
| 英国移民 |



我为什么要这样做? 我为什么要这样做? 有一百万个答案, 有一百万个答案,但全是借口 事实上我就是个坏胚子 但那会改变 我会改过自身 这是最后一件坏事 我将洗心革面, 我将洗心革面,重新做人 大步向前, 大步向前,选择人生 我前途一片光明 我会跟你一样 有工作、家庭、 有工作、家庭、再整个大电视机 有洗衣机、 有洗衣机、汽车 播放机、 有 CD 播放机、电动开罐器 健康、低胆固醇、 健康、低胆固醇、牙医保险 贷款、购屋、休闲服、 贷款、购屋、休闲服、行李箱 三件式西装、DIY、 三件式西装、DIY、猜谜节目 垃圾食物、孩子、 垃圾食物、孩子、公园散步 朝九晚五、高尔夫球、 朝九晚五、高尔夫球、洗车 运动衫、 运动衫、阖家过耶诞 养老金、免税、 养老金、免税、清水沟 勇往直前, 勇往直前,直到你死掉那天为止








猜火车经典台词Choose life.选择生活。Choose a job. 选择一份活儿。Choose a career. 选择一项事业。Choose a family, Choose a fucking big television, 选择一个家庭,选择一个巨他妈大的电视机,Choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players, and electrical tin openers. 选择洗衣机、汽车、镭射音响,还有电动开罐器。Choose good health, low cholesterol and dental insurance. 选择小心保养自己的身体、低胆固醇和牙科保险。Choose fixed-interest mortgage repayments. 选择固定利率的抵押贷款。Choose a starter home.选择政府提供的低价而体面的住宅。Choose your friends.选择你的朋友。Choose leisure wear and matching luggage. 选择休闲装和配套的旅行包。Choose a three piece suite on hire purchase in a range of fucking fabrics. 选择用分期付款买回同系列的他妈什么织物做的三套件西装。Choose DIY and wondering who you are on a Sunday morning. 选择自己动手做,然后在某个星期天的早晨问自己我这是在哪儿呀。Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth. 选择坐在那张睡椅上看让脑子发木,脑浆被挤成稀屎状的体育节目,一边往自己嘴里塞他妈的垃圾食物。Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pishing you last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked-up brats you have spawned to replace yourself. 选择在这一切的末尾烂掉,最后在一个破破烂烂的家里遭儿女唾弃,当初你用精子弄出他们来代替你,现在对这些自私的、满不在乎的小子们来说,你只是一个老厌物。Choose your future. 选择你的未来。Choose life. 选择生活。But who would I want to do a thing like that? 但我是谁啊?我会想去做那些事情?I choose not to choose life: I choose something else. 我选择不选择生活:我选择一些别的什么东西。And the reasons? There are no reasons. 理由?没有理由。Who need reasons when you've got heroin? 有了海洛因,谁还需要理由呢?


《猜火车》片尾有这样一段话  So why did I do it?   我为什么这样做?   I could offer a million answers, all false.   我可以提供上万个答案,可是全部是错误的。   The truth is that I'm a bad person,   事实上我本来就是一个坏人,   but that's going to change,   但是我会改变,   I'm going to change.   我正在改变。   This is the last of this sort of thing.   这是我最后一次做这种事情。   I'm cleaning up and I'm moving on,   我已经洗心革面,继续前进,   going straight and choosing life.   一直向前,选择生活。   I'm looking forward to it already.   我已经在期盼那样的生活了。   I'm going to be just like you:   我将像你一样:   the job, the family,   工作,家庭,   the ****ing big television,   他妈的大电视机,   the washing machine, the car,   洗衣机,汽车,   the compact disc and electrical tin opener,   镭射音响,电动开罐器,   good health, low cholesterol, dental insurance,   保养自己的身体、低胆固醇,牙医保险,   mortgage, starter home,   抵押贷款,低价住房,   leisurewear, luggage,   休闲装,旅行包,   three-piece suite, DIY,   三件套,DIY,   game shows, junk food, children,   体育节目,垃圾食品,子女,   walks in the park, nine to five,   在公园散步,朝九晚五,   good at golf, washing the car,   打高尔夫,洗车,   choice of sweaters,   选择毛衣,   family Christmas,   家庭圣诞,   indexed pension,   养老金   tax exemption,   免税,   clearing the gutters,   清理下水道   getting by,   过日子,   looking ahead, to the day you die.   一直向前,直到死的那一天。


