
| 高考 |




Last week my parents and I took a two-days trip to Emei Mountain in Sichuan.

As everyone knows, it‟s famous mountain with all kinds of plants and animals.

The weather was fine. It was about noon we arrived at the foot of the mountain.

The three of them were very excited. As we climbed the mountain,

we fed monkeys, visiting temples and told stories. On the way up I was busy

taking picture since the scenery was so beautiful. The time passes quickly.

Evening came down. We spent the night in a hotel at the top of the mountain.

The food was expensive and the service was good. I was so tired that I fell asleep

at the moment my head touched the pillow.


Many teachers worry about the effects of television with young people.

According to studies, many children spend more time watching television

than they spend in school. Because so much viewing, children may not

be develop the habit of read and the ability to enjoy themselves. No one worries

much about the radio program young people listen to, although radios can be

very noise. Teachers also wonder about the effects of television commercials.

On one year the average child will see 25,000 television commercials, all

planned and written by grown-ups to make children to want things that they don't real need. (三)

I‟m the captain of our school team so with my fellow players

we‟ve won several games. There will an important game next month.

But one of the best player in our team told me just then that he wouldn‟t

play basketball once more. His parents asked him to spend in more time

preparing for the college entrance examination. I feel sorry to him.

But his parents think go to college is more important than playing sports

and college was the only place for a smart boy like his son. So my friend had

no choice. He wanted to make their parents happy.


When I first learned to write English, I ran into many difficulties .

The main problem was in that I always thought in Chinese and

tried to translate anything into English. My teacher advised me

to keep my diary. I followed her advice and should put down 100

words or so each day. Soon I began to enjoy talk to myself on paper

as I was learning to express me in simple English .One day I wrote

a little story and showed to my teacher .She liked it very much and

reads it to the class .All said the story was a good one. Their word

were a great encouragement to me.


Dear Ralph,

I‟m a newcomer here of a small town. I would describe myself as

shy and quietly. Before my classmates, it seems always difficult for me

to do things as well them. I'm sure they will laugh to me and see me as

a fool. So I feel happy every day. Besides, I have few friends.

I don't know that they don't like to talk with me. Sometimes, we talked

to each other very well in class, but after class we become stranger at

once. I am trying to improve the situation since it doesn‟t

seem to work. Can you tell me about what I should do?


Xiao Wei


On Thursday I will have to decide what I want myself to do over a weekend.

I am thinking of making a trip to London, and visit the British Museum

and some parks. But I have spent lot my money, so I cannot even go

out of town. I may go to a film, or a concert. Yes, a concert can be very excited.

You can watch your stars while enjoying your favorite music. So then, a concert

cost so much. I may just listen to music, I have some records giving to me

as birthday gifts. If I listen to my own records, there are no need to spend money.

All right. That‟s how I' m going to do.


Dear Susan,

I‟m very glad to hear about you are coming to visit me the next Friday. Unfortunately, I won‟t be able to meet you at the airport although I have classes in the afternoon.

You won‟t find difficult to get to the city center. The airport bus leaves every

30 minute and will take you rightly to the Friendship Hotel. My class will

be over by then or I will pick you up there. I will take you together to

a hot-pot restaurant for dinner and we‟ll talk with our plan for the weekend

over dinner. Having a pleasant trip and see you Friday.


Zhang Ming


You can find all kinds information in just a few minute on the Internet.

It‟s like going to a huge library without have to walk around to find your books.

Recently even though, many people have been discussing the dangers of the Internet. They have been reports in America about people trying to steal person

Informations for bad purposes. Finding information on the Net is easily. But not all information are good to society. For example, you can find such information

like how to kill people. The problem will become more serious in the future.


Nowadays millions of people of all age take pleasure in a hobby which

is both interested and fun. And every year more and more people start

a stamp collection of your own and discover an interest which can

even last lifetime . Starting your collection of stamps are easy because

they are nowhere. Holiday and birthday postcards from relatives and letters

from friends can all provide you for stamps from all over the world. So once

you‟ve started collecting seriously, you will probably want to join in the

Stamp Collectors‟Club which exist to add more stamps to your collection.


