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2014年中考模拟试题(三) 英语



第Ⅰ卷 (共75分)

Ⅰ. 听力试题(每小题1分,共15分)

第一题 情景反应 这一大题共有5个小题,每小题你将听到一句话。请你从每小题所密给的A、B、C三幅图片中,选出与你所听到的信息相关联的............一项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

( )1.A. B.

封 C.


内( )2.A. B. C.

不 要( )3.A. B. C.

答 题

( )4.A. B. C.

( )5.A. B. C.

第二题 对话理解 这一大题共有5个小题,每小题你将听到一组对话和一个问题。请你从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

( ) 6. A. He is thin. B. He is short. C. He is tall.

( ) 7. A. A doctor. B. A nurse. C. A singer.

( ) 8. A. Once a week. B. Twice a week. C. There times a week.


( ) 9. A. Babysit his sister. B..Visit a friend. C. Go to a party.

( ) 10. A. A.In a bank. B. In a restaurant. C .In a bookstore.

第三题 语篇理解 这一大题你将听到一篇短文。请你根据短文内容和所提出的问题,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

( ) I1.Where did Lily and her mother live?

A. In the village. B. In the mountain. C. In the city.

( ) l2.What was her mother afraid of at night?

A.Wild animals. B.The thief. C. The dark.

( ) 13. Who did lily leave home with? A. Her friends. B. Her mother. C. Nobody. ( ) 14.How old was Lily when she came back home? A. 18 years old. B. 24 years old. C. 30 years old. ( ) 15. Why didn’t her mother lock the door later?

A. Because she was brave to live by herself . B. Because she was always waiting for Lily. C. Because the village was safer than before.

Ⅱ. 单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分)



( )16. We used to wait in a long line to buy train tickets, but now we can also buy


A. them B. it C. us

( )17. There isn’t any news about the lost plane. We are extremely worried about the

_______ of the passengers.

A. secret B. progress C. safety

( )18. It’s reported that three young men_______a stone to the sleey tiger and hurt it.

They were so rude.


A. brought B. threw C. left ( )19. Tom,someone wants you on the phone.

--_______nobody knows I am here.

A. And B. But C.So

( )20. Being a famous person isn’t always perfect. Sometimes they can’t live_____

like other people.

A. specially B. normally C. differently


( the meeting because the CEO hasn’t arrived yet. A.set off B.take off C. put off ( )22. Is there anything new in today’s newspaper?

-- Oh, my God. 29 people _______ by terrorists at Kunming train station last night.

A. have killed B.were killed C. are killed

( )23.-- ________ do you live from school?

Snice October 11th of last year, the show Dad! Where are we going? Has become a hit on Hunan TV. In this show,five star-daddies and their babies had to spend some

others,and daddies learned how to take care of the babies.At the ’ love and babies’ growth really moved us. Besides this,the hot discussions of modern family education.

In fact, lonely kids are new today.As the young parents, especially fathers --It’s about ten minutes’ walk.

A.How far B.How soon C. How long

( )24.You may call me or e-mail me. _______ way will do.

A. Either B. Neither C. Both ( )25. --I haven’t seen my parents for a long time.

-- They must miss you a lot. You’d better call them _____ once a week.

A. at times B. at least C. at present

( )26. Thanks to the Chinese Characters Dictation Competition(汉子听写大赛),

many people realize it’s time to write down the characters_______ pens.

A.with B. from C.for

( )27.I have made up my mind to be a professional athlete. I _____ my future. A. am good at B. am serious about C. am mad at ( )28.______ everyone tries to obey the traffic rules, there will be more traffic


A.Although B. Unless C. Because

( )29. –Would you mind not smoking here? Smoking is allowed in public places by

law. --_______. A. It doesn’t matter B. That’s OK C. I’m sorry ( )30.—What did the interviewer ask you?

-- She asked ______ .

