
| 高考 |





1. What are the speakers talking about?

A. Having a birthday party.

B. Doing some exercise.

C. Getting Lydia a gift.

2. What is the woman going to do?

A. Help the man.

B. Take a bus.

C. Get a camera.

3. What does the woman suggest the man do?

A. Tell Kate to stop.

B. Call Kate’s friends.

C. Stay away from Kate.

4. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In a wine shop.

B. In a supermarket.

C. In a restaurant.

5. What does the woman mean?

A. Keep the window closed.

B. Go out for fresh air.

C. Turn on the fan.




6. What is the man going to do this summer?

A. Teach a course.

B. Repair his house.

C. Work at a hotel.

7. How will the man use the money?

A. To hire a gardener.

B. To buy books.

C. To pay for a boat trip.


8. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Schoolmates.

B. Colleagues.

C. Roommates.

9. What does Frank plan to do right after graduation?

A. Work as a programmer.

B. Travel around the world.

C. Start his own business.


10. Why does the woman make the call?

A. To book a hotel.

B. To ask about the room service.

C. To make changes to a reservation.

11. When will the woman arrive at the hotel?

A. On September 15.

B. On September 16.

C. On September 23.

12. How much will the woman pay for her room per night?

A. $179.

B. $199.

C. $219.


13. What is the woman’s plan for Saturday?

A. Going shopping.

B. Going camping.

C. Going boating.

14. Where will the woman stay in Keswick?

A. In a country inn.

C. In her aunt’s home.

15. What will Gordon do over the weekend?

A. Visit his friends.

B. Watch DVDs.

C. Join the woman.

16. What does the woman think of Gordon’s coming weekend?

A. Relaxed.

B. Boring.

C. Busy.

B. In a five-star hotel.


17. Who is Wang Ming?

A. A student.

C. An engineer.

18. What does the speaker say about the college job market this year?

A. It’s unpredictable.

B. It’s quite stable.

C. It’s not optimistic.

19. What percentage of student job seekers have found a job by now?

A. 20%

B. 22%.

C. 50%.

20. Why are engineering graduates more likely to accept a job?

A. They need more work experience.

B. The salary is usually good.

C. Their choice is limited. B. An employer.


1-5: CBACA

6-10: CBAAC

11-15: BBCAB

16-20: BACAB


Text 1

W: What are we going to get for Lydia’s birthday?

M: How about a pair of running shoes?

W: You know she hates doing exercise.

M: Then I guess we can buy her a birthday cake.

1. 答案为C。此题为主旨大意题,略有难度。根据材料中男士和女士的对话内容,可知此对话的主旨是讨论为Lydia买什么生日礼物,故选C。

Text 2

M: Excuse me. Do you have time to help take a picture of us?

W: Oh, I’m sorry. I’ve got to catch a bus.

M: That’s OK.

2. 答案为B。此题为简单的行为推断题。根据材料中女士的话“I’ve got to catch a bus.”可推知女士要去赶公交车,故选B。

Text 3

M: It really annoys me when Kate calls her friends during office hours.

W: If I were you, I would tell her to stop.

M: Maybe you’re right. I will talk to her sometime.

3. 答案为A。此题为事实细节题,难度不大。根据材料中女士的话 “If I were you, I would tell her to stop. ”可知女士建议男士告知Kate停止在工作时间给朋友们打电话,故选A。 值得注意的是,女士使用的是通常用来提建议的虚拟句式。

Text 4

M: Here’s the menu, Madame. Would you like something to drink?

W: Yes, please. May I see the wine list?

M: Certainly. Here you are.



