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4、阅读时不但要领会文章的意思,还要深刻理解文章的思想内涵,预测故事的结尾,对人物关系、人物品质以及事件发生的时间、地点、过程等做出准确的判断。 2016中考提高孩子英语成绩的三大顶级方法











《Forrest Gump 阿甘正传》

1.Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. 生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料。

2.Stupid is as stupid does.


3.Miracles happen every day.


4.Jenny and I was like peas and carrots.


5.Have you given any thought to your future?


6.You just stay away from me please.


7.If you are ever in trouble, don't try to be brave, just run, just run away. 你若遇上麻烦,不要逞强,你就跑,远远跑开。

8.It made me look like a duck in water.





1-4 AC A C


5-6 A B 7-8 B C 9-10 A C 11-13 C B A 14-16 C A B


17. Mike 18.11:30 19. Great Wall 20. week 21. warm



1. W: Which book are you looking for?

M: I’d like to read a book about Confucius. He is Chinese but famous in the world.

2. M: What does that sign mean?

W: That’s to say it can be recycled.

3. W: Where were you in the photo?

M: I was in Australia, in front of the Sydney Opera House.

4. M: Are you good at playing the piano?

W: No, not at all. In fact, I’m good at basketball. I want to be Michael Jordan someday.



W: Hi, long time no see! You look really great! Where have you been?

M: Thanks. Actually, I’ve been nowhere, just running here every morning.

W: Wow, running helps a lot with health.

M: Yeah. If you want to stay healthy, keep doing some sports you like and be careful about your eating, too.

W: Thank you. When can I meet you again to get more health suggestions?

M: If you start running here in the park tomorrow, you can see me every day!

W: OK. See you tomorrow then.

M: See you!


M: Lucy, what’re you reading?

W: I’m checking the list of the film for this weekend.

M: Are you going to watch?

W: Of course. I heard my favorite cartoon, Shrek II, will be on this week.

M: Really, I like it, too. Does it say the time of it?

W: Wait … Yeah, it’s here. It will be on this Saturday. No. Sunday! Right, 15:00 pm. Sunday. M: Great. I’ve got time to go with you. Can you book a ticket for me?


M: (laughing)

W: Daming, why are you laughing?

M: Sorry... . I just can’t stop. ( laughing…)

W: What’s that in your hands?

M: It’s Tony’s new invention! You know Tony! He’s so funny.

W: Yeah. I know him. He’s an interesting boy. But what makes you laugh so much?

M: He invented a machine to do homework for him. But he pressed the wrong button, and the machine signed my name every day. So I don’t have to do homework now. He can’t repair it and gave it to me as a present!

W: It can’t be!


M: What’s up, Betty? You’re so blue!

W: I haven’t got my favorite CD back.

M: Why? You went out shopping for whole day, but didn’t find a CD?

W: You can’t imagine how many people were there shopping in the mall!

M: Hah, I guess so. That’s why I suggested you to buy it when we travel back to Tianjin. It’s too crowded here in Chongqing! The population now in this city is about 31 million, but it’s only about 11 million in Tianjin.

W: I’m glad we didn’t travel to Beijing. The news says it’s about 20 million people there now. M: My god! Population is becoming a big headache for our country. Along with the crowds, the smoke, and the transport problems…eh, how can we do some help?

W: I don’t think we can do something very big. But just behave well and obey rules. Crowd needs rules.


Hello, everyone! What problems do teenagers probably have? Do you know? They feel worried because they have too much homework, and they don’t have enough time for their hobbies. They get short sighted because of bad reading and writing habits. They sometimes fight with each other because they don’t know how to get on well with each other. Some of them feel tired of study because they spend too much time on computer games. Some get fat because they don’t like doing exercise. Doctor King gives them some advice: First, make a plan for study and hobbies. Second, find time to relax as possible as they can. Then, do homework or do some reading in a correct way. They should also make more friends and understand each other. The doctor also advises them to play computer games just for a short time when feeling tired. Finally, he said the teenagers should spend some time doing exercise every day.


M: Hello! May I speak to Lingling?

W: Speaking.

M: This is Mike from London. I’m going to Beijing this holiday.

W: Really? That’s great.

M: Can you meet me at the airport?


W: Sure. You have ever told me the place you live is far from the airport. How are you getting there?

M: I’m driving. I’m leaving my car at the airport in London. I’ll arrive in Beijing on Monday morning and I’m only staying there for a week.

W: Who are you going with?

M: My friends, Betty and Karl. We are staying in a hotel in the centre.

W: What are you going to do in Beijing?

M: We are going to see the Palace Museum. We will go there by taxi on Monday afternoon. W: Are you going to visit the Summer Palace?

