?

--- Sure, ______.

A. nogood B. no problem C. no idea D. no way


32.--- When ______ you ______ here?

--- Two days ago.

A. did;come B. have; come C. will; come D. do; come


33.Let’s open the windows to have some ______ air here.

A. cheap B.nervous C. careful D. fresh


34.I ______ ride a bike to school. But this morning, I walked to school.

A. never B.hardly C.seldom D. usually


35.Yunnan is beautiful and I’m ______ visiting it again.

A. keeping clear of B.suffering from

C. looking forward to D. runningaway from


36.______ the dinner was all over, everyone helped wash the dishes.

A. How B.When C. Before D. Why


37.--- Do you know ______?

--- For a month.

A. howlong will she be away B. how long she will beaway

C. how often will she go there D. how often shewill go there


38.--- Why did the car hit the boy?

--- Because the driver ______ on the phoneat that time.

A. talk B. is talking C. was talking D. have talked

【解析】:本题考点为时态。根据问句中的did和答语中的at that time可知考点为过去进行时。故答案为C。

39.My parents didn’t allow me ______ to the party.

A. go B.to go C. goes D. went

【解析】:本题考点为非谓语动词(固定用法)。allow sb. to do sth.,即“允许某人做某事”。故答案为B。

40.--- Thank you for helping me with my physics.

--- ______. I hope you can do better in it.

A. Goodidea B. See you

C. I’m not sure D. You’re welcome





Doyou ever watch old movies? Maybe you will see one with Carole Lombard. She wasa famous ___41___ in the 1930s. She died when she was only 34. In her ___42____life she made 70 movies!

Lombard’sreal name was Jane Alice Peters. In 1921, she was playing baseball in the

___43____near her home. A movie director ___44____ her and decided to put her in amovie. She was only 13 at the time. The movie was one of the last silentmovies. She acted(表演) so well that she ___45___ the hearts of some people. At 16, sheleft school to act.

In1925, she had an agreement with a ___46____ studio, 20th CenturyFox. The studio gave ___47___ a new name, and she acted in several films. Then,at age 18, she was in a bad car accident. The accident left scars(伤疤) on herface. The studio broke the agreement, but she did not ___48___. She continuedto act.

Itwas Paramount Studio that made Lombard a ____49___. She made many movies forthe studio. She also married two of their stars. Lombard was married to actor WilliamPowell for only 23 months. ___50___ seven years later, she married the greatlove of her life, actor Clark Gable. It was a great Hollywood love story.


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1. They are Tony and Daming.(在前面)

2. Betty is Lingling.(紧挨着)

3. I 没有)

4. In the afternoon, I have art at half past one and I have an English lesson at half past two.

you, Betty? (怎么样)

5. I 起床)

We 回家)

6. She wears trainers. (一双) 【B1 M8 P50】

7. Daming’s uncle likes reading and he reads 许多)

8. There are books in our home. (许多)

9. someone in your family. (想起,想到)

10. Finally, the computer. (接通,打开)


1. He’s . (照相)

2. They’re 等待)

3. We’re on a school trip and we’re having


4. We’re enjoying the school trip 许多)

5. your clothes. (穿上)

6. Some are having afternoon tea . (在家)

7. I’m visiting my friends in Hollywood and I’m enjoying the sun.


8. We’re 看)

9. Are you 为…做准备)

10. He’s 在工作)

11. First, we clean our houses and 扫去)

12. We don’t clean the houses for 几个)

13. They are round and so they bring us good luck 一年到头)

14. We’re going to 去野餐)

15. I’m 期盼,期待)

16. We’re going to 登上)

17. We’re going to because we like Chinese culture. (观光)

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18. How do you 从… 到…. )

19. Why do you ? (观光)

20. Betty wants to or . (购物) (骑车)

21. You don’t like 出去)

22. Everyone will study at home 在将来)

23. It will 变暖)

24. uses a calculator. (没有人)