命题人 王东福



1. What is Jack going to do?

A. Hurry to his office.

B. Help Mary carry the books.

C. Meet Professor Johnson.

2. What do we know about Mr. Smith?

A. He was late for the meeting.

B. He missed the meeting.

C. He wasn’t invited to the meeting.

3. Why did the man fail to answer the phone?【2016高考英语听力测试】

A. His phone was broken.

B. He went to sleep early.

C. The TV was too noisy.

4. Why is the woman going to Germany?

A. To visit friends.

B. To study German.

C. To work there.

5. What is the man trying to do?

A. Ask Sarah to drive him to the picnic.

B. Tell Sarah when the picnic ends.

C. Persuade Sarah to go to the picnic.






6. Who is the woman?

A. An actress. B. A musician. C. A tourist.

7. On what has the woman got information?

A. A house. B. A play. C. A theatre.


8. Where does the man aim to go?

A. Hong Kong. B. London. C. Taipei.

9. How many pieces of luggage is the man checking in?

A. One. B. Two. C. None.

10. When does the man’s flight leave?

A. At 11:00. B. At 09:00. C. At 11:30.


11. How does Carrie feel about her job?

A. It is quite okay.

B. It is unpleasant.

C. It is not too bad.

12. What seems to be Andrew’s future plan?

A. Start a travel business.

B. Find a new job in Spain.

C. Learn to speak Spanish.

13. What is the relationship between Carrie and Andrew?

A. Fellow workers.

B. Good friends.

C. Travel companions.


14. What does Simon study at Oxford?

A. History. B. English. C. Physics.

15. What is Simon’s first novel mainly about?

A. His experience in South Africa.

B. His volunteer work in Vietnam.

C. His father’s work as a reporter.

16. What does Simon plan to do after graduation?

A. Go on to study abroad.

B. Find a job in Vietnam.

C. Write his second novel.


17. Which is a reason for children’s weight gain in the summer?

A. Watching TV.

B. Hot weather.

C. Lack of sleep.

18. How many meals do a lot of children have daily in the summer?

A. One.

B. Two.

C. Three.

19. What do most children choose to do when they are left by themselves?

A. Read books at home.

B. Go outside and play.

C. Play computer games.

20. What does the speaker suggest parents do?

A. Prepare good food for children.

B. Pay attention to their own habits.

C. Spend more time with children.



Text 1

W: Hi, Jack. Could you help me carry these books?


M: I’d love to, Mary. But I need to meet Professor Johnson in his office immediately. (1) Text 2

M: Wasn’t Mr. Smith supposed to be at the meeting?

W: Yes, but something came up, and he couldn’t make it. (2)

Text 3

W: What were you doing yesterday evening?

M: I was watching TV at home. Why?

W: I called you, but you didn’t answer.

M: Sorry. My phone was out of order. I didn’t hear anything. (3)

Text 4

M: I heard the company is sending you to Germany for the new project.

W: Yes. (4) It’s been a long time since I was there, so I guess it’s time to practice my German. Text 5

W: I’d like to go to the picnic with you, but I won’t be able to drive at night.

M: Don’t worry, Sarah. If the picnic ends late, we can drive you home. Come with us! (5) Text 6

W: Excuse me. I will stay in the city for a few days, and I’d like to know what’s on. (6) M: Well, there’s Tea House at the Capital Theater. They say the play is very good. (7)

W: When is it on exactly? (7)

M: Every night except Sunday. Hold on…yes, the show will run until the beginning of July. It

begins at eight o’clock and lasts more than two and a half hours, finishing at 10:45. Here, take this flyer. It tells you more.

W: Thank you.

Text 7

M: Hello!

W: Good morning, sir. Welcome to London Heathrow Airport. Where are you going?

M: I’m going to Taipei by way of Hong Kong. (8)

W: Your passport and ticket, please. Will you be checking in any bags, Mr. Lewis? (9) M: Just one. (9) And I have this carry-on bag.

W: What kind of seat would you like, Mr. Lewis?

M: Window, please.

W: Your flight 923 will board at Gate 35. It is nine o’clock now, and boarding will begin in two

hours — 30 minutes before the flight takes off. (10) And here’s your boarding pass. Have a good trip, Mr. Lewis.

M: Thank you! Bye!

Text 8 (第13题为推断题)

M: Hi, Carrie. How are you doing?

W: Hi, Andrew. I’m okay, I suppose. Not too bad.

M: How’s your job going? (11)

W: Oh, that’s not okay. I’ve moved to a new office, and I just hate it. The people are

unfriendly. Actually, I’m looking for a new job. (11)

M: Oh, really? Me, too! I’m just so bored with my job. I’ve been there for too long.

W: So, what kind of job are you looking for? (12)

M: Well, I don’t know for sure. Maybe something in the travel industry. I’d love to work

somewhere nice and warm. Spain is my first choice. (12)

W: I see. It would be lovely to go and live abroad, wouldn’t it? Hey, maybe we should go there

together to set up a travel business.

M: The problem is I don’t speak Spanish. It’ll be difficult for me to start a business there. W: I don’t speak Spanish, either. But it doesn’t matter. We should give it a try.

M: Well…one day, maybe. Anyway, let’s go for lunch. We haven’t seen each other for quite

some time.

Text 9

W: Good evening, and welcome to Young Writers of the Year. At only 19, this Oxford student

has already published a novel. He is a student in physics, (14) but has a special interest in English writing. As you probably know, his novel is based on his childhood experience, and is particularly popular among college students. Now, we are very happy to have Simon with us tonight. Simon, welcome to the program!

