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1. 名词的数:Negro, hero, tomato, potato + es



①单数名词词尾直接加-s。如:boy — boys, pen — pens。

②以s、x 、ch 、sh结尾的单词一般加-es。如:glass — glasses,box

— boxes, watch — watches, brush — brushes。

特例:stomach — stomaches。

③以“辅音字母 + y”结尾的变“y”为“i”再加“-es”。如:

baby — babies, lady — ladies, fly — flies。

④以“o”结尾的多数加-es。如:tomato — tomatoes, potato —

potatoes, hero — heroes。但以两个元音字母结尾的名词和部分外来词

中以o结尾的词只加-s。 如:radio — radios, zoo — zoos, photo

— photos, piano — pianos, kilo — kilos, tobacco — tobaccos。


后再加-es。如:wife — wives, life — lives, knife — knives, wolf

— wolves, self — selves, leaf — leaves等。特例:handkerchief

— handkerchiefs, roof — roofs, chief — chiefs, gulf — gulfs,

belief — beliefs, cliff — cliffs。

⑥改变元音字母的。如:man — men, mouse — mice, foot — feet,

woman — women, tooth — teeth, goose — geese, ox — oxen。特例:

child — children。


armchair — armchairs, bookcase — bookcases, bookstore — book-


变成复数。如:man doctor — men doctors, woman driver — women dri-


brother-in-law — brothers-in-law, passer-by — passers-by。

⑧有的名词有两种复数形式。如:zero — zeros 、zeroes, deer

deers 、deer。penny的两种复数形式含义有所不同。如:pence(便士的


2. 总是表示复数意义的名词:people, police, cattle

People aren’t used to making an unprepared chat with a stranger.

单复数同形的名词:deer, sheep, fish, Chinese, Japanese, Swiss,

means, aircraft, deer, fish, Chinese, works(工厂),cattle。

All possible means have been tried. Every possible means has been


3. 合成名词的复数

A.把主体名词变成复数,如:lookers-on, editors-in-chief,


B. 没有主体名词时,在词尾加-s ,如:grown-ups, go-betweens

4. 高考中常见的不可数名词:advice, air, information, fun, music,

furniture, luggage, behavior, bread, butter, equipment, dust,

housework, honest, news, paper, knowledge, sugar, progress,

traffic, weather, work.

5. 常见的只能用复数的名

(1).成双成对的名词:jeans, headphones, pants, sunglasses,



物,wages工资,riches财富, surroundings环境,ashes灰尘, ,cattle


(2)(2).一些固定短语中的名词:express one’s thanks to sb,

give one’s best wishes to, make preparations for, take turns to do sth,

give one’s regards to sb.向某人问侯,

in high spirits以很高热情地,in rags衣衫破烂,

have words with sb. 同某人吵架,have a word with 同某人吵架

It is good manners to do sth.有礼貌做某事。

Congratulations to sb. On doing sth. 祝贺,

(3).一些专有名词:United Nations, the Unites States

7.单复数形式表示不同意思的名词:arm(s), brain(s), custom(s), sand(s),

manner(s), wood(s), good(s), work(s), interest(s), people(s), cloth(s), glass(s),

paper(s), green(s), water(s), time(s)


cattle, police; 有些名词只用作单数,如:machinery, furniture,

mankind, jewellery;有些名词既可用作单数又可用作复数,单数看做整

体,复数看做集体的各个成员。如:The crew is large.船员人数很多(指

整体);The crew are all tired.船员们都累坏了(个体)。





抽象名词(不可数) 具体化(个体名词,可数名词)

in surprise惊讶地 a surprise一件令人惊讶的事

win success获得成功 a success一个(件)成功的人(事)

win honor赢得荣誉 an honor一个(件)引以为荣的(事)

Failure(失败)is the mother of success a failure失败者


by experience靠经验 an experience一次经历

youth青春 a youth一个青年人

have pity on sb.怜悯某人 a pity可惜的事情

with pleasure乐意 a pleasure乐事



A knowledge of English is a must in international trade.

Would you like to have a walk(swim, bath, talk)with me?

It is waste of time reading such a novel.

She made an apology to her mother for her wrong doings.



①物质名词有形或数的相应物体,有单、复数。如:some coffee一

些咖啡,a coffee一杯咖啡,three coffees三杯咖啡,some drink一些

饮料, a drink一杯饮料,three drinks三杯饮料,his hair他的头发,

a few grey hairs几根白发,glass玻璃,a glass一只玻璃杯。


have a wonderful have a heavy snow every year.

Time and tide wait for no man.

We had a wonderful time last night.




Use your brains, please.

They have smoothed away the difficulties.

Have you made preparations for tomorrow’s meeting?

Many thanks for your kindness.

No pains, no gains.

After many failures, they finally succeeded.


The boy burst into tears at the bad news.

The rising waters did a lot of harm to the crops.

The stone bridge broke down in heavy rains.

★ 高考难点2




The bridge is made of stone. The bridge is made of 20,000



Tea is very good for our health. Two teas, please.



Failure is the mother of success. The meeting was a great



We had plenty of rain last year. What a heavy rain!

1. 平时的学习中,加强对固定搭配的记忆和积累可以帮助考生准确快速


⑴.名词+to: key to „, solution to„, visit to„, apology to„.

⑵.名词+in: interested in„, pride in„.

⑶.at+名词: at dawn/daybreak, at sunrise/sunset, at

noon/dusk/ /table/work

⑷.by+名词: by accident/chance, by guess, by land/sea/water

⑸.from+名词:from day to day, from time to time, from door

to door.

⑹.of+抽象名词(=该名词相应的形容词):of great value=very


⑺.to与情感名词的搭配:to one’s surprise=to the surprise

of sb

⑻.out of+名词:out of reach, out of sight, out of touch, out

of distance, out of order, out of place, out of control.