A.what I think about the Didi Taxi

B. who I liked best in the show I Am a Singer C. how did I help the old man stand up

Ⅲ. 完形填空 (每小题1分,共15分)


第3页(共8页) are under too much pressure of work and life, they are to company their children.What’s fathers are not busy, they hardly take part in family education.People always sconsider mother as the certain one of should take care of the kids. As a result, many children find it difficult to communicate people begin to care about family education..They realized that fathers play a crucial role in family education. Fathers are his kid’s eyes. We can see how proud Kimi was when he says, ― My father a racing driver. He can drive all kinds of cars!‖ People feel to see such happy parent-child relationship. It’s exactly the show could get so popular. On the one hand, the star-daddies and their babies us a lot. On the other hand, it makes people realize that children will go where their parents go and our nation will go where the children go.

( ) 31. A. with B. without C. except

( ) 32. A.get along with B. take pride in C. stay away from ( ) 33. A. party B. task C. discussion

( ) 34. A. pushed B. stopped C. caused ( ) 35. A. nothing B. something C. anything ( ) 36. A.lazy B.busy C. crazy ( ) 37. A.now that B. what if C. even though ( ) 38. A. which B. whose C.who ( ) 39. A. less B. fewer C.more ( ) 40. A.easily B. nearly C.gradually (

) 41. A. following B. influencing C.continuing

( ) 42. A.always B. never C. hardly


密封 线内不要答题

( ) 43. A. anxious B. frustrated C. comfortable ( ) 44. A.how

B. when C. why

( ) 45. A. impressed B. caught

C. guided

Ⅳ. 阅读理解(一) (每小题2分,共30分)



Vacation Center

封Are you looking for an unusual vacation after a busy term? Why not join us? We’re sure to bring you something different! If you’re interested in any of them, please call 线Jerry at 560-2384 or Linda at 561-4786.




( in summer vacation..

A. on Saturday morning B. on weekends C.on Sundays ( ) 47. You can in the countryside.

A. Plant trees B. pick flowers C. grow tomatoes ( ’s Place.

A. .Museum teachers B.Language teachers C.Science teachers

( ) 49. A 6-year-old son will experience his dream job with his mother. They have

A. ¥ 100 B. ¥ 70 C. ¥80

( ) 50. According to the poster, the ads of Vacation Center are aimed mainly at


A. students B. parents C. tourists


It was darker and darker. George Hall was upset . He hadn’t sold anything the whole day. That meant he hadn’t made any meony for his medical education, not even a dinner. But he felt really hungry for he had eaten nothing all day. At last he decided to ask for something to eat.Then he knocked at the door in front of him.

“Good evening, Madam. I’m George Hall.‖ he said when he saw the hostess,‖ I have eaten nothing the whole day. Would you like…‖Bang! The door was closed loudly before he finished his words.George felt frustrated. ―Nobody would give me anything. I wouldn’t do this anymore.‖ he said to himself, standing against another

door .Suddenly,the door was opened. And a beautiful face of a girl appeared. ―I’m

sorry.‖ he said and wanted to leave ―Just wait!‖ Soon the girl came back with a glass of hot milk. ―I think you need it. You’ll be better.‖ Her smile was so warm. ― But how much should I pay for it ?‖ ―My mom often tells us not to ask for anything when we do something good.‖ George felt energetic again. He believed strongly he would be better although he almost gave up his hope one minute ago.

Years passed. One day , George was called to his hospital, which is the best one in the city, to treat a patient who was seriously ill. When he entered the room, he saw the beautiful face which gave him hope years ago. ―I must save her.‖ A month later, the young lady was fine and got her bill(账单). She knew she couldn’t afford that. However, she saw some words on it.“A glass of milk is enough for it. George Hall.”


Return is what you don’t ask but is still there.

( ) 51. What did George do some years ago?

A. He was a student. B. He was a beggar(乞丐) C. He was a doctor. ( ) 52. What does the underlined word refer to in Paragraph 2?

A. Asking for some money. B.Asking for some food. C. Asking for some milk. ( ) 53.How much did George pay for the milk?

A. None B. Much C. A little ( ) 54. Which is NOT TURE according to the story?

A. George became a good doctor years later.

B. George never forgot the girl’s kindness to him.

C.The price of glass of milk is right the same as the bill. ( ) 55. What is the best title for the story?

