
| 乐学园 |





心情不好in a bad place

心情很乱pretty dark

极度悲伤feeling messed up

原文来自 必克英语



when you told me you loved me------Jessica (伤感,凄美,无奈。。。) Fairy tale-----toni braxton (原来童话里的爱情终究只是童话) cry on my shoulder----Bonnie Raitt (心累了的时候,听听这歌,安慰啊) here in my heart-----plus one (男生对心爱女生的深情告白) stay------Tonya mitchell (虽然爱远去了,曾经的感觉却依然刻骨铭心) it's not goodbye (很好听的一首歌,同样也很伤感) soledad -------westlife (被 SHE 翻唱了,就是“紫藤花”) adagio------lara (夜深人静的时候听这首歌,真的会流泪) that's why you go away----迈克学摇滚(这首绝对不比后街,西城的歌差!) Unbreak my heart----toni braxton (沙哑的嗓音配上伤感的旋律,T,T) insatiable------Darren (暧昧的嗓音,缠绵的旋律,爱情这东西。。) eternally -------loona (好爱这样的旋律!一听前奏就知道是好歌!) creeping up on you-----Darren (很多人都一听就喜欢上了,的确好听) loneliness-----babyface (安七炫的“面具”就是抄袭这歌,听听就知道了) everything but the girl----Darin (好听好听,而且是个大帅哥唱的哦—) dreamy eyes ----Christina (你梦一般的眼睛,可望而不可及。。。) I'm all about you-----Aaron Carter (我觉得这是 AC 最好听的一首歌) Never again---Justin Timberlake (干净的钢琴伴奏+JT 迷人的嗓音,完美) only love -------真情马克(经典,百听不厌) anger management-----lovage (诗一般的歌词,梦一般的曲调,只是很伤感) gone ---- N'sync (超爱 N'sync 的和声!特别是 Justin 的性感声线,不听损失啊!) shape of my heart-----sting (《这个杀手不太冷》主题曲,超级感人) if you want me ---- 电影《once》插曲我坚信你会喜欢!sorry seems to be the hardest word ----blue (经典之作,不用多介绍了) are you the one ------- Timo tolkiki (很凄美..听了就知道了) the best in me ----blue (朗朗上口)no one else comes close----backstreet boys (后街不算出名的一首,但真的好听) to fall in love again ------ Jessica simpson (听一次 哭一次 T,T) forever at your feet (歌曲里的雷声和雨声配上女歌手悲伤地嗓音,很有意境。。)my last serenade ----joey moe (听了一万遍,还是会被感动! 好痴情的男人。。) calling ----- geri halliwell (伴随着海风飘来的清新女声) you don't miss your water ----craig david (只有等井都干枯了,你才会怀念那些水) one more time ----laura pausini (震撼了,原来歌曲可以如此伤感) my all ----Mariah carey (我认为这是天后玛利亚凯利最好听的一首) if you believe -----rachael lampa (无意中在电影《初恋的回忆》听来的,很喜欢) keep believing -----Aaron carter (送给那些受过伤的女孩,永远不要停止梦想

