
| 大学英语三级 |





根据教育部制定的英语课程标准,初中毕业生应达到五级综合语言运用能力。阅读理解是综合语言运用能力的一个重要方面,在中考中所占比重越来越大,而配对类题型是近年来中考阅读的一个特色题型之一。其难度相对较大,对考生能力要求相对较高。考生必须在十分有限的时间内运用略读、扫读、跳读等技巧快速阅读,找出相配对的答案。现在,我们一起来看一下配对阅读的解题技巧。 、 猜词悟义,排除障碍。


、 学会默读,切忌逐词读。


、 逻辑推理,找出关键词。

不要无目的、无重点地阅读,而是要有目的、有选择性地跳读,要善于逻辑推理,抓住两边句子有关联的信息,即关键词。在配对阅读中,两边的句子往往会出现同样的单词,我们应首先考虑他们是否就是配对的一项。就以初三Unit 9



( ) 1 Jack is a robot fan. He A. Brother Bear is a story

collects all kings of robots and he likes about bears.

movies about robots. B. Underdog tells you about

( ) 2 Kate likes play best. She often the hero of people.

goes to see play with her friends.

( ) 3 Laura likes cartoon very

much. She always watches Disney

movies about bears.

( ) 4 Ann likes deer very much.

She wants to see some movies about

them. C. Breaking Free is a kind of play about romance. D. Wall-E is a cartoon about robots.. E. Prince Casbin is a story about a prince. F. Bambi is the name of a

( ) 5 Bob likes dogs, and he keeps lovely deer.

two pet dogs at home. G. Peculiar Kin is a cartoon

about family.


、 学会悟意,采用排除法。



作为学生获取外语知识和技能的重要途径,在外语教学中,阅读是一个极其重要的环节。正如卡莱尔(Carrell 1989 )所说,“对于许多学习者来说,阅读是四项语言技能中最重要的,在英语作为第二语言或外语学习中尤其如此”。 当然,阅读教学中配对阅读的解题技巧的培养肯定不是仅限于此,培养学生具有较强的阅读能力排在英语阅读教学目标的首位,最大限度地提高学生的阅读理解能力。在这个过程中,把培养阅读技巧放在重要的位置,相信一定会事半功倍,取得较好的效果。







第二:关键词定位(key words positioning)和同义替换(paraphrasing)


今年四六级组季会发布的样题中,关于段落信息匹配题是这样表述的:You have to identify the paragraph from which the information is derived“你需要去确认信息是来自于哪一个段落的”。换一个表达方式叫做 which paragraph contains the following information(哪一段包含了以下的信息)。接下来我们用样题来分析一下关键词定位(key words positioning) 和同义替换(paraphrasing)在段落信息匹配题中如何实践。

1、关键词定位(key words positioning)

Since the mid-1970s, the enrollment of overseas students has increased at an annual rate of 像这道题就属于比较简单的题目。这道题是来自于四级样卷的Q47,当这道题出现的时候,同学们应该关注的是划线的两个数据,而20世纪70年代中期这个数据其实它的意义绝

对没有3.9%大,因为前方是一个时间段,有可能经常出现,而后方是一个具体数值,具体数值的高频可能性不大,因为对于很多人来说他们都明白越高频的单词或短语的形式越不能成为我们的核心钩划点,3.9%一旦出现就让我们在全文当中展开3.9%的寻找之旅吧! Over the past three decades the number of students leaving home each year to study abroad 这时我们会发现顺序再读的时候四级样卷的C段出现了一个3.9%,这样一个点一旦出现,这一道四级简单的匹配题就结束了。



A series of books, mostly authored by Americans, warned...


A succession of books, mainly by Americans... Sounded the alarm

这是原文的B段开头,跟它几乎是一模一样,但是很明显六级和四级相比,它的难度就有一点大了。首先,可别看错,在原文中出现一个单词叫succession,它意思是一个序列的,或者是一个系列的一拨儿的,千万不要看成了成功,整句翻译为一个序列的书主要是由美国人来做。大家仔细看一下mainly换成了mostly,而warned,警告,被换成了sounded the alarm,“拉响警笛”或“拉响警报”。由此我们发现,同义替换对于解题是非常重要的。

从这道题中给大家一个提醒:在平时一定要多做同义替换的积累,比如more and more people我们就认为这不是一个好的表达,我们可以把他升级为an increasing number of people。这个版本就要比more and more people好一些,平时多注意同义词替换方面的积累,能帮助你的阅读,也能帮助你的写作。

