Complete each sentence or statement.
INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the sentences with one word for each blank.
1. A ____________________ is a period of time which covers ten years, such as the 1930s or 1950s.
2. Teachers give lessons to pupils in schools, but at colleges students are given lectures and tutorials by college ____________________. 3. ____________________ went all over North America to seek and gather examples of popular folk music; they were looking for the true music of the people. 4. A ____________________ is a single part of a collection or set of reference books in which poems, folk music or stories are brought together. 5. Written material such as stories, poems or songs which have been collected together but not printed in a book or made widely available to the public are known as ____________________ collections. 6. Another three-word hyphenated phrase for 'state-of-the art' is ____________________-____________________-____________________. 7. Someone who gives advice to an organisation for no payment, or a very small token sum, is called an ____________________ consultant. 8. The serious shortage of trained musicians caused a ____________________ in the supply of violin players for the city orchestra, and only two could be found.
9. If someone doesn't want to make money out of their research or their interests and they give their services to
an organisation for nothing, they can be said to have a no ____________________ ____________________
for their activities.
10. In the United Kingdom, the head of a prison is a governor, but in the USA, a ____________________ is the highest figure of authority. 11. When I had chosen the books I wanted to borrow from the library, I gave them to the ____________________ to check them out to me. 12. The rebels were described as ____________________ because their ideas and activities were secret and they intended to damage or destroy the established system of government. 13. To survive in the wild, animals like lions have purely ____________________ reactions, and it is inevitable that they will attack and kill weaker animals.
14. If people are treated badly by the government in power, they are likely to behave in a
____________________ way, by disobeying laws, becoming angry and trying to illegally overthrow the
established order.
15. Sometimes books like the Harry Potter stories ____________________ equally to both children and grown-ups, and they are therefore difficult to classify as either children's literature or adult fiction. 16. The female equivalent of the word 'hero' is ____________________.
17. One of the tasks an ____________________ is responsible for, is checking a writer's work for errors before it
is sent to a publisher.
18. Many children's books deal with the ____________________ for treasure, where the characters set out to discover valuable items such as diamonds or money. 19. The publishers printed too many books and they had to sell the ____________________ production at reduced prices. 20. The ____________________ is the chief character in a play or story, around whom the action takes place. 21. ____________________ is the branch of knowledge dealing with scientific and industrial methods and their practical use in industry. 22. Our ____________________ are the people who lived in past times and passed on their ideas and culture to our modern civilisations. 23. A ____________________, for example a donkey, is a living thing produced from the parents of different breeds. 24. In electronic circuits, the various components such as resistors, transistors or capacitors are not drawn exactly as they are, but are represented by ____________________. 25. A ____________________ is a set of beliefs, which could be religious or scientific, which people are expected to accept without challenging it. 26. The results of the experiment were uncertain and it is now ____________________ whether we shall receive further funding from the university to continue our research. 27. An ____________________ is produced by artists when they use knives or chisels to cut their designs into a metal or wooden surface which is later inked and printed onto paper. 28. Many travelling families who previously lived their lives in mobile caravans, moving from place to place, are now building ____________________ camp sites to find a more settled way of life. 29. The ____________________ is the bone structure which surrounds and protects our brains.
30. ____________________ is the term used for trees which are taken from forests to provide wood for use in the
construction of buildings.
Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
INSTRUCTIONS: Read the sentence and decide which answer: a, b, or c, best matches the meaning of the
underlined words. Write your answer: a, b, or c, in the space provided.
____ 31. nationally.
a. has a good repute
b. enjoys a good reputation
c. has a reputation
____ 32. in-depth information as possible.
a. research in local area only
b. research in more than one country
c. research throughout their own country only
____ 33. song material.
____ 34. ____ 35.
____ 36. ____ 37. ____ 38. ____ 39. ____ 40. a. field work b. academic study work c. telephone enquiries a. literate b. literature c. literal The changing of the behaviour of two characters in The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett a. a very clear or typical example b. an exception c. something rare and valuable children's literature. a. always included b. never included c. sometimes included a. decorate b. hide c. camouflage a. hundreds of years b. thousands of years c. millions of years a. the study of ancient objects b. the study of history c. the development of living things through substances passed on through their cells a. to keep a count of
b. to describe
c. to label
Match the beginnings of sentences with the appropriate endings.
a. The professor wanted to embark on
b. Funds are sometimes given to researchers by
c. Some critics say that books for children should be taken seriously because
d. In the world of childhood, as shown by childrens books,
e. 40,000 years ago people decorated their bodies with designs and artefacts
____ 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. such as tattoos and beads.a pastoral convention is maintained.a nationwide collecting project to gather information.this kind of writing is sometimes subversive.academic institutions such as libraries or learned societies.
46. Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no specialist knowledge of the following topic.
In some countries, mainly in the east, such as China and Japan, old people are still shown respect by young
people. Seats will still be given up on buses to older citizens or doors held open for them. Behaving this way
in public contributes to a stable and well-mannered, respectful society where old people are valued.
However, in the west, such as in the United Kingdom and the USA, respect for the older generation is
declining. It is, for example, unusual for grandparents to live in the same house as their children. Rather than
look after elderly parents, many families choose to place them in old folks' homes, leaving their care to other
people. Old people are seen as a burden and a nuisance and have little value in a modern, materialistic society.
Discuss both these views and give your opinion.
You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and
relevant evidence.
Write at least 250 words.
47. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The charts below show how sending text messages by mobile phone affects the daily lives of young people.
The text message has led to a social revolution in the way we communicate simple messages as well as
influencing our emotional contact with each other. In October this year, 2004, Britain's 52 million mobile
phone users sent 2.3 billion text messages.
Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information below.
Write at least 150 words.
The rapid growth in text messaging.
Results of Mori Poll
Total number of people with mobile phones = 687
48. Read the topic card below carefully. You will have to talk about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes. You have one
minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make notes to help you if you wish.
Describe the most beautiful place you have visited.
You should say:
where it was - the country or location
what it was like
who you went with and explain what impressed you most and why you remember it so well.
When was the last time you saw a frog? Chances are, if you live in a city, you have not seen one for some time. Even in wet areas once teeming with frogs and toads, it is becoming less and less easy to find those slimy, hopping and sometimes poisonous members of the animal kingdom. All over the world, and even in remote parts of Australia, frogs are losing the ecological battle for survival, and biologists are at a loss to explain their demise. Are amphibians simply oversensitive to changes in the ecosystem? Could it be that their rapid decline in numbers is signaling some coming environmental disaster for us all? This frightening scenario is in part the consequence of a dramatic increase over the last quarter century in the development of once natural areas of wet marshland; home not only to frogs but to all manner of wildlife. However, as yet, there are no obvious reasons why certain frog species are disappearing from rainforests in Australia that have barely been touched by human hand. The mystery is unsettling to say the least, for it is known that amphibian species are extremely sensitive to environmental variations in temperature and moisture levels. The danger is that planet Earth might not only lose a vital link in the ecological food chain (frogs keep populations of otherwise pestilent insects at manageable levels), but we might be increasing our output of air pollutants to levels that may have already become irreversible. Frogs could be inadvertently warning us of a catastrophe.
An example of a species of frog that, at far as is known, has become extinct, is the platypus frog. Like the well-known Australian mammal it was named after, it exhibited some very strange behaviour; instead of giving birth to tadpoles in the water, it raised its young within its stomach. The baby frogs were actually born from out of their mother"s mouth. Discovered in 1981, less than ten years later the frog had completely vanished from the crystal clear waters of Booloumba Creek near Queensland"s Sunshine Coast. Unfortunately, this freak of nature is not the only frog
species to have been lost in Australia. Since the 1970s, no less than eight others have
One theory that seems to fit the facts concerns the depletion of the ozone layer, a well documented phenomenon which has led to a sharp increase
in ultraviolet radiation levels.The ozone layer is meant to shield the Earth from UV rays, but increased radiation may be having a greater effect upon frog populations than previously believed. Another theory is that worldwide temperature increases are upsetting the breeding cycles of frogs. TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN
1.Frogs are disappearing only from city areas.
2.Frogs and toads are usually poisonous.
3.Biologists are unable to explain why frogs are dying.
4.The frogs" natural habitat is becoming more and more developed.
5.Attempts are being made to halt the development of wet marshland.
6.Frogs are important in the ecosystem because they control pests.
7.The platypus frog became extinct by 1991.
8.Frogs usually give birth to their young in an underwater nest.
9.Eight frog species have become extinct so far in Australia.
10.There is convincing evidence that the ozone layer is being depleted.
