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  为了方便大家对于2016年中考英语听力的备考练习,中国招生考试网为大家整理提供了2015河北中考英语听力试题及答案下载,包含听力mp3音频,非常方便同学们自主练习。  英语听力的提高需要每天持之以恒的练习,中国招生考试网老师建议大家每天听十分钟左右,考试的前一周每天听半小时左右,听的时候投入,完全模拟考试情景练习。
河北 2015年河北省中考英语听力模拟试题(一) 下载
2015年河北省中考英语听力模拟试题(二) 下载
2015年河北省中考英语听力模拟试题(三) 下载
2015年河北省中考英语听力模拟试题(四) 下载
2015年河北省中考英语听力模拟试题(五) 下载
2015年河北省中考英语听力模拟试题(六) 下载




1. A. ever B. never C. fever

2. A.5700 B.5070 C.5007

3. A. come on B. come back C. come along

4. A. You should work hard because you failed last test. B. If you don't work hard, you will fail the test.

C. Even though you work hard, you will fail the test.

5. A. My brother likes basketball better than football.

B. My brother likes neither basketball nor football.

C. My brother likes football best.


6. A. Thanks very much. B. Interesting. C. I'd like to.

7. A. By bus. B. For a week. C. Three times a week.

8. A. Yes, please. B.OK, no problem. C. Not at all.

9. A.A nice day. B. Yes, it is. C. No, thanks.

10. A.OK, I will. B. Good luck. C. That's right.

三、听对话和问题,选择正确答案。每段对话和问题读两遍。听第一至三段对话,回答第11~13题。 11.


13. A. Because he lost the book. B. Because he lent the book to his grandma.

C. Because he can' t return the book now.


14. A. An actress. B.A painter. C.A teacher.

15. A. She is going on a trip. B. She is studying abroad. C. She is looking for a job.


16. A.A beautiful T-shirt. B.A beautiful skirt. C.A beautiful dress.

17. A. At home. B. At a restaurant. C. In a food shop.

18. A. Mary. B. Mary's friend. C. Mary's father.



19. When did the fire break out?

A. At 10:30 a.m. B. At 11:30 a.m. C. At 10:30 p.m.

20. What is the result of the fire?

A. Several people were injured. B. The factory suffered a loss of about two million dollars.

C. Pine Street is closed.

21. How can listeners get more information?

A. By calling the police. B. By watching TV. C. By going to the factory.


22. When will James meet his friends?

A. At about 5:00. B. At about 7:00. C. At about 7:40.

23. What do James and his friends like doing?

A. Enjoying the view out of the window. B. Dancing during the meal. C. Listening to music.

24. How would James go to the restaurant?

A. By car. B. By bus. C. On foot.

25. What do we know about the restaurant?

A. It's far from the city center. B. It has its own band. C. It offers free parking places.

五. 听短文填空。短文读两遍。

Information Sheet

26. With computers, we can finish our homework_____________.

27. Homework can be _____________ because we can be more creative.

28. We can find how to _____________ better or look up words using online dictionaries.

29. The Internet has a lot of information on different_____________.

30. The Internet gives us the convenience of_____________.



1. A. reminds B. remembers C. remains

2. A.11th—15th B.11th—13th C.13th—15th

3. A. give up B. cheer up C. show up

4. A. Another city has invited our basketball team to play.

B. Another basketball team from our city will play against us.

C. The basketball team from another city will play in our city.

5. A. It had stopped raining when he arrived home.

B. He had arrived home before it rained heavily.

C. It rained heavily on his way home.


6. A. Not yet. B.I lost it. C.I like the car.

7. A. My uncle. B. It is broken. C.I broke it.

8. A. It's 11 o'clock. B. It's Sunday. C. It's my watch.

9. A.I hope not. B. That's a good idea. C. No way.

10. A. About 1,000 pounds. B. About 100 feet. C. About 10 meters.

三、听对话和问题,选择正确答案。每段对话和问题读两遍。听第一至三段对话,回答第11~13个小题。 11.