希望大家在平时的备考中能学会把控时间,掌握技巧,真正提高自己在阅读部分的得分。 长篇阅读像雅思阅读中的“段落信息匹配题”。在词汇基础基本保证的情况下,考生要掌握一些阅读技巧。比如,特殊信号词汇在段落和题目中的对应,例如数字、大写、特殊符号;段落首句作为重点信息处理;特别关注段落衔接句等。当然,大量训练不可少。







在雅思阅读各种题目当中,难度系数最大之一要数雅思阅读信息匹配题. 这类题目往往是以”Which paragraph contains the following information?”为标志, 然后给出几个短语, 考察考生文章中哪一个段落提到了这些信息。本质上雅思阅读信息匹配题就在考察考生的语言能力。所以, 这种题型对大部分考生来说犹如大海捞针。 最近几年,这种题型在考试中出现的频率不断增大,已经成为阅读主流题型之一。下面环球雅思的老师将通过对这种题型的出题规律分析,探讨其解题方法, 给予考生在解答最难题型中一些启示。


1. 绝对乱序


2. 完全同义转换

该题型是对原文的某一句话或者一段话进行的绝对的语言转述, 极个别题目需要考生高度概括。这就增加了考生定位的难度, 因为句子中没有明显的定位关键词。

3. 总位居文章的第一个题型

由于该题型也是考察考生对段落的理解,一般不会和段落标题配对题list of headings同时出现。

4. 考查细枝末节


5. 有部分题目有重复选项

信息细节配对题往往有两种形式出现,一种是每个选项只选一次,另外一个就是在指令中往往有这样的hint: NB you may use any letter more than once. 如果出现这样的提示,说明某段落要重复使用。



1. 不知道如何定位, 定位不准确

2. 不理解题干含义,并且看不懂题干中的生单词,造成无法找到定位关键词回原文进行同义转述

3. 看不懂文章内容,无法做题


1. 对于后两种问题的症结其实在于词汇。词汇是准备阅读的基础。除了有足够的词汇量外,还要注意用英语解释英语,即辨析同义词的能力

2. 定位词难定位是段落信息细节配对的关键。弄清楚命题人的出题思路,这样回原文寻找对应的信息才有目的性。



① 表抽象概念的名词:idea, opinion, statement, role等

② 表概括性的词:如 the reason why, general,

③ 文章的主旨词




1. 阅读所有题目,划出定位关键词


例如C6 - Test3 – Passage 1 – Page 65这是一篇关于电影发展史的文章。

Q3 the speed with which cinema has changed

Q4 how cinema teaches us about other cultures

Q5 the attraction of actors in films


2. 通读段落,依次寻找答案

根据从文章首段依次skimming 和scanning, 即段落依次清空,分别能找出对应的信息。粗略看

如以上的题目中,带着定位关键词回到原文寻读,在E段注意到第一句中有educate, 与题干中的teaches 属于同一语义场的词组, 而主语”one effect of this realism”以及第二句”For cinema makes the world smaller”显示电影的现实性的作用。并且其后的句子中贯穿了一系列的意义相关的词组: what other places looked like, how other people worked and lived, American imagery, the cities, the cowboys, American life and values,很显然都是组成culture的元素。所以根据分析确定Q4题干信息归属在E 段。同样的,在G 段第一句”the star”,与J段”And it has all happened so quickly”对应题干中的”actors”“so quickly”



由于雅思阅读文章一般都选自英美著名学术刊物,而这些学术性文章的一个特点就是结构比较相对稳定,即按照一定的逻辑顺序展开,如事件的发展顺序,因果顺序,总分顺序等。所以通过结构阅读,采取宏观看文章结构,微观找细节的方法, 并联合对题干信息的预测来解答这种题型。

我们以剑桥5test 2 的文章为例,

Reading Passage 2 has nine paragraphs, A-I.

Which paragraph contains the following information?

Write the correct letter, A-I, in boxes 14-19 on your answer sheet.

