我当然知道什么是最好的律师,首先他熟念所有的法律条文。其次他清晰委托人的诉求,他会尽一切可能,在法律允许的范围之内,为委托人争取最大(重读)的权益,但这只是前提,更为重要的是,一个好的律师,要平衡法律和委托人之间的关系,这是对于一个律师,道德的要求与评判。一个好的律师,最重要的是,要维护整个社会的公平和正义,它绝不仅仅是一个完全的利益诉求者。(贝林鼓掌)贝林:回答正确,那么现在做的如何呢?(转身走上讲台)我猜得出你的答案,我是一名在你看来攻破了良知道德底线,完全被利益绑架的律师。身上毫无公平正义之心,熟悉法律却又利用法律的诉棍!(苏东欲言)请不要打断我,(贝林沉默三秒)是的,这是你对我的评判,请不要否认,法律的律条是理性的条款,它一条条地约束着人们的行为,目的就是要保护人类最低的道德底线,谁要是突破了,就要付出代价。那么从事律师这个职业的,就应该是心存良知理性践行的人。但是谁又能告诉我,这所有的律条背后是不是存在悖论的?也就是说,同一件事情,从法律的角度来看,不是只有唯一的评判标准吗?但我们的经验告诉我们?不!不是!如果是,那就无所谓我们律师还常常挂在嘴边的输赢了,那这是为什么呢?因为冰冷刻板的律条背后,不是理性的束缚和刻意的标准,应该是充满希望的人类道德良知的感性的渴望。所以我以为最好的律师,不仅仅是理智的践行社会公平和正义的使者。因为我们可以通过手上一个个的案例,在充满热情的注释着,人类最美好的愿望。同时引领冷酷的律条,向更加符合人性,更加符合当今的道德标准靠拢,从这个意义上讲,我们应该是浪漫的理想主义者,因为我们在所有的社会矛盾中,寻求着和谐的最大公约数,同时,我们有时理性的务实主义者,因为我们在争取着矛盾各方的最大权益。再者,我们又是一个自善其身,追求公平和道德的建设者。(注视苏东三秒,语速稍缓。)我是上世纪80年代初,也就是改革开放之后,第一批的执业律师,我见证了律师这个职业,在纷杂的发展过程中,艰辛痛苦的成长,你必须承认,有时为了公平,我们头破血流的争取,但最终得到的是妥协的公平,为了正义,我们忍辱负重的斗争,甚至不吝惜自我的牺牲,但最后得到的是部分的正义,从完美主义者的角度看,那叫失败,但从现实主义者的角度看,这叫成功与进步,因为我们是人不是神,我们在吃着五谷杂粮,在纷杂尘世间寻找纯粹意义上的真理,争取无暇的美好,那无异于是拔着自己的头发上升,于是我们自我挣扎,自我痛苦,甚至自我疯狂,因为我一直在告诉我自己,我自从当上律师的那天起,我是一名道德的守护者,因为我有一颗善良的心灵。和美好的愿望。但后来我知道,我自当上律师的那天起,就是一名牺牲者,一名殉道者。我一定会付出代价,在人世间换来更为重要的结果。请相信,我换取的不是金钱和权益。我知道,我今天的表白也许只能换来你更大的嘲讽。因为今天的你,比我更加的纯粹,比我更相信自己力量。我为你骄傲,但我更希望看到的是,未来的20年,也会有这样的一天,你跟我一样,站在这个台上,来总结自己的一声,台下你的学生,同样嘲讽你的表白,这就是传承!事实上,法律对我们来说,不只是用来评判和执行人间纠纷的手段,而是我们用一生的牺牲,用一代人的一生的牺牲,在维护着社会的公平和正义。这种牺牲不是肉体,也不仅仅限于精神。而是用我们青春开始的生命,直到我们下庭的那一刻。牺牲所有的最初理想,自我否定践踏最为热爱的原则,去换取人类文明在法律律条上的点滴完善与进步。尤其在今天,(贝林和苏东有些哽咽)我告别的今天,我可以自豪的告诉你,我是一名合格的律师。因为在这30多年间,我努力的付出,努力的妥协,努力的牺牲,使我看到了中国法律走到了今天,同时更加欣慰的是,薪火相传,我又看着你们这一代,嘲讽着我们这一代的同时,你们继续前行,祝福你年轻人,祝福你,祝福你理想的纯粹和最求的执着!(苏东双手从口袋里拿出,呈立正姿势)我非常感谢,感谢诶你有如此之耐心,听我说了这么多,我非常快乐,非常快乐的与你告别,因为今天的你,在延续着我们这一代人的希望,谢谢!(贝林拿衣服准备走,苏东敬称“先生“叫住贝林,深鞠躬贝林鞠躬还礼) 贝林:再见了苏东律师!忘记所有的律条,守住一颗单纯的内心和美好的愿望,你终将会成为,你自己最满意的大律师!
Narrator: So where should we start our story? Once upon a time? Not exactly. Let’s begin with the unexpected meeting of two young girls.
