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2016年陕西中考英语试卷 I. 单项选择(共15小题,计15分)

( )1. Students should pay attention to______ the teacher in class instead of______ something useless.

A. listen to, doing B. listen to, do C. listening, doing D. listening to, doing

( )2. Peter was so careless that he______the friendship with his friends.

A. broke down B. broke up C. broke out D. broke off

( )3. Jenny is interested ______ math while Mary prefers English ______ math.

A. at; on B. about; on C. in; to D. at; in

( )4. Miss Smith is ______ that we all like his lessons.

A. so good a teacher B. so good teacher C. a such good teacher D. such good teacher

( )5. The teacher told us great changes______ in the past ten years in China.

A. took place B. have taken place C. were taking place D. had taken place

( )6. --- What do you think of Jerry? --- He is clever. ______, he can be forgetful.

A. And B. So C. Because D. However

( )7. Most people are ______ when they hear about people ______ come face to face with danger in order

to save others.

A. surprising; that B. exciting; as C. amazed; who D. interested; which

( )8. --- I broke my brother's computer and pretended that I didn’t know about that.

---You shouldn’t do that. You _______ him the truth and apologized for that.

A. should have told B. would tell C. should tell D. couldn’t have told

( )9. ______ he is, _______ he feels.

A. The busier; happier B. Busier; happier C. Busier; the happier D. The busier; the happier

( )10.The weather in Beijing is cooler than _______ in Shanghai in winter.

A. it B. one C. that D. those

( )11. This kind of paper is _____ wood and it can be used _____ books or nespapers.

A. made into, to print B. made from, to print C. made of , for printing D. made up of, for printing

( about three thousand words by the end of last month.

A. has learned B. learned C. was learning D. had learned

( )13. I wonder if he ______tomorrow. If he ______, I'll ask him to drive me to the town.

A. comes; comes B. come; come C. will come; comes D. come; will come

( )14. ---Could you tell me who _______? ---Let me see. By John Smith, I think.

A. sang this song B. worte this book C. was invented it D. was the song sung by ( )15. Nobody but Jim and Mike ______ to the party, yet neither of them showed _______.

A. was invited, up B. were invited, up C. wasn’t invited, off D. weren’t invited, around II. 完形填空(共10小题,计10分)

Stress is the feeling you get when you’re really worried about something. This is the kind of worry that troubles you for hours, or days. It makes you feel blue, scared or angry. You may find it to eat and sleep, or you might eat and sleep much more than usual.

Too much stress is bad for you. Stressing out can lead to serious like heart illnesses. But a moderate (适度的) amount of stress keeps your body and alert (警觉的) and can make your performance better, like when you are doing a presentation to your class or to the finishing line.

But, if you are seriously stressed out, check out these quick and easy ways to . Firstly, you can go for a run, play tennis or ride your bike for a while exercise produces more beta-endorphin(B-内啡肽) that controls stress. Secondly, having a good 8 is very important. You should try to get at least eight hours of sleep every night. Thirdly, eating a healthy, balanced diet that all the food groups will help. Also, you can talk to the people you trust. Keeping your feelings inside may make the situation

while talking to a person you trust may make you feel better. They may be able to give you advice and help you solve your problem.

( )1. A. still B. also C. even D. only

( )2. A. easy B. hard C. possible D. comfortable

( )3. A. worries B. sadness C. problems D. questions


( )4. A. personality B. strength C. talent D. mind

( )5. A. running B. leading C. replying D. turning

( )6. A. relax B. operate C. complain D. explore

( )7. A. although B. unless C. if D. because

( )8. A. walk B. rest C. time D. sense

( )9. A. includes B. creates C. develops D. produces

( )10. A. better B. worse C. angrier D. safer

III. 阅读理解(共15小题,计25分 1---5各1分, 6---15各2分)


Once there was a girl who really hated her name. Her name was Ghagra Geeta Bali. She hoped she could be born again to have a nice name like Rita.

One Tuesday at about 5pm, Ghagra Geeta Bali and her mother went shopping. There were many children outside a music store. The store had an activity to sell tapes. Everyone who bought a tape had a chance to see the singer of the songs. This singer was a great favorite with teenagers. Ghagra Geeta Bali liked him, too.

To take part in the activity, everyone had to give his or her name. Then a girl would write down the names and pick one to meet the singer.

But when her mother asked if she wanted to take part, Ghagra Geeta Bali said no. She did not want to say her name in front of so many people. But her mother went up and said, “Please write down my daughter’s name. It is Ghagra Geeta Bali. There she is ...”and she pointed to her daughter. Then everyone turned to look at Ghagra Geeta Bali. At that moment, she wanted to disappear into a hole.

However, she received a call from the music store the following week. They told her that she was very lucky. “It is all because of your name,” the store owner said. “The singer thought you were such a brave girl and he couldn’t wait to meet you. So, get ready for the time of your life, Ghagra Geeta Bali !”

