
| 高考 |




1 小学生当干部多的问题...............................................................................................1

2 孩子教育 欲速则不达.................................................................................................2

3 孩子教育:一手紧一手松?.......................................................................................3

4 各类假期补习班...........................................................................................................4

5 课堂教学改革...............................................................................................................6

6 学生生活——名牌着装...............................................................................................6

7 教育的误区 what comes around goes around.............................................................8

8 家长要陪读吗...............................................................................................................8

9 留守学生的讨论...........................................................................................................9 孩子教育

1 小学生当干部多的问题

Recently it’s reported that there are 32 class cadres in one class of 63 students in a primary school. The report starts a heated discussion about whether so many class cadres are needed in one class.

On one hand, some people who favor the idea think it is a good way to improve the majority students’ ability of organization because they have more chances to exercise. Moreover, it helps students to be more confident and responsible. On the other hand, a significant percentage of people who are against the idea think it does great harm to students. Firstly, it will lead students to be power worship. Besides, it’s a waste of time and affects students’ study.

From my point of view, I agree to the later view. It can be easily seen that a man’s ability can be improved in many other ways but not only in this ridiculous way. (原稿)

Recently it’s reported that there are 32 class cadres in one class of 63 students in a primary school. The report starts a heated discussion about whether so many class cadres are needed in one class.

On one hand, some people who favor the idea think it is a good way to improve the majority students’ ability of organization because they have more chances to exercise such abilities. It is so nice that more students can practice them at early age. Moreover, it helps students to be more confident and responsible. On the other hand, a significant percentage of people who are against the idea think it does great harm to students. It will lead students to worship power. What’s more, it’s a waste of time and affects students’ study.

From my point of view, I agree with the latter view. It can be easily seen that a man’s ability can be improved in many other ways. It’s ridiculous to nurture so many cadres in primary schools from such an early age. (修改稿)

2 孩子教育 欲速则不达


1. 描述漫画内容;

2. 说出其中的寓意;

3. 发表你的观点。


’ standard

is twice as highly as their child can reach. Two adults are urging the

little boy to jump over the standard while the boy is looking at it

nervously and hopelessly.

Nowadays, too many parents are engaged in educating their

children to make progress in many different fields, so that their

children may have more changes to get well-paid job. Although it’s the great love to their kids, it may give their kids too much pressure, causing some unexpected problems.

For parents, it’s necessary to have a balance between requirement and children’s ability. (原稿1)

is too young to achieve his parents’boy just stares at the goal despite his parents cheer for him. This simple picture tells us a simple truth: Too high goals may destroy children’s happiness and fill their childhood with sorrow and helplessness.

Personally, I think a definite goal is needed at first so that children will not be easily disappointed at or pleased with what they have known or done. Secondly, children should have rights to do what they like but not what their parents ask them to do. It is a good way to give a full play to their potential.

I’m confident that every child will have a sweet and unforgettable childhood and succeed in (原文写得不错,可以视为优秀作文)(原稿2)

a little boy is desperately looking at the bar of his parents’ requirements, hanging over highly beyond his reach while his parents are excitingly pushing their boy to try over and over again. What a pity! It tells us how serious the reality of children’s education is.

Pushy parents are nothing new and it is understandable that parents pin their hopes and expectations on their children. However, the higher their expectations are, the more easily children might be driven mad. How common it is for us to see that parents take their children from activity to activity, trying to fit as much as possible into their kids’ lives. Teaching tired kids in class becomes so common that teachers can’t avoid. Moreover, higher expectations might kill children’


interests in study because they may lose confidence after continuous efforts.

In my opinion, I think parents seem to push their children a lot more. All work and no play will make Jack a dull boy. We must give kids some space for the nurture of their imagination and creativity. They also need time and freedom to develop their interests. Children’s education involves not just study. (此文章为研究生难度,不适合高考学生,仅用于打开思路,扩展思维)(修改稿一,可参考初中八年级英语下册第二单元“Maybe you should learn to relax!”

a little boy is desperately looking at the bar of his parents’ requirements, hanging over highly beyond his reach while his parents are excitingly pushing their boy to try over and over again. What a pity! It tells us a simple truth: Too much expectation may destroy children’s happiness and confidence and fill their childhood with sorrow and helplessness.

