
| 中考 |




( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


一、 选出你所听到的单词或句子。(10分)

( ) 1、A、door B、blackboard C、dog ( ) 2、A、hi B、are C、I ( ) 3、A、it B、is C、sit ( ) 4、A、cat B、cap C、black ( ) 5、A、desk B、stand C、and

( ) 6、A、blue B、black C、red ( ) 7、A、cat B、chair C、desk ( ) 8、A、Point to the window. B、Point to the door.

C、Point to the desk.

( ) 9、A、Please sit down. B、Please stand up. C、Sit down,please. ( ) 10、A、It’s a black dog. B、It’s a red cat. C、It’s a yellow cap. 二、听录音,选择正确的图片。(5分)





1、_______ 2、_______ 3、_________ 4、________ 5、_________ 三、听录音,找出你所听到的选项。(5分)

( )1、Good _______,Mr Li. A.afternoon B.morning C.think you ( )2、Point to the _______. A.dog B.door C.window ( )3、Sit _______,pleaseA.up B.down C.to

( )4、It’s a _______chair. A.red B.black C.green ( )5、How many ______?desks B.pandas C.doors 四、听录音,标序号。(5分)

五、听录音,与相应的颜色连线。( 5分)

red yellow

blue green






( ) ( ) ( )

( )

( )


( ) 1、A、I’m LingLing. B、I’m fine,thank you C、I’m a girl

( ) 2、A、 two boy B、two boys C、one boys

( ) 3、A、Goodbye,Daming . B、Hi,Daming . C、Good morning,Daming. ( ) 4、A、My name is Amy. B、I’m fine,thank you C、I’m a girl

( ) 5、A、 Good morning B、Goodbye C、Good afternoon


一、根据英语选汉语或根据汉语选英语。(10分) ( )1、女士 A.girl B.Mr C.Ms ( )2、请 A.thank B.point C.please ( )3、猫 A.hat B.cat C.cap

( )4、十二 A.twelve B.eleven C.eight ( )5、女孩 A.girl B.boy C.Ms ( )6、How are you?

A.你好吗? B.你叫什么名字? C.我很好,谢谢。 ( ) 7、Point to the girl.

A、指向一个女孩。 B、指向一个男孩。C、指向女孩。 ( ) 8、My name is Panpan.

A我的名字叫熊猫。B我的名字叫盼盼。C、我是一只熊猫。 ( ) 9、Stand up!

A 起立! B 请坐! C、谢谢! ( )10、It’s a yellow cap.

A、 它是一只黄色的帽子 B、它是一只绿色的帽子。 C 、它是一只黄色的猫。二、单项填空,从下列选项中选出最佳答案,将代号填入括号内(10分)

( ) 1、This is my grandpa._______ is a doctor.

A、He B、She C、His

( ) 2、I’m Lingling.What’s ______ name?

A、you. B、your C、her

( ) 3、______ is my book?

A、What. B、Where C、How

( ) 4、Point ______ the chair.

A、to B、too C、in

( ) 5、Sit ______ ,Lingling.

A、up B、down C、\

( ) 6、I’m fine and how ______ you.

A、are B、too C、to

( ) 7、I’m fine,______.

A、Thank you B、thank C、thanks ( ) 8. My ___________ Lingling.

A、name B. name is C.name are ( )9.Lingling:I am a girl.

Amy: I am a girl,_______. A.two B. too C.to

( ) 10.Daming:How many_______ Amy:Eleven.

