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英 语 试 题


1. 本试卷共有十大题,共8页。全卷满分120分,考试时间100分钟。

2. 所有题目必须在答题卡上答题,在试卷上答题无效。选择题在答题卡上选择题答题框内


★ 祝考试顺利 ★



听短对话,根据你听到的内容从每小题的三个选项中选出一个正确选项。 每段对话听两遍。

1. What’s the weather like these days?

A. Cool. B. Hot. C. Cold.

2. What are the two speakers talking about?

A. The school subjects. B. The interesting movie. C. The ball game.

3. What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

A. Husband and wife. B. Doctor and patient. C. Teacher and student.

4. Where are the two speakers probably talking?

A. In the restaurant. B. In the clothes store. C. At the cinema.

5. Why does the girl want to leave a little earlier today?

A. To leave for Australia. B. To see her father off. C. To send her teacher back.


听下面A、B、C三段对话, 并从每小题的三个选项中选出一个正确选项。 每段对话听两遍。



6. What size T-shirt does the man want?

A. Size L. B. Size M. C. Size S.

7. What color T-shirt does the man want?

A. Brown. B. White. C. Black.

8. How much is the T-shirt?

A. $74. B. $ 64. C.$ 47.



9. What does the woman want to do?

A. Visit her friends. B. Go to the park. C. Get some money.

10. How long does it take the woman to get there on foot?

A. Five minutes. B. Ten minutes. C. Fifteen minutes.

11. How will the man help the woman at last?

A. Draw a map for her. B. Give her a ride. C. Give her some money.



12. What might Robert King be?

A. A driver. B. A policeman. C. A doctor.

13. How many people were there in the big blue car?

A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.

14. —What did the driver of the motorbike look like?


A. tall with long hair B. short with dark hair C. short with red hair

15. Who called 120 for help?

A. Robert. B. Kate. C. Danny.


听短文, 并从每小题的三个选项中选出一个正确选项。 短文听两遍。

16. Who gave Tom one dollar at first?

A. His mother. B. His father. C. The old man.

17. What happened when Tom went to buy a toy?

A. James was hit badly by snowballs.

B. Tom met an old man and helped him.

C. Tom broke a window of the house.

18. —Why did Tom go back to the house?

—Because he wanted to .

A. play snowballs again B. pay for the window C. get his toy back

19. How much money did Tom get at last?

A. Two dollars. B. One dollar. C. Nothing.

20. What does the story want to tell us?

A. Working hard is very important.

B. Helping others is to help ourselves.

C. Being honest can bring us more.




21. —How do you like the famous actor, Tong Dawei?

—Wonderful! I like very much.

A. he B. his C. him D. himself

22. —More and more people come to visit Jingzhou Ancient City.

—That’s true. It has become the of Jingzhou.

A. effort B. praise C. courage D. pride

23.—What do you think of the dish I cooked for you?

—I haven’t had it yet. However, it good.

A. tastes B. smells C. sounds D. feels

24. —Can you tell the difference between these two pictures?

—Difference? Oh, no. They look quite .

A. similar B. different C. strange D. interesting

25. —How much do you know about Taiwan, Li Fen?

—Taiwan and the mainland have a lot in common. They a lot of history and


A. support B. explain C. share D. belong

26. — It’s one of the things in the world to stay with friends.

—I agree. It always makes us relaxed.

A. worst B. happiest C. busiest D. hardest

27. —John is so excited. Did he win the competition?

—Yes. He was lucky and he had one minute to complete the special task, no more and no less.

A. especially B. probably C. exactly D. hardly

28. — Where was your dad at this time last night?

—He was talking with my uncle I was looking for some information on the


A. after C. until C. since D. while

29. —The group of boys and girls to study in college this morning, full of nice


—I believe their dreams can come true one day.

A. set off B. fell off C. put off D. kept off

30. – So kind of you to give me a ride to the station.

– ___________

A. Never mind. B. My pleasure.

C. It doesn’t matter. D. Glad you like it.

Ⅴ、完形填空。(共10分, 每小题1分)


Once when Kevin was selling hats under a big tree, the monkeys on the tree picked some hats and put them on. So Kevin took off his own hat and on the ground. The stupid monkeys threw their hats, too! Kevin soon all the hats and left happily.

Fifty years later, young Tony, of Kevin, also sold hats for a living. a long walk, Tony was tired, so he put his bag of hats beside him and laid down under a big tree. He was soon fast When he woke up, Tony found that there weren’t any hats in his bag! Tony started looking for his hats. To his , he found some monkeys on the tree wearing his hats.

Tony didn’t know what to do. Then he remembered the story his grandfather used to tell him. ―Yes! I can fool these monkeys!‖ said Tony. ―I’ll them imitate (模仿) me and very soon I will get all my hats back!‖

Tony then waved at the monkeys, the monkeys waved at him. Tony started dancing, the monkeys were also dancing. Tony threw his hat on the ground…

Just then, one of the monkeys jumped down the tree, picked up the hat Tony threw on the ground and up to Tony. He said, ―Do you think only you had a grandfather?‖

31. A. it B. its C. him D. his

32. A. pointed B. put C. collected D. matched

33. A. father B. son C. grandson D. friend

34. A. When B. After C. Before D. As

35. A. alive B. afraid C. awake D. asleep

36. A. pleasure B.interest C. value D. surprise

37. A. recently B.luckily C. proudly D. angrily

38. A. tell B. make C. promise D. realize

39. A. from B. beside C. toward D. through

40. A. put B. brought C. walked D. took

Ⅵ、阅读理解。(共30分, 每小题2分)



A new term might be the best time to make new friends, but it can be hard to begin the first conversation. Below are four useful ways. Take a look.

