1.one-horse town--乡村小镇。
这一短语源自美国,由小镇仅拥有一匹马而来。由此引申,one-horse现在可以表示 "极小的、简陋的、次要的" 意思,如
one-horse show(小型展览会)。
由one组合成的习语。而又毫无 "一" 这一含义的习
(1) He was one too many for me.
(2) Number one -- 自己。
由此而衍生to look after number one
2.Two of a trade did never agree -- 同行相轻。
(1) when two Fridsys come together.
(2) The two eyes of Greece.
3.Three sheets in the wind -- 酩酊大醉。 sheet 的一个词义是"系在帆下角的金属环上的帆脚索"。如果帆脚索没有系扣住时,船帆可以任意随风飘扬。船员们称之为 in the wind。
A sheet in the wind由此成为船员们一句口头语言,表示tipsy(微醉)。Three sheets in the wind 自然是大醉特醉了。由three组合成的习语还有:Three score and ten -- 古稀之年。 score在英语中是"二十" 的意思。尽管这一习语中的数字加起来是七十,但在引喻中只是泛指老年而已。
4.Four-letter words -- 粗俗的下流话。由此而衍生出four-letter man(专喜使用粗俗的下流话的人)。由four组合的另一习语是:
Four-sale 廉价的啤酒;每品脱原来只卖四便士的啤酒。
5.Fifth Column 叛徒或是渗透到重要部门中去为敌方效力的内好,直译为第五纵队。该词源自西班牙内战时期一位叫摩拉的将领之口。他说他拥有的四个纵队包围着西班牙首都马德里,另有一支纵队--第五纵队,在城内策应。现泛指敌人派人的间谍和内好。 由five组合成的习语还有:
(1) Bunch of fives--(俚语)拳头。
(2) The five wits -- 常识、想象、幻想。
6. be at sixes and sevens -- 乱七八糟。(对人)
(1) six of one and half a dozen of other
(2) The six Conties -- "北爱尔兰"的别名。
(3) The six-foot way --- 铁路;由两条铁轨之间的
7. The seventh son of a seventh son --- 显要的
神圣的。根据《圣经中所说的,世界就是在七天内创 造的,每星期内有七天,还有七种美德,人一生分为 七个生长时期,主祷文也分为七个部分。七的倍数也 被认为是神圣的。因而,"第七个儿子的第七儿子"被 认为是极为显要的后代。
8.Behind the eight ball --- 处境危险,无可救药。 这一习语源自叫做凯利的弹子游戏(kelly pool)。其 中有一种打法:全部的弹子必须按一定的顺序击落弹 袋,只有一颗黑色的弹子除外,黑色弹子的分是八分。 如果另一个弹子碰到了黑弹子,击弹子的一方就要被 罚。因而,如果八分的黑色弹子恰好处在要打的弹子 前面,击弹子的一方势必处于危险的位置。
one over the eight --- 微醉。
9.Dressed up to the nines
(1) A nine day's wonder --- 轰动一时而后又被遗忘 的事情;昙花一现。
(2) Possession is nine points of the law ---
(3) To look nine ways --- 斜眼看人。
(4) Right as nine pence --- 完好无暇。
10. The Uppe Ten --- 贵族阶层;社会精华。这一习语 由the upper ten thousand 简缩而来。第一个使用这一 说法的是十九世纪美国的一名颇有见地的记者 ---N.p.威 利斯,他所指的是当时纽约市的上流社会人物。 由ten组合成的另一习语是:
Ten to one --- 十之八九;很可能。这一习语与另一 个由数字组合成的习语:nine times out of ten意义相 同,有异曲同工之妙。
11.To arrive at the eleventh hour --- 在最后时刻
到来。这一习语源自圣经新约全书。说的是天国犹如 家主,清晨出去雇人到他的葡萄园里作工,讲好一天 一钱银子。在十二点钟光景(at the eleventh hour),家 主第三次出园门看见仍有人无所事事,于是就雇他们 也去园内帮工,并讲好到时也会给他们报酬。到了晚 上,这些晚来的人得到的工钱也是一钱银子。于是,先 来的人抱怨为何 "在最后时刻来的人" 与他们的工钱相 仿,家主解释了一番。其缘由我们且不去探究,但这一 习语就这样留传了下来。
51Talk无忧英语 “平价英语培训”领跑者
31. "more than 动词"结构,这种结构表示动词的程度,可译为"异常","岂止","十二分地"等。
This more than satisfied me.