Though a great progress has been made in science these years, there

are still many people live in poor conditions. They make their lives

by collecting and selling used thing. Their children cannot go to school

because they have not enough money to send their children to there.

Why you think so many people still suffer from poverty now?

The answer lies on the population explosion. A president

of a developing country once said; “It is us who are to blame for

the poverty because we used to „produce‟ child without limit.”

Although this few words sound simple enough, they have

clear pointed out one of the causes of the population explosion.

(1)第一行:two-days 改为two-day 第二行:mountain 前加a

第三行:noon后加when 第四行:them改为us

第五行:visiting 改为visited 第六行:pictures;passed

第七行:去down 第八行:and改为but 第九行:去at

(2)第一行:with改为on 第二行:many改为some 第三行:because of

第四行:删去 be;read改为reading 第五行:programs第六行:noisy 第七行:On改为In 第八行:去掉want前的to;real改为really

(3) 第一行:so改为and 第二行:will后加be

第三行:player 改为players;then改为now 第四行:once改为any;删去in 第五行:to改为for 第六行:go改为going; 第七行:was改为is 第八行:their改为his

(4) 第一行:write后加in 第二行:去掉第一个in 第三行:anything改为everything

第四行:my改为a;去掉should 第五行:talk改为talking 第六行:me改为myself 第七行:showed 后加it 第八行:reads改为read;word改为words

(5) 第一行:of改为from 第二行:quietly改为quiet 第三行:well 后加as;to改为at

第四行:happy改为unhappy/sad 第五行:that改为why;talked改为talk 第六行:stranger改为strangers 第七行:since改为but 第八行:去掉about

(6) 第一行:划掉myself ;a 改为the 第二行:visit 改为visiting 第三行:my前加of 第四行:excited 改为exciting 第五行:So改为But

第六行:cost改为costs;giving改为given 第七行:are改为is第八行:how改为what

(7)第一行:去掉about;去掉the 第二行:although改为because / as

第三行:find 后加it 第四行:minute 改为minutes;rightly 改为right 第五行:or 改为and ;去掉together; 第六行:with 改为about

第七行:Having 改为Have

(8)第一行:kinds 改为kinds of ;minute改为minutes 第二行:have改为having

第三行:去掉even 第四行:They改为There ;person改为personal 第五行:informations改为information;easily改为easy

第六行:are改为is 第七行:what改为how

(9)第一行:age改为ages 第二行:interested改为interesting



第四行:lifetime前加a;are改为 is 第五行:nowhere改为everywhere 第六行:for改为with;So改为But 第七行:去掉in


(10)第一行:去掉a 第二行:live改为living 第三行:thing改为things 第四行:去掉第二个to 第五行:在you前加do 第六行:on改为in 第七行:us改为we 第八行:child改为children 第九行:tthis----these 第十行:clear改为clearly



Did you enjoy yourself yesterday? I suppose you do. But I’d 76_______________

like to tell you what a bad day I had yesterday. Nothing 77_______________

just went wrong. On the morning, my alarm clock didn’t ring, 78_______________

since I woke up an hour late. I was in such a hurry that I burnt my 79_______________

hand when I was cooking the breakfast. Then I ran out of the house 80 _____________

to catch the 8:30 buses. This is the bus I usually take. But, you 81 _______________

may laugh, I missed it of course. I am very unhappy, and scared 82_______________

as well because teacher hates the students coming late to school. 83 _______________

So I ran three miles to school only to discover that nobody 84 _______________

was there. The school was quiet but peaceful. Our classroom was ________ locked. I realized that moment: It was Sunday.


Tom was having much troubles getting up in the 66.

Morning and was always late with work.. His boss wanted to 67.

fire him if he didn’t start coming on time, but he went to 68. ________

the doctor for a help. The doctor gave him some 69.

medicine and told him to take them before he went to bed. 70.