M: No, we haven’t got time. We are going to take a bus to the Great Wall on Tuesday, then on Wednesday, we are going to cycle to Tian’anmen Square.

W: When are you going back home?

M: Next Monday morning. What’s the weather like in Beijing?

W: It’s cold. Don't forget to take the warm clothes. By the way, when will the plane get to Beijing? M: About 11:30.

W: OK. See you then.

M:See you.





1. A

5. A

15. C 2. C 6. C 16. A 3. C 4. B 9. B 10. A 11. B 12. C 13. A 14. B 二、听对话或独白选择答案(共12分,每小题1分) 7. B 8. C


17. White 18. birthday party 19. Sunday 20. home 21. 6572361



1. W:What sport do you like, John?

M: I often play football.

2. W: I like eating hamburgers very much.

M: You’d better not eat so many hamburgers. It’s bad for your health.

3. W: Li Lei, do you like reading books?

M: Yes. I enjoy reading, especially Confucius’s books.

4. W: I’m afraid you can’t smoke here. Look at the sign “No smoking!”

M: I’m sorry.




M: What’s wrong, Linda?

W: I had a fight with my sister last night.

M: Why?

W: She broke my favorite pen. You know, it is a present from my uncle.

M: What did you do then?

W: I threw all her books on the floor.

M: How terrible!

W: I am sorry for what I did.


M: Lucy, why are you taking this lesson?

W: Well, I need to improve my English.

M: For what?

W: You know, I like traveling around the world on holiday. It’s necessary for me to speak English well.

M: Do you need English for other things as well?

W: Oh, yes. I need to write letters and talk in English in my company.


M: Excuse me, Madam. I’m new here. Could you please tell me how to get to the zoo? W: Sure. Let me see. You can take the bus.

M: Which one, please?

W: I thinkBusNo.8.

M: Where is the nearest bus stop?

W: Over there, about two minutes’ walk.

M: Do I have to change to other buses?

W: Yes. Change to Bus No. 632 at Qianmen. The driver will tell you where to get off.

M: Thanks a lot.

W: You are welcome.


W: What’s the matter with you, Mike?

M: Oh, it’s nothing, mum.

W: Don’t tell me it’s nothing. I can see for myself.

M: I have a problem. I’m not happy lately.

W: Yes, and you haven’t eaten well.

M: I’m not very hungry.

W: And you haven’t seen your friends.

M: I haven’t felt like going out.

W: I know all about it. It’s that exam. You didn’t pass it.

M: Well, yes.

W: Cheer up, Mike. Look at me. I have many difficulties in my life. And I live very well. Don’t you think so?

M: Well, yes, but…

W: Don’t say “but” to me. Try your best. I’m sure you’ll be successful in the end.


When you live in a foreign country, you have the chance to experience that country’s culture. But it can be difficult to take part in a culture that is not your own. So I’m going to talk about some great ways to take part in North American culture. Trying one or two of these ideas will make you spend your time here more happily.

If you are here for more than three months, a great way to take part in the culture is by taking a class that interests you. I am not talking about another English class. Instead, think about taking a dance class or a painting class. These kinds of classes can be found at most colleges. Look for the information in the newspapers or ask someone at the college for help.

If you enjoy helping people, you can take part in the culture by doing something for others. There are many places that need people to come and spend time helping. You just need to decide what kind of work you would like to do.

Churches can give you a wonderful way to become friends of the people around. Churches can make you take part in all kinds of activities. If you already have something in your mind, look in the phone book for the church near you. If you don’t know which church you would like to go to, find several in your neighbourhood and try them all until you find one you like.



W: Hello. This is Mary.

M: Hello. This is Peter. May I speak to Jim?

W: I’m sorry he’s just out. Can I take a message?

M: Yes, please. This is Peter White. This Sunday is my birthday. I’d like to invite him to my birthday party.

W: Oh, thank you. What time?

M: At six o’clock on Sunday evening.

W: Where are you going to have the party, at your home?

M: Yes. My home address isNo.82 Washington Street. And my phone number is 6572361. W: 6572361. Can you spell your name again, please?

M: Peter P-E-T-E-R,White W-H-I-T-E.

W: OK, I’ve got it. I’ll let him know as soon as he comes back.

M: Thank you. Bye-bye.

W: Bye.




1. A 2. C 3. A 4. B


5. C 6. A 7. B 8. B 9. C 10. B 11. A

13. C 14. A 15. B 16. C 12. A


17. Mondays 18. 28 19. at the weekend

20. West 21. Robert


1. M: Have you got a pet, Betty?

W: Yes. I’ve got a dog.

