《“Dead Poets Society”——观后感》
“Dead Poets Society”——观后感
“Dead Poets Society”影片主要讲述了在威尔顿预备学院,一群受传统教育的学生和一个反传统教育的老师Mr.John Keating之间发生的系列故事。影片开头,在开学典礼上,学生们根据惯例,举着banners步入会堂,回答同样的问题:“四大信念”——Tradition Honor Discipline Excellence. 感觉以后的学习生活都有了定式。
但是,就在这个时候,Mr.John Keating出现了(看到他,第一个我想到的是我的同学,长得超级像,是我们班的学生哦;第二个,就是你,不知道为什么忽然抖了一下),有着鲜明个性的老师再次来到了这个学校,上演了也许可以说一段插曲吧,让那些长期深受传统教育模式毒害的学生感觉到了希望,重新认识自己。
Mr.Keating 反传统教学 第一堂课,正常情况下老师都是走进教室、走上讲台,自我介绍或者让学生做自我介绍,进行一个简短的交流„„但是,他没有,Mr.Keating先是在门口探了探头(当然教室是闹哄哄的),而后吹着口哨轻轻松松地走进教室,在教室走了一圈后又走出了教室,当然学生肯定是一头雾水,教室顿时鸦雀无声,忽然一句“Come on!”,大家笑了„„“Oh captain, my captain”勾起了学生的兴趣,Mr.Keating就是
captain。在这第一堂课里,"Carpe Diem--seize the day"成为学生以后的坐标,贯穿了整个影片。尼尔、达顿、奥夫史区、爱德森、纳克斯、皮兹这些学生,因为“seize the day”开始了一段新的生活。(其实可以看出他们骨子里还是有一个真正的自己,他们对当前的制度也是很不满,比如“四大信
念”——Tradition Honor Discipline Excellence在他们眼中是“模仿、恐怖、颓废、污秽”,但是无能为力,只能苦中作乐。)
因为Mr.Keating的与众不同,化学老师,走固定模式,规定的时间上交实验报告;拉丁文老师,不断重复Agricolus、 Agricolis;数学老师,不做homework 则lose points„„学生对他产生了兴趣和信任甚至崇拜,在Mr.Keating的鼓励、倡导下,他们开始行动了,围绕“seize the day”他们新创立了“dead poets society”。尼尔勇敢追求自己的演员梦,不顾父亲的反对,争取到演仲夏夜之梦的小妖精这一主要角色的机会,那个时候的他才是真实的自己吧;奥夫史区,对克丽丝一见钟情尽管她有自己的男朋友,但是他还是对她进行了疯狂的追求;达顿挑战学校权威,发表了一篇文章强烈建议学校招女生;其他人也各自做自己喜欢的事,做自己,在这个所谓的“地狱学校”开辟一片新的天地。
站在讲桌用不同的角度看事情-YAWP--walk differently这一别具一格的上课方式,第一次接触,第一次可以想、可以去做不一样的事情~在课堂上!“consider what you think, look around you and make your life be extraordinary”,的确,在这种鼓励个性发展的教育模式下,学生很快乐、很轻松,但是,挑战传统就得经受一定的磨难和打击,终于好景不长„„尼尔最终选择了一条不归路,因为传统的教育制度?因为家庭教育?还是说因为他自己?
