101. To get ready for ------- presentation, Mrs.
Warren spent the afternoon memorizing
her prepared speech.
(A) she
(B) her
(C) hers
(D) herself
102. In the event ------- bad weather, the
marathon will be postponed to the
following Saturday.
(A) of
(B) against
(C) with
(D) by
103. Mr. Johnson requested his intern ------- the
report on his desk by the end of the day.
(A) type
(B) was typing
(C) will type
(D) to type
104. The conference center is unavailable every day between six ------- seven o’clock due to cleaning
and maintenance.
(A) and
(B) of
(C) if
(D) yet
105. ------- 80 percent of Fine Diamond's
clients are wealthy jewelry collectors
from the North American continent.
(A) More
(B) Higher
(C) Over
(D) Further
106. Prior to any meetings with clients, the
vice president ------- researches the
competition to make sure his company
is offering the best on the market.
(A) nearly
(B) well
(C) always
(D) far
107. Ms. Dorsey ------- finished her twentieth year as the corporation's executive finance director.
(A) success
(B) successful
(C) successfully
(D) successes
108. Those who work ------- 9 P.M. are given additional compensation for working
late hours.
(A) after
(B) between
(C) through
(D) out
109. Prime Real Estate, under the ------- of Mr. Matt, sold double the amount of
properties as any other agency in the area last year.
(A) direct
(B) directed
(C) directly
(D) direction
110. The accountants who are unfamiliar with the new program may ------- the workshop Friday afternoon.
(A) attendance
(B) attend
(C) were attending
(D) attendee
111. Copies of the painting may not be reproduced ------- the permission of the owner.
(A) without
(B) into
(C) until
(D) among
112. Telemarketers should adhere to the company’s standard ------- when contacting potential clients.
(A) development
(B) category
(C) procedure
(D) qualification
113. The Conflict Management Institute
prepares its students to make -------
contributions to corporate society.
(A) value
(B) valuable
(C) valuing
(D) valuably
114. Furniture for the interior remodeling of the office will be ------- to the storage unit near the building.
(A) delivered
(B) produced
(C) assembled
(D) equipped
115. The two household floor cleaners tested in the study, PineSol and Freshness, are ------- competent in removing unwanted stains.
(A) equal
(B) equally
(C) equality
(D) equaled
116. The accounting manager ------- concerns that his accountants were under too much pressure to finish the report by the
(A) proposed
(B) commented
(C) regarded
(D) expressed
117. We at Deluxe Shipping guarantee that your packages will arrive on the ------- delivery date.
(A) expect
(B) expecting
(C) expected
(D) expectation
118. The city's main library regularly hosts a ------- of public events to encourage young people to read more.
(A) present
(B) scheme
(C) series
(D) progression
119. The brochures released this year include the ------- travel packages and photos of the
renovated resort.
(A) update
(B) updates
(C) updating
(D) updated
120. If you want to get a ------- on your purchase, you must present a copy of the original receipt along with the product.
(A) refund
(B) registration
(C) purchase
(D) limit
121. Last month the marketing team ------- a new strategy that subsequently increased the company's revenue by thirty percent.
(A) implementation
(B) implements
(C) implementing
(D) implemented
122. As production coordinator, Elizabeth was ------- for the supervision of the final stages of assembly and of overall product quality.
(A) probable
(B) responsible
(C) trusting
(D) powerful
123. Glacier Inc. is anticipating that its new line of climbing gear will improve its ------- in the outdoor sports gear market.
(A) competitor
(B) competitive
(C) competitiveness
(D) competitively
124. ------- the last speech of the day ends, set-up crew are asked to remove all of the chairs in preparation for the evening ballroom dance.
(A) Who
(B) When
(C) Why
(D) Which
125. It would be easier to work on this project as a team if our manager permits ------- to do so.
(A) we
(B) our
(C) ours
(D) us
126. The ------- investment should be small in order to determine the fund's stability.
(A) initial
(B) cancelled
(C) productive
(D) impartial
127. Before making your online purchase, read the customer agreement ------- in order to clearly understand our company's return policies.
(A) careful
(B) most careful
(C) carefulness
(D) carefully
128. Once you arrive at the hotel, check-in and ------- a copy of the seminar's agenda from the reception.
(A) define
(B) obtain
(C) recall
(D) inquire
129. Interested customers can look at reviews of ------- of our custom-made pianos on our Web page.
(A) some
(B) so
(C) such
(D) ones
130. The CEO announced that he will ------- reach a decision about the potential merger by the end of the week.
(A) definitely
1. 为什么ETS要针对托业考试进行改革?