14 a biological explanation of the teacher- subjects’ behaviour

15 the explanation Milgram gave the teacher-subjects for the experiment

16 the identity of the pupils

17 the expected statistical outcome

18 the general aim of sociobiological study

19 the way Milgram persuaded the teacher-subjects to continue

原文是一篇讲实验的文章。对于一篇实验性的文章,通常会按照”实验目的-----实验工具,对象,原理----实验过程----预期中的结果-----实验真正的结果----结果分析,评价----结果意义”这样的顺序展开。 所以我们不难发现

14 结果分析(paragraph F)

15 实验目的(paragraph A)

16 实验对象(可能paragraph A or paragraph B)

17 预期实验结果 (paragraph D)

18 实验意义( paragraph I)

19 实验过程( paragraph D)

根据文章结构把每个题干的信息预测到哪个段落后,再微观寻找细节。其中第16题pupil 比较特殊,在paragraph B 中找到打引号的’pupil’,并且也说明了pupil 其实是’actor’.这样做题一方面在从全局上把握文章结构之余不遗漏细枝末节, 另一方面也提高了解答题目的准确率。

特别是在弄清楚学术类文章结构后,我们将有目的性的预测。 具体来说,关于概念解释,身份介绍,概述,首次使用等相关的介绍一般位于文章开头一两段,对于结果,影响,意义,建议,未来的目标等相关题干信息一般出现在文章的结尾段。

比如Q 18 the general aim of sociobiological study(目标 → 原文尾段)

再如 C2 The motor car一文中Q17 the writer’s own prediction of future solutions(未来建议→文章末段)

通过对比题干信息与段落首末句关键词进行推测是解答这一题型的又一个关键。除此之外,还需要考生较高的同义转述的能力。比如高频出现的prediction 往往与anticipate, estimate, forecast, project进行转换。总之,在这一方法当中,结构,预测,同义转述的结合是解答段落信息细节配对的行之有效的方法。





1. 这种题型可以放到最后做。

2. 考生难以按照阅读题一贯遵循的“顺序原则”,这就意味着从文章开头到结尾按顺序定位的方法是行不通的。

3. 词如but ;3)因果关系联接词如 as a result 引领的第二句;4)问句后面的答句。在找到中心句后,读一下末句,可以更精确地掌控段意。若无特别明显的中心句,首尾句的阅读也有助于理解段意。阅读过程当中,有的信息点明确可直接先去选出答案。这里我们也要明确要多看外文,掌握外文的行文思路。

4. 一般而言文章组织有三大类。一是按时间,如货物运输,这是最简单的。 二是按观点—原因—发展—瓶颈—措施—目标的布局来分析一件事物。三是偏科普的 夹杂很多不同派别的理论,这个相对而言比较难。

5. 需要寻找选项中的一些在最大程度上概括整个选项的关键词。带着这些关键词去浏览全篇文章,找到它们所涉及的相关内容后,再研读细节,最终确定此句是否和该段匹配。

6. 上的定位关键词,但其特殊含义可将考生的注意力指向原文的开头、结尾或是某个具有特殊特征的段落。


①能够指示开头段的词汇(如overview、introduction、initiation、main idea、definition等); ②能够指示结尾段的词(如overview、future、 solution、conclusion、suggestion、summary等);③能够帮助考生回原文定位的特殊词汇(如rate、ratio、proportion、percentage等词往往对应含“%”的段落;number、figure、statistical demographics等词往往对应数字集中的段落;financial、income、revenue、salary等词往往对应含诸如“$”“¥”等货币符号的段落)。通过这些指示性词汇缩小回原文定位的范围,从而快速判定。


8. 在首次阅读的过程中如果不能确定某些单句是否与该段落相匹配,最好号,以便第二次阅读时更有针对性。第二次阅读的目的:一是检查已初步确定的段落与单句是否确实匹配;二是完成第一遍阅读中尚未解答的题目。




1. 一些拼写较长的词,比如如:internship,competitiveness,globalization,integration,sustainability,innovative,immigration等。这些词属于低频词,一般不会大篇幅地出现。利用这些词可以高效地查找匹配段落。另外,这些词有时会作为生词在文中标注出来,像internship,在原文中用斜体印刷,并以括号备注中文。选它做关键词,瞬间就能找到原文出处了。

2. 数字,包括年代、百分比、特殊事件等。如四级样卷中的:mid-1970s, 3.9 percent,20 percent,September 11等。利用这些数字进行定位,测得的准确率是100%

3. 以连字符连接的特殊词汇。如:university-based,one-child。这些词是由两个(或三个)单词连接的新词,一般当成形容词使用。三个单词的例子如:hard-to-grasp难以理解的。这些词也属于低频词,一般不会大篇幅出现。需要注意的是有时候我们需要将这些词拆开来定位,如one-child在原文中是没有的,原文是这样的“They often compromise by having just one child. ”这里的one child就不是整体作为形容词使用了。

4. 研究、报告、书籍型词汇,如:report,study,books等。一般来说研究、报告等内容都是易考点,这些信息经常出现在特定的段落里,所以根据这些词汇作为关键词也很容易定位。