32. "good and „"的副词用法,译为"非常","很"等。类似还有"nice and „", "fine and „," "lovely and „", "bright and „", "rare and „", "big and „"等,均表示程度。
The apples are good and ripe.
33. "and that"结构,这个"and that"应译为"而且„„",表示对它前面陈述部分的语气加强,"that"代表前面的整个陈述部分。
Return to your work , and that at once.
34. "at once„and"结构,这个结构译为"既„„又„„",起相关连接的作用,相当于"both„and„"。
The novel is at once pleasing and instructive.
35. "in that„"结构,这个结构的意思是"在那一点上(方面)",可译为"因为"。类似的结构还有"in this„"。
The budget is unrealistic in that it disregards increased costs.
36. "the name notwithstanding"结构,这个结构中"notwithstanding"是介词,这个介词可以置前,可以置后,比如也可写成:"notwithstanding the name"。起让步状语的作用。
Some people think of the storage battery as a sort of condenser where electricity is stored. But this is an entirely wrong conception, the name notwithstanding.
25. "as„,so„"结构,这里的"so"的意思是"in the same way"(也是如此)。此结构表明两个概念在程度上和关系上相似。
As rust eats iron, so care eats the heart.
26. "if any"结构,"if any"和"if ever",意思是"果真有„„","即使有„„",表示加强语气。与此类似的还有:"if anything"(如有不同的话,如果稍有区别),"if a day"(=at least,至少)。
There is little, if any, hope.
27. "be it ever(never)so"和"let it be ever(never)so"结构,这里,"be it"中的"be"是古英语假设语气的遗留形式,现代英语则使用"let it be"。"ever so"和"never so"都表示同一意思,都表示"very"。
51Talk无忧英语 “平价英语培训”领跑者
Be it ever so humble (let it be ever so humble), home is home.
28. "the last 不定式"和"the last 定语从词"结构,这种结构中的"last"意思是"the least likely",用于否定性推论。可译为"最不大可能的","最不合适的",由原意的"最后一个„„"变成"最不可能„„的一个"。
He is the last man to accept a bride.
29. "so„that„"句型,这个句型的意思是"如此„„,以致于„„",但在翻译成汉语时,许多情况下,并不是一定要译成"如此„„以致于„„",而是变通表达其含义。
He ran so fast that nobody could catch him up.
30. "more than 原级形容词(副词)"结构,这是将不同性质加以比较,其中的"more"有"rather"的意思。
It is more than probable that he will fall.
Let us start with the number one. Numbers can be tricky. On the one hand, they are simply numbers. On the other hand, they have meanings. I for one use these expressions a lot.
今天我们来讲述一下包含数字的表达方式。我们从数字―一‖开始。数字是非常巧妙的。一方面(On the one hand),它们仅仅是数字。另一方面,他们也有本身的意义。举个例子说(for one),我经常用到这些短语。
Many people consider themselves number one, the most important person. They are always looking out for number one and taking care of number one. It is as if they are the one and only person on Earth. Some people however, are not so self-centered. My brother is such a person. It is true – no joke. I am not trying to pull a fast one on you.
许多人认为他们自己是最重要的人物(number one)。他们经常谋求自身的利益(looking out for number one),为自己的利益打算(taking care of number one).似乎他们是地球上唯一的人(one and only)。然而,有些人就不是这么以自我为中心。我的弟弟就是这样的人。这是真的——不是开玩笑。我不会试图欺骗你(pull a fast one)。
First, you have to understand that my brother is one in a million. He is such a nice person. All his friends like him. They consider him one of the boys. Recently, my brother had a bad day at the office. It was just one of those days. Nothing went right. So he stopped at a local bar -- a drinking place -- after leaving work. My brother planned to have a glass of beer with his friends -- a quick one – before he went home. But a quick one turned into one or two, and soon those became one too many.