Search for common interests. Talking about shared interests, such as sports and popular talent shows, is the easiest way to make a successful talk with someone.

Welcome the silence. In fact, sometimes silence is needed in order to continue a conversation. Remember that if you say something, the other person may need time to understand it.

Keep it positive(积极的). To make great small talk, you should keep things fun. You should be cheerful and able to laugh over things that aren’t very interesting. These will make the other person want to keep talking to you.

Take it as a learning experience. Every time you meet someone from other places, it’s a good chance to learn something new. You can learn more about their cultures and nations. These make you a more interesting person to talk to as well.

41. How many ways are mentioned to start a conversation in the reading?

A. Only one. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.

42. You can start a meaningful conversation by according to the reading.

A. travelling to other countries B. studying very hard in the class

C. talking about the same interests D finding someone from other places

43. If someone is talking about something you don't like, you should

according to the reading.

A. stop the conversation at once B. be cheerful and relaxed

C. keep silent all the time D. talk about something new


If you need glasses to read this, you are among most of Chinese students. About four-fifths of high school students in China have poor eyesight(视力). And now more and more children in primary school need glasses, too.

Two main reasons can cause poor eyesight: too much time spent indoors studying and too little time spent outdoors playing. Reading and writing for hours and hours, sometimes in poorly lighted rooms, causes eyesight to weaken. But students have to do this because there is so much pressure on them to succeed in school. They have less time to enjoy the sun.

The sun, it turns out, is important in developing good eyesight. According to a study by Australian National University, Australian children and Chinese children have the same level of eyesight before they start school, but once they enter primary school, Chinese children only spend about an hour a day outside, while Australian children spend three to four hours each day in the sunshine. The result is that while about forty percent of Chinese primary school students need glasses, only three percent of Australian children do.

And poor eyesight at a young age can have serious long term influence. As you get older, your eyesight can worsen.

With all that in mind, don’t you think it’s time to give your eyes a break?

44. How many high school students have poor eyesight in China according to the reading?

A. A half of them. B. Three percent of them.

C. Forty percent of them. D. Four-fifths of them.

45. Which can cause poor eyesight according to the reading?

A. Like reading and writing very much.

B. Spend too much time enjoying the sun.

C. Spend too much time indoors studying.

D. Start primary school at a young age.

46. What can we learn from the third paragraph?

A. Primary school studying can be very harmful to young students.

B. Australian children spend more time outdoors than Chinese children.

C. After primary school, children in China and Australia have the same eyesight.

D. Fewer Chinese primary school students have poor eyesight than Australian ones.

47. What does the writer want to tell us?

A. Remember to give our eyes a break.

B. Develop good eyesight in Australia.

C. Avoid poor eyesight at an old age.

D. Spend little time outdoors playing.


The message was short. I read it three times: ―Hey, Mom, can I come to see you guys?‖ I wrote back: ―Yes!‖ He said he hoped to make it in time for dinner.

I made a quick run to the market, put sheets on the guest bed and set the TV to record the Warriors’ game, so if traffic was awful, he wouldn’t have to miss the first half. Then I began cooking, cleaning, watching the clock and listening for his footsteps coming up the walk.

It’s called waiting. I’m good at it. When he was a newborn, I’d wait for him to go to sleep. Soon then I’d stand by his bed waiting for him to wake up. I waited, as he learned to do things like walking , talking and feeding himself; throwing a ball, riding a bike and reading a book. I waited for him to start preschool, primary school, middle school and college.

I waited with I wait for my son to grow up, but that doesn’t mean the waiting game is over. It never really ends.

Mothers wait for all kinds of reasons—good news or bad, happiness or heartache. But the waiting is soon forgotten, usually, the minute a long awaited child walks through the door.

My boy will be here soon. But if he’s late, I can wait. I’m good at it. And he’s worth it. I will always leave a light on for him.

48. After knowing her son would come home, which of the following activities did she do? a. Shopping. b. Cooking. c. Cleaning. d. Watching the Warriors’ game.

A. bc B. ad C. abc D. bcd

49. What does the underlined word ―dread‖ mean?

A. 激动 B. 骄傲 C. 厌恶 D. 害怕




1.—How do you like the famous actor, Tong Dawei?

A.he B.his

C.him D.himself

2.—More and more people come to visit Jingzhou Ancient City.

—That’s true..

A.effort B.praise

C.courage D.pride

3.—What do you think of the dish I cooked for you?

—I haven’t had it yet..

A.tastes B.smells C.sounds D.feels

4.—Can you tell the difference between these two pictures?

—Difference? Oh, no.

A.similar B.different

C.strange D.interesting

5.—How much do you know about Taiwan, Li Fen?

—Taiwan and the mainland have a lot in common.

A.support B.explain

C.share D.belong

6.— It’s one of —I agree.It always makes us relaxed.

A.worst B.happiest

C.busiest D.hardest

7.—John is so excited.Did he win the competition?


A.especially B.probably

C.exactly D.hardly

8.— Where was your dad at this time last night?


A.after B.until C.since D.while

9.——I believe their dreams can come true one day.

A.set off B.fell off

C.put off D.kept off

10.– So kind of you to give me a ride to the station.

– ___________

A.Never mind. B.My pleasure.

C.It doesn’t matter. D.Glad you like it.




Once when Kevin was selling hats under a big tree, the monkeys on the tree picked some hats and put them on..The stupid monkeys threw their .