1. “’s”所有格的特殊表示形式有:


the editor-in-chief’s office, an hour and a half’s talk



John’s, Mary’s and Jack’s mothers, John and Mary’s mother

(3)用于表示时间、距离、价格、重量等的名词后,如:today’s newspaper,five

minutes’walk(drive),five pounds’weight, ten dollars’worth of coffee。

(4)用于表示国家、世界、城市等地方的名词后。如:the earth’s planet, the word’s

population, China’s industry, New York’s parks。



several、some、no、many等),如:Some students of Mister Zhang’s

have gone to college.张老师的一些学生已经上大学了。

②表示“其中之一,其中一部分”的意思时,用:a friend of Tom’s



those + 名词(单、复数)of Mary’s/yours/his/hers。

如:That invention of hers belongs to the world.她的那项发明是属于全世界的





1)分类意义。air pollution 空气污染 boy friend 男朋友

coffee cup咖啡杯income tax所得税tennis ball网球 song writer歌曲作家 body language身体语言 road accident交通事故

Nobel Prize诺贝尔奖

2)时间、地点、称呼: Doctor Jack杰克医生 Professor Li李教授【高考总复习名词】

evening school夜校winter sleep冬眠street dance 街舞 country music乡村音乐 village people村民

school education学校教育 China problem中国问题


2014高考专题复习英语资料 名词(Noun)





如:Einstain, Beijing, Asia等。


个体名词(可数,如:worker, father, book, tree, school等);

集体名词(可数,如:people, family, class, team等);

物质名词(不可数,如:iron, paper, snow, water, chalk, gold等);

抽象名词(不可数,如:life, thought, idea, strength等)。



e.g. Our (个体)我们学校离我家不远。



e.g. He broke a piece of (物质)他打破了一块玻璃。

He broke a .(个体)他打破了一个杯子。


e.g. His is a teacher.(个体)他父亲是个教师。

“What are you doing there?” asked.(专有)“你在那儿干什么?”父亲问道。


名词分为可数(有单、复数形式)和不可数名词(只有单数形式)。 1、可数名词单数变复数:

① 一般加s :lesson → lessons, pen → pens

② 以s, x, ss, ch, sh, o结尾的加es :buses, boxes, classes, watches, brushes, hero → heroes 但有些以o结尾的名词,是加s构成复数:kilo → kilos, piano → pianos, radio → radios,

photo → photos, zoo → zoos

③ 以辅音字母 + y 结尾的改y为i,再加es :city → cities, story → stories

④ 以f 或fe结尾的,一般将f或fe改为v,再加es :knife → knives, leaf → leaves

但有些以f 结尾的名词,是在f后加s,构成复数形式:belief → beliefs, roof → roofs, safe(保险箱)→ safes, proof(证据)→ proofs, chief → chiefs, handkerchief → handkerchiefs


① 单复数形式相同:Chinese, Japanese, deer, sheep

② 不规则变化:man → men, woman → women, goose → geese, foot → feet, tooth → teeth, child → children, mouse → mice, ox → oxen 。但是,German → Germans

③ 复合名词的复数形式:editor-in-chief → editors-in-chief, daughter-in-law → daughters-in-law, grown-up → grown-ups, woman teacher → women teachers, man driver → men drivers【高考总复习名词】


① 物质名词一般不用复数形式,但有些物质名词要用复数形式来表示不同的类别,如:fishes各种鱼,fruits各种水果,steels各种钢材。

② 物质名词表示数量时,一般用表示数量的短语来表示。如:a cup of tea, three bags of apples, four pieces of bread。

③ 有些抽象名词的复数形式表示不同的含义。如:work(工作)→ works(著作),arm(手臂)→ arms(军火),glass(玻璃)→ glasses(眼镜),cloth(布)→ clothes(衣服)。

④ 定冠词加上姓氏的复数形式,表示全家人或夫妇二人;姓氏的复数形式前不加冠词,则表示若干个姓…的人。如:the Wangs王家,three Wangs三个姓王的。

⑤ 只用作单数的复数形式的名词。如:physics, mathematics, news, the United States

⑥ 有些名词形似单数,但实为复数。如:police, people, cattle

⑦ 有些名词如被看作整体时就作单数用,如被看作组成该集体的各个成员时就作复数用。如:class, family, couple, audience, government, public

⑧ 有些抽象名词在具体化时,可以复数形式出现。表示特指时,可和定冠词连用;表示“某种”或“一次”意义时,可和不定冠词连用。如:How did you smooth away the difficulties?(指各种具体困难);It is a great pleasure to talk with you.;What a surprise!



1、有生命名词的所有格一般在词尾加上“’”或“’s”。如:Tom’s bike, Engles’s (Engles’) works, a works’ school, Women’s Day, the editor-in-chief’s office

2、如果一个事物为两个人所有,只在后一个名词的词尾加“’s”,如果不是共有,就要在两个名词的词尾都加上“’s”。如:Tom and Mike’s room.(共有),Tom’s and Mike’s books.(不共有)。

3、表示时间、距离、国家、城市的无生命名词,可以在词尾加“’s”或“’”表示所有格,如:today’s papers, ten minutes’ walk

4、表示店铺或某人的家时,常在名词所有格之后省去shop, house, home。如:the tailor’s

5、无生命名词的所在格通常用of短语来表示。如:the window of the room

6、表示有生命的名词有时也可用of短语来表示所有关系,而且当该名词带有较长的定语时。如:the teachers of the No. 1 Middle School.

7、双重所有格结构前的被修饰名词通常指整体中的部分或一个,双重所有格只能用于有生命的名词,这个名词是确定的。被修饰名词前有不定冠词、指示代词、疑问代词、不定代词或数词等限定词时,一般只能用双重所有格。如:an old friend of my uncle’s, a daughter of Mrs Green’s, the house of one of my friends


表材料、地点、用途、性质、泛指时间、整体等普通名词可以作定语,一般用单数形式。 e.g. stone figures(石像);paper money(纸币);country music(乡村音乐);table cloth(桌布);river bank(河岸);school gate(校门口);book stores(书店);traffic lights(交通灯);summer holidays(暑假);evening dress(晚礼服)。


e.g. sports meet(运动会);the United States government(美国政府);students reading-room(学生阅览室);goods train(货车);two men doctors(两个男医生)。

(五) 关于特殊名词的具体考点如下:

1.容易误用为复数的不可数名词:(这些名词一般不能用作复数,谓语动词用单数) advice 建议,忠告 living 生活,生计

equipment 装备,设备 progress 前进,发展

furniture 家具,设备 scenery 风景,景色

information 通知;信息 machinery 机器,机械

knowledge 知识,学问 traffic 交通流量

baggage / luggage 行李,皮箱 trouble 烦恼,麻烦

cash 现金 thunder 雷声,轰隆声

apparatus 仪器 weather 天气,处境

clothing 衣服 work 工作,劳动

paper 纸,钞票 luck 运气,幸运

technology 工艺,技术 jewelry 珠宝

2. 复数形式的名词用于单数概念,其谓语动词用单数。(这些名词一般为表示学科或疾病的名词)

economics 经济学 measles 麻疹

physics 物理学 mumps 腮腺炎

mathematics 数学 rickets 软骨病,佝偻病

dynamics 动力学 news 新闻

The United States 美国 The New York Times 纽约时报



1. 复数原则:两个或者两个以上的名词由and连接作主语时;主语由both „ and „ 连接


Baseball and swimming are usually summer sports.