在我看来,主要还是家庭教育。都说父母是孩子的第一任老师,影片中尼尔的父亲对他相当苛刻,也许是因为处于中层阶级想过得更好,也或许是望子成龙,希望唯一的儿子完成自己为完成的梦想,也许是因为虚荣心,他不允许儿子做他认为耽误学习的事,古板的教育,父子之间的对话从来都是“Is that clear?--Yes, Sir.” "You won't let me down!--No, Sir."很难想象尼尔的童年是怎么过来的,不得不不承认他很优秀,没有完全失去自我,他会在陶德有心结的时候开导他,逗他开心。在Mr. Keating的引导下,尼尔内心好像开了闸门的水库爆发了,追求心之所想,对“死亡诗社”充满热情„„然而,父亲发现这一切后,一如既往地反对,同样的对策——换学校,直到他满意为止。可是,站在在一旁的妈妈,我看了好心疼好心疼,想想看着自己的儿子被强迫着做自己不喜欢的事,那种无能为力,都说“打在儿身,疼在娘心”,这
我常常会问自己,“我到底想要什么,我的人生缺少什么?我需要怎么做?”。林志颖有句话说的就很好:“赛车就像人生,掌握好自己的方向,知道什么时候加速,什么时候减速,只要有一个可能,我都会全力以赴去实现它,因为人生可以有后悔,但不可以有遗憾!”seize the day!花开堪折直须折,时光易逝,今日轻绽浅笑的花朵,明日则凋零。从小我们都懂得的道理,儿时时常哼着:一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴!可是做起来就有那么难。
不得不说,我经常会抱怨应试教育制度扼杀了我们的创造力,毒害了我的心灵,为了学习而学习,为了工作而工作,以前小,很天真,根本不会去想这门子事,原来自己一直是井底之蛙,不知道外面的世界有多大。教育是有其不合理性,但是我觉得与其怨天尤人,还不如do something!也许在别人看来是微不足道的事情,只要自己喜欢、值得就好。也许是看着远方发呆,也许是哼着一首自己都找不到调儿的歌曲,whatever。
我很喜欢《圣斗士星矢》处女座——沙加的人生坐标 “死亡并不是人的终结,曾经活在这个世界上的圣人们都超
《Dead Poets Society死亡诗社观后后感英文》
Dead Poets Society
"Dead poets society" is a very outstanding youth film, the film is directed by Peter Will , tells the story happened in the United States a male university preparatory school story, this school has a long history, but not lose one's vitality, and the youth division. A group of students in the new teacher under the leadership of Keeding, again find the courage to live.
The film start personal perception can be divided into two scenes, hall and dormitories. The auditorium is full of youthful spirit show the relationship between the students and a simple traditional old school, is through a new Congress for such an event performance. Youth will be the school survival four pillars - "tradition, honor, discipline, excellence" as "mock, terror, decadent, excretion," to show their school stodgy ethos and learning atmosphere of discontent.
"Dead poets society" is a film of many figures, and have their own characteristics and personality, so everyone has their own orgasm, for example Anderson Knox class poetry, the pursuit to the beloved girl, dead poets club party scene etc.. In the climax of the film in the Neal home, is the quarrel with Neal and his father and Dutch act as the main story of Neal. The film selected items is also very clever: Hat represents the ideal, door handles and feet on behalf of protest action, the key and the gun represents the ultimate destruction. This section does not appear in a drop of blood, one surface of the lens, it will show people the destruction of life, the life of Neal light, afford much food for thought. Then, Neal's father's action by China, found that Neal's death is simply to a gun, a hand, a wisp of smoke to replace, the climax of the vertex is the last of the upgraded lenses, emotion to the apex, regret will come very naturally out of the show.
The core scene at the end is the classroom. Students in order to protect and betrayal, butyl teacher became the scapegoat was dismissed, everything seems calm, but this time the most calm to the outbreak of the most sincere feelings. The end of the film is trying to express is a kind of for the sake of freedom struggle, this is the true meaning of dead poets club, is the essence of poetry.
I always thought, "dead poets society" for those who don't understand poetry children opened a door to freedom, though it is only open in the darkness of night. I always believe that, poetry is the operation knife, cut out the idea of tumor, but also refined the long silence of the heart. I just want to say: Okay, the children met butyl teacher in legitimate youth! Fortunately, I met "dead poets society in the pursuit of life"!
《死亡诗社 观后感The review of the Dead poets society》
The review of the Dead poets society
The movie tells a story of education. It remind people to seek the freedom, the self and the brave.
The location of the story is the “Welton Academy”, a preparatory school in Vermont. This school was famous as strict, and the president and many of the teachers are very preciseness. But in this semester, a young and interesting teacher, Mr. Keating, who teach his boys English and poetry, change the school, and many of students.
Mr. Keating, the captain of the boys, let students to pursue the inspiration. He let them to reject the wise men and the poets many yeas ago, and to believe in themselves.
In the affect of Mr. Keating, some boys set up a club named the dead poets society secretly. They read the poems of the great poets who has already dead, like the Shakespeare and Shelley. They exchange the spirits with them and aspire the inspiration almost every night.