答:ETS致力于提高全球教育的质量和公平性,这需要其测评工具与当前语言能力测试理论相一致。此次改革和不断提高的新托业考试很好地反映了测试实践。当前语言理论认识到真实语言环境的复杂性。在这些语境下,学习者需要运用多种语言能力和策略来理解所听到和看到的信息并建立关联。真实语境中的交流同时也是词汇、语法、语音和实用语言能力的综合应用。ETS希望语言的标准性和有效交流之间保持平衡。 2. 新托业考试的听力和阅读部分在中国什么时候开始实施? 答:新托业听力和阅读考试将于2007年11月25日开始实施。
3. 新托业考试在哪些城市有考点?什么时候可以进行报名?报名方式是什么样? 答:新托业考试的考点安排与已经确定的托业公开考试考点完全一样,11月25日及12月16日的托业公开考试均为新托业考试题型。
新托业考试的报名方式及更改、取消方式与现行托业考试一致。 具体信息可登陆托业考试中国官方网站查询。
4. 考试费用是否会受影响?
6. 校园助学计划是否会受到影响?
答:不受任何影响。名额、报名方式、费用均保持不变。费用:人民币374元。 7. 托业考试在听力和阅读部分有何变化? 答:以下是现行托业与新托业的考试对照表: 听力部分
※ 新增澳、英、加国等口音 阅读部分
8. 新托业考试在哪些方面与现行考试保持一致? 答:
1) 考试形式:纸笔测试 2) 考试类型:全部为选择题
3) 考试难度:与现行托业考试一致 4) 考试时长:2小时: 听力部分100题:计45分钟 阅读部分100题:计75分钟 5) 考试题目:200道题
6) 评分标准:听力部分:范围5分到495分 阅读理解:范围5分到495分
总成绩:包括听力和阅读理解成绩的总和,分为从10分到990分 另外,考生在考试结束后的证书保持不变,即:一试双证。 9. 托业考试听力和阅读部分的变化体现在哪里? 答:托业考试听力和阅读部分有6个方面的变化:
1)某些对话、讲话以及听力和阅读部分的短文将会加长。 2)听力部分出现不同口音。
3) 听力部分的问题同时以录音形式出现。 4) 新增以短文为基础的填空题。 5) 基于多篇文章做答。 6) 减少或者取消某些题型。
10.为何新托业考试中包括不同的英语口音? 答:鉴于托业考试是一种国际交流英语考试,而考生也需要与各类不同英语口音的人进行交流,新托业考试中的不同的口音可以体现出国际工作环境中英语的多样性。
答:据了解,8月份将有若干新托业考试备考书籍推出。 12.新托业考试推出后,现有证书是否有效? 答:现有证书将在建议有效期内继续保持有效
1. 托业口语和写作考试在中国什么时候开始实施?
2. 托业口语和写作考试在哪些城市有考点? 答:中国大陆将有三个城市于2007年12月首次实施托业口语和写作考试:北京、上海、广州。具体时间将于近期公布,敬请关注托业中文官方网站。
答:考试方式主要基于互联网实现。通过在线测评及线上评分机制(iBT),有效地、标准化地、公正地考察考生的口语与写作能力。 4. 托业口语和写作考试的费用是多少?
5. 托业口语和写作考试的内容如何?