5. 最高级,如best,worst,most等。如关键词之一为the best solution。然而仅凭此关键词我们可能无法迅速地找到答案,因为原文的表述是the most effective method,用的词汇是完全不一样的。这就提醒我们在平常的阅读中应多关注最高级出现的地方,因为它常常是考点。

6. funding,unsteady , values,employers,older workers,reforms,shortage,war,immigration,rich countries等。这些词的判断需要多加练习与体会。

The Art of Friendship

A) One evening a few years ago I found myself in an anxiety. Nothing was really wrong my family and I were healthy, my career was busy and successful -- I was just feeling vaguely down and in need of a friend who could raise my spirits, someone who would meet me for coffee and let merant until the clouds lifted. I dialed my best friend, who now lives across the country in California, and got her voicemail. That's when it started to dawn on me -- lonesomeness was at the root of my dreariness. My social life had dwindled to almost nothing, but somehow until that moment I'd been too busy to notice. Now it hit me hard. My old friends, buddies since college or even childhood, know everything about me; when they left, they had taken my context with them.

B) Research has shown the long-range negative consequences of social isolation on one's health. But my concerns were more short-term. I needed to feel understood right then in the way that only a girlfriend can understand you. I knew it would be wrong to expect my husband to replace my friends: He couldn't, and even if he could, to whom would I then complain about my husband? So I resolved to acquire new friends -- women like me who had kids and enjoyed rolling their eyes at the worlda little bit just as I did. Since I'd be making friends with more intention than I'd ever given the process, I realized I could be selective, that I could in effect design my own social life. The down side, of course, was that I felt pretty frightened.

C) After all, it's a whole lot harder to make friends in midlife that it is when yon're younger -- a fact woman I've spoken with point out again and again. As Leslie Danzig, 41, a Chicago theater director and mother, sees it, when you're in your teens and 20s, you're more or less friends with everyone unless

there's a reason not to be. Your college roommate becomes your best pal at least partly due to proximity. Now there needs to be a reason to be friends. "There are many people I'm comfort-able around, but I wouldn't go so far as to call them friends. Comfort isn't enough to sustain a real friendship," Danzig says.

D) At first, finding new companions felt awkward. At 40 I couldn't run up to people the way

my4-year-old daughters do in the playground and ask, "Will you be my friend? Every time you start anew relationship, you're vulnerable again," agrees Kathleen Hall, D Min, founder and CEO of the Stress Institute, in Atlanta. "You're asking, 'Would you like to come into my life?' It makes us self-conscious."

E) Fortunately, my discomfort soon passed. I realized that as a mature friend seeker my vulnerability risk was actually pretty low. If someone didn't take me up on my offer, so what: I wasn't in junior high,

when I might have been rejected for having the wrong clothes or hair. At my age I have amassed enough self-esteem to realize that I have plenty to offer.

F) We're all so busy, in fact, that mutual interests -- say, in a project, class, or cause that we already make time for -- become the perfect catalysts for bringing us in contact with candidates for camaraderie. Michelle Mertes, 35, a teacher and mother of two in Wausau, Wisconsin, says anew friend she made at church came as a pleasant surprise. "In high school I chose friends based on their popular-ity and how being part of their circle might reflect on me. Now's it's our shared values and activities that count." Mertes says her pal, with whom she organized the church's youth programs, is nothing like her but their drive and organizational skills make them ideal friends.

G) Happily, as awkward as making new friends can be, self-esteem issues do not factor in -- or if they do, you can easily put them into perspective. Danzig tells of the mother of a child in her son's pre-school, a tall, beautiful woman who is married to a big-deal rock musician. "I said to my husband, she's too cool for me,'" she jokes. "I get intimidated by people. But once I got to know her, she turned out to be pretty

laid-back and friendly." In the end there was no chemistry between them, so they didn't become good pals. "I realized that we weren't each other's type, but it wasn't about hierarchy." What midlife friendship is about, it seems, is reflecting the person you've become (or are still becoming) back at yourself, thus reinforcing the progress you've made in your life.

H) Harlene Katzman, 41, a lawyer in New York City, notes that her oldest friends knew her back when she was less sure of herself. As much as she loves them, she believes they sometimes respond to is-sues in light of who she once was. An old chum has the goods on you. With recently made friends, you can turn over a new leaf.