13. A.$4. B.$6. C.$7.


14. A.A book on science. B.A book on programming. C.A book on English.

15. A. One week. B. Two weeks. C. Three weeks.


16. A. Too much noise. B. Too much dirt. C. Too much traffic.

17. A. It is very wide. B. It is being repaired now. C. It is finished now.

18. A. Moving to another place. B. Staying at school. C. Holding a neighborhood meeting.


19. What does the speaker probably do?

A.A bus driver. B.A guide. C.A ticket collector.

20. When were the houses around the lake built?

A. About 14 years ago. B. About 40 years ago. C. About 400 years ago.

21. Where will the visitors get on the bus?

A. At the same place where they get off the bus. B. Nobody tells them where they get on the bus.

C. Outside the park.


22. Why do many foreign students go to America every year?

A. To study science. B. To study medicine. C. To study English.

23. Why will a foreign student feel better in an American family?

A. Because the American family will help him get used to a new life.

B. Because he will learn how to teach the children from American parents.

C. Because the American family will give him some money when he is in trouble.

24. When can the American family help the foreign student correct the mistakes?

A. When he does grammar exercises.

B. When he speaks English.

C. When he writes an English article.

25. Who can help a foreign student with his homework?

A. His American teachers. B. His American friends. C. The American family members.

五、 听短文填空。短文读两篇。



1. A. dropped B. shopped C. stopped

2. A. the 3rd B. the 6th C. the 8th

3. A. make up B. look up C. look after

4. A. He was not allowed to listen to the MP3.

B. The teacher began to listen to the MP3.

C. He doesn't like to listen to the MP3.

5. A. Tina used to live in the city. B. Tina is used to living in the city.

C. Tina prefers to live in the city.


6. A. She is 14 years old. B. She is my sister. C. She has a ping pong bat.

7. A. Let's listen to music. B. Don't talk. C. No, we can't.

8. A. He is lazy. B. No, I'm not. C. Brad, I think.

9. A. Once a week. B. He has many friends. C. On Friday night.

10. A .I'd love to. B. It doesn't matter. C. Give him a hand.

三、听对话和问题,选择正确答案。每段对话和问题读两遍。听第一至三段对话,回答第11~13个小题。 11.