25. But Chinese people table tennis, too. (擅长于)

26. She’s going to a Beijing siheyuan. (带谁参观)

27. She is having a good time, and she isn’t 考虑)

28. Where you 出生)

29. One day I’ll 回来)

30. The story begins: 从前)

31. She decided to 去乘,去骑)

32. She her and found nothing. (环顾四周)

33. She the biggest bowl but she didn’t like it. (捡起)

34. The stories often include animals that can speak or [people (who animals)].(变成)

35. Did you in summer? (离开,走开)

36. He decided to be an actor when he finished school 在几岁时)

37. A tunnel 穿过)

38. I’m in London with my friend Jenny. (度假)

39. Finally today I and Jenny listened to a concert in the park. (购物)

40. What friends do you (和谁玩)


1. And you should your mistakes in your notebooks.(写下,记下)

2. I think everyone should have a pen friend and write email messages to . (互相)

3. Just 过得快乐)

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4. I speak English in class.(总是,一直)

5. “ from Beijing Capital Airport and land in London.”(起飞)

6. But lots of astronauts have worked on the .


7. They take the 航天飞机)

8. His parents want him to 退学)

9. His parents have been ill and he has to 照顾)

10. Most people in China have Project Hope and have given money.(听说)

11. What 究竟)

12. Yes, 当然)

13. Suddenly, all the lights in my house (灯)熄灭;停电)

14. Americans don’t touch people a lot, but they meet or when they meet


15. Let’s (发现)

16. They mainly bamboo, and each panda needs to eat a lot of bamboo every day.(以...为食)

17. The area of bamboo is becoming smaller for many different reasons, so pandas have 越来


18. , the panda mainly eats bamboo.(例如)

19. It 发生)

20. In Texas and the southeast, there are storms in summer and fall.(有时)

21. You mustn’t on the first day of the Chinese New Year.


22. Wang Ming has been to a Liu Huan concert in Beijing with 2000 people. (超过,多于)

23. But I her. (和…相处融洽)

24. I’ve the speech competition three times. (参加)

25. At first I often feel 一点)

26. My father 洗碗)


1. I’ll 收拾)

2. Which hobby do you think the least space? (占用)

3. I play the violin and I listen to music 一直,总是)

4. What made you so music? (对…感兴趣)

5. Many students have hobbies, (比如)

6. the usual activities, such as sailing, climbing and mountain biking ,there was a writing workshop with a

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professional writer.(并且,还)

7. In senior high school David wrote a story about teenage life, and it as a book in 2003.(出版)

8. Many teenagers love his book, and 结果)

9. (不挂断电话)等一下) 10. Sorry. He isn’t here . (现在)

11. I asked your secretary 是否)

12. , I’m studying Chinese.(事实上)

13. Our last public concert will be here on Starsearch in months. (几个;两个)

14. What does it ? (觉得) 15. why don’t you bring all your friends for a visit to Radio Beijing. (顺便说)

16. My old school was 遥远的)

17. I was very lonely, and afraid to anyone.(和…交朋友) 18. I didn’t want my parents to 担心)

19. 在那时)

20. , I became closer to everyone in my class.(一天天地)

21. I was a bit lonely 开始)

22. Now, I want to answer your questions, but remember to the red light ... (小心)

23. Sally: We’d like to thank you for taking us around Radio Beijing.

Chenhua: 不客气)

25. “How old are you?”The radio studio manager at WXBN at me. (向下看)

26. At the age of nine, I jobs in small radio stations. (要…)

27. If you want to 打开)

28. 赶快)

29. If a snake bites you, take a photo with your mobile phone! It may . (挽救你的生命)

30. If you don’t like the programme, 关上)

31. Well, we play some music 一起)

32. And then one of us plays a solo of some Irish dance music the Starsearch concert. (在…结束时)

33. We copied it onto the computer and when we finished, we 卸掉/拿走/拔)

34. If you tell him the truth, he’ll be angry with you, but you’ll prove how honest you are. (至少)

35. But you shouldn’t use your . (零用钱)

36. , your parents gave you that money. (不管怎样,毕竟)

37. If you offer to do some jobs around the home, or maybe his work, he’ll realise that you’re truly sorry. (帮助某人做某事)

38. ! We’ll be late! (赶快)

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39. Then they come with some terrible men, and have to fight them.