I) A new friend, chosen right, can also help you point your boat in the direction you want to go. Hanna Dershowitz, 39, an attorney and mother in Los Angeles, found that a new acquaintance from workwas exactly what she needed in a friend. In addition to liking and respecting Julia, Dershowitz had a feeling that the fit and athletic younger woman would help her to get in shape.

J) While you're busy making new friends, remember that you still need to nurture your old ones. We asked Marla Paul, author of The Friendship Crisis: Finding, Making, and Keeping Friends When You "re Not a Kid Anymore, for the best ways to maintain these important relationships. Keep in touch. Your

英语阅读匹配技巧篇六:四级 长篇阅读(匹配题)方法篇


一、 阅读文章标题、题注等,获取全文话题


二、 阅读选项,标注选项定位词



1. 稳定:这个词最好要在文中能以原样重现

2. 醒目:这个词最好要容易在文中被发现、识别

3. 独特:这个词最好不要在文中出现太多次


1. 数字、时间

例如:Since the mid-1970s, the enrollment of overseas students has increased at an

annual rate of 3.9 percent. (四级大纲样题-47)

这句话中的时间概念mid-1970s和数字3.9 percent就是很好的定位词。在文中肯定会重现,而且容易识别。这样,当之后在扫读文章,看到某段中出现这两个概念时,就可以初步确定这个句子的来源。

2. 人名、地名、机构等大写专有名词、合成词等

例如:Around the world, governments encourage the model of linking university-based science and industrial application. (四级大纲样题-53)

这句话中的合成词university-based science就是很好的定位词,本身是比较专业的概念不易被替换,合成词的形式也使得其比较容易被发现。扫读文章时若发现某个段落含有这个词,则很可能该段即是这句话的来源。


3. 其它方便寻找的名词、动词、形容词


例如:Around the world, governments encourage the model of linking university-based science and industrial application. (四级大纲样题-53)

这句话中除了university-based science之外,名词词组industrial application也




例如:American universities prepare their undergraduates for global careers by giving them chances for international study or internship. (四级大纲样题-46)

这句话中的American universities虽然是大写专有名词,但定位价值很小。注意

到这篇文章的大标题即是University Branch Out,可知全文都与美国大学有关,那么这个概念很可能在许多段落、甚至每个段落都出现,不利于我们确定要某个确定段落。相比之下,internship这个比较专业的名词概念难被改写,则是更有效的定位词。

4. 具有态度或方向的表达



5. 最高级、绝对性表达等



三、 扫读全文,确定选项句的来源段落


例如刚才提到的Since the mid-1970s, the enrollment of overseas students has increased at an annual rate of 3.9 percent. (四级大纲样题-47) 这句话最终出现在原文C段中,对应的是C段的Over the past three decades the number of students leaving home each year to study abroad has grown at an annual rate of 3.9 percent. 可以看到,句子中的an annual rate of 3.9 percent(3.9%的年度比率)在原文中完全重现了。而since the mid-1970s(从70年代中期开始)在原文中则对应同义的over the past three decades(过去三十年),overseas students(海外学生)在原文中则对应同义的students leaving home … to study abroad(离开家庭去海外学生的学生),enroll(注册人数)和increase(增加)分别对应number(数量)和grow(增长)。


也就是说,不要只看到定位词重现、就草率地确定来源段!这样很容易走入出题人设置的陷阱。比如刚才提到的Since the mid-1970s, the enrollment of overseas students has increased at an annual rate of 3.9 percent. (四级大纲样题-47) 有些同学可能会将enrollment选为定位词,这未尝不可(尽管从定位价值上,明显这句话中其它两个数字更好)。然后你就会发现,enrollment这个词原样出现在了H段中。H段中有这样一句话:changes in the visa process caused a dramatic decline in the number of foreign students seeking admission to U.S. universities, and a corresponding surge in enrollments in Australia, Singapore and the U.K。但是明显,这句话除了有enrollment这个词外,其它说法与选项句47都完全不同。事实上H段也没有任何与选项句47重合的信息。因此,H段并非是选项句47的来源段落。











◆ “先题后文法”阅读理解非常常用的一种方法,它指的是在做阅读理解题时,先读题目,然后带着问题



正确锁定关键信息是做好信息匹配题的重要一步。如何才能迅速地锁定关键信息呢?有一个总原则:抓住实词!从词性来说,包括:名词、动词、形容词、数词;从具体内容来说,包括:人名、地名、书名、产品名、电影名、行为、特征、数量、日期等。可以参照(who, what, when, where, which, how)等因素来进行锁定。不同文体的关键信息也不一样,如:




















A. When it come to the essential story line, the movie is all about a bird traveling several thousand miles for the purpose of setting up a rare bird family.

