
| 大学英语三级 |



大学英语6人话剧剧本:Peach Boy


Peach boy:Kenny

Mrs. Rudolph:Yumeco

Mr. Rudolph:Ryan






Mrs. Rudolph picked up a kid inside a drifting peach on the river. She and her husband brought up the boy and named him Peach. Peach grew stronger and stronger. Once, he even survived after drinking a glass of poisonous milk! Unfortunately, the outbreak of the war brought Mrs. Rudolph to sorrow, for an officer took Mrs. Rudolph away to the army. To save Mrs. Rudolph‟s life, Peach made his way toward the army base. On his way to the destination, he met a dog, a hen and a monkey, and then they became his attendants. Finally, he found the Mrs.Rudolph.


Narrator: Long time ago, in remote mountains, there was a small village by the river. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph were the oldest couple in the village and they always got along with each other. Most unluckily, they didn‟t have a child.


Narrator: Mrs. Rudolph usually did her laundry by the river. But one day, something

weird happened…

Mrs. A: How are you doing today? How come you are here so late (noticing the child)? Wow! What a handsome boy! But, it‟s a pity that he was picked-up…

Mrs. R: Well, I‟m actually fine, but you know what…?

Mrs. A: What? …Don‟t tell me you stepped on a cockroach or crashed an ant or something. Mrs. R: No…There‟s something worse- My flowers. I planted them with my own

hands, but they‟ve all died.

Mrs. A: There you go again. You always make a fuss over very tiny things… You

should try to focus on something more significant. Hey, I‟ve done my work…I‟m gonna go home.

Mrs. R: But, I haven‟t told you the reason that…

Mrs. A: Oh, I …I …uh…I have to feed my dog… good-bye!

Mrs. R: Bye…since when did she have a dog? How come everybody consider me too sensitive? It‟s just that I‟m more observant than you they are…(talking to the boy) Oh, dear…um…you must be hungry. Ok… Grandma is going to go home soon…

Don‟t cry…don‟t cry…DON‟T CRY!!! What a noisy kid you are! Oh, not another peach! No, no, no…don‟t think I‟ll take you home. I already have a cute boy to take care of (considering). Should I take it home? I don‟t want it and I don‟t need it! Better get home!

Mrs. R: But if there„s a child in it, what will happen if nobody picks it up and it flows to the

sea…if there‟s a child in it…to be or not to be, that is the question! Okay…just a peek. It‟s such a heavy one ! Let me see what‟s inside… Gee, a boy again? I want a girl most…But he seems to be more handsome than my boy…Let me name you "Peach." (Women exits)

Narrator: Peach went on his journey…


Narrator: Sixteen years passed, and as the boy grew into manhood, he was immensely filial. The Rudolphs led a peaceful life until one day…

Peach: Grandpa? Grandma? (no answer) Ha! I happen to be thirsty (notice a glass on the table). Mr. R: (Enter Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph) Where is that cup of poison?

Mrs. R: I remember putting it over here.

Mr. R: Dear me! It was poisonous milk!

Mrs. R: (puzzled) Who would take that? It‟s no valuable treasure!

Mr. R: Oh! Don‟t worry about it. It‟s just for killing mice…

Mrs. R: I heard that drinking poisonous milk will cause terrible symptoms…

Mr. R: Like what? Spitting up blood? Passing out?

Mrs. R: Not exactly. First, the poisoned man will be abnormally excited. And then, he will dance with joy. But finally, his body will turn black, and he‟ll pass out and died!

Mr. and Mrs. R: (Looking at each other suddenly!) Peach!!!

(Peach fainted, but, for unknown reason, he recovered right away and became stronger and stronger ever since).

Mr. R: I should have a glass of that milk!


Narrator: The outbreak of the war between two countries has destroyed the peace of the village. Crowds from the weapon-holding army have invaded and are robbing the residents whatever they want. One day, a tyrannous officer comes to visit the Rudolphs.

Officer 1: Anybody home?

Mrs. R: Yes. Oh! Is there a problem (worried)? Has something happened to my family? Officer 1: There‟s a war. Our country needs more strong young men to serve in the army. Mrs. R: But my husband is over 70 and my grandson is just 16. There‟s no one….

Officer 1: No matter what you say, I‟ll take the fittest one back with me to the army.

Mrs. R: What can I do? What can I do?

Officer 1: Hurry up! Call your husband or grandson right now! I don‟t have the whole day to wait for you – Sluggish old woman!

Mrs. R: Can I go with you? My husband is too old to fight for the country, and my…

Officer 1: Don‟t tell me that your grandson is also too old to work too? How about 10,000 dollars? If you donate some money, I can help you and go on to next family.

Mrs. R: 10,000 dollars? I can‟t even earn 10 dollars a day (deadedly). I‟ll go with you. I can cook and do some needlework. I can do something for the army.

Officer 1: Ok! Ok! Just follow me! We can use some cooks…

(Exits Mrs. Rudolph and the officer)

Mr. R: Honey, we‟re home…

Peach: Grandma?

Mr. R: She‟s supposed to be cooking…

Mrs. A: I saw an officer take your wife away…

Mr. R: But how come?

Peach: (bravely) I‟ll go and bring Grandma home.

Exit all


Narrator: On Peach's way to save his grandma, he has nothing but Grandpa's homemade dumplings. The base of the army is close at hand.

Peach: What a tough job! I've walked so far and no one is accompanying. How can I beat these soldiers all by myself? (rubbing his tummy)It's time to get something to eat (opens his dumpling)…....

(Enter dog)

Dog: Hey, buddy. I've had nothing to eat for several days. Could you spare me one of those? Peach: No ...I'm so hungry that I can eat a horse. Spare you one? NO WAY!!!

Dog: Please. If you do. I'll be your attendant. I know you are heading for the army.

Peach: Ok! Just one!

Dog: Thank you very much, and you can call me Douglas.

(Enter Hen)

Hen: Hey, buddy. Do you have an extra one of those? I've had nothing to eat for several days. Could you spare me one?

Peach: Ok, now, let me tell you something. I only have three of these. When I was gonna eat one of them, this dog came and I spare him one. Now when I was gonna eat another one, then you came. This is my lunch, not the relief!

Hen: Please, if you do so, I'll be your attendant. I know you are heading for the army.

Peach: Alright…Just one.

Hen: Thanks. And my name is Henna.

Monkey: Do you...

Peach: Let me guess…you want to ask “do you have an extra one? Right?”

Monkey: How did you know? But if you do...

Peach: If I do, you'll be my attendant, right?

Monkey: Wow, you're an amazing guy... so, do you...

Peach: Ok, ok! Just take it.

Monkey: You're so nice. And just call me Macaque.

Peach: (Sigh) Let's go!

Narrator: They arrive at the camp (Enter S1 and S2)

Soldier 1: You guys! Freeze! This is not a zoo! Go away!

Peach: We're here to save my grandma.

Soldier 1: Go.....away!

Peach: Okay, it's you, Macaque. Use your monkey boxing!