Both bread and butter are sold in that grocery. 那个杂货店既卖面包,也卖黄油。

2. 就近原则: 由 either „ or „ ; neither „ nor „; not only„but

also„; „or „; there be „等引导的主语, 谓语动词的单复数取决于最靠近动词的名词的单复数。

Not only the students but also their teacher is invited to attend the party.

3. 就远原则:主语,+ as well as +另一个主语,谓语动词的单复数取决于第一个主语的名词的单复数。

My mother, as well as my two brothers, has a key to the office.


同例:with„; together with„; along with„; including„; in addition to„; besides „; except„; as much as„; accompanied by „; rather than„等等

4. 表示时间、距离、价值、量度的复数名词作主语时谓语动词用单数。

One hundred dollars is a large sum for the poor .

Twenty days have passed since I met her last time.

自从我上次见到她到现在已经过去二十天。 ( twenty days 这里不作整体看待, 故谓语动词用复数。)


1. [14江苏]27. She was put under house arrest two years ago but remained a powerful ________ in last year’s election.

A. symbol B. portrait C. identity D. statue

2. [14安徽]29.— Why not buy a second-hand car first if you don't have enough money for a new one?

— That's a good .

A. saying B. question C. suggestion D. account

3. [14福建]26. —Could you tell me the____ of making such tasty cakes?

— Well, I just follow the directions in the cookbook.

A. feature B. plan C. cost D. trick

4. [14湖北] 21. Her ______ for writing was a desire for women to get the right to higher


A. motivation B. qualification C. talent D. technique

5. [14湖北]22. When Richard said, “You are much more agreeable and prettier now,”

Joan’s face turned red at the unexpected ______.

A. command B. comparison C. compliment D. contribution

6. [浙江卷]6.We most prefer to say yes to the ______ of someone we know and like.

A. attempts B. requests C. doubts D. promises

7. [14湖南]32. a small piece of land where we can plant various kinds of fruit trees throughout the growing seasons of the year.

A. are B. was C. is D. were

8. [14天津]3. Wind is now the world’s fastest growing ________ of power.

A. source B. sense C. result D. root

【2013湖北】21. Poetry written from the ______ of the urban youth tends to reveal their anxiety over a lack of sense of belonging.

A. perspective B. priority C. participation D. privilege

【2013湖北】22. Carbon dioxide, which makes a ______ between us and the sun,

prevents heat from getting out of the atmosphere easily, so the earth is becoming warmer.

A. difference B. comparison C. connection D. barrier


【2013湖北】30. An artist who was recently traveling on a ferry to the southern island

discovered ______ a long lost antique Greek vase.

A. at random B. by chance C. in turn D. on occasion

【2013江苏】33. With inspiration from other food cultures, American food culture can take a for the better.

A. share B. chance C. turn D. lead

【2013江西】22. Whenever I made mistakes, the teacher pointed them out with ______.

A. curiosity B. satisfaction C. envy D. patience

【2013辽宁】23. The accident caused some______ to my car, but it’s nothing serious.





The manager has got a good business ________ so the company is doing well.

A. idea B. sense C. thought D. thinking


The collapse of the World Trade Centre has put US economy in a difficult ________ .

A. occasion B. case C. situation D. background


More and more people choose to shop in a supermarket as it offers a great _______of goods.

A. variety B. mixture C. extension D. combination

4.It won‘t make much ________ whether you agree or not.

A. difficulty B. trouble C. difference D. matter

5.If by chance someone comes to see me, ask him to leave a ________.

A. message B. letter C. sentence D. notice

6.No one has yet succeeded in explaining the ________ of how life began.

A. cause B. problem C. reason D. puzzle

7.You must get there within an hour. There should be no ________ in sending this information to him.

A. question B. problem C. quarrel D. delay

8.I can’t give you the card without Smith’s ________.

A. agreement B. allowing C. permission D. performance

9.What impressed me most was that they never lost ________.

A. hearts B. heart C. their heart D. their hearts

10.—Where is the new dictionary?

—It’s on the top shelf, out of ________.

A. reach B. sight C. touch D. order

11.Though I spoke to him many times, he never took any ________ of what I said.

A. remark B. observation C. attention D. notice

12.—Where’s your sister? —At ________.

A. the Smith’s B. doctor’s C. Mr. Green’s D. house of Mr. Green

13.Have a ________ of these apples. They are sweet and delicious.

A. look B. taste C. smell D. appear

14.Each man explained the pains that he had felt and they agreed that they had grown worse on their ________ .

A. road B. street C. way D. direction

15.Many countries are increasing their use of natural gas, wind and other forms of ________.

A. energy B. source C. power D. material

16.I went to buy a ________ of China Daily.

A. piece B. sheet C. lot D. copy

17.Shelly had prepared carefully for her English examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first ________.

A. intention B. purpose C. attempt D. desire

18.This is not a match. We’re playing chess just for ________.

A. habit B. hobby C. fun D. game

19.There are usually at least two ________ of looking at every question.

A. means B. directions C. views D. ways

20.We have worked out the plan and now we must put it into ________.

A. fact B. reality C. practice D. deed

21.She is young for the job, but on the other ________, she is well trained.

A. way B. situation C. chance D. hand

22.We’ve missed the last bus. I’m afraid we have no ________ but to take a taxi.

A. selection B. choice C. possibility D. way

23.The football players had no strict ________ until they joined our club.

A. practice B. education C. exercise D. training

24.I’ll look into the matter as soon as possible. Just have a little ________.

A. wait B. time C. patience D. rest

25.The most important ________ of his speech was that we should all work whole-heartedly for the people.

A. point B. sense C. spot D. view

26.—I’d like ________ information about the management of your hotel, please. —Well, you could have ________ word with the manager. He might be helpful.

A. some; a B. an; some C. some; some D. an; a

27.He told me he had been offered a very well-paid ________.

A. business B. service C. work D. position

28.Each player must obey ________, who is the leader of the team.

A. captain B. a captain C. the captain D. captains

29.It was ________ that he had to ask for help.

A. such big a work B. a so big job C. a so big work D. such a big job

30.He dropped the ________ and broke it.

A. cup of coffee B. coffee’s cup C. cup for coffee D. coffee cup

31.He gained his ________ by printing ________ of famous writers.

A. wealth; work B. wealths; works C. wealths; work D. wealth; works

32.The policeman is offering a ________ to anyone who can give information about the lost children.

A. prize B. reward C. price D. money

33.What ________! Where did you get them?