Fifty years later, young Tony, 3 of Kevin, also sold hats for a living. 4 a long walk, Tony was tired, so he put his bag of hats beside him and laid down under a big tree. When he woke up, Tony found that there weren’t any hats in his bag! Tony started looking for his hats. Tony didn’t know what to do.Then he remembered the story his grandfather 7 used to tell him.―Yes! I can fool these monkeys!‖ said Tony.―I’ll模仿) me and very soon I will get all my hats back!‖

Tony then waved at the monkeys, the monkeys waved at him.Tony started dancing, the monkeys were also dancing.Tony threw his hat on the ground…

Just then, one of the monkeys jumped down 9 the tree, picked up the hat Tony threw on the ground .He said, ―Do you think only you had a grandfather?‖

1.A.it B.its C.him D.his

2.A.pointed B.put C.collected D.matched

3.A.father B.son C.grandson D.friend

4.A.When B.After C.Before D.As

5.A.alive B.afraid C.awake D.asleep

6.A.pleasure B.interest C.value D.surprise

7.A.recently B.luckily C.proudly D.angrily

8.A.tell B.make C.promise D.realize

9.A.from B.beside C.toward D.through

10.A.put B.brought C.walked D.took




A new term might be the best time to make new friends, but it can be hard to begin the first

conversation.Below are four useful ways.Take a look.

Search for common interests.Talking about shared interests, such as sports and popular talent shows, is the easiest way to make a successful talk with someone.

Welcome the silence.In fact, sometimes silence is needed in order to continue a

conversation.Remember that if you say something, the other person may need time to understand it. Keep it positive(积极的).To make great small talk, you should keep things fun.You should be cheerful and able to laugh over things that aren’t very interesting.These will make the other person want to keep talking to you.

Take it as a learning experience.Every time you meet someone from other places, it’s a good chance to learn something new.You can learn more about their cultures and nations.These make you a more interesting person to talk to as well.

1.How many ways are mentioned to start a conversation in the reading?

A.Only one.




2. A.travelling to other countries

B.studying very hard in the class

C.talking about the same interests

D finding someone from other places

3. A.stop the conversation at once

B.be cheerful and relaxed

C.keep silent all the time

D.talk about something new



If you need glasses to read this, you are among most of Chinese students.About four-fifths of high school students in China have poor eyesight(视力).And now more and more children in primary school need glasses, too.

Two main reasons can cause poor eyesight: too much time spent indoors studying and too little time spent outdoors playing.Reading and writing for hours and hours, sometimes in poorly lighted rooms, causes eyesight to weaken.But students have to do this because there is so much pressure on them to succeed in school.They have less time to enjoy the sun.

The sun, it turns out, is important in developing good eyesight.According to a study by Australian【湖北省荆州市英语中考试题类型】

National University, Australian children and Chinese children have the same level of eyesight before they start school, but once they enter primary school, Chinese children only spend about an hour a day outside, while Australian children spend three to four hours each day in the sunshine.The result is that while about forty percent of Chinese primary school students need glasses, only three percent of Australian children do. And poor eyesight at a young age can have serious long term influence.As you get older, your eyesight can worsen.

With all that in mind, don’t you think it’s time to give your eyes a break?

1.How many high school students have poor eyesight in China according to the reading?

A.A half of them.

B.Three percent of them.

C.Forty percent of them.

D.Four-fifths of them.

2.Which can cause poor eyesight according to the reading?

A.Like reading and writing very much.

B.Spend too much time enjoying the sun.

C.Spend too much time indoors studying.

D.Start primary school at a young age.

3.What can we learn from the third paragraph?

A.Primary school studying can be very harmful to young students.

B.Australian children spend more time outdoors than Chinese children.

C.After primary school, children in China and Australia have the same eyesight.

D.Fewer Chinese primary school students have poor eyesight than Australian ones.

4.What does the writer want to tell us?

A.Remember to give our eyes a break.

B.Develop good eyesight in Australia.

C.Avoid poor eyesight at an old age.

D.Spend little time outdoors playing.



The message was short.I read it three times: ―Hey, Mom, can I come to see you guys?‖ I wrote back: ―Yes!‖ He said he hoped to make it in time for dinner.

I made a quick run to the market, put sheets on the guest bed and set the TV to record the Warriors’ game, so if traffic was awful, he wouldn’t have to miss the first half.Then I began cooking, cleaning, watching the clock and listening for his footsteps coming up the walk.

It’s called waiting.I’m good at it.When he was a newborn, I’d wait for him to go to sleep.Soon then I’d stand by his bed waiting for him to wake up.I waited, as he learned to do things like walking , talking and feeding himself; throwing a ball, riding a bike and reading a book.


荆州市2015年初中升学考试 英 语 试 题


1. 本试卷共有十大题,共8页。全卷满分120分,考试时间100分钟。

2. 所有题目必须在答题卡上答题,在试卷上答题无效。选择题在答题卡上选择题答题框内用2B铅笔将各题号下相应选项代号的矩形框“□”涂黑;非选择题在答题卡上答题栏内各相应题号后的空白处用黑色签字笔或黑色墨水钢笔答题。

★ 祝考试顺利 ★



听短对话,根据你听到的内容从每小题的三个选项中选出一个正确选项。 每段对话听两遍。

1. What’s the weather like these days?

A. Cool. B. Hot. C. Cold.

2. What are the two speakers talking about?

A. The school subjects. B. The interesting movie. C. The ball game.

3. What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

A. Husband and wife. B. Doctor and patient. C. Teacher and student.

4. Where are the two speakers probably talking?

A. In the restaurant. B. In the clothes store. C. At the cinema.

5. Why does the girl want to leave a little earlier today?

A. To leave for Australia. B. To see her father off. C. To send her teacher back. Ⅱ、长对话理解。(共10分,每小题1分)

听下面A、B、C三段对话, 并从每小题的三个选项中选出一个正确选项。 每段对话听两遍。



6. What size T-shirt does the man want?

A. Size L. B. Size M. C. Size S.

7. What color T-shirt does the man want?

A. Brown. B. White. C. Black.

8. How much is the T-shirt?

A. $74. B. $ 64. C.$ 47.



9. What does the woman want to do?

A. Visit her friends. B. Go to the park. C. Get some money.

10. How long does it take the woman to get there on foot?

A. Five minutes. B. Ten minutes. C. Fifteen minutes.

11. How will the man help the woman at last?

A. Draw a map for her. B. Give her a ride. C. Give her some money. C


12. What might Robert King be?

A. A driver. B. A policeman. C. A doctor.

13. How many people were there in the big blue car?

A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.