40. There’s 许多)

41. I Ling ling and her uncle, and I asked them what the noise was. (叫醒) 42. We also go back to school (一…就…)

43. People 遍布)

44. It can 依靠)

45. Just before 12 o’clock, everyone from 10:10, 9, 8... (倒数)

46. Some families for a special meal with grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. (聚会)

47. They write down things, such as “I will more at home. I will work harder at school. “Or “I won’t spend so much time playing video games.” (一列,一栏) (帮…克服困难)

48. No, she missed the final practice (目的是) Kylie could play this piece of music . (独自,自己on one’e own)

49. But the last piece is 出现,发生)

50. He 献身于51. , he died because he did not stop to his hand.

(最后) (照顾)

52. You could go by coat or by train; although it would take long you’d need to come back immediately. (如此…以


53. They don’t learn any life skills until they 上大学)

54. For most teenagers it wouldn’t be a holiday (一点也不… )

55. You go to the airport and 送别…)

56. The hero, Jim Hawkins, finds a map. It 属于)

57. I’m sorry I haven’t 能)

58. It’s an enjoyable film, although there’s too much fighting.



1. Right, , everyone.(注意听)

2. I the car, went through a gate and walked along a path.


3. If you put the three tallest buildings in the world the canyon, they still won’t reach the top.






31. At the foot of the hill you could hear nothing but the_______of the running water.

A. shout B. noise C. voice D. sound

32. Your digital watch is quite nice. Where did you buy_____?I want to buy_____,too.

A. one;one B. it;it C. it;one D. one;it

33. Heilongjiang is in the_______of China.

A. northeast B. northeastern C. northwest D. northwestern

34.________a player,I'm looking forward________the 2008 Olympic Games.

A. For;at B. As;to C. With;for D. Of;to

35. It was snowing hard_______we had to stay at home and watch TV.

A. that B. so C. but D. because

36. The experts think that India's population may be _______than China's ______ 2020.

A. much;by B. more; in C. larger;by D. larger;on

37. It is______ nice of you to say so.

A. truly B. true C. really D. real

38.一Do you. Know_______lady in blue?

一Yes. She is a teacher of a university.

A. the B. a C. an D.不填

39. With the help of the Internet,news can_______every corner of the world.

A. arrive B. reach C. go D. get

40.一Have you mended your shoes,Bob?

一Yes,I______them twenty minutes ago.

A. have mended B. mend C. had mended D, mended

41. This kind of food_____cool, clean and dry according to the instruction.

A. should be carried B. must be put C. should be placed D. must be kept

42. It's important______the piano well.

A. of him to play B. for him to play C. of him playing D. for him playing

43. I want to know______do to help my neighbour.

A. what I can B. what can I C. how I can D. how can I

44. Don't be afraid of asking for information ______it is needed.

A. when B. after C. although D. unless

45.一Is the girl______is interviewing the manager of that company your friend?

一Yes,she is a journalist from CCTV.

A. whom B. which C. who D, whose



Samuel:Chen Li,can I have a look at your copy of China Daily? Chen Li:_________________________________________________(73).

Samuel:I want to have a look at what’s on this weekend. Let me see now.

Chen Li:Is there anything good on?

Samuel:"Purple Rain Storm" is giving a performance at the People’s Theatre..


Chen Li:They're a pop group formed by three girls. They're said to be very good.


Samuel:7:30 pm._______________________________________. (76)?

Chen Li:Yes,I'll be free. I'd like to go.


I’11 meet you at the theatre at 7:15.

Chen Li:Good!See you then. Bye.



Will it matter if you don't take your breakfast?A short time ago,,from 12 to 83,were asked to have a test. During the test,these people ,he or she will work better than if he or she has

nobreakfast. If a student has fruit,eggs,bread and milk going to school,he will learn more quickly




1-5 BCAAC 6~10 BABCA 11~15 CBBAC 16~20 AACBA

21~25 BABCB 26~30 CAABA 31~35 DCABB 36~40 CCABD

41--45 DBAAC 46~50 ACDAC 51~55 DBACB 56~60 DABCD

61-65 CCDCB 66~67 BB

68. whenever;goes 69. Make sure 70. used to 71. your turn

72. makes;protecting

73. Sure(Yes),go ahead/ Certainly

74. Do you know what they are

75. What time does the performance start/begin

76. Will you be free then

77. Let's go together

78-82 TFTFF

83. was 84. ages 85. sometimes 86.their 87. eats

88. before 89. and 90. also 91. help 92. hungry


第I卷(选择题 共三大题 65分)

一. 听力部分(略)

二. 单项填空(共20小题,每小题1分)


( )21. What ________fine weather we have these days!

