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英 语 试 卷


听力部分 (共20分)


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ⅱ.听句子,选出最佳应答语。(5分)

( )6. A. The same to you. B. You’re right.

( )7. A. Twice

B. At 10:00 C. I’m sorry. C. On Sunday C. Yes, we do.

C. It’s hers.

C. Thank you. ( )8. A. Yes, I am. B. No, I won’t. B. It’s a toy. B. It’s mine. ( )9. A. That’s Maria. ( )10.A.You’re right.


( )11. Where do those dogs come from? A. Japan B. Australia C. America

( )12. How does Kate often go to the zoo? A. By bike B. By bus C. By subway

( )13. What time is it? A. 7:05 B. 7:15

( )14. Who does Sam usually have dinner with?

A. His classmates B. His brothers C. His parents C. 7:30

( )15. What is Jack doing? A. Singing B. Studying C. Listening to music


( )16. Brad is .

A. writing an e-mail B. studying C. watching TV

( )17. Brad’

A. math B. English C. music

( )18. Brad can’

A. Chinese B. English C. Japanese

( )19. Brad’

A. America B. Japan C. Canada

( A. talk on the phone B. talk on QQ C. write e-mails





( )21. There are many new ways shopping, and online shopping is one of them.

( )22. Could you tell me how to get to the bank?

( )23. I was born in a small village.

( )24. Once upon a time, there was a girl and three bears.

( )25. There’s a sale on today. Everything is half price.



26. Whose bag is this? It’s ______ / ______.

27. Tony would like to be the ______ / ______ monitor.

28. Daming, please remember to ______ / ______ your homework.

29. Excuse me! Can you tell me the way to the ______ / ______?

30. Goldilocks ______ / ______ the small chair.

26. ___/ ___ 27. ___/ ___ 28. ___/ ___ 29. ___/ ___ 30. ___/ ___



( ) 31. He ____ his pen in the pencil-box, but he can’t ____ it.

A. look for, find B. looks for, finds C. finds, look for D. looks for, find

( ) 32. Why are you in such a hurry, Mike?

There ____ an NBA basketball game in ten minutes.

A. will have B. will be C. is going to have D. are going to be

( ) 33. Was Lingling born in Suzhou? _______. She was born in Qingdao.

A. Yes, she was B. No, she wasn’t C. Yes, she wasn’t D. No, she was

( ) 34. I was born _____ a cold morning in 1998. A. at B. in C. on D. for

( ) 35. _____ the bridge and you can see the hospital on your right.

A. Go cross B. Go across C. Walk cross D. Across

( ) 36. Tom ______ with his friends every Sunday afternoon.

A. play the tennis B. play tennis C. plays the tennis D. plays tennis

( ) 37. The tourist _____ the litter when he had a short tour in Beijing.

A. picked B. picked up C. pick up D. picking up


2015-2016学年第二学期外研版七年级英语下册Module 1测试题


1、蜡笔 2、手套 3、钱包4、失去 5、找到 6、录音带7、紫色的 8、照相机 9、电话10、丢下 11、出租车 12、为什么

13、机场 14、奇怪的 15、香肠16、校服 17、围巾 18、太阳镜二、短语。(12分)



1.It’s seven o’clock. I _______ in bed.

A. lie B. lies C. am lying D. are lying

2. He’s _______ some presents.

A. shop B. shopping C. shops for D. shopping for

3. _______ your presents drinking tea?

A. Do B. Can C. Are C. Be

4. What is the old man _______?

A. do B. does C. doing D. to do

5. Listen! Someone _______ in the next room.

A. sing B. singing C. is singing D. are singing

6. –Are they writing postcards?

–No, _______.

A. they are B. they aren’t C. they do D. they don’t

7. The Smiths _______ sitting at the table.

A. is B. am C. are D. be

8. –Is Lily doing her homework?

–No, she _______. She is _______ a letter.

