
| 成人英语三级 |




l molecules are not created equal. Some have saved billions of lives, wreaked environmental havoc or made the world a more colorful place. Here's our selection of those that have changed the course of human history。 发自悉尼:分子并非同时被创造。它们当中有的已经存在亿万年,或者造成环境的大破坏,或者让世界变得更加丰富多彩。在这里,我们将选出十七种改变人类历史进程的物质分子。


When British microbiologist Alexander Fleming stumbled upon penicillin in 1928, he couldn't have imagined the impact it would have on modern medicine. Fleming noticed that Petri dishes with mould on them grew no bacteria, and in doing so discovered the first antibiotic. Before penicillin came into widespread use in the 1940s, wounds and diseases like syphilis were killers; antibiotics have since saved an estimated 200 million lives。


1928年,当英国微生物学家亚历山大·弗莱明首次发现青霉素时,他并没有料到这种物质对现代医学造成怎样的影响。弗莱明注意到,在发霉的培养皿中没有生长任何细菌,由此,他发现了第一种抗生素。到1940年代青霉素被广泛使用之前,像梅毒这样的创伤病害便足以杀死人类;自从抗生素被发现之后,据估计它们至少拯救了两亿生命。 SODIUM CHLORIDE — NaCl

Salt paved the way for modern civilization; it was used to preserve vegetables and meat as long as 4,000 years ago. This gave our ancestors the freedom to store food for hard times, travel long distances and live in harsh climates. Salt is also an important ingredient in the production of chemicals, soap and paper. Sodium chloride is in such high demand that in 2006 alone, 240 million tones were produced。





As the key ingredient in gunpowder, potassium nitrate allowed humans to propel bullets from guns and, in doing so, changed the face of warfare. Today, there are more than 500 million handguns in circulation, causing at least 1,000 deaths every day. The formula for gunpowder was likely discovered in the 8th century, although it wasn't until the 13th century that it was first used in canons。




Aspirin is the most widely used drug in the world, with more than 100 billion tablets consumed annually. The active component, salicylic acid, originally from willow bark, was used as a folk remedy as long ago as the 5th century BC. But it wasn't until 1897 that German chemist Felix Hoffman managed to synthesize

aspirin in a pure and stable form, making it one of the earliest synthetic drugs. Aspirin is now taken for a huge variety of afflictions, from fever and arthritis to the prevention of heart attacks, stroke and dementia。




It's hard to imagine how life might have smelled for the human race prior to the invention of soap. More fastidious hygiene has also been important for stemming the spread of disease. Sodium stearate, the active ingredient in soap, works its magic by helping oil to dissolve in water. According to the United Nations Children's Fund, hand washing with soap prevents up to 1.4 million deaths per year through acute respiratory infections。

硬脂酸钠 NaC18H35O2




Martian rock found in Sahara contains more water 2013.1

Scientists are abuzz about a coal-colored rock from Mars that landed in the Sahara desert.

A yearlong analysis revealed it’s quite different from other Martian meteorites.


Not only is it older than most, the baseball-size meteorite also contains more water. Researchers performed a battery of tests on the meteorite, and based on its chemical signature, confirmed that it was blasted to Earth from Mars.

它有棒球大小,不仅比大部分发现的陨石古老,还曾经富含水分。研究人员对“黑美人”进行了一系列的测试,基于它的化学成份证实它是从火星抵达地球表面的。 At 2.1 billion years old, it’s the second-oldest known Martian meteorite that formed from a volcanic eruption. There’s also evidence that it was altered by water.



An exclusive whisky club just opened in Beijing this week, giving the city’s young and wealthy a new to place to enjoy themselves.


Horse-drawn carriages...bagpipe players...and graceful ladies...This is not a scene from a medieval film, but the opening night of Beijing’s first luxury whisky club. The Johnnie Walker House has brought top quality scotch to Chinese elites at this exclusive venue in the country’s capital.


The opening attracted both Chinese and foreigners... They came for a new taste and small talk with people of the same class. Zhao Yongyao, who organized the opening night, believes the club will prove popular.



Following Margaret Thatcher’s death on Monday, Chinese media have published special reports on the Iron Lady of British politics.

英国前首相“铁娘子”撒切尔夫人于当地时间周一逝世,中国媒体发表了专题报道。 Most mainstream news websites have launched feature pages, reviewing Thatcher’s political career, especially her relationship with China.


ChinaDaily said Thatcher "helped push ties with China" and played an important role on the smooth handover of Hong Kong. Xinhua said she changed the development path of Britain and the world.


Many sites have also shown pictures or videos of Thatcher’s four visits to China. On Weibo, China’s twitter like social website, thousands paid condolence to Thatcher’s passing, and many have published some of her famous quotes.


京津雾霾检出危险物(双语) 2013.2

Smog shrouded Beijing and some other provinces again on Sunday, disrupting

expressway traffic and flights.


Readings for PM2.5 exceeded 200 micrograms per cubic meter at 9 a.m. in some areas of the capital city, with visibility of less than 500 meters in the morning. Some flights at Beijing Capital International Airport were delayed because of low visibility.


Beijing stretches of expressways linking other cities including Kaifeng, Harbin,

Shanghai and Tianjin were temporarily closed. Tianjin, Heibei and Henan were also hit with heavy smog.


The Chinese Academy of Sciences say they found nitrogen organic particles in a recent sample test of smog in Beijing. Experts say it is a dangerous signal for Beijing’s air

quality because nitrogen organic particles are one of main components of photochemical smog.

中国科学院表示近日在提取的北京浓雾样本中发现有机氮粒子。专家表示这是北京空气质量的一个危险信号,因为有机氮粒子是光化学烟雾的一个重要成分。 In the 1950s, photochemical smog was blamed for the deaths of hundreds of people in the US city of Log Angeles.


“感动中国”奖尘埃落定(双语) 2013.2

In a society where people’s attention is always grabbed by bad news, the annual "Touching China" award on Tuesday definitely sends a different message. The award honors ten of China’s inspirational role models in 2012.