The man did is told and slept.leally will,wake up before 71. ________

the alarm had even gone off. He had time for a properly 72. ________

breakfast and was still the first reach the factory.” Boss,” he 73. ________

said ,”that medicine really works!”” I’m pleasing to hear 74. ________

it ,”said his boss ,”but where were you yesterday?”









83.在teacher 前加my/the






67、改with 为for【高考英语短文改错极其答案】

68、改but 为so


70、改them 为it








D1 短文改错记叙文

【英语卷(解析)·2015届浙江省温州市十校联合体(温州中学等)高三上学期期初联考(201408)】第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分1 0分)

下面短文中共有10处语言错误,请在错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),在其下面写出该加的词。





It can be seen, more and more people own mobile phones in China now. At the end of 2002, there were 20 millions mobile phone users. By 2005 a number reached up to 30 million. People have found mobile phones convenience. They can get in touch to each other whenever and wherever they like. There’re different functions to meeting different needs, such as surf the

Internet. However, it may bring us some trouble. For an example, the radiation from the phone may do harm our health. In spite of this, the number of people having mobile phones are increasing steadily.

【答案】【知识点】D1 短文改错记叙文

【思路点拨】 注意固定句型的应用,名词的单数形式,固定搭配及主谓一致。

【答案解析】1. It→As 正如我们看见的,现在中国越来越多的人拥有手机。这里是非限制性定语从句,用As引导。

2. millions→million 到2002年底,有2千万的手机用户。数词后面加million


4.convenience→convenient人们发现手机很方便,使用find +宾语+形容词:


5. to ---with get in touch with sb ,与某人取得联系。

6. meeting→meet有不同的功能满足不同的需求。这里是不定式做目的状语

7. surf→surfing such as后面接动名词: surf→surfing

8.去掉an For example“例如”:去掉an

9.our前加to手机的辐射会对我们的健康造成伤害。Do harm to“对…造成伤害”,our前加to

10.are→is 拥有手机的人的数量还在稳定上升。主语是the number of…,谓语是单数:are→is



One day my uncle had been riding a horse in rain when he reached a small restaurant. Wet and coldly, and he wanted to warm himself very much. However, the restaurant was too crowded with people that he could not get near the fire. “Taking some fish to my horse!” he called out to the waiter. “Sorry, sir. But a horse didn’t eat fish!” the waiter answered. “Never mind, just do as I tell you,” my uncle said. The crowd of people felt surprising at the strange order. To see a horse eat fish, all of whom ran out. Having the whole room to himself, my uncle sat down besides the fire and began warm himself.

【答案】【知识点】D1 短文改错记叙文



76. rain前加the 考查形容词。In the rain在雨中;

77.coldly → cold 考查形容词。句意:又冷又湿,他非常想温暖一下自己。Cold形容词做伴随状语。

78.去掉and 考查句子结构。And应该连接两个句子,但wet and cold只是伴随状语,故去年掉and.

79. too → so 考查固定结构。句意:然而这个餐馆如何拥挤以至于不能靠近火源。So …that 如此以至于。

80. Taking → Take 考查祈使句。句意:给我的马一些鱼。

81. didn’t → doesn’t 考查动词的时态。句意:对不起,先生,马不会吃鱼。表示客观事实,故用一般现在时。

82. surprising → surprised考查形容词。句意:许多人对这个奇怪的菜单感到很吃惊。修饰人用surprised。

83. whom → them 考查代词。句意:为了看看马吃鱼,所有的人都跑出去了。Them代指的是人们。

84. besides → beside 考查介词。句意:屋子里只剩下他自己,坐在火堆旁边开始暖和。

85. warm前加to或warm → warming考查动词的用法。Begin to do 或begin doing 开始做某事。


I took part in a geography research study group in last term. Our 76 ________ topic was environmental pollution and protection. We took a variety


of pictures showed the present pollution conditions of our city. To

our surprised, there are still a lot of people doing silly things to our

surroundings. Some people throw the rubbish anywhere they like,

some cars give off harmful gases, and waste water is poured in 78 ________ 79 ________ 80 ________ 81 ________

82 77 rivers by some factories. Worse still, people sometimes had to make


their ways through dusty winds as a result of pollution. Through


our research, we come to know what everybody must pay attention

to our environment and some measures should be taken to protect.