B. Cracks explores the evil force developed within a closed society, the single-minded violence of the mob mentality, and the seductive charm of the heroine.

C. Eleven years after Sidney Prescott tangled with a mad killer, the Scream series has been

exhumed. It was fun and breezy in 1996. In 2011, it’s about as fresh as the whiff.

D. Soul surfer portrays the comeback spirit and faith of shark attack survivor and champion surfer Bethany Hamilton.

E. Although it is a better fantasy than a comedy, this movie never fully embraces either side of the dramatic types and ends up a bastard of mixed blood.

F. This movie is a richer and more compelling thriller involving a cat-and-mouse game than the

average roller coaster ride into tension and misery. And it also has a “clean” ending.


46. Having spent most of her life in the worlds of Finland and toughened herself with half her teen years’ harsh training as a killer, she decides that she is ready to enter society. Her first mission is to kill Marissa, her mother’s killer. The plan goes much as expected, except the “Marissa” is an imposter. Hanna becomes the prey in a cat-and-mouse game with the real Marissa, causing tension and misery.

47. Blu is a domesticated macaw from the jungles of South America. If Linda, his owner, brings him to Rio, the bird can mate the last female blue macaw and re-start the species. Blu’s encounter with his bride-to-be, Jewel, doesn’t go well, but the two aren’t given much time to get to know each other before a gang of bird-hunters spirits them away. Now it’s up to Blu and Jewel to escape the criminals.

48. Perhaps surprisingly, it works reasonably well until the jokes get in the way, testifying to how durable fantasy clichés are. Yet, considering the talent involved on both sides of the camera, audiences may be expecting more. Even though it emerges from an uncrowded genre in which the competition is sparse, Your Highness is forgettable and it likely won’t take long before it is forgotten.

49. The film begins with the heroine at age 13, already a champion surfer who has been winning trophies since she was 9. On an idyllic Hawaii day, she is practicing for next competition when a shark strikes, biting off her left arm. She makes a quick physical recovery and is back on her surfboard after several weeks, but her spiritual recovery is more complicated as she struggle to believe she can — and should — keep surfing. She goes out their and shows the world she can be a beacon for human soul.

50. The Ghost Face Killer has chosen this year to emerge from the winter long sleep, and his targets appear to be Sidney and those few remaining family members. Scream 4 offers little more than a group of familiar characters wandering around a horror movie setting and uttering self-referential one-liners as the body count mounts. The story is thin and belabored ─ more an excuse to encounter old friends and revel in new gore than tha “revision” promised by the promotional material.


信息匹配 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)

阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。请在答题卡上将对应题号的相应选项字母涂黑。 以下是为留英学生编写的系列留学指南的简介:

A. The number-one guide to what to study in the UK

This two-volume guide features up-to-date and in-depth information about UK course options and institutions. It also includes course charts, teaching and research ratings, and advice on choosing your course.

B. The A to Z of where to study in the UK

A reference directory of UK institutions belonging to the British Council’s Education Counselling Service. Includes easy-to-use comparative data on everything from accommodation to courses and fees.

C. The essential online guide to UK education

This site gives you instant access to a wide range of information on studying and living in the UK, including hotlinks to the British Council’s Virtual Campus and institutions’ own web sites.

D. The practical guide to making the most of your UK experience

This fully updated book features the latest information about study opportunities, traveling to the UK, arranging accommodation, working in the UK, financial and legal matters, and student life.

E. New guide to choosing the right UK course

Every year, The Times newspaper compiles a league table of all the UK’s ninety-seven universities. This is published as The Good University Guide, which features over fifty tables ranking universities by degree subject.

F. The magazine that shows why so many international students choose to study in the UK.If you’ve enjoyed reading this magazine and want to keep up with the latest UK student news and views, place your order now for issues 3 and 4.





The people below are all looking for a hotel in Scotland for their holidays. After the description of these people, there is information about six Scotland hotels A-F. Decide which hotel would be most suitable for the people mentioned in questions 1-5 and then mark the correct letter(A-F) on your answer sheet. There is one extra paragraph about one hotel which you don’t need to use.

1.Two women friends who want to do several all-day hikes in the mountains during the spring. They like a place with traditional decorations and superb views

2.A woman with two children aged six and ten, who will spend July in Scotland. The children are interested in animals and plants and the mother enjoys fashions.