Among the ten are public faces who did heroic deeds like Luo Yang, the late Commander in chief of the program for developing the J-15 fighter, who died from overwork. And Lin Junde, a scientist who dedicated his entire life to China’s nuclear course. There are also ordinary citizens who have made a difference, like Zhang Lili. Zhang was hailed as "China’s Most Beautiful Teacher" after she saved two students from being hit by a bus, but lost both her legs in the effort.


The award winners are carefully selected to represent a true moral epic of 2012 in China. The "Touching China" award has been held yearly since 2003.


Ang Lee has won his second Oscar Award for Best Director at the 85th Academy Awards Ceremony. Lee won the award for his film "Life of Pi", which features an Indian boy who survives a shipwreck but is stranded in a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger. 李安凭借《少年派》获奥斯卡最佳导演奖(双语) 2013.2



Ang Lee, Oscar winner for Best Director, said:"Thank you, movie God. I really need to share this with all 3,000, everybody who worked with me in "Life of Pi", I want to thank you for, I really want to thank you for believing this story, and sharing this incredible journey with me. Thank you, Academy, xie xie, namaste."


Starring newcomer Suraj Sharma, "Life of Pi" was lauded by critics for Lee’s ability to bring the complex novel of Yann Martel to life. The 3D multidimensional film was nominated for 11 Oscars, including Best Picture. It also won the Academy Award for Best Visual Effects. The Taiwanese-born director began his career directing

Chinese-language films, and won his first Academy Award in 2006 for directing "Brokeback Mountain," the story of a complex love affair between two men.


高科技扰乱了人民的睡眠(双语) 2013.3

Thursday marks the World Sleep Day. A first ever report into Chinese people’s sleeping quality shows nearly 70 percent of people in China use cellphones and computers before they go to bed, with many staying up until midnight. Now experts say they are ruining people’s sleep.


Technology makes our life convenient, but it also keeps many people up late.


Feng Yang, a travel company employee, said, "I feel stressed at work, and the nerves are tightened up even at night. So I can’t sleep. Also I’m too busy to talk to friends during the day. So I chat with them at night, and get to know what they’re doing on Weibo."



” According to the China Sleep Quality Index report, 67 percent Chinese people use their cell phones and computers before going to bed. 14 percent of people don’t go to bed until midnight. Nearly half of them chat or play games online.


China’s First Lady in the News 2013.3

Peng Liyuan is in the news, but who is she? My colleague James Chau is one of the few journalists to have actually interviewed her. Both he and the First Lady are AIDS

activists and it was this shared commitment that brought them together. James joins me now.

彭丽媛成为人们关注的焦点,但她是怎样的人呢?我的同事James Chau是少数几个曾经采访过她的记者之一。James Chau与第一夫人彭丽媛都是艾滋病宣传员,也正是因为这一公益事业,两人才有机会见面。下面我们有请James Chau与我们分享更多。

Q1. Tell us about what you remember about that interview and what it reveals about Peng Liyuan as a person?


Q2. She’s been famous as a singer since she was 18 years old. How has she had ability to do so much charity work that are beneficial to ordinary people?

她在18岁时就已经是一位著名的歌星。她怎么会有能力做如此多的公益事业? Q3. And finally, China hasn’t had a First Lady in the traditional mould. Is Peng Liyuan the answer?


2013福布斯亿万富翁排行榜(双语) 2013.3

Despite the economic downturn, it seems the world’s richest are only getting richer. Forbes’ 2013 billionaires list is out today, and shows that business tycoons are getting wealthier compared to a year earlier. Although the economic environment is still tough, from Europe to the U.S. to Asia, some entrepreneurs not only survived in the crisis, but made the most of it.




Earth's "vital signs" in bad shape: report

More wood was removed from

forests in 2005 than ever before, one of many troubling environmental signs highlighted on Thursday in the

More wood was removed from forests in Worldwatch

Institute's annual 2005 than ever before, one of many

check of the troubling environmental signs

planet's health. highlighted on Thursday in the

Worldwatch Institute's annual check of


一度的“地球健康体检”报告出炉。2005年,地球的森林砍伐量创历史新高,这是该报告强调的众多环境问题征兆之一。 该驻华盛顿智囊机构在一份题为“地球生命征兆2007-2008”的报告中指出,从肉类消费量的不断增长到亚洲经济发展等各种全球性态势与气候变化这一显著问题都有关系。

“地球声明征兆2007-2008”项目的负责人埃里克•阿萨多利安说,“我认为气候变化是人类有史以来所面临的最严峻的挑战”。 在报告公布前,阿萨多利安在接受记者的电话采访时说,“我们可以看到气候变化中出现的众多趋势,比如,粮食生产受到洪涝灾害的影响;以及肉类生产,据统计,家禽饲养过程中所产生的温室气体占温室气体总排放量的20%”。



the planet's health.


think tank's "Vital Signs 2007-2008" report points to global patterns ranging from rising meat

consumption to Asian economic growth it says are linked to the broader problem of climate change. "I think climate change is the most urgent challenge we have ever faced," said Erik Assadourian, director of the Vital Signs project.

"You see many trends in climate change, whether we are talking about grain production which is affected by droughts and flooding. Or meat

production as livestock production makes up about

20 percent of greenhouse gas emissions," he told


reporters in a telephone interview before the report's release.

Assadourian said the key message of the report was that unsustainable consumption patterns were responsible for climate change linked to carbon emissions and other ecological woes.

He said of the 44 trends tracked by the report, 28 were "pronouncedly bad" and only six were positive.

The trends range from the spread of avian flu to the rise of carbon emissions to the number of violent conflicts. The growing use of wind power is among the few trends seen as positive.

Some of the points highlighted in the report include: - Meat production hit a record 276 million metric tons (43 kilograms or 95 pounds per person) in 2006.