Personally, I believe that a definite goal is needed. A lower or higher goal will do great harm to children. A lower one can easily make them take everything for granted since they can achieve success easily. A higher one might bring them down because they may lose confidence after many times of struggle (continuous efforts).

Education is an art. We need to have a balance between parents’ expectations and their children’s abilities. (修改稿二,适合高考之用)

3 孩子教育:一手紧一手松?


1. 描述这幅漫画的内容。

2. 陈述你对他们的做法的观点和理由。

3. 提出你的建议。

As can be seen in the cartoon, the little boy’s father carrying a long ruler is very strict with him. However, his mother with sweet smiles is asking him

to eat something he likes to show her great love to her son.

Between two really different approaches of love, which is

better for children?

Being strict with children indeed can avoid kids

making mistakes. However, it also can have a bad effect on

children’s mental development. On the contrary, if parents

teach kids with sweet smile, children may learn perfectly. But too much love may lead children to from bad habits as well.

In my opinion, no matter which way parents choose depends on their kids’ behaviors. Above all, the way suiting to children is the best way. (原稿)

This is an interesting picture full of instruction / profound implication and it tells us the importance of children’s education. Obviously, we could tell from the picture that a puzzled boy is looking up desperately with his serious father holding a stick and his smiling mother holding a box of chocolate. It is a perfect example of how seriously children now are suffering from the simple evaluation of their achievement.

Growth is hard for everyone. Mistakes are part of our life and no one can avoid them. It is not right to punish children when they make mistakes. They should be allowed learn from their own failures. They should be encouraged to try new challenges. Punishment will stop them ruthlessly from exploring the new world. Material prize is also not good for their growth, because they are likely to develop wrong world views and misunderstand their parental favor. Their progress and achievement are just for material prizes not for their own good.

In my mind, I think children’s education need a good guidance. We should help them set up a right world view and make them understand the true meaning of life. Punishment and material prizes are too simple a way to evaluate children’s growth. (此文章为研究生难度,不适合高考学生,仅用于打开思路,扩展思维)(修改稿一)

As can be seen in the cartoon, standing in front of a puzzled little boy is his father carrying a long ruler and his mother holding a box of chocolate. One is very strict and the other is very kind. This picture tells us a simple fact: parents use a simple judgment system of failure or success to evaluate their children’s performance.

Too strict or too kind a way of teaching from parents is not good to the healthy growth of children. If parents are too strict, children will be afraid to try new things because of the following punishment if they fail. If parents are too kind, children will take their success for granted since they can make progress easily.

Personally, I believe children’s education need a good guidance. We should encourage them to try new things and let them learn from their failure. Remember, failure is the mother of success. (修改稿二,适合高考之用)

As can be seen in the cartoon, the little boy’s father carrying a long ruler is very strict with him. However, his mother with sweet smiles is asking him to eat something he likes to show her great love to her son. Which is better for children’s growth, the strict father or kind mother, the two really different approaches of education?

Being strict with children indeed can stop kids from making unnecessary mistakes. However, it also stop them from trying new things, which has a bad effect on children’s mental development. On the contrary, if parents are too kind to kids, children may be misled since too much love may lead children to form bad habits as well.

In my opinion, the way parents choose to teach depends on their kids’ behaviors. Above all, the way suiting children is the best way. (修改稿三,适合高考之用)

4 各类假期补习班


1. 描述图片

2. 该图片的寓意

3. 你认为该学生如何过暑假

Nowadays parents have very high expectations of

their children. Once the summer holiday arrives, they

will take their children to different “interest classes”.

As we can see, a mother is pulling a little boy from

an art class to a music class. Feared of studying, the little

boy is unwilling to take a step more, because it’s not

what he is really interested in.

The problem showed in the picture is obvious. (可

以加一句主题句,直接点明主旨)It is common to see

that too many parents are keen on taking their kids from

class to class, trying to fit as much as possible into their kids’ lives. Is it really good for children? (可以加一句总结性的评价)

In my opinion, children’s education involves not just study. It’s important to give kids enough free time to nurture their imagination and creativity in summer holiday. Just remember “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. (原文写得不错,可以视为满分优秀作文)(原稿)

This is an interesting picture full of instruction and it tells us the importance of children’s education. Obviously, we could tell from the above picture that a mother is dragging her son from one interest class to another, trying to fit as much as possible into her child’s life. Haste makes waste. As for children’s education, we should let them grow naturally and happily.

