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九年级物理 人教版 全一册 2015.9.1 刘准 杨阳




第一部分 听力


第一节 (共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)


When I was having a walk through the park today, I met a friend I hadn‘t seen for ages. She stared at me curiously . ― you have kept this umbrella for years, it‘s old and out of date, I wonder hwy you keep it and take it wherever you go. ― I smiled, ― it means a great deal to me.‖ I simply gave her my shortest answer. Honestly speaking, I, either, could not understand the reason why I kept it .

Then all of a sudden , fallen leaves darkened my eyes with a strong wind. I grabbed the umbrella instinctively. The rain poured down, thanks to my umbrella, I didn‘t get wet at all.

― why have I kept it for so long ?‖ I asked myself , staring at my umbrella. I couldn‘t remember when and where I bought it, for I‘m always tired and lazy to answer questions. It could protect me from the heavy rain, I told myself eventually. Looking at the people rushing through the street, I felt safe. This might be another reason.

It is always so. We know a thunderstorm comes unexpectedly and goes without a warning. The sky cleared up. The sun shone brightly . just as usual, I seized the umbrella with my left hand. Still there is water dropping down. I walked among the noisy crowd and listened to what they were murmuring in their heart. ― today I will ask for a rise, or I‘ll leave this company.‖ Good luck to you , I smiled to him. ―I‘ll manage to make you live forever.‖ A little boy held a pet dog close to him. ― she‘ll be all right, because she is blessed.‖ I heard angels singing in this city.

The moment my fingertips touched the umbrella, I felt it‘s dry, and it‘s warm. Soon it became hot. I held it up to avoid harmful sunshine. Do I need a reason to explain why? Maybe I should think about it. I need my umbrella when it is sunny as well as when it is rainy.

21.Which of the following words best describes the author?

A. watchful B. hard- working C. clever D. strange

22. From the author‘s feelings with people among the noisy crowd, we can see that_____

A. He is sensible enough to understand others‘ murmur.

B. He is sorry for people who can‘t foresee their difficulties.

C. He is warm-hearted even to care for unfamiliar people

D. He is kind enough to hope everyone will plan their life well

23. What‘s the most suitable title for the passage?

A. Try to notice every passer-by.

B. Umbrellas are important

C. Always be prepared

D. Weather changes unexpectedly.


Barrack Obama has really gone wild. The us president has taken part in the survival television show Running Wild With Bear Grylls, which will air on NBC later this year. In the show , Obama goes on an adventure win host Bear Grylls, Learning how to survive in the Alaskan wilderness.

Edward Michael ―Bear‖ Grylls, 41 , has become known around the world as one of the most famous outdoor adventurers. The Briton has appeared in a number of wilderness survival shows in which he has climbed, sailed, and eaten bugs or cow tongue.

Obama doesn‘t have to eat bugs or cow tongue on his adventure with Grylls. But he does have to eat leftovers- a bloody salmon (三文鱼). It was partly enjoyed by a bear that left some meat behind.

Although he is far from the white house kitchen, Obama seems to enjoy the outdoors. ― as president, I am in what‘s called the bubble (保护膜) ,and the secret service makes sure that I‘m always out of danger…but I sometimes want to get out, ― he said in a video.

However, Obama‘S appearance on the show isn‘t just for fun. He took part to raise awareness of the effect global warming has had on the US‘s largest state, Alaska.

24.On his adventure, Obama______

A . Has to eat something strange like bugs.

B. Enjoys cow tongue with Grylls.

C. Takes in some unusual food.

D. Never has any difficulty.

25.It can be inferred from the passage that ______

A .Obama has been tired of the life in the white house

B. us presidents have never been in danger because of the secret service.

C.T he food prepared in the white house is not as good as the food outdoors.

D. the life outside the white house is sometimes attractive to the president.

26.The purpose of Obama‘s appearance on the show is _______

A .To have some fun

B. To promote environmental protection

C. To enjoy the wilderness in Alaska.

D. To get out of the white house for a change

27.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A .Grylls is the most well known outdoor adventurer around the world.

B. The tv show with Obama‘S appearance is now on air on NBC

C. Obama learns how to survive with host bear Grylls in African wilderness.

D. Grylls has special abilities to survive in the wild.


Kompong Phhluk Private Tour

Depart the city for an unspoiled floating community called Kompong Phhluk which is astonishing for its stilted-house villages and flooded forest.