14. —What did the driver of the motorbike look like?


A. tall with long hair B. short with dark hair C. short with red hair

15. Who called 120 for help?

A. Robert. B. Kate. C. Danny. Ⅲ、短文理解。(共10分,每小题2分)

听短文, 并从每小题的三个选项中选出一个正确选项。 短文听两遍。

16. Who gave Tom one dollar at first?

A. His mother. B. His father. C. The old man.

17. What happened when Tom went to buy a toy?

A. James was hit badly by snowballs.

B. Tom met an old man and helped him.

C. Tom broke a window of the house.

18. —Why did Tom go back to the house?

—Because he wanted to .

A. play snowballs again B. pay for the window C. get his toy back

19. How much money did Tom get at last?

A. Two dollars. B. One dollar. C. Nothing.


20. What does the story want to tell us?

A. Working hard is very important.

B. Helping others is to help ourselves.

C. Being honest can bring us more.




21. —How do you like the famous actor, Tong Dawei?

—Wonderful! I like very much.

A. he B. his C. him D. himself

22. —More and more people come to visit Jingzhou Ancient City.

—That’s true. It has become the of Jingzhou.

A. effort B. praise C. courage D. pride

23.—What do you think of the dish I cooked for you?

—I haven’t had it yet. However, it good.

A. tastes B. smells C. sounds D. feels

24. —Can you tell the difference between these two pictures?

—Difference? Oh, no. They look quite .

A. similar B. different C. strange D. interesting

25. —How much do you know about Taiwan, Li Fen?

—Taiwan and the mainland have a lot in common. They a lot of

history and culture.

A. support B. explain C. share D. belong

26. — It’s one of the things in the world to stay with friends.

—I agree. It always makes us relaxed.

A. worst B. happiest C. busiest D. hardest

27. —John is so excited. Did he win the competition?

—Yes. He was lucky and he had one minute to complete the special task, no more and no less.

A. especially B. probably C. exactly D. hardly

28. — Where was your dad at this time last night?


—He was talking with my uncle I was looking for some information

on the Internet.

A. after C. until C. since D. while

29. —The group of boys and girls to study in college this morning, full

of nice dreams.

—I believe their dreams can come true one day.

A. set off B. fell off C. put off D. kept off

30. – So kind of you to give me a ride to the station.

– ___________

A. Never mind. B. My pleasure.

C. It doesn’t matter. D. Glad you like it.

Ⅴ、完形填空。(共10分, 每小题1分)


Once when Kevin was selling hats under a big tree, the monkeys on the tree picked some hats and put them on. So Kevin took off his own hat and on the ground. The stupid monkeys threw their hats, too! Kevin soon all the hats and left happily.

Fifty years later, young Tony, of Kevin, also sold hats for a living. a long walk, Tony was tired, so he put his bag of hats beside him and laid down under a big tree. He was soon fast .

When he woke up, Tony found that there weren’t any hats in his bag! Tony started looking for his hats. To his hats.

Tony didn’t know what to do. Then he remembered the story his grandfather used to tell him. ―Yes! I can fool these monkeys!‖ said Tony. ―I’ll them imitate (模仿) me and very soon I will get all my hats back!‖

Tony then waved at the monkeys, the monkeys waved at him. Tony started dancing, the monkeys were also dancing. Tony threw his hat on the ground…

Just then, one of the monkeys jumped down the tree, picked up the hat Tony threw on the ground and up to Tony. He said, ―Do you think only you

had a grandfather?‖

31. A. it B. its C. him D. his【湖北省荆州市英语中考试题类型】

32. A. pointed B. put C. collected D. matched

33. A. father B. son C. grandson D. friend

34. A. When B. After C. Before D. As

35. A. alive B. afraid C. awake D. asleep

36. A. pleasure B.interest C. value D. surprise

37. A. recently B.luckily C. proudly D. angrily

38. A. tell B. make C. promise D. realize

39. A. from B. beside C. toward D. through

40. A. put B. brought C. walked D. took

Ⅵ、阅读理解。(共30分, 每小题2分)



A new term might be the best time to make new friends, but it can be hard to begin the first conversation. Below are four useful ways. Take a look.

Search for common interests. Talking about shared interests, such as sports and popular talent shows, is the easiest way to make a successful talk with someone.

Welcome the silence. In fact, sometimes silence is needed in order to continue a conversation. Remember that if you say something, the other person may need time to understand it.

Keep it positive(积极的). To make great small talk, you should keep things fun. You should be cheerful and able to laugh over things that aren’t very interesting. These will make the other person want to keep talking to you.

Take it as a learning experience. Every time you meet someone from other places, it’s a good chance to learn something new. You can learn more about their cultures and nations. These make you a more interesting person to talk to as well.