- Meat consumption is one of several factors driving rising soybean demand. Rapid expansion of soybean plantations in South America could displace 22 million hectares (54 million acres) of tropical forest and savanna in the next 20 years. - The rise in global seafood consumption comes as many fish species become scarcer. In 2004, people ate 156 million metric tons of seafood, the

equivalent of three times as much seafood per person than in 1950.

Other analysts and think tanks have focused on different trends they say mean less cause for

alarm. For example, they point out that while more wood is being removed from forests on a global scale, many parts of Europe and North America have experienced reforestation in recent decades.





报告中的一些重点包括: --2006年,肉类生产量创2.76亿吨(人均43公斤/95磅)的最新记录。


2200万公顷(5400万英亩)。 --很多鱼类品种日益稀少,全球海鲜消费量增加。2004年,全球共消耗1.56亿吨海鲜产品,人均消费量相当于1950年的三倍。

也有分析人士和相关智囊机构在关注另外一些趋势,他们认为这些趋势可以降低“警报级别”。 例如,尽管全球森林砍伐量创新高,但欧洲和北美的很多地区近几十年来一直在进行再造林。



Nation's rich have poor reputation

Wealthy Chinese do not have a good reputation, a survey by China Youth Daily and Sina.com has found.

Wealthy Chinese do not have a good

The poll, conducted reputation, a survey by China Youth

last week, showed

Daily and Sina.com has found.

about 70 percent of

3,990 interviewees

believe the well-off are immoral and not worthy of respect. Only 4 percent thought rich people are good, the survey said.

For the rich to become popular they need to do

three things, the survey suggested.

First, they need to have a sense of social responsibility. Second, they need to be self

disciplined, and third, they need to have a caring heart.

The number of people who make at least $50,000 a year increases by 15 percent a year and, according to the China Economic Times, the country now has 1.5 million rich people.

The China Youth Daily and Sina.com survey found

interviewees questioned how the rich became rich





据《中国经济时报》统计数据,我国年收入至少5万美元的富裕人口数量以每年15%的速度增长,目前已达150万人。 该调查发现,受访者对富人的发家方式最为质疑。


即便如此,调查发现,一些合法致富、有社会责任感及有爱心的富豪还是深受人们尊敬的。 调查显示,约60%的人认为具备

in the first place.

"Some rich people are thought to have

accumulated their wealth through illegal means, such as bribery," said a post-graduate student at the Communication University of China. Even so, the survey found wealthy people who abide by the law, have a sense of social

responsibility and a caring heart, are respected. The poll showed about 60 percent thought these kinds of wealthy people were worthy of respect. The survey suggested many voters were much better disposed toward rich people from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Western economies - rather than the mainland.

Hong Kong property tycoon Li Ka-shing was most highly regarded, followed by Bill Gates, mainland property tycoon Wang Shi and basketball player Yao Ming.

"Rich people on the mainland invest too little in charity and gain too much," a student from Beijing Sports University said.

Yu Guoming, a professor at Renmin University of China, called on the heads of Chinese companies to think and invest in a long-term way. "Corporate social responsibility is not only about charity, it also connects the company with the government and the public." 点击查看更多双语新闻


这些品质的富人值得尊敬。 在投票调查中,港、澳、台地区及国外的富豪得到的票数远多于大陆富豪。

香港房地产大亨李嘉诚最受尊重,其次是比尔•盖茨,大陆房地产大亨王石和篮球巨星姚明。 北京体育大学的一名学生说:“中国大陆的富豪对慈善事业的贡献太少,得到的太多。” 中国人民大学的喻国民教授认为中国企业家们要有长远的眼光和战略投资意识。“企业的社会责任不是单纯的慈善,它还是联系企业、政府和公众的纽带。”


(China Daily)

开学了 给孩子一个好睡眠

Kids and sleep: they need more

Now that school has started, many parents find themselves

struggling to shift their kids back to a working routine. As they shave off time Kids need more sleep

for TV and the Internet to make

way for schoolwork, parents may want to add extra for that other big contributor to success at school: sleep. Recent research on kids has connected the importance of sleep not only to cognition, but to behavior and mood as well.

Some researchers theorize that the REM, or rapid eye movement, phase of sleep is when the brain produces and consolidates neural networks for memory and cognition. It's a kind of "formatting of the brain," says Ralph Downey, an expert of sleep medicine at Loma Linda University and Children's Hospital in Southern California and a spokesperson for the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Before the age of 6, a typical child will require between 12 and 13 hours of sleep per night, says Judith Owens, associate professor of pediatrics at Brown University and a noted expert on childhood sleep disorders. At age 6, 10 to 11 hours are needed. While the amount of sleep necessary

drops once kids reach adolescence, Owens notes, "they still need at least nine hours under ideal







在英国大选结束之时,由迈克尔·霍华德领导的英国保守党惨遭大选“三连败”。在此次大选中,霍华德率领的保守党在议会中又增加了30多个席位,其增幅为1997年大选以来最高,但仍然没有能击败布莱尔所领导的工党。因此,身为领袖的霍华德自认工作不力而准备辞职。 英国首相布莱尔6日晚些时候公布了新改组的内阁名单。值得注意的是,在布莱尔蝉联后,去年因丑闻而辞职的盲人大臣布伦基特又重出江湖,担任就业和养老金大臣。



Friday May 6

Michael Howard plunged the Conservatives into the trauma of a third change of leadership in four years after failing to lead them back to power.

Tony Blair brought David Blunkett back to take charge of pensions reform as he carried out a radical reshaping of his post-election Cabinet.

America's spy satellites detected frenetic activity in North Korea indicating that the secretive state is on the verge of detonating a nuclear weapon for the first time.

A suicide bomber killed dozens of people at a busy market south of Baghdad on a day of rising violence across Iraq.