写作考试:TOEIC(托业)写作考试测评应试者的英语写作能力,通过ETS在线测评系统实现。回答将全部通过ETS在测评系统由ETS 授权的考官进行评分。写作考试涵括3种类型的考题,第一种类型(1-5题)的分数范围在0-3分,第二种类型(6-7题)的分数范围为0-4分,最后一种类型(第8题)的分数范围为0-5分。初始评分将被转换为最终的成绩0-200分。
6. 托业口语和写作考试只涉及商业语境吗? 答:托业口语和写作考试测量考生整体的英语水平,重点涉及与工作和商业相关的场景。托业考试(包括听力和阅读考试以及口语和写作考试)测评员工在国际工作环境下使用英语进行交流的能力。考试内容涵盖了在工作相关的场景和日常活动中需要完成的任务。托业的听力和阅读考试以及口语和写作考试都不要求考生具备特定的专业知识或经验。
11.口语和写作各分为几个等级,分别代表什么样的水平? 答:我们在划分英语能力等级时并没有特意定下具体的数目。当我们开始分析研究数据时,首先尝试恰到好处地划分不同等级之间的界线──避免各个等级,尤其是相临的两个等级之间不出现重叠或描述相左的现象。我们的目的是划分出尽可能多的等级,而研究数据表明,考生在口语考试中的表现可以划分为8个等级,在写作考试中的表现则可以划分为9个等级。对每个等级的英语能力描述可以准确地说明属于相应等级的考生的特点。 12.一份试卷会由几位评分员评阅?评分员会同时参与口语和写作考试的阅卷工作吗? 答:考生的试卷将由多位评分员进行评阅,以保证评审的公正性。评分员只能参与其中一项考试的阅卷工作。
答:考生参加考试后,将获得由ETS颁发的、全球统一的成绩证书。 14.托业口语和写作考试的报名办法?
答:报名方式和流程将于近期公布,请通过托业中文官方网站了解实施细则。 15.如何准备托业口语和写作考试?
答:通过托业口语和写作网上模拟测试,可以帮助考生熟悉托业口语和写作的题型。 16.考生必须参加听说读写全部四项考试吗?
答: ETS没有这样的计划。为了准确地了解考生的四项语言技能,须将四部分的分数分开来看。
1. Because of the generous new salary scheme, we find that part time staff do not need to be replaced----- as in the past.
(A) as often
(B) most often
(C) more often
(D) often
2. Our candidate realizes that his position on free trade is
complicated and he would ----- the opportunity to explain it to your group.
(A) assess
(B) welcome
(C) size
(D) lend
3. Even when he is short of money he keeps $20 in the bottom of his shoe ----- there is an emergency.
(A) although
(B) in spite of
(C) since
(D) in case
4. We should promote the fact that our return and refund policy is much better than ----- of any of our competitors.
(A) that
(B) this
(C) those
(D) these
5. The downward trend in technology stocks started three months ago ----- is expected to continue until the European economy improves.
(A) then
(B) however
(C) and
(更多外语考试资讯尽在(D) thus
6. If you had told us that your guest was interested in Native American Art, we certainly ----- for a trip to the museum.
(A) had arranged
(B) would have arranged
(C) will arrange
(D) arranged
7. Until we installed the new insulation, heating was the -----
(A) solitary (B) unique (C) single (D) exclusively 8. All employment ----- must include the names and telephone numbers of at least two personal references. (A) applicants (B) applying (C) applied (D) applications 9. If the elevator cannot ----- a load of more than 13 people we will have to install a second one. (A) offer (B) make (C) bring (D) support 10. Some African countries have a death penalty for poachers who hunt animals that are in danger of -----. (A) dissipation (B) instinct (C) abduction (D) extinction 11. Of the three options for foreign distribution, the licensing proposal from that British company was considered -----. (A) most feasible (B) more feasibly (C) most feasibly (D) more feasible 12. After years of scepticism, many western physicians are beginning to acknowledge the health ----- of green tea. (A) would benefit (B) benefitting (C) is benefited (D) benefits 13. While many recognize the need for strong environmental legislation, ----- people are willing to reduce their own consumption and waste. (A) less
(C) few (D) another 14. An arbitrator must listen ----- to both parties in a dispute and not allow personal prejudice or opinion to affect his or her decision. (A) objection (B) objective (C) objects (D) objectively 15. In order to encourage participation, several ----- were awarded to competitors who did not do well in their contests. (A) victories(更多外语考试资讯尽在(B) achievements (C) prizes (D) requests 16. You can tell how much they value privacy by how far ----- people sit in movie theaters. (A) above (B) off (C) apart (D) behind 17. Because the fire damage was mainly cosmetic, rather than structural, the company looks forward to being fully ----- again within a couple of weeks. (A) operative (B) operates (C) operation (D) operational 18. -----, local firms are re-locating because of the heavy tax rates in this county. (A) Approximately (B) Mostly (C) Significantly (D) Increasingly 19. The boxers may have appeared angry in the ring, but in fact they have a great deal of respect and admiration for -----. (A) ones
(B) the others
(C) others
(D) each other
20. We will ----- be implementing a whole range of security measures to curtail petty theft in the office.
(A) recently
(B) soon
(C) just
(D) already
21. You should follow security procedures especially when you're sending confidential documents or files -----.
(A) electrical
(B) electricity
(C) electronic
(D) electronically
22. These figures look promising but I have some ----- concerning how the sales projections were calculated.
(B) questions
(C) agreements
(D) assignments
23. ----- an employee has been employed for at least 20 years, he is entitled to take an early retirement package.