2. W: The radio says it will rain soon.

M: Yeah. You’d better take an umbrella.

3. W: Do you often have sports?

M: Yes. I often play football.

4. W: John. There’s a photo show at the museum this weekend.

M: I’ve heard about that. Shall we go together?

5. W: Hi, Mike. This is Alice.






1) A. How are you? B. How do you do? C. Fine. Thank you.

2) A. Good idea. B. Yes, please. C. Never mind.

3) A. The same to you. B. Have a good time. C. You’re so kind.

4) A. You are right. B.I like it. C.Thank you.

5) A. It’s Sunday B. It’s April 12th. C. It’s 8:30 am

6) A. Yes,I do. B.No, thanks. C.Sorry, I„m new here.

7) A. I’m sorry to hear that B. That’s all right C. Don’t worry

8)A. Yes, I won‟t. B. Sorry, I won‟t. C. No, I don‟t

9)A. She is better now. B. She likes dancing. C. She is tall and pretty.

10)A. He is my English teacher. B. He is very friendly. C. He is an English teacher.


( ) 1) A. Yes, I do B. No, he doesn‟t C. Yes, she is

( )2) A. I went there last year B. I will go there in two days

C . I go there once a year.



( 2)一般疑问句 :用Yes 或No 作答,注意问答之间的助动词的呼应。

(3)选择疑问句 :不能用“Yes”或“No”回答。


( )1) A. Since last month. B. September. C. Six o’clock

( )2) A.I don’t like it B. coffee, please C. Yes, please.

( )3) A. It’s big. B. It’s far C. It’s hot.

( )4) A. 5 dollars. B. 5 o’clock. C. 5 kilos.

( )5)A. In a restaurant. B. By train. C. Last Sunday.

( )6)A. At 5:00 p.m B. By bus C. Twice a week



( )1) A. This afternoon B. Tomorrow morning C. The day after tomorrow

( )2) A. To see the new play. B. To do some shopping. C. To go to the bank.


( )1) A. some tea B. some coffee C. some juice

( )2) A. By bus. B. By bike. C. On foot.

( )3) A. Jane B. Tony C. Lucy





( ) 1) A. Yellow. B. Green. C. Blue.

( ) 2) A. Basketball. B. Football. C. Tennis.

( ) 3) A. 78665358. B. 87665853. C. 87665358.

( ) 4) A.$18 B. $24 C. $30

4、注意数字题的答题技巧。 (难点)



( ) 1) A. At 8:05 B. At 8:10 C. At 8:15

( )2) A. 7:40 B. 8:00 C. 7:20

( ) 3)A.Three B. Four C. Five



( ) 1) A. In a restaurant. B. In a hospital. C. In a cinema.

( )2) A. School life. B. Summer holiday. C. Shopping.



( ) 1. A. Beijing . B. Xi’an . C. Both A and B .

( ) 2. A. Four days . B. Six days . C. Two days .


( ) 3、 A. His mother B. His sister C. His father

( ) 4、 A. A pair of glasses B. A sports shirt C. A pair of shoes

( ) 5、 A. Blue B. Black C. White




2、预测问题: WH-问题 :what why where when who

H- 问题: how \many\much\long\...







( )1、A. Two B. Three C. One

( )2、A. Mr. Black’s brother B. Mr. Black’s classmate C. Mr. Black’s friend ( ) 3、A. Two holes B. One hole C. None

( )4、A. Sorry B. Happy C. Surprised

( )5、 A. He is clever B. He is foolish C. He is unhappy

















(B)(1 )How do you do?

(A)(2 )How about going out for dinner this evening?

(B)(3)I‟m going to Hong Kong this summer holiday.

(C)(4 )Your dress looks very nice.

(A)(5)What day is it today?

(C)(6)Excuse me, is there a bookshop near here?

(A)(7)My mother is ill in hospital.

(B)(8)Don‟t play football in the street, Jim.

(C)(9 )What does she look like?

(B)( 10)What do you think of your English teacher?


(B)( 1)Does he have a pen pal?

(A)( 2)When did you go to Beijing?


(A)(1 )How long have you been there?

(B)( 2)Would you like some coffee or tea ?

(C)( 3)What‟s the weather like in Wuhan in summer ?

(A)( 4)How much is the new book?

(C)(5 )When did you have your birthday party?

(C)(6 )How often do you go to the gym?


1、(B)(1)W: Can I see you in my school this afternoon or tomorrow morning? M: Tomorrow morning is OK. This afternoon I have a basketball lesson. Q: When will they meet?

(B)(2)W: Hey, why don‟t we go to see the new play on Sunday?