41. How many ways are mentioned to start a conversation in the reading?

A. Only one. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.

42. You can start a meaningful conversation by according to the


A. travelling to other countries B. studying very hard in the class

C. talking about the same interests D finding someone from other places

43. If someone is talking about something you don't like, you should

according to the reading.

A. stop the conversation at once B. be cheerful and relaxed

C. keep silent all the time D. talk about something new


If you need glasses to read this, you are among most of Chinese students. About four-fifths of high school students in China have poor eyesight(视力). And now more and more children in primary school need glasses, too.

Two main reasons can cause poor eyesight: too much time spent indoors studying and too little time spent outdoors playing. Reading and writing for hours and hours, sometimes in poorly lighted rooms, causes eyesight to weaken. But students have to

do this because there is so much pressure on them to succeed in school. They have less time to enjoy the sun.

The sun, it turns out, is important in developing good eyesight. According to a study by Australian National University, Australian children and Chinese children have the same level of eyesight before they start school, but once they enter primary school, Chinese children only spend about an hour a day outside, while Australian children spend three to four hours each day in the sunshine. The result is that while about forty percent of Chinese primary school students need glasses, only three percent of Australian children do.

And poor eyesight at a young age can have serious long term influence. As you get older, your eyesight can worsen.

With all that in mind, don’t you think it’s time to give your eyes a break?

44. How many high school students have poor eyesight in China according to the reading?

A. A half of them. B. Three percent of them.

C. Forty percent of them. D. Four-fifths of them.

45. Which can cause poor eyesight according to the reading?

A. Like reading and writing very much.

B. Spend too much time enjoying the sun.

C. Spend too much time indoors studying.

D. Start primary school at a young age.

46. What can we learn from the third paragraph?

A. Primary school studying can be very harmful to young students.

B. Australian children spend more time outdoors than Chinese children.

C. After primary school, children in China and Australia have the same eyesight.

D. Fewer Chinese primary school students have poor eyesight than Australian ones.

47. What does the writer want to tell us?

A. Remember to give our eyes a break.

B. Develop good eyesight in Australia.

C. Avoid poor eyesight at an old age.

D. Spend little time outdoors playing.


The message was short. I read it three times: ―Hey, Mom, can I come to see you guys?‖ I wrote back: ―Yes!‖ He said he hoped to make it in time for dinner.

I made a quick run to the market, put sheets on the guest bed and set the TV to record the Warriors’ game, so if traffic was awful, he wouldn’t have to miss the first half. Then I began cooking, cleaning, watching the clock and listening for his footsteps coming up the walk.

It’s called waiting. I’m good at it. When he was a newborn, I’d wait for him to go to sleep. Soon then I’d stand by his bed waiting for him to wake up. I waited, as he learned to do things like walking , talking and feeding himself; throwing a ball, riding a bike and reading a book.

I waited for him to start preschool, primary school, middle school and college.








★ 祝考试顺利 ★

本科目考试时间 2016年6月20日下午14:0 0—15:40





( )1. Where are they going to have lunch?

A. At home. B. In the park. C. In the office.


( )2. How much will the woman pay?

A. $12. B. $20. C. $30.


( )3. Which country is the man from?

A. Canada. B. England. C. The USA.

( )4. Where was he born?

A. New York. B. London. C. Los Angeles.


( )5. What are they doing?

A. Having a music class. B. Visiting a famous singer. C. Talking on the phone.

( )6. What will they do on Saturday evening?

A. Watch a football game. B. Go to the concert. C. Go to buy tickets.

( )7. When will they meet at the gate of the gym?

A. At 6:15. B. At 6;45. C. At 7;00.


( )8.How long is a driving lesson?

A. Fifteen minutes. B. Fifty minutes. C. An hour.

( )9. What’s the teacher’s car like?

A. New. B. Fast. C. Big.

( )10. Why didn’t Peter pass the driving test?

A. Because he bought an old car for the test.

B. Because he didn’t se the traffic lights .

C. Because he drove the car too fast.

( )11. Who will give Peter his next lessons?

A. His friend. B. His teacher. C. His father.


( )12. What does the doctor think of American food?

A. It’s better now. B. It has changed greatly. C. It’s less salty.

( )13. What kind of food does the woman like?

A. Vegetables and fruits. B. Fat and salty food. C. Traditional Asian food.

( )14. Why is Asian food considered healthy food?

A. It uses less oil in cooking.

B. It has lots of fruits.

C. It has vegetables and fish.

( )15. What can we learn from the conversation?

A. Few Americans like to eat lots of desserts.

B. Asian food is the healthiest in the world.

C. The woman plans to eat more healthily.


听短文, 根据你听到的内容从每小题的三个选项中选出一个正确选项。短文听两遍。

( )16. Why didn’t Jeremy buy the computer game at first? .

A. He didn’t have enough money. B. The computer games were sold out.

C. He wanted to buy something else.

( )17. Which of the following chores did Jeremy do?

A. Washing the dishes. B. Brushing the cat. C. Making the bed.

( )18. How many dollars did Jeremy have when he returned to the store?

A. $30. B. $46. C. $50.

( )19. What did Jeremy want to buy at last?

A. A book . B. A bike . C. A computer.

( )20. What would happen to Jeremy in the following days?

A. He wouldn’t do any chores .

B. He would borrow some money.

C. He would save more money.




21. —Mike, who helped ______ make the paper plane?

—Nobody! I made it all by myself.

A. your B. yours C. you D. yourself

22. —Can you tell me some ______ about the Brazil Olympic Games?

—OK. Let me help you search the Internet.

A. service B. information C. discussion D. success

23.—I _____eat vegetables.

—But they are good for your healthy! We should eat them every day.