5月7日 星期六


轰动全美国的女植物人生死待决案主角特里·夏沃最终被法院判处“死刑”,并在被拔掉进食管后13天后死亡。夏沃的家人表示,他们目前还未决定夏沃的骨灰将保存在何处。 伊拉克过渡政府新任副总理艾哈迈德·沙拉比宣称,他正试图洗刷自己挪用公款、财务欺诈等罪名。1992年,约旦法院认定沙拉比上述罪名成立,并判处他入狱22年,但沙拉比从未在约旦坐过一天牢。约旦法院对沙拉比立案的起因是沙拉比经营的一家银行破产,3亿美元存款失踪。

Saturday May 7

Ahmad Chalabi Labour loyalists joined forces with rebels, turning on Tony Blair and demanding his resignation within months to make way for Gordon Brown. The family of Terri Schiavo, the severely brain-damaged woman who died in March, said that they have no idea where her ashes have been laid to rest. Ahmad Chalabi, Iraq's new deputy prime minister, claimed he was to be exonerated for his conviction for a fraud which almost caused Jordan's banking system to collapse.

An engineer from Stoke-on-Trent went into a Las Vegas casino, beat 448 of the world's best poker players and walked out with .7 million.

5月8日 星期日





Sunday May 8

President George W Bush marked VE Day by portraying the US-led war on terrorism as the direct heir of the fight against Nazism in the Second World War. Cabinet ministers loyal to Tony Blair sought to block growing demands from Labour MPs for him to quit within a year.

Prince Harry reported for duty at Britain's elite military academy at Sandhurst and received a playful good-luck punch on the shoulder from his father.

A former office temp who never went to film school had his ?400 film shortlisted for a prize at Cannes.

5月9日 星期一



Monday May 9

Tony Blair risked a fresh clash with dissident Labour backbenchers by giving one of his key advisers an immediate peerage and a post in his reshuffled government.

World leaders gathered in Red Square to salute Russia's role in the defeat of Nazi Germany.

Prince Harry was embroiled in more allegations of cheating at Eton after a former teacher claimed work for his A-level exam was painted by a member of staff.

A study showed that entire areas of university study are becoming the preserve of pupils educated at independent schools.

5月10日 星期二





Tuesday May 10

More than 100,000 Georgians cheered President George W Bush as he issued a clarion call for the spread of democracy and freedom across the world.

Michael Howard announced that he would step down as Conservative leader by Christmas after giving the younger generation of Tory MPs a chance to demonstrate their leadership potential.

The face of Tutankhamun, the Egyptian boy king whose early death sparked an historical murder mystery, was finally revealed.

Germany's first national Holocaust Memorial was opened in Berlin in a state ceremony attended by dignitaries and Jewish leaders.

5月11日 星期三




Wednesday May 11

Britain's flexible labour market was under threat after the European Parliament voted to strip employees of their right to work more than 48 hours a week.

A man named by the public as a suspect in the attempted murder of Abigail Witchalls was found dead from an apparent overdose after leaving the village where she was stabbed.

Plans to scrap Conservative Party rules that give local members the final say over the choice of party leader received crucial backing from the most senior member of the voluntary party.


发人深省的新研究表明。sobering new research suggests.

The findings are from a study that tracked nearly 5,000 British adults for 20 years, and they highlight yet another reason to adopt a healthier lifestyle. 这些发现来源于对近5000名英国成年人开展的一项长达20年的跟踪调查,调查结果进一步强调了健康生活方式的重要性。 The risky behaviors were这些高风险行为包括

Four common bad habits combined 一项最新研究结果让人警醒:— smoking, drinking too much,


inactivity and poor diet — can 不合理等四个不良习惯加在age you by 12 years, sobering (sobering ['səubəriŋ] 报错

 

一起,会让你看上去老12岁。 这些发现来源于对近5000名英国成年人开展的一项长达20年的跟踪调查,调查结果进一步强调了健康生活方式

adj. 使清醒的;使冷静的;严重的 vt. 使清醒(sober的ing形式))new research suggests.The findings are from a study that tracked nearly 5,000 British adults for


20 years, and they highlight vt. 突出;强调;使显著;加亮

n. 最精彩的部分;最重要的事情;加亮区

yet another reason to adopt采用;


总体来看,受访者中有314人占尽四种不良习惯。其中有91人,即29%的人在研究期间 a healthier lifestyle.

Overall, 314 people studied had all four unhealthy behaviors. Among them, 91 died during the study, or 29 percent. Among the

387 healthiest people with none

of the four habits, only 32 died, or about 8 percent.

The risky behaviors were: smoking tobacco; downing more than three alcoholic drinks per day for men

and more than two daily for women; getting less than two hours of physical体育活动 activity per week; and eating fruits and

vegetables fewer than three times daily.

These habits combined

substantially大幅度 increased




果和蔬菜少于三次。 奥斯陆大学的首席研究员伊丽莎白•克瓦维克说,这些习惯加在一起极大增加了死亡风险,有这些恶习的人比生活方式最为健康小组的人看起来老12岁。

the risk of death and made people who engaged in them seem 12 years older than people in the healthiest group, said lead researcher Elisabeth Kvaavik of the University of Oslo. The study appears in Monday's Archives of Internal Medicine. The healthiest group included

never-smokers and those who had quit; teetotalers, women who had fewer than two drinks daily and men who had fewer than three; those who got at least two hours of physical activity weekly; and those who ate fruits and

vegetables at least three times daily.

"You don't need to be extreme" to be in the healthy category,

该研究在本周一的《内科学档案》期刊上发表。 生活方式最健康小组的人包括从不抽烟的人和已经戒烟的人、禁酒者、每天喝酒少于两杯的女性和每天喝酒少于三杯的男性、



Kvaavik said. "These behaviors add up, so together it's quite


good. It should be possible for 菜,食用量可根据年龄和运动most people to manage to do it." 量进行调整,每周应锻炼约两The US government generally recommends at least 4 cups of fruits or vegetables daily for adults, depending on age and activity level; and about 2 1/2 hours of exercise weekly.