(A) That
(B) Therefore
(C) Instead
(D) After
24. Special effects and superb choreography made last night's play quite -----.
(A) excited
(B) exciting
(C) excitedly
(D) excitement
25. When they ----- their hotel, they will be given a handbook with information about the convention and the sights and facilities of the city.
(A) ride
(B) reach
(C) arrive
(D) g(更多外语考试资讯尽在
26. They admitted liability for the property damage to the store but refused ----- that they should pay compensation for lost sales.
(A) to agree
(B) agreeing
(C) agreement
(D) agreed
27. Because the boss has to leave town on an emergency, the ----- Friday morning meeting has been rescheduled for Monday.
(A) regular
(B) regularly
(C) regularize
(D) regularity
28. For the fourth year in a row, Mr. Henry ----- by the mayor for his community service.
(A) honor
(B) was honored
(C) has honored
(D) to honor
29. The police department has narrowed ----- its list of suspects to those people who own a late model blue mini-van.
(A) by
(B) from
(C) down
(D) into
30. The castle is the ----- setting for the horror story because it is supposedly haunted by ghosts.
(A) perfectly
(B) perfect
(C) perfection
(D) perfected
31. The use of a calculator ----- only on sections A and D of the test.
(A) is permitted
(B) permitted
(C) is permitting
(D) will permit
32. We had a problem with ----- products twice, but in both cases,
PP Test 1 语法题笔记练习题
1 Most doctors ofthe Colonial period believed _______ was caused by an imbalance of humors inthe body.
A. in disease
B. that disease
C. of disease
D. about disease
分析:动词believe 的用法:直接加that引导的宾语从句.这里that为连接adv.,在句中不作任何成分,其后接完整句.
2. In 1976 SarahCaldwell became _________ at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York City.
A. she was the firstwoman to conduct
B. the first womanconductor
C. the woman wasfirst conducting
D. the woman conductsfirst
参考译文:1976,SarahCaldwell成为在第一个在纽约Metropolitan Opera House演出的演奏家.
补充:常考the first/second/…one to dosth
3. On January 7,1955, Marian Anderson became _________ to sing a major role at New York City'sMetropolitan Opera House.
A. the first AfricanAmerican
B. the first AfricanAmerican was
C. she was the firstAfrican American
D. when the firstAfrican American
分析:缺宾语,C, D都不能作宾语.一句话中只能有一个谓语,而B中有was,句中出现两个谓语,一定错.
参考译文:1955年1月7号,Marian Anderson成为在第一个在纽约Metropolitan Opera House担任主唱的美籍黑人.
4. Perhaps the mostsignificant postwar trend was the decentralization of cities throughout the United States,_________ when massive highway-building programs permitted greater suburbangrowth.
A. and accelerated aphenomenon
B. a phenomenon thataccelerated
C. accelerating aphenomenon which,
D. the accelerationof which phenomenon
分析:考的是同位语结构,a phenomenon是the decentralization ofcities throughout the United States 的同位语.A中and为conj.,后面应该连接一个完整的句子,但缺主语,错;C中语序混乱,错; D中of which作为介词宾语,后面应该接一个完整句,但只有一个phenomenon主语,句子不完整,错.
补充:accelerate/ accomplish/ achieve/ evolve都可以是vi.不接宾语
5. Ronald Reagan hadserved two terms as governor of Californiabefore _________ President.
A. he became
B. when becoming
C. became
D. did he become
6. _________,domesticated grapes grow in clusters, range in color from pale green to black,and contain sugar in varying quantities.
A. Their botanicalclassification as berries
B. Although theirbotanical classification as berries
C. Because berriesbeing their botanical classification
D. Classifiedbotanically as berries
分析:句子的主语是grapes , 后面是平行结构grow…, range…, and contain….空格后的句子已完整,那么空格处就应该是同位语,状语从句,分词等修饰成分.A中Their指代不明,而且classification和berries也不相符,错;B中Although为conj.,后面应该是完整句,错;C中Because为conj.,后面应该是完整句,错.