3.A handicapped lawyer who must use a wheelchair but drives her own car. She enjoys concerts, museums, fine architecture and swimming. She will spend the first two weeks of October in Scotland.

4.A writer, a teacher and their one-year-old daughter. They want to be in a quiet place during August. They enjoy good food, and like to take long walks(the baby rides in a back-pack).

5.An old couple, aged 65 and 68. They love mountain scenery and still take easy walks by the lakeside when they can. They hope to enjoy fresh air and some relaxing activities.

A.Edinburgh. Post House

A popular base for visitors to Edinburgh, this fine hotel stands next to the zoological Gardens within easy reach of the many famous sights, shops and entertainments of one of Europe’s most elegant capitals.

B.Gatehouse of Fleet. Cally Hotel

This impressive hotel, well-known for its good Scottish cooking, is an ideal choice for a relaxing family holiday. Set in 100 acres of private grounds, the Cally, a former stately home, has something for everyone including its own fishing lake, outdoor heated swimming pool, green lawn, tennis court, children’s playground and sauna baths.

C.Glenborrodale. Glenborrodale Castle Hotel

There can be few better places for a refreshing holiday than this picturesque hotel set in its own 120 acres of beautiful countryside by charming Lake Sunart on the Ardnamurchan Peninsular(半岛). Boating and fishing are both available here.

D.Inverness. Royal Hotel!

A unique feature of the Royal is its fine collection of antique furniture, china and glass. This friendly comfortable hotel, a favourite meeting place for the townspeople, is an excellent base for getting to know the Highlands-Lake Ness, Great Gien and Culloden Moor are all within easy reach.

E.Peebles. Tontine Hotel

The Tontine had a fascinating beginning-it was built in 1808. This homely hotel has been extended to make it a really comfortable base for exploring the Tweed Valley and the attractive Lowland country.

F.North Berwick. Marine Hotel

This fine hotel overlooks the famous West Links golf course and is close to several sandy beaches. The Marine has its own open-air swimming pool and putting green as well as tennis courts, squash courts and saunas. Edinburgh, well-know for its art festivals, is only some 24 miles away.


Here are five letters from readers listed in 1-5. All the greetings and signatures are left out. Suppose you are a secretary of the magazine CR (Crazy English Reader), for each one find a suitable reply from A-F. Mark the correct letter (A-F) on your answer sheet. There is one extra reply which you don’t need to use.

1. I am a reader of CR. Recently I found students translate some articles of CR. I appreciate your offering an opportunity to us beginners to practise using English. So I want to ask how they can obtain these articles and translated them for you, and what qualities you require. Thank you.

2. I love your Crazy English Reader magazine! It provides valuable data for work in our English teaching. My wife and I are teaching Conversational English so I’ve been giving you a bit of a plug at our middle school. I told the students to “get a copy!” It’s good stuff! Fantastic!

3. I’m one of Yao’s fans from Guangzhou. I have read the Yao Ming articles in No.7 Crazy English Reader. I want to know his correspondence address and the official website. Could you please tell me? Thank you very much indeed.

4. First of all, I must say thank you very much to all the CE Reader editors who gave us a really good English magazine. Secondly, I want to give you a piece of advice. In each passage, you gave us some new words with their Chinese translation. However, as far as my knowledge, I think you should give us not only the Chinese meaning but also the English meaning so as to know the words more accurately. Thank you!

5. I am an editor of the English Monthly of our school. I have a question that is how to say the position of the

paper e.g., 总编 责任编辑 and so on. I hope you can help me to tell me the word in English. The more the better. Thank you so much! I love the book very much. Now, I do this work, I need study more information about this work, if you have time, please email me. Thank you.

A. Thank you for your suggestion. We may try that in some future issues of CR. I think the best way to improve your reading vocabulary is to be able to guess the meaning of the word from the other words around it. Also, if you have an English dictionary, it’s good to look up the words and then mark them down in a notebook and review them later on. Then if you really want to learn how to use the words, try using them in conversation or in writing. Hope this helps.

B. The best way for you to learn the different positions in a newspaper or magazine is to get a copy of an all-English magazine or newspaper and then copy down the different positions. There are also titles such as Managing Editor, reporter, Copy Editor, Photo Editor and Layout Editor. I hope this helps. If you have some more specific questions, you can send them to me and I’ll try to answer.