皮肤老化?生活习惯惹的祸 欧洲饮酒调查:英国人酒量最大

研究:吸烟伤身又伤脑 全球三分之一青少年缺乏运动

健康专家:久坐可致命 (中国日报网英语点津 陈丹妮 编辑蔡姗姗) 个半小时。 相关阅读


(Read by Nelly Min. Nelly Min is a multimedia journalist at the China Daily Web site.)

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Face looking old? Don't blame your genes

[ 2009-12-28 09:25 ]


经济学家:中国可能推迟金融改革 Reform of finance system pushed down the agenda 英国《金融时报》 加布里尔?维尔道 上海报道 China is likely to delay its financial reform agenda in favour of stabilising growth, economists and investors say, in a move that could hinder efforts to correct distortions in the economy.经济学家和投资者们表示,中国很可能为稳增长而延迟金融改革议程,此举可能阻碍纠正经济扭曲的努力。Deregulation of interest rates was vital to the ambitious reform agenda that Communist party leaders approved last November, which promised to give market forces a “decisive” role in capital allocation.中共领导人去年11月通过了雄心勃勃的改革议程,承诺要使市场力量在资本配置中起“决定”作用。利率自由化在这一议程中占据至关重要的地位。Zhou Xiaochuan, central bank governor, said at a national parliament meeting in March that bank deposit rates – the last interest rate in China’s financial system that remains subject to administrative control – could be liberalised in two years.在3月的“两会”记者会上,中国央行行长周小川表示,存款利率可能在两年内放开。存款利率是中国金融体系中唯一仍然受政府控制的利率。But with Beijing’s 7.5 per cent growth target in ever greater peril, policy makers are facing pressure to move slowly on deposit-rate reform, which is expected to lead to higher rates as banks compete for customer funds.但随着北京方面有越来越大的危险无法实现今年增长7.5%的目标,政策制定者正面临放缓存款利率改革的压力。存款利率改革意味着银行要争夺客户资金,被认为将导致存款利率升高。That would lead to higher borrowing costs for companies and local governments, adding to economic headwinds at a time when investment growth is at its weakest level in five years.这会导致企业和地方政府面临更高的借款成本,在投资增长率处于5年来最弱水平之际加大经济逆风。“I am not very optimistic about interest-rate liberalisation and I do not think the process can be completed in two years,” Li Xunlei, chief economist at Haitong Securities said last week.海通证券(Haitong Securities)首席经济学家李迅雷说:“我对利率放开不是特别乐观,在我看来这个过程无法在两年内完成。”“Interest rates are definitely going to decline because the economic growth is declining. The real economy cannot support such a high level of interest rates.”“利率一定会下降,因为经济增长在放缓。实体经济无法支撑这么高的利率水平。”Proponents of rate reform believe the higher borrowing costs likely to result from rate reform would reduce the wasteful, low-yielding investment that artificially low rates have fuelled over the past dec

ade.支持利率改革的人认为,利率改革很可能导致的借款成本升高,有助于减少浪费、低收益率的投资,这种投资在过去10年期间受到了人为压低的低利率的助长。Yet sceptics warn that allowing rates to be led by market forces is dangerously premature in an economy where important sectors – notably local governments and state-owned enterprises – remain insulated from them.然而,持怀疑态度者警告称,在重要部门——尤其是地方政府和国企——仍然与市场力量隔绝的经济体中,允许市场力量引导利率走向是不成熟和危险的。“A prerequisite for market-based interest rates is that all participating entities must be marketised,” said Yang Zaiping, vice-chairman of the China Banking Association. “If you have got an entity that can borrow but does not have to repay, then you cannot have a market. That is what you call ‘moral hazard’.”“利率市场化的前提条件是,所有参与实体必须实现市场化。”中国银行业协会(China Banking Association)副会长杨再平说,“如果有一家实体能够借钱,但不用偿还,那么就不能有市场。这就是所谓的‘道德风险’。”An explosion in borrowing by state groups and local governments pushed China’s debt to GDP ratio to 251 per cent by mid-2014, up from about 147 per cent before the financial crisis. Mr Yang and Mr Li warn that rising rates caused by liberalisation could make this debt burden even more difficult to bear.国企和地方政府借款猛增,使得2014年中期中国债务与国内生产总值(GDP)之比达到251%,远高于金融危机前的约147%。杨再平和李迅雷警告称,自由化导致的利率升高,可能使得国企和地方政府更难以负担这些债务。China has taken steps in recent months to impose market discipline on state borrowers. In May, the cabinet approved a pilot to allow local governments to sell bonds directly, rather than borrowing through opaque financing vehicles. But it could take years to transform state groups and local governments into entities able to withstand a rise in borrowing costs.近月来,中国采取了措施,迫使政府借款人遵守市场纪律。5月,国务院批准了允许地方政府直接发行债券的试点计划,纳入试点的地方政府将不再通过不透明的融资平台借款。但要让国企和地方政府成为能够经受借款成本升高的实体,可能还需花费许多年。Equity investors say the perception that China is entering a period of low interest rates has been a reason for the strong performance of Chinese stock markets this year. The Shanghai Composite Index has risen 16 per cent since May.股市投资者表示,中国股市今年表现强劲的原因,就在于人们认为中国即将进入低息时期。上证综指(Shanghai Composite Index)自5月以来已累计上涨16%。




星河夜渡 2009年10月10日21:52 来源:FT中文网 点击 150次

巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)昨日荣膺诺贝尔和平奖,此时距离他就任美国总统只有263天。这一决定更多地是褒奖其承诺、而非成就,在全世界引发了赞扬和怀疑。 Barack Obama yesterday received the Nobel peace prize just 263 days after taking office, triggering praise and incredulity across the world over a decision that rewards him more for promise than achievement.


