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1. 数字题听力试题所涉及的数字包括年代、时间、年龄、距离、速度、价格、数量等,要 求回答某事在什么时间发生;或某人在什么时间做某事;或价格、数量等。

在做数字计算题时,考生除了应该听清具体的数字,还应该注意表示倍数、百分率等的单词。 考察数字的辨音。 其中考生觉得较难的是"十几"和"几十"的区别,-teen/ˋt i:n/和-ty/ti/。比如,fifteen 和 fifty 的区分。与价格有关的数字表达方式:

1).商品"打几折"的读法:有两种方法:可以直接读 at a x% discount 或 y% off,如 70 折 at a 30% discount 或 30% off.

2).其它一些与数字有关的常用表达:一对 couple,一打 dozen,两周 fortnight, 几 天 前 a few days ago 或 the other day.

3). 注 意 以 下 单 位 : inch(英 寸 ), foot( 英 尺 ), yard( 码 ), mile( 英 里 ), meter/m( 米 ), centimeter/cm( 厘 米 ), kilometer/km 米), cubic meter(立方米), liter(升)等。

4). 记住下面这些表示数字与数字之间的关系词:表加减关系的词,如 more(多)、 less(少)、late(晚)、early(早)、fast(快)、slow(慢)、before(前)、after(后)等。 表乘除关系的词,如 times(倍)、twice(两倍)、percentage(百分比) a pair of(一双)、half of(一 半)、double(双倍)、quarter(四分之一)等。

2. 关于人物关系、职业、身份的试题此类试题在对话中没有对人物身份、关系等作直接 的说明,而是要根据对话中所提供的

特定情境和谈话内容,对说话的人的身份、职业、关系进 行推理判断。 常考的职业身份:对话中经常涉及的职业身份包括教授(professor)、秘书(secretary)、医生 (doctor) 、 老板 (boss) 、 服 务 员 (waiter/waitress) 、 主 人 (host/hostess) 、 修 理 工 (repairer, plumber, electrician…)和家庭角色(husband, wife, son, daughter)等。 试题中常涉及到的职业可分为以下几类: ① 老师或学校工作人员和学生类常用的单词和短

语 :teacher, student, oral/written paper, homework

exam,test,quiz,mark,grade,score,term,semester,exam,pass, fail, subject.work, scholarship 奖 学 金 ),campus( 校 园 ) dormitory( 宿 舍 )', library, overdue( 过 期

的 ),renew( 续 借 ),etc.

② 医 生 和 病 人 类 常 用 的 单 词 和 短 语 :doctor, surgeon, dentist, physician, patient, fever, cold, cough, headache, injection( 注 射), prescription(药方、 处方), a sore throat(喉咙痛),pill, tablet, operation, X-ray emergency, etc.

③ 顾 客 与 营 业 员 类 常 用 的 单 词 和 短 语 :shop assistant, salesgirl, saleswoman, customer, shopper, sale ,reduction( 减 价 ), bargain, fashion, receipt cashier( 出 纳 ),department, store, supermarket, discount 或 % off. etc,

④邮局职员和顾客类常用的单词和短语:postman, postcard, telegram, zip code(邮政编码),postage , regular letter, deliver, special

delivery(限时专送),registered letter(挂号 信),parcel, air mail, post, sort, mailbox, envelope, stamp, EMS etc.

⑤银行职员和顾客类常用的单词和短语:client(委托人、顾 客),teller「(银行)出纳员)」,deposit(存款),withdraw(取款),loan(贷款),currency(货币),interest(利 息),credit card(信用卡),cash a check(把支票兑换成现金),open an account(开户),etc.

⑥餐厅服务 员 和 顾 客 类 常 用 的 单 词 和 词 组 有 :waiter/waitress, steak, ham, salad, soup, coffee, juice, hamburger, change( 零 钱 ),buffet( 自 助 餐 ), bar, cafeteria( 自 助 餐 厅 ), order, pay a bill, shopper, for sale, on sale, market special, tip, chef etc.

price, discount, order, tip, shop-assistant, selling season, one price, shopping hour, etc.

⑦机场工作人员 和顾客类常用的单词和短语:stewardess, air hostess, flight attendant , reservation, passport, the customs, visa, boarding card(登 机 牌 ), ticket, confirm one's flight( 确 认 航 班 ),check in, safety belt, articles, , passenger, etc.

