
| 成人英语三级 |



搞笑英语话剧剧本《 荆珂刺秦王》

旁白(Aside )/介绍(Introduction): Long ago there was a crazy country, in this crazy country there were some crazy people, trying to show the crazy history by crazy ways. Mr Jingke was the most famous swordsman剑客 and was sent to kill king of Qing, “Yingzheng”. But finally he failed. Do you want to know what happened at that time? Okay, next show will tell you the truth.

Action I

太子丹(上,掏出镜子梳头,做自恋状):Mirror, mirror, tell me, who is the most pretty man in the world? (画外音:It’s you, Prince Dan! 太子丹高兴状) Thank u mirror! (面对观众) I’m Prince Dan, the magic mirror said I am the most attractive man in the world. But Ying Zheng is a jealous guy, I feel he will kill me if mirror told him the truth. I am so scared. So what can I do? (向幕里大叫) Where is my minister?

阿三(毕恭毕敬) : Honey, I am coming.

太子丹:I’ve told you again and again that you should call me “my most beautiful、graceful 、handsome、charming、cute、smart and dearest Prince Dan”!

阿三:Sure, honey! I have a good idea. We can find a hero to kill YingZheng~~~(作杀状)

太子:Oh yeah~~~. What is the most expensive commodity in this century? Talent!(二十一世纪最需要的是什么,人才!然后拍阿三肩膀,做赞许状) Good idea! But who is the right candidate?

阿三:After screening I have two promising persons on hand. One is Miss LiMoChou, the other is Mr JinKe. Tomorrow they will PK for the NO1 killer of the world.

太子:Well, show me the winner as soon as possible, OK?


Action II



Are you Li mochou?




OK. I’m Jingke, you know, I will let you know I am the king of the killers’ world.


Are you challenging me?


Off course! 耸耸肩表示同意


Come on!






李莫愁痛苦状:What happened? Why aren’t you hurt?

荆轲: We don't need any reason to win a person. Don't we? Do we? (赢一个人需要理由么,不需要么,需要么?)

李莫愁:Momma always said: "Life is like a box of chocolates, Mochou. You never know what

you're gonna get." I got it, Momma is right.


太子丹上(抱拳):How are you?

荆柯:Fine, thank you, and you?

太子丹:Oh my God! Could you give me an innovative answer to “How are you”?


太子丹:How are you?

荆柯:Fine, thank you, and your wife?


荆柯:Hey, man, I’m kidding!

太子丹:Oh, I’m kidding too!(毕恭毕敬)May I have your name card, please?


To be or not to be, that's a question.

阿三:Hero,we need your help.

荆柯:I am busy now!

太子丹:You can get a lot of money.

荆柯:I am very busy now!

阿三:IC, ID, IQ card?

荆柯:I am very very busy now!

阿三(手指上场的美女,激动状): Look! She is the most beautiful girl in the world. If you say O.K., she is yours.

荆柯(流口水):I have to say she is a very sexy and beautiful girl, but TCM is my only love!

阿三:What? What’s the TCM?

荆柯; Hey, guy! You look so smart but why you didn’t know TCM? Any of them can give you the answer.

阿三:Excuse me? What’s the TCM?

观众甲:TCM - Traditional Chinese MM .

太子丹:I must show you the trump card. Ladies and gentlemen, this is Lipton Slimming tea. It is a brand new product of Unilever China.

荆柯(激动):Slimming减食疗法 tea! I have dreamed of it for thousands of times. My wife always threatens to leave me if I couldn’t reduce my weight.

阿三:You want? Speak up if you want! Why do you keep silent? Why are you looking at me? Although your eyes are full of sincerity, I’m very glad, you still have to speak up. Take it! Do you really like? Really?你不是真的想要吧?难道你真的想要吗„„

荆柯(诚恳状) Just tell me what should I do? I will do anything for you.


Action Ш



阿三:Hero, we have already reached Yishui River.

荆珂:Just stop here, please. Farewell, my friends

太子丹:I will miss you, baby.


荆珂(急忙收敛):Darling, I love you.

妻子:I love you! You mean more to me than anything in this whole world!(《肖申克的救赎》)

荆珂(流泪) :I love you more. In spite of you and me and the whole silly world going to pieces around us, I love you. (哪怕是世界末日我都会爱着你,选自《飘》)

妻子:Well. Be a man, just do it! I will be right here waiting for you.

荆珂(欲走还留,执子之手又曰):Sweetheart! You must do me this honor... promise me you will survive... that you will never give up... no matter what happens... no matter how hopeless...




区 县:Fangshan District房山区

学 校: Beijing Liangxinag NO.2 Middle School北京市良乡第二中学

剧本题目: Forest Expedition森林探险

参赛学生: Cao Zeyu Gu Xin Li Yueqing Wang Kexin Niu Yao

曹泽钰 顾昕 李月擎 王可欣 牛垚

指导教师:Chen Yingyu Wen Baohua Li Chunguang Xu Jigang

陈滢宇 温宝花 李春光 徐继刚

年 月 日








My Blueberry Nights script

Hello? Who!?

No. I'm sorry, I don't know anyone by that name

No, listen, I get about a hundred customers a night

I can't keep track of them all.

Do you know... well tell me what he likes to eat

Cause I remember people by what they order

Not by their names

"Meat Loaf? "

Well, I know a Meat Loaf with Mashed Potatoes.

I know Meat Loaf who likes

Well, with Cheese Fries, Pouched Egg, Onion Rings

What? He doesn't like potatoes?

Why don't you, well, yeah give me your number

And if I see him, I'll tell him to call you

Yeah, I promise. I will. Ok bye

He's 5'11 with dark brown hair

Sorry, I can't think of any Meat Loafs with Cheese Fries

or Onion Rings or Pouched Eggs

Or Fried Fillet of Fish that match that description

Last time we were here, I think he had the pork chops

Oh why didn't you say so?

That's because we supposedly have the best pork chops in the city You ever tried them?

No, I haven't

Why not? What, are you religious or something?

Listen, have you seen him or not?

5'11 ". Dark brown hair. Pork chops

I have actually. He came in here for dinner last night

He ordered two pork chops

One with mashed potatoes and one with string beans.

I guess he was hungry

No, he didn't eat both of them.

Our portions are too big for a person to eat two

No, one was for him and one was for his girlfriend

Look! Just get to the point...

Don't... Don't change the subject!

Are you seeing someone else?

Who is she?

I hope you both drop dead!

If someone comes in here looking for me

give him these keys

What do I tell him?

Tell him he's an asshole!


Hey, did he pick up the keys?

No, not yet

Do you have an extra cigarette?


Rolled it myself


You okay?