A Beautiful Girl B.A Famous Doctor C.A Glass of Milk


Andrew Clark, an American computer programmer ,has decided to leave Beijing. ―I arrived in Beijing on March 29, 2011..About four weeks later, I began to have a cough.

Also I have to clean my throat from time to time . I never had that until I came here.‖ he said, ―However, the cough stopped when I traveled to Xiamen or some other southern

cities. I think this is the so-called Beijing cough . The term has been popular among

foreigners and even was written in their guidebooks. It says the heavy smog here makes lots of outcomers like me cough.‖

long time to solve the problem , perhaps 10 years or more. China has 500 big cities, but


only about 1% of them are in good quality air. About 20 provinces were covered with heavy smog last winter. A study said air pollution, especially PM2.5 led to nearly 3,000 deaths in Beijing in 2012. And the number is still increasing in the following years. a barbecued meat lover? Does the thick smoke smell as delicious as the meat? The less you barbecue, the less PM2.5 there will be. Thirdly, if there’s anyone who loves smoking around you, remind them to give it up. After all, either smoking or second hand smoking is not good. Quite easy things ,right? Why not choose a greener lifestyle right now? 第7页(共8页) 第8页(共8页)


Ⅵ. 补全对话 (每小题1分,共5分)


A: Hello, Jimmy. What are you doing on the computer?

密A: You have spent too much time no it. I don't think it's good for your eyes. 封

A: Oh,never. I prefer to read paper books. They're healthier. 线. .

内B: Great! Everyone can share his favorite books with each other. A: Then what's the theme of the meeting? 不B: Reading for better life. . I can't wait for it. 要【中考英语听力训练MP3】

答 题

Ⅶ. 阅读理解(二) (每小题2分, 共10分)


Have you ever heard of "Huge Ants"? They are a group of mountain climbers. Can ants be huge? Can they be strong enough to climb a huge mountain? In fact, ants


have a simple but powerful spirit--the ant philosophy(哲学). It's amazing. Here is what it includes.

First,they never give up. We often see ants climb ahead in a line. If you put a stone in the middle,they’ll climb over it and go on their ways. 1£ they can't climb it,they'll look for another way.

Second, ants know the saying ― Take preparation against the rainy day". Summer won't last forever, so ants never stop working. They are collecting their winter £ood in summer. It is important to think ahead.

During the winter,it is so cold that ants can't go outside. But they kept reminding themselves,"This won't last long. We'll soon be out of here." And on the first warm day,the ants are out. If it turns cold again,they' ll go back. But then they will come out again if it is warm. They can't wait to get out.

And here is the last part of the ant philosophy. How much will an ant collect during the summer to prepare for the winter? As much as possible! They will try their best to get all that they possibly can.

What a wonder the ant philosophy is! Never give up, Iook ahead, stay active and try their best. Would you like to be a person like a "Huge Ant"? 71. What's the name of the mountain-climbing group?

_________________________________________________________________ 72. What will ants do if they find a stone in front of them?

_________________________________________________________________ 73. Why do ants keep busy in summer?

_________________________________________________________________ 74.Do ants stay inside all the time in winter?

_________________________________________________________________ 75.What does the writer want to tell us about the article?






1. What does the boy usually do on weekends?


2. Where would the woman probably like to go?

3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the conversation?

4. How will the girl go to the museum?

5. What animal does the boy want to see?

二、听小对话,请从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的选项。 6. How long is the man staying in Hong Kong?

A. A week. B. Five days. C. Two days. 7. What time is it now?

A. 6:45. B. 7:15 C. 7:45. 8. What does the girl look like?

A. She is short. B. She has long curly hair. C. She has short hair. 9. Why do they like Dan Dervish? A. He can sing songs well.

B. He plays different kinds of music. C. He writes his own songs. 10. Where are the boys playing?

A. In the woman’s garden. B. In the park. C. On the playground. 三、听长对话,回答问题。

听第一段对话,回答11-13小题。 11. Where are the children now?