⑧ 酒 店 工 作 人 员 和 顾 客 类 常 用 的 单 词 和 短 语 :reception desk( 旅 馆 的 接 待 处),laundry(洗衣),reserve a room(预定房间),check in at a hotel(办理人住手续),check out(结账 离 开 ), Room202 ,etc.

⑨ 维 修 和 顾 客 类 常 用 的 单 词 和 短 语 :

electrician, switch, radio, recorder, TV set, repairman, air conditioner ; heater( 加 热 的 人 , 加 热 器 ), refrigerator/fridge ,washing machine, fix, garage, etc.

⑩。律师客户类常用的单词和短语: lawsuit[诉论(案件)], agent(代理人, 代理商),court, Civil Court, lawyer, higher court ,sue(控告,起诉), illegal, appeal to, law, etc.

(11)家庭 成 员 类 常 用 的 单 词 和 短 语 :niece, nephew,cousin,husband,father,mother,brother,sister,uncle,aunt,wife,etc.

(12) 警 察 和 市 民 类常用的单词有: license, fine, police ,speeding(超速行驶),traffic light ,ticket ,etc.

(13)其它类常用 的单词和短语: customer, manager, employee, secretary, passenger, taxi driver, host, guest, landlady(女 房东), novelist, newspaperman(新闻记者,报人), businessman, writer, client, boss, accountant(会计,出 纳),etc.

试题中常涉及到的人物关系对话中常涉及的人物关系包括夫妻(husband -wife)、父子(father - son)、 母女(mother - daughter)、 师生(teacher- student)、 同学(schoolmates/classmates)、 同事(colleagues)、老板与秘书(boss - secretary)、雇主与雇员(employer-employee)、医生与病 人 (doctor-patient) 、 服 务 员 与 顾 客 (waiter/waitress - customer) 、 主 人 与 客 人 (host/hostess - guest)、警察与司机(policeman - driver)、管理员与

借阅者(1ibrarian - reader)、房东与租房 者(1andlord/1andlady -tenant)、接见者;采访者与被接见者,被访问者( interviewer-interviewee) 等。



英 语


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)




例:How much is the shirt? A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15. 答案是 C。

1. What does the woman want to do? A. Find a place. B. Buy a map. C. Get an address. 2. What will the man do for the woman? A. Repair her car. B. Give her a ride. C. Pick up her aunt. 3. Who might Mr. Peterson be? A. A new professor. B. A department head. C. A company director. 4. What does the man think of the book? A. Quite difficult. B. Very interesting. C. Too simple. 5. What are the speakers talking about? A. Weather. B. Clothes. C. News. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)



6. Why is Harry unwilling to join the woman? A. He has a pain in his knee. B. He wants to watch TV. C. He is too lazy.

7. What will the woman probably do next? A. Stay at home. B. Take Harry to hospital. C. Do some exercise.



8. When will the man be home from work? A. At 5:45. B. At 6:15. 9. Where will the speakers go? A. The Green House Cinema. B. The New State Cinema. C. The UME Cinema.

听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. How will the speakers go to New York? A. By air. B. By taxi. 11. Why are the speakers making the trip? A. For business. B. For shopping. 12. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Driver and passenger. B. Husband and wife. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。

13. Where does this conversation probably take place?

A. In a restaurant. B. In an office. 14. What does John do now?

A. He’s a trainer. B. He’s a tour guide. 15. How much can a new person earn for the first year?

A. $10,500. B. $12,000. 16. How many people will the woman hire?

A. Four. B. Three. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。

17. How long has the speaker lived in a big city?

A. One year. B. Ten years. 18. What is the speaker’s opinion on public transport?

A. It’s comfortable. B. It’s time-saving. 19. What is good about living in a small town?

A. It’s safer. B. It’s healthier. 20. What kind of life does the speaker seem to like most?

A. Busy. B. Colourful. C. At 6:50. C. By bus. C. For holiday. C. Fellow workers. C. In a classroom. C. He’s a college student. C. $15,000. C. Two. C. Eighteen years. C. It’s cheap. C. It’s more convenient. C. Quiet.