The US president said he was ―surprised and humbled‖ by the Norwegian Nobel committee's decision, adding that he felt unworthy to be counted among the ―transformative figures‖ of history who had previously won the prize. 然而,这个奖金为140万美元的奖项也被视为对奥巴马某种形式的挑战,批评者辩称,奥巴马迄今未能在外交政策上获得明显的成功。

However, the $1.4m award was also seen as something of a challenge to Mr Obama, with his critics arguing that he has so far failed to secure a clear foreign policy success.


The Nobel Committee praised Mr Obama for ―his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and co-operation between peoples‖, citing his fledgling push for nuclear disarmament and his reaching out to the Muslim world.

奥巴马获奖令白宫感到意外。在被一家美国媒体要求就此消息予以置评时,总统发言人罗伯特•吉布斯(Robert Gibbs)用电子邮件回复了一个字:―哇!‖

The award took the White House by surprise. Asked by a US media

organisation to comment on the news, Robert Gibbs, the president's spokesman, e-mailed back the one word: ―Wow.‖

授予奥巴马诺贝尔和平奖的决定受到了世界各国领导人的欢迎。刚刚连任德国总理的安哥拉•默克尔(Angela Merkel)表示,奥巴马使国际外交的基调向着对话的方向迅速改变。


The decision was welcomed by world leaders. Angela Merkel, the newly re-elected German chancellor, said Mr Obama had rapidly changed the tone of international diplomacy towards dialogue. ―There is still much left to do, but a window of possibility has been opened,‖ she said.



But others were scornful of the decision to reward a president who has yet to score any breakthrough in the Middle East or halt Iran's nuclear programme – and who may soon be sending thousands more troops to war in Afghanistan. 曾获得诺贝尔和平奖的波兰前总统列赫•瓦文萨(Lech Walesa)表示,授予这位48岁的美国总统诺贝尔和平奖为时尚早。

Lech Walesa, Poland's former president and a Nobel laureate himself, said it was too early to bestow the award on the 48-year-old US president.


―Who, Obama? So fast? For the time being Obama's just making proposals. But sometimes the Nobel Committee awards the prize to encourage responsible action.‖


星河夜渡 2009年10月09日11:22 来源:英语点津 点击 1980次

German football player Michael Ballack. German men have been voted the world's

worst lovers, narrowly beating English men to the unwanted title.

German men have been voted the world's worst lovers, narrowly beating English men to the unwanted title.


A poll of 15,000 women found that Germans are considered "too smelly". 这项民意调查共有1.5万名女性参与。调查发现,德国男人被认为―体味太重‖。 English lovers came second because they are so lazy, while men from Sweden were branded "too quick to finish" and came third.

英国男人因太懒在最差爱人榜中位居第二,瑞典男人被指―办事太快‖而名列第三。 Spanish men topped the table as the best lovers, followed by Brazilians and Italians.


The poll, carried out by global research site asked

women from 20 countries to rate nations on their ability in bed and give reasons for their answers.


Germans were deemed to have bad body odour, Englishmen were accused of letting women do all the work, whilst Swedes were a bit too quick to finish. 德国男人被认为体味太重,英国男人被指不够主动,而瑞典男人则有点太快了。 Men from Holland were "too rough" between the bed covers and Americans were accused of being "too dominating" in the bedroom.



Greek men were said to be a bit too soppy.


Other countries who didn't fare well in the poll were Scotland (too loud), Turkey (too sweaty) and Wales (too selfish).


Russian men crept in at tenth place amid accusations they are too hairy for the average woman.


A spokesperson for added: "These results are an

eye-opener for thousands of men around the world and female travellers might judge potential new lovers by looking at these results."



ssstnt 2009年10月10日10:28 来源:中国日报网 点击 2107次

So, you know, it is what it is, but Americans are totally annoyed by the use of "whatever" in conversations.


The popular slacker term of indifference was found "most annoying in conversation" by 47 percent of Americans surveyed in a Marist College poll released Wednesday.


Whatever easily beat out "you know," which especially grated a quarter of respondents. The other annoying contenders were "anyway" (at 7 percent), "it is what it is" (11 percent) and "at the end of the day" (2 percent).

―Whatever‖轻松击败―you know(你知道)‖位居榜首,四分之一的受访者最讨厌后者。其它入选的最惹人厌的用语还包括―anyway(总之;反正)(7%)―,―it is what it is(这就是事实)‖(11%),以及―at the end of the day(到头来)‖(2%)。 Whatever — pronounced "WHAT'-ehv-errr" when exasperated — is an expression with staying power. Immortalized in song by Nirvana ("oh well, whatever, nevermind") in 1991, popularized by the Valley girls in "Clueless" later that decade, it is still commonly used, often by younger people. ―Whatever‖是一个带有忍耐意味的表达,在语气加重时,它常被说成

―WHAT'-ehv-errr‖。涅磐乐队于1991年演唱的一首歌曲使whatever这个词被人们记住(其中出现歌词oh well, whatever, nevermind),而在同一年代的后期,影片《独领风骚》中的山谷女孩又使之广为流行。如今,这一词汇仍然很常用,在年轻人中尤为流行。 It can be an all-purpose argument-ender or a signal of apathy. And it can really be annoying. The poll found "whatever" to be consistently disliked by Americans regardless of their race, gender, age, income or where they live.


1. 希拉里自曝曾拒绝克林顿求婚

Hillary Clinton: I feared 'losing my identity' by marrying Bill

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton opened up about her marriage in an interview with actress and activist Lena Dunham published Tuesday.


"I was terrified about losing my identity and getting lost in the wake of Bill‟s force-of-nature personality," she said of the former president. "I actually turned him down twice when he asked me to marry him."


"That was a large part of the ambivalence and the worry that I wouldn‟t necessarily know who I was or what I could do if I got married to someone who was going to chart a path that he was incredibly clear about. My ideas were much more inchoate. I wasn‟t sure how to best harness my energies. So I was searching," she added.