I haven't had one in a while

I only smoke when I get stressed out

Well, you shouldn't worry so much

That way you'll avoid lung cancer

Do you think she's pretty?


The girl he was in here with

Oh, she was okay I guess... I mean

Not the type I would prefer to have my pork chops with

but "each man to his own", right?

Yeah right



I need someone to talk to

Do you think he'll pick up the keys?

I don't know

I've had customers leaving keys here for years

Sometimes they pick them up in a few days

Sometimes it takes a few weeks

Well, what about most of the time?

Most of the time, the keys stay in the jar

Well why do you keep them?

You should just throw them out


No I couldn't do that

Why not?

If I threw these keys away

then those doors will be closed forever

And that shouldn't be up to me to decide

Should it?

Guess I'm just looking for a reason

Well, from my observations

sometimes it's better off not knowing

and other times there's no reason to be found

Everything has a reason

It's like these pies and cakes

At the end of every night

the cheesecake and the apple pie are always completely gone The peach cobbler

and the chocolate mousse cake are nearly finished

But there's always a whole blueberry pie left untouched

So what's wrong with the blueberry pie?

There's nothing's wrong with the blueberry pie

It's just people make other choices

You can't blame the blueberry pie

It's just no one wants it


I want a piece

With ice cream?

Leave it to me

Here we go

I hope you enjoy it


It's not bad


You should try some

No, I'm alright. I have my own

Will you tell me the stories behind those other keys?

What for?

I just wondered how they all ended up here

Pick one

Those belonged to a young couple a few years ago.

They were naive enough to believe

that they were gonna spend the rest of their lives together

Well, what happened?

Life happened

Things happened. Yeah, time happened

It's pretty much always the case more or less

Or maybe one of them ran off with someone else

Maybe the feelings just went away

What about these?

Those belonged to a little old lady

Her best friend would pick them up and come to visit her

She dropped them off and I never saw her again

I presumed, I mean, she was pretty old

I presumed she passed away or something

What about these?

These keys used to belong to a young lad

from Manchester England

who made plans and had dreams

of running every marathon in this country

starting in New York

He was going to write a journal about his experiences

and ended up running a cafe.

Later they were given to a Russian girl

who loved collecting keys

and watching sunsets

Unfortunately, she loved sunsets more than the keys

and ended up disappearing into one

Why didn't you go looking for her?

When I was little

me mum used to take me to the park on weekends

She said if I ever got lost

I had to stay in one place so that she'd find me

Does that work?

Not really

She got lost once looking for me

Eh, you want some more ice cream?

No thanks

You sure?

Yeah I'm fine. Thanks

You're late

Same as usual?

No thanks

Can I have my keys back?

Yeah, sure


You two have patched things up then?


Lousy bloody camera


Alright. Come on. Break it... Alright!

Take it outside. Take it out...

None of your business cupcake!

Don't start with me mate!

Don't you start... Come here!

Right you come here

Get out of my place!

Don't start with me!

Get out!

Hey you haven't paid yet!

Can I have a tissue?

What happened?

Did he hit you?


Well what?

I got mugged on the subway

I thought Pork Chop lived around here?

He does

What were you doing on the subway?


I just needed some time to prepare myself

I was gonna get off in a few stops

I don't know, I just

The next thing I knew, I ended up in the Bronx

That's a very interesting way to prepare yourself

I've never been very good at confrontation

Some people enjoy it

Not me

Hey, are you alright?

Should we call the police or something?


No, he didn't get away with very much

Especially after I kicked him in the balls

You didn't

Wait, what happened to you?

I ate too much chocolate today

What's wrong with your camera?

Oh, I don't know

It's been in a lousy mood these past few days

It doesn't really keep people from stealing, does it?


Not really

But I like having it around, 'cause

for me it's like my diary

You know?

Some nights, I watch the tapes back and

I'm amazed at how much I've missed

That's going on right in front of me

You must have a lot of tapes

I don't keep them all

I'm not that weird

Only the highlights

Can I take a look?


Come around

She left behind her set of keys and disappeared that night

How do you say goodbye to someone you can't imagine living without? I didn't say goodbye

I didn't say anything

I just walked away

At the end of that night

I decided to take the longest way to cross the street

Dear Jeremy

As you can see by this postcard

I'm now in Memphis, Tennessee

Hey Lizzy, hurry up with those damn pick-ups will ya!


Come on hustle it!

It took me a long time to get here

And I'm not sure how long I'll be staying


应召女友 The Girlfriend Experience 英文剧本

So did you like the movie?

I think the movie was good. Yeah.

It was very entertaining.

What about you?

I liked it.

It wasn't what I expected.

Too many people in this...

in this movie theater.


I don't do very well in--with crowds.

I know.

It was great, you know,

very well done, very well done.

And the way he describes, you know,

the different steps that led him to do that--

that's what's interesting.

It's a documentary kind of movie.

I thought it wasn't going to happen.

They kept saying, "Oh, we're not gonna get away with this."

And they did. I was surprised.

Yeah, it was good.

Would you watch it again?


Sorry to interrupt. Have you decided on a wine this evening?

-Yes. -What would you like?


-red is good for you? -Yeah.

Can we get a bottle of--?

The first time he asked for money was two years ago.

The second time--six months ago.

And now, two days ago,

he's asking for some more.

And he's a friend.

And, you know, I help him.

But it's a lot of money we're talking about.

And it never ends.

So what do I do?

What would you do?

It sounds like he's taking advantage of you.

It's good to see you.

It's always good to see you.

Thank you.

Come here.


Get 'em. Get 'em.

Good. 20, 19,

18, 17. Focus.

16, 15, 14...


Good stall here. Good stall.

Beautiful, Zizzo. Drop it down.

Attaboy. Good set.


-I'm just kidding. -How're you feeling?

-All right. -Eat your Wheaties this morning?

-My Wheaties? -Yeah.

I had my muscle milk this morning, Wheaties after.

So what's going down? What's new?

You want to hear everything or just recent things?

Let's start at two or three and work your way up.

Let me ask you a question.


What are you doing this weekend?

What am I doing this weekend?

No, the other trainer I'm working with.

-I don't know. I don't know. -I do.

Chelsea, I'm ordering breakfast.

Do you know what you want?

I'll just have whatever you're having. Thank you.

What about the bailout? How do you think that's going to turn out? That's not gonna work.

You need more money in the system,

a lot more money than what the government is putting in.

It's just the beginning.

So I don't know what to tell you.

I think it's better to stay cash and...

that's what I do anyway, so it's good for me.

No it's not.

I'm out of here.

Thank you very much.

-I hope I'll see you soon. -Me too.

-Take care. -You too.

I met with Philip on October 5th and 6th.