A. big fish B. a big fish C. a piece of big fish D. big a fish

34.Here’s my card. Let’s keep in ________.

A. touch B. relation C. connection D. friendship

35.He left ________ with my secretary that he would call again in the afternoon. He said he would keep ________.

A. words; his words B. word; his word C. word; word D. the word; his words

36.You’ll find this map of great ________ in helping you to get round London.

A. price B. cost C. value D. usefulness

37.Father went to his doctor for ________ about his ________ trouble.

A. advice; heart B. advices; hearts C. advices; heart D. advice; hearts

38.We held a party in ________ of our Australian teacher, Meggi.

A. prize B. honor C. praise D. pride

39.—How can I use this washing machine? —Well, just refer to the ________.

A. directions B. explanations C. expressions D. introductions

40.When I give up work I shall take a long sea ________.

A. trip B. voyage C. travel D. journey

41.The new law will come into ________ on the day it is passed.

A. effect B. use C. service D. existence

42.Although I like the appearance of the house, what really made me decide to buy it was the beautiful ________ through the window.

A. scene B. look C. view D. picture

43.Everybody thinks little of the film. In fact, there is no _______of it being tried out in the film festival.

A. possibility B. sign C. use D. doubt

44.—Tom, will you boys play soldiers outside? There’

s not enough _____ for you boys here.

—But we can play in the next ________, can’t we?

A. places; place B. room; room C. rooms; space D. house; rooms

45.The doctor didn’t tell me how many ______ I should pay for having my tooth pulled out.

A. money B. dollars C. price D. cost

46.—Is this bridge made of ________ ? —Yes, it is made of 2300 huge ________.

A. stone; stone B. stones; stones C. stone; stones D. stones; stone

47.He stays at home every day without a job, but he gets good ________.

A. salary B. wage C. pay D. income

48.—Mum, I’m going to visit my aunt. What about a week?

—A week is too long. Try to be back in a ________ of days.

A. number B. dozen C. few D. couple

49.As a writer, he succeeded in calling ________ to many of the terrible wrongs that existed at that time.

A. attention B. interest C. notice D. strength

50.If you don’t take away all your things from the desk,

there won’t be enough _______for my dictionary.

A. area B. place C. space D. surface

51.Mrs. Green tried hard to find a job but she had no ________.

A. luck B. time C. hope D. chance

52.His daughter is always shy in ________ and she never dares to make a speech to ________.

A.the public; the public B. public; the public C. the public; publicD. public; public

53.I should like to try that coat on, for I don’t know if it is my ________.

A. shape B. model C. design D. size

54.The need for an operation, especially an immediate operation, almost always comes as a ________ to the patient and his family.

A. surprise B. happiness C. disappointment D. shock

55.Fast-food restaurants are ________ to us all.

A. of many helps B. of great help C. great helps D. much help

56.It is true that parents often find it difficult to win their children’s ________.

A. honour B. trust C. respect D. money

57.These young people are now making an active ________ to beautify(美化)our city.

A. part B. effort C. decision D. plan

58.This plan has its weak point, that is to say, it has its ______, but on the whole we are satisfied with it.

A. question B. shortcoming C. condition D. progress

59.—What you like may not be what I like.

—Yes, one man’s meal is another man’s ________.

A. poison B. medicine C. meal D. food

60.He said that two ________ would come to our school the next day.

A. woman scientist B. women scientist C. woman scientists D. women scientists




主要是指人名、地名或某类人或事物的名称,专有名词的第一个字母要大写,如Beijing,China;普通名词构成的专有名词前面需要加the, 如the United Nations, the Pacific Ocean, the Spring Festival


(Abstract Nouns) 不可数名词(Uncountable Nouns)

物质名词普通名词(Common Nouns)

集体名词(Collective Nouns)

(Individual Nouns) (Countable Nouns)

称为可数名词(),物质名词和抽象名词一般无法用数目计算,称为不可数名词(Uncountable Nouns)。

1. 个体名词: 指作为个体而存在的人或东西,可以指具体的人或物。Eg: aunts; a panda; apartments

也可指抽象东西。Eg: a year; fairy tales; a dream

2. 集体名词: 表示若干个个体组成的集合体

Eg: army; audience; crew; family; team; police; government; public


Eg: His family _____ not large.

His family ______ all music lovers.


Eg: The gang(犯罪团伙) is being hunted by the police.

Our company is sending him to work in Berlin.


Eg: The police are looking for him.

3物质名词: 指无法分为个体的物质。

Eg: water; cake; cloth; cotton;; fur; ice; paint; paper; soil; oil; coffee



Eg: rains (雨季) sands (沙滩) snows (积雪) waters(海域)…

foods(多种食物), vegetables(各种各样的蔬菜),fishes(多种鱼),steels(多种钢),teas(多种茶),fruits(各种各样的水果)

cloth (布) custom(习惯) good(利益)

clothes (衣服) customs (海关) goods(货物)

time(时间) wood (木材) content(内容)

times(时代,次数,倍数) woods(树林)contents(目录)


Eg: education; love; policy; trust; nature; fashion; relief; silence; truth,etc.


Eg: He’s learning French for I wish you good .



Eg:health, advice, glass, wood, English, America



1. stomach -- stomachs

2:以f/ef尾只加-s的词:proofs; gulfs; cliffs; roofs; serfs; beliefs; chiefs,briefs



变内部元音:foot-feet, tooth-teeth, goose-geese ,mouse-mice, man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen

词尾加-en或ren:ox-oxen, child-children

有些外来词的不规则复数形式:Eg: analysis-analyses; basis-bases; thesis-theses; crisis-crises

criteri phenomen; medi-medi单复数相同的情况:sheep; deer; means; fish; works; species;以及由汉语音译表示度量衡、货币等单位的名词。 Eg: yuan, jiao, fen, jin

只有复数形式的情况:trousers(裤子); glasses(眼镜); compasses(圆规) thanks; clothes; goods; people; cattle


•单、复数相同 Chinese, Japanese, Swiss,…

•词尾加-s Africans, Asians, Canadians, Australians, Italians,……

•变man为men Englishman---Englishmen, Frenchman---Frenchmen



1.一般将主体名词变为复数。father-in-law → fathers-in-law, passer-by→passers-by, looker-on→lookers-on, editor-in-chief → editors-in-chief

2.无主体名词的在词尾加复数。如:grown-ups, good-for-nothings(无用的人),go-betweens (中间人),look-outs(守望者)