Scene 1
(café on the Eighth Street)
Joe: God! What a genius use of colors!
Joanna: You like it? It’s only an initial go. Tell you what; someday I hope to paint the Bay of Naples. That’s the real painting!
Joe: It would be wonderful!
Joanna: Yep. Oh, please take a seat. The chicory salad is delicious…
Narrator: It took no time before the two girls became supportive friends. However, a real test was on its way to them in November, shortly after their first meet in May.
Scene 2
Nurse: Doctor, another case of Pneumonia today. A young girl named Joanna suffers severe cough and panic.
Doctor: Ok, I’ll be right there!
Narrator: Joanna was badly ill and had been lying on her bed for days. One morning, the busy doctor invited Sue into the hallway to talk about her friend’s situation.
Doctor: I’m sorry that your friend has only one chance in ten to make it through. And the chance would be even smaller if she doesn’t want to live. Do you what’s on her mind right now?
Sue: She? She always wants to paint the Bay of Naples.
Doctor: Paint? Bosh! Has she anything on her mind worth thinking about twice---a man, for example?
Sue: A man? Is a man worth -- but, no, doctor; there is nothing of the kind.
Doctor: Well, I will try my best. But you need to know that it will make no sense if your friend has made up her mind to die. Now excuse me.
Narrator: After the doctor had gone Sue went into the workroom and cried. Then she marched into Johnsy's room with her drawing board, whistling a merry tune.
Scene 3
人は 人間は幸せを求める存在である。ブリタニアの少年 ルルーシュが望んだことも小さいな幸せに過ぎなかった、特別なことではない。少なくとも行動の根源には 人として ごく当たり前のとてもささやかな願いしかなかった。そんな夢を そんな誓いを誰が否定できるのか 誰にそんな資格があるというのか。
だがしかし 人は誰しもが否応なく他者と世界と関わることによって自らを規定され 定められ手しまう。ならば 個人の思惑など世界の意志を前にしては どうしようもなく流されてしまう儚い存在でしかない。
罪と罰 運命と裁き ルルーシュの前に立ちはだかったのは自らが生み出した過去であり。人が人であるがゆえの憎しみか。それでも今は感謝すべきであるう。そう、少なくとも 人が幸せを求める存在であることに 一縷の望みは ほのかなる願いは絶望からこそ生まれ出ずる
During the long, dark period of the Great Wars, an elite class of soldier rose from battle.在漫长、黑暗的大战期间,一群精锐的士兵脱颖而出。
They possess a noble heart of courage, right conduct, and absolute devotion to one's master.他们心存高贵,勇气过人,品行端正,忠于主子。
It's power would assimilate persons of every color, creed, and faith.联合不同肤色,教义和信仰的人。
This uncontested(无可争议的) rule eroded(侵蚀) the traditions of the great knights. Forgive my presumption.原谅我的放肆。
It's not a matter of pride, It's a question of dignity.不是面子的问题,而是尊严的问题。 You will not speak of this to them.不许你告诉他们俩。
Not all adversaries will adhere to the warrior's code as we do.不是所有的敌人会和我们一样遵守骑士道。
You think I hold on to an idealism that no longer exists?你认为我坚持的是消失已久的理想?
カラー剤 まだ?(卷发膏还没弄好么) はい。 お待たせしました。
ちょっと。。。これじゃ、足りないわよ。いいかげんにしてよ。もういいから・ 相田さん、ちょっとこっち、ドライお願いします。
これ、終ったら 507 部屋カラーね。
なんだっけ?聞いてたっけ 私
店ん中 見てみなさい あがれる状態じゃないの 分かるでしょう?
仕上げが終わった後、お客さんが鏡の中で嬉しそうな顔するの、見るの好きなの。 カっテイングとか、任された時は特にね!
なくはないけど、大丈夫。 誕生日プレセント。
あの人なら、帰ってみたいよ。 冷たいね。起きるの待っててくれたらいいのに。 あなたが朝からガチャガチャするから、
お子さんについて伺いたいで、ちょっと上らせてもらってもいいでしょうか。 シャベル貸してくれる?(铲子)
今度の土曜日に、荷物持っていくから。大き目のお鍋とか、食器とか買っていくね! やっぱ、東京に戻ってきてたんだね。落ち着いたらルカにも連絡しようとおもってたんだけど。余裕なくて。お母さんにも、誰にも言うって言われてたし。
1. 真以为我舍不得杀你吗?——霍建华(白子画)
2. 余下这六十四根销魂钉,由为师带这孽徒承受。——霍建华(白子画)
3. 花千骨,你想要得到的到底是什么?——霍建华(白子画)
4. 这世间最难放下的是执念,有人执着于正邪,有人执着于对错,有人执着于爱恨,有人执着于生死。——霍建华(白子画)
5. 我白子画此生,只收一个徒弟。——霍建华(白子画)
6. 异朽君,你不用再隐瞒了,你千方百计地带小骨来这,为的不就是今天吗?——霍建华(白子画)
7. 验生石突生异象,难道是我的生死劫出现了?——霍建华(白子画)
8. 我真的躲不过这一劫吗,我不相信它真的没有办法可解。——霍建华(白子画)
9. 凭你(花千骨)的资质,根本就进不了长留。——霍建华(白子画)
10. 你居然为了求胜,动了杀机,为师平时怎么教你的。——霍建华(白子画)
11. 师父怎么可以用徒弟的血苟且偷生呢?——霍建华(白子画)
12. 爱你又如何,我不爱你有如何?——霍建华(白子画) 剧情介绍:
成冬青:It's because I memorized the entire text on the plane coming here. It's a skill that I mastered when I was 18.That year I memorized the whole Xinhua English Dictionary.For your information, I was only considered a mediocre of all my peers. Chinese students are extremely adept at taking exams. You can't imagine what they are willing to go through to succeed. You don't understand Chinese culture.