I wore a Michael Kors dress and shoes with La Perla--

I wore a Michael Kors dress and shoes

with La Perla lingerie underneath

and diamond stud earrings.

We met at 7:30 at the hotel and had a drink downstairs.

He liked my dress but didn't go into detail why

and didn't mention anything else about my appearance.

So how did it go?

It was fine. We had a nice dinner,

you know, went back to the hotel.

But he's very well endowed

and sometimes I just can't handle him that long.

Lucky for me, though, he's attractive,

so that helps and I at least enjoy myself.

But it was weird when I left.

He didn't even stand up

to hug me or say goodbye or kiss me on the cheek.

It was a very awkward departure.

He's never done that before.

We ate dinner at Blue Hill.

Philip didn't ask for a menu

and had the chef serve us a five-course meal,

a different wine with each course.

We went to the 9:40 showing of "Man on Wire"

at the Sunshine Cinema. And he liked the movie.

We went back to the hotel and talked for half an hour,

mostly about a friend of his

that keeps borrowing money from him and not paying it back.

Then we had sex for about an hour. After, we talked about--

After, we talked for about 15 minutes and he fell asleep.

At breakfast he briefly told me his worries regarding the economy and said I should invest my money in gold.

He also mentioned a book about how the Federal Reserve works. He didn't make another appointment.

Sometimes clients think they want the real you,

but at the end of the day they don't.

They want what they want you to be. They want you to be

something else. They don't want you to be yourself.

Suppose I'm that rare client that really wants to--

if they wanted you to be yourself,

they wouldn't be paying you.

I know you've been buying five sessions at a time.


You realize you're losing money by doing that, right?

毕业生生存指南 Post Grad 英文剧本

Hey! It's me again.

This is a very special day. This is day 756...

of my college experience...

otherwise known as... graduation day!

Whoo! Ah!

Wait for it. I got the whole outfit. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Hmm.

I have been planning for this day for my entire life.

-Um, when I was a kid, I devised this plan... -

that I cleverly called "The Plan."

Uh, " Dad can't make it to graduation today. Big shocker.

Can I join you guys for lunch?"


This is great, because nobody runs parental interference quite like Adam.

We've been best friends since freshman year.

This is Ryden's study song

I worked on it so damn long

It's to give encouragement

For your big test today

Anyway, the plan is pretty straightforward.

One, kick ass in high school...

so that I can get... two... a fatty scholarship.

Three, limit my beer pong enough...

to keep said scholarship, which I did, and...


Hi, Ryden. Jessica Bard here.

Just wanted to clean the slate.

I'm sorry I nabbed valedictorian...

but you have to believe I will do an excellent job.

Jessica Bard... my own personal Darth Vader since the third grade.

Back to the master plan.

Number four. Most importantly...

land a sweet job at the finest publishing house in all of L. A...

Happerman & Browning, where I will no doubt...

discover the next great American novel.

All right. So that's the plan. This is it.

Malby signing off, about to embark on the first day of the rest of my life.

And, hey, if you're at graduation, come say hi.

I'll be the one in black. Bye!

You stumble down a yellow brick road

Spinning your shoes in the air

The air

Then you hold your breath and count to nine

Hoping that soon somebody will find you

Find you



SW---白雪公主 Q---皇后 M---魔镜 H---猎人

P---白马王子 D---小矮人 A---小动物


A long time ago, In a beautiful kingdom, there lived a young king and queen, the people loved them so much; the queen died while giving birth to a girl, her name was Snow White, She was a beautiful princess. Year passed, the king got married again, The people didn’t love the new queen, because she was cruel.

One day, In the king’s palace:


S.w: My name is S.w , I am a beautiful princess, I miss my mother so much, Where is my mother? Where is my mother?


Q: I am a queen, I’m very beautiful,Where is Mirror?

Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who’s the most beautiful?

M: S.w is much more beautiful than you!

Q: Hunter, go kill S.w.


H: Yes, my queen


S.w: Help me ,help me, please, please

A: what’s the matter with you?

S.w: The hunter…hunter…

A: bite you bite you …


S.w: I am tired and hungry, oh, there is a little house ,

I will eat a little and lie down.


D: 1\Look, somebody ate my food----

2\somebody drank my water----

3\someone is sleeping now----

4\What a beautiful girl!----


5\How do you do?

S.w: How do you do? My name is S.w …

Nice to meet you!

D: (齐说)Nice to meet you ,too----

6\ welcome to our house!----

7\Would you like to live here?

S.w: My pleasure, thank you very much!

D: Let’s go out for our work, bye-bye, S.W


Q: Mirror, mirror on the wall,

who’s the most beautiful?

M: S.w is much more beautiful than you!

Q: What? S.w is not dead?

Hahaha, I got a good idea!


Q: Apple ,apple, beautiful apple,

S.w: Hello, Good morning grandma!

Q: pretty girl ,would you like a bite?

S.w: Oh, yes ,thank you grandma!


Q: The girl is dead! Hahaha…


S.w wake up, wake up…


P: A beautiful girl! She shall be my queen! 王子吻公主,公主醒了

S.w: Thank you for your help!

P: My pleasure







□ 自行創作

改編-原劇名:Princess White

指導老師簽章 Princess Durian’s Crazy World 榴 槤 公 主

劇本:(劇本內容請以電腦繕打於表格內,限用Arial英文字體、字體大小14 動作及情緒請以框號()及斜體標示之)

【Episode 1】

Queen (The Hulk) said ,” Mirror , Mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful woman in the world?”

Mirror answered , ” The most beautiful woman certainly is Princess Durian .” Queen said, ” What ? ”(She shocks and exhibits her Hulk pose.)

( P.S. ~~~ Digital camera be used lots of flash of light )

Queen asked again , " Mirror , Mirror on the wall , who is the most beautiful woman in the world?”

Mirror answered , ” The most beautiful woman certainly is Princess Durian. ”

(Queen angrily hit the Mirror)

Princess Durian was growing up , and grew more and more beautiful everyday . When she turned 17 ages, the Queen decided to find a Ninja to kill her.

【Episode 2】

One day , the Ninja received the order from the Queen. He planed to take advantage of the Princess Durian was taking a walk in the forest.

When the Ninja took out the knife and prepares to kill the Princess Durian , he found the Princess Durian who took out durian to eat.

No one knew that the world class killer was afraid of durians.

The Princess was good natured and she invited the Ninja sincerely to share the durian together.

Naturally , Mr. Ninja refused the offer.

Princess Durian was really beautiful, but she had a habit, to share her beloved durian to others , even she didn’t know them at all.

She couldn’t take Mr. Ninja ‘ No’ for an answer .

Mr. Ninja , however , tried to run away to escape Princes Durian's durian . Princess Durian therefore ran after Mr. Ninja . They kept running from sun rise to sun set . They ran for a day.