RENTON (voice-over) Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family, Choose a fucking big television, Choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players, and electrical tin openers. Suddenly, as Renton crosses a road, a car skids to a halt, inches from him. In a moment of detachment he stops and looks at the shocked driver, then at Spud, who has continued running, then at the Two Men, who are now closing in on him. He smiles. INT. SWANNEY'S FLAT ROOM. DAY In a bare, dingy room, Renton lies on the floor, alone, motionless and drugged. RENTON (v.o) Choose good health, low cholesterol and dental insurance. Choose fixed-interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. EXT. FOOTBALL PITCH. NIGHT On a flood lit five-a-side pitch, Renton and his friends are taking on another team at football. The opposition all wear an identical strip (Arsenal), whereas Renton and his friends wear an odd assortment of gear. Three girls -- Lizzy, Gail, and Allison and Baby -- stand by the side, watching. The boys are outclassed by the team with the strip but play much dirtier. As each performs a characteristic bit of play, the play freezes and their name is visible, printed or written on some item of clothing. (T-Shirt, baseball cap, shorts, trainers). In Begbie's case, his name appears as a tatoo on his arm. Sick Boy commits a sneaky foul and indignantly denies it. Begbie commits an obvious foul and make no effort to deny it. Spud, in goal, lets the ball in between his legs. Tommy kicks the ball as hard as he can. Renton's litany continues over the action: RENTON (v.o) Choose leisure wear and matching luggage. Choose a three piece suite on hire purchase in a range of fucking fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing sprit-crushing ga me shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pishing you last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked-up brats you have spawned to replace yourself. Choose your futu re. Choose life. Renton is hit straight in the face by the ball. He lies back on the astroturf. Voice-over continues. But who would I want to do a thing like that? INT. SWANNEY'S FLAT. DAY Renton lies on the floor. Swanney, Allison and Baby, Sick Boy and Spud are shooting up or preparing to shoot up. Sick Boy is talking to Allison as he taps up a vein on her arm. RENTON (v.o) I chose not to choose life: I chose something else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who need reasons when you've got heroin? SICK BOY Goldfinger's better than Dr. No. Both of them are a lot better than Diamonds are Forever a judgement reflected in its relative poor showing at the box office, in which field, of course, Thunderball was a notable suc cess. RENTON (v.o) People think it's all about misery and desperation and death and all that shite, which is not to be ignored, but what they forget Spu

d is shooting up is the pleasure of it. Otherwise we wouldn't do it. After all, we're not fucking stupid. At least, we're not that fucking stupid. Take the best orgasm you ever had, multiply it by a thousand and you're still nowhere near it. When you're on jun k you have only one worry: scoring. When you're off it you are suddenly obliged to worry about all sorts of other shite. Got no money: can't get pished. Got money: drinking too much. Can't get a bird: no chance of a ride. Got a bird: too much hassle. You have to worry about bills, about food, about some football team that never fucking winds, about human relationships and all the things that really don't matter when you've got a sincere and truthful junk habit. SICK BOY I would say, in those days, he was a muscular actor, in every sense, with all the presence of someone like Cooper or Lancaster, but combined with a sly wit to make him a formidable romantic lead, closer in that respect to Cary Grant. RENTON (v.o) The only drawback, or at least the principal drawback, is that you have to endure all manner of cunts telling you that INT. PUB I. NIGHT Begbie, smoking and drinking, speaks to camera. BEGBIE No way would I poison my body with that shite, all they fucking chemicals, no fucking way. INT. PUB I. NIGHT Tommy sits beside Lizzy. He speaks to camera. TOMMY It's a waste of your life, Rents, poisoning your body with that shite. INT. RENTON FAMILY HOME, LIVING ROOM. NIGHT Renton's father and mother sit at the table eating. Renton is seated but not eating. FATHER Every chance you've ever had, you've blown it, stuffing your veins with that filth. -------INT. ELECTRICAL RETAILERS. DAY Gav wears the corporate jacket. GAV Get off that stuff, Rents and get a job. It's not as bad as it looks. While you're here, you don't fancy buying a cooker, do you? -------INT. SWANNEY'S FLAT. DAY Sick Boy and Spud lie drugged up. Allison and Baby wait while Swanney cooks up. Renton is standing up. RENTON (v.o) From time to time, even I have uttered the magic words. SWANNEY Are you serious? RENTON Yeah. No more. I'm finished with that shite. SWANNEY Well, it's up to you. RENTON I'm going to get it right this time. Going to get it set up and get off it for good. SWANNEY Sure, sure. I've heard it before. RENTON The Sick Boy method. They both look at Sick Boy SWANNEY Yeah, well, it surely worked for him. RENTON He's always been lacking in moral fibre. SWANNEY He knows a lot about Sean Connery. RENTON That's hardly a substitute. SWANNEY you'll need one more hit. RENTON No, I don't think so. SWANNEY To see you through the night that lies ahead. Freeze Frame on Swanney. RENTON (v.o) We called him the mother superior on account of the length of his habit. He knew all about it. On it, off it, he knew it all. Of course I'd have another shot: after all, I had work to do. INT. RENTON'S FLAT ROOM. DAY The door opens and Renton enters carrying shopping bags. He empties them on to a mattress beside three buckets and a tele