A. doesn’t. write B. isn’t, writing C. isn’t, write D. doesn’t, writing

9. Listen! Miss Li _______ Bob.

A. talk about B. is talking to C. talks to D. is talking

10. I don’t quite enjoy _______ a train.

A. take B. takes C. to take D. taking

11. The students are waiting _______ a school bus now.

A. for B. on C. at D. to

12. The tree is _______ our building.【2016外研社版七年级下册英语测试试卷免费下载】

A. in front of B. in the front of C. front of D. on the front of

13. It’s cold outside. Please _______ your coat.

A. put on B. put up C. dress D. wear

14. Look! The children _______ football.

A. play B. plays C. is playing D. are playing

15. What _______ you _______ at the moment?

A. are, do B. do, do C. are, doing D. do, doing

16、Look the pictures.

A. a t B .to C .in D./

17、John and Lina are .

A. boys B. student C. boy D. twelve years old

18、1、What are you talking_________? A、to B、with C、for D、about

19 The girl wants to ________a movie star. A、am B 、is C、are D、be

20、We always take lots of ________ when we travel. A. photoes B. photos C. photo D、picture


Bob and Mike are in the same school, they are in different classes. Their favourite is Chinese. They Chinese is very interesting. They go to school on weekdays. They come to school 8:00 in the moring. Today is Tuesday. Bob and Mike are in their own classroom. Bob an English class. Look! He his English teacher in English. Mike is having a Chinese class. His teacher Beijing Opera with them. The students are looking at their teachers. They carefully. But one of Bob’s classmates a story book, because he isn’t good at English and he English.


( )1. A. but B. and C. or D. when

( )2. A.sport B. subject C. language D. music

( )3. A. speak B. say C. talk D. tell

( )4. A.for B. about C. in D. at

( )5. A. has B. is having C. have D. are having

( )6. A. talks B. talk C. is talking D. is talking to

( )7. A. talk about B. talks about C. is talking about D. is talking with

( )8. A. are listening B. listening to C. hearing D. are listening to

( )9. A. are reading B. is reading C. read D. reads

( )10. A. likes B. isn’t liking C. doesn’t like D. don’t like



Two friends are at a station. They are waiting for a train to Beijing. The man’s name is Paul. He’s thirty. He’s tall with short golden hair. He is wearing blue jeans and a grey sweater. He’s carrying a small black suircase. He is drinking orange juice. The woman’s name is Jenny. She is twenty-eight. She is quite tall with long brown hair. She is wearing a blue jacket, black jeans and a red sweater. She is eating an apple and is carrying a camera.

1. The two friends _______ at the station.

A. are drinking B. are eating C. are waiting for a woman D. are waiting for a train

2. Paul’s hair is _______.

A. short B. long C. dark D. brown

3. _______ is in black jeans.

A. Jenny B. the woman’s husband C. Paul D. a young man

4. Both the man and the woman are _______.

A. eating something B. wearing jackets and jeans C. young and tall D. carrying cameras

5. Which of the following is wrong?

A. The two friends are wearing sweaters.

B. Jenny is taller than Paul.

C. The two friends are going to Beijing.

D. Paul’s suitcase is not very big.


Mr Turner is standing near the window. His wife, Mrs Turner, is sitting behind him. She is reading a book. She closes the book and asks her husband. “What are you looking at?”

“I’m looking at a boy.” Mr Turner answers. “He’s under the tree near our house. He’s looking at my bike.”

“Oh.” Mrs Turner says, “What is he doing now?”【2016外研社版七年级下册英语测试试卷免费下载】

“He’s cleaning the seat.” Says Mr Turner. “Now he is riding my bike.”

Mrs Turner looks out of the window and then she says: “Ah, don’t you know who he is? He is our son! He is going to school. You must wear glasses!”


1.Where are Mr and Mrs Turner?


2. Is Mrs Turner sitting or standing?


3. What’s Mr Turner looking at?


4. Where’s Mr Turner’s bike?


5. Why is the boy riding the bike?


eyery day. we can’t find their owners(主人),we’ll send(送) them to the pets’ h sometimes we even f them find their parents.


A:B:Oh, there is a lost and found office near the station .I think you can go there .

C:A:I lost my bag. Are there any bags here?


A:It’s black. And there are some books in it.


A:Let me see….Oh, it’s mine. Thank you. A.What colour is your bag?

C: B.Can I help me?

C.Here it is.

D.Is this yours?

E.Welcome to the lost and found office.

F.That’s all right.