Text 1

W: Excuse me. This is the address. How do I find it?

M: Right. You’ll need a street map. Here’s one, and I’ll show you where it is. Text 2

W: Oh my! My car broke down, and I have to meet my aunt at the railway station before noon. M: You’re lucky. I can drop you off on my way. Text 3

W: Did you hear that Mr. Peterson is coming next week, Gordon?

M: Yes, so I called all the department heads to my office this morning. We need to give him reports on our program. Text 4

W: I hope you like the book I lent you. I wasn’t sure if you’d be interested.

M: I had the same doubt at first. But once I started, I simply couldn’t put it down. Text 5

W: What is going on? It’s May, and we still have to wear warm clothes.

M: Well, there’s some good news on the radio. You probably can wear shorts tomorrow. Text 6

W: Harry, let’s play some ping-pong today.

M: I’d love to play a set or two, but my right arm hurts. I’ve decided to stop playing ping-pong until it feels better.

W: Well, how about going skating? M: I’d like to, but my knee hurts, too.

W: Harry, stop making excuses! You’re just lazy.

M: No, I’m not! You know, there’s a basketball match on TV today. Let’s just stay home and watch it.

W: OK. You stay, and I’ll play with Helen. Text 7

W: What do you want to do tonight?

M: How about going to the cinema? I should be home from work at 5:45. Then we can go out and eat before we see a film. W: What do you want to see?

M: There’s a good art film at the Green House Cinema.

W: Let’s see…it starts at 6:15. I don’t think we can get there in time to see the beginning. How about the action film at the New State Cinema? It starts at 6:50. Perhaps the 7:00 one at the UME Cinema is even better. It stars Jackie Chan. M: OK, that’s fine. I like him, too. Text 8

M: Hey, Lucy. Do you have some time to talk about next week’s trip with me? W: Sure, Dave.

M: OK. So, we’re leaving on Monday from Hartsfield International Airport, and returning on Friday. Do we take ourselves to the airport? Maybe we need to book a taxi, or just go by bus. W: No, we don’t have to. The company car will pick us up and take us there. M: Oh, that’s good. When?

W: Our flight leaves at 11:00 a.m., so they should pick us up between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. Besides, the company pays for our trip, including hotel and food. M: How much will that be?

W: Well, New York is a pretty expensive city. So, each of us will get $200 a day. M: Oh, OK. Thanks for telling me that. W: You’re welcome. Text 9

W: Please sit down. Let’s see…you’re Mr. Smith. Is that correct? M: Yes. John Smith.

W: And you’re interested in this job?

M: Yes, I am. I’ll graduate from college the coming June. My major is Chinese. W: I see. Have you ever done any work in this field? M: Yes, I used to be a tour guide for Chinese travellers.

W: Good. Now, how much money do you expect to have for a year?

M: From what I’ve read, it seems that a starting pay would be around $12,000 a year.

W: Here, you would start at $10,500 for the first year…a kind of training period. Then you would go to $15,000.

M: That sounds fair enough. What do you think are the chances for me to get a job here?

W: Well, I’m talking to three people today and four tomorrow. We’ll be hiring two people. You’ll hear from us sometime next month. Good luck! And thanks for coming in today. Text 10

M: Well, I’d love to share with you my personal opinions on city life and life in small towns. I grew up in a small town until I was 18 and then moved to a big city, so I have experienced the good and bad sides of both. I never thought that I would like living in a big city, but I was wrong. After ten years of living in one, I can’t imagine ever living in a small town again. Surely small towns and big cities both have some problems in terms of transport. In a small town, you have to own a car to make life comfortable. You can’t get around without one because there isn’t any kind of public transport. Big cities generally have heavy traffic and expensive parking, but there you have a choice of taking public transport, which is cheaper than driving. So, if you don’t have a car, you’d better live in the city. I also love the exciting life in big cities. I can always enjoy a lot of films, concerts, and other wonderful shows. However, these things are not common in small towns. The final thing I like about large cities is that you can meet different kinds of people. However, you seldom find such a variety of people in a smaller town. I think that living in an area where everyone was just like me would quickly become dull. Of course, safety should be considered, and that’s one area where small towns are better than big cities. Still, I would rather be a bit more careful and live in a large city than to feel safe but dull.