11.It is a fact that frogs" breeding cycles are upset by worldwide in creases in temperature. Answer Keys1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.NG 6.T 7.T 8.NG 9.F 10.T 11.F
Almost everyone with or without a computer is aware of the latest technological revolution destined to change forever the way in which humans communicate, namely, the Information Superhighway, best exemplified by the ubiquitous Internet. Already, millions of people around the world are linked by computer simply by having a modem and an address on the `Net", in much the same way that owning a telephone links us to almost anyone who pays a phone bill. In fact, since the computer connections are made via the phone line, the Internet can be envisaged as a network of visual telephone links. It remains to seen in which direction the Information Superhighway is headed, but many believeit is the educational hope of the future.
The World Wide Web, an enormous collection of Internet addresses or sites, all of which can be accessed for information, has been mainly responsible for the increase in interest in the Internet in the 1990s. Before the World Wide Web, the `Net" was comparable to an integrated collection of computerized typewriters, but the introduction of the `Web" in 1990 allowed not only text links to be made but also graphs, images and even video.
A Web site consists of a `home page", the first screen of a particular site on the computer to which you are connected, from where access can be had to other subject related `pages"(or screens) at the site and on thousands of other computers all over the world. This is achieved by a process called `hypertext". By clicking with a mouse device on various parts of the screen, a person connected to the `Net" can go traveling, or surfing" through a of the screen, a person connected to the `Net" can go traveling, or `surfing" through a web of pages to locate whatever information is required. Anyone can set up a site; promoting your club, your institution, your company"s products or simply yourself, is what the Web and the Internet is all about. And what is
more, information on the Internet is not owned or controlled by any one organization. It is, perhaps, true to say that no one and therefore everyone owns the `Net". Because of the relative freedom of access to information, the Internet has often been criticised by the media as a potentially hazardous tool in the hands of young computer users. This perception has proved to be largely false however, and the vast majority of users both young and old get connected with the Internet for the dual purposes for which it was intended - discovery and delight.
1.Everyone is aware of the Information Superhighway.
2.Using the Internet costs the owner of a telephone extra money.
3.Internet computer connections are made by using telephone lines.
4.The World Wide Web is a network of computerised typewriters.
5.According to the author, the Information Superhighway may be the future hope of education.
6.The process called`hypertext"requires the use of a mouse device.
7.The Internet was created in the 1990s.
8.The `home page"is the first screen of a `Web"site on the `Net".
9.The media has often criticised the Internet because it is dangerous.
10.The latest technological revolution will change the way humans communicate. ;
Answer Keys 1.F 2.NG 3.T 4.F 5.T 6.T 7.F 8.T 9.F 10.T
TIME ALLOWED: 30 minutes
You will hear a number of different recordings and you will have to answer questions on what you hear.
There will be time for you to read the instructions and questions, and you will have a chance to check you work.
All the recordings will be played ONCE only.
The test is in four sections. Write your answers in the listening question booklet. At the end of the test you will be given ten minutes to transfer your answers to an answer sheet.
Now turn to Section 1 on page 2.
SECTION 1 Question1-9
Question 1-6
Listen to conversation between friend and the housing officer and complete the list below.
Address Number of rooms Price per week Additional information
Mr. J Devenport 82Salisbury Road Brighton BN 16 3 AN Tel 01273 884673 2 bedrooms sitting room kit. bath Example £120 Unfurnished
Mrs E.S. Jarvis2Wicken Street Brighton BN 15 4JH Tel 01273 771621 (1) sitting room kit.bath (2)
First floor
Mrs. E.C. Sparshott 180Silwood Road Brighton BN 14 9RY Tel (3)
2 large rm/s shared kit and bath £35 Nice area (4)
Mr A Nasiry 164 Preston Road Brighton BN5 7RT Tel 01273 703865 large bedroom sitting room with kitchenette.bath. (5)
Ground floor Central
(6) 2 harrow Road Brighton BN9 9HK Tel 01273 745621 2 large rooms kit bath £86 No pets
Questions 7-9
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer
7.When is the accommodation available?
8.Where is the telephone?
9.How is the flat heated?
SECTION 2 Questions 10-20
Questions 10-14
Circle the correct letters A-D
10.How many conventions have already been held ?
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
11.Where is the convention being held?
A. Brisbane B. Melbourne C. Canberra D. Sydney
12.How long is the convention for
A 2 days B.5 days C.6 days D. 7 days
13.How many Australian speakers will be attending the convention?