第Ⅰ卷 (共65分)



1.A.I’m watching TV. B.They’re singing. C.He’s having lunch. 2.A.No,she doesn’t. B.Yes,she is. 3.A.On the playground. B.At home. 4.A.Yes,there will. 5.A.In Shanghai.

C.Yes,I am C.To the park.

B.No,there isn’t. C.Yes,there is. B.Weifang.

C.They are different.

Ⅱ.听短对话,选图片(5分) 6.What is Ben’s

sister doing?

7.What is the man’s

brother doing?

8.What is the boy going to buy for his Mum?


Where will they go?


What does the boy do every morning?


听第一段对话,回答11-12小题。 11.Who is doing very well in the match?

A.Sun Yue.

B.Yi Jianlian.

C.Yao Ming

12.What sports does the girl like?



C.Swimming and basketball.

听第二段对话,回答13-15小题。 13.What will they do this evening?

A.Watch a match.

B.See a film.

C.Visit a friend

14.Who will invite Daming to go with them?

A.Liu Ying.

B.Li Qiang.

C.Wang Ming.

15.When will they meet?

A.At 7:15 pm. B.At 7:25 pm. C.At 7:50 pm.

Ⅳ.听短文,选择问题的最佳答案(5分) 16.How old is Alice now?




17.What does Alice want to be when she grows up(长大)?

A.A teacher.

B.A player.

C.A doctor.

18.Which city does Alice want to live in?




19.What are Alice’s favourite sports?

A.Basketball and table tennis. B.Basketball and tennis. C.Tennis and table tennis. 20.How many children will Alice have?






Age (21) ______ 24



In the morning Gets up at 7:00 Gets up at (23)


In the evening Plays the(24) ________ Reads(25) ________ and

watches TV

Mary Coffee,(22) ____

Jerry ______ and bread


26.What ________ interesting story! Is ________ story true?





27.Maria doesn’t have a bike,________ she has to walk to school every day.





28.-When will you get ________ Beijing?

-________ the morning of May 1st. A.at;In




29.-________ are you going on a trip to Beijing?

-We’ll go there by train.

A.When B.How C.Why D.Where

30.Every year ________ people go back to their hometown for Spring Festival.



C.million of

D.millions of

31.-Let’s go to the park now.

-Sorry,I ________ a phone call. A.wait for

B.waited for

C.am waiting for

D.will wait for

32.________ is in the classroom.All the students are playing in the playground.




D.No one

33.The students are very ________ after watching the ________ match.


B.exciting;exciting D.exciting;excited


34.-Tony,please switch off the TV before you ________.

-OK,I will. A.go out

B.get warm

C.walk up

D.sweep away

35.There ________ a nice party at seven thirty this evening.

A.is going to have

B.is going to be

C.will have


36.Jenny studies as ________ Henry.They are both good students.





37.Which country has a ________ population,the USA or Russia?





38.-Why don’t you buy the car,Henry?

-It’s too ________.I don’t have enough money. A.cheap【2016外研社版七年级下册英语测试试卷免费下载】




39.-Is China smaller than Australia?

-________.China is bigger than Australia. A.Yes,it is

B.No,it isn’t

C.Yes,it does

D.No,it doesn’t

40.-Thanks for your help,Tim.

- ________. A.It doesn’t matter

B.You are welcome D.Don’t say that

C.That’s a good idea

三、完形填空(10分) Dear Lucy,

I’m happy to get your email.I am looking forward to coining tomorrow.I have an English test tomorrow,so I’m sorry I can’t go to you.Let me tell you to get to my home.My home is in the centre of the city.It’s not near the airport(机场).You need to a taxi or a bus.Go down Happy Street and then turn right.Then you can see a neighborhood(小区).That’s our neighborhood.It’s not big, 46 very beautiful.There are some 47 for people to relax(放松):a sports club,a school kids and a big shop.It has six .My home is in the second one.And I live in Room 302.

If you have questions,please me at 86793525.See you tomorrow!