3.由man, woman,构成的复合名词应将前后两个词都变成复数。men-doctors, women-drivers, women-singers

注:boyfriends, girlfriends, boy students, girl students


beauty(美,美貌)---a beauty(一个美人/物)

danger(危险)—a danger(一件危险的事/人)

failure(失败)—a failure(一件失败的事/人)

honour(光荣)—an honour(带来荣誉的/或事)

pity(遗憾)—a pity(一件可惜的事)

success(成功)—a success(一件成功的事/人)

surprise(惊奇)—a surprise(一件令人吃惊的事)

pleasure(乐趣)—a pleasure(一件有趣的事)

worry(担心)—a worry(一件令人担心的事)

experience(经验)—an experience(一次经历)

service(服务)—a service(一个服务机构)


a poem(一首诗) poetry(诗歌总称)

a machine(一台机器) machinery(机器总称)

a job(一件工作) work(工作)

a laugh(一个笑声) laughter(笑声)

a permit(许可证) permission(允许)

a garment (一件衣裳) clothing(衣裳总称)

a bag(case) (一件行李) luggage, baggage(行李)

a loaf (一只面包) bread(面包)

a hair(一根头发) hair(头发)

a jewel(一颗宝石) jewellery(珠宝)


1. hair

His hair is white.(他的头发是白的。)

He has a few grey hairs.(他有几根白的头发。)

2. fruit

The fruit is sweet.

He likes pears, peaches, grapes and other fruits.





1. 一般的名词所有格在后面加 ’s:Mary’s book

2. 以 –s 结尾的复数名词所有格在后面仅加’:Teachers’ Day, the students’ reading-room

3. 复合名词的所有格是在其词尾加 ’s: his mother-in-law’s photo, the editor-in-chief’s opinion

4. 如果一样东西为两人共有,则只在最后一个名词后加’s, 如果是分别所有,则两个名词后都要加’s:Tom and Marry’s father, Tom’s and Marry’s fathers

5. 在表示―某人家‖、―店铺‖的所有格时,一般省略它所修饰的名词:at the doctor’s,

at the barber’s, at Mr. Green’s, at the tailor’s

6. 有些表示时间、距离、国家、城市、团体、机构等无生命东西的名词,也可以加’s来构成所有格:today’s newspaper ten minutes’ walk China’s industry the station’s the earth's surface a dollar's worth

7. 凡不能加 ’s 构成所有格的名词,都可以与 of 结成短语,来表示所有格关系。就是有生命的东西的名词也可如此,特别是当这个名词有较长的定语时:

the door of our classroom

Do you know the name of the girl standing at the gate?


a friend of her mother’s a few friends of Tom’s

that book of Tom’s several classmates of his

9. 一个名词所有格所修饰的词,如果前面已经提到,往往可以省略,避免前后重复。如:

This is not my pen, but Mary’s.

10. 名词原形直接作定语(不表示所有关系)

room number coffee cup shoe factory geography lesson colour film tooth brush power plant welcome party heart trouble food industry apple tree physics teacher


parents meeting(家长会) goods train(货车) sales department (销售部)

sports meet(运动会)


01. (08上海春卷’ 43) Every ton of this recycled paper uses 90 litres of water in its _____

A. structure B. manufacture C. construction D. organization

02. (08天津卷’ 11)Most air pollution is caused by the burning of ____ like coal, gas and oil.

A. fuels B. articles C. goods D. products

03. (08山东卷’ 34)I bought a dress for only 10 dollars in a sale; it was a real ____.

A. exchange B. bargain C. trade D. business

04. (08江西卷’27)---Shall we go out for a walk? --- Sorry. This is not the right ___ to invite me. I am too tired to walk.

A. moment B. situation C. place D. chance

05. (08安徽卷’24) To save some of the human languages before they are forgotten, the students in our school started a discussion ―Save Our _____‖ A. Sky B. Life C. Arts D. Voices

06. (08浙江卷’15)Dogs have a very good ____ of smell and are often used to search for survivors in an earthquake. A. sense B. view C. means D. idea

07. (08湖北卷’21)The young man made a ______ to his parents that he would try to earn his own living after graduation. A. prediction B. promise C. plan D. contribution

08. (08湖北卷’22)The top leaders of the two countries are holding talks in a friendly______

A. atmosphere B. state C. situation D. phenomenon

09. (08福建卷’32) What’s the _____ of having a public open space where you can’t eat, drink or even simply hang out for a while? A. sense B. matter C. case D. opinion

10. (07山东卷27)I can’t say which wine is best—it’s a(n)___ of personal taste.

A.affair B.event C.matter D.variety

11.(07陕西卷12); they both want their son to go to college.

A. soul B. spirit C. heart D. mind

12. (07上海卷43) My morning A. drill B. action C. regulation D. routine

13. (07湖北卷towards what one eats, there is no doubt that people in the west regard the Chinese food as something special. A. point B. idea C. attitude D. sight

14. (07天津卷12) One thousand dollars a month is not a fortune but would help cover my living_____.

A. bills B. expenses C. prices D. charges

15. (07福建卷31) ——Taking plenty of exercise every day.

A. power B. strength C. force D. energy

16. (07安 徽 卷32) The practice of hanging clothes across the street is a common ______ in many parts of the city.

A. look B. sign C. sight D. appearance

17. (07浙江卷12) Of the seven days in a week, Saturday is said to be the most popular ____ for a wedding in some country.

A. way B. situation C. event D. choice

18. (07辽宁卷25) Health problems are closely connected with bad eating habits and a _____ of exercise.

A. limit B. lack C. need D. demand

19. (06辽宁32) School children must be taught how to deal with dangerous ____.

A. states B. conditions C. situations D. positions

20. (06 浙江17) — If you like I can do some shopping for you. —That's a very kind ________.

A. offer B. service C. point D. suggestion

21. (06 湖北21) To make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to know their ______ and weaknesses. A. strengths B. benefits C. techniques D. values

22. (06 湖北23) The______ on his face told me that he was angry.

A. impression B. sight C. appearance D. expression

23. (06湖北24) At the meeting they discussed three different ____ to the study of mathematics.

A. approaches B. means C. methods D. ways

24. (06 福建35)Always read the ______ on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine.

A. explanations B. instructions C. descriptions D. introductions

25. (06江西28) It is said that dogs will keep you— for as long as you want when you are feeling lonely.

A. safety B. company C. house D. friend

26.(06天津15) Finding information in today’s world is easy. The _____ is how you can tell if the information you get is useful or not. A. ability B. competition C. challenge D. knowledge

27. (06 广东34)You have been sitting on my hat and now it is badly out of _____.

A. date B. shape C. order D. balance

28. (06 全国III16) It is no _____ arguing with Bill because he will never change his mind.