A. dog B. dogs C.boy

三、看图,找出与图片相对应的单词,将其代号填在横线上。(10分) A、twelve B、door C、desk D、hat E、dog F、bird G、panda H、cat I、blackboard J、five

1、______ 2、12


______ 3、______ 4、______ 5、______

6、______ 7、______ 8、______ 9、______ 10、______ 四、看图,在正确的句子后的括号内打


1、A、I’m a dog . ( ) 2、A 、Hello,Amy. ( )

B、I’m a cat . ( ) B、Hello,I’m Amy.( )

3、A、It’s a desk . ( ) 4、A 、Good morning,boys.. ( ) B、It’s a chair . ( ) B、Good morning,girls.(


5、A、six chairs . ( ) 6、A . Sitdown,please. ( ) B、seven chairs . ( ) B、Stand up ,please.(


八、根据情景提示,选择正确的答案,将代号填入括号内。(5分) 7、A、


s a panda . ( ) 8、A 、point to the bird. ( )

B、It’s a panpan . ( ) B、point to the desk.( )

9、A、Good morning! . ( ) 10、A 、Hello! ( )

B、Goodbye! . ( )

B、Bye-bye.( ) 五、看图,判断单词与图片是否相干符。相符的打“√”,不相符的打“×”。(5分)

1 2、 3、 4、 5、 6.


chair cat nine Amy door

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 六、看图,把正确的字母代号填入对话框中。(5分) A、How are you? B、What’s you name? C、Two chairs. ( ) 1、 想知道别人叫什么名字时,你可以这样问: A. Hi!Daming. B. What’s your name?C. How are you ?

( )2、 下午见面时应该说:

A. Good morning! B. Good afternoon! C.Goodbye. ( )3、 询问别人某物有多少时,你可以这样问: A. How many? B.What’s this? C. How are you ? ( )4、 跟别人送你东西时,你应该说:( ) A. Hello!. B.Good bye. C. Thank you.

( )5、想让Sam指着书桌时,你可以这样说:( )

A. Pont to the chair ,Sam. B.Pont to the window,Sam. C. Point to the desk, Sam.


一、 选出你所听到的单词或句子。

1、door 2、I 3、it 4、cap 5、desk 6、black 7、cat 8、point to the window. 9、Sit down,please. 10、It’s a red cat.


1、point to the window. 2、point to the chair. 3、point to the door. 4、It’s a black cat . 5、I’m a girl. 三、听录音,找出你所听到的选项。

1、Good morning,Mr Li. 2、Point to the dog. 3、Sit down,please 4、It’s a green chair. 5、How many pandas? 四、听录音,标序号。

1、Stand up,please. 2、point to the blackboard 3、A:How many dogs ? B:Four. 4、Good morning,boys. 5、point to the door. 五、听录音,与相应的颜色连线。

1、It’s a green bird. 2、It’s a red dog. 3、Point to the blackboard.It’s black. 4、It’s a yellow chair. 5、It’s a blue desk.


1、Hi,I’m Sam. 2、A: How many doors? B:Three. 3、point to the cap. 4、

A:How many chairs? B:Seven. 5、It’s a blue window. 七、听录音,选答语。

1、How are you? 2、How many boys?3、Goodbye,Amy.4、What’s your name?5、Good afternoon. 参考答案 听力

一、 ACABABAACB 二、ADEBC 三、BCBCB 四、53412 五、略

六、××√√√ 七、BBACC 笔试部分






一、 看图,判断对错。对的写( T ),错的写( F )。(每小题2分,共10分)

He's a doctor.

( )1.

Look,it's a dragon.

( )2.

This is my cat.

( )3.

Twelve pandas.

( )4.

She is a nurse.

( )5.


1. Hello, I’m __________. ( A. Sam B.school )

2. —How many birds? —________ . (A. Twelve B.Orange )【外研社出版小学英语三年级入学考试】

3. —What’s that ? —It’s a _________. ( A.desk B.down )

4. —Where’s the pencil ? —I don’t _______. ( A.no B.know )

5. —Is it a blackboard ? —_______, it is. ( A.Yes B. No )


( )1. How old _________ you?

A. am. B. is. C. are.

( )2. Ms. Smart is my English _________.

A. head. B. teacher. C. Mr. Li.

( )3. 你想知道猫在哪,应该问:

A. Where 's the cat ? B. Where's the sister? C. What’s the cat?

( )4. 当别人对你说"Happy birthday!"时,你应该说:

A. Happy birthday. B. Thank you. C. Hello.

( )5. 你想向别人介绍你的妈妈,你应该说:

A. This is my mother.


( )1. Hello, I’m Sam. A. I don’t know.