首先,你必须明白,我的弟弟是万里挑一的人(one in a million)。他是非常好的人。他所有的朋友都喜欢他。他们认为他是真正的玩友(one of the boys)。 最近,我弟弟在工作上不是很愉快,那是一段倒霉的日子(one of those days),事事不顺。所以下班之后就在一个当地酒吧——喝酒的地方逗留。我弟弟打算跟朋友喝完一杯啤酒就走——就干一杯(quick one)。但是干一杯(quick one)变成了一两杯(one or two),一会儿就喝多了(one too many)。
As my brother was leaving, he ordered a last drink -- one for the road. His friends became concerned. One by one, they asked him if he was able to drive home
当我弟弟准备离开的时候,他要了最后一杯(one for the road)。他的朋友有些担心了,一个个(One by one)都问他能否安全开车回家。
Now my brother is a wise and calm person. He is at one with himself. He recognizes when he has had too much alcohol to drink. So he accepted an offer for a ride home from a female friend.
At one time in the past, my brother had been in love with this woman. She is a great person -- kind, thoughtful and intelligent -- all good qualities rolled up into one. But sadly their relationship did not work. He always used to say "One of these days, I am going to marry this girl." But that never happened.
过去,我弟弟曾经(at one time)爱上这个女人。她很优秀——善良,体贴,聪明——集所有的好品质于一身(rolled up into one)。但是他们的关系没有进展。他过去常说―将来总有一天(One of these days)我会娶这个女孩为妻‖。但这从未实现。
For one thing, she did not love him as much as he loved her. It was just one of those things. The situation was regrettable and my brother had to accept it. But even now, he considers her the one that got away.
一方面(For one thing)是因为她没有他爱她爱的深。这是命中注定的事(one of those things)。这种情况非常遗憾,我弟弟只能接受。但是即使是现在,他还认为她是他失去的那个人(the one that got away)。
However, they are still friends. And because my brother had been kind to her, she felt that one good turn deserves another. He was good to her and she wanted to help him in return. So she drove him home.
然而,他们还是朋友。而且因为我的弟弟对她很好,她觉得应该以德报德(one good turn deserves another)。他对她很好,她想帮助他作为报答,所以就开车送他回家了。
If my brother had driven home from the bar that night, his number would have been up. Something bad would have happened. Thankfully he made it home safely.
And, he and the woman are back to square one. They are back to where they started – being friends.
如果我弟弟那晚从酒吧开车回家,那他就要完蛋了(number would have been up),可能会发生不好的事情。幸运的是他安全到家。而且他和那个女人回到原点(back to square one),他们回到了最初的起点——成为朋友。
a drop in the ocean
within a stone's throw
ki11 two birds with one stone
A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit.
at sixes and sevens
on second thoughts
by ones and twos
Two heads are better than one.
Can you come down a little? --Sorry, it's one price for all。
He had one over the eight after be drank only half bottle of the wine。 他才喝了半瓶酒就醉得七歪八倒了。
One man's meat is another man's poison.
I'll love you three score and ten.
Ten to one he has forgotten it.
His mark in math is second to none in the class.
She is a second Lei Feng.
I always believe my sixth sense.
He talks about you nine times out of ten when we have a chitchat. 每次我们闲聊他几乎都谈及你。
The parson official1y pronounced that they became one.
I used to study in France in the year one.
put two and two together 根据事实推理
Two heads are better than one. 三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。
There are no two ways about it. 别无选择;毫无疑问的
be of two minds 三心二意
in two shakes of a lamb’s tail (as quickly as possible) 马上;很快
kill two birds with one stone 一石二鸟;一箭双雕
Two wrongs don’t make a right. “错错不得对” 不能利用别人的错误来掩饰自己的错误
Two’s company, three’s a crowd. 两人成伴,三人不欢。
give three cheers for (为...)欢呼三声(Hip, hip, hurrah!); (为...)三呼万岁 six of one, half a dozen the other 半斤八两
in seventh heaven 暗喻心情极为快乐、满足
on cloud nine 高兴得飘飘然
dress to the nines 穿着非常时髦华丽
a hundred to one shot 百分之一的可能;表示可能性很小
forty winks 打盹
at the eleventh hour 最后一刻
第12课 lesson twelfth 308房间 Room 308
半小时 half an hour 每日三次 three times a day 第25页 Page 25
20世纪90年代 1990s
4路公共汽车 the N0,4bus
第四中学 the No,4 Middle School 21世纪 the 21st century 差一刻三点a quarter to three 在她20几岁时in her twenties
二年级八班 Class Eight,Grade Two 四分之一one fourth(a quarter) 四分之三 three fourths
1右四分之三 one and three fourths 上午八点8 a.m
1.look about 寻找,四周看看 Look about before crossing the street.