“那时候我左右为难,又焦虑万分,主要是因为找不到个人定位,对未来也毫无头绪。毕竟,比尔早已有了清晰的规划,可我还一头雾水。我不知道如何才能最好地发挥我的力量,所以一直在寻找方向,”她补充道。 Bill Clinton often recalls how he proposed twice, and how he initially felt that his future wife, who is again running for president, would be more suited for a life of public service.


“I once told her, „I do want you to marry me, but you shouldn‟t do it,‟ and she said „that‟s not a very good way to make a sale, what do you mean?‟" he said in an interview with E! News. "I said well, „I love you and you‟re endlessly interesting to me and we‟ll have a good life, but I think you‟re the most talented person of our generation for public service and what you should really do is go home to Illinois and run for office, or go to New York and practice law and run for office.‟”

比尔•克林顿在接受E!新闻(E! News)采访时表示:“我告诉希拉里,„我希望你嫁给我,但你不该这么做。‟她说,„这种求婚招数也太烂了吧。你到底想说什么呢?‟于是我说,„我爱你,你让我无限着迷,我们生活在一起会幸福的。不过,我觉得你是咱们这代人的政治天才。因此,你现在当务之急应是回到老家伊利诺伊州去竞选公职,或是去纽约闯一闯,当律师,竞选公职。‟”

In her interview with Dunham, Hillary Clinton explained that she was worried how marriage would affect her teaching or her work at a legal-aid clinic.


“I loved doing that. And I wasn‟t quite sure how everything I cared about might fit into a marriage with him. So eventually, I said yes. It was a big leap of faith, and I think most marriages are," she said. "You really do just sort of say, 'Okay, I think I know what it‟s gonna be like, but I don‟t know for sure. Let‟s find out.'”



in the wake of: 随着…而来,作为…的结果

inchoate: 未完成的;不成熟的

harness: 利用

run for office: 竞选公职



Director-General Bokova, ladies and gentlemen,


It gives me a great pleasure to join you for this important initiative as the UN marks its 70th



Education is very close in my heart. My father grew up in a very small village in China. In those days, not many villagers could read. So my father opened a night school to teach them how to read. With his help, many people learned to write their own names; with his help many people learned to read

newspapers for the first time; with his help, many women were able to teach their children how to read. 我非常关注教育。我的父亲生长在中国的一个小山村,那个时候,许多农民都不识字。当时我的父亲开办了一所夜校,教大家认字。在他的帮助下,许多人第一次写出了自己的名字,第一次看懂了报纸和书刊,许多女性也能教自己的孩子认字了。

As his daughter, I know what education means to the people, especially those without it. After

generations of hard work, China has come a long way in education. I myself am a beneficiary of that progress. Otherwise I would never become a soprano and a professor of musical.


I am following my father's footsteps by teaching at China's Conservatory of Music to help continue China's success story. I want to thank Director-General Bokova and UNESCO for naming me the Special Envoy for Women and Girls Education. I am truly honored to work with the UN and do

something about Global Education. I have visited many schools around the world. I've seen first-hand on how much we can do for education.


Education is about women and the girls. It is important for girls to go to school because they will

become their children's first teacher someday. But women still account for over half of the world's poor in population and 60% of adults who can't read.


Education is crucial in the addressing such inequalities. In China, Spring Bud Education Program has helped over 3 million girls go back to school. Many of them have finished university education and they are doing well at work.


Education is about equality. In poor countries and regions the number of school dropouts is astonishing. We call for more educational resources to these places.


Education is about the young people. Young people are the future. Education is important because it not only gave young people knowledge and skills but also help them become responsible citizens. As the UNESCO special envoy and the mother myself my commitment to education for all will never change.


Many years ago my father made a small difference in his village. Together we can make a big

difference in the world. I was once asked about my Chinese dream. I said I hope all children especially girls can have access to good education. This is my Chinese dream. I believe one day education first will no longer be a dream, it will be a reality enjoyed by every young woman on this planet.



Thank you very much.



乔布斯遗作 苹果将推出全功能电视

The end of remote controls? Apple's TV 'to be voice controlled'

It might spell the end of fiddling

around for remote controls in between

the sofa cushions.

The upcoming big Apple TV will use

iPhone's Siri 'personal assistant' as

its main control method - and will use

touch control as a back up.

Leaks from Apple's manufacturing

chain say that Apple has been working

on prototype sets since September -

according to a design blueprint laid

down by late CEO Steve Jobs. His

'eureka' moment was realising that

Siri's voice control could be used to

'talk' to the set.

The quote 'I finally cracked it,' in

the recent biography by Walter

Isaacson was misquoted in recent

reports, reports the New York Times.

Jobs was referring to the realisation

that the television should be

voice-controlled - using the

natural-language algorithms of Siri

so that people talk to the set as they

would to someone sitting next to them

on the sofa.

Mr Jobs, who died earlier this month,

told author Walter Isaacson: 'It will

have the simplest user interface you

could imagine.'

Apple executive Jeff Robbin, who was

behind the iPod and iTunes Store, is

reportedly 'now guiding Apple's 乱翻沙发垫找遥控器的时代就要终结了。 未来的苹果电视将应用iPhone的Siri语音个人助理作为主要的遥控方式,并以触摸式遥控器作支持。 据苹果公司生产厂商透露,自九月份开始,苹果公司就一直在根据已故的前CEO史蒂夫•乔布斯提出的设想研发原型机。乔布斯的突破性发现正在成为现实,人们将能够使用Siri语音控制和电视“对话”。 但根据《纽约时报》的报道,沃尔特•伊萨克森撰写的《乔布斯传》中,引述的乔布斯所说的“我找到了”这句话被媒体曲解了。 乔布斯指的是他发现了电视可以使用Siri的自然语言系统进行声控,这样人们就可以像跟坐在旁边的人说话一样和电视“对话”了。 乔布斯于十月初去世。他在生前告诉沃尔特•伊萨克森:“苹果电视的用户界面是你所能想象的最简洁的。” 据报道,苹果公司主管杰夫•罗宾“目前负责苹果公司电视产品的研发”。他曾主导研发iPod 和iTunes产品。 这不是首次尝试研发更“自然”的电视遥控器,One For All公司

internal development of the new TV


It's not the first attempt to bring

more 'natural' controls to

televisions - companies such as One

For All already make

gesture-controlled remotes which you

simply 'wag' at the screen, and

Microsoft's Xbox Kinect camera can be

controlled by voice.