Stop on the way for the Rolous Market tour. This is a great chance for you to take the photos of locals selling vegetables, different fish species and other local produce.

After this market tour we‘ll all have a boat trip to the floating community of Kompong Phhluk, visit an island pagoda, school and houses standing on 8 or 10m high stilts, fish farms and learn about the village life.?

Stop and have lunch in a family‘s house before getting into a row boat and venturing into the flooded forest, the habitat to some famous water-bird species.

Eventually we jump back into the big boat and set off for the largest fresh water lake in SE Asia, Tonle Sap.?

Tour Details

·Departs 8.30am

·Returns around 2pm


·A picnic lunch with sandwiches and drinks is provided.?We cannot provide local food from the area due to poor sanitation, lack of hygiene standards and refrigeration.

·No passes required


·These rates are based on an English speaking guide.

·Rates include all transport, water and a picnic lunch.

·Children 11 years and under are 50%.

·Children 4 years and below are free.

·If your group is larger than 5 people please email us for the best rate.

Number of People Price Per Person

1 Person $65

2 People $45

3 People $40

4 People $35

5 People $32

What to Wear

·Please be mindful of your clothing and try to avoid anything too revealing.

·We strongly recommend a sunglasses, hat and sunscreen.

General Information

·This is a poor rural village, please be mindful of the environment.

·Please do not hand things out to villagers, for this contributes to creating a begging cycle

and can create jealousy.

·We recommend heading to the toilet before you go on this trip as facilities are very basic.

70. Kompong Phhluk is famous for its ______.

A. local vegetables and different fish species

B. stilted-house villages and flooded forest

C. Rolous Market and island pagoda

D. water-bird habitat and fish farms

71. A private trip for two parents and a 3-year-old boy costs ______.

A. $40B. $80C. $90D. $120

72. Which of the following is not included in the rates?

A. A tourist guide.B. Transport.C. Drinks.D. Local food.

73. We can conclude from the passage that ______.

A. the living standard in the village is quite low

B. the tourist facilities along the way are quite good

C. revealing clothes are appropriate in the hot weather

D. giving local children small gifts is strongly recommended


My students often tell me that they don't have "enough time" to do all their schoolwork. My reply is often a brief "You have as much time as the president." I usually carry on a bit about there being twenty-four hours in the day for everyone, and suggest that"not enough time" is not an acceptable explanation of not getting something done.

Once in graduate school, I tried to prove to one of my professors by saying that I was of your work." Since then I have had time to think carefully about the "hard worker" dodge (诀窍), and I have come to some conclusions- all relevant to the problem of how much time we have. If you analyze the matter, you can identify two parts of the problem: There is, of course, the matter of "time", which we can think of as fixed. Then there is the problem of "work" during that time. But, as my professor suggested, it's not how hard one works but the quality of the product that's important.

That led me to a new idea: the quality of the work. That concept is perhaps best explained by a sign I once saw on the wall in someone's office: "Don't work harder. Work smarter." There is a lot of sense in that idea.

If you can't get more time, and few of us can, the only solution is to improve the quality of the work. That means thinking of ways to get more out of the same time than we might otherwise get. That should lead us to an analysis of our work habits. Since "work" for students usually means "homework", the expression "work habits" should be read as "study habits".

Then, as a smart student, you will seek to improve those skills that you use in study, chiefly reading and writing. If you learn to read better and write better, there are big benefits that pay off in all your studies.

1. From the passage, we know that the author is probably ______.

A. a poet

B. an educator

C. an editor

D. a director

2. We can infer from the first two paragraphs that we students _____.

A. have enough time

B. can meet the president

C. get everything done well

D. should accept the explanation

3.the underlined sentence in paragraph 2 means ______

A. That ‗s impossible B. that is not important

C.that is unbearable D. that is not acceptable

4. the main purpose of writing the passage is to give ______

A. Information B. encouragement C.criticism D. advice

第二节 (共5小题,每小题2分, 满分10分)

根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Does failure really exist?

If you believe you have failed, then you have. If you believe you don‘t have the ability to succeed, then you don‘t. 1. The moment you decide to give up or stop working toward your goals, failure is born.

Most people give themselves an out without even realizing it. They are willing to work hard on reaching their goals, but only until the going gets too rough or their energy dies down. Don‘t Don’t believe in a clear finish line for goals.