Yours, Nancy

41.A.my 42.A.ask 43.A.how 44.A.buy 45.A.big 46.A.so

B.her B.meet B.what B.take B.dirty B.but B.sports B.for B.schools B.send

C.our C.thank C.when C.bring C.nice C.and C.places C.at

D.your D.leave D.where D.carry D.strong D.or D.plans D.in D.buildings D.call

47.A.games 48.A.of

49.A.offices 50.A.show

C.clubs C.tell



This is a timetable of new term’s after-class activities on weekdays in Guangming Middle School.Let’s have a look at what clubs the school has.

Club Day Time Place Teacher

Art Club Thursday 4:30~5:00 art room Sally

Basketball Club

Friday 5:00~6:30 playground Andrew

Music Club Wednesday 2:00~3:00 music room Helen

Science Club Monday 5:00~5:45 meeting room



Module 10 A holiday journey

时间:60分钟 满分:100分

Ⅰ. 单项选择(15分)

( ) 1. The policeman got there soon.

A. to B. at C. in D. /

( ) 2. I’m holiday London my friend.

A. in, on, with B. on, in, with C. in, on, and D. on, in, and

( at the Baiyun Airport.

A. arrived B. reached C. got to D. arrived in

( ) 4. There _______ an apple and two oranges on the table.

A. is B. are C. be D. has

( ) 5. Who do you often do the shopping _______?

A. together B. to C. with D. and

( ) 6. I _______ you are well.

A. wish B. hope C. want D. think

( ) 7. Your computer is different ________.

A. from I B. from mine C. in mine D. with our

( ) 8. I can lend you my bike, but you must ________.

A. give back it soon B. give it back to me soon

C. give me back it soon D. return it back soon

( ) 9. There is a big tree_______.

A. in front of my house B. in the front of my house

C. at the front of my house D. in front of my the house

( ) 10. Every year _______ people visit London Museum.

A. thousand of B. thousands of C. two thousands D. two thousands of

( ) 11.—I hope you can go to the cinema with us.

—I’d love to, __________ I can’t

A. so B. and C. because D. but

( ) 12. -Can you Japanese? -Yes, I can. I can A. say, speak B. say, say C. speak, say D. speak, speak

( ) 13. We are going to travel _______ the world next week?

A. at B. on C. around D. in

( ) 14. I didn’t have _______ story books when I was young.

A. too much B. much too C. too many D. many too

( ) 15. He read and _________ the words with his pen.

A. wrote B. writes C. write D. write

Ⅱ. 完形填空(10分)

In England nobody under the age 1 eighteen can drink in a bar(小酒店). Mr Green often to a bar near his house, but he never took his son, Tom, because he was very

young. After Tom had his birthday, Mr. Green took him to his usual bar for the first time. They drink an hour, then Mr. Green said to his son, “Now, Tom. I want. do you know when you have enough? Well, let me tell you. Can you become four, you’re enough and should go home.”

“But, Dad,” said Tom, “I can see only one light at the end of bar.”

( ) 1. A. of B. off C. at D.

( ) 2. A. went B. to C. to go D. going

( ) 3. A. eight B. eighteenth C. eighteen D. eighty

( ) 4. A. of B. in C. for D. with

( ) 5. A. teach B. teaching C. taught D. to teach

( ) 6. A. careful B. carefully C. care D. careless

( ) 7.A. many B. much C. more D. most

( ) 8. A. How B. What C. When D. Where

( ) 9.A. watch B. saw C. see D. to see

( ) 10. A. have B. has C. had D. having



A. 5:05 B. 6:35 C. 8:35 D. 17:50

2. We have to spend ____ on the train if we go to Shenyang from Beijing.

A. 17 hours and 50 minutes B. 24 hours and 25 minutes

C. 6 hours and 35 minutes D. 9 hours and 15 minutes

3. If you want to go to Chengdu from Taiyuan, you can take the ____ train.

A. No. 11 B. No.185 C. No. 186 D.No.271

4. The No.186 train gets to Taiyuan at ____.

A. 10:50 a.m B. 10:50 p.m. C. 5:05 a.m. D. 5:05 p.m.

5. It takes ____from Tianjin to Beijing by train.

A. about two hours

C. about an hour B. half an hour D. more than two hours

IV. 用所给动词的适当形式填空(20分)

1. Miss Harvid often did some__________ (shop) in the evening.

2. We had an__________ (interest) holiday in America last year.

3. How long did it take__________ (see) your grandparents?

4. Remember__________ (phone) me when you arrive at your home town.

5. You spent too much time__________ (play).

6. Tony__________ (not buy) any food for his parents just now.

7. __________you __________ (get) to school at 7:30 yesterday?