7. The cymbalis_________in the military band and is also frequently used in modernorchestral music.
A. a basic instrument
B. basic instrument
C. how basic aninstrument it is
D. as an instrumentis basic
8. In instrumentalistphilosophy, ideas and knowledge are exclusively functional processes: they areof significance only _________ instrumental in the development of experience.
A. as they are
B. are they
C. there are
D. are
9. _________ eitherby cooling or by depriving the fire of oxygen, and most do both.
A. Working fireextinguishers
B. Fire extinguishersthat work
C. Fire extinguisherswork
D. The work of fireextinguishers
分析:空格中缺主谓.A中没有谓语;B中that多余,因为句中只有一个谓语;D也没有谓语. 参考译文:灭火器的通过冷却或者减少火中的氧气的方法工作的,大多数时候两个方法都会用到.
10. The introductionof mass-production methods enabled many people _________ and gave them anunprecedented amount of mobility.
A. to purchase theirown automobiles
B. their own topurchase automobiles
C. to their ownpurchase automobiles
D. own theirautomobiles to purchase
分析:为固定结构enable sb to do sth.
101. The new policy on overtime compensation ------- addresses the complaints of the union.
(A) effect (B) effective (C) effectively (D) effectiveness
102. It is difficult for management both to satisfy ------- to discipline such a large staff.
(A) if (B) and (C) such (D) but
103. Mr. Smith ------- his weekly groceries every Friday, so tell him what you need.
(A) order (B) orders (C) to order (D) ordered
104. President Jacobson is expected to be in town
------- the meeting of industry leaders.
(A) for (B) under (C) across (D) down
105. The bookshelf is too big for Andrew and Jessie to carry by -------.
(A) their (B) them (C) themselves (D) their own
106. You will need your order tracking number to confirm the ------- of your gift on the website.
(A) deliver (B) delivery (C) deliverer (D) delivered
107. Janet Evans is expected to replace Mr. Bowers ------- CEO of Fabrics US following his retirement.
(A) as (B) like (C) about (D) but
108. For the renovation of the main stairway, please enter through either the elevator ------- the back stairwell.
(A) or (B) with (C) into (D) not
109. Most people shop for their home building supplies at Jay's Lumber Yard because they offer satisfaction guarantees on ------- orders.
(A) any of (B) each (C) all (D) every
110. ------- the Chinese buffet restaurant is in the center of the financial district, it is always busy with businessmen at lunch.
(A) Therefore (B) But (C) Despite (D) Since
111. Because the banquet budget was -------calculated, the planning committee had to choose a less expensive catering service.
(A) inaccuracy (B) inaccurate (C) inaccurately (D) inaccuracies
112. After we have received authorization from the head office, we will send ------- the employment contract to sign.
(A) she (B) her (C) hers (D) herself
113. Rental prices of our condos are ------- to property availability and can change at the owner's discretion.
(A) subject (B) public (C) plain (D) general
114. Mrs. Dowry is ------- to receive the award of public relations officer of the year.
(A) pleasure (B) pleased (C) pleasing (D) please
115. Recent surveys of college undergraduates indicate ------- most students plan to major in business, economics, or engineering.
(A) which (B) that (C) what
(D) those
116. In an unprecedented ------- of kindness, the local library donated hundreds of children's books to orphanages across the city.
(A) act (B) progress (C) chance (D) number
117. A newly implemented management system is responsible for ------- sales at the retail store.
(A) increase (B) increases (C) increased (D) increasingly
118. Check the batteries of your fire alarms ------- to keep up with safety regulations.
(A) avoidably (B) regularly (C) lately (D) highly
119. Any requests for vacation time must have the
------- of the general manager.
(A) approve (B) approved (C) approval (D) approvingly
120. For those who wish to join the summer internship, the ------- for turning in applications is April 16 at 10 A.M.
(A) calendar (B) intention (C) admission (D) deadline
121. ------- Brigg Electric has its headquarters in Los Angeles, it has branches throughout the continental US.
(A) Although (B) Until now (C) or else (D) Thus
122. Our professional reception staff ------- happy to assist you with any problems you may have while staying at our hotel.