vision. RENTON (v.o) Relinquishing junk. Stage One: preparation. For this you will need: one room which you will not leave; one mattress; tomato soup, ten tins of; mushroom soup, eight tins of, for consumption cold; ice cream, vanilla, one large tub of; Magnesia, Milk of, one bottle; paracetamol; mouth wash; vitamins; mineral water; Lucozade; pornography; one bucket for urine, one for feces, and one for vomitus; one television; and one bottle of Valium, which I have already procured, from my mother, who is, in her own domestic and socially acceptable way, also a drug addict. Renton swallows several Valium tablets. Voice-over continues. And now I'm ready. All I need is a final hit to soothe the pain while the Valium takes effect. -------INT. SWANNEY'S FLAT. DAY Swanney, Sick Boy, Spud and Allison and Baby all lie inert while the telephone rings. -------INT. CALL BOX. DAY Renton curses as he slams down the receiver. He dials again. RENTON Mikey. It's Mark Renton. Can you help me out? INT. MIKEY'S FLAT. DAY Renton holds two opium suppositories in the palm of his hand. RENTON (v.o) This was typical of Mikey Forrester. (on screen) What the fuck are these? (v.o) Under the normal run of things I would have had nothing to do with the cunt, but this was not the normal run of things. MIKEY Opium suppositories. Ideal for your purpose. Slow release, like. Bring you down gradually. Custom fucking designed for your needs. RENTON I want a fucking hit. MIKEY That's all I've got: take it or leave it. Renton sticks his hand down the back of his trousers and sticks the suppositories into his rectum. Feel better now? RENTON For all the good they've done me I might as well have stuck them up my arse. He smiles. EXT. STREET. DAY RENTON (v.o) Heroin makes you constipated. The heroin from my last hit is fading away and the suppositories have yet to melt. I am no longer constipated. He looks around the local amenities. He is in discomfort, clutching his abdomen and falling to his knees. He notices a betting shop. INT. BETTING SHOP. DAY Renton walks through the crowded, smoky betting shop towards a door marked 'toilet' with a bit of card. RENTON (v.o) I fantasize about massive pristine convenience. He stumbles through. (v.o) Brilliant gold taps, virginal white marble, a seat carved from ebony, a cistern full of Chanel No. 5, and a flunky handing me pieces of raw silk toilet roll. But under the circumstances I'll settle for anywhere. INT. HORRIBLE TOILET. DAY This is the most horrible toilet in Britain. Alone, Renton makes his way through the horrors to a cubicle. INT. HORRIBLE TOILET CUBICLE. DAY Renton locks the door. He looks into the bowl and winces with disgust, even in his state. He pulls the chain. The chain comes off. He drops his trousers, sits on the bowl and closes his eyes. -------MONTAGE A lorry on a building site dumps a load of bricks, B52's shed their load on Vietnam, the Blue Peter elephant, etc. -------INT. CUBICLE. DAY Renton has his eyes closed. The