M: I‟d rather not. I‟m not really interested in the play.

W: Well, how about going shopping instead?

M: That sounds good. And let‟s go to the new supermarket near the bank.

W: OK.

Q: What are they going to do on Sunday?

2.(C)(1)W: Would you like some coffee or tea, Bob?

M: Coffee, please. How about you, Mary?

W: I‟d like some juice.

Q: What would Mary like?

(C)(2) W: How does your father usually go to work, Bob?

M: On foot. But sometimes by bike.【2016中考听力训练】

Q: How does Bob‟s father usually go to work?

(A)(3) M: How old are you, Tony?

W: I‟m 13 years old.

M: How about Jane and Lucy?

W: Jane is one year younger than I, but Lucy is two years older than I.

Q: Who is the youngest of the three?


(B)(4) W:Tickets for the movie are six dollars for adults, half price for children. M: All right, I‟d like three tickets for adults and two tickets for children, please. Q: How much will the man pay for the tickets?

( A)(1) W: Hello, Bob. I like yellow. What color do you like?

M: Hi,Alice. I like blue better.

Q: What color does Alice like better?

(A)(2)W: Mike, What‟s your favorite sport?

M: Basketball. And I like playing football a little. What about you? W: I like playing tennis.

Q: What sport does Mike like best?

(C)(3) M: Hello. May I speak to John?.

W: I‟m afraid not. This is Lily. It is 87665853.

M. Oh, sorry, Lily., I got the wrong number. What‟s his telephone number? W: It‟s 87665358

M: OK. Thank you.

Q: What‟s Mike‟s telephone number?

4. (A)(1) W: It‟s a quarter past eight. You are ten minutes late for class. What‟s

wrong, John?

M: I‟m sorry. My bike was broken on the way.

Q: What time did the class begin?

(B) (2) M: Nancy, it's just seven forty now. Why are you in such a hurry?

W: Oh, I'm having a meeting. But there is only twenty minutes left. I must

go now.

Q: When will the meeting start?

(C)(3) W: Hello, Bob. I hear you‟ll go to have a picnic in the countryside next

Sunday. Who will go with you?

M: Oh, Jim, Tom and the twins will go with me.

Q: How many children will go to have the picnic?

5、(A)(1)M: Waiter, I‟d like some noodles.

W: What kind of noodles would you like?

M: Beef and tomato, please.

Q: Where are they talking?

(B)(1) M: Where did you go last summer holiday?

W: I went to some beautiful places. What about you?

M: I only stayed at home and did my homework.

Q: What are they talking about?


1. M: Hi , Anna . I haven‟t seen you for a few days .

W: Oh , I didn‟t tell you that I traveled to Beijing ?

M: How long did you stay there ?

W: Four days . After that , I went to Xian and stayed there for two days . M: That‟s wonderful .

(C)1 . Where did the woman travel ?

(B) 2. How many days has the woman traveled outside ?

2. M: Mum, can we go shopping on Saturday? I need a pair of new shoes. W: Why? What‟s wrong with your shoes. Jim?

M: Look at them. We can‟t mend them.

W: what size shoes do you wear?

M: Size 7.

W: All right, dear. We‟ll go shopping on Saturday afternoon after school. I saw some very nice blue shoes in town the other day.

M: Blue shoes? Oh, mum, please don‟t have me wear blue shoes. I hate that color, I prefer white.

W: But you can‟t buy white shoes, dear. I don‟t think you can find white shoes. M: Let‟s get some black shoes then. Any color is better than blue

(A)3 . Who is Jim talking to?

(C)4 what dose Jim want to buy?

(C)5. what color dose he like best?


Mr. Black kept cats in his house. a very big cat and a very small cat. He liked them very much. One day, Mr. Green, a friend of his, came to see him. When he saw two holes in the door: a large one and a small one, he was very surprised and asked, “My dear friend, why are there two holes in the door?” “To let the cats in or out.” answered Mr. Black. “ But why are there two holes? Isn't one hole enough?” asked Mr. Green, “ How can the big cat go through the small hole?” asked Mr. Black. Q: (A)1 How many cats did Mr. Black have?

(C)2 Who was Mr. Green?

(A)3 How many holes were there in the door?

(C)4 How did Mr. Green feel when he saw the holes?

(B)5 What do you think of Mr. Black from the story?




1、 M:Hi,Alice.What’s your favorite animal?

W: My favorite animal is rabbit.Because it’s very cute.

2、 W: David,can you tell me the exact time now?

M: Sorry.I can’t.Because I left my watch at home this morning.

3、 W: Tony,please throw the rubbish into the dustbin.