There is no doubt that interest classes do good to children. Classes such as dancing, drawing, handwriting and playing the piano will make their holidays meaningful. Moreover, through such practice, children will be equipped with some special skills, which will make them outstanding and give them more confidence. However, if such interest classes are against children’s will or children are not gifted, how could we expect good results from them? They are forced to do what they are ordered to do. Classes to them are tortures.

In my opinion, I think parents seem to push their children a lot more. All work and no play will make Jack a dull boy. We must give kids some space for the nurture of their imagination and creativity. They also need time and freedom to grow happily and peacefully. (此文章为研究生难度,不适合高考学生,仅用于打开思路,扩展思维)(修改稿一)

Nowadays parents have very high expectations of their children. Once the summer holiday arrives, they will take their children to different “interest classes”.

As we can see, a mother is pulling/dragging her son from an art class to a music class. Feared of the endless interest classes, the poor boy is unwilling to move forward no matter how hard his mother tries.

The problem showed/ reflected in the picture is obvious. Parents push their children too much. It is common to see that too many parents are keen on taking their kids from class to class, trying to fit as much as possible into their kids’ lives. Is it really good for children? Haste makes waste.

In my opinion, children’s education involves not just study. It’s important to give kids enough free time to nurture their imagination and creativity in summer holiday. Just remember “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”.(学生习作已经写得非常出色了,修改只是为了能更突出


It is undeniable that every parent expects his or her child to become an outstanding person in the future.Especially in the contemporary society,fierce competition even began to take place among pupils.

As parents,they deeply feel the obligation that they should offer their children with the best education.As a result,more and more children's part time has been devoted to extra school,classes for music instrument and other kinds of subjects which they are actually not interested in.This definitely gives rise to the growing gap between parents and children.Parents think their children are too young to make their own decision while children argue that their parents don't have the right to arrange everything for them.And now it is commonly seen that parents and children don't understand each other well due to the lack of communication.However,whether parents or children hold the point remains to be discussed.Maybe parents should talk to their chldren and try to find out what they really want to make up for the gap problem

I don't think this is right.Parents should let their children develop their talent by their own choice and interests and give them enough time and space to learn what they want to. So, the children can have a happy and enjoyable life.

如何正确教育孩子英语作文篇三:英语作文:家长应该怎样帮助孩子独立How Should Parents Help Children to Be Independent

How Should Parents Help Children to Be Independent

As is seen by us all ,more and more Chinese children’s independence

reduced . Most Chinese parents dote on their children , which makes children

depend on their parents too much . They can’t do something easy by

themselves , such as washing clothes , shopping…If parents keep doing like this , their children won’t be independent and can’t succeed in doing something

by themselves . How Should Parents Help Children to Be Independent? In my opinion , the most important thing is that parents must change their thoughts . Only by letting children try to everything by themselves can they help their children form a good habit .

Second , I want to introduce a good way of education . That is making the children know that no pains , no gains .It is obvious that all of parents love their children , but they can give love in another way . Children will not get benefit if they don’t show their love to parents . This way , I think , is good for children’s growth .

All in all , the way of most parents’ education should change . As a saying goes : the flowers in greenhouse will never be bright . Just open your hand , let children fly in the sky !




什么说偶然呢,因为,南雅是个人才济济的地方,164班是一个优秀的集体。个人认为,班级前二十几名的同学,时机适宜,谁考班上第一名都有可能。妈妈对我说:考了第一名,不要有压力,这一次已证明了你有考第一名的实力。以后,出现名次上下浮动都很正常,以平常心对待。 先说明一下,因为时间紧,这份发言稿是我和爸爸妈妈一起写的,下面就孩子的学习和家庭教育的几个观点和大家探讨一下:



在我们家,分数引起的反应基本上是波澜不惊的,考100分也好,80分也好,没什么太大的反响。人生处处是考场,从容面对,考出自己真实水平就好。在我们家,物质也不与分数,成绩挂钩。 物质上的东西,能给生活带来便利,而爸爸妈妈的经济能承受的,就会给我买,与成绩没关系。爸爸妈妈认为,那种挂钩很容易培养孩子的功利思想,而偏离了学习和生活的本质。