y snap open. He looks down between his legs. He drops to his knees in front of the bowl and rolls his sleeve up. With no more hesitation he plunges his arm into the bowl and trawls for the suppositories. It seems to take ages. He cannot find them. He sticks his arm further and further into the toilet, moving his whole body close. He strains to find it. His head is over the bowl now. Gradually he reaches still further until his head is lowered into the bowl, followed by his neck, torso, other arm, and finally his legs, all disappearing. The cubicle is empty. INT. UNDER WATER. DAY Renton, dressed as before, swims through murky depths until he reaches the bottom, where he picks up the suppositories, which glow like luminous pearls, before heading up towards the surface again. INT. HORRIBLE TOILET CUBICLE. DAY The toilet is empty. Suddenly Renton appears through the bowl, then his arms as he lifts himself out. Still clasping his two suppositories, he walks out of the toilet. INT. RENTON'S ROOM. DAY The mattress, buckets and supplies are laid out as before. The door opens and Renton enters, still soaking and dripping. The suppositories are in his hand. He holds them up, and they twinkle in the light. RENTON Now. Now I'm ready. INT. RENTON'S ROOM. DAY The cans of soup, the bottle of water, and the carton of ice cream are empty, the bottle of pills spilt, the magazines well thumbed. -------SICK BOY You Only Live Twice? RENTON Nineteen-sixty-seven. SICK BOY Running time? RENTON One hundred and sixteen minutes. SICK BOY Director? RENTON Lewis Gilbert. SICK BOY Screenwriter? RENTON Eh - Ian Fleming? SICK BOY Fuck off! He never wrote any of them. RENTON OK, so who was it, then? SICK BOY You can look it up. Sick Boy throws across a worn copy of a film guide. Renton cannot be bothered to pick it up. How are you feeling since you came off the skag? For myself, I'm bored. RENTON Who wrote it? SICK BOY But you're looking better, it has to be said. Healthier. Radiant even. RENTON You don't know, do you? SICK BOY And I wondered if you'd care to go to the park tomorrow. RENTON The park? SICK BOY Tomorrow afternoon. Usual set-up. RENTON Who wrote it? SICK BOY Roald Dahl. RENTON Roald Dahl. Fuck me. -------EXT. PARK. DAY Typical weather, neither good nor bad. The park is nondescript arid green with a few bushes. This is not Kew Gardens. Renton and Sick Boy appear, dressed as before but for the addition of cheap sunglasses. Renton is carrying a battered old cassette player and a carry-out in a plastic bag. Sick Boy is carrying a small, tatty suitcase from Oxfam. They scan the horizon and give each other the nod. They walk towards the bushes. RENTON (v.o) The down side of coming off junk was that I knew I would need to mix with my friends again in a state of full consciousness. It was awful: they reminded me so much of myself I could hardly bear to look at them. Take Sick Boy, for instance, he came off junk at the same time as me, not because he wanted too, you und