8. After he finished___________ (run), he took a rest.

9. A few ________ (visit) visited our English teacher last week.


1. It took me two hours to get there. (同义句)

I _________ ___________ two hours _________ there (对划线部分提问)

______ ______ you _________ in Beijing last year?

3. They spent there for two days. (变为否定问)

They ___________ __________ there for two days.

4. I bought a present for you. (同义句)

I bought ________ _______ present.

Ⅵ. 根据汉语完成句子(10分)

1. 去那儿我们花了两个小时。

It two hours there.

2. 我弟弟每天花一个小时读英语。

an hour English very day.

3. David明天要坐飞机去旅游。

David is going to plane tomorrow.

4. 昨晚她给朋友发了许多电子邮件.

Last night, she lots of emails her friends.


A: Are you going to have _________ classes next week?

B: No, we ________.

A: What are you going to do _______?

B: We’re going _______ holiday to Beach Park School in New York. It’s our sister school. A: Oh! That’s great. How _______ students are going there?

B: Forty.

A: Who is going to ________ you there?

B: Our teacher, Miss Wang.

A: ________ are you going there?

B: We are going there _______ plane.


A: How many days are you going to ________ there?

B: Ten days.

A: I’m sure you’re going to have a ________ time.





Listening Test

I. Listen to five sentences and choose the word you’ve heard in each sentence. Each sentence will be read once. (5%)

1. A. buy B. bar C. fly D. by

2. A. floor B. flour C. flower D. four

3. A. 1:58 B. 2:02 C. 2:22 D. 12:02

4. A. nine B. the ninth C. the nineth D. a ninth

5. A. hair B. here C. hear D. clear

II. Listen to a question or a sentence and choose the correct response. Each question or a sentence will be read twice. (5%)

6. A. She is a doctor

B. She is a tall woman with long black hair.

C. She likes going to the shops. D. She usually goes to work on foot.

7. A. my mother and I are

B. my mother and I do C. I am D. My mother and my father does

8. A. It’s beautiful.

B. It’s too long.

C. They’re too short.

D. They’re on the chair.

9. A. Good luck. B. Thank you.

C. Congratulations. D. The same to you.

第 1 页 共 13 页

10. A. It is often sunny in Chengdu.

III. Listen to 5 short dialogues and choose the correct answer to the question. The dialogues will be read twice. (5%)

11. Where does the girl come from?

A. France B. China C. Germany D. Canada

12. What does Linda like best?

A. Bananas B. Pears C. Oranges D. Apples

13. What’s Lucy’s father doing now?

A. Working B. Sleeping C. Driving D. Watering flowers

14. What’s the weather like now?

A. Snowy B. Rainy C. Windy D. Sunny

15. Where are they?

A. At school. B. In a shop. C. In the office. D. At home.

IV. Listen to two passages and choose the correct answers to the questions. The passages will be read twice. (10%)

Passage A

16. Bob’s favorite subject is___.

A. English B. Chinese C. History D. Art

17. Bob’s favorite teacher is ___.

A. math teacher B. gym master C. French teacher D. music teacher

18. Mr. Black’s classes are___.

A. boring B. interesting C. difficult D. long

19. After school, he always plays ___with his friends.

A. the piano B. football C. baseball D. basketball

20. He eats two apples and some carrots for___.

A. dinner B. lunch C. breakfast D. tea

Passage B

21. Who does Jim write this letter to?

A. His father. B. His old school. C. Sunny. D. Sally.

第 2 页 共 13 页

B. It’s rarely sunny in Chengdu. C. The sun rarely rises in Chengdu. D. The sun never shines in Chengdu.

22. Which school is Jim in?

A. An English school. B. A Chinese school. C. A small school. D. A bad school.

23. What about Jim’s teachers?

A. They teach him English. B. They don’t like him.

C. They are nice to him. D. They can swim.

24. Which of the following is true?

A. Jim has classes every day.

B. Jim doesn’t have classes every day.

C. Jim has classes on Saturdays.

D. Jim has classes from Monday to Friday.

25. What does he sometimes do?

A. He sometimes plays table tennis. B. He sometimes stays at school.

B. He sometimes goes shopping. D. He sometimes watch movies.

V. Listen to a passage and judge the following statements true or false. If it is true,

choose “A”, if it is false, choose “B”. The passage will be read twice. (5%)