【参考答案】76. 去掉第二个in. 77. 正确. 83 84 ________ 85 ________

78. showed—showing 或showed---which showed.

79. surprised—surprise. 80. 去掉the 81. in---into 82. had---have.

83. ways—way 84. what—that或去掉what. 85. protect后加it.


There is a teacher who I can never forget her in my life. That

was in my old days whenever I was in the middle school and I


once had lots of teachers who were very strict to us except


one female who was young, pretty as well kind-hearted.


It is very hard of me to describe what she was like, but she had


her own personality that quickly conquered us all. She asked


us to elect our monitor. She let us to decide where to go for


an outing. She didn’t get angry even if any of them was late for


school. It was not long until most of us behaved very well


because we did find her an elderly sister who we can rely on.


【参考答案】76. 去掉her 77. whenever → when

78. to → with 79. well ∧ as 76.________

80. of → for 81. √ 82. 去掉第二个 to 83. them → us

84. until → before 85. can → could



I am worker at the tap water company. I find that 76.____________ people were becoming more and more careful about 77._____________ health .If the tap water appear a little bit unclear 78.____________ and muddy ,the telephone will ring again and again. 79.____________ Fortunately, people do not pay equal attention to the 80.____________ protection of water resources .For the sake of our 81.____________ health ,we should take good care our water resources 82.____________ and environment .There is a saying “whether we do 83.____________ not careful protect our environment the last drops 84.____________ of water we will see them will be our own tears.” 85.____________


I am ∧worker at the tap water company. I find that protection of water resources .For the sake of our _____ health ,we should take good care∧ our water resources and environment .There is a saying “ will be our own tears.” 85.




Dear Peter,【高考英语短文改错极其答案】

I'm writing to ask whether you can do me a favor. I want to have a pen friend, hopeful a girl in her early twenty, and with interests similar to mine. In my mind, she is someone who is interesting in traveling, swimming, and playing table tennis. Beside, it would be better for her to have a pet dog as I have kept that at home for some time. With such a pen friend, I think I can share her our traveling experiences, and whatever we have in common. And I believe I would improve my English by doing so and learn more about his country.

I look forward to hear from you soon.




Dear Peter,

I'm writing to ask whether you can do me a favor. I want to have a pen friend, a girl in her early , and with interests similar to mine. In my mind,she is someone who is in traveling, swimming,and playing table tennis. , it would be better for her to have a pet dog as I have kept at home for some time. With such a pen friend, I think I can share ∧ her our traveling experiences, whatever we have in common. And I believe I with improve my English by doing so and learn more about country. I look forward to from you soon. Yours.



Dear Li Lei,

I am writing to provide my sincere congratulations on your graduation from senior high school and enrollment by the Peking University. I know you worked very hard in the past years, so I am truly happy to see that all your effort get rewards. I am sure your parents are great proud of you.I just want you to know how pleasing I am to witness your success. Being admitted by Peking University is a new start for you, who will bring you a good chance to learn of top professors. However, it's good for you to study with such many excellent students who of course will give you motivations to study hard. I wish you a greater success in university and live a happy and fruitful life in the next four


Sincerely Yours,

Han Meimei


Dear Li Lei,

I am writing to my sincere congratulations on your graduation from senior high school and enrollment by the Peking University. I know you ∧ worked very hard in the past have

years, so I am truly happy to see that all your effort rewards. I am sure your parents are proud of you. I just want you to know how I am to witness your success. Being admitted by Peking University is a new start for you, will bring you a good chance to learn top professors. , it's good for you to study with such many excellent students who of course will give you motivations to study hard. I wish you a greater success in university and live a happy and fruitful life in the next four years.