Monkey: Macaque, Macaque!

Soldier 2: Who are you? Show me your permit.

Peach: Where's my grandma? She's the old lady who was captured by you guys.

Soldier 2: An old lady? Oh, the woman... now she is in the general's room.

Peach: What? How can you do that to her? She is just a normal, old woman!

Soldier 2: Yeah, I agree... but I think that's why the general likes her...

Peach: I'll kill him!

Soldier 2: ( Stand in front of Peach) You‟ll have to beat me first!

Peach: All right. It's your turn, Henna.

Henna: Henna, Henna!

(Henna wins the fight.)

The four head towards the general‟s room.

Soldier 3: Who are you (Stand at the door)?

Peach: Let‟s break into the room!

Soldier3: Hey, you can‟t…

(Douglas kicks the soldier. When Peach goes into the room, he finds Mrs. R punishing and fussing at the general)

Peach: Grandma?

Mrs. R: Peach? Who let you in? And…how come you‟re here?

Officer 2: Oh, help me…

Peach: Grandma! What‟s the matter with you? Why have you become so…so…strange? Let‟s go home, Grandpa has been waiting for you.

Officer 2: No, no, no. You should take me far from this room first! She is terrible…I regret bringing her here…

Mrs. R: (Glaring angrily at officer) Shut up! This is no time for you to talk. Ha, ha, ha… you think that I‟ll let you go like this? IMPOSSIBLE! I‟ll treat you just as you treated me. Don‟t forget how I begged you and what you had said to me…(gently turning to Peach) Peach, Grandma will go home soon, I just want to teach him a lesson.

Every body: YA!! We win, we win. That‟s go home and hold a party to celebrate it.


The Tale of Aladdin

Characters: Aladdin, Genie, Jasmine, and Sultan

Scene 1

旁白: Welcome to my store. What are you in need of today? What about this (Hold up a strange item) Or this? (Holds up another item) Or look at this… (Holds the third item) Wait don’t go… I can see that you are only interested in special things. Why not consider this? (He pulls out the magic lamp) This… this is no ordinary lamp! It once changed a young man's life. His name was Aladdin.

SCENE 2(白 when Aladdin is on the way home)

Aladdin:(Notices the lamp) Hey what’s this? (He picks it up) Wow… it’s so dirty. (He rubs the lamp clean)

Genie: (Genie appears. Aladdin is astonished.后退,倒下,惊叫,向门外逃被无形的力量牵住) Who are you and why call me from my lamp?

Aladdin: please don’t kill me,I’m Ala ……Aladdin. Ah… I am sorry to disturb you(Genie interrupt

Genie: (Bows to Aladdin) I am the genie of the lamp and I will obey you. I will do anything you ask. What is your command?

Aladdin: You mean that you live in this lamp and when I rub it you will come out and do any thing I say?

Genie: (Nods) That is correct!

Aladdin: As-sah(松了一口气)

Genie: As- sah…? I’m sorry. I don’t understand.

Aladdin:慢慢起身 Never mind. OK. First I want to wish for some different clothes, some new shoes… no ,wait… first I wish that I could leave this place to see the rest of the world… no, I wish I can see the most beautiful girl in the world

Genie:Are you sure?(A 点点头)that’s easy! Mirror mirror talk to me,who is the most beautiful girl in my world如花出


Genie:对A) sorry,may be I should ask(对mirror) who is the most beautiful girl in his world?


G:let’s go

变身城堡旁边的湖岸上on the lake shore besides the castle

Aladdin Wow, She is so beautiful! but why is she crying?

Aladdin:( makes a sign to the genie to keep quiet and crosses to her) Why are you crying?


Jasmine:Well wouldn’t you?

Aladdin:Wouldn’t I what?

Jasmine:Cry if you were me?

Aladdin:Oh I don’t know. Could you tell me what is wrong with you

Jasmine:But he has such small mean eyes…胖将军图

Aladdin:Who is he,it seems that I have seen him somewhere? (He looks piture)

Jasmine:…and he’s bald. And just because he is a general in the army my father says , I have to marry him.

Aladdin:oh,I know.Well you don’t always have to do what your father says. Jasmine:I have no choice. My father is the Sultan… you know he is the king Aladdin:Wow… I guess being a princess isn’t so great after all. There must be something that I can do to help you. (Aladdin suddenly has an idea. He looks over at the Genie and at his magic lantern.) Hey, I’ve got an idea! (Suddenly there is the sound of footsteps) Who’s that?

Jasmine:Oh no… it’s my father. I shouldn’t be talking with you. If he finds you,you will be in big trouble. Hurry… Hide… Over there… (Aladdin runs and hides. The Sultan enters. Aladdin watches.)

Sultan: I have been looking all over for you. Well my foolish daughter. Have you thought about my decision? You will marry the general right?

Jasmine:I suppose so father. What else can I do?

Sultan: Wonderful! A wise decision. There is nothing to cry about. You will have a magnificent ceremony,then and we shall have a parade in the streets… a band… music… delicious foods…/沉醉状好像出嫁的是他 加幻灯

Sultan:沉醉中没听见)I’m sure you will enjoy this that I will invite the most luxurious /lʌɡˈʒʊəriəs/star line-up add to the fun ,look(指着幻灯 Jasmine:(厌恶的)yeah,it can’t be better if you marry him


Aladdin:Excuse me, Mr. Sultan,

Sultan: Who are you? What are you doing here? Guards! Guards!

Aladdin:Wait please. I came here to give you a very high honor.

Sultan: A high honor. What kind of high honor?

Aladdin:I will offer a more worthy husband for your daughter ,sir.

Sultan: Better than a general(嘲讽的语气轻蔑的眼神)?

Aladdin:Oh yes it is, sir. It is the most amazing man. He is brave and honorable and has mysterious and magical power.

Sultan: Hmmm… And who is this person that you are speaking of?

Aladdin:This person is(看了看神灯,犹豫了一下)……is me.(Says it weakly) S:You?

A: Yes, it is me (Says it stronger.

旁白 At first the Sultan frowns, but then he smiles, and then he starts to laugh. Sultan: (He finally stops laughing) Guards take him away!

Aladdin:No……!wait! Please sir, listen to me. I am telling the truth… I can prove it!

Sultan: All right then, if you want to marry my daughter you must pass a test. There is a dragon that has been killing many of the villagers in my kingdom. Come to my palace before sunset tomorrow with the dragon’s head. If you kill him, you can marry my daughter

Aladdin: Very well sir. (He bows to the Sultan and winks at Jasmine.)

Jasmine:(The Sultan is dragging her out) Oh you shouldn’t have done this! SCENE 4

Aladdin:(Rubs lamp.Genie comes to life.)you must heard the things just happened Genie:yet,What can I do for you

Aladdin: Come with me into the village tonight… and we must defeat the dragon Genie: 拍拍阿拉丁的肩)No problem

Aladdin:Come on we don’t have much time! (They run out.)


Aladdin:where is the dragon ,I can,t see anything?


A:my god,what a huge monster!what should I do?