A. often B. usually C. always D. seldom

24. —I can hardly believe my eyes. Is that you, Joy?

—Yes. It has been almost ten years ______ we were together.

A. since B. before C. until D. after

25. —My English is so weak. Can you help me, Gina?

—Practice more and the most important is to a good habit of reading.

A. make B. complete C. develop D. show

26. —I’m sorry, Mrs. Green. I’ve made a lot of mistakes in the exam.

—Never mind. , the exam is a little difficult.

A. Above all B. After all C. In all D. At last

27. —How was your interview for the work?

—Oh, I couldn’t feel any . I hardly understood most of the questions they asked.

A. happier B. better C. worse D. harder

28. —Why are you feeling sleepy all the time?

—Because I late watching the film Kung Fu Panda Ⅲ last night.

A. stayed up B. cheered up C. gave up D. took up

29. —Do you know this afternoon?

—I’m not sure, but I’ll tell you as soon as she comes.

A. how will Betty arrive B. what time Betty will arrive

C. where Betty will arrive D. whether will Betty arrive

30. —Bill, can I get you anything to drink?


A. You are welcome. B. It doesn’t matter.

C. No problem. D. I wouldn’t mind a coffee.

Ⅳ、完形填空。(共10分, 每小题1分)


Mr. Hamel now picked up a French grammar book and started to teach. It all seemed so during that last lesson. I understood all the participles(分词)which Mr. Hamel explained. “ didn’t French seem so interesting before?” I asked myself.

But I knew the answer. It was my last French lesson, and I regretted not studying hard before. I to listen very carefully. Mr. Hamel was trying to teach us everything he knew. He had never taught a lesson so well before.

The grammar lesson finished, and then we started . I had never seen so many hardworking students before. Everyone had their down, and the sound of pens on paper was the only sound to be heard.

Students were usually distracted(分心) by even the smallest thing. However, when some beetles(甲壳虫)flew into the classroom, not one student looked at them today. It was very .

I looked at Mr. Hamel. He was sitting still in his chair. The only things he were his

looking at the next thing. For forty years, the only classroom was like his , and now it was being taken from him. Mr. Hamel looked at all of the walls, windows, desks, and chairs we were working hard. I was sure he wanted to remember everything like it was now.

31. A. difficult B. easy C. common D. great

32. A. Why B. Who C. Where D. When

33. A. went B. began C. expected D. continued

34. A. listening B. speaking C. reading D. writing

35. A. heads B. hands C. pens D. books

36. A. impossible B. excellent C. unusual D. valuable

37. A. moved B. closed C. opened D. noticed

38. A. without B. before C. about D. after

39. A. courage B. dream C. home D. country

40. A. because B. unless C. whatever D. while


Ⅴ、阅读选择。(共24分, 每小题2分)



How does a young dog or cat get to know a new home? The animal uses its nose. Right away it smells its new places. Then it makes wider and wider circles, smelling all the time. Before long it can find its way home very well, even in the dark. It simply follows something it knows well. Stories happen about animals who found their way across land they had never smelled before. Take the case of Smoky, a small white cat. Smoky had some funny red hair around its right ear. One day Smoky and his owner began a long journey. They were moving from Oklahoma to Tennessee. When they were just eighteen miles from their Oklahoma home, Smoky jumped out of the car. Then he found his way back to the old house. There he wandered around outside for many days. Finally he disappeared.

A year later Smoky meowed at the door of a house in Tennessee. A man opened the door. “Is that you, Smoky?” he said in surprise. At first he couldn’t believe it. Then he saw the red hair around its right ear. It was Smoky!

41. What is the first thing a pet does in a new place?


A. It travels a long way. B. It smells the new place.

C. It finds its way in the dark D. It follows something it knows.

42. Put these events in the right order that they happened.

①Smoky got to Tennessee. ②Smoky jumped out of the car. ③Smoky went to his old house.

A.③①② B.①③② C.②③① D.③②①

43. What does the underlined word "wandered" mean in the passage?

A. 游荡 B.思考 C. 搜寻 D. 围绕

44. What is the best title of the passage?

A. A Kind Owner B. A Humorous Cat C. A Surprising Journey D. An Excellent Memory


Who is smarter, human being or artificial intelligence(AI, 人工智能)?The question swept【湖北省荆州市英语中考试题类型】

the world a few months ago. In March 2016, AlphaGo, an AI program developed by Google, had the Go(围棋) match with Lee Sedol, a South Korean Go player. He is the world top player of this old Chinese game.

In October 2015, AlphaGo became the first computer program to beat a professional(职业的) human Go player. And this time, it beat Lee Sedol 4-1.

In fact, before the match, most people believed that Lee would certainly be the winner, because they didn’t think that AI was good enough to beat the human mind. However, the result was disappointing. As a machine, AlphaGo would never get tired, while Lee Sedol was only a human and humans must have some weaknesses.

AlphaGo’s wins over a human champion(冠军) show that computers can do more difficult tasks. Some people may worry whether computers are now smart enough to beat us at everything. But scientists say that is not the case. Real life problems can be more difficult than the Go game. Thomas Johnson, a scientist of AI said, “It’s not hard to get a computer program to remember and produce facts. What is hard is getting computers to use knowledge in everyday situation. ” We believe we can use the technology of AI to improve the world.

45. The match between AlphaGo and Lee Sedol is mentioned at the beginning of the article mainly to_____________.

A. get the reader to think about AI B. draw the reader’s attention to AlphaGo

C. show how AI is usually tested D. tell the reader AI has over the human brain

46. What was the result of the match?

A. Google program beat AlphaGo. B. Lee Sedol won AlphaGo 4-1.

C.Lee Sedol was beaten. D.Neither side won the match.