A. On the way to school. B. On the way home. C. In class. 12. What’s in the purse?

A. There is a phone number and some money.

B. There is a phone number, some money and an ID card. C. There is some money and an ID card. 13. Whose purse do they think it is?

A. Linda’s B. Judy’s C. Dick’s 听第二段对话,回答14-15小题。

14. What did the boy get on his sixteenth birthday?

A. A mobile phone. B. An MP3. C. A CD player. 15. Why did the maths teacher take it away? A. The teacher wanted to use it. B. The boy used it in class.

C. The boy’s parents asked her to do so.


16. Alice was 11 years old and she thought she was never wrong. 17. One day Alice went to see a movie with her parents. 18. The movie was very interesting.

19. After the movie they came back home by taxi.

20. Fred turned on the light in the room when they got home.




1. W: What do you usually do on weekends?

M: I usually go skateboarding, but sometimes I play baseball.

2. W: Excuse me. I’d like some information on vacation packages, please. M: What kind of vacation are you looking for? W: Well, I hope to go on a nature tour.

3. W: I’ll volunteer in an after-school study program, Tom. M: Really? What will you do in the program?

W: I’ll help kids with their schoolwork, and teach them how to use computers. 4. W: Excuse me, could you please tell me where the art museum is?

M: Yes, there is one on Center Street. But it’s too far for you to walk there. A number

10 bus can take you there. W: Thanks a lot.

5. W: Where do you want to go now? M: Let’s see the lions.

W: Do you? They are scary! Why not go to see the koalas? M: But I think lions are smart. II.

6. W: What are you doing for vacation?

M: I’m going to Hong Kong for five days and stay in Shanghai for two days. 7. W: Hello! Sam. What time did you come here?

M: I came here half an hour ago, at about a quarter past seven. 8. M: Wow, you’ve changed! You used to have long curly hair.

W: Yes, I did. But now I’m on the swim team, and it’s better for me to have short hair. 9. M: I really like Dan Dervish.

W: Me too. I like musicians who write their own song. 10. W: Would you mind not playing in my garden? M: We are sorry, Ms Clark. III.

Dialogue 1

M: Hurry up, Linda. It is time for class. We should not be late for class. W: But Dick, look! What’s this?

M: Oh, it is a purse. But whose is it?

W: What should we do? Should we go and give it to the police? M: Let’s open it. Maybe it has a phone number inside. W: That’s a good idea.

M: I can’t find a phone number. But here is $30. An ID card, too. Oh, it is Judy. W: The purse must be hers. Let’s go and give it back to her. Dialogue 2

W: What’s the best gift you have ever received? M: A mobile phone.

W: When did you get it?

M: I got it on my sixteenth birthday. W: Who gave it to you? M: My uncle.

W: What a lucky guy! May I have a look?

M: Oh, sorry, my maths teacher has taken it away because I used it in class. W: What a pity! You should say sorry to her, then she will forgive you. M: I will. IV.

Alice was an eleven-year-old girl. She always thought herself right and never agreed with others.

One afternoon her father came back and said, “Here are two tickets for a movie. Your mother and I will be very busy tonight. Take Fred to the cinema.”

The girl liked to see movies and her friends told her it was an interesting one, she was happy and after supper she went out with Fred. The two children enjoyed themselves at the cinema. After the movie it was late. They took a bus and soon got home. There was no light in the rooms. Alice was afraid to stay in the dark room and said, “Go turn the light one, Fred.”

Fred went into the room. A few minutes later, he came out. But it was still dark there. “What’s the matter?” asked Alice. “I can’t see the switch in the dark.”

“How silly you are!” said Alice, “You turn on the light first and then you can see the switch.”