G(鼓励顽皮的眼神 play with it and enjoy the fun

A: Are you kidding?Come on ,I need you help

G 想了一下)枪how about this

A:(压得喘不过气)What’s this ,so heavy

G oh you are so weak, my master, What do you think of it火箭筒

A :perfect ,but I can,t use it

G:I will show you , aiming and press here,


A;oh ,she discovers us ,

G :别担心,since she was in the air,we should fight against she in the air


A:It is so strange ,she is circling the magic carpet and the angry in her eyes disappear,,but the love instead

G:笑she must fall in love with the carpet

SCENE 6(in the Palace

Sultan: (Looking at his watch) Well, it seems as if Mr. Aladdin has disappeared. I guess that he must bethe end of your foolish friend. Probably dead… (Just then Aladdin enters)



Director :xxx

Actor: xxxx


A short introduction:

Bart Cameron :Cameron is an impatient man and he gets most impatient when he has to work up his income tax. He didn’t want others to do it and it makes him a bitter man. He isn’t approachable by April 14. And the flying saucer landed on April 14, 1956 ,and he made a big error that will never make up.


Alliens one :xxxx(the one who do all the talk)

Allien two: xxxx(打酱油的那个外星人)

Cameron: xxx



Background: The deputy was looking at the stars through the windows and wondering if I ought to knock off and hit the sack or keep on listening to Cameron cu rse real steady as he went out his columns of figures for hundred twenty-seventh time.

Then the saucer landed on and two men got out.

A lock on the door .The deputy was so surprised that he couldn’t say a word.Then

First part :

Cameron:(didn’t frown)What can I do for you ,folk ?

(tapping his hand on tapping his hand on the forms.)

One aliens :We have had your people under observation a long time. Cameron :My people ?All I got was a wife .What’s she been doing ?

A :We have chosen this locality for our first contact because it is isolated and peaceful .We know that you are the leader here.

Cameron :I’m the sheriff,if that’s what you mean ,so spit it out .What’s your trouble ?

A :we have been careful to adopt your mode of dress and even to assume your appearance. We have also learned your language.

(Cameron began to understood.)YOU guys foreigners ?

A :Foreigners ?Indeed we are.We come form the watery place your people call Venus.

C :All right. This is the USA.We all got equal rights regardless of

race ,color ,or nationality. I’m at your service. What can I do for you?

A :We would like to have you ,make immediate arrangements for the important men of your USA ,as you call it t be brought here for discussions leading to you people joining our great organizations.

C :Our people join your organization. We’re already part of the UN and God knows what else. And I suppose I’m to get the president here,eh? Right now ?In Twin Gulch ?Send a hurry-up message?

(He looked at me ,as though he wanted to see a smile on my face, but I couldn’t as much as fall down if someone had pushed the chair out from under me.)

A :Speed is desirable.

C :You want Congress ,too ?The Supreme Court ?

A :If they will help ,sheriff.

C:Well ,you’re not help me ,and I have no time for wise guys who come around ,especially foreigners .If you don’t get the hell out of here straight away ,I’ll lock you up for disturbing the peace and I’ll never let you

out .(banged his income tax form ,yelled)

A :You wish us to leave ?

C :Right now! Get the hell out of here and back to wherever you’re from and don’t ever come back. I don’t want to see you and no one else around here does .

(the two men looked at each other)

A :I can see in your mind that you really wish ,with great intensity ,to be left alone . It is not our way to force ourselves or our organizations on

people who do not wish us or it .We will respect your privacy and leave .We will not return. We will put a warning around your world and none will enter .

C :Mister ,I’m tired of this garbage ,so I’ll count to three-

The second part:

(the deputy heared everything that they said.)

When they left ,the deputy got his voice back,but it’s to late.

D : Cameron, for God’s sake ,they’re from space .Why’d you send them away ?

C :From space !(star at me)

D: (yelled)Look!

(the flying saucer fading away)

D:Sheriff ,why’d you send them away? They had to see the President .And they talked funny .

D:Oh ,fine .Foreigners .

C :They said they were foreigners and they looked Italian. I thought they were Italian .

D :How could they be Italian ?They said they were from the planet Venus .I heared them .They said so.

C :The planet Venus.(his eyes got real round )

D :They said it .They called it the water place or something .You know Venus has a lot water on it .

(But you see ,it was just an error ,a stupid error ,the kind of anyone could make .Only now Earth is never going to have another Venusian visit us .That dope ,Cameron ,and his income tax .

Cameron’s whisper :Venus !When they talked about the watery place ,I thought they meant Venice .



Sara--臧小翼 Abruzzi--王小文 T-bag--王小磊 Michael--刘怡然

The first act

(Abruzzi and T-bag coming)

Abruzzi: Michael, i didn't see you at class. What wrong with you?

Michael: I don't want to study, the college life make me feel confused. There is not care of parents and teachers. After class, the things I can do is only to play computer and sleep. I don't know what kind of person I want to be.

Abruzzi: Don't say that, You know your family your friends all hope you can do a successful life. You are only twenty years old, don't you want to realize your dream.Just have a little faith, man.

Michael: yeah! you are right. I will try.

(Sara is coming)

T-bag: Ou, Sara, Why are you wear a face mask. Do you want to rob a rank. Sara: No! I just want to rob you for my dinner.

T-bag: It's not a good idea, You know I don't have money pay for a dinner.

Sara: Okay! Thanks for gods, I pardon you for this time. Let's go, guys, don't you feel hungry.

The second act

(Michael and Abruzzi)

Abruzzi: Michael, behaving well inside, take care of yourself.

Michael: I know I should not do this. I know it's against the law! But I really have no choice. I just want to make a living for my family.

(Sara and T-bag are coming)

Sara: Are you sure to go there.

Michael: What can I do? I'm guilty. If I studied hard that time, the result will be change. So, take care of the family while I'm gone. Thanks.

The third act

(studying, Michael is coming)

Michael: Can I join in your discussion.

T-bag: Of course, you can.

Sara: What happened? You come there for study.

Michael: Nothing, I just figured out about myself. So go on, What are you talking about?

The fourth act

T-bag: Sara and I prepare a play, Are you interested to take a look at them? Abruzzi and Michael: yeah!

(Sara and T-bag playing)

Sara: Once there is a sincere love putted before my love.


T-bag: I don’t care.


Sara: when I lost it.


T-bag: I regretted, but ir was too late,


Sara: If god would give me another chance.


T-bag: I will give that girl three words


All: singing!