参考答案 1—5 ABCBA

6-10 BCACA

11-15 ACBCA

16-20 CBCAB



英 语

听力部分(每题1.5分,满分30分) 第 一 节 例:How much is the shirt?

A.$19.18. B.$9.18. C.$9.15. 答案是C.

1. What does the man want to do? A. Take photos. B. Buy a camera. C. Help the woman.

2. What are the speakers talking about? A. A noisy night. B. Their life in town. C. A place of living. 3. Where is the man now? A. On his way. B. In a restaurant. C. At home

4. What will Celia do? A. Find a player. B. Watch a game. C. Play basketball.

5. What day is it when the conversation takes place? A. Saturday. B. Sunday. C. Monday.

第 二 节

听第6段材料,回答6、7题。 6. What is Sara going to do? A. Buy John a gift. B. Give John a surprise. C. Invite John to France.

7. What does the man think of Sara’s plan? A. Funny. B. Exciting. C. Strange.

听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. Why does Diana say sorry to peter? A. She has to give up her travel pan. B. She wants to visit another city. C. She needs to put off her test. 9. What does Diana want Peter to do? A. Help her with her study. B. Take a book to her friend. C.Teach a geography lesson.


10. Why does the man call the woman? A. To tell her about her new job. B. To ask about her job program. C. To plan a meeting with her. 11. Who needs a new flat?

A. Alex. B. Andrea. C. Miranda. 12. Where is the woman now?

A. In Baltimore. B. In New York. C. In Avon.


13. What does Jan consider most important when he judges a restaurant?

A. Where the restaurant is. B. Whether the prices are low. C. How well the food is prepared.

14. When did Jan begin to write for a magazine? A. After he came back to Sweden. B. Before he went to the United States. C. As soon as he got his first job in 1982. 15. What may Jan do to find a good restaurant? A. Talk to people in the street. B. Speak to taxi drivers. C. Ask hotel clerks.

16. What do we know about Jan?

A. He cooks for a restaurant. B. He travels a lot of his work. C. He prefers American food.


17. What do we know about the Plaza Leon? A. it’s new building. B. it’s a small town. C. it’s public place.

18. When do parents and children like going to the Plaza Leon?

A. Saturday nights. B. Sunday afternoons. C. Fridays and Saturdays.

19. Which street is known for its food shops and markets? A. Via del Mar Street. B. Fernando Street. C. Hernandes Street.

20. Why does the speaker like Horatio Street best? A. It has an old stone surface. B. it is named after a writer. C. It is a famous university.



1.Man: I’ve got my camera with me. Am I allowed to take photos for you? Woman: I think so. It doesn’t say you can’t.

2. A: I really like living here in this flat, because it’s so near to central town. B: That’s true. But it gets really noisy at night.

3. A: Hi, Maggie. I’m coming, but it’s snowing and the traffic is moving slowly. B: Ok, David. Take your time. We’ll wait for you, so we can have dinner together.

4. A: Celia, you see those girls over there? They need another player for a basketball game. Would you like to join them? B: Seems like it’s a game for fun. Sure, I’ll be there in minute.

5. A: I won’t have anything to wear to work on Monday unless I pick up my clothes at dry cleaners’. B: Then you’d better hurry. It closes at noon on Sundays. A: Oh! I should have gone there on Saturday.

6. A: Alright, Sara, we know that you are planning something big for John’s birthday. Could you tell us just what you have in your mind?

B: I want to make his birthday a very special event. John has a sister living in France. And I’ll send her a plane ticket, so that she can be here for his birthday.

A: Boy! What an excellent plan! That’s something special. I can’t guess some secret plans and we are waiting for the right time to tell him.

B: Well, I didn’t want to say anything until I was sure she could come. 7. A: Hey, Peter, I’m sorry! B: Hi, Diana, what’s wrong?

A: We were going to Hong Kong this weekend, but I’m afraid I can’t go. B: How come?

A: I have a really big geography test and I have to study for it. B: We can go next week instead. A: No, I don’t want to ruin your weekend. You go ahead and please take the book I bought to my friend Sally. Tell her I have to study all weekend, because I can’t afford to fail the test.

B: Ok, then I’ll go with them. But it’s a pity you can’t come. 8. A: Hello, this is Andrea.