2.look after 照顾,目送 The children are looking after well in the kindergarten.
3.look one’s age 看上去与年龄相同/相似 He doesn’t look his age.
4.look (a)round 转过头看,到处看看,慎重考虑
He looked around to see what happened.
5.look as if 看起来似,看来 He looked as if he had been ill.
6.look at 看,看待 They refused to look at my suggestion.
7.look back 回想,回顾 We like to look back the days in the university.
8.look down (up)on 看不起,歧视 Don’t look down upon the poor.
9.look for 寻找,期待 The police are looking for the missing boy.
10.look forward(s) to 盼望,期望 Everybody is looking forwards to the festival.
11.look in 来访,参观 Please look in on us next time.
12.look sb in the eye/face 大胆正视某人 I dare look everybody in the face.
13.look into 调查,研究 A committee was set up to look into the matter.
14.look like 看起来象,好象是 He looks like a musician.
15.look on 看待,旁观 I don’t know how to look on this matter.
16.look on … as 认为,把…看作 I look on him as my brother.
17.look out 查出,找出 You can look it out in the book.
18.look out for 当心,注意,提防 Look out for the pick-pockets.
19.look over 审查,打量 You must look over the accounts(帐目).
20.look sharp 赶快 Come on, look sharp. We are late.
21.look through 温习,仔细检查,浏览 Let’s look through these lessons more carefully.
22.look to 负责,注意,朝向 Our school building looks to the south.
23.look up 看望,查阅,上涨,好转 Don’t forget to look me up next time.
24.look sb up and down 上下打量某人 I looked the stranger up and down.
25.look up to 尊敬,敬仰 They all looked up to him as a good example.
run over [中考]略读,略述,辗过,浏览,匆匆复习
run off [中考]复印,打印
in the long run [中考]最终,从长远观点看
run away [中考]流失,逃跑
run into [中考]撞上,偶然碰见
run down [中考]撞倒,撞沉,追捕,追查
run for [中考]竞选
run after [中考]追捕,追踪
run into… [中考]跑进
run out of the house [中考]跑出房间
run very fast [中考]跑的很快
run a machine [中考]开机器
run out [中考]用完
run out of... [中考]用尽
sb. run out of sth .[中考]某人用完了某物
run away with [高考](感情等)战胜
run one's eyes over [高考]扫视,浏览
run out at [高考]达到(某数字)
run out from [高考]从...延伸
run out of [高考]用完,耗尽
run over with [高考]充满;洋溢着
run up agains t[高考]意外地碰到(困难等)
run upon [高考]撞击;触(礁)
run shor t[大学]缺少,快用完,不足
run through [大学]v.跑着穿过,刺,戳,贯穿,匆匆处理,划掉,挥霍
on the run [大学] 跑着;奔走;奔波
home runn. [棒]本垒打
run along 离开,走掉,一路奔跑,跑开
chicken run 鸡栏
pit run 未筛的
run across 穿越,横穿;偶然碰到
earned run average 投手责任得分率
run agroundv. 搁浅
split run 交流水蒸汽鼓风
run around 东奔西跑,奔忙,(尤指孩子)到处玩耍游逛
run dry 干涸,枯竭,耗尽,断奶
press run 印刷量,一次印数
run low 缺少,快用完,不足
long run 长期使用,长时间操作
run upv. 向上跑,赶制,迅速积累,抬高,高涨,高速运转,助跑
fun runn. 募捐长跑
fowl run 养鸡场
dry run n. 演习,排练
run on 连写,接排,连映;继续,连续;涉及,谈到;流逝;念念不忘
trial run n.试车,试验,试运行
bank run 【经】 银行挤兑
ski run n. 滑雪道
run a risk
take a chance 冒险;投机。 take a hand in 参与;介入。
take a look at 看一看...... take a seat 坐下
take a walk 散步 take away 减去
take care 注意;小心 take care of 小心,照料,保管
take charge 开始管理;接管 take down 记下;写下
put away 放好;把......收起来 put down 扑灭;熄灭
put in 花费;付出;申请 put off 推迟;推延
put on 把...穿上;戴上(帽子等)put out 熄灭;出版;发布
put up 建造;支起 put up with 忍受;忍耐
put upon 欺骗;使成为牺牲品 put together 做;创造
turn around 回转;转向 turn down 关小;调低
turn on 开;旋开(电灯、收音机等)turn off关(电灯、收音机、煤气等) turn in 交出;上交; turn out 生产;出产;结果是
turn over 反复考虑;倾覆 turn to 求助于;求教于
turn up 出现;发生 turn-about-face 变节;改变主意
look after 照看;照顾 look around 四处看看
look at 看 look back 回头看;看待
look down on 轻视;看不起 look for 寻找
look in 顺便看望;短暂访问 look into 窥视;调查;过问
look like 看起来像 look on 旁观
look out 注意;提防;当心 look over (医生)检查
think of 考虑;关心;想起 think of as 把...看作;以为...是
think over 仔细考虑 think tank 智囊团
think twice 三思而行;仔细考虑
give away -送走
put away - 放走
take away - 拿走
come away - 过来
give back - 还给
look back - 向后看
ring back - 回电话
go by - 用(什么交通工具)去
break down - 打破
E get up 1,起床,起立;2.振作,奋发;
3.到达; 4.专心于 1.What time do you normally get up? 2.get up steam 3. What page have you got up to? 4.The children are very quiet; I wonder what they're getting up to.