47.—Why did most people believe Lee would be the winner?

—Because __________

A. computers had weaknesses and also got tired

B. AlphaGo only beat a human Go player once

C. the Go game was invented by Chinese people

D. computers were not so smart as a human

48. What does Thomas Johnson probably agree with?

A. AI does better than humans in every situation.

B. It’s hard for AI to beat the human at everything.

C. The development of AI could be harmful one day.

D. AI should be used to help us make difficult decisions.


Joe was an old man. The 75-year-old lived very happily in a village and had a beautiful family. Joe had four grandchildren, and they visited him during their holidays.

During one vacation, Joe was preparing his home for the kids: cleaning and buying their favorite foods. After he finished working, he realized he lost his favorite watch. The watch was a gift from his wife when their first child was born. Joe loved the watch very much, especially after his wife’s death. He was very upset about losing it.

Once his grandchildren came, they promised him they would find the watch.

One granddaughter asked: “Grandpa, do you remember when you saw the watch last before it went missing?”

“I guess when I was cleaning the barn(谷仓)!” Joe replied.



英 语 试 题


1. 本试卷有十大题,共8页。全卷满分120分,考试时间100分钟。

2. 所有题目必须在答题卡上答题,在试卷上答题无效。选择题在答题卡上选择题答题框内用2B铅笔将各题号下相应选项代号的矩形框“□”涂黑;非选择题在答题卡上答题栏内各相应题号后的空白处用黑色签字笔或黑色墨水钢笔答题。

★ 祝考试顺利 ★





( )1. Where are they going to have lunch?

A. At home. B. In the park. C. In the office.


( )2. How much will the woman pay?

A. $12. B. $20. C. $30.


( )3. Which country is the man from?

A. Canada. B. England. C. The USA.

( )4. Where was he born?

A. New York. B. London. C. Los Angeles.


( )5. What are they doing?

A. Having a music class. B. Visiting a famous singer.

C. Talking on the phone.

( )6. What will they do on Saturday evening?

A. Watch a football game. B. Go to the concert. C. Go to buy tickets.

( )7. When will they meet at the gate of the gym?

A. 6:15. B. 6:45. C. 7:00.


( )8. How long is a driving lesson?

A. Fifteen minutes. B. Fifty minutes. C. An hour.

( )9. What‟s the teacher‟s car like?

A. New. B. Fast. C. Big.

( )10. Why didn‟t Peter pass the driving test?

A. Because he bought an old car for the test.

B. Because he didn‟t see the traffic lights.

C. Because he drove the car too fast.

( )11. Who will give Peter his next lessons?

A. His friend. B. His teacher. C. His father.


( )12. What does the doctor think of American food?

A. It‟s better now. B. It has changed greatly. C. It‟s less salty.

( )13. What kind of food does the woman like?

A. Vegetables and fruits. B. Fat and salty food. C. Traditional Asian food.

( )14. Why is Asian food considered healthy food?

A. It uses less oil in cooking. B. It has lots of fruits.

C. It has vegetables and fish.

( )15. What can you learn from the conversation?

A. Few Americans like to eat lots of desserts.

B. Asian food is the healthiest in the world.

C. The woman plans to eat more healthily.


听短文, 根据你听到的内容从每小题的三个选项中选出一个正确选项。短文听两遍。

( )16.Why didn‟t Jeremy buy the computer game at first?

A. He didn‟t have enough money.

B. The computer games were sold out.

C. He wanted to buy something else.

( )17.Which of the following chores did Jeremy do?

A. Washed the dishes. B. Brushed the cat. C. Made the bed.

( )18.How many dollars did Jeremy have when he returned to the store?

A. $30. B. $46. C. $50.

( )19.What did Jeremy want to buy at last?

A. A book. B. A bike. C. A computer.

( )20.What would happen to Jeremy in the following days?

A. He wouldn't do any chores.

B. He would borrow some money.

C. He would save more money.




21. —Mike, who helped make the paper plane?

—Nobody! I made it all by myself.

A. your B. yours C. you D. yourself

22. —Can you tell me some about the Brazil Olympic Games?

—OK. Let me help you search the Internet.

A. service B. information C. discussion D. success

23. —I eat vegetables.

—But they are good for your health! We should eat them every day.

A. often B. usually C. always D. seldom

24. —I can hardly believe my eyes. Is that you, Joy?

—Yes. It has been almost ten years we were together.

A. since B. before C. until D. after

25. —My English is so weak. Can you help me, Gina?

—Practice more and the most important is to a good habit of reading.

A. make B. complete C. develop D. show

26. —I‟m sorry, Mrs. Green. I‟ve made a lot of mistakes in the exam.

—Never mind. , the exam is a little difficult.

A. Above all B. After all C. In all D. At last

27. —How was your interview for the work?

—Oh, I couldn‟t feel any . I hardly understood most of the questions they asked.

A. happier B. better C. worse D. harder

28. —Why are you feeling sleepy all the time?

—Because I late watching the film Kung Fu Panda Ⅲ last night.

A. stayed up B. cheered up C. gave up D. took up

29. —Do you know this afternoon?

—I‟m not sure, but I‟ll tell you as soon as she comes.

A. how will Betty arrive B. what time Betty will arrive

C. where Betty will arrive D. whether will Betty arrive

30. —Bill, can I get you anything to drink?


A. You are welcome. B. It doesn‟t matter.

C. No problem. D. I wouldn‟t mind a coffee.

Ⅳ、完形填空。(共10分, 每小题1分)


Mr. Hamel now picked up a French grammar book and started to teach. It all seemed so during that last lesson. I understood all the participles(分词)which Mr. Hamel explained.