B: Hello, Andrea, this is Alex. I have some very big news for you. Miranda was very satisfied with you and said she was very much looking forward to working with you. Isn’t that wonderful? Congratulations dear! How does it feel to be Miranda’s new assistant? How I imagine that you’ll just be delighted with this news. So let’s see, you can start on Monday, right? A: Umm, well, I don’t think I can start on Monday. I am visiting my father in Baltimore. And because I don’t live in New York, I’ll need a couple of days to find a flat and buy some furniture and move my things from Avon. B: Oh, well then, in that case I suppose Wednesday will be good. Ok, see you then!

9. Woman: Hello, Mr. Jan Erick Freedman. You’re a frequent traveler. And we also know that you eat out twice a day. How can you get so far and eating out.

Man: When I my first job back in 1982 and started travelling. I had no other choice but eat out I found that I felt different due to what I was eating, so I tried to find places that served food that made me feel good. The secret was the quality of the food and how well the food was prepared. I made an effort to find out good restaurants as well as nice dishes. Woman: How did you manage to make a list of 218 favorite restaurants? Man: I’ve lived in cities and when I moved back to Sweden from the United States, people asked me where to go and eat and went to the cities I know. I got a lot of ideas. Then I wrote about restaurants for a Swedish club magazine and some suggested I gather information about restaurants together since I had all the facts about the restaurants I’ve been to. I started to do that.

Woman: How do you find restaurants?

Man: The best way is to ask the people there. I may talk to the people at the street market or take a walk and look for place

for myself. I never asked hotel clerks or taxi drivers. I don’t go either restaurants or places with menus too difficult to understand. 10.

Man: At the beginning of the tour, we all started the most important place at my town which is the Plaza Leon. The Plaza Leon is more than 100 years old. It’s a gathering place for young people on Friday and Saturday nights, and for parents and children on Sunday afternoon. Four streets lead to the Plaza which have white sidewalks and tree lined. Hemandes Street which was named after writers born in the city contains all of the food stalls fish markets and vegetable stands. Femando Street which was named after a famous educator is where all of the government offices, shops and houses. Via del Mar Street which is the only street which has old stone surfaces. Finally we came to the Hewish’s Street on which there are two universities, one of which is the most famous university in my country. That’s why it’s my favorite street of all.

答案:1. ACACB 6. BBABA





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例:How much is the shirt?

A. £19.15. B. £9.15. C. £9.18.


1. What does the man like about the play?

A. The story. B. The ending. C. The actor.

2. Which place are the speakers trying to find?

A. A hotel. B. A bank. C. A restaurant.

3. At what time will the two speakers meet?

A. 5:20. B. 5:10. C.4:40.

4. What will the man do ?

A. Change the plan. B. Wait for a phone call. C. Sort things out.

5. What does the woman want to do ?

A. See a film with the man. B. Offer the man some help C. Listen to some great music.



6.Where is Ben?

A. In the kitchen. B. At school. C. In the park.

7.What will the children in the afternoon?

A. Help set the table. B. Have a party. C. Do their homework.


8. What are the two speakers talking about?

A. A Family holiday. B. A business trip. C. A travel plan.

9. Where did Rachel go?

A. Spain. B. Italy. C. China.


10.How did the woman get to know about third-hand smoke?

A. From young smokers. B. From a newspaper article. C. From some smoking parents.

11. Why does the man say that he should keep away from babies?

A. He has just become a father. B. He wears dirty clothes. C. He is a smoker.

12. What does the woman suggest smoking parents should do ?

A.Stop smoking altogether. B. Smoke only outside their houses.

C. Reduce dangerous matter in cigarettes.


13. Where does Michelle Ray come from?

A. A middle-sized city. B. A small town. C. A big city.

14. Which place would Michelle Ray take her visitors to for shopping?

A. The Zen Garden B. The Highlands. C. The Red River area.

15. What does Michelle Ray do for complete quiet?

A. Go camping. B. Study in a library. C. Read at home.

16.What are the speakers talking about in general?