M: OK.Mom

4、 W: Hi,Mike.Do you know when Lucy was born?

M: Yes,she was born on August10th,1995.

5、 W: I heard your brother had gone to Australia because of study.

M: Yes.He will graduate from university in one year.


6、W: Jim,hurry up.It’s already9:00.The meeting will start at once.

M: Take it easy.The time is changed.You will be at 9:30.

Q: When will the meeting start?

7、W: Do you often walk to school?

M: No,I usually go to school by bike.

Q: How does the man usually go to school?

8、W: Oh, The shoes look very nice.How much are they?

M:They are one hundred yuan but they will be 20 percent off with an VIP card. Q:How much are the shoes with the VIP card.

9、W:Excuse me,Sir.What can I do for you?

M:I would like a glass of orange juice and show me your menu.please? Q:Where does the conversation probably take place?

10、 M:Dear,could you wake me up early tomorrow morning?I want to catch the

first train from Datong to Taiyuan.

W:Of course.Please have a good rest.

Q:Why does the man want to get up early tomorrow?


Maria is a middle school student.Her father is a worker and works hard in the factory.But he can’t make much money.The poor little girl wanted to give her father a present on her father’s birthday to thank him for his love and what he had done for the family.So she decided to make a little box by herself and bring a piece of gold paper on cover it .When her father saw her doing that,he got angry.“You shouldn’t waste the gold paper on the box”.The girl was so sad to hear that,but he went out with the box.The next morning,the girl brought the box for father and said:“Daddy,this is for you ,her father’s face turned a little red.He opened the box,but there was nothing inside .”“Don’t you know when you give somebody a present,there must be something inside?”The girl looked at him sadly and slowly ,she said:“Oh,Daddy, I have put my love in it .”Her father felt sorry.He kissed her.


Have you ever been to Holland? There is an museument park in the America.All

the houses there look like the houses in the Holleyland.All the restaurant has famous food from Holleyland, such as cheese and pizza.It is really big.There are 7 large hotels.The park has old train,many buses,taxies and several boats for people to travel around.Many of the buses and taxies are more than 80 years old.You can ride the bicycle if you want to get much exercises.If you like shopping, there are many stores while you can buy souvenir from Holland,snow globes are kind of very popular gift.If you are interested in European culture.There are 7 museums,one museum only has musical instruments.There are many movie theaters.One of the theater shows cartoons all day.Athletic visitors can enjoy the ice skating , tennis and swimming.If you’re interested in animals,there is a wonderful zoo.The zoo has many animals from the around the world.




听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中 所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读 两遍。【2016中考听力训练】

( )1. How often does Tony exercise?

A. Every day. B. Every two days. C. Once a week.

( )2. What can we learn from the conversation?

A. The woman likes traveling.

B. The woman can't speak Chinese.

C. The woman is worried about her son.

( )3. Why hasn’t Lily handed in her homework?

A. Because she hasn't finished it.

B. Because she left it at home.

C. Because she can’t find it.

( )4. What is a difficult choice for the man?

A. Where to work. B. Where to have fun. C. Where to donate money.

( )5. What does Mario Green want to be when he grows up?

A. An animal doctor. B. A dentist. C. A policeman.


听下面3段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中 所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读


( )6. Where might this dialogue happen?

A. In the school gym. B. In the open air. C. At home.

( )7. Why does John love Sundays?

A. Because he can play sports.

B. Because he has no homework to do.

C. Because he can watch basketball games on TV.

( )8. What does John’s mother want him to do first?

A. To do exercise. B. To clean his room. C. To do his homework.


( )9. Why does the boy feel tired all the time?

A. Because he doesn’t have enough sleep.

B. Because his school has too many rules.

C. Because he does many chores at home.

( )10. What does the boy hate doing?

A. Wearing his own clothes.

B. Wearing school uniform.

C. Getting up early.

( )11. What does the woman suggest?

A. The boy shouldn’t’ t get angry.

B. The boy should keep healthy.

C. The boy could help doing chores.


( )12. What ’ s wrong with the man?

A. He’s got a pain in the neck.

B. He has a backache.

C. He has a sore eye.

( )13. What is the woman’ s doctor’ s advice?

A. Don’t sleep with the light on.

B. Don’t sit in the same way for long.

C. Read and write in a comfortable place.

( )14. What makes the man’s eyes hurt?

A. Wearing glasses.

B. Not having enough sleep.

C. Staring at a computer screen all day.

( )15. How often does the woman think they should have a check-up?

A. Every month. B. Every six months. C. Every year.


听下面1段独白,独白后有5个小题,从题中所给 的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。独白读两遍。

( )16. How often is the Spring Clean-up Day held?