erstand, but just to annoy me, just to show me how easily he could do it, thereby downgrading my own struggle. Sneaky fucker, don't you think? And when all I wanted to do was lie alon g and feel sorry for myself, he insisted on telling me once again about his unifying theory of life. EXT. PARK. DAY Seen through the telescopic sight of an air rifle that wanders over various potential targets (children, pensioners, couples, gardeners, etc.). SICK BOY It's certainly a phenomenon in all walks of life. RENTON What do you mean? SICK BOY Well, at one time, you've got it, and then you lose it, and it's gone for ever. All walks of life: George Best, for example, had it and lost it, or David Bowie, or Lou Reed RENTON Some of his solo stuff's not bad. SICK BOY No, it's not bad, but it's not great either, is it? And in your heart you kind of know that although it sounds all right, it's actually just shite. RENTON So who else? SICK BOY Charlie Nicholas, David Niven, Malcolm McLaren, Elvis Presley. RENTON OK, OK, so what's the point you're trying to make? EXT. PARK. DAY Sick Boy rests the gun down. SICK BOY All I'm trying to do is help you understand that The Name of the Rose is merely a blip on an otherwise uninterrupted downward trajectory. RENTON What about The Untouchables? SICK BOY I don't rate that at all. RENTON Despite the Academy award? SICK BOY That means fuck all. The sympathy vote. RENTON Right. So we all get old and then we can't hack it any more. Is that it? SICK BOY Yeah. RENTON That's your theory? SICK BOY Yeah, Beautifully fucking illustrated. RENTON Give me the gun. EXT. PARK. DAY Through the sight again. This time a Skinhead and his muscle-bound dog are in view. Sick Boy and Renton talk like Sean Connery. SICK BOY Do you see the beast? Have you got it in you sights? RENTON Clear enough, Moneypenny. This should present no significant problem. The gun fires and the dog yelps, jumps up and bites its owner (the Skinhead). SICK BOY For a vegetarian, Rents, you're a fucking evil shot. EXT. PARK. DAY Renton loads up again. RENTON (v.o) Without heroin, I attempted to lead a useful and fulfilling life as a good citizen. INT. CAFé. DAY Two milkshakes clink together. Renton and Spud and seated at a booth, dressed in their own fashion for job interviews. RENTON Good luck, Spud. SPUD Cheers. RENTON Now remember -SPUD Yeah. RENTON If they think you're not trying, you're in trouble. First hint of that, they'll be on to the DSS, 'This cunt's no trying' and your Giro is fucking finished, right? SPUD Right. RENTON But try too hard -SPUD And you might get the fucking job. RENTON Exactly. SPUD Nightmare. RENTON It's a tightrope, Spud, a fucking tightrope. SPUD My problem is that I tend to clam up. I go dumb and I can't answer any questions at all. Nerves on the big occasion, like a footballer. RENTON Try this. Renton unfolds silver foil to reveal some amphetamine. Spud dips in a finger and takes a dab. He nods in appreciation as he tastes it. Renton leaves


1、Mark "Rent-boy" Renton: We would have injected vitamin C if only they had made it illegal!

马克:如果吸维生素C 违法,我们就去吸!

2、Mark "Rent-boy" Renton: (narrating) Choose Life.Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television, choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol, and dental insurance. Choose fixed interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisurewear and matching luggage. Choose a three-piece suite on hire purchase in a range of fucking fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who the fuck you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pishing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked up brats you spawned to replace yourself. Choose your future. Choose life... But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life. I chose somethin' else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you've got heroin?


3、Relinquishing junk.Stage one,preparation.For this you will need one room which you will not leave.Soothing music.

Tomato soup,ten tins of.Mushroom soup,eight tins of,for consumption cold.Ice cream,vanilla,one large tub of.

Magnesia,milk of,one bottle.Paracetamol,mouthwash,witamins.Mineral

water,Lucozade,pornography.Ohe mattress.

One bucket for urine,one for feces and one for vomitus.One

television and one bottle of Valium.Which I've already procured from my mother.Who is,in her own domestic and socially acceptable way also a drug addict.Ahd now I'm ready.

All i need is one final hit to soothe the pain while the Valium takes effect.












 1、Mark "Rent-boy" Renton: We would have injected vitamin C if only they had made it illegal!  马克:如果吸维生素C 违法,我们就去吸!  2、Mark "Rent-boy" Renton: (narrating) Choose Life.Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television, choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol, and dental insurance. Choose fixed interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisurewear and matching luggage. Choose a three-piece suite on hire purchase in a range of fucking fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who the fuck you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pishing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked up brats you spawned to replace yourself. Choose your future. Choose life... But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life. I chose somethin' else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you've got heroin?  选择生活,选择工作,选择职业,选择家庭。选择一个他妈的大电视。选择洗衣机,汽车,雷射唱机,电动开罐机。选择健康,低卡里路,低糖。选择固定利率房贷。选择起点,选择朋友,选择运动服和皮箱。选择一套他妈的三件套西装……选择DIY,在星期天早上,他妈的搞不清自己是谁。选择在沙发上看无聊透顶的节目,往口里塞垃圾食物。选择腐朽至死,只剩下由你精子造出取代你的自私小鬼。选择你的未来,你的生活。但我干嘛要这么做?我选择不要生活,我选择其他。理由?没有理由。只要有海洛因,还要什么理由?  3、Relinquishing junk.Stage one,preparation.For this you will need one room which you will not leave.Soothing music.  Tomato soup,ten tins of.Mushroom soup,eight tins of,for consumption cold.Ice cream,vanilla,one large tub of.  Magnesia,milk of,one bottle.Paracetamol,mouthwash,witamins.Mineral water,Lucozade,pornography.Ohe mattress.  One bucket for urine,one for feces and one for vomitus.One television and one bottle of Valium.Which I've already procured from my mother.Who is,in her own domestic and socially acceptable way also a drug addict.Ahd now I'm ready.  All i need is one final hit to soothe the pain while the Valium takes effect.  戒毒计划第一步:预备工作。首先得把自己关起来。轻音乐,番茄汤10罐,蘑菇汤,8罐。香草雪糕一大桶。镁奶,一瓶。扑热息痛,漱口水,维生素。矿泉水,葡萄糖,黄书。一个床垫。尿桶,屎桶,痰盂各一。一台电视,一瓶安定,从老妈那儿拿的。老妈何尝不是瘾君子