( )2. Is it a yellow pen? B. Hello, Sam.

( )3. Where’s the bag? C. No, it isn’t.

( )4. How many boys? D. It’s a bird.

( )5. What’s this? E. Eight .

B. What’s my mother. C. Hi, my mother.


( )1. It’s a red chair . A.

( )2. Here is my present . B.

( )3. This is my grandpa . C.



六、 给下列句子选择正确的汉语意思。

( ) 1、How are you? A、你好吗? B、再见

( ) 2、Good morning. A、下午好。 B、早上好。

( ) 3、Point to a girl. A、指向一个女孩。B、指向一个男孩。


( ) 4、I’m Daming. A、我是大明。 B、我是男孩。

( ) 5、My name is Panpan. A 、我的名字叫熊猫。 B、我的名字叫盼盼。

( ) 6、Good afternoon. A、下午好。 B、中午好。

( ) 7、It’s green. A 、它是绿色的。 B、它是蓝色的。

( ) 8、Stand up! A 、起立! B、 请坐!

( ) 9. Sit down ! A、 起立! B、 请坐!

( )10、It’s a yellow cap. A、 它是一只黄色的帽子 B、它是一只绿色的帽子


3 seven 5 two

8 six 9 one

7 three 2 five

6 eight 1 nine

10 eleven 4 twelve

11 ten 12 four


小鸟(boy)____小狗(dog)___ 帽子(cat)___猫(hat)___


九、阅读理解,正确的在括号内写( T ), 错误的写( F )。(每小题2分,共10分)

This is my family. Look! This is my mother. She is a teacher. This is my father. He is a doctor. My name is Amy. I’m a pupil. I’m nine. This is my brother, Tom. He is seven. I love my family.

( )1. My name is Amy.

( )2. My father is a farmer.

( )3. My mother is a teacher.

( )4. I’m a pupil, I’m nine.

( )5. Tom is nine, too.



姓 名 _________ 成 绩 _______


A i

G a

T g

R q

H h

I l

L t

Q r


( ) 1、 A、park B、noodles C、lake ( ) 2、 A、bear B、big C、dog ( ) 3、 A、one B、three C、toy ( ) 4、 A、sweater B、doll C、T-shirt ( ) 5、 A、box B、bus C、bike ( ) 6、 A、cold B、come C、cool ( ) 7、 A、chair B、pen C、pencil ( ) 8、 A、Chinese B、book C、Maths ( ) 9、 A、Spring Festival B、New Year C、England ( ) 10、 A、lion B、coffee C、milk

三、单项选择,将最佳答案的选项写在括号里。 (14分)

( )1、 My favourite toy is _____.

A、a kite B、red C、a song

( )2、--What are they? --They are ____ .

A、monkey B、big C、lions

( )3、--Do you like fish? -- ____ .

A、Yes, I don’t B、No, I don’t C、Yes, he does ( )4、--Does Xiaoyong like apples? -- ____ .

A、Yes, he do B、Yes, he doesn’t C、No, he doesn’t ( )5、--Pass me the rice, please! -- ____ .

A、Yes, I am B、No, It isn’t C、Here you are ( )6、--What __ she do __ the weekend? -- She plays basketball.

A、does, at B、does, in C、do, at

( )7、This book is ____ Spring Festival.

A、on B、about C、at

( )8、--It’s Christmas today. – Happy ____ !

A、New Year B、Christmas C、Spring Festival

( )9、It’s spring. It’s____ in spring.

A、warm B、cold C、hot

( )10、--Has Sam got a sweater? --Yes, ____ .

A、he has B、he hasn’t C、he does

( )11、She goes to school ___ bike.

A、on B、by C、in

( )12、--___ is this? -- A present for you.

A、Where B、What C、How

( )13、In ___ , Daming walks on the snow.

A、winter B、autumn C、summer

( )14、--What’s the time? -- _____.

A、It’s half past twelve B、It’s four thirty o’clock C、It’s six half


( ) 1、Do you like sweets? A、No, I haven’t.