E.I give away 1.赠送,捐献
2.出买,泄露,暴露 1.She gave all her money to the poor. 2. Mary was given away by her father.
3.He tried to pretend that he wasn't worried, but his shaking hands gave him away.
I give back 送还,恢复 1.Give me back my pen. 2. Give me my pen back. E give in 1.认输,让步,屈服;
2.交上,呈上 1.The boys fought until one gave in. 2.Give your examination papers in (to the teacher) when you've finished.
I give off 发出,放出 to give off steam
A give oneself away 泄露,露马脚
A give oneself up 自首,投案,投降 He gave himself up (to the police). I give out 1.分发;
2.耗 尽 1.Give out the examination papers. 2.His strength gave out.
E give up 停止,放弃,辞去 1.to give up one's studies 2.Give your seat up to the old lady.
A give way to 让位于,被...代替;
I go after 追逐,追求 to go after a job / girl/ prize
I go ahead 前进,领先,开始 Work is still going ahead on the new bridge. I go along with 赞同,支持 We'll go along with you/your suggestion.
A go around/round 流传,足够分配 1.There are a lot of colds going around.
2.Why do you go around with such strange people?3If there are not enough chairs to go around,some people will have to stand
A go back on 违背 =to break or not keep(one's promise,agreement,etc.) I go by 1.经过
2.依照,遵守 1.A car went by. 2.to go by the rules
I go down 下降,减少;
被接受,受欢迎 1.The floods are going down. 2.Three ships
look up … in查找
look sb. up and down 上下打量
look back to/ upon回顾
look upon…as把… 看作
look forward to期待
look through浏览; 看穿
take a new look呈现新面貌
? fear的常用短语:
in fear害怕地
(be) in fear of 害怕
for fear of/ that担心;生怕
? concentrate 的常用短语:
concentrate on 专心…
concentrate one”s mind on 专心于…
fix one”s mind upon
focus on
put one”s heart into
focus one”s mind on
in surprise惊讶地
to one”s surprise 使某人惊讶的是
be surprise at/to do/that
pull on
put on
dress sb
2. 表示状态的有:
1来临:be drawing near/be at hand/be on the way/be in store/be coming/be just around the corner 2 another day改天(用于将来时);the other day几天前(用于过去式)
3想要做某事would like to do sth=want to do sth=feel like to do sth
主语为I, we时,动词为否定转移 eg:I don’t think he is right, is he?