M: Thanks! It’s a pleasure to be here. I was lucky, I suppose. Here I am now with a published

novel on my first attempt.

W: So, could you tell us more about your novel?

M: Well, it’s called My Diary, and it’s kind of an everyday story of my life and schooling in

South Africa. (15) You know, my father is a news reporter, and I stayed there with him for three years.

W: We learned that while studying at Oxford, you worked as a volunteer in Vietnam during

summer vacations. Are you going to make what you are learning from Vietnam the subject of your next novel?

M: I can’t say at the moment, I’m afraid. I’m very much interested in the history of Vietnam,

though. I plan to work there when I graduate. (16)

W: Well, it sounds exciting and interesting. Thank you for coming, Simon.

Text 10

Hello, everyone! Today, I’m here to share with you a study we’ve done recently. In the study, we find children gain weight during the summer. We discover that hot weather, unhealthy food, and playing without a good plan all play a role. (17) What happens to our children during the summer? Before we’re able to answer this question, we have to know something about our children at school. During the school year, children have to follow school rules. For example, they must have regular meal times. But this is no longer true in the summer. As far as I know, a lot of children don’t have breakfast and lunch. They just have one huge meal in the middle of the afternoon. (18) This sort of eating behavior surely leads to weight gain. And also, unhealthy food is everywhere. It’s at schools, homes, and offices. In addition, when parents go to work, children are often left by themselves. They can choose to go outside to play or do some reading at home. But most of them just play computer games. (19) I also want to point out that children’s being overweight has a lot to do with the parents. I advise all parents to watch their own habits. (20) In America, almost 65% of our population is overweight, and two-thirds of our children are being raised by overweight parents.


1-5 CBACC 6-10 CBCAC 11-15 BBBCA 16-20 BBACB







6. How long did Michael stay in China?

A. Five days. B. One week. C. Two weeks.

7. Where did Michael go last year?

A. Russia. B. Norway. C. India.

预测:1、第六题重点听的是Michael待在中国的长短, 第七题则是地点

2、对话内容推测:A:对话关于Michael到中国旅行(重点注意时间) B:Michael去年也去某地旅行了(重点关注地点)


英语听力的第一句话通常会透露整篇的主题,所以考生要善于抓住听力材料的首句信息。 EG2:Americans have a popular saying“Time is money。”


(1)这是一篇关于时间的话题。 (2)涉及的对象是美国人。

EG3:Look at this picture. It’s the London Tea Trade Centre. (2015全国卷-10首句) 从这一句开篇句我们可以预测的信息范围:

(1)这是一篇谈论图画的短文 (2)涉及的对象是伦敦的茶贸易中心

再看试题20: What is the speaker talking about?

A. The life of tea tasters. B. Afternoon tea in Britain. C. The London Tea Trade Centre.


EG4:(A)Husband and wife. (B)Waiter and customer. (C)Student and teacher


EG5: Who suggests a price for each tea?

A. Tea tasters. B. Tea exporters. C. Tea companies. 根据常识推测答案为A EG6:听第9段材料,回答第13至16题(2015全国卷)。

13. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Salesperson and customer. B. Homeowner and cleaner. C. Husband and wife.

14. What kind of apartment do the speakers prefer?

A. One with two bedrooms. B. One without furniture. C. One near a market.

15. How much rent should one pay for the one-bedroom apartment?

A. $350. B. $400. C. $415.

16. Where is the apartment the speakers would like to see?

A. On Lake Street. B. On Market Street. C. On South Street.


二、 识别关键词的技巧



EG7:I just can’t believe you are a police officer,Kay. I remember in high school, you always wanted to be a lawyer.

如果考生意识到该对话中的关键词为in high school,那么他马上可以意识到这是两个老同学之间的对话。

EG:Good morning, ladies and gentlemen . Welcome to Universal Studio. I’d like to guide you all the way in the amazing park and share the wonderful moments with you. 这段话的关键词是guide, park,从中考生可以推断说话人是导游。


husband——wife teacher——student boss——employee

doctor——patient parents——kid waiter——customer classmates roommates shop assistant——customer


考生如果善于捕捉听力材料中的关于地点或场合(即语言环境)的关键词,也有助于他们判断听力材料的主题、说话人之间关系等等。如果对话中出现special price,那么对话很可能发生在商店;treatment,等词可以透露出医患关系,以下是有关机场或者旅馆的关键词:

Check in入住登记check out结账porter搬luggage行李book a room预定房间double room双人房passenger乘客economy class经济舱business class公务舱runway跑道passport护照flight航班stewardess乘务员