But the highly sophisticated Siri

software could represent a huge leap

forward for the technology.

A third party analysis suggests the

device will hit shelves by late next

year or 2013, based on research of

Apple's patent portfolio, its

investments in manufacturing

facilities and 'securing supplies of

LCD screens'.

Apple spokeswoman Trudy Muller

declined to comment on the Bloomberg


It has been widely-speculated Apple

will launch its own brand of

touchscreen televisions running its

iOS platform.

(Read by Emily Cheng. Emily Cheng is

a journalist at the China Daily

Website.) 点击查看更多双语新闻


已经推出“手势遥控器”,只要在屏幕前“摇摆”,就能实现操控。微软公司的Xbox Kinect相机也可以实现声控。 但高度复杂的Siri软件将使这项技术实现跃进。 一份第三方分析表明,根据对苹果公司专利组合、对制造设备的投资、以及“LCD屏幕的可靠供应”的研究,苹果电视将于明年末或2013年上市。 苹果公司女发言人特鲁迪•穆勒拒绝回应彭博社的这篇报道。 多数猜测认为,苹果公司将推出基于iSO平台的自主品牌触屏电视。

Grads rise to challenge of life in the military


走出校园,随即踏上工作岗位,这似乎已经是大学生的思维定势(thinking set)。然而,近来越来越多的人却开始选择从军这条道路,他们都有哪些不一样的经历呢?

You spend the first three months on strenuous training, confined within a campsite.


You have to run five kilometers every morning, carrying a heavy rucksack and rifle. You mustn’t stop doing push-ups in the snow until your sweat melts the snow beneath your face.


Then you may be sent to any part of the country as a sentinel and be expected to stick to your post for the rest of your two-year military service. 接下来,你有可能会被派到全国任何一个地方去当哨兵,并会在两年的军旅生涯中一直坚守着这个岗位。

College students are expected to prefer safe and relatively comfortable office work to military life. However, an increasing number of college students have been attracted to a career in the military in recent years. 比起军队生活而言,大学生们本应该更喜欢安全且相对舒适的办公室工作。然而近年来,越来越多的大学生却开始对参军产生兴趣。

According to the China Education Daily, the army enrolled nearly 130,000 servicemen from college students and fresh grads in 2009. The number is 60 times bigger than that in 2001. It has been boosted by a series of preferential policies in terms of finance and employment.


Nationwide enlistment this year will start on November 1. Tens of thousands of college students and grads have applied.


With pampering parents and a recovering job market, many of these

soldiers-to-be of the post-90s are not going for the preferential policies. They are looking for friendship and a physical and mental challenge. 就业市场已逐渐复苏,因此许多备受父母呵护的90后准士兵们并非冲着优待政策而来。他们只为寻求友情,同时经历身体与精神上的挑战。

Zhang Yang, 20, a sophomore at Shenyang University, will be excited when he sees war films showing soldiers’ heroic actions and their comradeship. 20岁的张阳(音译)是沈阳大学大二学生,每当看到彰显战士英勇之举和战友情深的战争片,他就会兴奋不已。

“To be honest, we people of the post 90s tend to be self-centered and hot-tempered because many of us are the spoiled only child in our

families,” said Zhang. He has found it difficult to make close friends on campus.

张阳说:“坦白讲,我们90后往往会以自我为中心,脾气也很臭。这是因为我们很多人都是备受家人溺爱的独生子女。”他发现在校园里很难结交挚友。 “It may be easier for me to find a buddy at the campsite where my comrades-in-arms and I will share tough training together.”


Zhang is prepared for exhausting military exercises. But the biggest challenge may come from adapting to the strict discipline and hierarchy. 张阳已经准备好迎接疲惫的军事训练了。但最大的挑战可能在于如何去适应严格的纪律和上下级制度。

Yu Bi’er, 24, joined the army in 2009 as a fresh college grad. She is now a member of the naval art ensemble in Guangzhou.


Yu has a strict timetable for her mealtimes, showers and time spent watching TV. There is little time left for herself. She needs to ask for the squad leader’s permission when she wants to go to the washroom. 俞碧儿对于吃饭,洗澡和看电视的有一套严格的时间表。留给自己的时间也是少之又少。就连去洗手间,她都需要事先征得班长的同意。

Like many new recruits enlisted from college students and graduates, Yu had a squad leader who was much younger than her. The leader had joined the army much earlier after graduating from high school.


“We have to act in unquestioning obedience to the orders of our superior. We say yes whatever the order is,” said Yu. The leader gave an order, and off Yu went to fetch water for her.


The rules may seem inhuman, but they are not unreasonable. Great discipline is required in war and in disaster relief.


Zhao Feng (not his real name), 24, took part in a mine disaster relief when he served the army in Leshan, Sichuan.

24岁的赵峰(化名)在四川乐山军队服役期间曾参加过一次矿难的救援行动。 Zhao was struck dumb when he carried corpses for the first time. But he managed to carry out the clean-up because, without thinking, he did what his commander ordered.


According to Zhao, life in military campsites is not monotonous. Besides training, soldiers can enjoy movies and perform onstage in speaking contests.


“But I have lost contact with the outside world in the past two years,” Zhao admits. He is not allowed to use a cell phone, let alone the Internet. The only TV program available is Xinwen Lianbo, China Central Television’s daily news broadcast at 7 pm.


Zhao Yang, 25, had the same problem when he finished his two-year military service in Shanxi and returned to Beijing last year. But he was confident about job-hunting and soon got a job in a securities agency.