!) indescribable night ----katest john (很适合夜晚独自散步的时候听) any one of us --------gareth gates(这首虽不算伤感,但是真的舍不得丢掉) night prayer ------iridio (这条孤独之路还要走多久?何时才能找到那颗最亮的星星?) lullaby for lucas -----standfast (很轻柔的女声,摇篮曲!睡前必听) dry your eyes ----- 3rd storee (超深情的小男孩,很纯真的感觉) his mistakes -------usher (个人认为是亚瑟小子最棒的一首歌) tonight i wanna cry ------keith urban (今晚 我想哭泣。。) someone's watching over me -------Hilary duff (我知道总有一个人会在那里支持我) Honesty ----Billy joel (“真诚”是一个多么孤独的词,每个人似乎都那么虚伪。) a perfect indian-------Sinead O'connor (空灵,能穿透心灵,触动你心底最深那根弦. ) back at one------brain mcknight (我找了很久的一首歌,要是不好听,我也不会找) never meant to be----samantha mumba (如果注定不能在一起,又何必开始?) with him-----baby face (恐怕只有真正被伤过的男人才能唱出这种无奈) imagine me without you----jaci (我以前的空间背景音乐,喜欢) the hill ------marketa irglova (电影《once》里,女主角在钢琴边弹边唱边哭,我也哭了 bring me to life ------Evanescence (很幽静 很凄美 很不甘!带点摇滚) angel on my shoulder -------gareth gates(好听不需要理由) living to love you-------sarah connor (她的歌大家应该很熟悉,不多介绍了) tell me one more time ----gareth gates (明明已失去,却还是不愿接受事实。。) say it isn't so -----gareth gates (很有 westlife 的风格,不错) hurt-----Christina (第一次听觉得一般,但越听越好听) rule the world -----电影《星尘》主题曲 everyday i love you ------boyzone (还不错) you are my everything ----- lexington bridge (是不是好歌 一听前奏和第一句就知道) we are one ---------kelly sweet (很悠扬,仿佛在夜晚梦幻般波光粼粼的湖面上划船) flightless bird,american mouth(暮光之城的插曲,它会令你感动落泪【谢谢推荐 】)dance to the death(日本游戏《Kingdom Hearts II》中的钢琴曲,糅合了钢琴,爵士鼓...等乐 器,缠绵悱恻...旋律优美但又有些冰冷,是许多人都喜爱的一首轻音乐【谢谢推荐】)








N a-, ac-, ad-, af-, ag-, al-, an-, ap-, as-, at-

to, toward, near, in addition to a + side aside ac + com + pan + y ad + just af + fix

ag + gress + ion

al + loc + ate an + nihil + ate as + soci + ate

at + tend

a + polit + ic + al an + em + ia

accompany adjust affix aggression allocate annihilate associate attend apolitical anemia

to or toward the side

to go with someone as a companion to correct, to move closer to a correct position to attach to something, to fasten hostile behavior towards someone or something

to distribute to specific people or for specific purposes to destroy to join with

to look after, to go to without interest in politics

the condition (disease) of not having enough red blood cells

放置一旁 陪同 調整 附加上 侵略 分派 滅絕 使加入 照料 不關心政治的 貧血(症)

N ab-, abs-

away from, off ab + rupt ab + solve

abrupt absolve

unexpected change

to be set free from one's actions or obligations

突然的 免除

N ante-


ante + rior anterior before or near the front


N anti-


anti + path + y antipathy dislike, opposite feeling


N auto-


auto + mot + ive automotive related to self-propelled machines


N bi-

two bi + ped bi + enni + al

biped biennial

a two-footed animal happening every two years

兩足動物 每兩年一次的

N cat-, cata-, cath-

down, with cate + gor + y cata + log + ue cath +eter

category catalogue catheter

a class or set to which a thing belongs 種類 a book or pamphlet that lists and describes

a medical device used to transfer fluids

編目 導尿管

N circum-


circum + vent circumvent to manage to get around a situation


N co-, cog-, col-, com-, con-, cor-

together, with

co + hes + ive + ness cog + nate col + lab + or + ate com + mit + ment con + veni + ent cor + rect

cohesiveness the ability to stick together cognate collaborate commitment convenient correct

related, similar in nature to work together

to entrust, to put into a place handy, nearby to set right, to be right

結合 同源的 共同工作 實行 方便的 修正

N contra-

against, opposite

contra + dict contradict

to state the opposite


N de-

to do the opposite, to take away from de + cre + ase decrease to grow smaller, to become less