A. use B. help C. time D. way

29. (05 浙江16) I am sure David will be able to find the library—he has a pretty good _______of direction.

A. idea B. feeling C. experience D. sense

30. (05安徽28) My ______of this weekend’s activity is going out with some good friend.

A. idea B. opinion C. mind D. thought

31. (05 辽宁27) The head office of the bank is in Beijing, but it has _____ all over the country.

A. companies B. branches C. organizations D. businesses

32. (05上海43) He proved himself a true gentleman and the beauty of his ______ was seen at best when he worked with others. A. temper B. appearance C. talent D. character

33. 04全国Ⅱ31)If you buy more than ten, they knock 20 pence off ______.

A. a price B. price C. the price D. prices

34.(04全国卷IV28). The faces of four famous American presidents on Mount Rushmore can be seen from a _____of 60 miles. A. length B. distance C. way D. space

35.(04上海卷45) The environmentalists and wild goats’ _____ on the vast grasslands was a good indication of the better environment. A. escape B. absence C. attendance D. appearance

36.(04上海卷52) In dealing with public relations, we should make every effort to prevent the _____ in personality.

A. contact B. contrast C. connection D. conflict

37.(04上海卷53) Chinese arts have won the ______ of a lot of people outside China.

A. enjoyment B. appreciation C. entertainment D. reputation

38.(04天津卷26) I keep medicines on the top shelf, out of the children’s B. hand C. hold D. place

39.(04湖北卷21) Don’t leave matches or cigarettes on the table within little children .

A.hand B.reach C.space D.distance

40. (03北京卷29) —I’m sorry I stepped outside for a smoke. I was very tired. —There is no____ for this while you are on duty.

A.reason B.excuse C.cause D.explanation

41. (03上海卷46)"I don't think it's my _____ that the TV blew up. I just turned it on, that's all," said the boy.

A. error B. mistake C. fault D). duty

42. (03上海卷50) One of the consequences of our planet's being warming up is a(n) ______ in the number of natural disasters.

A. result B. account C. reason D. increase

43. (03上海卷52)Life is tough in the city. In order to lose their _____ some people drink alcohol.

A. temper B. mood C. consciousness D. pressures

44.(03北京春考28)The manager has got a good business ____ so the company is doing well.

A. ideaB. senseC. thought D. thinking

45. (2002年21) --- I’m taking my driving test tomorrow. ---_______!

A. Cheers B. Good luck C. Come on D. Congratulations

46.(02上海卷45) A. force B. energy C. power D. health

47. (02上海卷46)According to the recent research, heavy coffee drinking and heart attack is not and effect. A. reason B. impact C. fact D. cause

48. (02上海卷47)has the possibility of making or losing money.

A. event B. venture C. adventure D. expectation

49. (1998年21) You’ll find this map of great _____in helping you to get round London.

A. price B. cost C. value D. usefulness

50. (1997年18) If by any chance someone comes to see me, ask them to leave a 2011江苏卷,27Teachers have to constantly update their knowledge in order to maintain their professional _____.

A.consequence B.independence C.competence D.intelligence

2011福建卷,26The lack of eco-friendly habits among the public is thought to be a major A.result B.cause C.warning D.reflection

2011浙江卷,18Anyway, I can’t cheat him—it’s against all my ____.

A. emotions B. principles C. regulations D. opinions

2011四川卷,13Always remember to put such dangerous things as knives out of children’s

A.touch B.sight C.reach D.distance

2011湖北卷,21―Tommy, run! Be quick! The house is on fire!‖ the mother shouted, with______ clearly in her voice.

A . anger B. rudeness C. regret D. panic

2011湖北卷,22Giving up my job to go back to full-time education was a big________, but now I know it was the best decision I ever made.

A. project B. commitment C. competition D. ambition

2011湖北卷,30When asked about their opinions about the schoolmaster, many teachers would prefer to see him step aside _________ younger men.

A. in terms of B. in need of C. in favor of D. in praise of

2011江西卷31What’s the_____, in your opinion, of helping him if he doesn’t make an effort to help himself?

A.sympathy B.theme C.object D.point

2011山东卷,34There’s a _____ in our office that when it’s somebody’s birthday, they bring in a cake for us all to share.

A. tradition B. balance C. concern D. relationship

2011江苏卷,32We’d better discuss everything _______ before we work out the plan.

A.in detail B.in general C.on purpose D.on time

〖10安徽〗I haven’t seen Sara since she was a little girl, and she has changed beyond_______

A. hearing B strength C. recognition D. measure

〖10江西〗Last year the number of students who graduated with a driving license reached 200,000, a (n) ______ of 40,000 per year.

A average B number C amount D quantity

〖10山东〗Those who suffer from headache will find they get ______ from this medicine.

A. relief B. safety C. defense D. shelter

〖10天津〗James took the magazines off the little table to make for the television.

A. room B. area C. field D. position

〖10江苏〗The doctor is skilled at treating heart trouble and never accepts any gift from his patients, so he has a very

高考复习专题 名词

语法复习专题一:名 词





名词 集合名词






专有名词:表示个人、地方、团体、机构、节日等专用的名称。如:Beijing, Smith, the Summer Palace, the United

States, the Second World War, May Day。单个的专有名词第一个字母大写,由普通名词构成的专有名词,前面有定冠词the,后面的每个单词第一个字母大写。


可数名词:(缩写为[C])可以用数目来计数的名词。可以用基数词修饰,也可用many, a good / great many, a number

of, few, a few, several等词修饰。

个体名词:表示同属一类的人或事物中的个体。如:student, tree, chair, car, book。个体名词在句中时前面必须

有限定词(如the, my, this等)。

集合名词:(又称为集体名词)表示一群人或一类事物。如:army, class, committee, fruit, police


物质名词:表示物质或无法分为个体的东西。如:iron, cotton, fire, water。它们需要用单位名词来衡量,如:a

piece of bread, a cup of water

抽象名词:表示抽象概念的名词。如:happiness, education, labour, love


many rooms (很多房间)---much room(大量空间);rubber(橡胶)---two rubbers(两块橡皮);

iron(铁)--- an iron(一只熨斗); glass(玻璃)--- a glass(一个玻璃杯);

wood(木头)--- a woods(一片树林); paper(纸)--- a paper(一份报纸、文件)



advice 忠告,建议baggage / luggage 行李change零钱cloth布clothing 衣物equipment 设备

English 英语furniture 家具fun 乐趣knowledge 知识information 信息music音乐

news 消息progress 进步traffic 交通,车辆weather天气wealth 财富 damage 损坏work 工作

word 消息,信息homework 家庭作业 housework 家务 poetry诗歌(总称)machinery(机器设备);jewellery珠宝(总称);clothing衣物(总称)