Sincerely Yours,

Han Meimei


Dear David,

I'm writing this letter to express my sincerely apologies to you for lose the book you lent to me. I'm very grateful you lent it to me. In order to give it back to you as soon as possible, I took it to the library yesterday. I also borrow some other books in the library after I left. Unluckily, when I

arrived my dormitory, I couldn't find my book. I searched all the my dormitory or the road from the dormitory to the library. The next day I also looked for it in the library. However, I couldn't find your book. I'm sorry I can't give it back to you on time as I promised ago. But I will buy a new one for you later. Hope you can receive my apologies.

Yours Sincerely,

Li Lei


Dear David,

I'm writing this letter to express my apologies to you for the book you lent to me. I'm very grateful you lent it to me.In order to give it back to you as soon as possible, I took it to the library yesterday. I also some other books in the library I left. Unluckily,

when I arrived∧ book. I searched all the my atdormitory the road from the dormitory to the library. The next day I also looked for it in the library. However, I couldn't find your book. I'm sorry I can't give it back to you on time as I promised . But I will buy a new one for you later. Hope you can my apologies. Yours Sincerely,

Li Lei


When it came to city and country life,I think they all have their own advantages and disadvantages. For city life,you know,the traffic is too convenient that you can arrange your life flexible and easily.At the same time,there are many great opportunity for you when looking for jobs.Also,there is no doubt the quality of life is fantastic.Fortunately,living in cities,you will suffer much stress and heavy air pollution.

For country life,as we all know it, the life is peaceful and the environment is beautiful,which is both good for your health.However,it is inconvenient for people to go out.Besides,the communication is easy.


When it to city and country life,I think they have their own advantages and disadvantages.

For city life,you know,the traffic is convenient that you can arrange your life and easily.At the same time,there are many great for you when looking for jobs.Also,opportunities

there is no doubt ∧ the quality of life is fantastic. , living in cities,you will suffer

thatmuch stress and heavy air pollution.

For country life,as we all know it, the life is peaceful and the environment is beautiful,which both good for your health.However,it is inconvenient for people to go out. Besides,the

communication easy.


Dear David,

I read your message on the website coolworld.com say you would like to make friend with a Chinese student who can help you understand how China is trying to protect the environment at the moment. My name is Li Hua and I am a student at Hongxiang High School. I am also interesting in the environment and would very much like to your friend. My dad work for the local government

department,which is responsible for things like cleaning up rivers and improving on pollution in our area.I would also be happy to host you for a guest in my house so that you can find out about China and the environment here for myself.

Let me know that you are interested. I look forward to hear from you soon.

Best wishes!

Li Hua


Dear David,

I read your message on the website coolworld.com you would like to make with a Chinese student who can help you understand how China is trying to protect the

environment at the moment. My name is Li Hua and I am a student at Hongxiang High School. I am also in the environment and would very much like to ∧ your friend. My dad be

for the local government department,which is responsible for things like cleaning up rivers and improving on pollution in our area. I would also be happy to host you a guest in my house so that you can find out about China and the environment here for . Let me know you are interested. I look forward to from you soon. Best wishes!

Li Hua










Passage 1

Last month, the 18 Foreign Language Speech Competition was successfully held in our boarding school. Luckily, the Students’ Union organize an English Speech Competition. At first I didn’t show some interest and wasn’t very much confident. Then my English teacher Mr. Smith encouraged me. Inspiring by my teacher, I signed up for the competition and made fully preparations for it. Two weeks later the time I had been looking forward to coming and it was his turn. Glancing at my teacher’s smiling face, I built up my confidence. Much to my delight, the result was announced and I was one of the winner. But my teacher’s encouragement, I couldn’t have won the first prize. I’m proud of Mr. Smith or the wonderful experience.