C.The best way to reach Yao directly is through his home team, the Shanghai Sharks. You can write him at 2570

Xietu Road, Shanghai. For more information on Yao, you can look at the sports section in sina. com. I hope this helps. Another idea is that you can try to write Yao while he’s living and playing in Houston. You can try to reach Yao in the US at: Yao Ming Compaq Centre 10 Houston, TX 77046

D. Thank you for being such a careful reader of CR. Yes, you’re right we made a mistake in the writing of that Chinese word. Each issue we try to read very carefully each article and its translation to make sure there are no mistakes, but unfortunately a few mistakes always get by. But you encourage us to keep improving, so thank you.

E. Yes, we do have several students who help us translate some of the articles in our magazine. We contact these translators directly after interviewing their translation work. Afterwards we assign the articles to them for translation. If you are interested in being one of our translators you can send us some information about yourself and a sample of your translation work.

F.Thank you for helping us to promote CR. We’re glad it’s helpful to your students. We always try to include articles that reflect real life. It’s our hope that CR will not only improve student’s English but also open up a different worldview.


The people below are all looking for a course on Chinese to study. Read the following information about the six courses. Decide which course would be the most suitable for the people mentioned in questions 61-65 and then mark the correct letter (A-F) on your answer sheet. You can choose any letter more than once, and some of the letters may not be chosen.

______1. Mathew majors in media and hopes to understand Chinese broadcasting and TV News and communicate with the Chinese people.

______ 2. Sarah is a Learner of Chinese with a fairly good knowledge of basic Chinese grammar and a vocabulary of 2500, hoping to improve her Chinese ability in speaking, reading and writing.

______ 3. Lois majors in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language and hopes to improve her ability in translation.

______ 4. Dennis once has taught himself Chinese and can speak a little Chinese but with poor pronunciation and grammar, hoping to meet the needs of everyday life and study, and understand each other in basic communication through training.

______ 5. Georgia specializes in the Chinese language and culture at the average. He plans to have a tour in China.

A. Comprehensive language skill training

100 lessons in total focusing on pronunciation, grammar and discourse (语段). To enable the learner to master the basic knowledge of the Chinese language, to have the basic ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing, so that they are able to communicate with others and to meet the needs of everyday life, study and socialty. This will lay a foundation for further study of Chinese.

B. Intermediate Chinese Comprehensive Course

40 lessons in all, focusing on the training of the comprehensive skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing of intermediate Chinese. To enable the students to recognize, understand and use the active and less active words, to improve their ability of expressing themselves in paragraphs and discourse, to master the new words, patterns, grammatical structures, paragraphs and discourse and means of connections so as to express the meaning of the texts correctly and fluently in paragraphs and discourse.

C. News Listening

Based on frequently used words, typical sentences and information and concentrating on improving the ability of listening comprehension. To improve the ability of collecting information, to grasp the knowledge and skills they have learned and to understand the broadcasting and TV news of similar themes and relevant level of difficulty with the correctness of 80%. To build up the foundation for further study.

D. Elementary English-Chinese Translation





1、 做题时间10~15分钟

2、 四级样卷显示需要将10道题目信息配对到文中的段落中;

3、 考试说明提到,某段可能被用到两次,而某段可能完全不被涉及。

4、 这类题型的出题形式为:题干给出原文的若干条细节信息,要求考生找出文中分别有这些信息的段落(即题目当中会问道:which paragraph contains the following information?)。








The reports issued in the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescents Medicine find that watching too much TV leads to poor performance in school.



According to Borzekowski, children having chances to use a family computer are likely to acquire better results on the different tests. 在本题中,人名Borzekowski 出现了很多次,在B,C,D,E 段都有出现。所以就要看别的信息,如看use a family computer 等信息。



You may choose a paragraph more than once.









精确数据、非文章高频词的大写或专有名词、斜体或援引内容等 解决完前两步后,相对困难的时间开始了,我们建议考生用顺序梳理原文的方式,逐一进行答案的确认。




因果转折类:but,however,unfortunately,since,because the reason…

让步关系: although,though

递进关系: not only,but also;mot merely,but

比较关系类:more,even,more than,most

选择关系:either or ;or

事实罗列:for example, in fact

序数词: first, second, at last



同意替换是阅读类题目终极解决方案,它包括单词或短语甚至句子用另一种含义表达的所有形式。相对而言,四级部分更多强调词语的同意替换,例如专项第1篇第1题中,段落中的home computer变成题目中的family computer。






2、 速读文章再看题,需要关注重点词汇区域

3、 最后使用同意替换能力来解决剩余题目



overview /past/introduction/initiation/

orientation/main idea/view/concept/




future / in the future / solution /

conclusion / suggest or suggestion /