“didn‟t French seem so interesting before?” I asked myself.

But I knew the answer. It was my last French lesson, and I regretted not studying hard before. I to listen very carefully. Mr. Hamel was trying to teach us everything he knew. He had never taught a lesson so well before.

The grammar lesson finished, and then we started . I had never seen so many hardworking students before. Everyone had their down, and the sound of pens on paper was the only sound to be heard.

Students were usually distracted(分心) by even the smallest thing. However, when some beetles(甲壳虫)flew into the classroom, not one student looked at them today. It was very .

I looked at Mr. Hamel. He was sitting still in his chair. The only things he were his eyes. He looked carefully at one thing in the classroom for a while looking at the next thing. For forty years, the only classroom was like his , and now it was being taken from him.

Mr. Hamel looked at all of the walls, windows, desks, and chairs we were working hard. I was sure he wanted to remember everything like it was now.

( )31. A. difficult B. easy C. common D. great

( ) 32. A. Why B. Who C. Where D. When

( ) 33. A. went B. began C. expected D. continued

( ) 34. A. listening B. speaking C. reading D. writing

( ) 35. A. heads B. hands C. pens D. books

( ) 36. A. impossible B. excellent C. unusual D. valuable

( ) 37. A. moved B. closed C. opened D. noticed

( ) 38. A. without B. before C. about D. after

( ) 39. A. courage B. dream C. home D. country

( ) 40. A. because B. unless C. whatever D. while


Ⅴ、阅读选择。(共24分, 每小题2分)



How does a young dog or cat get to know a new home? The animal uses its nose. Right away it smells its new places. Then it makes wider and wider circles, smelling all the time. Before long it can find its way home very well, even in the dark. It simply follows something it knows well.

Stories happen about animals who found their way across land they had never smelled before. Take the case of Smoky, a small white cat. Smoky had some funny red hair around its right ear. One day Smoky and his owner began a long journey. They were moving from Oklahoma to Tennessee. When they were just eighteen miles from their Oklahoma home, Smoky jumped out of the car. Then he found his way back to the old house. There he A year later Smoky meowed at the door of a house in Tennessee. A man opened the door. “Is that you, Smoky?” he said in surprise. At first he couldn‟t believe it. Then he saw the red hair around its right ear. It was Smoky!

41. What is the first thing a pet does in a new place?

A. It travels a long way.

B. It smells the new place.

C. It finds its way in the dark

D. It follows something it knows.

42. Put these events in the right order that they happened.

①Smoky got to Tennessee.

②Smoky jumped out of the car.

③Smoky went to his old house.

A.③①② B.①③② C.②③① D.③②①

43. What does the underlined word "wandered" mean in the passage?

A. 游荡 B.思考 C. 搜寻 D. 围绕

44. What is the best title of the passage?

A. A Kind Owner B. A Humorours Cat

C. A Surprising Journey D. An Excellent Memory


Who is smarter, human being or artificial intelligence(AI, 人工智能)?The question swept the world a few months ago. In March 2016, AlphaGo, an AI program developed by Google, had the Go(围棋) match with Lee Sedol, a South Korean Go player. He is the world top player of this old Chinese game.

In October 2015, AlphaGo became the first computer program to beat a professional(职业

的) human Go player. And this time, it beat Lee Sedol 4-1.

In fact, before the match, most people believed that Lee would certainly be the winner, because they didn‟t think that AI was good enough to beat the human mind. However, the result was disappointing. As a machine, AlphaGo would never get tired, while Lee Sedol was only a human and humans must have some weaknesses.

AlphaGo‟s wins over a human champion(冠军) show that computers can do more difficult tasks. Some people may worry whether computers are now smart enough to beat us at everything. But scientists say that is not the case. Real life problems can be more difficult than the Go game. Thomas Johnson, a scientist of AI said, “It‟s not hard to get a computer program to remember and produce facts. What is hard is getting computers to use knowledge in everyday situation. ” We believe we can use the technology of AI to improve the world.

45. The match between AlphaGo and Lee Sedol is mentioned at the beginning of the article mainly to_____________.

A. get the reader to think about AI

B. draw the reader‟s attention to AlphaGo

C. show how AI is usually tested

D. tell the reader AI has over the human brain

46. What was the result of the match?

A. Google program beat AlphaGo. B. Lee Sedol won AlphaGo 4-1.

C.Lee Sedol was beaten. D.Neither side won the match.

47.—Why did most people believe Lee would be the winner?

—Because .

A. computers had weaknesses and also got tired

B. AlphaGo only beat a human Go player once

C. the Go game was invented by Chinese people

D. computers were not so smart as a human

48. What does Thomas Johnson probably agree with?

A. AI does better than humans in every situation.

B. It‟s hard for AI to beat the human at everything.

C. The development of AI could be harmful one day.

D. AI should be used to help us make difficult decisions.


Joe was an old man. The 75-year-old lived very happily in a village and had a beautiful family. Joe had four grandchildren, and they visited him during their holidays.

During one vacation, Joe was preparing his home for the kids: cleaning and buying their favorite foods. After he finished working, he realized he lost his favorite watch. The watch was a gift from his wife when their first child was born. Joe loved the watch very much, especially after his wife‟s death. He was very upset about losing it.

Once his grandchildren came, they promised him they would find the watch.

One granddaughter asked: “Grandpa, do you remember when you saw the watch last before it went missing?”

“I guess when I was cleaning the barn(谷仓)!” Joe replied.

The children looked for more than two hours with Joe, but they could not find it. The kids