The Princess Durian was so exhausted , she finally fell down and threw her favorite durian up in the air .

Mr. Ninja was frighten to death because of the strong smell of durian .

【Episode 3】

A day passed.

There came four dwarves in the forest. They used one tree stick poke at the fainted Princess Durian on the ground. Impressively , they discovered the irresistible

beauty of Princess Durian . (Four dwarves were very happy.) Thereupon, four people awakened the beautiful Princess , and they lived very happily with the Princess every day in the forest.

One day , five people were dancing happily in the forest, and ate durians big bites by big bites .

They were drinking and playing the finger games very happily .

【Episode 4】

The queen decided to kill the Princess Durian herself.

When she arrived the small log house that the dwarves lived . She found them playing and drinking happily . They were playing boat by putting boxes together. Princess Durian was very happy playing together with the dwarves . (The Queen was shocked and showed her infamous Hulk pose.)

For us to know that the Queen also liked to drink . The Queen joined them and they all played happily together .

(Episode 4 end)

The queen also forgot her purpose to come here.

They were all excited and drunk .

【Episode 5】

A handsome Prince rode a horse , and met the Queen , The dwarves and the Princess who were all drunk and asleep in the forest . The Prince discovered the beautiful Princess Durian who was also asleep in one of the corner. The Prince awakened the Princess Durian , Two of them fell in love at first sight.

Gently he kissed the Princess Durian . ” That was right. ”

It was the taste . The Prince has finally found his Princess Durian . Princess hugged the Prince.

(Episode 5 end)

( Princess , the Prince , dwarves , and the Queen

lived happy life together and forever . )


NARRATOR: Beneath billowing clouds,

in China's far south-western Yunnan Province,

lies a place of mystery and legend,

of mighty rivers and some of the oldest jungles in the world.

Here, hidden valleys nurture strange and unique creatures

and colourful tribal cultures.

Jungles are rarely found this far north of the tropics.

So why do they thrive here?

And how has this rugged landscape

come to harbour the greatest natural wealth in all China?

In the remote southwest corner of China a celebration is about to take place.

Dai people collect water for the most important festival of their year.

The Dai call themselves the people of the water.

Yunnan's river valleys have been their home for over 2,000 years.

By bringing the river water to the temple,

they honour the two things holiest to them,

Buddhism and their home.

The Dai give thanks for the rivers and fertile lands

which have nurtured their culture.

Though to some, it might seem just an excuse

for the biggest water fight of all time.

Dai lives are changing as towns get bigger and modernise

but the Water Splashing Festival is still celebrated by all.

The rivers which lie at the heart of Dai life and culture

flow from the distant mountains of Tibet,

southward through central Yunnan in great parallel gorges.

The Dai now live in the borders of tropical Vietnam and Laos

but their legends tell of how their ancestors came here

by following the rivers from mountain lands in the cold far north.

Lying at the far eastern end of the Himalayas,

the Hengduan Mountains form Yunnan's northern border with Tibet.

Kawakarpo, crown of the Hengduan range, is a site of holy pilgrimage.

Yet its formidable peak remains unconquered.

Yunnan's mountains are remote, rugged and inaccessible.

Here the air is thin

and temperatures can drop below minus 40 degrees.

This is home to an animal that's found nowhere else on earth.

The Yunnan snub-nosed monkey.

It's found only in these few isolated mountain forests.

No other primate lives at such high altitudes,

but these are true specialists.

These ancient mountain dwellers have inspired legends.

Local Lisu people consider them their ancestors,

calling them the wild men of the mountains.

During heavy snowfalls even these specialists cannot feed.

It seems a strange place for a monkey.

Between snows, the monkeys waste no time in their search for food.

At this altitude there are few fruits or tender leaves to eat.

Ninety percent of their diet

is made up of the fine dry wisps of a curious organism.

Half fungus, half plant, it's lichen.

How have monkeys, normally associated with lowland jungle,

come to live such a remote mountain existence?

This is not the only remarkable animal found within these isolated high peaks.

A Chinese red panda.

Solitary and quiet, it spends much of its time in the tree tops.

Despite its name,

the red panda is only a very distant relative of the giant panda.

It is actually more closely related to a skunk.

But it does share the giant panda's taste for bamboo.

Southwest China's red pandas are known for their very strong facial markings

which distinguish them from red pandas found anywhere else in the Himalayas.

Like the monkeys, they were isolated in these high forests

when the mountains quite literally rose beneath them

in the greatest mountain-building event in recent geological history.

Over the last 30 million years,

the Indian subcontinent has been pushing northwards into Eurasia.

On the border between India and Tibet,

the rocks have been raised eight kilometres above sea level

creating the world's highest mountain range, the Himalayas.

But to the east

the rocks have buckled into a series of steep north-south ridges,

cutting down through the heart of Yunnan,

the parallel mountains of the Hengduan Shan.

These natural barriers serve to isolate Yunnan's plants and animals

in each adjacent valley.

While the huge temperature range between the snowy peaks

and the warmer slopes below

provides a vast array of conditions for life to thrive.

Through spring

the Hengduan slopes stage one of China's greatest natural spectacles.

The forests here are among the most diverse botanical areas in the world.

Over 18,000 plant species grow here of which 3,000 are found nowhere else.

Until little more than a century ago, this place was unknown outside China.

But then news reached the West

of a mysterious, hidden world of the Orient.

Hidden among the mountains, a lost Shangri-la paradise.

Western high society, in the grip of a gardening craze,

was eager for exotic species from faraway places.

This gave rise to a new breed of celebrity adventurers,

intrepid botanist-explorers known as the Plant Hunters.

Yunnan became their Holy Grail.

The most famous was Joseph Rock, a real life Indiana Jones.

Remarkable film footage

captured his entourage on a series of expeditions

as they pushed into the deepest corners of Yunnan.

In glorious colour he recorded the plant life he found

on special photographic glass plates.

Sending thousands of specimens back to the West,

the Plant Hunters changed the gardens of the world forever.

Rock's success was born of a massive effort.

For to find his Shangri-la,

not only had he to traverse endless mountain ranges,

but some of the deepest gorges in the world.

The Nujiang is called the Angry River.

This 300-kilometre stretch of raging rapids

is as much a barrier to life as are the mountains above.

But the Plant Hunters weren't the first people to travel here.

Along the Nujiang,

less than 30 rope crossings allow locals passage across the torrents.

双人英文剧本篇八:The Queen英文剧本

After weeks of campaigning on the road...Tony Blair and his family, finally strolled the few hundred yards to the polling station, this election day morning.Amongst the Labour faithful up and down the country...there is an enormous sense of pride in Mr. Blair's achievements.And the confidence that he is about to become the youngest Prime Minister this century.