13. A. She had thrown away the old shoes. B. She didn't see the old shoes. C. She has washed the old shoes.


14. A. At 10:00. B. At 11:00. C. At 12:00.

15. A. Bread and milk. B. Pancakes and porridge. C. Noodles and fried eggs.


16. A. At a store. B. At a school. C .At a hospital.

17. A. She stayed at home B. She went to parties. C. She traveled a lot.

18. A. He went swimming. B. He played basketball or tennis. C. He sang or told stories.


19. When did Steve write the letter?

A. After the test. B. Before the Teachers' Day. C. Before graduation.

20. What did Steve spend a lot of time doing when he was in Grade Two?

A. Playing basketball. B. Making trouble. C. Playing computer games.

21. Which subject did Mr. Chen probably teach?

A. Science. B. Math. C. English.


22. What kind of sport does David's younger brother like?

A. Football. B. Basketball. C. Volleyball.

23. Where did David's ancestors come from?

A. The west of England. B. The north of England. C. The south of England.

24. When did David go to his ancestors' hometown?

A. Last year. B. Last month. C. Last week.

25. What didn't David's family do when they were in England?

A. They didn't visit many interesting places. B. They didn't take a lot of photos.

C. They didn't play football or basketball.

五、 听短文填空。短文读两遍。






1.A. price B. palace C. practice

2. A. 3:15 B. 3:45 C. 4:15

3. A. take a walk B. read a book C. give a talk

4. A. He loves math B. He hates math. C. He teachers math.

5. A. The speaker is sad about the news.

B. The speaker is surprised at the news

C. The speaker is angry about the news.


6. A. This is Bob Smith. B. Hold on, please. C. I'll ring him later.

7. A. I feel relaxed B. I eat mea1. C.I like to exercise.

8. A. Thanks a lot. B. Nice to meet you. C. Take it easy

9. A. Let me try. B. Yes, please. C. That's right

10. A. You're welcome. B. Surely you on do it. C. Sony, but I'm busy now. III、听对话和问题,选择正确答案(共8分)

13. A. Rainy. B. Sunny. C. Snowy.

14. A. Read Page 10. B. Copy a text. C. Write a diary

15. A. By Monday. B. By Tuesday. C. By Wednesday.

16. A$200. B$300. C$500

17. A. A light computer. B. A heavy computer. C. A big computer.

18. A. Black. B. Red. C. Blue.


19. What competition did Tony's sister win?

A.A painting competition. B. A singing competition. C. A writing competition

20. Who is playing with toys in the picture?

A. Tony. B. Cindy's friend. C. Cindy's brother.

21. Which is right about Cindy?

A. She is lazy. B. She is shy. C. She is serious

22. Why do people have Buy Nothing Day?

A. They buy too much. B. They make gifts together. C. They have no money.

23. When is Buy Nothing Day?

A. November 29. B. November 25. C. November 19

24. How do some people celebrate the day?

A. Do sports and watch TV.

B. Watch TV and read stories

C. Read stories and do sports

25. Who had a party in New York?

A. Parents. B. Teachers. C. High school students.

V. 单项选择(共15小题,小题1分,计15分)


26. I have _______ pet cat. It is so cute.

A. a B. an C. the D.不填

27. Thanks for inviting _______ to dinner, Nancy. I really enjoyed it.

A. her B. him C. you D. me

28. Class, let’s see who can spell most words _______ these letters.


A. at B. into C. on D. with

29. Your _______ is very helpful. I guess I’ll take it.

A. secret B. advice C. promise D. purpose

30. Victoria, hurry up! _______ we can’t arrive there on time.

A. Or B. So C. But D. And

31. You bought the last ticket for the concert. How _______ you are!

A. sweet B. lucky C. strange D. funny

32. Oh, no! I _______ the book in the lab.

A. leave B. left C. will leave D. was leaving

33.Grandpa _______ glasses when he reads.

A. wears B. wore C. has worn D. was wearing

34. The air _______ fresh after the rain. And the sky is blue.

A. feels B. tastes C. smells D. sounds

35. Just go down the road, and you _______ the library next to the bank.

A. see B. saw C. have seen D. will see

36. Our team _______ another point! I’m sure we’ll win the game.

A. will get B. has got C. is getting D. was getting

37. I can’t tell the exact time. My watch goes a few minutes_______ .

A. sooner B. faster C. later D. longer

38.Emily is glad that she _______ for her honesty at the meeting.

A. praise B. praised C. is praised D. was praised

39. We need to do some research to _______ the answer.

A. find out B. look out C. hand out D. take out

40. I’m planning a trip to the beach tomorrow, but still can’t decide _______.

A. where I’m going B. how I’m going

C. why I’m planning D. when I’m planning

VI. 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)


Many of us enjoy watching animals in the world. But do you know they can teach us?

Geese(雁), for example, teach a very good lesson about . In the fall, Canada geese fly to the warm south to

Canada’s cold winter. They lift off in no order. Yet they form a V shape, with one bird leading the group.

This V shape allows geese to energy. When the front bird moves its wings up and down, the resulting force of the air lifts the next one. This continues down the line. The bird has the hardest job. When it gets , it moves behind, and another bird moves into the lead. By sharing the role, the group can travel great distances. Geese flying in a V shape can fly 70 percent farther without than birds flying alone.

During the long flying journey, geese communicate with one another. They honk(鸣叫) to the birds up front to keep up the speed. They also cheer each other up working toward a common goal.

What have we learned from the lovely geese’s experience and skills?

together! Whether it is our personal lives or our jobs, we need other people. We need the spirit of teamwork!