N di-, dif-, dis-

apart, separate, two, opposite, not di + vide divide dif + fer


to separate into two or more parts to be unlike

分配 不同

N dis-

not, opposite of, exclude

dis + trust distrust to have no confidence or trust


N e-, ex-

out, out of, from E + mit ex + pel

emit expel

to send out to force out

發射 驅逐

N en-, em-

put into

en + am + + or em + pow + er epi + logue

enamor empower epilogue

to cause to love, to "put" someone "into" love

to give power, to put into power the concluding section of a play or literary work

使迷戀 授權 結尾

N extra-

beyond extra + ordin + ary extraordinary going beyond normal


N il-, im-, in-, ir-

not, in

Il + leg + ible im + post + er

illegible imposter

cannot be read


someone who poses as someone else 騙子 lack of motion, idle


In + act + ion inaction Ir + re + solute irresolute

uncertain about hot to act, undecided, 優柔寡斷的 not having a solution

in place of, an alternative to bring into a country from another country

替代 進口

N in-, im-, il-

in, into In + stead im + port

instead import

N inter-

between, among

inter + ject interject to throw something (usually a

comment) between other things


N intro-


intro + spect + ion introspection to look into one's own thoughts and



N mal-

bad mal + funct + ion malfunction when something does not work



N mis-

wrong mis + con + duct misconduct wrong doing, bad behavior

不守規矩 獨白

N mono-


mono + logue monologue a dramatic performance or speech

given by one actor

N multi-


multi + ply multiply to increase in number


N non-

not, no

non + sense nonsense

something that has no meaning or makes no sense

to gain or get, to get a hold of to happen, to come to mind


N ob-, oc-, of-, op-

toward, against, in the way ob + tain obtain oc + cur of + fer

occur offer

獲得 發生

op + pose oppose

to attempt to give, to propose, to try to 提供 hand out

to be against, to stand in the way of 反對 something

工作過度 超載

N over-

excessive, above

over + work overwork to have too much work over+load


to put too much load

N para-


para + dox paradox a statement that seems true and

contradictory at the same time


N per-

through per + secute


to go after, to pursue

虐待 延期 先前 驅策


N post-


post + pone postpone to put off to a later time, to delay

N pre-


pre + cede precede to go before, to come in front of

N pro-

for, forward

pro + pel propel to push forward

N re-

back, again re + ad + mit readmit to allow in again




有时 css 文件里面用到中文字体的时候由于字体编码的关系要使用到中文字体的英文字体名字,然而有些中文字体的英文名字却不是那么好记, 所以这里就搜集了一些,方便使用。




1. What is its color? It's green. It's been a long, long time.


it's 是 it is 或 it has,而 its 是 it 的所有格。

2. With her speaking skills, she has the ability to fill the auditorium to its capacity.

ability:能力,才幹 (physical, mental, or legal power to perform. competence)。capacity :容量 (limit)。

3. The minister adjured his wayward congregation to abjure the sins of the flesh.

adjure:敦促或力勸 (to urge or advice earnestly)。abjure:發誓放棄 (to renounce under oath)。

4. I would accept your excuse, except the part about losing the watch.

accept:接受 (to receive willingly)。except:除...之外 (with the exclusion of)。

5. The number of students who wanted access to the computer labs was in excess of two hundred.

access:使用或進入的權利 (right to use or enter)。excess:過多,超額 (too many, more than needed)。

6. The government would often adopt policies that required people to adapt to a harsh regime.

adopt:採取,採用 (to accept or take in as one's own)。adapt:使適應,使適合 (to make or become suitable for a new use)。

7. The trouble with many adolescents is that they never seem to grow out of adolescence.

adolescent:青春期的青年男女 (individuals going through

adolescence)。adolescence:青春期 (the period of growth and maturation before adulthood)。

8. I need your advice. Please advise me on this.

advice:意見,勸告 (recommendation regarding a decision)。advise:建議,商量 (to give advice to, to counsel)。