教育的最终目的是让孩子有能力创造幸福生活,享受生活。 我们觉得,享受生活,不要说等你长大以后,而是从今天开始,从现在开始。





阅读经典,是学好语文的关键。也是理解人生的重要途径。 经典之所以成为经典,必定有它的卓越之处。从去年开始,我开始阅读外国经典名著。我强烈地感觉到,我的作文、考试做阅读题目都上了一个台阶。在阅读的时候,并不一定感觉到明显效果,但写起作文来,笔下的文采仿佛不是自己的,涓涓流出。这就是文化的熏陶,在不知不觉中融入到了阅读者的生命。























细心、沉稳、脚踏实地是必备的能力,如果具备了这些能力,偶尔丢一两分,可以理解,超过两分,就是能力还欠缺,学得不扎实。 这个观点,妈妈五年级开始和我交流,我也渐渐认同。所以,我正常情况下能考高分,成绩稳定,这个观点应该起了很大的作用。




所以,家长要学习聪明地示弱,把机会让给孩子,并及时鼓励肯定孩子。爸爸妈妈终将老去,要学会把舞台适时地让给孩子,让他们发挥。 孩子只有在一次次的实践、思考中,不断长大,独立,然后超越父母。长江后浪拍前浪,我爸爸妈妈常常很幸福地被我拍死在沙滩上。





如何正确教育孩子英语作文篇五:关于儿童教育英语演讲稿(作文) Education


Hello everyone. Today I will talk about education. Children's education. Everyone has experienced during childhood or become parents. so today you will feeling of my word perhaps. I will more want to talk about Chinese children’s education. This is only my private opinion.

Children under Chinese education is pitiable. They are living in a spoiled world .Most of parents allow their children to do everything they want to do whether it's accurate or not ,or buy children whatever they desire. Even children do the wrong thing there is no education.


For example: some parents condone children in urine anywhere. Parents should tell their children where the toilet, rather than the children do the way they like. As I have seen parents allow their children to pass water on the floor at home .Parents just do services instead of giving correct guidance to children.

比如说:有些家长纵容孩子随地大小便,父母不告诉他们应该在哪上厕所,而是孩子想怎样就怎样,我就见过家人允许自己的孩子在家里的地上随意的大小便,他们只是对孩子做服务工作而不是引导。 I wonder that under such education,whether the parents think about how children will be like in the future. Although parents offer children the best living conditions and material base, but they don`t foster children how to think independently, or do correct judgment. I really want to know do these parents also got such education when they were young.



We often see some youth made foolish or illegal activities in the media. I believe that they were not born with these activities. Of course ,there are social reasons ,but more or main impact is the bad education from parents.


In Chinese families, I have seen a lot of this phenomenon, when a child who just fell down on the ground, just stand instability, and without any injuries ,the whole people of family put down everything, rushed to the baby and hold baby up ,and ask baby ached or not, or rub legs and arms, or give toys to make baby happy. I would like to know, if you fell down then get such a good treatment, will you climb up? Why the creativity, independence of children is so bad? Perhaps the reason is, children can get whatever they want, parents will instead of children to do all things. 在中国家庭中,我看到过很多这样的现象,当一个刚学会走路不久的小孩不小心摔倒的时候,孩子并没有受任何伤,只是站的不稳,孩子刚倒在地下,全家人放下手中的一切冲过去把孩子抱起来,一边心疼的问着疼不疼,一边帮忙揉胳膊揉腿,还有给孩子玩具让孩子高兴的,我想问一下,如果你们不小心摔一跤能够有这么好的待遇,那你们以后摔倒了还愿意自己爬起来吗?为什么我们孩子的创造性、独立性那么差?也许这就是原因,因为他们想要的都可以得到,本来是他们自己要做的事情都已经有人替他们做好了。

I love my country, I hope next generation will be better. I also believe all the parents love their children. However the responsibility of parents is not just love their children, I think the most important things are education and guidance. Family education is very important to decide

what kind of person will children be in the future .I want to say to parents, please think about what you have done to children today, decide how they will be in the future? Do you want to ruin his/her life ?


There is a movie gave me emotionally, called "The Road", which I thought of my father, and also thought of my children in future. I hope I can be like the boy in the movie, when his father left he became a strong man .I also want to be like the father in "The Road", can telling to my kids "keep the fire, the fire inside you".