Nell Perry is an excellent boy who loves poems and drama very much, but his parents order him to become a doctor and forbid him to acting dramas. He loves Mr. Keating, and encourage his friends to do themselves. But because of his family, he choose to kill himself. Maybe, it is the “Give me liberty or give me death”.
Todd Anderson, is a very shy boy. His older brother is the best student
in the Welton Academy, and everyone let he become a person like his brother. But he is too shy to show up himself. Later, in the help of Mr. Keating, Nell and the dead poets society, he expressed a great talent in pomes.
And Konx Overstreet, a boy fall in love with a girl who is the daughter of his parents’ old friends. Unfortunately, the beautiful girl already has the boyfriend. But Konx not give up. He becomes brave and say love to the girl finally.
The boys change themselves more or less in the dead poets society. But the dead of Nell shake the whole school and they find of the club, and force the students admit that it is the Mr. Keating cheat and induce them to set up the club. In other words, it is the Mr. Keating who kill the Nell.
The teacher leave the school finally. But the thought he gives boys maybe exist forever. What the students need is not only the tradition ,honor, discipline, or excellence, but the freedom, in the soul.
What Makes A Boy A Man
Daed Poets Society
There are certain films that can heavily shock your soul, then elicit your thinking, and finally change your life. No doubt Dead Poets Society is one of these infrequent films. It is a film about a teacher and his students. It is a film about perseverance and change. It is a film about love and cruelty.
The film is set in the United States in 1959. It shows us a series of things which happened to Mr.Keating and the young boys in Wilton Preparatory School.
Mr.John Keating is certainly the main character of this film. He is a respectable teacher with a high self-cultivation. He has an advanced conception which is different from tranditional educatin. The other two main characters are Neil, a boy who is keen on performing, and Todd, a boy with a little shyness. From Todd, I see how a boy grows into a man.
The film starts with the opening ceremony of Wilton Preparatory School. Todd, a shy boy, starts his school life with his roommate, Neil. On the first lesson, their taecher, Mr.Keating, just told them ‘Seize the day, make your life extraordinary’. He reads Whitman’s poet Oh Captain! My Captain. He taught the students to swim against the steam and to be themselves but not to perform. Students regard Mr.Keating as a different teacher.
Neil rebuilds the ‘Dead Poets Society’. The menbers fall in love with poets, as well as Todd. When Mr.Keating asks students to try writing a poem, Todd has no idea. Mr.Keating is quite angry. With Mr.Keating’s stimulation, the youngster first time shows great talent, reading his own poem loudly.
On the evening of Todd’s birthday, he talks about his birthday present which is the same every year and his brother ,who is so excellent that makes him feel inferior, with Neil, with sadness and a little self-mockery on his face. Neil encourages him a lot. Finally, Todd breaks up the disgusting present. Todd smiles to Neil, from the bottom of his heart.
Neil has a sading ending. After performing on the stage, Neil’s father takes him home and warns him again. He just wants his son to be a doctor. Feeling despairing, in the midmight, Neil commits suicide with a gun. Both Neil’s parents and the school think that Mr.Keating is the only reason for Neil’s death and decide to fire him. A second before Mr.Keating leaves the classroom, Todd stands up on the desk for his
captain, with the menbers of Dead Poets Society followed. At that time, Todd throws out his recreance and becomes a real man.
That is the end of this film. I have to say that Neil’s death is a certain event, whether there is a ‘John Keating’ or not. It is not hard to see the long distance between ideality and reality. What Mr.Keating said and taught just strengthens the conflict between Neil’s heart and traditional conception. Neil despairs, but Todd doesn’t. We can see that Todd learns a lot from Neil and Mr.Keating, such as optimist, perseverance, courage and many other qualities which he doesn’t have before. So he stands up, and dares to shout what he thinks.
I love the boy named Todd and his growth. I love the teacher called Captain and his freedom. I love the beauty of dream, as well as the cruelty of reality. The film is not only a profound story but also a sincere advice. Seize the day, make your life extraodinary. We just need to be ourselves and grow up step by step, with a clear conscience and a tenacious spirit, like a boy grows into a man.