( ) 2、Have you got a car? B、Yes, I do.

( ) 3、How do you go home? C、I watch TV.

( ) 4、What’ s nine and eleven? D、It’s nine o’clock.

( )5、What do you do at the weekend? E、It’s twenty.

( )6、What’s the time? F、By bike.【外研社出版小学英语三年级入学考试】


( )1、问别人怎样去学校,应该说:

A、How do you go to school? B、How do you go school?

C、Where is the school?

( )2、问别人学校有哪些课时,应该说:

A、What do you do at school? B、What’s your school?

C、What do you have at school?

( )3、问别人最喜欢的食物是什么,你会说:

A、What’s your favourite toy? B、What’s your favourite colour?

C、What’s your favourite food?

( )4、问别人是否有一件新外套时,可以说:

A、Have you get a new coat? B、Has you got a new coat?

C、Have you got a new coat?

( )5、今天热且太阳很好,你可以说:

A、It’s hot and sunny today. B、It’s hot and windy today.

C、It’s hot and raining today.





j r v w x 二、根据大写字母写出小写字母、小写字母写出大写字母(15分):


1、 2、特别喜爱的

3、英语歌 4、What`s your favourite……

5、My favourite…is… 6、My name is…【外研社出版小学英语三年级入学考试】

7、Here`s…… 8、

9、This is 10、My favourite colour is


( )1、 is your favourite song,Mr Smart? A.Where

B.What C.How

( )2、 favourite toy is doll. A..Her B.She


( )3、My favourite is a kite. A.doll

B.colour C.toy

( )4、This is Daming. Favourite toy is a ship. A.Her B.His


( )5、 a bear,a father bear. A.Here`s

B.There`s C.Where`s

( )6、My favourite colour is . A.a red B.red

C.a yellow

( )7、Toys,toys girls and boys. A.for B.to


( )8、 lovely toys. A.Lot of

B.How many C.Lots of

( )9、Here`s a bear,a mother bear. is my favourite bear. A.He B.Her


( )10、My favourite toy is . A.car

B.bus C.a car


( )1 ( )2 A B C D A B C


( )3 ( )4 A B C D E F A B C

D E ( )5、 A B C D E 六、补全下列对话:(15分)

L: Hello!What`s your name?

T: L: My name is Lili. T: L: My favourite colour is red.


一、B E I O Q U Y; a ; g I ; n q ; u y z

二、n w ; o q ; b p ; c g ; l i ; e f ; y j ; n m ; B P ; I J ; U V ; E F ; D P ;B D ; R P

三、1、电子游戏 2、favourite 3、ABC song 4、你特别喜爱的„是什么? 5、我特别喜爱的„

是„ 6、我的名字叫„ 7、这儿有„ 8、许多可爱的玩具 9、这是埃米。



五、1、C am 改成is 2、E kite改成a kite 3、A ,What改成What`s ,E 去掉is

4、E a red改成red 5、A He改成His








( )1、What`s ? It`s a tiger. A . this

B .these

( )2、What are they ? are lions. A . This

B .They

( )3、This tree tall. A .is

B .are

( )4、Hello,boys and girls. ,Mr Li. A .Hello

B .Ha,ha

( )5、What`s this ? It`s . A .a elephant

B .an elephant

( )6、That monkey is . A .a thin

B .thin

( )7、What are they ? They are . A .monkey



( )8、What`s this ? It`s a tiger. It`s . A .big

B .a big

( )9、What are they ? They are pandas. . A .fats

B .fat

( )10、Look the dogs . They`re small . A .to

B .at


( )1、向别人介绍“这是玲玲。”用 。

A .She`s Lingling . B .It`s Lingling .

C .This is Lingling .

( )2、询问“那是什么?”用 。

A What`s that ? B .What`s this ?

C. What are they ?

( )3、回答“What`s this?(这是什么?)”的句子,下列哪个句子能用?

A .It`s big. B .It`s a tiger .

C .This is a tiger .