41. A. experience B. success C. friendship D. teamwork

42. A. look for B. get away from C. wait for D. walk away from

43. A. busily B. quickly C. bravely D. suddenly

44. A. save B. waste C. create D. lose

45. A. in front B. at the back C. in the middle D. on the left

46. A. bored B. tired C. hungry D. thirsty

47. A. rest B. sleep C. excuse D. result

48. A. lead B. lift C. teach D. encourage

49. A. until B. after C. while D. before

50. A. Play B. Travel C. Live D. Work

VII. 阅读理解(共15小题, 每小题2分,计30分)

阅读A、B、C 三篇材料,然后从各小题所给的4个选项中选出最佳选项。


Let me tell you about a young boy who made a model car all on his own. The boy is me, six years ago when I was just 11. The car was small and simple, but in my imagination it was a high-speed racing car, speeding along the race road.

It was during the school summer holidays and workmen were building a new driveway and garage(车库) beside our house. It meant to add something new to our home. When I watched the workman, I came up with an idea---I would build a car to drive into the garage in celebration of it. I told my mother and began with my plans. But I couldn't find the right things for making the car, so I gave up and sadly spent several days doing nothing. My mother noticed that I had stopped working and asked me why. I explained and she suggested that maybe I should change my plan to fit the things I had, rather than give up.

And that's just what I did. I found small pieces of wood in my father's workshop and made my car from anything that was lying around the house. When I found a small engine(发动机) from one of my old model planes, I added that. The power came from a battery(电池) I found in a box.

By the time the garage was finished, so was my car. I called my family together outside the house, started the engine and put the car on the driveway. It was fast, and I had to run to the garage to prevent it from hitting the new door. My family began to cheer and I smiled proudly. Thanks to my mother I learned the value of continuing to do things, especially something difficult. Soon I was making plans for my next project: a robot!

51. The writer was______ when he made the model car.

A. a student B. a driver C. a workman D. an engineer

52. The writer_______ making the first planned car.

A. gave up B. felt excited about

C. was very busy D. spent several days

53. To help the writer, his mother ________.

A. explained the plan to him B. brought him to the workshop

C. gave him some suggestions D. found him some pieces of wood

54. By the time the car was finished, ______.

A. the writer thanked his mother B. the family was called together

C. the writer put it into the house D. the family began a new project

55. What did the writer mainly tell us?

A. Keep on doing things to the end.

B Think hard before doing something.

C. Always ask for help when in trouble.

D. Try the best to find the right things to do.


Welcome to the Art Museum!

You’ve just stepped into one of the world's greatest collections of art, covering centuries of human creativity from around the world. With thousands of works on Show, You may wonder how to start your visit, but we are here to help. On the back of this Visitor Guide, you’ll find directions to some must see works in our

collection—the “don't miss” list for the Art Museum. It's a great choice to start if you are new to the museum.

The following pages include a clear floor plan of the museum and its collections. But because we have several buildings, the overlook(鸟瞰图) below might be helpful. Enjoy your visit and feel free to ask for help and directions at any point during your


56. The passage is a page from________.

A. a tour map. B. a newspaper. C. a visitor guide. D. a picture book.

57. What can we see in the “don't miss” list for the Art Museum?

A. Some free paintings. B. Some must- see works.

C. Some new collections. D. Some museum buildings.

58. How many parts does the overlook of the museum include?

A. Two B. Three.

C. Four. D. Five

59. Which part of the museum shows Chinese art?

A. The “Bridge” B. Rice Building.

C. The Modern Wing. D. Mckinlock Court

60. Where can we see the special artworks?

A. On all floors of Rice Building.



































2014—2015年河北省中考英语试题分析 及2016年中考复习备战策略







Ⅰ. 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。第1小题考查单词辨音,以名词居多;2014年第2小题考查数字,第3小题考查短语辨音,而2015年这两道小题的考查位置颠倒;第4小题和第5小题均考查同义句。

Ⅱ. 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。五个句子均为简单句,主要考查学生对日常交际用语的理解和应答能力。

Ⅲ. 听对话和问题,选择正确答案。前两个小题为图片题,14-15小题和16-18小题
















A.take a walk

B.read a book

C.give a talk.