1-5ABABC 6-10BCCCA 11-15ACBAB 16-20TFTFF




1. What will Tina do this Sunday?

2. Who opened the window just now?

3. When is Ella’s mother’s birthday?

4. How did the man go to work this morning?

5. Where does the conversation probably happen?


6. Which subject does the girl think is the most difficult? A. Science. B. Maths. C. English. 7. What time is it now?

A. 8:30 B. 8:00 C. 7:30 8. Why was the boy late? A. He forgot his homework. B. His bike was broken. C. He forgot his schoolbag.

9. How long has the woman had the scarf?

A. About one month. B. About one year. C. About one week. 10. What did Uncle Crum mean?

A. Jack wanted to enjoy the MP3. B. He himself could repair the MP3.

C. Perhaps Jack could repair the MP3. 三、听长对话,回答问题。

听第一段对话,回答11-12小题。 11. Where does the man work?

A. In Green Town. B. In a middle school. C. In a tennis team 12. What does the woman do?

A. A tennis player. B. An English teacher. C. A table tennis coach. 听第二段对话,回答13-15小题。

13. Why can’t Lily go bike riding tomorrow? A. She doesn’t feel well. B. Her sister has a fever.

C. Her grandma has a sore throat. 14. Where are Lily’s parents?

A. At home. B. At work. C. On a vacation. 15. Who will take Lucy to hospital?

A. Tom and Lily B. Lily C. Lily’s brother.

16. Which country is Emily visiting on vacation? A. France. B. Japan. C. England 17. Who is she going with?

A. Her friend. B. Her sister. C. Her parents. 18. When is she leaving?

A. In March. B. In May. C. In July 19. How long is she staying there?

A. Four months. B. Three months C. Two months 20. What is she going to do?

A. Go fishing. B. Go sightseeing C. Learn Japanese




1. W: What will you do this Sunday, Frank?

M: I will write a letter to my good friend. What about you, Tina? W: I’ll watch TV at home.

2. M: Why are you arguing, Nancy?

W: It’s Peter. He asks me to close the window. It was he who opened it, Dad. 3. M: Hi, Ella! Would you like to go surfing with us this Saturday?

M: I’d love to, but I’m going to buy a birthday present for my mother. It’s her birthday next Monday.

4. W: Have you seen Sophia’s new car, Max?

M: Yes, I saw her coming by car while I was walking to work this morning. 5. W: Can I help you?

M: We’d like a table for two and two large bowls of chicken noodles. II.

6. M: Hello, Helen! What do you think of these four subjects?

W: I think English is the most interesting. And I like Chinese as well. But science is even harder than maths.

7. W: Shall we go out for a walk after supper, Davy?

M: Sorry, Susan. I’ll watch the world gymnastics championships on television at 8:00 tonight. There’s only half an hour left. 8. M: I had a terrible morning today. W: Why?【中考英语听力训练MP3】

M: My bike was broken, so when I got to school, classes had begun. What’s worse, I found my homework was not in my schoolbag.

9. M: Wow, what a nice scarf! Did you buy it in Shanghai?

W: No, I bought it in Hangzhou last month. You know Hangzhou is famous for silk. 10. M: Hi, Sherry! Why do you look so sad?

W: Oh, hello, Uncle Crum! My MP3 doesn’t work. M: Why not go and ask Jack? III.

Dialogue 1

W: So, Steven, I hear you’re a teacher. M: Yeah, that’s right. W: Where do you teach?

M: For Green Town Middle School. I teach English. W: Oh, I know that school. It’s in Shanghai, right? M: Yes, that’s right.

W: So, do you like your job?

M: Yes, it’s very interesting. I’ve got many Chinese friends. How about you? What do you do?

W: Play tennis.

M: Wow! That’s sounds great. W: Yeah, it’s really fun. Dialogue 2

W: Hello, Tom. I can’t go bike riding with you tomorrow. M: What’s the matter, Lily?

W: My sister Lucy doesn’t feel well. She has a fever, so I should stay at home. M: Sorry to hear that! But where are your parents? W: They are on a visit to Hawaii for their vacation.

M: That’s too bad! But please don’t worry. I will help you to send her to hospital. W: Thank you very much. IV.