大学英语话剧剧本网篇五:7人英语话剧剧本-Net Friend,互联网交友

7人英语话剧剧本-Net Friend,互联网交友Summary:Is it correct to make friends on the Internet? Will it be dangerous? Bill, Hillary's younger brother, is a rude and impolite boy. Everyone in his school doesn't like him. However, he really wants to have a girlfriend, so he asks his sister to help him. Then Hillary pretended to be Bill on net and met a nice girl, Monica. Three months later, Hillary asked Monica to go out with "Bill" (Her brother), and arranged everything for them. When they met each other at McDonald's, Monica found that Bill wasn't the one who she talked to on net. Then...Finally, Monica understands that it's very dangerous to date with strangers and trusts everything of which her net-friend told her. And we all should be very careful when we're on net.Scene I(In school cafeteria, students are having lunch)Bill: Hey, Jessie. (He pushed her shoulder very rudely) Can I join you? (Jessie didn't say a word, and Bill just sat down)Bill: Wow! Wow! Wow! You are wearing a nice dress today! Jessie: Thanks! Bill: Oh! What a beautiful hair clip. Where did you buy it? (Jessie didn't say anything..)Bill: Hey, you have a nice watch. (He held her hand strongly and Jessie got angry.)Jessie: Don't touch me! I don't want to talk to you. Leave me alone! (Bill stood up and walked toward Carol. Bill sat down beside Carol without asking her)Bill: Hey, beautiful! How could you eat so little! It's not good for your health! Take this! (Bill wanted Carol to eat his food)Carol: No. Bill: Take it! (He was very rude and the plate fell down.) Carol: Hey! What are you doing! This is my new skirt! Bill: I'm sorry! Carol: Go away! You're such a rude guy! (Carol went away.)Bill: Did I do something wrong? (He talked to himself)Scene II(In Hillary's room. Hillary was surfing the net)Bill: Sis.... Bill: Hillary! Hillary: Oh! Hi! Bill! How long have you been sitting there? Are you trying to scare me? (Bill didn't say a word.)Hillary: Bill? What's wrong with you? What happened? Bill: I tried to draw some girls' attention but they just ignored me! Hillary: Hmm....Maybe the way you used was wrong. Bill: Yeah, maybe. But I don't know how to attract them. Hillary, I just want to have a girlfriend? Hillary: Girlfriend? Bill: Yeah. Hillary: Let me see what I can do. Bill: So, can you help me? Hillary: Ok! Since you really want to have a girlfriend, I'll try to help you. Bill: Great! Thank you! You are a doll! (At this moment, Hillary's net-friend is calling her.)Hillary: Oh.. My net-friend! Bill: Ok! Waiting for your good news! (Bill left Hillary's room and Hillary was thinking how she helped Bill.)Hillary: Yeah! That's it! I can pretend to be Bill and find a girlfriend on the Internet! (She opened the PC and saw a girl's name "Monica"...)Hillary: (Laughing......) Monica! (A little bit surprised)Hillary: (Talked to herself) It is t

he same name as the girl of Clinton's sexual scandal. Hmm. Let me send a message to her. Hillary: Hi! I'm Bill! Glad to meet you! Monica: Hello, Bill! , Glad to meet you, too. I'm a college student, and you? Hillary: Me three Monica: (Laughing...) You're a humorous person! Hillary: Thanks! I guess you're a female, aren't you? Monica: Yes, I am. Hillary: (Talked to herself) Great! She's a girl. Monica: And you? Hillary: Oh... I'm a "boy" Monica: Which school club are you in? Hillary: Computer Information Club. Monica: Oh! Really? So you must be a computer expert! Hillary: You can say that again. Monica: You know I'm interested in computers, too. So, can you teach me or tell me something about them? Hillary: Sure! It's my pleasure! ( .....Two hours later .....)Hillary: Oh! It's interesting to chat with you. Monica: Yeah! I'm very happy, too. IIiIIaiy: Will you be here tomorrow? At the same time? Monica: I think so, I hope we can meet again. Hillary: Ok, I'll be here tomorrow, Bye! Bye! Monica: Bye! Saying: From then on, Monica and Hillary continue chatting with each other after school. (At Monica's room. As soon as Monica came back home from school,she started surfing the net. Then, her mom came into her room. She knocked her door, but no oneanswered the door) Mom: I'm coming! Mom: Oh! Monica, my darling! I've just baked some cookies. Want some? Monica: No, thanks! I have something important to do. Mom: What are you busy doing? Monica: I'm surfing the net and talking to my net-friend. Mom: Net-friends!! They are strangers. You even don't know who they are. I read from the newspapers. Lot's of things happened on net. You should be more careful and you have to watch out for your net-friends, You're so young Monica: Ok.. ok. .I know, Mom. Don't worry about me. (Mom walked out her room. and Monica saw Hillary)Monica: Hello! Bill! Hillary: Hi! Monica! How's school today? Monica: Wonderful! It's really a nice day! Hillary: Monica! I think we've known each other for a long time. And I just wonder whether you would go out with me? Monica: (Talk to herself) Go out with him? Monica: Sure, I would like to. I think you're a polite and humorous person. It may be interesting to go out with you! Hillary: That's great! How about we meeting at McDonald's on Ming-Chang Road this weekend? Monica: All right! It's a deal! But how can I recognize you? Hilillary: I'll wear a blue shirt, blue jeans, a blue caps and also carry a blue knapsack. Besides, I'll stand beside the trash can. Monica: All in blue! Wow! Ok! That will be easy for me to recognize you. Hillary: Yeah! I'll be waiting for you! Monica: Ok! See you Monica: (Talk to herself) Ha! I'm looking forward to it! Hillary: (Talk to herself) Yes, I made it. I'm going to tell Bill this good news! ScenceIII(At McDonald's, Bill was waiting for Monica. A few minutes later, Monica saw Bill and walked toward Bill)

Monica: Hi... Are you Bill? Bill: Yes, I am. You're Monica? Monica: Yeah.. that's right. Bill: You look great! Monica: You're not bad, either. Hey, Let's find a table! Bill: Yeah! How about that one? I've ordered some things. (They found a table and began talking.)Monica: Bill! Bill: Monica! Bill: Oh! Lady first! Monica: Bill, have you already finished your computer report? Bill: Uh...Uh... Did I tell you that? Monica: Yes, you did. You said it was about how to kill virus. Did you find out how to do that? Bill: Kill virus? That's easy for me. I'm a genius. Just use a knife. Monica: A knife? Bill: Yeah! Knife can kill everything. Monica: What are you talking about? Alright! Alright! Forget it! And how about the novel we discussed last week? Bill: Novel? I've read so many novels, which one? Monica: "The old man and the sea", don't you forget? What happened to that old man? Bill: Yeah! That old man! He caught a big fish and then became a hero. Monica: Hmm. He has a strong will, doesn't he? He never gives up anything. And how about the fish? Bill: Did you forget? He cooked the fish and ate it! Monica: And~~it's delicious, right? Bill: You got it! It's very delicious! Monica: Nonsense! The fish was eaten by the sharks . You're not Bill, are you? Bill: Of course I'm Bill. "B~I-L-L" Monica: But you seem different from the way you are on net. Who are you for God's sake? Bill: Ok. I tell you the truth. I'm Bill, but not the one you talked to on net. That was my sister, Hillary. Monica: Are you kidding me? Bill: No, that's true. I really want to have a girlfriend, so she helped me out. She met you on net and thought you're a nice girl. So she arranged us to meet each other. Monica: That means both of you tricked me? Bill: So what? That's Hillary's idea. Monica: You. ..You..... (She is very angry) Monica: Gosh! I was tricked for such a long time! Scence IV(Monica left McDonald angrily)(At Monica's room, again.)Monica: (Crying) How foolish I was! What on earth was I doing? (Still crying) I think I need someone to talk to. (She looked around and saw the time)Monica: Ah, 8:30. It's "Paula's Time." (She turned on the TV)Paula: Welcome to "Paula's Time" I'm Paula Jones, not Dow Jones. Today we'll discuss some net problems. Nowadays Internet helps modern people live more convenient lives, get the latest information. You can say that we live in an Internet world. However, some bad guys made use of Internet to do illegal deals or trick people. So, today we will listen to some friends' problems and help them solve it. Our hot line number is 111-1234. Please dial it as soon as possible. I'm waiting for your call-in. OK. Who's the first friend? Monica: Hi, Paula, I'm Monica. Paula: Yes, Monica, what do you want to share with us? Monica: I met a girl, Hillary, on net three months ago. She pretended to be her brother, Bill, and chatted with me. But I didn't know the tr