(A) is being (B) are being (C) would be (D) have been
123. Because of an urgent personal matter, Dr. Grey's talk will be ------- until next month's gathering.
(A) belated (B) directed (C) presented (D) postponed
124. The community college has a total of twenty academic departments ------- its institution.
(A) between (B) because (C) within (D) as for
125. Human resources offers orientation seminars to ------- hired staff.
(A) approximately (B) recently (C) exactly (D) comparatively
126. The model of the bicycle you want is available for order ------- gray, silver, and gold.
(A) in (B) at (C) to (D) of
127. The town's tourist information desks are ------- by their large, bright signs.
(A) identify (B) identifies (C) identity (D) identifiable
128. The hospital has high ------- for the incoming surgeon, Dave Willis, who specializes in cardiac diseases.
(A) expecting (B) expected (C) expectations (D) expectedly
129. It is vital that employees maintain physical health for their personal benefit ------- the company's success.
(A) even though (B) in order to (C) whether (D) as well as
130. Political analyst Rober Shaw has been commended for the refreshing ------- in his essays on capitalism.
(A) clear (B) clearly (C) clarity (D) clarifies
131. Celebrations for the store's tenth ------- will include major discounts on products, free samples of food stuff, and face painting for kids.
(A) date (B) anniversary (C) origin (D) inception
132. The doctor ------- discovered the vaccine for the common cold is taking time off from his research for personal reasons.
(A) he (B) who (C) some (D) also
125. Human resources offers orientation seminars to ------- hired staff.
(A) approximately (B) recently (C) exactly (D) comparatively
126. The model of the bicycle you want is available for order ------- gray, silver, and gold.
(A) in (B) at (C) to (D) of
127. The town's tourist information desks are ------- by their large, bright signs.
(A) identify (B) identifies (C) identity (D) identifiable
128. The hospital has high ------- for the incoming surgeon, Dave Willis, who specializes in cardiac diseases.
(A) expecting (B) expected (C) expectations (D) expectedly
129. It is vital that employees maintain physical health for their personal benefit ---- the company's success.
(A) even though (B) in order to (C) whether (D) as well as
130. Political analyst Rober Shaw has been commended for the refreshing ------- in his essays on capitalism.
(A) clear (B) clearly (C) clarity (D) clarifies
131. Celebrations for the store's tenth ------- will include major discounts on products, free samples of food stuff, and face painting for kids.
(A) date (B) anniversary (C) origin (D) inception
132. The doctor ------- discovered the vaccine for the common cold is taking time off from his research for personal reasons.
(A) he (B) who (C) some (D) also
133. Of all the candidates for head of accounting, Mr. Lee is by far the most ------- and experienced.
(A) conditional (B) requisite (C) secured (D) qualified
134. Flower deliveries are made within 24 hours
------- orders are called in by 2 P.M.
(A) when (B) even (C) over (D) while
135. The law firm's website has been ------- to increase usability for clients needing to track their cases.
(A) progressed (B) relied (C) designed (D) notified
136. ------- Cheryl leaves for Japan, she should be briefed on basic business culture etiquette.
(A) Prior (B) Near (C) Before (D) Past
137. During the winter owners must ensure that cars don't remain ----- for more than three days at a time.
(A) void (B) idle (C) spare (D) null
138. Marshall Appliances has chosen to make a contract with a new marketing company
------- continuing its relationship with Friendly PR.
(A) out of (B) except for (C) as to (D) instead of
139. Broadband Plus sent out an e-mail apology to its clients for the ------- in its wireless Internet service.
(A) disruption (B) limitation (C) outbreak (D) controversy
140. ------- a number of new computer programmers will be joining the team, the director will increase the number of projects for the next year.
(A) If so (B) Rather than (C) Owing to (D) Given that
Questions 141 to 143 refer to the following notice.
This is to inform you that the seminar for all department heads ------- place on Wednesday, 141. (A) took (B) will take (C) will have taken (D) taking
July 15. All middle and lower management staff are ------- to attend unless they have previous 142. (A) reported (B) favored (C) required (D) included
The seminar will include topics ------- business and leadership skills, performance management 143. (A) as long as (B) likewise (C) nevertheless (D) such as
planning, and the employee evaluation and feedback process. Please come to Siena room on the fifteenth floor of the Jameson Building. Don’t forget to bring the seminar materials to the session.
Please contact Mr. Blake Mariano if you have any questions.Questions 144 to 146 refer to the following letter.
I am writing in reply to your article on a French tour agency in Montpellier, France. In your article, the South France Adventures Agency was given an unfavorable review. You mentioned that its tours were conducted by inexperienced tour guides. -------, my experience with the tour agency was very good.