Emily is taking a vacation in Japan. She is going there with her friend Lisa. She is leaving in March and coming back in May. She thinks the weather is usually warm when it is spring in Japan. It is the best time for her to stay there. She is going to do lots of things. She is visiting some friends there. She is going sightseeing and bike riding. She also wants to buy something. She thinks she can have fun there.


1-5CBCAB 6-10ACBAC 11-15BABCA 16-20BAACB






2.请考生将自己的姓名、考号填涂到机读卡和试卷II相应位置上. 3.请考生将卷I的答案转涂到机读卡上相应位置,卷II的答案直接写在试卷上.

卷I (共三部分;满分80分)

第一部分 听力(共两节;满分20分)


听下面10段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并将答案转涂到机读卡相应的位置。听完每段对话后,你有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每个对话读两遍。 1.

Where is his uncle?

2.What’s the boy’【中考英语听力训练MP3】

s hope?

3.What does Jim’

s father do?

4.When was the man born?


What sport does the boy like?

6.Why can’t they go to see the play on Sunday? A.Because it will be snowy. B.Because it will be rainy. C.Because it will be windy.

7.Who is looking for the sweater? A.Jay. B.Daming. C.Kate. 8.How much is one cup? A.$3.5. B.$4. C.$7. 9.What would the man like? A.Water. B.Tea. C.Milk. 10.How is Daming today? A.He is fine. B.He has a toothache. C.He has a headache. 第二节:(10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)



11.How many people are there in the boy’s family? A.6. B.5. C.4. 12.Has he got two brothers? A.No, he hasn’t. B.Yes, he has. C.I don’t know.

听第12段材料,回答13—14小题: 13.Who lives the farthest from school? A.John. B.Bill. C.Mary. 14.How long does Mary get to school by bike? A.It’s 30 minutes. B.It’s 40 minutes. C.It’s 50 minutes.


15.What did the boy do last Sunday? A.He played games. B.He went to the zoo. 16.How is the film? A.It’s boring. B.It’s very fun.

听第14段材料,回答17—20小题: 17.Where are they going? A.A park. B.A town. 18.How are they going there? A.By bus. B.By train. 19.How long will it take them to get there? A.Over 5 hours. B.Over 3 hours. 20.What will they do after lunch? A.Go shopping. B.Go boating.

C.He saw a film. C.It’s too long.

C.A school. C.On foot. C.Over 2 hours. C.Go swimming.

第二部分 基础知识运用(共两节;满分30分)


从A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21.—What are you going to be in the future?

—I want to be ______ actor. A.a B.an 22.—When did he leave for China?

—______ a sunny morning. A.In B.At 23.—Who taught you Japanese?

—Nobody, I learned it by ______. A.myself B.my

24.—Miss Li, could you give me ______ on English learning?

—Certainly. First you should speak English every day. A.any advices B.many advices 25.—I have a cold, so I can’t go for a picnic with you.


A.Glad to hear that B.I’m sorry to hear that 26.—Guang’an is a beautiful city, isn’t it?

—Yes. There are about two ______ visitors here every week. A.thousands of B.thousands

27.—Mum, I’m hungry. ______ no milk in the fridge.

—Oh, I’ll go and buy some at once. A.There is B.It is 28.—What a nice watch it is!

—Yes. It’s ______ one of all. A.expensive B.more expensive 29.—Dad, why should I stop ______ computer games?

—For your health, my boy. A.to play B.playing




C.some advice

C.I hope so


C.There are

C.the most expensive


30.—Yesterday I won the first prize in the singing competition.

—Really? ______! A.Congratulations B.That’s right C.Don’t mention it 31.—Jane, your bedroom is so dirty.

—Sorry, I’ll ______. A.clean up it B.clean it up C.clean them up

32.—Look! The man at the gate ______ be our head teacher. He is always standing there every morning.

—No, it ______ be him. He is having a meeting in the office now. A.must;can’t B.must;mustn’t C.can’t;can’t 33.—Why don’t you go to the movie with me, Betty?

—Because I ______ it before. A.saw B.have seen C.see 34.—Can you guess ______ the new T-shirt last week?