uth until yesterday that we arranged to meet each other. He told me that Hillary surfed the net to help him find a girlfriend. And that was me. I felt I was tricked and I was very sad. Do you think I'm wrong? Paula: It seems like Bill takes special interests in Monica just like our president. Monica, it's a serious and common social problem in modern society. Lots of people want to make friends on the Internet. But you must be careful. On the net, people use nicknames to protect themselves, or even trick others to do something bad. Everyone on the net wears a mask. Sometimes it's evil that hides under the mask. So you had better watch out. Never date with strangers by yourself. Strangers are dangerous. Monica: Thanks, Paula. You do help me a lot. I know what I should do now. (Suddenly someone is calling Monica on net)Starr: Hi! Monica! I'm Starr. May I make friends with you? Monica: Oh! No! Not again! (Lights out) The End

大学英语话剧剧本网篇六:大学英语短剧剧本-College Life(大学生活)

大学英语短剧剧本-College Life(大学生活) Character:

Nellsion(我) (K)Ken(康) (T)Ted(强勇) Willim(伟楠) 旁白:建斐 Time flies! after graduated from high school ,we has been a college student two years. A college life was remember all our times including all kinds of happy , quareel , and moving time.

Part 1

Time : Noon in monday

Place : Dorm

Ken and Willim go to the room with laughter and at that time

ken: wo~ do you see the girl in front of me while eating just now . Willim: yeah ~ she looks so beautiful!

Ken: actually ,you are right , if we ignore her face ! ha ha~

Willim: may be …

Nellsion: Be quiet, OK? I can’ t concentrate on dota . Oh! I lost, fucking shit. ted : foolish~ foolish ~ foolish ~ (reciting the words)

Nellsion: (angery) stop talking!

(and this time ted go to the tailot And a perty well voice of reciting words from the tailot ), Ted: foolish ~ foolish ~ foolish~….

Part 2

(In class)

Time: before English class

Place: classroom

Ken: have you saw the new three kingdoms last night?

Nellsion: rubbish ~there is nothing more than the war3 and dota , you see this is the new book about the method which will teach you how to kill more hero. Ted , come here ,I will teach you Ted : really?

Nellsion: of course….. but ,e (做拿钱的动作)。。。if you can borrow me 10 yuan . Willim:what a poor game fans!

Ken: sad for our countries’ future ! ai……date back to the period of three kingdoms, you can’t catch up with chao chao

Willim: so does it

Nellsion:chao chao can be chao chao ,because he didn’t come across with me. if he play dota with me ,I can kill it in second. Ha ha ha ~

Willim: what a poor boy !

Ken: what a poor fans!

Ted:god bless him!

Nellsion: what did you talking?(angry)

Willim ,Ted ,ken (laughting,偷笑)



Time :staurday evening

Place: top disco

Ken : today is the dorm activity day, shall we went to top KTV for singing?

Willim ,Ted, Nellison :agree

That night the four go to the top KTV

(in the room)

Willim: first, let me sing the first song

Ken:I am the head of our dorm ,the first one is me

Ted:your point didn’t higher than me ,it’s my turn

Nellsion:no no no ,if you dare to play dota with me ,I will kill you in second ,so the champion should be the no.1

The four quarrel with each other for the first song

However , at this time ,they think the night before examination

Let’s Date back to the night before examination

Time: 2 o’clock at night

Place: dorm

Ted: nellsion ,how to figure out this question?

Nellsion: I don’t know .how did you listen to the class?

Ted:I ,I ,I ….e…the teacher didn’t talk,so,,,,,,I don’t know


Willim:o ,easy,like this ,and then …..

Ted:o ,o ,o

Ken:willim,you are wrong ….it should be like this……..

Willim: no ,mine is correct

Ken: you are wrong .

Nellsion: who should I believe in?

Ted: let’s think together…

The four talk ,discuss ,at last they done it well in the exam…

Nellsion: do you remember that night ?

Ted: yes, a good night in my life

Willim and ken :yes,it’s our treasure ,a good night

Willim: okay , let’s sing it all togther .



旁白:The show is producted by 90 times after elaborate,copyright is

registered,piracy will pursue.

亓香:she is my best friend.

姬:she is my brother.

郭:she is my sister.

王:Although we have not known each other,we have built up a deep good friend. 亓:We sometimes very stupip.

姬:Sometimes we may quareel.

郭:Sometimes we even fight.

王:We still be deeply attached,other never abandon.

合:Yeah,never abandon.

旁白:Friendship,actually so simple.Hello ,everyone,welcome to watch entertainment news .I was zhang .let me take a look at all those hot news last week.Do you believe that the end of the world?

亓:wang ,Do you believe that the end of the world?

王:No,I do not believe that.I believe that baizhi and tingfeng,but in the end,they divorced,I do not believe in love ,but guanxi got married.

姬:yuanfang,How do you think of ?

郭:纳尼?I want to change the chunnle.

王:Watching TV is very boring.let us go to KTV for fun.

合:Good idea.

亓:there are few people? Can we invite more?

姬:how do you think of the 310 studio?


王:ok! Let me call them!

牛:hello,this is 310 studio.what can I help you?

王:this is me。Let’s go to KTV for fun!

牛:my pleasure!

王:call on all the people in youur dorm.



玛利亚:Oh my God。There are so many beautiful girls。

牛 :Yeah,I can’t hold on。

玛利亚:look here,the girl is looking at me。

玉广 :Fuck,the truth is that the girl is looking at me。

牛 :I see a beautiful girl in front of us。

玛利亚:Right,her figure is so slim。

玉广 :her leg is so long and······

牛 :Her hair is black and shiny,

she must have used headshoulder.(海飞丝)

玛利亚:even if I can’t see her face,but I feel she must be a yummy girls. 玉广 :stop talking,she is turning over.

合 :quirkly,quirkly·······

玛利亚:fuck,she is blacker than me,come on, three girls are wainting for us.