It‘s a good idea to set a general timeline (时间表), but remember that something will be like a failure! Instead, get a general idea of when you‘d like your goal to be completed. Then take it one day at a time and focus on making progress instead of reaching the finish line in as little time as possible.

Be sure that you don’t see difficulties as failures.

Difficulties mean only one thing: it‘s not time for your goal to be completed yet. That‘s it! It doesn‘t mean you failed; it doesn‘t mean you‘re weak; it doesn‘t mean you‘ll never achieve difficulties.

A. Never give up on yourself.

B. Failure only exists in your own mind!

C. That‘s exactly how failure makes us feel.

D. It simply means you have not done enough yet.

E. You can never say exactly when your goal will be reached.

F. instead, Make up your mind to make your goal happen, no matter what!

G. Work hard towards your goal, and you will be likely to get good results.



IT was a dark, wet November morning. It seemed like it would take a million years to get to summer again. I thought bears have got it right – what a of the year and wake up when spring comes!

―Want some words of affirmation (肯定)?‖ a coworker, seeing my mood, kindly __2__ ―You don‘t think they would

―Today? No.‖ I shook my head.

―I used to think so too,‖ he said, ―I realized the effect my words had on a certain person. Well, it was someone I knew pretty well. I have to say I him rather badly.‖

―You? you are always so positive! How did you treat him badly?‖

―I told him I did not like anything about him, really. I told him I did not like his name. In fact, it wasn‘t only what I said. I also did pretty bad things to him. When he was hungry, I did not give him the chance to eat food. When he felt like doing something fun, I said to him that
















请看下面例子:以2015年中招为例 ,小明是2015年郑州三中初三毕业生,当年,他的志愿学校是郑州一中和郑州二中。而去年,郑州一中、郑州二中在郑州三中的分配生计划分别是3个和2个。





第三步: 录取不只看分








11.-的相反数是() 2

11A.2 B-2 C. D.- 22



A. 1个B. 2个C. 3个D. 4个

3.下列说法中,正确的个数是( )

①柱体的两个底面一样大;②圆柱、圆锥的底面都是圆;③棱柱的底面是四边形; ④长方体一定是柱体;⑤棱柱的侧面一定是长方形。

A. 2个 B. 3个C. 4个D. 5个


A.一个负数 B. 一个非正数 C. 一个整数或负数 D. 与原数和为零的数

5.下列代数式:①-2xy ②3ab-1 ③-xy

④0 ⑤-b.其中是单项式的是() 3a

A.①④⑤ B.①③④ C.①②③④⑤ D.①④


A.4,4 B.4,3 C.3,2 D. 6,4


A.2 B.1 C.-1 D.0

8.已知O为圆锥顶点,OA、OB为圆锥的母线,C为OB中点,一只小蚂蚁从点C开始沿圆锥侧面爬行到点A,另一只小蚂蚁绕着圆锥侧面爬行到点B,它们所爬行的最短路线的痕迹如右图所示。若沿OA剪开,则得到的圆锥侧面展开图为( ) 6