9. The teacher's aide more than once came to the aid of her supervisor.

aide:助理,助手 (someone who assists or supports)。aid:幫助,援助 (assistance)。

[AIDS 是 Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome (後天免疫不足症候群,即愛滋病) 的頭字語 (acronym),拼字都是大寫。]

10. She was confused, displaying ambivalent feelings about the ambiguous situation they'd gotten into.

ambivalent:雙重性格,情緒矛盾:對同一事物同時具有兩種對立的感情或態度的精神狀態 ,如又愛又恨 (showing mixed or confused feelings)。ambiguous:曖昧的,不明確的,不確定的,有兩種以上意思的 (doubtful, uncertain, having two or more meanings)。

11. Sometimes it seems more shocking to be amoral than to be immoral .

amoral:與道德無關的,沒有道德觀念的 (without morals or standards of behavior)。immoral:不道德的,邪惡的 (disposed to act contrary to accepted morals)。

12. After we have the jeweler appraise the diamond, we will apprise you of its value.

appraise:鑑定,估價 (to set a value on something)。apprise:通知,告知 (to notify or inform)。

13. as -- 參見 like。

14. When they got the assent of the weather bureau, they allowed the enormous balloon to begin its ascent.

assent:同意,贊成 (agreement, act of agreeing)。ascent:晉升,上升,攀登 (act of rising or climbing )。[注意:accent (重音) 這個字沒有 "s"。]

15. aural -- 參見 oral。

16. awake -- 參見 wake。

17. I am averse to traveling in such adverse weather conditions.

averse:嫌惡的 (having an active feeling of repugnance or distaste) -- 與 to 連用,後接名詞或動名詞。adverse:不利的,敵對的 (unfavorable, hostile)。

18. afflict -- 參見 inflict (No.147)。

19. We need a lot (兩個字!) of money. She will allot funds according to need.

a lot:很多 (a considerable quantity or extent)。allot:分配 (to assign as a share or portion)。

20. Are you all ready already, or do we have to wait for you?

all ready:完全準備好 (entirely ready, prepared) -- 形容詞片語。

already:已經 (by this time) -- 在一指定或暗示的過去、現在或未來時間之前的時間 (priviously, so soon)。

21. She would often allude to her childhood, when she would elude her brothers in a game of hide-and-seek.

allude:(間接地) 提及 (to make indirect reference. refer) -- 與 to 連用。elude:逃避,躲避 (to evade, avoid)。

22. allusion -- 參見 illusion (No. 136)。

23. In mock debates, we used to alternate sides, taking alternative positions.

alternate:輪流,交替 (to perform by turns or in succession)。alternative:二者任擇其一的,選擇的 (offering or expressing a choice)。

24. Government agencies tried to alleviate the effects of the depression. They attempted to ameliorate the job-seeking process.

alleviate:緩和,減輕 (to make less severe)。ameliorate:改良,變好 (to make or become better)。

25. With amiable people like the Durwitzes, it's not unusual to have an amicable divorce.

amiable:(個性、性情)和藹可親的,親切的,友善的 (friendly)。amicable:(契約關係上) 友善的 (characterizing contractual relationship with good will, cordiality )。

26. among -- 參見 between (No.39)。

27. The amount of money you make in a year depends on the number of deals you close.

amount:總數,總額 (measure of something in the aggregate, bulk)。number:數目 (measure of something countable)。

28. I am annoyed that my bad back seems to be aggravated by tension.

annoy:煩擾,騷擾,使苦惱 (to irritate, harrass, especially by repeated acts)。aggravate:加重,使 (原已不好的事情變得) 更壞 (to make worse, more serious, or more severe)。

29. It's difficult to anticipate [預作準備] things that one doesn't expect.

anticipate:預期,預想,預作準備,預先考慮 (to give advance thought, discussion, or treatment to)。expect:預期,預料,期待,期望 (to look forward to)。

30. Juan is apt to do something silly, something that will likely get him in trouble, or even something that he may be liable for in a court of law.