玛利亚:hi ,lady.

东森 :hello,Maria.

玉广 :girls,you look so nice today.

女生 :thank you,you are so kind.

玉广(小声说):shit,I don’t like to tell a lie.


Waiter:can I help you?

牛:I want to order some beer,qingdao beer.


Waiter: sir,your beer。

牛:can I ask you some questions.

Waiter:sorry,I have no time.I am busy now.

牛:don’t take your mush time.

Wairer:ok go ahead.

牛:where are you from。

玉广:do you have a boyfriend.

玛利亚:can you give me your telephone number.



玛利亚:OK,first,let me sing the first song.

牛 :I am the head of our dorm.the first one is me.

玉广 :your point did’t higher than me,it’s my turn.

玛利亚:no no no,if you dare to play cs with me.I will kill you in second,so the

champion should be the no.1

The three quarrel with each other for the first song.

王:Do not fight.why do you fight for small things.

亓:Do not hurt felings between friends.

姬:Do not angry.It does not matter.you can sing toghter.

Let’s sing 《 take me to you heart》

旁白:Do not have to experience life wind and rain is friend, our fellings has already melted in the trivial life,who say it is have that only moving?

Friendship,actually so simpe.


《逃课》英语话剧剧本 Skipping Class



Anita: Never understands why students like to skip classes

Kevin: Treats “skipping classes” as the principle of university life

Ken: Eager to skip classes but dares not to do it

Jason: Always commits himself not to skip classes

Steven: Always gives himself a good excuse for skipping class

Rita: A professional class skipper


Scene I

(Anita, Kevin, Ken, Jason, Steven, and Rita are xian University of finances students. They are good friends. One day, Ken and Jason meet on the way to the classroom.)

Ken: Why are you late? And, you just missed the last class. The teacher gave us the main topics for the mid-term examination.

Jason: Oh, shoot! I just missed it. Would you lend me your notes so I can make a copy? Ken: Sure if you give me a good reason why you missed the class. You promised me that you would be in class on time today.

Jason: Believe me, I would like to keep my word. The problem is that I have the “Business Management” test today and I was up studying for it till three o’clock this morning. Then I fell asleep and woke up at ten o’clock this morning.

Ken: You studied until three o’clock this morning? Why? What did you do yesterday afternoon? I know you were free from four o’clock on yesterday.

Jason: Well, I met one of my very old friends on line and we just talked too long„ Ken: For God’s sake! Don’t you care about next week’s mid-term examination?


Scene II

(Anita, Steven and Kevin are talking to one another in front of a classroom. And, Anita is trying to prevent Steven and Kevin from cutting the next class.)

Anita: Hey, we’ll have the “Business Management” class in a few minutes. Where are you going? Don’t tell me that you are going to argue with Jason.

Steven: I will do anything for my good friend. Of course I am going to argue with the guy who gave my good friend a hard time.

Anita: You always like to get involved in someone else’s business. You’ll get yourself in trouble. Don’t you know it? ...

Kevin: Anita, don’t be upset with him. He will not listen to you. Just leave him alone. By the way, I am still waiting for your decision. Are you coming with me to the concert tomorrow? Anita: Oh, I am sorry that I almost forgot it. What time tomorrow?

Kevin: Two o’clock. I cannot wait to see my adorable superstar – Jolin. Oh, how wonderful!

Anita: wait a minute. We have Calculus class tomorrow afternoon. Are you out of your mind?

Kevin: Well, I’m not. Yet I think we can just copy the notes from someone else. Anita: No, this is a very important class. And you would never understand it without listening to the lecture.

Kevin: To me it makes no difference. Even if I were in the class I would never understand what the teacher is talking about. Besides, who likes to look at the old baldhead? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Scene III

(After Calculus class, Anita is on the way to the ST building. At the same time, Rita is walking to the ST building from the dorm. They meet in front of the laboratory.)

Rita: Here I am. Look, I did what I promised. I am a good girl, not skipping classes. Anita: What are you talking about? This is the 5th class. You skipped the first four classes this morning. Yesterday you promised that you would not skip any class.

Rita: Did I? We don’t have any class in the morning but we’re packed in the

afternoon on Wednesdays.

Anita: I beg your pardon? Today is Thursday and we have classes the whole day. Besides, didn’t you meet us this morning while we were going out to class?

Rita: I thought you were going to the library.

Anita: You are loopy now because you’ve skipped too, too many classes.

Rita: Why did you say so? I know that we will have the Computer Program test tomorrow. Anita: You are incurable. The test was this morning!


Scene IV

(Ken and Rita are talking to each other. They are talking about how to skip a class. ) Ken: I wonder why your Calculus professor never takes attendance. Yet, every time I skipped class, my professor always knew I was absent. I think I am really unlucky.

Rita: well, you’ll appreciate what I’m going to tell you now, my three very good suggestions.

Ken: What are they?

Rita: Now lend me your ears – First of all, whether you skip the class or not, you’ll never pass the course.

Ken: How do you know that I will not pass?

Rita: Calculus is extremely difficult. I don’t believe you can pass it. Ken: Maybe you are right. What else?

Rita: Before you skip the class you should treat everyone nicely. And after that, you should try to flatter your professor.

Ken: Why?

Rita: Well if you treat the classmates nicely, they will help you sign your name on the attendance sheet. And if you flatter your professor properly, you may ask the professor to pass you. Lastly – To skip the classes successfully you cannot skip too many classes or too few.

Ken: What do you mean? Not too many and not too few?

Rita: You need good weather for skipping classes so you can go out to fool around. And then you need good timing so you can go to the newly opened internet café that is on discount. Finally you need good relationships with the classmates so they can cover it up for you.

Ken: You are a genius.

Rita: I am just very professional.

Ken: I see now. I will try sometimes. Hah, Hah, Hah!!!


Scene V

(Ken meets Kevin at the parking lot.)

Kevin: It’s time for the English class. Why are you here?

Ken: I don’t want to go to English class. I want to cut the class.

Kevin: Why?

Ken: Because someone told me cutting classes can be fun.

Kevin: That’s right. I will show you how much fun it is to cut classes. Ken: Ok. Let’s go.

(Kevin and Ken cut the class and go out to have fun with girls. And both of them will fail the English class. Therefore next semester they will see Jean, their English teacher, again.)


《逃课》英语话剧剧本 Skipping Class



Anita: Never understands why students like to skip classes

Kevin: Treats “skipping classes” as the principle of university life

Ken: Eager to skip classes but dares not to do it

Jason: Always commits himself not to skip classes

Steven: Always gives himself a good excuse for skipping class

Rita: A professional class skipper


Scene I

(Anita, Kevin, Ken, Jason, Steven, and Rita are all Tunghai University students. They are good friends. One day, Ken and Jason meet on the way to the classroom.)

Ken: Why are you late? And, you just missed the last class. The teacher gave us the main topics for the mid-term examination.

Jason: Oh, shoot! I just missed it. Would you lend me your notes so I can make a copy? Ken: Sure if you give me a good reason why you missed the class. You promised me that you would be in class on time today.