Passage 2

As is known to all, drunk driving in the road traffic safety is strictly prohibited. Unluckily, I saw a traffic accident on my way home on last night. A car hit a motorbike. The motorbike driver was bad hurt and sent to hospital. After a while, the traffic police came. Under the help of the people who witnessed the accident, the police found out a truth. The driver of the car was drinking and his car went out of control. At last he was taken to the police station. All the people there think the car driver was to blame for this accident.

Which is reported in the news reports, drunk driving should be treated more seriously. It thoften causes many people lose their lives, such as the accident that happened in Hangzhou and Chengdu. It is high time that we prevent drunk driving.

Passage 3

Dear Sir/Madam,

I write this letter to you to draw your attention to my complaint about your service. A few days ago, I joined a three-days trip to E-mei Mountain in your travel agency. I found a little differences between your advertisement and action. As you say, you will provide a large

air-conditioned bus, but we only rode in a shabby bus with any air conditioner. Yes, you served us lunch, and the food tasted terribly and some even with sand. We didn’t enjoy any kind of shower. In fact, we only bathe in cold water. As for sightseeing, the guide took us to several expensive souvenir shops, what wasted us much time. As the result, two scenery spots were finally left unseen. We do hope something can done to prevent such things happen again.

Passage 4

As we all know, playing is one of man's itself characteristics. Not all people like to work and everyone likes to play. All over the world men and woman, boys and girls enjoy sports. Since many years ago, many adults and children have call their friends together to spend hours, even days play games. One of reasons why people like to play is that sports help them to move happily. In other words, they help to keep people strong and health. If people are playing games, they move a lot of. Having fun with their friends make them happy. Many people enjoy sports by watch others play. So that is why sports are good activities for people’s health.

Passage 5

Last Sunday I went shopping with my father. We have a lot of things to buy. We drove to the center of the city and stopped our car in the front of the shop. An hour late, we came back to the car. But it was strange that we couldn’t open the door. So we asked the policeman for help. It was glad to help us. A few minute later, he got the door open. Just then a man came up and shouted angrily. ‘How are you doing with my car?’ We were surprising and went to see the number of the car. What you think we did then? We had to speak sorry to the man again and again.

Passage 6

Yesterday, it was just on the point of big shopping this season. Li Mei goes to a store to return a shirt without carrying the receipt(收据).When she got there,she refused. The salesman said that he wouldn’t take it back if she showed him the receipt. Thinking it was no way out,Li Mei put the shirt back in her bag and left. Suddenly two shop guard stopped her and began to

search for her. They found the shirt in the bag and looked at it careful. Many eyes were staring at her, what made Li Mei very embarrassing. Luckily, a salesman came up in time and she was allowed to go.

Passage 7

Changes create happiness. Fortunately, great changes have been taken place in my village.Ten years ago, the small and low houses, which lie on the north of the lake, produced much waste.As the result, the lake was serious polluted.To the west was a sandy field, that was the source of dust.Better still, a brickyard on the southwest side of the lake used up a great deal good soil.Now poor house have been replaced by green trees and the brickyard by tall buildings.The sandy field that the villagers used to ploughing has been covered with fruit trees.On the lake the villagers often spend his spare time boating and fishing.


Passage 1


1.organize→organized。考查动词时态的用法。句子Last month, the 18 Foreign Language Speech Competition was successfully held in our boarding school. Luckily, the Students’ Union organize an English Speech Competition中的谓语动词organize,其动作时间应与作者参赛的时间取得一致,故用一般过去时。

2.some→any 。考查同义词辨析。句子At first I didn’t show some interest and wasn’t very „中的形容词some,通常用于肯定句或表示请求的疑问句之中。但在否定句,疑问句或条件状语从句中常用any来替换。

3. 去掉much。考查副词固定习语的用法。句中„and wasn’t very much confident中的much与very连用,通常修饰动词。但其后紧跟形容词confident,故much多余。