有一部电影曾让我深有感触,叫做《the road》,它我想到了我的父亲,同时也想到了我未来的孩子,我希望我可以向电影中的孩子一样,当父亲离开的时候一个人坚强的走下去,也可以向那个父亲一样,告诉我的孩子“keep the fire,the fire inside you”


The family education, science, parents and children. Lead

China's education is always attract much attention. This year, the quality education has become two big education is one of the hotspots. And the focus of basic education

gathered in quality education. What is the quality education? My personal interpretation is, the quality of education is not only the knowledge accumulation and skills training, also including the ideological, moral, ethical, emotion, aesthetic and various training of civic responsibility, it is actually the civic diathesis. At the same time it has the personalized characteristic. Personal potential and creative thinking can be fully arouse, personal value can be fully realized.

Minister of education in the media interview: "quality education is difficult. Some schools, ignoring the importance of intellectual education, sports, aesthetic education, students get all-round development; nor comprehensive science of intellectual intellectual, often by killing the learning interest of the students, and creative spirit and practice ability." Who can think, children sleep problem should also be increased to "two sessions"

legislation, the height of the seriousness of this problem. While many first-class university President, nankai university HouZiXin principals of elementary education problem

particularly representative concern. "The sun and fun to our children," this is a very loud Tim advocate. The promoter of quality education and the education administrative department of government, principals, teachers, parents are each of the promoter of quality education. Our parents to set up scientific forward-looking family education concept, constantly adjust the strategy of family education, with the development of society and the individual development, is very necessary.

Quality education is to cultivate the core and how to cultivate people how? Our school to "open to behave, diligent to work for the motto," to "live, live, live teaching management to cultivating students' learning. Our students are active, "character alacrity, hand brain flexibility, vigor". In 2002, our school "elegant" education, puts forward the school decorous, jedaiah hall "school", gentle, gentle and students. Our school has been advocated the quality-oriented education of the students, parents and get the social

recognition and highly appreciated. (a graduating student, therefore, we welcome) facing the freshmen, we should focus on students from the following aspects.

1 good habit of children

Habit including living habits and learning habits. Both specific content, form, but the problem is out of the same. Education is the habit of educational function. But just is the most easily to neglect and omissions. What is the most fashionable attention of bilingual education, art education of these so-called special education and talent education, to let the children all night. "Sow an action; reap a habit; sow a habit; reap a character; sow a character; reap a fate." The elementary school is good habits, don't miss it.

2. Cultivate rational reasonable child

Primary school life is a collective life, a kindergarten has more and more independent upon the van requirements of management and communication time and opportunity. Children must have the collective consciousness of rules. To cultivate children's self-control.

(1) set rules, but the truth about the first rule, not blindly obedience,

(2) in children have completely within the rules free;

(3) violated the rules children will be punished,

(4) less good manners, and to inspire the role.

3 cultivate love of learning

A: border ubung macht den meister, boundary lines, state: 3: self-taught, state and

mastery. A grade is mainly cultivate good habits of study, serious tasks, cultivating interest of study, dares to their comments and questions.

4. Cultivate autonomous independent child

Students develop self management ability.

5. Cultivate happiness perceptual children

Can feel happy and share the happiness, can have a thankful heart.

Second, the interpretation of the child's soul, and share the happiness Shared password troubles

A child's confusion in often cannot accurately express, can only say "no fun," "don't like", but we can easily from their home, the mood changes, even small study found that many children's bag. However, a child is more of a growing unconsciously, the growing confusion over our parents. Our parents to interpret these troubles, and the child has some concrete countermeasures, and effectively, and help them in imperceptible in

cultivate good habits, cultivate rational reason, love of learning, independent, happy and perceptual children. Ten confused --

Children in school, had puzzled, there are many new to mom and dad, but mom and dad's work too busy, always work overtime?

Countermeasures: 1, please parents to overcome difficulties, can make time to pay attention to the first month of the entrance

The first month into elementary school students, the most important is not fit for a month, is also the most unstable for a month, and some habits, the best period in this month. The formation of a phase difference. When children need to care, need to encourage

(incentive), the need to understand, need help, need more standard, and these needs and desires, children will be reflected through different ways, waiting for the parents to read, as parents be observant of emotion, interest, children, listen to the voices of children, patiently listen to understand the children at school by the situation, in order to guide. The guide for their lives have great influence. If our parents should cherish this opportunity.