,只不过社会接受而已。现在万事俱备。最后再爽一把减轻痛苦,然后就等着安定起作用。  扩展阅读:《猜火车》剧情简介  一部着眼于社会现实的“问题电影”,另类影片的经典之作,以写实主义的基调展示了现代青年自我放逐的生活状态。  本片描述了苏格兰爱丁堡一群吸毒青年垃圾式的生活现状,被认为是1996年英国最具时代活力的影片。马克·瑞顿(又译“马克·瑞登”)是个瘾君子,和他住在一起的三个人亦属同类,“病孩”(又译“变态男”)西蒙,弱智人“土豆”(又译“屎霸”)丹尼尔;叫爱丽森的少女,她小小的女儿多恩是她和这三人当中的一个所生,但他们谁也搞不清到底谁是这孩子的父亲。同他们常来常往的朋友还有活泼健康不吸毒的汤米,他正在和丽兹热恋;以及暴力狂的贝格比,又译(“卑鄙”)。  马克和丹尼尔巧妙地让自己在面试中淘汰,因而免停发失业津贴。事后他们到酒吧庆祝,贝格比随意施暴打伤了人,酒吧陷入一片混乱。马克在迪斯科舞厅结识了年轻性感的戴安,她把马克带回家过夜。不料戴安才14岁。丽兹怀疑汤米把两人做爱的录像带卖给了别人,决定与汤米分手,但实际上是马克借的。  马克曾尝试戒毒,但最终还是抵不住诱惑,恶习依旧。他和丹尼尔等抢劫游客,用得来的钱买毒品。汤米由于女友丽兹的离去一蹶不振,也沉湎于毒品之中,身心俱毁。爱丽森的小女儿突然暴毙在床上。马克和丹尼尔在超市偷东西是被抓获。为忘却这一连串的烦恼事,马克吸食了过量的海洛因而昏迷不醒,被送进医院抢救。父母把马克带回家锁在房间里,强迫他戒毒,这时他体会出安定也才是生活的真谛。于是戒毒后马克离开爱丁堡,到伦敦的一家房地产公司找到了工作。  谁知马克的新生活刚开始就被打断了,贝格比和西蒙接踵而至。马克对他们忍无可忍了。这时传来汤米死于住血原虫病的噩耗,他们一同返回爱丁堡参加葬礼。贝格比从俄国海员那儿弄来价值4000英镑的海洛因,然后同马克等人(包括已出狱的丹尼尔)一起到伦敦倒卖,以16000英镑的价格出手,赚了一大笔。当天夜里,马克趁大家熟睡之机拿走了所有的钱,准备到国外去开始他的新生活,不过他把丹尼尔的那份留在了他的衣箱里。  影片中的四名男主人公是英国爱丁堡地区吸毒的一代,活在垃圾般的底层中自得其乐。其中,马克最自甘堕落,他有机会离开故乡去找一份像样的工作,过正常人的生活,但代价是出卖朋友。他的朋友又是些什么人呢?屎霸丹尼尔,一个沉迷于海洛因的家伙;卑鄙(贝格比),沉迷于暴力的混蛋;