4.Inspiring→Inspired。考查过去分词短语作状语的用法。句中Inspiring by my teacher, I signed up for the competition„中的Inspiring,与句子主语I是逻辑上的动宾关系,应用过去分词,且有by短语提示,二者合起来作状语,表示原因,相当于原因状语从句。

5.fully→full。考查副词的误用。句中„and made fully preparations for it中的fully是副词,作th


6.coming→came。考查句子结构的甄别。根据句子结构分析:本句是由并列连词and连接的并列句,前一分句Two weeks later the time I had been looking forward to coming and it was„中的the time是主语,I had been looking forward to是省略了引导词that的限制性定语从句,修饰先行词the time,该分句中缺少谓语动词。但是,又受and的制约,证明又由其连接了一个使用一般过去时的后一分句,此时句中coming不能单独作谓语,只能改为came时,句子结构才能成立。


8.winner→winners。考查名词数别的判断。句子I was one of the winner表述中可以看出,one of后跟名词,须用其复数形式。

9.But→Without。考查逻辑关系。文章最后表明了作者对老师的感激之情,便使用了Without„, „ couldn’t have done „.句式结构。所以,此处的without介词短语表示条件。

10.or→and。考查逻辑关系。最后作者以拥有这样的老师和本次难得的比赛经历而表示自豪。所以,此处的Mr. Smith 和 the wonderful experience without是并列关系。

Passage 2


1. 去掉last前面on。考查名词短语的习惯用法。句子„way home on last night中 的介词on 应该用在表示具体的某一日或某一天的早晨、下午或者晚上,但在last night名词习语中, 介词on是多余的。

2.bad→badly。考查形容词的误用。句子„driver was bad hurt中 的形容词bad 应该用在名词前作定语,但是,此处是在动词hurt前,须用副词,作状语,即表示:伤者的被伤害的程度。

3.Under→With。考查固定习语的用法。句子Under the help of the people who„中的固定搭配with one’s help或with the help of somebody,表示 “在某人帮助下”,其介词为with。

4.a→the。考查冠词的基本用法。句子„police found out a truth中的冠词,应表示 “这次交通事故的真实情况”,表示特指,须用定冠词the。

5.drinking→drunk。考查被动语态的用法。句子The driver of the car was drinking中的was drinking

是主动语态,由从句中得知,小轿车司机是喝醉了酒,应用be+v-ed构成的系表结构来表示:The driver of the car的精神状态。

6.think→thought。考查动词时态的辨别。句子All the people there think the car driver was to blame„主句中的谓语动词think应与从句中的谓语动词保持时间上的一致,须用一般过去时。

7.Which→As。考查定语从句引导词的辨析。句子Which is reported in the news reports, drunk driving causes many people„中的Which is reported in the news reports是定语从句中的从句,drunk driving causes many people„是主句,本定语从句中能够代替一个句子内容的引导词,只有as。

8. lose前加to。考查固定搭配的用法。句子„ driving causes many people lose their lives„中的固定搭配cause somebody to do something,表示 “导致/引发/引起„„”意义时,其后跟带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语。

9.accident→accidents。考查名词数别的判断。句子„ such as the accident that happened in Hangzhou and Chengdu表述中的accident须用复数形式,应与that引导的定语从句中出现的in Hangzhou and Chengdu语意相吻合。

10.prevent→prevented或加should。考查虚拟语气的用法。句子It is high time that we prevent drunk driving表述中的that从句里的谓语动词须用“动词过去式或should+动词原形”来构成虚拟语气。句式结构为It is high time that„ 刚好(恰好)到了„时候了。

Passage 3


1.three-days→three-day。考查复合形容词的用法。文中„ joined a three-days trip to E-mei Mountain„里的three-days是复合形容词,其由“基数词+连字符+名词单数”来构成,作定语,修饰名词trip。

2.little→few 。考查同义词的辨析。文中„found a little differences between„里的differences是可数名词的复数形式,故其前few作定语,起限定作用。而little则与不可数名词的单数形式连用。