A. Late-night shopping. B. Asian food. C. Louisville.


17. Why do some people say they never have dreams according to Dr Garfield ?

A. They forget about their dreams. B.They don't want to tell the truth.

C. They have no bad experiences.

18. Why did Davis stop having dreams?

A. He got a serious heart attack. B.He was too sad about his brother's death

C. He was frightened by a terrible dream.

19. What is Dr Garfield s opinion about dreaming?

A. It is very useful. B. It makes things worse.

C. It prevents the mind from working.

20. Why do some people turn off their dreams completely?

A. To sleep better. B. To recover from illnesses.

C. To stay away from their problems.

1-5 CABBA 6-10 CBACB 11-15 CAABC 16-20 CABAC


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例:What is the man going to read?

A. A newspaper.

B. A magazine.

C. A book.


1. What color T-shirt does the man plan to order?

A.Red. B.Blue. C.Green.

2.Which section does the man like to read?

A.News. B.Sports. C.Entertainment.

3.What job will the man probably take in summer?

A.Lifeguard. B.Tour guide. C.Swimming coach.

4.Where does the woman want to go on holiday?

A.Turkey. B.Canada. C.Italy.

5.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.Shark. B.Camera. C.Movie.



6.What test are the speakers going to take on Friday?

A.Science B. History C.Music

7.Why does the woman speaker make the phone call?

A. To discuss her maths problems.

B. To seek help with her English reading.

C. To ask about the homework for tomorrow.


8.What does the man think is the cause of the woman’s illness?

A.Last night’s dinner. B. The hot weather. C.Bottled water.

9.What is the probable relationship between the two sprekers?

A.Husband and wife. B.Doctor and patient. C. Guest and receptionist. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。

10. What is the manm doing?

A.Making an invitation.

B.Offering information.

C.Asking for permission.

11.What time is the woman going to see the dentist this Saturday?

A.10.:30a.m B.12:30p.m C.4:30p.m

12.What is the woman going to do after seeing the dentist?



双击单词可弹出解释框 时间:2013-05-27 10:31 作者:admin





例:How much is the shirt?

A. £19.15. B. £9.15 C. £9.18.


1.What does the man like about the play?

A.The story. B.The ending. C.The actor.

2.Which place are the speakers trying to find?

A.A hotel. B.A bank. C.A restaurant.

3.At what time will the two speakers meet?

A. 5:20 B. 5:10 C.4:40

4.what will the man do ?

A.Change the plan B.Wait for a phone call C.Sort things out

5.What does the woman want to do ?

A.See a film with the man. B. Offer the man some help C.Listen to some great music.




6.Where is Ben?

A. In the kitchen. B. At school. C. In the park.

7.What will the children in the afternoon?

A. Help set the table. B. Have a party. C. Do their homework.



8. What are the two speakers talking about?

A. A Family holiday. B. A business trip. C. A travel plan.

9. Where did Rachel go?

A. Spain. B. Italy. C. China.


10.How did the woman get to know about third-hand smoke?

A. From young smokers.

B. From a newspaper article.

C. From some smoking parents.

11. Why does the man say that he should keep away from babies?

A. He has just become a father.

B. He wears dirty clothes.

C. He is a smoker.

12. What does the woman suggest smoking parents should do ?

A.Stop smoking altogether.

B. Smoke only outside their houses.

C. Reduce dangerous matter in cigarettes.


13. Where does Michelle Ray come from?


A. A middle-sized city B. A small town. C. A big city

14. Which place would Michelle Ray take her visitors to for shopping?

A. The Zen Garden B. The Highlands. C. The Red River area.

15. What does Michelle Ray do for complete quiet?

A. Go camping B. Study in a library. C. Read at home.

16.What are the speakers talking about imgeneral?

A. Late-night shopping. B. Asian food. C. Louisville.


17. Why do some people say they never have dreams according to Dr Garfield ?

A. Thy forget about their dreams.

B. Thy don't want to tell the truth.

C. They have no bad experiences.

18. Why did Davis stop having dreams?

A. He got a serious heart attack.

B. He was too sad about his brother's death

C. He was frightened by a terrible dream.

19. What is Dr Garfields opinion about dreaming?

A. It is very useful.

B. It makes things worse.

C. It prevents the mind from working.

20.Why do some people turn off their dreams completely?

A. To recover from illnesses.

B. To recover from illnesses.

C. To stay away from their problems.