26. It’s the first time for Bill to go to the cinema.

27. Bill buys three tickets before the girl asks him.

28. Bill meets his friends in the cinema.

29. The big boy is a worker in the cinema.

30. Bill is nine years old.


Part A (60 scores)

I. Choose the words whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. (10 points) 第 3 页 共 13 页

II. Multiple choice ( 20 scores )

41.It‟s A. a quarter past four B. fifteen to five

C. forty-five to five D. a quarter to five A.Mr Flinch sometimes wants to play nasty tricks.

B. Mr Flinch usually spends his time in thinking about nasty tricks.

C. Mr Flinch never plays any nasty tricks.

D. It is always easy for Mr Flinch to play some nasty tricks. A. go to the seaside B. arrive at the seaside

C. arrive in the seaside D. leave the seaside

44.A. It‟s time to get up. B. It‟s time to go to bed.

C. It‟s late for bed D. You can‟t fall asleep now.

y in February in Chengdu.

A. The sun never shines B. The sun shines few times

C. The sun often shines D. It‟s usually sunny

46. Langlang can‟t play ______ football but he can play ______ piano very well.

A. 不填, 不填 B. the, the C. 不填, the D. the, 不填

47. Which city do you like__________? Rome, Berlin or Paris?

A. better B. very much C. well D. best

48. How much ____ can you drink?

A. oranges B. orange C. glasses of orange D. glass of orange

49.Do you often help your mum _______ housework?

A. doing B. does C. to do D. is doing

50. There ________ some Chinese classes _______next Friday.

A. are having ...on B. will be ...不填 C. will have... 不填

D. are going to be...on

第 4 页 共 13 页

51. Arctic Fox and Polar Bear are ______ good at showing. The animals in the North Pole _____ like playing games.

A. both, both B. both, all C .all, both D. all, all

52.__________ teacher is going to spend her holiday in the mountains.

A. John and Mary B. John and Mary‟s

C. John‟s and Mary‟s D. John‟s and Mary

53. ______ clever the girl called Liu Yiting is!

A. What B. How C. What a D. How a

54. The schoolbag is _________ books. You can‟t ______ this book into it now.

A. full of; full B. fill with, fill C. full of; fill D. filled with; full

55. June the first is very important to boys and girls. Because it‟s _______ .

A. Childrens‟ Day B. a Children‟ Day C. Children‟s Day D. a Child Day

56. A: What are you________,Tom?

B: Some newspaper. A. reading B. looking C. look at D. Seeing

57.________hard, ______you will become a better student in your class..

A.Working/or B.Work/ and C.Worked/or D.To work/ and

58.I want to buy a___________ T-shirt for my father on Father‟s Day.

A. nice red American B. red nice American

C. red American nice D. American red nice

59.–Is your brother ________?

-- ____. He sits in front of all his tall classmates.

A. tall... No, he isn‟t B. high...He is short

C. tall...Yes, he is D. high...No, he isn‟t

60. Most people think Putin is a great president in Russia. Because he can solve some problems with ________ money and ______ people.

A. less... fewer B. little...fewer C. more...more D. less...more III. Close Test (10 scores)

Mr. King lives in a city. He has some shops and gets a lot of , His son, Mike, studies in a middle school. The boy likes everything but not studying. He doesn't listen to his in class and he never finishes his homework on time. He always plays football when he is . And he can never pass the exams. His father has time to stay at home so he doesn't know anything about it. One day, Miss Read, Mike's teacher Mr. King on the telephone, she tells everything about the boy. She wants him to help the boy at home. Then the man hears this and isn't When his son comes back from school, he gives him a good beating (痛打). But soon he feels sorry for it sees Mike crying in the bedroom. The next morning, before Mike goes to school, he says, "Study hard, my son!" I 第 5 页 共 13 页