( )4、“指那个胖鸟儿。”下列那个句子正确?

A .Look at the fat bird . B .Piont to the fat bird ,

C .Look !It`s a fat bird .

( )5、“那棵树是低的。”应该是 。

A .This tree is short . B .That tree is a short .

C .That tree is short .


1、is , Lanlan`s , small , bag , .

2、What`s , colour , favourite ,

your , ?

3、elephant , The , fat , is , .


4、it , a , lion , Is , ? , ?

5、they , dogs ,They , are , are ,

What ? , . , ? .



二、monkey→猴子; tiger→老虎; cat→猫; elephant→大象; lion→ 狮子

tree→树; doll→洋娃娃; ship→龙船; toy→玩具; car→小汽车

三、fat→thin tall→short big→small yes→no mother→father this→that

these→those white→black



六、1、Lanlan`s bag is small.

2、What`s your favourite colour ?

3、The elephant is fat.

4、Is it a lion?

5、What are they? They are dogs.



Aa Ff 二、每个字母抄写一行:(15分) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Aa -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bb -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cc ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

三、 填空:(30分)

1、I like . 2、I (不)like

basketball .

3、I like 乒乓球). 4、I like (早操).

5、I like (swim). 6、I don`t like (skip).

7、I like 骑自行车). 8、I like coffee , 也).

9、and they like (我). 10、I like green dogs

(和)blue cats .

三、根据 和 用like和don`t like 填空:(20分)

I toy cats .

I am a girl .I basketball .

The pandas are fat .I pandas .

I like tea .I I like monkeys .I lions .

I Mr Smart .She is my English teacher .

We are girls .We red .



姓名: 成绩:

一、 单词连线(5分


bird chair. desk girl cat

二、 请选择与其它不同类的单词(5分)

( ) 1. A. bird B. dog C. fine

( ) 2. A. you B. it C. please

( ) 3. A. black B. my C. blue

( ) 4. A. thank B. door C. window

( ) 5. A. am B. your C. my


( ) 1. --- Good morning.

--- _________________.

A. Bye-bye B. Good afternoon C. Good morning

( ) 2. ---Good bye, Amy.

--- __________ .

A. Hello B. Bye-bye,Sam. C. I’m Sam.

( ) 3. --- ____________________?

--- I’m fine, thank you.

A. What’s your name B. How are you C. Good morning

( )4、Point _______ the door,please.

A. up B. to C. an

( )5、Sit ______ ,Lingling.

A、up B、down C、\

( )6、What’s your name ?

A、Hi,Lili B、I is Lili C、I am Lili


( )1、How are you ?

A. 你好吗? B. 早上好! C. 再见!

( )2、Good afternoon , I’ m Xiaohong.

A. 早上好,我是小红。 B. 下午好,我是小红。 ( )3、What’s your name ?

A. 你叫什么名字? B. 我很好,谢谢。

( )4、It’s green.

A.它是黑色的。 B. 它是绿色的

( )5、Point to the desk.

A. 指向门。 B. 指向桌子

( )6、Sit down please.

A. 请起立。 B. 请坐下。

( )7、How many girls?

A. 有多少男孩 ? B. 有多少女孩?

五. 读一读,选择恰当的答句(10分)

( )1、与他人见面,你应该如何问候?

A. Who are you? B. How are you?

( )2、与别人告别时,你可以说:

A. My name’s Bai Ling .B. Goodbye..

( )3、请指向窗户,用英语该这样说:

A. Point to the windown. B. Point to the bird.

( )4、老师走进教室准备上课,班长应该这样说:

A. Sit down. B. Stand up.

( )5、当你想知道别人的姓名时,你应该问:

A. What’s your name ? B. How are you?


( ) 1. Hello! I’m Xiaoqiang. A.I’m fine ,thank you .

( ) 2. Goodmorning, Daming. B. Good afternoon

( ) 3. How are you ? C.Hi! I’m Xiaohong.

( ) 4. What’s your name ? D.I’m Wangyong.

( ) 5. Good afternoon E. Goodmorning, Ms Smart.