Q:Have you voted yet, Mr.Crawford?

--Yes, Ma'am...I was there when they opened, first in line, at 7 o'clock...I don't mind telling you... It wasn't for Mr. Blair.Q:Your not a moderniser then?

--Certainly not...We're in danger of losing too much, that is good about this country, as it is.------------There is a growing sense of excitement...

Q:I envy you, being able to vote.Not the actually ticking of the box, although...it would be nice to experience that once.But the sheer joy of being partial.

--Yes...Of course one forgets that as Sovereign, you're not entitled to vote.Q:No... --Still, you won't catch me feeling sorry for you.You might not be allowed to vote, Ma'am...but it is your government.Q:Yes...I suppose that is some consolation.

Q:Good morning.--Shall I draw the curtains. Q:Yes...So, did you stay up all night? --Yes, Ma'am.Q:And was it as expected?

--Yes, Ma'am.Mr. Blair. By a landslide.Q:Oh, I see...

They've stopped the traffic, completely...For Tony Blair's first day of power, in London.You got the ceremonial with tourists, the official...and you got a lovely summer's day...Tony Blair waving to the crowds, people waving to them there...I guess most of them do know it's the...the Prime Minister waiting... Lining in the streets there.

--The Prime Minister is on his way, Ma'am.

Q:To be, Robin.. The Prime Minister to be...I haven't asked him yet.He's a hard one to read, isn't he?

--Yes... On the one hand his background is quite establishment...father a conservative, educated at Fettes. Where he was tutored by the same man as the Prince of Wales.Q:Well, we'll try not to hold that against him.

--On the other, his manifesto promises the most radical modernisation...and shake up of the constitution in 300 years.

Q:Oh, you mean he is going to try and modernise us?

--I wouldn't let it past him...he's married to a woman with known anti-monarchist sympathies...you may remember her curtsy, the first time you met.It could best be described as.. shallow.

Q:I don't measure the depth of a curtsy, Robin. I leave that to my sister.

--The atmosphere at Downing Street is expected to very informal...Everyone on first name terms...at the Prime Minister's insistence.Q:What, as in call me Tony? --Yes, Ma'am.Q:Oh, I don't like that.Could we send him a protocol sheet?

P:Funny, I'm actually rather nervous.--Why? You've met her often enough before. P:I know, but.. never one to one...and never as Prime Minister.

--Well, just remember.. you're a man that's just been elected by the whole nation. P:But she's still...you know.. The Queen.

--When we reach the audience room...I will knock. We will not wait to be called.. we shall go straight inside.Standing by the door, we bow.. from the neck...I will introduce you...The Queen will extend her hand.. you go to her...bow again.. then shake her hand.A couple of other things...It's Ma'am as in ham...not mam as in farm. And when you're in the presence...at no point must you show your back.

P:The presence?

--Yes, sir...That's what it is called, when you're in Her Majesty's company.Would you like to sit down, Mrs. Blair?

Q:How nice to see you again, Mr. Blair.And congratulations.The children must be very proud?P:I hope so.Q:You have three, haven't you?P:That's right.

Q:Oh, how lovely.Such a blessing...children.Please, do sit down.

P:Thank you.Q:Have they shown you how to start a nuclear war, yet?P:Ah, no... Q:Oh, first thing we do. Apparently...Then we take away your passport, and spend the rest of the time sending you around the world.

P:You obviously know my job, better than I do...

Q:Well you are my 10th Prime Minister, Mr. Blair.My first, of course, was Winston Churchill,he sat in your chair... in a front coat...and top hat.He was kind enough to give, a shy young girl like me, quite an education.P:I can imagine...

Q:With time, one has hopefully added experience to that education. And a little wisdom...better enabling us to execute our constitutional responsibility.To advise, guide, and warn the government of the day.

P:Advise which I...look forward to receiving.

Q:Yes, we'll save that for our weekly meetings.If there's nothing else, I believe we have some business to attend to.

P:Of course...Your Majesty, my party has won the election...so I come now to ask your permission to form a govern...

Q:No, Mr. Blair. Mr. Blair, I ask the question.The duty falls upon me as your Sovereign to invite you to become Prime Minister...and to form a government in my name.And if you agree, the custom is to say yes...P:Yes...

Q:Mrs. Blair... Lovely to see you again.And congratulations. You must be very proud. --Yes... Q:And exhausted, I imagine...Where will you be spending the summer? --France. Q:Oh, lovely.P:You'll be at Balmoral, right?

Q:Yes, I can't wait. It's a wonderful place.You know my great great grandmother Victoria said of it...in Balmoral all seems to breed...freedom and peace and make one forget the world and its sad turmoils.Oh, excuse me.Oh, yes of course...I'm so sorry, we're going to have to leave it there.Not to short was it? 15 minutes...One doesn't want to be rude.--No, no.

--hank you very much for coming, now fuck off!

P:I know, what was all that about?

--God knows... Diana. Whatever it is it will be something to do with Diana.

Princess Diana embroiled in more controversy as she pulls out of a meeting with MP's... Princess Diana moved today to patch up her relations with the former royal nanny... Princess Diana flew to Milan today for the memorial service for the murdered Italian fashion designer...Gianni Versace.Where tonight, another royal controversy sparkles...after finding herself embroiled in her second controversy this week...I am not a political figure...Princess Diana sailed out into the Mediterranean...in one of Mr. Mohamed al-Fayed's yachts today...with his son.A quarter of a million pounds, for photographs which appear to show the couple embracing...Once again, her judgement's under scrutiny...

--Robin Janvrin.What?I want everyone in ASAP.Ma'am?Ma'am?Ma'am, Mr.Janvrin is here to see you.Q:What?

--Good evening, Ma'am.I'm sorry to disturb. But I just had a call from our Embassy in Paris.It's The Princess of Wales.--Why?What's she done now?

P:I see, em...Who are we speaking to then?Right, well keep me updated.It's Diana, she's been in a car accident in Paris.--Is it serious?

P:Apparently.. Dodi Fayed is dead.

Let's just recap on the details of those injuries, Maxine.Yes Nick, what they're saying is...that the Princess is in the intensive care unit of a south-east Paris hospital.She has a concussion, a broken arm, and...

--What was she doing in Paris? I thought she was supposed to be in London.

Q:Oh, you know what she's like.Charles, isn't this awful?What are you going to do about the boys?--Let them sleep until we know more.Q:Yes, that's sensible. --I should go to Paris. I told my people to start organising a jet.

Q:What, a private one? --Yes...

Q:Isn't that precisely the sort of extravagance they always attack us for?

--How else am I supposed to get to Paris at this time of night?The airport at Aberdeen will be closed.