2 how parents know that a child confusion of good study habits?

Countermeasures 1: see learning tools and textbooks are complete, neat?

Countermeasures 2: practise finishing bag

3 children home said today confusion didn't learn anything? (listen)

1: don't question children countermeasures in class? Children do not have strong generalization ability, cannot summarize each lesson to learn what is normal.

2: open teaching countermeasures, ask the teacher made what song today? The story about what? Do what game? Which child speak the most interesting? This writing specific problems can facilitate children express.

Countermeasures on two consecutive days 3: child really could not say anything. Parents can face more children in hurry. Can let the children said something she would say, how to play, understanding where teachers. Then tell her class at the teacher's eyes, the teacher's eyes are looking at you, you will become the most intelligent children heuristic guidance.

Parents should be encouraged to countermeasures 4: students can effectively carries on the classroom learning. Along with the increase of age to encourage students to put forward valuable problem. (do not understand, important, key, seeking for children,

thinking) if not all of his study, he still passively in the study. As the blind child in language learning. Your child is learning. Change the concept of learning, children is not only the teachers and parents to hint us children need to learn to think independently, and innovative thinking. So, in the form of autonomous learning without any time, we also urged.











围绕:学校让学生打扫厕所和学校不让学生打扫厕所两种情况.写一不少于80个词的主题为”孩子的独立教育”英语作文.给出词:only child, moral education













经过阳光老师的点拨,我拨云见日:我们学写作文时的六要素,其实对一二年级写话阶段的孩子来说,并不适用呢。时间地点可以不交代的,起因结果也不必按套路来 ,抓住人物和经过精雕细琢就可以了。现在是锻炼观察能力的阶段,而不是写文章大而全的时期。(并不是说写作文不需要交代清楚六要素,而是低年级孩子写文章一旦框进了六要素里,就很容易写成了流水账、白开水)。




阳光:孩子不是说要做画家了么 ?这就是为什么有的孩子平时在家里作文写的好,到考试了写的不好的原因。


阳光 :让她说,你听,可以适当提问 。




昨天中午我让儿去买他爱吃的小菜,去了都近1个小时也没动静。我开始胡思乱想,最后想出门去找。结果刚一开门他就回了。我就问发生了什么事情?儿说去了好几个地方都没有,几乎走遍了所有菜市场,也去了超市,从我家到超市得有1000米的路程。这个事情说完一般情况下也就过去了,我说儿啊,你都不知道当时我多么担心呢。我就把我心情从平静到焦急到呼吸乱想 一股脑全说给孩子,很风趣很幽默。儿子呢,受我感染自顾自的也说他买菜的心情,而且孩子还特愿意说他的感受,什么怎么跑路呢怎么问啊 怎么失落啊,只不过当时我也没说写下来 吧。早起他还问呢 妈妈你再和我说说你昨天的心情吧 。







When we talk about the education in universities in China, we will get different responses.Some people think that the education has been developing now, it gets better and better,although there are still some problems. With the development of economy, the higher education now is becoming common. More and more students have the chance to go to the universities, and it is easy for them to choose variouse colleges and majors. In other words, it is convenient for both students and universitis to have more choices. Some,however , hold the opposit opinion. They believe the education in 1920s in last century is the best. While it now becomes worse,only to pursuit economic benifit. The studies nowadays seek not for the truth but money. On the other hand, the gap between the rich and the poor is getting wider and wider. Some poor students even can not afford going to the college,aftering been accepted. Nomatter agreements or disagreement you hold , we all call for the reformation in education in universities.当我们谈论中国的大学教育时,我们会得到不同的回应。有些人认为教育已经在发展了,但也越来越好,虽然仍有一些问题。随着经济的发展,高等教育日益成为普遍的。越来越多的学生有机会去大学,而且很容易为他们选择不同的学院和专业。换句话说,为学生和学校有更多的选择很方便。然而,一些持反对意见的。他们认为上世纪20年代的教育是最好的。虽然它现在变得更糟,只追求经济效益。如今的研究不是为了真理,而是为了金钱。另一方面,富人与穷人之间的差距越来越大。一些贫困学生甚至不能去上大学,然后被接受。无论你持有的协议或分歧,我们都称为高校教育改革。