孟晓骏:Mr Bernot,regardless of the final ruling,this meeting marks the start of our formal partnership.We hope the EES can its copyrights in the Chinese market.We don't like being called thieves.We've come here today, hoping to educate you about one thing, China has changed.Unfortunately, you are still stuck in the past. Bernot:Mr Meng, may I remind you,Yao Ming is in NBA.
孟晓骏:That's because NBA was trying to into the Chinese market.China is already the world's largest market for english language education.Today ,chinese students don't aspire to stay in America, they want to go home. Yet you are still stuck on whether they cheat on exams.
成冬青:Mr Bernot,before we came to the States,we debated whether to list New Dream on the stock exchange.Now,I've come to a decision:New Dream's IPO will be officially announced,today.
Bernot:What you think I’ll care?
成冬青:But you will care.I've been waitting for the right oppotunity for the company to go public.Now,I've got it.That's right,it's you who give us this oppotunity.
Thank you, Mr Bernot.You are the one who has gotten us the attention of potential investors from Wall Street. They will see us as company with integrity and courage that takes responsibility for its mistakes.The more we pay you in compensation, the greater valuation we will get in the future.
In addition, there will be at lease one more benifit from listing New Dream.Someday, when we are no longer teachers, but the representatives of the world’s largest educational service cooperation, you may finally show us the respect we deserve.We wouldnt have to rely on lawsuits to comunicate with each other.
More importantly,I'm also doing this for personal reasons.I have a friend,who is more brilliant than I will ever be and more deserving of success.But when he came to America,I witnessed the best man of my generation destoryed here.Mr Bernot,the play in field has never been even.This is my way of regaining my friend's dignity.
According to a Chinese proverb,I'm like a "Tubie", a soft shell of turtle,someone afraid to go out and take risks.Now ,I am standing here terrified even as we speak.But as my friends ever said,somethings are so important that they force us to overcome our fears.
成冬青:It's because I memorized the entire text on the plane coming here. It's a skill that I mastered when I was 18.That year I memorized the whole Xinhua English Dictionary.For your information, I was only considered a mediocre of all my peers. Chinese students are extremely adept at taking exams. You can't imagine what they are willing to go through to succeed. You don't understand Chinese culture.
孟晓骏:Mr Bernot,regardless of the final ruling,this meeting marks the start of our formal partnership.We hope the EES can its copyrights in the Chinese market.We don't like being called thieves.We've come here today, hoping to educate you about one thing, China has changed.Unfortunately, you are still stuck in the past. Bernot:Mr Meng, may I remind you,Yao Ming is in NBA.
孟晓骏:That's because NBA was trying to into the Chinese market.China is already the world's largest market for english language education.Today ,chinese students don't aspire to stay in America, they want to go home. Yet you are still stuck on whether they cheat on exams.
成冬青:Mr Bernot,before we came to the States,we debated whether to list New Dream on the stock exchange.Now,I've come to a decision:New Dream's IPO will be officially announced,today.
Bernot:What you think I’ll care?
成冬青:But you will care.I've been waitting for the right oppotunity for the company to go public.Now,I've got it.That's right,it's you who give us this oppotunity.
Thank you, Mr Bernot.You are the one who has gotten us the attention of potential investors from Wall Street. They will see us as company with integrity and courage that takes responsibility for its mistakes.The more we pay you in compensation, the greater valuation we will get in the future.
In addition, there will be at lease one more benifit from listing New Dream.Someday, when we are no longer teachers, but the representatives of the world’s largest educational service cooperation, you may finally show us the respect we deserve.We wouldnt have to rely on lawsuits to comunicate with each other.
More importantly,I'm also doing this for personal reasons.I have a friend,who is more brilliant than I will ever be and more deserving of success.But when he came to America,I witnessed the best man of my generation destoryed here.Mr Bernot,the play in field has never been even.This is my way of regaining my friend's dignity.
According to a Chinese proverb,I'm like a "Tubie", a soft shell of turtle,someone afraid to go out and take risks.Now ,I am standing here terrified even as we speak.But as my friends ever said,somethings are so important that they force us to overcome our fears.