---Charles...Use the royal flight. They keep one plane on permanent standby...in case I should kick the bucket.

Q:No mummy! That's out of the question. This isn't a matter of state.

--What are you talking about?

Q:Diana is no longer a member of the royal family.She's not a HRH. This is a private matter.--She's mother to your grandchildren.

---What is happening now? ---I don't know... I can't hear...everyone's shouting.

--Thanks for coming in.The Ambassador, from Paris.Good evening, sir.---Yes?

--I have just spoken to our Ambassador in Paris, Ma'am...I'm afraid it's not good news...No!No, no, no...

Diana, Princess of Wales, has died, after a car crash in Paris.The french government announced her death just before 5 o'clock this morning.

P:What have I got on this week?

--You're writing your maiden conference speeches, Prime Minister.

P:Well, let's cancel everything else.This is going to be massive...I'd better make a statement in the morning.

--Well, you'll be pleased to know I've already started coming up with ideas. P:God, she's only been dead an hour...--Well, would you prefer I didn't do my job?

--They're going go to go back to sleep.Try anyway...My private secretary's office have found a travel agency open in New York that will...sell me a flight to Paris, with an hours stop over in Manchester.Perhaps now you might like to consider whether it's still an extravagance to bring back the mother...of the future King of England... In one of our planes?

Q:Alright...of course.John, I don't want the boys to see the news and get upset... first thing in the morning, I want the radio taken out of the bedroom, and the television taken out of the nursery.--Yes, Ma'am.

--Well, well, well...Q:Yes.--Are you alright?Your sister called.From Tuscany. Q:Well, I hope you told her to come back, cut her holiday short.--I did. Q:I can't imagine she was pleased...--That's putting it mildly.

Q:What did she say?

--Something about Diana managing...to be even more annoying dead than alive... Q:Just make sure you never let the boys hear you talk like that.

--Of course...Something to help you go down.

Q:No, I think I'll write my diary a little longer.--Fine.I'm going to bed.

We've heard nothing official from the Palace yet, we still don't know when we're gonna get any further statements from inside the Palace..or of course when the royal family are due back.

P:That's how she will remain, in our minds, our hearts...forever.OK? Got it! --Where will you do it?P:We'll do it at the church. On the way in.

--Alright, I'll organise it.P:Hang on... I wanna watch this.

This is not the time for incriminations, but for sadness...however I would say that I always believed the press would kill her in the end...but not even I could imagine they'll take such a direct hand in her death...as seems to be the case.It would appear that every proprietor and editor...of every publication that has payed for intrusive and exploitative photographs of her...has blood on his hands today.

--Not the press, mate. You got the wrong villain.Tony...P:got to go...

--You about to speak to The Queen?P:Yeah...

--Ask her if she greased the breaks.P:Now, now...

P:Hello?Right, okay...Q:Is The Prince of Wales with the boys?

--Yes, Ma'am Q:And he's going to Paris?

--Yes...I'm sorry to disturb, Ma'am... Ma'am...but I have the Prime Minister for you, from his constituency.Lucky you..Q:Thank you, Robin. I'll take it in the study. P:Good morning, Your Majesty. Q:Prime Minister.

P:May I say right away, how very sorry I am...and that the thoughts and prayers of my family are with you at this terrible time.And with the Princes, in particular. Q:Thank you.

P:Is it your intention to make some kind of appearance?Or statement?

Q:No, no! Certainly not.No member of the royal family will speak publicly about this. This is a private matter.We would all appreciate it, if it could be respected as such.

P:I see.I don't suppose anyone has had time to think about the funeral, yet? Q:We've spoken with the Spencer family, and it is their wish...it is their expressed wish, that this should be a private funeral with a memorial service to follow, in a month or so.P:Right...

Q:And given that Diana was no longer a member of the royal family...we have no other choice, but to respect their wishes.

P:I see...you don't feel that in view of her high profile popularity...it might be an idea to pay tribute to her life and achievements?Or even just to her as a mother? Q:Well, as I said, it's her family's wish...

P:And the public, Ma'am? The British people...you don't think a private funeral might be denying them a chance...Q:A chance to what?P:To share in the grief.

Q:This is a family funeral, Mr. Blair, not a fairground attraction.I think The Princess has already paid a high enough price...for exposure to the press...don't you?Now, if there's nothing else, I must get on.The children have to be looked after. P:Of course... well, goodbye Your Majes...Her instinct is to do nothing.Say nothing.. and give her a private funeral.--Are you surprised?She hated her guts.

P:Well, I think it's a mistake...They screwed up her life, let's hope they don't screw up her death.Where can I find a black tie?

Q:Oh, the chaplain called.He wanted to know, whether we should make any changes in the service.. any...special mention of Diana.--What did you say?

Q:Well, I told him not to change a thing.--Quite right...

Q:I think the less attention one draws to it, the better.For the boys.--Yes... Q:But I think maybe we should find some company for them...Some young people. --I'll take them for a long walk, this afternoon.. up Craggie Head.

Q:Yes, but no guns Phillip.. it is Sunday.

And we're going... in fact... I believe...to Sedgefield, the Prime Minister's constituency...where he is about to make a statement...yes the Prime Minister coming now, with his wife Cherie...

--He's on. Alastair, he's on. Come on!

P:...as her own life was often, sadly touched by tragedy...she touched the lives, of so many others in...in Britain, throughout the world...with joy...and with comfort.The people, everywhere...not just here in Britain, everywhere...they kept faith, with Princess Diana.They liked her, they loved her...they regarded her, as one of the people...she was the people's Princess.And that's how she will stay...how she will remain in our hearts...and in our memories...forever.

--A little over the top, don't you think?

P:The people of Britain, he said...kept faith with Princess Diana...

they loved her.. she was the people's Princess.

--Did we remember the Royal Standard? ---Yes, Sir.--And flowers?---Yes, Sir. --Good, 'cause if we leave it to the rural undertakers...they'll bring her back in a wooden crypt.

--Hello?---This is Lord Airlie, may I speak with the Prime Minister, please? --One moment, please.Lord Airlie.. The Lord Chamberlain in charge of the funeral.. you're meeting him at the airport.P:Lord Airlie.

--Good afternoon, Prime Minister, it's my job to organise all the ceremonial events. There is simply no precedent for the funeral of an ex-HRH.

P:Perhaps we shall plan for any contingency.

--Yes, I propose a meeting at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning at Buckingham Palace... Officials from all three Palaces, representatives from the Spencer family, the emergency services...would you send some of your people?

P:Absolutely, of course.Precedent!? Where do they find these people?

--Prime Minister...

P:I'm so sorry, Sir. If there's anything I..or my government, can do...