Jason: Believe me, I would like to keep my word. The problem is that I have the “Business Management” test today and I was up studying for it till three o’clock this morning. Then I fell asleep and woke up at ten o’clock this morning.

Ken: You studied until three o’clock this morning? Why? What did you do yesterday afternoon? I know you were free from four o’clock on yesterday.

Jason: Well, I met one of my very old friends on line and we just talked too long„ Ken: For God’s sake! Don’t you care about next week’s mid-term examination?


Scene II

(Anita, Steven and Kevin are talking to one another in front of a classroom. And, Anita is trying to prevent Steven and Kevin from cutting the next class.)

Anita: Hey, we’ll have the “Business Management” class in a few minutes. Where are you going? Don’t tell me that you are going to argue with Jason.

Steven: I will do anything for my good friend. Of course I am going to argue with the guy who gave my good friend a hard time.

Anita: You always like to get involved in someone else’s business. You’ll get yourself in trouble. Don’t you know it? ...

Kevin: Anita, don’t be upset with him. He will not listen to you. Just leave him alone. By the way, I am still waiting for your decision. Are you coming with me to the concert tomorrow? Anita: Oh, I am sorry that I almost forgot it. What time tomorrow?

Kevin: Two o’clock. I cannot wait to see my adorable superstar – Jolin. Oh, how wonderful!

Anita: wait a minute. We have Calculus class tomorrow afternoon. Are you out of your mind?

Kevin: Well, I’m not. Yet I think we can just copy the notes from someone else. Anita: No, this is a very important class. And you would never understand it without listening to the lecture.

Kevin: To me it makes no difference. Even if I were in the class I would never understand what the teacher is talking about. Besides, who likes to look at the old baldhead? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Scene III

(After Calculus class, Anita is on the way to the ST building. At the same time, Rita is walking to the ST building from the dorm. They meet in front of the laboratory.)

Rita: Here I am. Look, I did what I promised. I am a good girl, not skipping classes. Anita: What are you talking about? This is the 5th class. You skipped the first four classes this morning. Yesterday you promised that you would not skip any class.

Rita: Did I? We don’t have any class in the morning but we’re packed in the afternoon on Wednesdays.

Anita: I beg your pardon? Today is Thursday and we have classes the whole day. Besides, didn’t you meet us this morning while we were going out to class?

Rita: I thought you were going to the library.

Anita: You are loopy now because you’ve skipped too, too many classes.

Rita: Why did you say so? I know that we will have the Computer Program test tomorrow. Anita: You are incurable. The test was this morning!


Scene IV

(Ken and Rita are talking to each other. They are talking about how to skip a class. ) Ken: I wonder why your Calculus professor never takes attendance. Yet, every time I skipped class, my professor always knew I was absent. I think I am really unlucky.

Rita: well, you’ll appreciate what I’m going to tell you now, my three very good suggestions.

Ken: What are they?

Rita: Now lend me your ears – First of all, whether you skip the class or not, you’ll never pass the course.

Ken: How do you know that I will not pass?

Rita: Calculus is extremely difficult. I don’t believe you can pass it. Ken: Maybe you are right. What else?

Rita: Before you skip the class you should treat everyone nicely. And after that, you should try to flatter your professor.

Ken: Why?

Rita: Well if you treat the classmates nicely, they will help you sign your name on the attendance sheet. And if you flatter your professor properly, you may ask the professor to pass you. Lastly – To skip the classes successfully you cannot skip too many classes or too few.

Ken: What do you mean? Not too many and not too few?

Rita: You need good weather for skipping classes so you can go out to fool around. And then you need good timing so you can go to the newly opened internet café that is on discount. Finally you need good relationships with the classmates so they can cover it up for you. Ken: You are a genius.

Rita: I am just very professional.

Ken: I see now. I will try sometimes. Hah, Hah, Hah!!!


Scene V

(Ken meets Kevin at the parking lot.)

Kevin: It’s time for the English class. Why are you here?

Ken: I don’t want to go to English class. I want to cut the class.

Kevin: Why?

Ken: Because someone told me cutting classes can be fun.

Kevin: That’s right. I will show you how much fun it is to cut classes. Ken: Ok. Let’s go.

(Kevin and Ken cut the class and go out to have fun with girls. And both of them will fail the English class. Therefore next semester they will see Jean, their English teacher, again.)

大学英语话剧剧本网篇十:大学英语课堂模拟情景英文短剧 剧本,主题:中国教师的一天。

The Scrips of the play for group B class1105

A Day for a Chinese Teacher

Written by Zhang ***, Guo ** Directer: Zhang ***, Guo *** Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Background: In Yuncheng High School. Two months to the College Entrance Examination. Every one is busying all around...

Main characters and their features: Ms. Zhao,the head teacher. Ms. Wang, another teacher,who won the first prize in the the Teaching Evaluation Competition.

The Head Master

Students: 1.Good students(with good grades): student A, who likes playing PC games; student B, an guy with a personality of arrogant, over confident, and self-engrossed, looks down upon anything, except himself; student C: a bookworm study all the time; student D, a modest girl, her courteousness won everyone’s respect; student E&F plain students no significant features..

2. Bad students(with bad grades): Student G, who has been late to class(played by ; student H, also likes playing PC games; Student I, a cute funny girl likes playing jokes to others; student J, a little girl who is very timid, dear not talk loudly, very easily to be scared to cry; student M, an ambitious girl with confidence but a little stammered; student L, always late for school, due to overslept; student N, who thinks study is useless, has her own plan for future; student O, aimless, the so-called “fuerdai” in China nowadays who has a lot of money her parents have given her everything she need, without any effort on her part; student P, famous by her addition to sleep, have given the name “Hypnos(the god of sleep) ; student Q, a beautiful girl narcissistic, always she is the most beautiful girl in the world.

Scene One

Location: Student G’s home. Characters: Student G(G) and her mother(GM). Time: early in the morning.

G: Oh, come! can’t you please just wake me up a little earlier? It’s already half past 7!

GM: You always get up too late, and you have never bothered about this, why didn’t tell me about that?

G: What?

GM: Your poor school work, I have been told your bad behavior in school by you teacher.

G: Oh, I don’t think you care about it. All things you care about day and night is your poker and mahjong!

GM: I’m sorry, my dear, I apologize to you, but anyway, I think you should pay attention to your schoolwork, and to be an excellent boy. Let’s make a deal, I will be a good mother, and you have to be a good student, OK?

G: Okay, that’s a deal, I promise it, I cross my finger, and you too. Now, I must leave now, It’s almost late, so, good bye, mom!

GM: Good bye, my dear, take care!(mother and son hug together)

Scene Two

Location: the classroom; Characters: Teacher Ms. Zhao(T); Student G; student A; Time: the first class in the morning.

(Bell ringing, the head teacher Ms.Zhao is coming to the platform)

Class monitor: Stand up!

All of the students: good morning, teacher!

T: good morning class!