A. a B. the

C. / D. an

( )22. Please keep quiet. If you make a lot of _______, you may disturb others.

A. voice B. noise

C. sound D. singing

( )23. Mrs Jenny gave us ________ on how to learn English well.

A. some advices B. many advices

C. some advice D. an advice

( )24. Do you know the boy sitting between Peter and ________?

A. she B. I

C. his D. me

( )25. -When shall we meet again?

-Make it ________ day you like. It”s all the same to me.

A. one B. any

C. another D. all

( )26. In our class ________ of the students are girls.

A. three fifths B. three fifth

C. third five D. third fifths

( )27. Waste paper and bottles are collected ________ recycling.

A. by B. as

C. for D. from

( )28. Forests help to keep water from running away, ________ drought does not often happen.

A. and B. but

C. so D. though

( )29. The temperature was below zero. It was difficult to ________ the car.

A. move B. get

C. begin D. start

( )30. This kind of skirt looks ________ and sells ________.

A. nice; well B. nice; good

C. well; well D. good; nice

( )31. Could I ________ your telephone? I have something important to tell my parents.

A. keep B. borrow

C. use D. lend

( )32. -________ do you go to Hong Kong?

-Sorry, I”ve never been there.

A. How long B. How often

C. How far D. How soon

( )33. How time flies! Ten years ________ passed.

A. have B. has

C. is D. are

( )34. -Must I write all the words down now?

-No, you ________.

A. mustn”t B. can”t

C. won”t D. needn”t

( )35. -Did you go to Jack”s birthday party?

-No, I _____.

A. am not invited B. wasn”t invited

C. haven”t invited D. didn”t invite

( )36. -Do you feel like ________ or shall we go by bus?

-I prefer to walk, but we have ________ a taxi, for time is short.

A. walking; to take B. to walk; take

C. walking; taken D. to walk; took

( )37. You can”t imagine ________ when they received these nice Christmas presents.

A. how they were excited B. how excited they were

C. how excited were they D. they were how excited

( )38. John fell asleep ________ he was listening to the music.

A. after B. before

C. while D. as soon as

( )39. After playing football for more than half an hour, the students took ________rest.

A. a few minute”s B. a few minutes”

C. a little minute”s D. a little minutes”

( )40. When I looked into the room, I found Philip himself ________ in bed.

A. lies B. lie

C. lay D. lying

五. 补全对话(共10小题;每小题1分)



Paul: ______________________________66?

Fred: No, I don”t. But I have to cook this evening.

Paul: ______________________________67?

Fred: Because my mother is going out on business. I”ll have to cook myself.

Paul: ______________________________68?

Fred: My mother does. She can cook very well.

Paul: Can your father cook?

Fred: No, he can”t.

Paul: ______________________________69?

Fred: I”ll cook Italian noodles.

Paul: ______________________________70?

Fred: Thank you.


Mrs Lee: Hello. 68178502.

David: Hello. ______________________________71?

Mrs Lee: Sorry. ______________________________72.

Can I take a message?

David: Yes. This is David, Bruce”s friend. I want to ask him for some Chinese ancient coins. He told me he had got some recently. 73 . I don”t care if they were made of different metals. I just want to add some more coins in my collection.

Mrs Lee: OK. I”ll tell him. Would you like him to ring you back later?

David: Well, I won”t be at home later this day. Would you please ask him to ring me tomorrow morning? Mrs Lee: 74

David: Oh, sorry. 75 . The new number is 66129853.

Mrs Lee: OK. I”ll write a message for him.

David: It”s really nice of you, Madam. Thank you very much. Goodbye!

Mrs Lee: Bye!

六. 综合填空(共10小题,每小题1分)


Are you able to send a letter with pictures and sounds to someone anywhere in the world without putting a stamp on it? We 76 e-mail you can just do that. Using a c 77 you can send e-mail quickly and easily. The post is much s 78 than e-mail. E-mail can send i 79 message to the other side of the world in seconds.