《Dead Poets Society(死亡诗社观后感)》
The Review of Dead Poets Society
To my great surprise, the school Wellton is somewhat likes the schools in china nowadays, it attaches most importance on study. Though it is famous for its solemn teaching style and high enrollment rates, students there are deprived of freedom, they are only asked to obey the school’s discipline and get high points. That is really a tragedy.
I like the teacher Keating very much. After I saw the movie, I could not help asking myself a question——is there anyone who ever changes your life, change the way you look into life and things? I do not know, but I do know some kids in wllton , their life have been changed. They learned to rethink the meaning of living and death, they learned to use their own heart and taste to appreciate poets instead of some fixed rules, they learned to look at things from different perspective. I think most people need a guide (say Keating in the film) when growing up. Luckily some people met , others , not so luckily, did not meet, and they had to learn these precious experience by themselves. That is why I like Keating.
In my opinion, many people should be responsible of the death of Neil. To begin with, his parents, who force Neil to be a doctor , to live the life he does not want to. Next, his teachers, who ignore the boy’s real heart. Last, Neil himself. He is too impulsive, even if he is reluctant to live the life his father ask him to, he need not to choose such a painful way. To some extent, death is a weak way to fight against power, evil, dark and so on.
I am deeply impressed by the movie, especially the following lines“I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately, I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, and not when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived.”life is so short and full of miracle , I do not want a blanket and meaningless life either.
《Dead Poets Society英文观后感》
Shan Bai
Today, we watched a old movie,《Dead Poets Society》, which moved me a lot. This film describes an English poetry teacher, John Keating, who is against traditional education methods inspires his students to think out of box and seize the day. In Keating’s class, he asks students stand on his desk, teaching them look at life in a different way. Keating also ask students rip out the rigid introduction of their poetry books encourage them to have free thinking. Keating’s unorthodox teaching methods are not accepted by other traditional teacher. Although he is fired at last, Keating has had profound influence on his students. To my way of thinking, this inspirational movie expresses a theme that people should have courage to grasp their own life and make everyday count.
The system of education portrayed in the film differs from my experience. I am so luck that I didn’t bear on 1950’s Vermont. During my education, the methods of teaching are more flexible than the traditional methods shown in the film. We don’t need to follow teacher to repeat the boring words. Instead, teachers use multimedia which is more interesting and attractive to impart knowledge in contemporary class. Moreover, current student are less likely to suffer physical punishment, and it is even illegal to punish students physically in some countries.
In my opinion, I admire Mr. Keating’s behavior. What he asked students to do is to help them find themselves, to pursuit what they desire to do in their life. Today, numerous people still lack of courage to be individuals. It is undeniable that I am also one of those people. Sometimes, I am afraid of breaking the routine and worried about future if I deviate from the life that my parents have already planned for me. Nevertheless, I decided to change my life and to do some different things in my senior year. I gave up the job what my parents expect me to do and prepared to study abroad. I believed that the change of circumstances can help me to be different, but now I realized that the only thing can make me change is my heart, no matter where I am. I still have a long way to be what I want to be.
October 14, 2015
《观后感 Dead Poets Society》
What is education for? Maybe no one can give an accurate answer. But there's no doubt that we all should think over this question, not only the teachers, but also parents and all levels of people. From my point of view, the purpose of education is to generate more and more students with unique ideas and minds, who have the ability of avoiding following other people blindly. Four small parts, I think, are essential for producing such kind of students——breaking traditional rules, thinking independently, exploring your potential and seeing the world from new perspectives. To achieve this goal, it requires teachers and parents work together by letting the young people think freely and walk their own way. Do not limit them too much with traditions and so-called common sense. Knowledge on the books is important and necessary undoubtfully, but we cannot ignore the fact that enlightening and guiding are the crucial elements as for the development of students. And as far as I am concerned, how successful our education is depends on how we teach. In another word, the way or the method is the key point to all the problems. So, for teachers, they must pay more attention to their method of teaching, because it's related to the future of their students to a great degree. Parents, on their part, should support their children and encourage them to do what they are interested in. Remember, once they are happy, you are gratified. Do not push your children too hard, they may be hurt, and once they do something irrational, you will regret for what you did to them for the rest of your life.