减价:20% off,special offer,special price,25% discount,sale

原价:regular price,normal price

增长:10% increase in„1/3 climb in„„ 下降:23% fall in„5.5% decrease in„

三 、听力速记技巧


1).运用速记符号 例如:↑up↓down←left→right=equal



Ex——expensive lg——large eq——earthquake ys——yesterday



1)充分利用试卷刚发下来,听力还未播放的宝贵时间,阅读听力试题,并用铅笔在听力试题上画出重点(听力的试题部分考生可以在上面涂写,但是答卷部分禁止)。此刻考生可以运用预测技巧,对听力内容进行有的放矢的预测。 同时利用好给出的看题时间和答题时间。


3)切记对于没有听清的试题(尤其是PartA——short conversation)采取及时放弃的原则,即随便选择一个选项,把注意力集中到下一题,一定要抢在下一题播放之前,看完下一题的全部4个选项,千万不可纠缠于已播放好的前一题。

五、 词汇












英语无论在词组、句型还是语法上都与汉语有着不同的特点。英语语言的表达丰富,一词多义也很普遍。句子的时态、语气、语态经常决定说话人的意图。有这样一则对话:WSome friends and I are going swimming this afternoon. How would you like to come along﹖MIf only I didn’t have to work today.

这里的if only引导虚拟语气,表示他很希望来但苦于要工作。如果听者不熟悉if only这个句型,就很难对说话人的态度做出快速的反应。













有一道题目为“What time is it now﹖”那么考生就要注意对话中提到的时间half past eleven by my watch,但如果考生马上就选答案还为时过早,因为对话后又提到”My watch is 3 minutes slow”。那么根据这两条信息,考生才可以得出结论,时间应是11点33分。












1. What are the speakers talking about?

A. Having a birthday party.

B. Doing some exercise.

C. Getting Lydia a gift.

2. What is the woman going to do?

A. Help the man.

B. Take a bus.

C. Get a camera.

3. What does the woman suggest the man do?【2016高考英语听力测试】

A. Tell Kate to stop.

B. Call Kate’s friends.

C. Stay away from Kate.

4. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In a wine shop.

B. In a supermarket.

C. In a restaurant.

5. What does the woman mean?

A. Keep the window closed.

B. Go out for fresh air.

C. Turn on the fan.




6. What is the man going to do this summer?

A. Teach a course.

C. Work at a hotel.

B. Repair his house.

7. How will the man use the money?

A. To hire a gardener.

B. To buy books.

C. To pay for a boat trip.


8. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Schoolmates.

B. Colleagues.

C. Roommates.

9. What does Frank plan to do right after graduation?

A. Work as a programmer.

B. Travel around the world.

C. Start his own business.


10. Why does the woman make the call?

A. To book a hotel.

B. To ask about the room service.

C. To make changes to a reservation.

11. When will the woman arrive at the hotel?

A. On September 15.

B. On September 16.

C. On September 23.

12. How much will the woman pay for her room per night?

A. $179.

B. $199.

C. $219.


13. What is the woman’s plan for Saturday?

A. Going shopping.

B. Going camping.

C. Going boating.

14. Where will the woman stay in Keswick?

A. In a country inn.

B. In a five-star hotel.

C. In her aunt’s home.

15. What will Gordon do over the weekend?

A. Visit his friends.

B. Watch DVDs.

C. Join the woman.

16. What does the woman think of Gordon’s coming weekend?

A. Relaxed.

B. Boring.

C. Busy.


17. Who is Wang Ming?

A. A student.

C. An engineer.

B. An employer.

18. What does the speaker say about the college job market this year?

A. It’s unpredictable.

B. It’s quite stable.

C. It’s not optimistic.

19. What percentage of student job seekers have found a job by now?

A. 20%

B. 22%.

C. 50%.

20. Why are engineering graduates more likely to accept a job?

A. They need more work experience.

B. The salary is usually good.

C. Their choice is limited.


1-5: CBACA

6-10: CBAAC

11-15: BBCAB

16-20: BACAB


Text 1

W: What are we going to get for Lydia’s birthday?

M: How about a pair of running shoes?

W: You know she hates doing exercise.

M: Then I guess we can buy her a birthday cake.

1. 答案为C。此题为主旨大意题,略有难度。根据材料中男士和女士的对话内容,可知此对话的主旨是讨论为Lydia买什么生日礼物,故选C。

Text 2

M: Excuse me. Do you have time to help take a picture of us?

W: Oh, I’m sorry. I’ve got to catch a bus.

M: That’s OK.

2. 答案为B。此题为简单的行为推断题。根据材料中女士的话“I’ve got to catch a bus.”可推知女士要去赶公交车,故选B。