C. D.












17.计算(每小题3分,共12分) (1)(-81)÷2


(4)(-4.66)×141215×(2)(-)÷(--) 4934636241334)×(-)×(-) 32254


÷+5×()2+0×53× 94378





21213xy)+3(xy2-x3),其中x,y满足(x+1)2+y3=0. 392




二、9、 9.6×10 10、6 11、12 12、

15、-22 16、2


17(1)-16 (2)15 (3)-1 (4)-63或2 13、-7 14、29 20 9






(2)m=2,n=-2 ,nm=4





  中国招生考试网为广大中考生提供:2016中考分数线查询、2016中考成绩查询时间、中考成绩查询入口,以及中考录取分数线等信息,帮助考生和家长了解考试成绩与录取情况。  2016年郑州中考即将揭开序幕,郑州中考录取分数线预计7月12日左右公布,届时我们将会及时更新郑州中考录取分数线。以下是中国招生考试网根据2015年郑州中考录取分数线对2016年郑州中考录取分数线的预测,希望对各位考生及家长有所帮助!  随着中招成绩的公布,2015年郑州市中招建档、划线也已经确定为7月12日~24日,也就是说,在7月24日前后,中招分数线才能出炉。不少家长就问,分数明明都已经公布了,为啥还要等这么长时间才公布分数线?这其中会不会有猫腻?为此,记者为你打探到了划定分数线的秘密,还要告诉你,凭啥人家比你考分低就能进入好学校,偏偏你不行的缘由。  划定分数线缘何耗时  有不少家长问,高招在公布分数的同时,就公布了各批次分数线,为啥中招的分数线偏偏要等这么长时间呢?  据悉,中招分数线是根据各个高中的招生计划来划定,一旦出炉,就是各个学校的具体分数线出台,也就是说,分数线一出,能否上某所高中,只要看分数是否够线就可以了。这也就是大家常说的,高招分数线出炉并不代表着高招录取开始,而中招分数线出炉,意味着开始,也代表着结束。  不过,既然中招分数线是这样的,那么每个考生的分数就必须确保无疑义,只有这样,才能进行下一步的工作。这不,郑州市中招办也发布消息了,如考生对某学科成绩有疑问,可于7月10日、11日两天提出申请进行试卷成绩复核。  划线的“条条框框”  据了解,2015年郑州市普通高中志愿设置共分四个批次,其中提前批次一个,为省提前批次;面向郑州市区批次三个,分别为第一批次、第二批次和第三批次。那么各批次分数线到底是如何划定的呢?  首先,省提前批次录取学校的录取办法执行省教育厅的规定;其次,面向郑州市区招生的第一、二批次普通高中录取实行分学校划线、分学校公布、一次录取的办法。最后,就是自主划线,即各民办学校的录取分数线由各招生学校自主划定。  不过,郑州市中招办也有规定,民办普通高中原则上面向郑州市招生,在招生计划未完成的情况下,可以跨省辖市、省直管县(市)招生,但应经郑州市中招办和生源所在地的省辖市、省直管县(市)教育行政部门备案同意。不得录取低于生源地最低控制分数线以下的学生,不得招收已被其他学校录取的学生。  2015年会有多少条分数线  2015年,郑州市区接受分配生的普通高中学校共有18所,而享受分配生政策的学校为郑州市区所有初中学校,无论公办初中或民办初中。  《2015年郑州市市区普通高中分配生名额分配表》显示,郑州市共有134所初中有分配生名额。因为分配生是名额分配到学校,从上到下数名额,也就意味着,分配生的分数线是“一个学生一个分数线”,由此计算,仅分配生的分数线就达2412条。  当然,分配生线也是数量最多的分数线,此外,郑州市高中的航空实验班、宏志班、国际班等,以及各学校还有统录线、择校线、第一志愿未被录第二志愿需提高10分录取等。  六步划定分数线  第一步:预划统录线。以郑州一中为例,从第一志愿报考郑州一中的学生中,从上到下排队向下数,直至统招计划的40%,这名学生所考的成绩即郑州一中的统录线(注:并列全录)。  第二步:划定分配生线。这是最繁琐的一步,该线的划定以初中学校为单位,仍以郑州一中为例,在第一志愿报考郑州一中的学生中,并且分数在郑州一中统录线下50分以内查人数。比如郑州一中分配给郑州二中(初中部)8个名额,那么在分数区间内录满8个人即可,分配生名额也就用完了,如果某个学校的第一志愿报郑州一中的在分数区间内没录满,说明名额没用完,剩下的名额将转为统录生计划。  第三步:重新划统录线。因为有分配生名额没用完,这些剩余的名额将转至统录计划,如此一来,统录计划增加,再进行预划统录线。  第四步:分配生再划线。随着统录计划和分数线调整,分配生线自然也会有变化。同样在统录线下50分的区间内,继续按各学校报名人数进行划线,看分配生名额使用情况,如仍未使用完,则再重新划定统录线、分配生线,直至名额录满。  第五步:择校生划线。仍以郑州一中为例,在划完统录线和分配生线以后,第一志愿报郑州一中且同意择校、并未被统录和分配生录取的学生重新排队,由高分到低分,按照统招计划的10%数人数,最后一名的分数则为择校分数线,如有并列则全部录取。  第六步:第二志愿学校划线。以郑州一中为例,第一志愿报考郑州一中,未被录取的学生,第二志愿就要生效了。此时,第二志愿报了其他省级示范高中的学生将和第一志愿报该校的学生一起重新排队、录取,过程同郑州一中相同。


  2016北京和平街一中录取分数线  2016年北京朝阳中考分数线(和平街一中)  学校名称:和平街一中  普通班走读:527分