(I don’t think so=I think not)
5(much) to one’s disappointment/surprise/happiness/joy
6 divide into与separate from
7 in the end, at the end of
8break短语:break away from与„„脱离;break through突破;break the law=be against the law break in(不及物)/into(及物)闯入,break in=cut in插嘴;break the promise; break off中断,停止讲话,摆脱掉什么习惯;break away逃路;
break up放假,解散结束,婚姻走到尽头,分成几部分为了便于理解 (eg:
Sentences can be broken up into clauses!)
break down机器发生故障,车抛锚,人身体垮掉,精神崩溃,谈判失败,化学分解
9bring短语:bring sth to a conclusion使„„结束 bring sb back to reality使sb面对现实 bring about导致(更常见) bring on引导 导致 bring/put forward 提出 bring up教育,提出,呕吐,抚养长大 bring back拿回,回想起使想起
bring out出版,使„„出现,说明揭示,生产 bring in引进,带来,赚钱 10set短语:set up安放好,建立竖起来 set a date set a good example to sb
set aside把„„放置一旁,存储储蓄 set out出发,动身,开始
set out to do sth=set about doing=get down to doing=go about doing=go over sth 着手做 set off出发动身,爆炸,引发激发 set sth on fire=set fire on sth be set in 以„„为背景 set in来临开始
11go短语:go after追求,追赶 go in for爱好,从事 go mad发疯 go deaf变聋 go+不好的adj/color,go pale/bad/crazy
go to the dentist go to a hotel go surfing
go up上升 go down下降 go against反对 go over复习
go through get through:相同点:经历,完成,用光
不同点:get through通过考试,接通电话get through to sb
go through法律等被通过,练习,仔细检查
go with同时存在,附属于,eg:
Crime sometimes goes with poverty. go for an interview进行面试
go on doing=go on with sth继续做同一件事 go ahead做吧
12take短语:take part in take pride in take sth seriously 把„„当真
take over接管
take on接受工作承担责任,显现,雇佣
take turns to do sth=take turns doing sth=do sth by turns take effect开始起作用
take chances冒险试一试
take pains/trouble to do sth不遗余力做sth
take sb’s/sth’s place=take the place of sb/sth=instead of=in place of=replace代替(replace还有把„„放回原处的意思)
take sb’s place就座,请坐
take exercise take a deep breath take a breath of fresh air
take the medicine take some photos of take one’s temperature
take a note take sth for granted把„„看成是理所当然的
take one’s follow take illegal drugs吃违法的毒品
take up占据时间空间,拿起,从事
take/have a break take the heat out of the situation缓和气氛
take interest in=show/have interest in take place take in吸收摄取,欺骗,改小衣服 Take off飞机起飞,成功,脱下
take steps/action/measures to do sth采取行动
take sb for sb把sb当作sb
take advantage of利用
take easy放松
take trouble to do不遗余力
take a look看一看
13put短语:put up建造,张贴,为sb提供膳宿
put down/pick down/write down写下
put down放下,镇压,写下记下
put out扑灭,镇压,出版(=come out),公布发布数字,生产
put in simply简述它,put陈述,说明
put/bring sth into effect put drugs into three groups
put aside保留,储藏,把„„放置一边,不予以考虑的把„„搁在一边
put up with=tolerate=stand=bear忍受
put(及物)/be (不及物)out the fire扑灭
put away存放,收拾 put off拖延 put forward 提取,提出,把表针拨快
put back把„„放回原处,把表针拨慢(eg:
put the clock back by five minutes)
put sb to=sent sb into
put on穿 put on/gain weight增加体重
14come短语:come to渐渐的 ,总共,谈及涉及 come over/round顺便来访
come out日月星辰出现,开花,出版,冲洗照片,真想为人所知
come into being/existence形成存在 come up with提出
come/run across 偶遇come down下降 come up 上升,被提出,走进,发芽 come about发生 come around 顺便 come to oneself苏醒起来,恢复知觉
come to life 恢复生气come to an end=end sth 结束 come into effect生效 come to a conclusion作出结论
come to power开始执政come up to到达符合
eg:come up to standard符合标准
come into use 开始使用come into sight看见 come on加油,得了算了, 注:不耐烦,不相信 coming Christmas
when it comes to+doing当谈及到
15make短语:make rapid progress in make out理解弄明白,辨认出
make of怎去理解eg:
What do you make of it=What’s your opinion? make an introduction
make good/better use of利用,make the best of(use省略)
make preparations for为„„做准备make sure to do sth/that+句子 to make a living谋生
make sb done
make an appointment make jokes about sb
make a note make in 定点,成功,朝„„走make a list of sth列清单
make a real discovery 真相make up组成,化妆,编造,弥补 make a prediction作出预测 make a trip to Beijing make a promise make+宾语+n做宾补
make a study of situations研究情形
make 15 orbits of the earth to make matters/things worse
make a 26-minute film make/earn a living
make an apology to sb for sth
make a contract with sb签合同
make out of 由„„改制而来 make for 朝„„走,有助于„„促进„„
be made up of=consist of
make a survey=carry out a survey=conduct a survey=do a survey make a decision Make hay while the sun shines.