E-mail is easy to use and it”s 80 time and money. The differences in time in different parts of the world do not mater w 81 sending e-mail. It is twenty-four-hour service(服务)that you can send e-mail at any time of the day or n 82 . No one has to be t 83 to receive e-mail. It d 84 matter if your friends are in bed when you send e-mail to them, or you are seeing a f 85 at the cinema when they send e-mail back.



1-5 AACCB 6-10 ABACB

11-15 BCCAB 16-20 ABBCB

21-25 CBCDB 26-30 ACCDA

31-35 CBBDB 36-40 ABCBD

41-45 DACDA 46-50 BBDAD

51-55 CABDC


56. heating 57. introduces 58. fresh 59. cheerful

60. fetch 61. gift 62. weigh 63. athletes

64. beneath 65. knowledge


66. Do you like cooking?

67. Why do you have to cook this evening?

68. Who cooks every day in your family?

69. hat will you cook this evening?

70. Enjoy your noodles!

71. Could I speak to Bruce, please?

72. He”s not in at the moment.

73. I”m not sure if he would give me one or two.

74. Has he got your telephone number?

75. My(telephone)number has changed.


76. With 77. computer

78. slower 79. its 80. saves

81. when 82. night 83. there

84. doesn”t 85. film



第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共65分)


1. 答第Ⅰ卷前,考生务必先将自己的姓名、准考证号,用蓝、黑色墨水的钢笔或圆珠笔填在“答题



2001 The little bady has two already.

A. tooth B. tooths C. teeth D. teeths

2002 She has been in Tianjin for ten years . Tianjin has become her second _______ .

A. family B. house C. home D. room

2003 Today is September 10th. It's ____ Day. Let's go and buy some flowers for our teachers.

A.Teachers B. Teacher's C. the Teachers' D. Teacher's

He had something to write down and asked me for _____.

A.a paper B.some papers C.some pieces of papers D. a piece of paper The ____ now is that we have lots of _____ to ask.

A. problem; questions B. question; problems

C. question; problem D. problem; question

2004 Please keep quiet. If you make a lot of _______, you may disturb others.

A. voice B. noise C. sound D. singing Mrs. Jenny gave us ________ on how to learn English well.

A. some advices B. many advices C. some advice D. an advice

How time flies! Ten years ________ passed.

A. have B. has C. is D. are

After playing football for more than half an hour, the students took ________rest.

A. a few minute’s B. a few minutes’ C. a little minute’s D. a little minutes’

2005 years.

A family B house C room D home

bill said they would have holiday.

A a two-month B two months C two-months D two-month’s

2006 At the foot of the hill you could hear nothing but the _______of the running water.

A. shout B. noise C. voice D. sound

2007 They got much on the Internet .

A. photo B. ideas C. message D. information

2008 Hey! If you want to find about new cartoons, have a look at this

A. time B. website C. photo D. rock

2009 His favourite is the Beatles and he’s got lots of CDs.

A. film B. singer C. band D. concert

2010 If you work hard, you’ll get good ___.

A. grades B. notes C. lessons D. answers 2011 For my homework I have to write a(n)

A. music B. picture C. composition D. exam



A. other B. others C. the other D. the others

about Japanese.

A. a few B. few C. a little D. little


---Is it your ticket ?

—No , _____ is in my pocket . It’s ________ .

A. mine ; her B. my ; his C. mine ; hers D. my ; hers

—She is too busy to help us finish the work .

—Let’s do it ______ .

A. herself B. myself C. ourselves D. itself

The old woman kept one black dog and two white ______ .

A. one B. ones C. those D. one’s


—_____ school is much larger than ______.


A.Our; your B. Our; yours C.Ours; yours D. We; you

I'm hungry. I would like to have _____ nice to eat.

A.any B. anything C.something D. some

—Which do you prefer, a bottle of orange or a bottle of milk? B

—____, thanks. I'd like just a cup of tea.

A.Either B.Neither C.Both D.None


Do you know the boy sitting between Peter and ________?

A. she B. I C. his

-When shall we meet again?

-Make it ________ day you like. It’s all the same to me.

A. one B. any C. another D. me D. all


----who taught ___________ French?

-----Nobody. She learned all by __________.

A herself; her B she ; herself C her ; herself D her; she


Your digital watch is quite nice. Where did you buy_____?I want to buy_____,too.