A.He loves math

B.He hates math.

C.He teachers math.


A.The speaker is sad about the news.

B.The speaker is surprised at the news

C.The speaker is angry about the news.


6.(1分)(2016•河北)A.This is Bob Smith.

B.Hold on,please.

C.I'll ring him later.

7.(1分)(2016•河北)A.I feel relaxed

B.I eat mea1.

C.I like to exercise.

8.(1分)(2016•河北)A.Thanks a lot.

B.Nice to meet you.


C.Take it easy.

9.(1分)(2016•河北)A.Let me try.


C.That's right.

10.(1分)(2016•河北)A.You're welcome.

B.Surely you on do it.

C.Sony,but I'm busy now.






14.(2分)(2016•河北)14.A.Read Page 10.B.Copy a text.C.Write a diary.

15.A.By Monday.B.By Tuesday.C.By Wednesday.


17.A.A light computer.B.A heavy computer.C.A big computer.



19.(3分)(2016•河北)19.What competition did Tony's sister win?

A.A painting competition.

B.A singing competition.

C.A writing competition

20.Who is playing with toys in the picture?


B.Cindy's friend.

C.Cindy's brother.

21.Which is right about Cindy?

A.She is lazy.

B.She is shy.

C.She is serious.

22.(4分)(2016•河北)22.Why do people have Buy Nothing Day?

A.They buy too much.

B.They make gifts together.

C.They have no money.

23.When is Buy Nothing Day?

A.November 29.

B.November 25.

C.November 19

24.How do some people celebrate the day?

A.Do sports and watch TV.

B.Watch TV and read stories

C.Read stories and do sports

25.Who had a party in New York?



C.High school students.


26.(1分)(2016•河北)I have _______ pet cat.It is so cute.( )

A.a B.an C.the D.不填

27.(1分)(2016•河北)Thanks for inviting _______ to dinner,Nancy.I really enjoyed it.( )

A.her B.him C.you D.me

28.(1分)(2016•河北)Class,let’s see who can spell most words _______ these letters.( )

A.at B.into C.on D.with

29.(1分)(2016•河北)Your _______ is very helpful.I guess I’ll take it.( )

A.secret B.advice C.promise D.purpose

30.(1分)(2016•河北)Victoria,hurry up!_______ we can’t arrive there on time.( )

A.Or B.So C.But D.And

31.(1分)(2016•河北)You bought the last ticket for the concert.How _______ you are!( )

A.sweet B.lucky C.strange D.funny

32.(1分)(2016•河北)Oh,no!I _______ the book in the lab.( )

A.leave B.left C.will leave D.was leaving

33.(1分)(2016•河北)Grandpa _______ glasses when he reads.( )

A.wears B.wore C.has worn D.was wearing

34.(1分)(2016•河北)The air _______ fresh after the rain.And the sky is blue.( )

A.feels B.tastes C.smells D.sounds

35.(1分)(2016•河北)Just go down the road,and you _______ the library next to the

bank.( )

A.see B.saw C.have seen D.will see

36.(1分)(2016•河北)Our team _______ another point!I’m sure we’ll win the game.( )

A.will get B.has got C.is getting D.was getting

37.(1分)(2016•河北)I can’t tell the exact time.My watch goes a few minutes_______.( )

A.sooner B.faster C.later D.longer

38.(1分)(2016•河北)Emily is glad that she _______ for her honesty at the meeting.( )

A.praise B.praised C.is praised D.was praised

39.(1分)(2016•河北)We need to do some research to _______ the answer.( )

A.find out B.look out C.hand out D.take out

40.(1分)(2016•河北)I’m planning a trip to the beach tomorrow,but still can’t decide

_______.( )

A.where I’m going B.how I’m going

C.why I’m planning D.when I’m planning【2016河北中考英语听力】



41.(10分)(2016•河北)Many of us enjoy watching animals in the world.But do you know what

they can teach us?