--They stood up, as we drove past, in cafes? in restaurants... removed their hats, this was Paris, one of the busiest cities in the world...and you could hear a pin drop.P:I imagine it will be the same here.

--The Palace would still prefer to see this as a private funeral.What are your feelings on that?

P:I...I think that will present us with difficulties.

--So do I...My mother, The Queen...comes from a generation of best equipped... she grew up in the war...I think.. what we need.. what this country needs...is a more modern perspective, if you follow...Balmoral is... P:I think I understand... An aircraft of the Queen's flight...brought The Princess' body home this evening... where the Prime Minister, Tony Blair, had gathered with members of his government.A single black hearse crossed the tarmac...and a Royal Air Force guard of honour, moved slowly forward.

Q:Has anyone heard from the Spencer's yet?Have they made up their minds when the funeral will be?--Well I don't know. Nobody tells me anything.

President Clinton was with his wife, when he heard the news last night.We liked her very much...we admired her work for children...for people with AIDS, for the cause of ending the scour of landmines...


family_man居家男人_英文剧本CHAPTER ONE - EARLY HISTORY1 INT. KENNEDY AIRPORT, PAN AM TERMINAL - NIGHTSUPER: AUTUMN, 1987A line of PASSENGERS about to board a Pan Am flight to London.JACK CAMPBELL, 22, head full of long unkempt hair, Tom Selleck mustache, the hopeful look of youth in his eyes... sitting next to...KATE REYNOLDS, 21, pretty, Dorothy Hamill haircut...rubbing the tears from her swollen red eyes...KATEI got you a few necessities...Kate hands Jack a new copy of Vonnegut’s “Cat’s Cradle.”KATE (CONT’D)Your copy was a mess...Jack accepts the book but he’s unable to take his eyes off Kate. She hands him a cassette.KATE (CONT’D)Every one of these songs will remind you of me in a slightly different way...JACKAll in one tape?KATEI also put side two of London Calling on there...Kate leans over and kisses him passionately on the lips.KATE (CONT’D)That was not officially the goodbye kiss. It was just an interim kiss...He looks at her, his eyes welling up. He pulls her close, kissing her deeply. Then...ANNOUNCER (O.S.)This will be the final boarding call for Pan Am flight 4 to London, Heathrow.Jack takes Kate’s hand, getting up, turning sadly to the gate.KATEYou have your ticket?Jack pulls out a BLUE PAN AM TICKET ENVELOPE. Kate nods. They embrace and kiss again. As they separate.JACKI’m not even gonna say it, Kate. Maybe it’ll be like I never left...Jack takes one lastlook at her, then heads for the gate.Kate stands there, watching him go. Then......a moment of intuition. Something isn’t right. She looks at Jack, about to disappear into the jetway, trying to decide...KATEWait.Jack turns. Kate approaches him.KATE (CONT’D)I have a bad feeling about this.JACKAbout the plane? What do you think it’s gonna crash? Don’t say that...KATE(shaking her head)I know we’ve talked about this a thousand times and we both agree that going to London is the right thing to do. But in my heart... this feels wrong.She looks at the gate...the last few passengers are boarding, then back into Jack’s eyes.KATE (CONT’D)Don’t go, Jack...JACKYou mean don’t go at all? What about my internship?KATEBelieve me I know what an incredible opportunity this is for you...JACKFor us, Kate.KATERight, for us. But...I’mafraid that if you get on that plane...JACKWhat?Kate looks at him, pleading with her eyes, but she can’t say...KATE(torn)Go. I’m sorry, you should just

go...JACK(thinking, then...)No, you’re right. What are we doing?KATEWe're being responsible. Go.Get on the plane.His eyes narrow as he measures her determination...KATE (CONT'D)(a smile)Get the hell outta my sight.You bother me.A laugh from Jack. Kate gives him a calm smile and anod - it's not entirely convincing but it's enough forJack.JACK(resolute)Okay, I'm going...He takes her in his arms one last time and hugs hertight. Jack looks toward the gate, the linedisappearing...Kate grasps his shirt tightly.KATEI can't seem to let go ofyou...JACKYou hear me complaining aboutthat?A sober look in Jack's eyes.JACK (CONT'D)Look, we're at the airport andno one ever thinks clearly atthe airport so we should justtrust the decision we alreadymade. You've been accepted toone of the best law schools inthe country, I've got thisinternship at Barclay's Bank.We have a great plan, honey...Kate nods, then, with resolve...KATEYou want to do somethinggreat, Jack? Let's flush theplan...start our lives rightnow, today...I don't know whatthat life's gonna look likebut I do know it has both ofus in it. And I choose us...Jack is jolted by her words.KATE (CONT'D)The plan doesn't make usgreat, Jack. What we havetogether, that's what makes usgreat.Her words sink in...A long moment of decision...Helooks toward the gate, only one person left inline...back to Kate...imploring him with her eyes.Finally...He kisses her deeply on the lips...JACKI love you, Kate......a smile from Kate...relief...then...JACK (CONT'D)(taking her face inhis hands)...and a year in London's notgonna change that. A hundredyears couldn't change that...Jack gives her one final kiss then walks pensively tothe gate, handing the attendant his ticket, not able tolook back.Kate watches him go, tears streaming down her face, asthe gate door closes behind him. She waits, almostwilling it to open again...waiting...waiting...but itdoesn't...DISSOLVE TO:1A EXT. MANHATTAN - ESTABLISHING - DAYThe skating rink at Central Park...Christmas tree atRockefeller Center...the view down Fifth Avenue withChristmas decorations...Park Avenue.2 EXT. MANHATTAN - EARLY MORNINGWe close in on a spectacular pre-war doormanbuilding...3 INT. JACK'S APARTMENT - CONTINUOUSA huge space with gleaming hardwood floors, ornatemoldings, and a great view of the Hudson and Jerseybehind it...The place looks like a museum display...everything isof the highest quality and meticulously maintained.A wall of photos - Jack and Clinton, Jack with PatrickE