( )1.Ghagra Greeta Bali went shopping with her mom on a Tuesday afternoon.

( )2. The store held an activity to have some cheap tapes on saled that day.

( )3.If a kid wanted to meet the singer, he(she) had to write down his( her) name and fill in a blank.

( )4. Ghagra Greeta Bali didn’t hope others knew her name because she thought her name sounded bad.

( )5. Ghagra Greeta Bali got a surprise from her name.

B)阅读下面两篇文章,选择正确答案: ( B )

In order to know a foreign language thoroughly, four things are necessary. First, we must understand the language when we hear it spoken. Secondly, we must be able to speak it ourselves, correctly with confidence and without hesitation. Thirdly, we must be able to write it. Finally, we must be able to make sentences that are correct in grammar.

There is no short way to succeed in language learning. A good memory is a great help, but it is not enough only to memorize the rules from a grammar book. It is no much use learning by heart long lists of words and their meanings, studying the dictionary and so on. We must learn by using the language. If we are pleased with a few rules we have memorized, we are not really learning the language. We must "Learn through use". Practice is important. We must practise speaking and writing the language whenever we can.

( )6. The most important things to learn a foreign language are________.

A. understanding, memorizing and using B. hearing, speaking, reading and writing

C. understanding, speaking and practicing D. memorizing and listening

( )7. Someone hears and writes English very well, but he speaks it badly. This is because ______.

A. he doesn't understand the language when he hears it spoken B. he doesn't have a good memory

C. he always remember lists of words and their meanings D. he often hesitates to practise speaking it

( )8. One can never learn a foreign language well only by______.

A. much practice B. studying the dictionary C. learning through use D. using the language

( )9. Which of the following is the most helpful in learning a foreign language?

A. A good memory. B. Speaking. C. Dictionaries. D. Writing.

( )10."Learn through use" means______.

A. we use a language in order to learn it B. we learn a foreign language in order to use it

C. we can learn a language well while we are using it D. both B and C

IV. 完成句子(共10小题,计10分)

1. Last Saturday we went to the airport to meet those_________(win).

2. Which city has _________(little) polluted air, Zhengzhou or Xi’an?

3. Can you tell me the time of her_________(arrive) ?

4. The students in this school have pretty _________(relax) rules.

5. Timmy and I are good friends and we keep our secrets to_________(we).

6. Linda often advises Alan _________(watch) CCTV news every day.

7. The music ___________(play) by the students from Class Four interested all of the audience.

8. I used to eat with chopsticks, so I don’t get used to __________(use) knives and forks.

9. Tom _________(argue) with his father when I arrived at his house.

10. The old pepople should ___________(speak) to politely.

V. 短文填空,根据中英文提示,用其适当形式完成短文(共10小题,计10分)

My aunt is an engineer in America. She 1)________(工作) in the Company of Microsoft since 1996. Last month he came back to China. We were happy to see her on Christmas Day. After 2)________(吃)lunch, we showed her around our hometown.

“This hotel 3)_______(build) last year. Look, the workers were 4)______(建) up another one over there.” “What a great change!” she said. “We will plant more trees and flowers in the town soon. And we’ll do something to stop 5)________(factory) from 6)___________(污染) the rivers or lakes nearby.” I told her. My aunt was very 7)_________(please) with what she had seen. When we asked her to stay longer, she answered. “No, I can’t. I am supposed 8)_______(飞往) to Beijing tomorrow. I have an important lecture to give. If I have time, I’ll 9)_______(certain) come back again. Though I live in America, I’ll always be Chinese. I should do something for our hometown. Let’s make a contribution to 10)_______(make) it better. VI. 任务型阅读, 阅读短文,并完成文后信息(共5小题,计10分)

My name is Liz Smith. I’d like to thank you, Miss Li, for sending money to “Animal Helpers”, an organization set up to help disabled people. For sure you have helped make it possible for me to have "Lucky", who has filled my life with pleasure.


“Lucky” is a specially trained dog for the disabled. It is a good name for him because I feel very lucky to have him. Being blind, deaf, unable to use my hands easily are the challenges I face. "Lucky" helps me open and shut the doors, even answer the telephone. He cheers me up a lot.

I’ll send you a photo of him if you like, and I could show you how he helps me too one day. And I thank you again for supporting "Animal Helpers". It is important that this organization does not run out of money. Your donation is greatly appreciated and the money is well used to help the people like me. Thank you again.

1. Liz Smith is a disabled man who ________________ see or hear.

2. "Lucky" is the name of a _______________.

3. "Animal Helpers" is an organization that ______________ to help the disabled.

4. Liz Smith will show Miss Li _____________and show her how "Lucky" helps him.

5. The writer wrote this to thank Miss Li for _______________to Animal Helpers.

VII. 补全对话(共5小题,计10分)

A: We’ve been studyding for hours. Let’s listen to some music. B: Good idea! I am feeling tired as well. A: 1)_________________________________? B: I like music that sounds beautiful.