Geese(雁),for example,teach a very good lesson about (41) .In the fall,

Canada geese fly to the warm south to

(42) Canada’s cold winter.They lift off in no order.Yet (43) they

form a V shape,with one bird leading the group.

This V shape allows geese to (44.When the front bird moves its wings up

and down,the resulting force of the air lifts the next one.This continues down the line.The bird

(45) has the hardest job.When it gets (46) ,it moves behind,

and another bird moves into the lead.By sharing the role,the group can travel great

distances.Geese flying in a V shape can fly 70percent farther without (47)than

birds flying alone.

During the long flying journey,geese communicate with one another.They honk(鸣叫) to(48) the birds up front to keep up the speed.They also cheer each other up (49)working toward a common goal.

What have we learned from the lovely geese’s experience and skills?

(50) together!Whether it is our personal lives or our jobs,we need other

people.We need the spirit of teamwork!

41.A.experience B.success C.friendship D.teamwork

42.A.look for B.get away from C.wait for D.walk away from

43.A.busily B.quickly C.bravely D.suddenly

44.A.save B.waste C.create D.lose

45.A.in front B.at the back C.in the middle D.on the left

46.A.bored B.tired C.hungry D.thirsty

47.A.rest B.sleep C.excuse D.result

48.A.lead B.lift C.teach D.encourage

49.A.until B.after C.while D.before

50.A.Play B.Travel C.Live D.Work.



51.(10分)(2016•河北)Let me tell you about a young boy who made a model car all on his

own.The boy is me,six years ago when I was just 11.The car was small and simple,but in my

imagination it was a high﹣speed racing car,speeding along the race road.

It was during the school summer holidays and workmen were building a new driveway and garage

(车库) beside our house.It meant to add something new to our home.When I watched the

workman,I came up with an idea﹣﹣﹣I would build a car to drive into the garage in celebration

of it.I told my mother and began with my plans.But I couldn't find the right things for making the

car,so I gave up and sadly spent several days doing nothing.My mother noticed that I had stopped

working and asked me why.I explained and she suggested that maybe I should change my plan to

fit the things I had,rather than give up.

And that's just what I did.I found small pieces of wood in my father's workshop and made my car

from anything that was lying around the house.When I found a small engine(发动机) from one

of my old model planes,I added that.The power came from a battery(电池) I found in a box.

By the time the garage was finished,so was my car.I called my family together outside the house,started the engine and put the car on the driveway.It was fast,and I had to run to the garage to prevent it from hitting the new door.My family began to cheer and I smiled

proudly.Thanks to my mother I learned the value of continuing to do things,especially something difficult.Soon I was making plans for my next project:a robot!

51.The writer was.

A.a student B.a driver

C.a workman D.an engineer

52.The writermaking the first planned car.

A.gave up B.felt excited about

C.was very busy D.spent several days

53.To help the writer,his mother.

A.explained the plan to him

B.brought him to the workshop

C.gave him some suggestions

D.found him some pieces of wood

54.By the time the car was finished,

A.the writer thanked his mother

B.the family was called together

C.the writer put it into the house

D.the family began a new project

55.What did the writer mainly tell us?A.Keep on doing things to the end.

B Think hard before doing something.

C.Always ask for help when in trouble.

D.Try the best to find the right things to do.

56.(10分)(2016•河北)Welcome to the Art Museum!

You’ve just stepped into one of the world's greatest collections of art,covering centuries of human creativity from around the world.With thousands of works on Show,You may wonder how to start your visit,but we are here to help.On the back of this Visitor Guide,you’ll find directions to some must see works in our collection﹣the“don't miss”list for the Art Museum.It's a great choice to start if you are new to the museum.

The following pages include a clear floor plan of the museum and its collections.But because we have several buildings,the overlook(鸟瞰图) below might be helpful.Enjoy your visit and feel free to ask for help and directions at any point during your stay.