wing, Jack between Alan Greenspan and Henry Kravis.And a "Willie Mays" baseball bat encased in glass...4 INT. JACK'S BEDROOM - CONTINUOUS...impeccably decorated and obsessively neat.Close in on the bed where JACK CAMPBELL, now 35, sansmustache and long hair, opens his eyes.A FLASH of bright morning light from the window. Jackshields his eyes, turning his head toward the bathroomwhere he sees...A WOMAN'S BACK...draped in a towel...an incredibleback, neither flabby nor overly toned, beautifullycurved...Jack focuses on it a moment. As the womanturns to him...PAULA. Beautiful, late 20s, a toothbrush in hermouth...PAULA(holding up toothbrush)I hope you don't mind. Therewere like ten new ones in thecabinet.A playful smile from Paula.JACKIt's not what you think. Itook Mentadent public...Paula smiles, moves over to a chair and grabs a littleblack dress hanging neatly over it.PAULADid you really mean what yousaid about Tuscany?JACKOf course I did.PAULALast night was great...JACKYou are an amazing lover. Youshould be giving motivationalseminars.PAULAThanks. You're not badyourself...Jack grabs his Frank Mueller watch from the nightstand, puts it on his wrist. He looks at Paula as sheslips the dress on.JACKI want to see you again.PAULAI'd like that, too.JACKTonight.She turns to him.PAULAIt's Christmas Eve, Jack.JACKSo we'll get egg nog.Paula laughs.PAULA(putting on her shoes)I have to go to my parents'house out in Jersey. Wouldyou like to come?JACKJersey? You know what thetraffic's gonna be like?PAULAI'm taking the train...Paula approaches Jack, leaning over him, her long hairdangling on his chest.PAULA (CONT'D)Don't you have anywhere to go?JACKI've got plenty of places togo.He stays there, confident, sexy, waiting for ananswer...PAULA(a sexy laugh, then...)Maybe I can try and sneak awaysome time tomorrow morning...(kissing him on the lips)Okay?JACK(coy)If it's something you feelstrongly about.Paula walks to the door, then turns back to Jack.PAULAIt was nice meeting you, Jack...CHAPTER TWO - MAIN TITLES4A INT. JACK’S APARTMENT - MORNINGJack saunters over to a Yamaha Grand Disclavier in the living room. He puts a disk into the piano and......the keys come alive with the music of BACH. Jack hits a switch and suddenly the entire apartment is enveloped in music...4B INT. JACK’S BUILDING, CORRID

OR - SAME TIMEPaula, waiting for the elevator, hears the MUSIC emanating from Jack’s apartment...an intrigued glance back at the apartment door as the elevator arrives...5 INT. JACK’S BATHROOM - MORNINGBack’s “Passion According to St. Matthew” is blaring through the speakers, the music is swelling to full orchestra...Jack’s at the mirror in this incredibly neat marble-tiled bathroom, shaving with a silver-plated Hammacher Schlemmer razor, HUMMING with the orchestra...6 INT. JACK’S CLOSET - MORNING...the size of a small house, a long row of Zegna suits, shoe trees stacked with Italian shoes, tailored shirts everywhere.Jack’s still HUMMING to the music as he dresses in front of a mirror.7 INT. ELEVATOR - MORNINGJack, wearing an elegant camel’s hair overcoat and carrying a leather briefcase, a “Master of the Universe” smile on his face, now HUMMING the Bach piece from memory...The doors open at 6. Jack self-consciously stops singing as ELIZABETH PETERSON, 60s, wearing a mink coat, gets on the elevator carrying a yappy little dog.JACK(a charming smile)Mrs. Peterson.MRS. PETERSONHello Jack. You don’t have to stop singing on my account...JACKIt’s because I’m shy, Betty. So, when are you going to leave that old corpse Mr. Peterson and run away with me?MRS. PETERSONYou know you could never satisfy me the way he does...The doors open to the lobby. Mrs. Peterson walks out ahead.8 INT. JACK’S BUILDING, LOBBY - MORNINGTONY THE DOORMAN holds the door open for Jack and Mrs. Peterson...TONY THE DOORMANMerry Christmas, Mr. Campbell.JACKHow’d you do this year, Tony?TONY THE DOORMANAbout four grand. And a bottle of twenty five year old scotch from Mrs. Johnson in 9D. I’m putting it all in commercial paper like you said.JACKJust until the Deutsche Mark turns...Jack exits the building...9 OMITTED9A EXT. CENTRAL PARK - MORNINGJack’s Ferrari racing through the park...10 EXT. LASSITER BUILDING - MORNINGA modern Wall Street building. The sign above the glass doors reads, “P.K. Lassiter and Associates, Investment House.”The Ferrari SCREECHES to a halt. Jack gets out, heads into the building...10A INT. LASSITER BUILDING - CONTINUOUS...Jack throws his keys to a nearby SECURITY GUARD with a smile on his way to the elevators...CHAPTER THREE - JACK THE BUSINESSMANDISSOLVE TO:11 INT. LASSITER BUILDING, CONFERENCE ROOM - DAYThe Manhattan skyline shines through the windows ofthis beautiful conference room.SIX EXE

CUTIVES are seated at a huge oak table litteredwith coffee cups and lunch waste. At the end of thetable, ALAN MINTZ, 30s, balding, sits with a farawaylook in his eyes, three empty Diet Coke cans in frontof him.Mintz is poking at a shiny gold cherub dangling from asmall, plastic Christmas tree, sitting in the middle ofthe table.Jack is addressing the group from the front of theroom, standing in front of a computer with a huge flatscreen monitor, covered with stock charts and tables...JACK...if MedTech's shares sinkany lower than...(casually executing a keystroke)...forty three, we're introuble with the stockvaluation. So for god's sakewatch what you say to yourinstitutional customers...Jack notices Alan Mintz playing with the cherub.JACK (CONT'D)...we still have almost a fullday of trading before zerohour and I don't want anytrouble...(distracted by Mintz)...penny for your thoughts,Alan...Alan looks up.ALANSorry, Jack. I told Dee andthe kids I'd be home bydinner. You know, it beingChristmas Eve and all.JACKIs that tonight?A LAUGH from the group. Jack approaches Alan.JACK (CONT'D)You think I like being here onChristmas Eve, Alan?ALANI don't know. Maybe...Another LAUGH. Even Jack lets out a good-naturedchuckle.JACKOkay, maybe I do have a touchof tunnel vision this holidayseason. But in two days we'regoing to announce one of thelargest mergers in U.S.corporate history. Thirtybillion dollars...(basking in the glory)When this kind of deal turnsup you get on and you ride it`till it's over. You don'task it for a vacation...A chuckle from the group...the esprit de corps seems toenergize Jack.JACK (CONT'D)(to the group)December 26th. After thatthere'll be so much moneyfloating around here it'll belike Christmas every day...(smiling)December 26th, people. Ifyou'd like to celebrate thatday, you all have myblessing...Enthusiastic nods and words of agreement from the suitsaround the table...ALANYou're right, Jack. Sorry...Jack approaches Alan.JACKI don't want you to be sorry,Alan, I want you to beexcited. I want my gift to bethe first one you open thisyear. You know why?ALANWhy Jack?JACKBecause my gift comes with tenzeroes at the end...A MURMUR of excitement in the room, even Alan cracks asmile. Jack puts a hand on Alan's shoulder.JACK (CONT'D)Good man...12 INT. LASSITER BUILDING CORRI