apt:易於,傾向於 (having a tendency)。likely:有可能的 (having a high probability of occurring or being true)。liable:可能的,易於,應負責的 (obligated according to law or equity. responsible)。

31. She wanted a good lawyer, so I told her about my attorney.

lawyer:律師,法律顧問 (one trained to conduct lawsuits for clients or advise as to legal rights and obligations)。attorney:律師,法定代理人 (one who has been paid a retainer to conduct lawsuits or advise as to legal rights and obligations)。

32. I'll be back in a while. Can you wait awhile?

a while:不久,即刻 (a short period of time)。awhile:暫時,片刻 (for a while)。[ awhile (一個字) 是副詞,修飾動詞。]



1. 衬线之王:Garamond

是个用途广泛的字体,苹果用它,国外的高级餐厅Menu用它。Garamond的易读性非常高,由于它适合大量且长时间的阅读,几百年来西方文学著作常用Garamond来作内文的编辑。 Garamond演绎出许多优美的字体,1964年出现的Sabon是其中最流行的一种。高级餐厅的Menu



2. 无处不在的:Helvetica

Helvetica是世界上最著名和流行字样之一。它干净、清晰的字形领导了一股清楚、易懂而快速的阅读潮流。Helvetica是由米耶丁格和爱德华德·霍夫曼(Eduard Hoffmann)在瑞士哈斯铸造所(Haas’sche Schriftgie?erei)所制做。最初的名称是“Neue Haas Grotesk”,意为“哈斯的新无衬线铅字”,后来被哈斯的德国母公司斯滕佩尔(Stempel)在1960改为 Helvetica,源自瑞士的拉丁文,使其更具有国际市场竞争力。 1983年,D. Stempel AG和Linotype公司一起重新设计并数字化了Helvetica,取名Neue Helvetica,建立了一个新的统一的字体家族。直到今天,原有的Helvetica家族包含了34种不同的字体磅值,而Neue Helvetica家族却有51种字体磅值。 Helvetica字体家族已经成为很多数字印刷机和操作系统中不可缺少的一部分,同时也成为了当代视觉文化中一个无法替代的指南针。,世界无数的Logo在使用Helvetica,比如:如3M ,BASF 美国航空,BWM,英特尔,汉沙航空,Knoll,松下,无印量品,三星,德国铁路。


Bodoni以出版印刷之王 Giambattista Bodoni (1740-1813)的名字命名,他是一位多产的字体设计师,也是一个伟大的雕刻师。他设计的字体被誉为现代主义风格最完美的体现。现代字体代表了十八世纪晚期十九早期的字体设计发展一种总结,其他类似的如法国的Didot(1689-1853)字系和德国的J. E. Walbaum (1768-1839)都反映了“现代风格”的不同面貌。



察普菲诺体(Zapfino) 是一个西文手写体字体,由德国字体设计师赫尔曼·察普夫在1998年为Linotype公司设计,共有6种字重。基本是按照1944年察普夫的手写字母表制作而成的。作为一个字体,它极大丰富拓展了连字和字符变体 (比如,小写字母d 有9种变体)。




6. 清晰可读的:Frutiger

Frutiger由瑞士设计师Adrian Frutiger设计。在1968年新建法国戴高乐机场时,Adrian Frutiger决定不沿用原来的Univers字体,而是新制作一个字体作为导向系统标准字。这个新字体最初命名为Roissy,于1975年完成,并在当年在机场使用。设计师Frutiger的目标是制作一个新的无衬线字体,保留Univers的整洁美观的特点,并加入Gill Sans字体有机元素,因此形成了Frutiger清晰可读性。 这个字体特点非常适合戴高乐机场现代的外观和从不同角度、大小、距离的可读性。长字母的上升下延部分非常突出,而且间隔较宽,因此很容易与其他字母区分,为设计上常用到的7套字体之一。