—Sorry, I don’t know. A.how much did she pay for B.how much does she pay for C.how much she paid for 35.—Jim, you look so tired!

—Oh, I didn’t go to bed ______ it was 12 o’clock last night. A.until B.as C.if 36.—Don’t copy others’ homework anymore!

—______, Miss Smith. A.OK, I will B.Sorry, I won’t C.OK, I don’t 37.—Can I swim here?

—I’m sorry. It’s dangerous. Please look at the sign “______”


38.—Our hometown is becoming more and more beautiful.

—Sure. Many trees ______ every year. A.plant B.is planted C.are planted 39.—Have you ______ “Zhang Lili”?

—Yes, she is the most beautiful woman teacher in China. A.heard of B.heard from C.heard out 40.—When are you going camping?

—______ today or tomorrow. We’ll be free these days. A.Neither B.Either C.Both 第二节:完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


Mr Green works in an office in France. work. When he got on the elevator(电梯)

it was a holiday in America. No one going to come to work until Tuesday .

There was him to do . He had to wait. With nothing to eat drink, Mr Green slpet for most of time. Early Tuesday morning, his to work and found the “I will use elevators if they have a telephone in them. ” 41. A. Last B. All C. None 42. A. buildings B. steps C. floors 43. A. speak B. shout C. say 44. A. saw B. came C. heard 45. A. is B. was C. were 46. A. something B. everything C. nothing 47. A. and B. for C. or 48. A. wife B. workmates C. parents 49. A. open B. closed C. clean 50. A. minutes B. hours C. days

第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)



Mr and Mrs Brown have two children, Mike and Liz. The whole family are all busy, so they often leave notes(便条) for each other. Read these four notes of today and answer the following

51.When will Liz be back home? A.At 3:30 pm. B.At 4:00 pm. C.At 5:00 pm. 52.Who should walk the dog today? A.Mike. B.Mrs Brown. C.Liz. 53.What is Mike doing at 6:50 pm? A.Practicing football. B.Doing his homework. C.playing tennis. 54.Where can Mike find his tennis shoes? A.Outside the back door. B.In his bedroom. C.In the living room.

广安市2012年中考英语听力mp3和真题下载 2





2.请考生将自己的姓名、考号填涂到机读卡和试卷II相应位置上. 3.请考生将卷I的答案转涂到机读卡上相应位置,卷II的答案直接写在试卷上.

卷I (共三部分;满分80分)

第一部分 听力(共两节;满分20分)


听下面10段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并将答案转涂到机读卡相应的位置。听完每段对话后,你有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每个对话读两遍。 1.

Where is his uncle?

2.What’s the boy’

s hope?

3.What does Jim’

s father do?

4.When was the man born?


What sport does the boy like?

6.Why can’t they go to see the play on Sunday? A.Because it will be snowy. B.Because it will be rainy. C.Because it will be windy.

7.Who is looking for the sweater? A.Jay. B.Daming. C.Kate. 8.How much is one cup? A.$3.5. B.$4. C.$7. 9.What would the man like? A.Water. B.Tea. C.Milk. 10.How is Daming today? A.He is fine. B.He has a toothache. C.He has a headache. 第二节:(10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)



11.How many people are there in the boy’s family? A.6. B.5. C.4. 12.Has he got two brothers? A.No, he hasn’t. B.Yes, he has. C.I don’t know.

听第12段材料,回答13—14小题: 13.Who lives the farthest from school? A.John. B.Bill. C.Mary. 14.How long does Mary get to school by bike? A.It’s 30 minutes. B.It’s 40 minutes. C.It’s 50 minutes.


15.What did the boy do last Sunday? A.He played games. B.He went to the zoo. 16.How is the film? A.It’s boring. B.It’s very fun.

听第14段材料,回答17—20小题: 17.Where are they going? A.A park. B.A town. 18.How are they going there? A.By bus. B.By train. 19.How long will it take them to get there? A.Over 5 hours. B.Over 3 hours. 20.What will they do after lunch? A.Go shopping. B.Go boating.