16call短语:call on sb/call at sp/drop in on sb/drop in at sp/pay a visit to
call in 请„„来帮忙call off 取消eg:call off the appointment
call for 要求,需求call on号召
call up 打电话,使sb征召入伍,参军,使ab想起call out大喊出
17think短语: think twice三思 think over仔细考虑(it放中间)
think of 相出,想起(it放最后) think about 考虑(it放最后)
think ill of sb说sb的坏话 think outside of box 换一个角度
think up 相出,设计出,发明出think out 想出,了解后果 think for oneself独立思考 18pick短语:pick out挑出选出,辨别出
pick up接人,无意间学会什么,捡起,接受无线电波,身体、状况有所好转, 加速,染上„„病,整理,继续
19get短语:get over=overcome 克服get the sack解雇 get flu get along/on with相处 get out/rid of the habit=kick the habit get in收割
get together get tired of get run over撞到并压过去碾死
get around/about传播,四处走动 get sb to do sth/doing sth/have done get caught in碰巧赶上 get sth done get down 下来
get back 拿回取回 get out of 脱身get across传播,被人理解
get the car to start发动车
get/fall into the habit of=be in the habit of=develop the habit=form the habit of
20hold短语:hold on不挂断电话,坚持 hold on to抓住,保留某物不卖掉
hold up 举起,使单个停掉hold back隐瞒,阻碍
21pay短语:pay back 偿还pay off还清,付清sb工资并解雇sb,努力辛苦得到回报 pay政府军队+工资,wage体力劳动+工资,salary脑力劳动=工资 income收入(总称)
22keep短语:keep sb informed of sth=sb be kept informed of sth使sb被通知sth keep a cool head keep away from keep to the point切题
keep fit=keep healthy keep the balance keep back抑制,隐瞒,扣留 keep up with 赶上 keep an eye out for留心注意
keep sb from doing sth 阻止 keep company陪伴
keep that in mind记住 keep on继续,保持情绪高涨
keep out挡住 keep out of远离,不参与 keep off避开,使„„免受灾害 keep up使„„不低落 keep the light burning keep one’s promise
23turn短语:take turns to do/take turns doing do sth by turns
in turn 轮流,反过来 turn sth into realities使„„成为现实
turn+ n=make+ a/an+ n It is one’s turn to do sth turn up出现,声音调大 turn into变成 turn over翻转 turn down转身,拒绝 turn out生产
turn to=turn to sb for help求助 turn to the dictionary查字典
turn out=prove被证明是„„(无被动均是+to be +adj/n但turn out指出乎意料的 24let短语:let off不惩罚sb let out泄露,放大衣服
let in让„„进来、进水 let alone更不用说 let sb down让sb失望
25have短语:have a good knowledge of对„熟悉
have anything in common have nothing/a lot in common Have you got that?你明白吗? have fun【fun, weather, progress绝对不可数n,funny(adj)滑稽的】
have been doing sth eg:I have been thinking about what to write.
have problems/trouble/difficulties (in)doing sth
have significant advantages over men比„„有优势
have the advantage of有„„的优势 have/give a bad opinion of对„„评价不好
have a/the toothache 牙疼
have a weak heart have a sweet tooth have different ways of doing sth/to do sth have a goal have a gift/talent/genius for 有„„天赋
have a beautiful singing voice have musical talent have your autograph on my arm亲笔签名 have nothing in common with sth have an effect on sth have comments on sth对„„作出评论 have faith in have planned/hoped/thought 本应该/本希望/本计划 have on(不用于进行时中) =be wearing(表状态)
have the reason to do sth,for this/that reason,reason for sth/doing sth
26more than+ 数词(以为多于)/+adj译为非常/+n译为不仅仅
no more than=only not more than不超过
27be far away from远 be away from离开,强调动作 far away做后置定语
28in fun开玩笑地 for fun
29by oneself=alone独自一人,for oneself为了
30as/so long as只要 as far as I know=as far as I am concerned据我所知
31feed羊on草 feed草to羊 feed on以„„为生(多指动物) live on多指人