【注3】部分抽象名词可与a(an)连用,此时词义发生变化。如:surprise(一件令人惊讶的事), pleasure(一件让人愉悦的事), honour(一件荣幸的事), help(一个助手), success(一件成功的事/一个成功的人),a heavy rain(一场大雨),two coffees(两份咖啡),a long time(一段很长的时间),two deaths(两个死亡的人)。




1.一般情况,直接加-s: e.g. port---ports,technique---techniques,hen---hens, hat---hats

2.以s, x, ch, sh结尾发[s]、[∫]、[t∫]、[dЗ]音的词,加—es:

e.g. bus—buses, box—boxes, bush—bushes, branch—branches,



3.辅音字母+ y,变y为i,加-es: e.g. university—universities, city---cities, story--- stories

元音字母+ y,直接加-s: e.g. boy—boys, day---days

特例:Henry(亨利)---Henrys, Mary--- Marys, stand-by(备用的人或物)---stand-bys, penny(便士)---pennies / pence

4.以o结尾 加: e.g. Negro—Negroes,hero—heroes, tomato—tomatoes, potato—potatoes, volcano---volcanoes,

mosquito(蚊子)---mosquitoes, echo(回音)---echoes

加-s:e.g.zoo—zoos, kangaroo---kangaroos, studio---studios, radio—radios, piano—pianos,

photo—photos, bamboo---bamboos, hippo(河马)---hippos,

tobacco(烟叶)---tobaccos, kilo(千克)---kilos, auto(汽车)--autos

特例:motto(座右铭,箴言)---mottos / mottoes,zero---zeros / zeroes

5.以f或fe结尾,变f或fe为v,再加-es:e.g. leaf—leaves, wife—wives, thief---thieves, half---halves 特例:belief—beliefs, roof—roofs, proof—proofs, safe—safes(保险柜),cliff(悬崖)---cliffs

chief—chiefs,gulf—gulfs(海湾), serf(农奴)--serfs, staff(工作人员)---staffs, cafe(咖啡馆)---cafes, grief(悲痛的事)---griefs

handkerchief(手帕)--- handkerchiefs / handkerchieves, scarf(围巾)--- scarfs / scarves,

6. 字母、数字、缩写词以及引语的复数:

e.g. There are three a’s in the word banana. 在banana这个单词中有三个a。


He always speaks politely, full of madam’s and if I may ask a question’s. 他说话很有礼貌,话语里尽是“太太”和“如果我可以提一个问题的话”。

He left out two 4’s in that number. 他在那个数字中漏了两个4。

You used too many that’s in your speech. 在演讲中你用了太多的that。

pp. (= pages),Exx. 3,4 and 5 练习3、4、5,ll. 2 and 3 第2、3行,Dr.(doctor)---Drs., hr.(hour)--- hrs, yr.(year)---yrs, many VIP’s/ VIPs 很多重要人物,three Ph D’s三个哲学博士


ft. (foot), kg. (kilogramme), km. (kilometre), m. (metre), min. (minute), sec. (second)

7. 复合名词的复数:

1)在主体名词上变复数:comrade-in-arms(战友)---comrades-in-arms, passer-by(过路人)---passers-by

daughter-in-law(媳妇)---daughters-in-law, editor-in-chief(总编辑)---editors-in-chief, looker-on(旁观者)


2)复合名词由两个主体名词构成时,在后一个词上变复数:assistant professor(助教)---assistant professors, pencil

box---pencil boxes, dining-room---dining-rooms, girl friend---girl friends, shoe shop---shoe shops,grown-up(成年人)---grown-ups,stand-by(可靠的人)---stand-bys

3)复合词中有man, woman两词时,两个都变复数:man doctor--- men doctors, woman teacher --- women teachers 但man, woman位于复合词之后时,只将man, woman变复数:policeman---policemen


man—men, woman—women, policeman---policemen, gentleman---gentlemen, German(德国人)---Germans, Roman(罗马人)---Romans, foot—feet, tooth—teeth, goose—geese, mouse—mice, child—children, ox—oxen,phenomenon(现象)---phenomena, criterion(评判标准)---criteria, crisis(危机)---crises,analysis(分析)---analyses, basis(基础)---bases, bacterium(细菌)--bacteria


sheep 羊, deer 鹿;fish 鱼(作不同种类的“鱼”解时,有复数形式:fishes),duck鸭(作“家鸭”解时,有复数形式:ducks);data(资料,数据);aircraft(飞机);means手段,方法 works工厂;作品 series系列;crossroads(十字路口);Chinese(中国人);Japanese(日本人);Swiss(瑞士人);jin(斤);mu(亩);li(里);yuan(元);

【注2】有些集合名词,是单形复念(即单数形式复数意义),如果作主语,谓语动词用复数形式。 如:cattle 牛,people 人民(作“民族”解时,有单复形),police 警察

而有些词只有复形,表示复数意义。如:goods(货物), clothes, the Olympic Games, the Asian Games

【注3】 集合名词既可看作单数(作为整体),也可看作复数(作为集体的各个成员)。

如:audience, class, family, group, enemy,

e.g. Her family is well-known in the region. 她家在该地区是名门望族。

His family are quarrelling severely about the property. 她的家人正在为分财产激烈地争吵。


如:annals(编年史),arms(武器),ashes(灰烬),authorities(当局),belongings(所有物), brains(头脑),compasses(圆规),contents(目录),congratulations(祝贺),earnings(挣的钱),fireworks(烟火),forces(武装力量 ),glasses(眼镜),greens(青菜),headquarters(总部),jeans(牛仔裤),looks(外貌),manners(礼貌),particulars(细节),pains(辛苦,努力,功夫),remains(残余),ruins(废墟),scissors(剪刀),shorts(短裤),scales(天平),surroundings(环境),savings(积蓄),statistics(统计资料),stairs(楼梯),,times(时代),trousers, thanks(感谢),troops(军队),valuables(珍贵物品)