144. (A) Consequently (B) However (C) Then (D) In addition
The guide had extensive knowledge about the history of South France, giving complete explanations and ------- questions with specifics. I would definitely ------- taking a South France Adventures tour to 145. (A) answer (B) answers (C) to answer (D) answering 146. (A) mention (B) discourage (C) recommend (D) consider
anyone who wishes to visit the south of France.
Sincerely yours,
Mary Brinn
Questions 147 to 149 refer to the following letter.
November 20, 2008
Ruth Dalton
2459 S. Ammons St.
Lakewood, CO 80227
Dear Mrs. Dalton,
Thank you for purchasing the full kitchen remodeling package. Your ------- of our company is highly 147. (A) patronage (B) supervision (C) predicament (D) cooperation
appreciated. We hope you are delighted with the new kitchen facilities and are fully satisfied with the services and designs provided by Home Design, Inc.
We have enclosed a customer survey form. Your comments will help us ------- your future needs.
148. (A) wish (B) meet (C) please (D) think To encourage
you to take part in our survey, we will enter you in a special draw for a free set of home fixtures we recently launched. All you need to do is send in the completed form by November 30 in order to be eligible for the drawing. Winners ------- on December 3.
149. (A) should notify (B) was notified (C) will be notified (D) notifies
Thank you once again.
Sincerely yours,
Martin CaldwellQuestions 150 to 152 refer to the following article.
Silverline Paper Company, the biggest paper producer in the United States, will open a new factory in Regina, Canada. It officially announced its plans to ------- the new manufacturing plant at a press 150. (A) sell (B) relocate (C) build (D) renovate
conference last week. The ------- is expected to cost Silverline nearly 200 million dollars.
151. (A) appeal (B) prediction (C) merger (D) venture
According to Cynthia Gray, spokesperson for the company, Silverline foresees hiring 600 workers from the Regina area. “The people of Regina have been very receptive to the construction of the new factory. We are anticipating a long and successful future here,” said Gray. The new plant is expected to become ------- by early next year.
152. (A) operation (B) operating (C) operational (D) operate
TOEIC 2008.Oct.
101. Register your name and address on theWeb site in order to ------- a purchase online.
(A) make (B) shop (C) owe (D) use
102. All ------- for time off must go through the Human Resources Department first.
(A) request (B) requests (C) requested (D) requesting
103. Despite it being his first time in an authority position, Mark led the project remarkably -------.
(A) partly (B) even (C) yet (D) well
104. The detailed analyses of third and fourth quarter sales are included in ------- final report.
(A) he (B) his (C) him (D) himself
105. Any visitors to the production facilities must ------- a security pass from the information desk at the front entrance. (A) allow (B) achieve (C) obtain (D) remind
106. Students enrolled as full-time can fully ------- in the university extracurricular clubs.
(A) participate (B) participant (C) participating (D) had participated
107. Dr. Byer is ------- with the renovations made to his clinic by the remodeling company.
(A) pleasing (B) pleased (C) pleasant (D) pleasure
108. When picking up your rental car, make sure to inspect the vehicle ------- for pre-existing damages.
(A) strongly (B) firmly (C) extremely (D) thoroughly
109. For more ------- about this month's special bargains, contact one of our customer representatives at 555-5258.
(A) detail (B) details (C) detailed (D) detailing
110. Staff members are required to follow the --- regulation as written in the employee manual unless otherwise indicated by their supervisors. (A) distant (B) current (C) confident (D) alive
111. The mechanic was able ------- the faulty wiring in the conference room.
(A) repaired (B) repairing (C) to repair (D) will repair
112. It is ------- urgent nor essential for Quality Brand Inc. to update its internal network at this time.
(A) neither (B) nevertheless (C) therefore (D) if
113. Excel Energy Corporation's new online training program has ----- features and forum discussions for trainees.
(A) interactive (B) symptomatic (C) conclusive (D) broken
114. Fabric Masters sells a variety ------- premium cotton shirts to more than 35 companies located
(A) across (B) into (C) of (D) in
115. Because of high consumer demand for organic products, we have to produce them ------- than ever before.
(A) so fast (B) fast (C) faster (D) too fast
116. Please remind the presenters that the ------- of the talk should not exceed the 45-minute time limit.
(A) instant (B) length (C) attention (D) specification
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