A. one;one B. it;it C. it;one D. one;it


—Who is singing in the classroom ?

A. She B. It C. This D. He


—Is here?

—No, John and Bob have asked for leave.

A. nobody B. anybody C. somebody D. everybody


—Which do you prefer, coffee or tea?

— glass of water.

A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. None


I could look after ___ when I was six.

A. herself B. myself C. yourself D. himself



—is over there.

A. her; Her B. her; Hers C. hers; Hers D. hers; Her



A. in B. with C. from

Don’t worry, I' 11 take good carePolly.

A. for B. of C. with D. by D. to

2002 none


China lies _____ the east of Asia and _____ the north of Australia.

A. to; to B. in; to C. to; in D. in; on


Waste paper and bottles are collected ________ recycling.

A. by B. as C. for D. from


It’s very nice--------------- you to give me the chance.

A of B for C to D at


________a player,I'm looking forward _______ the 2008 Olympic Games.

A. For;at B. As;to C. With;for D. Of;to

The experts think that India's population may be _______than China's ______ 2020.

A. much;by B. more; in C. larger;by D. larger;on


I have just heard on the radio that Nanjing Road is jammed cars .

A. in B. on C. with D. at


Mr. Smith that building. His house is the fifth floor.

A. in, on B. of, to C. on, in D. to, at


Mr. Smith has bought a large house __ a swimming pool.

A. in B. with C. of D. at


Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo won the gold medal for China so we’re proud ___ them.

A. in B. on C. of D. for



Both of the two rulers are broken. I want to buy a ____ one.

A.three B.third C.forth D.(不填)


In our class ________ of the students are girls.

A. three fifths B. three fifth C. third five D. third fifths


The also wrote of beautiful pieces of music for the orchestra.

A. hundred B. six hundred C. a hundred D. hundreds

The Chiang Jiang river is about 6300 kilometers A. long B. tall C. wide D. high


Because of Project Hope, ___ children have better lives.

A. thousand B. thousands C. thousand of D. thousands of



23. ____ India and China are of ______ same continent .

A. (不填);the B. The ;the C. (不填);(不填) D. (不填);a


—What's the matter with you?

—I caught ______ bad cold and had to stay in _____ bed.

A.a; (不填) B.a; the C. a; a D. the; the


What ________fine weather we have these days!

A. a B. the C. / D. an


useful book. Book is also very interesting.

A an; The B a; The C an; A D a; A


一Do you. Know _______ lady in blue?

一Yes. She is a teacher of a university.

A. the B. a C. an D.不填


—Will you get there by train ?

—No , I’ll take taxi .

A. / ; a B. a ; the C. / ; / D. the ; a


Jack enjoys watching TV, while Tom is interested in listening to music.

A. the B. / C. a D. an


My English teacher has 8-year-old girl called Mary.

A. an B. a C. the D. /


___ Browns were having dinner when the telephone rang.

A. A B. An C. The D. /


We usually go to school on weekdays, and sometimes go to cinema at weekends.

A. 不填; the B. the; the C. the; 不填 D. 不填;不填

SUBJECT 6 形容词&副词


Of all these subjects, I like Chinese_____________.

A. more B. better C. well D. best

It's nice of you to help him.

A. true B. truly C. real D. really


We should keep ____ in the reading - room .

A. quiet B. quietly C. quite D. quickly

.Which is ________ to learn , fishing or swimming ?

A. easy B. easier C. the easier D. more easily


In our city, it's _____ in July, but it is even _____ in August.

A. hotter; hottest B .hot; hot C. hotter; hot D. hot; hotter

A. enough easy B. easily enough C. easy enough D. very easily 2004

This kind of skirt looks ________ and sells ________.

A. nice; well B. nice; good C. well; well D. good; nice -________ do you go to Hong Kong?

-Sorry, I’ve never been there.

A. How long B. How often C. How far D. How soon


The population of Tianjin is __________ than that of Shanghai.

A larger B less C smaller D fewer

It’s raining _________. We have to stay at home instead of going fishing .

A badly B hardly C heavily D strongly


It is ______ nice of you to say so.

A. truly B. true C. really D. real



来源:家长帮社区 作者:悟小空 2015-04-28 19:47:09

标签:2015天津中考 2015天津中考英语说两句