有些名词在短语中需用复数:take pains(下功夫),take measures(采取措施),give regards to向某人致以问候,sing the praises of赞颂„„, be in high spirits情绪高昂,make arrangements作安排,make preparations作准备


a piece of paper / chalk / news/ information / advice / work/ furniture, a sheet of paper / metal / ice, a drop of water / oil, a grain of corn / rice / sand / salt, a bar of chocolate / soap, a cup of tea, a glass of beer, a bottle of ink, an article of clothing/ furniture, a set of equipment, a foot of wire, a quart of milk, ten tons of coal


a crowd of people, a group of soldiers, a gang of robbers, a bunch of flowers, two kilos of apples


orange 桔子[C];橙汁[U];water水[U];水域(pl. waters);wood木头[U];树林[C](可用复形woods,也可用单形);paper纸[U];论文;报纸;试卷[C];land土地;陆地;大地[U];国家[C];word单词;话语[C];消息[U];work工作[U];作品[C];重工业工厂(单复数同形:works);pain肉体疼痛[C];精神上的痛苦[U];exercise练习;体操[C];锻炼,运动[U];experience经验[U];经历[C];character 人物;角色;字体[C];品德,性格[U];difficulty 困难[U];难题[C];room房间[C];空间[U];glass玻璃杯[C];玻璃[U];stone石头块[C];石头[U];sand沙子[U];沙滩(复形:sands); green绿色[U];蔬菜,青菜(用复形:greens);help帮助[U];助手[C];people人们(集合名词,无复形);民族[C]


“the + 姓氏的复数”表示某某一家人:the Smiths史密斯一家/ 史密斯夫妇二人

There are two Marys and three Roberts in the class. 这个班有两个玛丽和三个罗伯特。






my brother’s car ,children’s books,students’ rooms (当名词末尾已有s时,只加’号), workers’ rest homes(工人疗养院),the teachers’ reading-room(教师阅览室),delegation’s visit(代表团的访问),the government’s policy, the majority’s view, the company’s director(公司的董事)


China’s population,Beijing’s weather,the province’s population, the farm’s fruit


the moon’s surface,ten years’ hard work,today’s newspapers,20 dollars’worth of a stamp一张价值20美元的邮票

【注1】 这种加’s形式的所有格也有下列变化形式:

1) 单数名词和不以s结尾的复数名词一般直接在词尾加’s:a peasant’s family, the children’s dream

2) 以s结尾的复数名词只在词尾加’:the workers’ achievements, the teachers’ reading-room

3) 以s结尾的复数名词作名词修饰语,表示类别时,在后面可以加’, 也可不加:Anhui Teachers’ University /

Anhui Teachers University, Foreign Languages’ Press / Foreign Languages Press

4) 复合名词和作为一个整体的词组在最后一个词的词尾加’s:

the editor-in-chief’s office, somebody else’s opinion, an hour and a half’s talk

5) 并列名词表示各自所属关系时,要分别在每个名词后加’s,如果表示共有关系,则在最后一个名词的词尾


John’s, Mary’s and Jack’s rooms, Kate and Joan’s desk

6) 名词后有同位语时,在同位语后加’s:

Where is my classmate, Nancy’s bike?

7) 以丝音结尾的人名后加’s或’: Engels’ works / Engels’s works, Dickens’ novels / Dickens’s novels

【注2】表示时间的名词必须用’s属格:today’s newspaper, a month’s salary, ten minutes’ rest

(二) 其他无生命的名词通常用“of + 名词”的短语表示所属关系。

the object of the sentence 句子的宾语 the title of the film 影片的名字


e.g. the government’s plan = the plan of the government, the majority’s opinion = the opinion of the majority, a cat’s tail = the tail of a cat, the moon’s surface = the surface of the moon

(三)双重属格:„„+ of + 名词的’s属格。它用于以下情况:

1. 当所修饰的名词前有别的词修饰时:

e.g. They saw a play of Lao She’s. 他们看了老舍的一部剧本。(play前有a限定)

Several students of Lao Yang’s acted in the play. 老杨的几个学生参加了这个剧本的演出。(students前有several修饰)

2. 当用this / that 修饰前面的名词,表示一定的感情色彩时。

e.g.This performance of the teachers’ was wonderful. 老师们的这个节目很精彩。

That wife of Mr. Brown’s is constantly complaining. 布朗先生的那位妻子总是抱怨。


1. 一个名词所有格所修饰的词,如果前面已经提到,则后面往往省略,以免重复。

e.g. This is not my dictionary, but Xiao Lin’s. 这不是我的字典,而是小林的。

She had views quite different from her father’s. 她有着和她父亲完全不同的想法。

2. 在表示某人的家、教堂、店铺或公司时,名词所有格后的名词常省略。

e.g. The Wang’s is not far from here. 王先生的家离这不远。

I went into a stationer’s to buy a ruler. 我进了一家文具店去买一把尺子。

I’m going to the barber’s. 我将去理发店。

He had to go to his sister’s for dinner. 他得去他姐家吃饭。

3. 在对事物起分类作用时,需用所有格形式:

e.g. the teachers’ book 教师用书,children’s stories儿童故事,a women’s college女子学院,a doctor’s degree博士学位,a summer’s day 夏季的一天

4. 所有格还可用于一些成语中:

e.g. at a stone’s throw一箭之遥,at the death’s door濒于死亡

at swords’ points剑拔弩张,a bird’s eye view鸟瞰

五、名词的功用:除谓语之外的所有句子成分 主语;宾语)




同位语) 茶杯 a car number 车牌号 鞋店 石桥 (定语)(名词作定语必须用单数,sport作定语,单复数形式均可,如:a sport(s)shirt 运动衫)

特例:the arms race 武器竞赛

语法复习专题二 冠词





如:A steel worker makes steel.


如:My father is a teacher.


如:John goes shopping twice a week.(one, every)

A week is divided into seven days.


如:A Mr. Johnson phoned and left a message for you.(a certain)


如:at a time

once upon a time

a few

a little

a good many

a great many of...


如:A heavy rain prevented them from going out.

What a good supper!

Please give me a black coffee.


It’s a pleasure to work with you.

It’s a pity that you can’t swim.

Thank you, Tim. You have done me a kindness.

8.在quite, rather, many, half, what, such等词之后。

9.在so(as, too, how)+形容词之后。



如:(1)John bought a TV and a radio, but there was something wrong with the TV.

(2)Could you pass me the dictionary?

(3)Do you know the girl playing basketball there?


如:the moon, the earth, the sun...


如:the second story, the largest room...


如:the Untied Nations, the People’s Republic of China...


如:the Changjiang River, the Atlantic...


如:on the left, in the east, in the morning, on the other hand...


如:the poor, the rich...


如:The Turners, The Wangs...


如:The horse is a useful animal.


如:play the piano...


如:in the 1980’s...


如:The compass was invented in China four thousand years ago.

Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876.


如:the Irish, the English, the French...


如:lead sb. by the hand, beat sb. on the nose...

The sooner, the better.

by the yard/hour/year...

the elder of the two, the more beautiful of the two...

15.当抽象名词表示某一特定内容,特别是当它有一限定性修饰时。 如:He is playing the music written by Beethoven.