(all of a sudden, student G rushed into the classroom)

G: (breathlessly) Sorry, I’m late, may I come in?

T(annoyingly): Again, you are late, you are late all the time, stand here!

T: For this class, you guys are required to write! Here are your assignments! Please make sure you finish them before the class is over!

All the classmates: roar loudly with complements.

(Teacher is walking around the classroom, she walked by a student who is sleeping )

T: Hey, wake up! What do you think you are doing here? Here is in the class, not in your home! Follow me, I have some words for you!

(The student walked by, with her head down, to the outside the class room, )

T: So, tell me, why are you sleep during the class?

The student: Sorry, i’m just played computer games last night.

T: Oh, gush!What did you say? Playing computer game? Ok, I have nothing to say with you, if you think playing is important, then, play it, forget about your study! You always let me down, go back!

The students:(pointed at student A, who is sleeping)Excuse me, my teacher, you see, this guy also slept, but you just took it for granted, you are not fair!

T: (Teacher walked by student A, with a kind voice) Hi, Xiaorui, you are sleepy, It seems you are very tired, follow me, please

(Outside the class room in the doorway)

T: My little girl, you looks so tired, are you okay? what’s the matter?

A: Nothing, I just played the computer games till the night.

T: Well, that sounds interesting, playing computer games can help improving your intelligence, but please promise me, don’t abuse it, you need to pay more attention to your study.

A: Okay, I promise it.

T(with a smile on her face): then, go back please.

T(walked by A, with some books in her hand): Here are some of the reference books I chose specially for you, It can help you to improve your study, so take them!

A: Thank you very much my teacher, I won’t let you down, I promise it!

(Bell ringing)

T: ok, take a rest!

(During the rest)All of the students: burst out suddenly, playing , chatting, and sleeping, ---activities are distinguished from person to person. Amid the mass, two students are taking about music stars.(SG&SK)

SG: Good, How about Harry? He plays the guitar, dosn’t he?

SK: Yes, but Harry loves loves loud music such as disco.

SG: That’s ok, I often go to disco with my friends

SK: You mean we can play with loud music and music?

SG: Why not?

SK: What kind of music style do you prefer,Gill?

SG: Oh, I like music that I can dance to, But we have one problem with our band.

SK: What is it?

SG: I’m not a musician and I can’t sing well.

SK: Are you kidding?

SG: No, that’s your sister’s name, I’m kidding just now.

Scene Three

Location: the classroom; Characters: All of the students, Ms.Zhao; Time: the second class in the morning

(Begining of the class, the same costume)

T: In this class, we are going to take oral tasks, the topic is talking about your dream. All of you guys are required to attend. So let’s begin.

A:I am going to be a boss of a company,what the company produces is game software.There will be all kinds of game software for all kinds of—kids,adults.They will acquire pleasure from these games.Although I often fall sleep in class,I still will be the best game producer in future.Believe me,and Miss Zhao,in return,I will design one game only for you personally.

The bad student who slept: I have the same dream with you.

The students: Laugh

B: (With arrogance) I beg your dream will not come true! My dream is to be the richest woman in the world......

All the students: booing, laughing...

C: I want to be a graduate student.I do not know what is popular in the modern society.I do not think listening music is a good thing.Playing computer games are not attracted to myself.The only thing that I interested is reading books.

Shakespeare--The great British dramatist once said“The time of life is short to pend that shortness basely,it would be too long.”

Shakespeare also said “No matter how long „„

O: (interrupted) Enough,enough,It is my turn.Well,talking about my dream ,I do not need a dream.Because my father has arranged everything for me.Please have a look„„

(All of the students: Amazed, talking around show great envy)

O: this is money that my dad gives me and this is my credit cards.I do not worry about my future,my dad will give me everything that I want.So I can get a good job after graduation.Oh,it will be wonderful.If anyone has problems,please ask me for help,I will solve them as I have so much money and I can do everything!

D (Politely modestly) It is my pleasure to talk about my dream with you. I often ask myself what is my dream?In my mind,everyone shall has his own dream,my dream is to be a fashion designer.Because as a fashion designer,I can design a lot of beautiful clothes and i can make this world more colorful.For a woman,a gallant,beautiful clothes not only make her become more beautiful,but also make her full of confidence and feel well.

I know it is not easy to realize my dream,so I will try my best to do it!

All of the students: applaud widely

L: My dream is to be an airline stewardess. On the one hand,I like their uniforms which looks very beautiful.On the other hand,I like traveling to different places.But I know a stewardess should be friendly,courteous,patient and treat passengers kindly and politely.I want to go Beihang

University.I think I can do it.

L:I think it is useless to study, some students can’t find a good job after they graduated, and there are so many graduates, do you agree? I was forced by my parents to study. But for my parents’ eyes, I’m everything for them , I am a giant now. I have a big dream, I want to run a company by myself and keep it running dynamically through my own ability, I think I’m on my way to my dream!

M: (not coherently, stammered) I.... I have a great dream. My dream is ... to be an excellent show host......Even though I have some stammer, and .....now, my grades are not ......good, But..... my dream will come true,I trust myself.

L: To be honest, I’m not sure what my dream is, I’m confused now, all I want to do is to graduate soon, to travel all over the world, to understand local customs, foods, people, everything. But this things require a lot of money, so I have to find a job, whether I like it or not, only if it is highly paid..

I: I want to be a comedian.I have so many interesting stories that I want to tell you.And so many special things that I want to show you guys.And now,I have one ,like this„„Who can do that?Eh?Are you afraid?


The students: totally amazed, some people even scared

I: It is just one of those little things.I have thousands of that.What you should do is just waiting ! J: (timidly, with a low voice) I am just an ordinary person,I do not have a great dream„„ B:Stop,stop„„

T: Go on, don’t be timid.

I: My dream is to marry a good man and have a happy family,that is al.

E: My dream is never to be in this stupid class!

F:(pretend to be cute) Oh,my dream is the same to you.

T:(froze) I think your dream will never come true!

Q: My dear classmates, do you think I’m beautiful?

All of the students: Yeah

Q: (smiling) Yeah, I think so! My dream is to be the most beautiful woman in the world...... (The students: quietly, waiting for the next dream )

Who is the next?

(A burst of snoring...)

( thrusts P, makes no sense, P go on to sleep soundly, J thrusts her again, P wake up slowly) J (speak in a low voice ):It is your turn.

P: What are you talking about?

J: Our dream.

P:(slowly stand up, smashing her slobber with her hands) Hmm„„dream?Wait,wait„„let me see„„oh,I see.Actually,I had a very big dream.I wanted to be a very famous astronaut to visit the planets,but I do not quite know why I am so sleepy everyday.I can not control myself.It seems that the dream is impossible to achieve.Well„„my biggest dream right now is to own a very comfortable bed to sleep on it.

T: I’m very happy that you all have dreams, whether it is big or small, hold fast your dream! Don’t let your dreams die, for if dreams die, life is like a broken-winged bird. Finally, fight for your dream! hoping every dream will come true!