A: 2)_________________________________? B: Wang Fei is my favorite singer, I think. A: 3)_________________________________? B: I like her because of her voice and she sings clearly. A: I like her, too. Her song named “Legend” is my favorite. 4)__________________________?

B: Oh, it’s wonderful. It tells us a love story. I like it very much.

A: 5)_______________________________. B: Great! Be quick! Let’s listen to it right now. VIII. 书面表达(共1题,计10分)

寒假 (Winter holidays) 快到了,怎样安排才算有意义呢?有人说上网(Go surfing on Internet.) 有人说看电视(Watch TV.),有人说去旅游(Go traveling),也有人说抓紧学习(To spend more time on study.)„„ 下面请秀出你的想法,说说你的寒假打算, 约80词。

I. 单项选择:1---5DACAD 6---10DCADC 11---15BDCDA

II.完形:1---5CBCDA 6---10ADBAB

III. 阅读:1---5ABBAB 6---10 CDBAC 11---15DBACD

IV. 完成句子:1.winners 2.less 3.arrival 4.relaxed 5.ourselves 6.to watch

7.played 8.using 9.was arguing 10. be spoken

V. 短文填空1. has worked 2.eating/having 3.was built 4. setting/putting 5.factories

6.polluting 7.pleased 8.to fly 9.certainly 10.making

VI. 任务型阅读

1. is unable to 2. specially trained dog 3. was set up 4. a photo of the dog/Lucky 5. donation/help

VII. 补全对话:1.What kind of music do you like? 2.Who is your favorite singer?

3. Why do you like her? 4. What do you think of it/How do you like it?

5. Let’s listen to it.





第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共30分)


20()( ) 1.计算:3

32A.1 B. C.0 D. 32

2.如图是一个螺母的示意图,它的俯视图是( )

3.下列计算正确的是( )

A.a2a3a6 B.(2ab)24a2b2

C.(a2)3a5 D.3a3b2a2b23ab


1=46°30′,则∠2的度数为( )

A.43°30′ B.53°30′

C.133°30′ D.153°30′

5.设正比例函数ymx的图象经过点A(m,4),且y的值随x值的增大而减小,则m( ) A.2 B.-2 C.4 D.-4



( )

A.2个 B.3个

C.4个 D.5个【2016陕西省中考试题】

17.不等式组2x13的最大整数解为( )


A.8 B.6 C.5 D.4

8.在平面直角坐标系中,将直线l1:y2x2平移后,得到直线l2:y2x4,则下列平移作法正确的是( )

A.将l1向右平移3个单位长度 B.将l1向右平移6个单位长度

C.将l1向上平移2个单位长度 D. 将l1向上平移4个单位长度

9.在□ABCD中,AB=10,BC=14,E、F分别为边BC、AD上的点,若四边形AECF为正方形,则AE的长为( )

A.7 B.4或10 C.5或9 D.6或8


是( )

A.没有交点 B.只有一个交点,且它位于y轴右侧

C.有两个交点,且它们均位于y轴左侧 D.有两个交点,且它们均位于y轴右侧


11.将实数5,“<” 号连起来,可表示为_________________。 ,0,6由小到大用








115.(本题满分5分)计算:3622 2


16.(本题满分5分)解分式方程:x231 x3x33







19. (本题满分7分)如图,在△ABC中,AB=AC,作AD⊥AB交BC的延长线于点D,作AE∥BD、CE⊥AC,且AE、CE相交于点E,求证AD=CE.











1.﹣2的相反数是( )

2.如图所示,下列选项中,正六棱柱的左视图是( )

3.下列计算正确的是 2223622224A.xxx B.(xy)xy C.(x)x D.xxx



x的值为( )

5.某班50名学生的年龄统计结果如下表所示,这个班学生年龄的众数、中位数是( )

6.把直线y=﹣3x向上平移后得到直线AB,直线AB经过点(m、n),且3m+n=10,则直线AB的解析式( )

7.如图,△ABC是⊙O的内接三角形,AC是⊙O的直径,∠C=50°,∠ABC的平分线BD交⊙O于点D,则∠BAD的度数是( )

8.关于x的一元二次方程(m﹣2)x+(2m+1)x+1=0有两个不相等的实数根,则m的取值范围是( )


9.如图,菱形ABCD的边长为8cm,∠A=60°,DE⊥AB于点E,DF⊥BC于点F,则四边形BEDF的面积为( )cm.

A. 16 B,64 C.8. D.8 2




时,这两个二次函数的最大值之和等于( )





13.如图,双曲线y=经过Rt△OMN斜边上的点A,与直角边MN相交于点B,已知OA=2AN,△OAB的面积为5,则k的值是 _________ .



长的最小值是 _________ .【2016陕西省中考试题】


15.(5分)计算: |﹣4|﹣








(1)实验所用的乙种树苗的数量是 _________ 株.