C.He saw a film. C.It’s too long.

C.A school. C.On foot. C.Over 2 hours. C.Go swimming.

第二部分 基础知识运用(共两节;满分30分)


从A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21.—What are you going to be in the future?

—I want to be ______ actor. A.a B.an 22.—When did he leave for China?

—______ a sunny morning. A.In B.At 23.—Who taught you Japanese?

—Nobody, I learned it by ______. A.myself B.my

24.—Miss Li, could you give me ______ on English learning?

—Certainly. First you should speak English every day. A.any advices B.many advices 25.—I have a cold, so I can’t go for a picnic with you.


A.Glad to hear that B.I’m sorry to hear that 26.—Guang’an is a beautiful city, isn’t it?

—Yes. There are about two ______ visitors here every week. A.thousands of B.thousands

27.—Mum, I’m hungry. ______ no milk in the fridge.

—Oh, I’ll go and buy some at once. A.There is B.It is 28.—What a nice watch it is!

—Yes. It’s ______ one of all. A.expensive B.more expensive 29.—Dad, why should I stop ______ computer games?

—For your health, my boy. A.to play B.playing




C.some advice

C.I hope so


C.There are

C.the most expensive


30.—Yesterday I won the first prize in the singing competition.

—Really? ______! A.Congratulations B.That’s right C.Don’t mention it 31.—Jane, your bedroom is so dirty.

—Sorry, I’ll ______. A.clean up it B.clean it up C.clean them up

32.—Look! The man at the gate ______ be our head teacher. He is always standing there every morning.

—No, it ______ be him. He is having a meeting in the office now. A.must;can’t B.must;mustn’t C.can’t;can’t 33.—Why don’t you go to the movie with me, Betty?

—Because I ______ it before. A.saw B.have seen C.see 34.—Can you guess ______ the new T-shirt last week?

—Sorry, I don’t know. A.how much did she pay for B.how much does she pay for C.how much she paid for 35.—Jim, you look so tired!

—Oh, I didn’t go to bed ______ it was 12 o’clock last night. A.until B.as C.if 36.—Don’t copy others’ homework anymore!

—______, Miss Smith. A.OK, I will B.Sorry, I won’t C.OK, I don’t 37.—Can I swim here?

—I’m sorry. It’s dangerous. Please look at the sign “______”


38.—Our hometown is becoming more and more beautiful.

—Sure. Many trees ______ every year. A.plant B.is planted C.are planted 39.—Have you ______ “Zhang Lili”?

—Yes, she is the most beautiful woman teacher in China. A.heard of B.heard from C.heard out 40.—When are you going camping?

—______ today or tomorrow. We’ll be free these days. A.Neither B.Either C.Both 第二节:完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


Mr Green works in an office in France. work. When he got on the elevator(电梯)

it was a holiday in America. No one going to come to work until Tuesday .

There was him to do . He had to wait. With nothing to eat drink, Mr Green slpet for most of time. Early Tuesday morning, his to work and found the “I will use elevators if they have a telephone in them. ” 41. A. Last B. All C. None 42. A. buildings B. steps C. floors 43. A. speak B. shout C. say 44. A. saw B. came C. heard 45. A. is B. was C. were 46. A. something B. everything C. nothing 47. A. and B. for C. or 48. A. wife B. workmates C. parents 49. A. open B. closed C. clean 50. A. minutes B. hours C. days

第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)



Mr and Mrs Brown have two children, Mike and Liz. The whole family are all busy, so they often leave notes(便条) for each other. Read these four notes of today and answer the following

51.When will Liz be back home? A.At 3:30 pm. B.At 4:00 pm. C.At 5:00 pm. 52.Who should walk the dog today? A.Mike. B.Mrs Brown. C.Liz. 53.What is Mike doing at 6:50 pm? A.Practicing football. B.Doing his homework. C.playing tennis. 54.Where can Mike find his tennis shoes? A.Outside the back door. B.In his bedroom. C.In the living room.