A.20 B.25 C.30 D.35
14.Which countries are the guest speakers from?
A. Britain and Canada B. Canada and the US
C. Britain and the US D. Britain, Canada and the US
Question 15-17
Listen to the directions and match the places in questions 15-17 to the appropriate letters A-G on the map.
Example Peroni's Answer ( A )
15. Jumbo Sandwich Shop ( )
16. Slim's Vegetarian ( )
17. The Geneva Bistro ( )
Questions 18-20
Look at this page from the program. Tick ( √ ) if the information is correct or write in the changes.
Afternoon sessions Answer
start at 2.00pm 2.30
finish at 4.00pm ______________
“Marketing‖ by Jane Howard (18)
Blue Room (19)
“Distribution of Goods‖ by Sara Moore‖ Barbara Moore
Red Room (20)
“Advertising‖ by Peter Newstead
Orange Room cancelled
SECTION 3 Questions 21——32
Questions 21_24
Complete the table showing the prices and types of coffee sold Common Room. I = Instant
R = Real
E = Espresso
European Development studies Arts "C"Building American Studies
Type of coffee Example I (21)
E (24)
Price of coffee Example 20P (22)
Questions 25-32
Complete the table showing the number of points 1,2or3 awarded to the food offered by each
Common Room.
Arts "c" Building European Refectory American Studies
Matthew (28)
Alice (25)
Example 1 (29)
Jenny (26)
SECTION 4 Questions 33-40
Questions 33-35
Look at Question 33-35 below and the grid . Tick ( √ )the relevant boxes in each column.
COUNTRY 33. Which countries are affected by Britain's pollution? 34.Which country relies heavily on nuclear power? 35. Which countries use lime filtering to reduce the amount of chemical pollutant released into the atmosphere?
Questions 36-40
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
36. When did fish stock there begin to decline?
37. What did scientists inject into the land ?
38. Has the situation improved?
39. How effective is the use of limestone slurry?
40. what is one of the major disadvantages of using limestone slurry?
The test is divided as follow :
Reading passage 1 questions 1-11
Reading passage 2 questions12-25
Reading passage 3 questions26-38
Start at the beginning of the test and work through it .you should answer all the questions. if you cannot do a particular question leave it and go on to the next .you can return to it later.
Section 1 question 1-14
Question 1-4
There are six job advertisements A-F on the opposite page
Answer the questions below by writing the letters of the appropriate advertisements in boxes 1-4 on your answer sheet .
Example answer
Which job is in a travel agent's ? D
1. which job is in a hotel?
2. Which job for someone to look after a child?
3. Which WTO advertisements are for waiters?
4. Which WTO jobs would particularly like a German speaker?
Waiting staff
the ideal candidates must have relevant experience gained in a high quality hotel .please call personnel on 071-722-77333, or send your CV to :Regents Park Hilton , Lodge Road , London
450-1200 P.W.
we are one of the largest business publishers in Europe and have limited vacancies for intelligent young people in our London advertisement sales office. Enquiries from German Spanish and eastern European speakers especially welcome. Phone Andrew Warburton on 071 753 4300
Busy chartered
Accountants require experienced /efficient secretary ,accounts ,typing experience and an excellent telephone manner essential shorthand useful.
Please send CV to :box no .9246 c/o evening standard classified , 2 derry street ,kensington W8 5EE.
Vacancy for self-confident person to look after bookings for our Caribbean hotels .salary based on applicant's experience &suitability .please send CV to Ian Taplin , MRI LTD, 9 Galena Road , London , WG OLX
For 9 month old handful .Artistle /Prof household Ntting Hill , 3 days per week .some hours flexibility req'd .knowledge German/Hungarian advantage not essential 071 221 7375
The biggest and busiest restaurant in London is seeking additional stars for its team of dedicated professionals .if you have experience in high volume restaurants
How to increase sales
Published online: Nov 9th 2006
From The Economist print edition
How shops can exploit people's herd mentality to increase sales
1. A TRIP to the supermarket may not seem like an exercise in psychological warfare—but it is. Shopkeepers know that filling a store with the aroma of freshly baked bread makes people feel hungry and persuades them to buy more food than they had intended. Stocking the most expensive products at eye level makes them sell faster than cheaper but less visible competitors. Now researchers are investigating how “swarm intelligence” (that is, how ants, bees or any social animal, including humans, behave in a crowd) can be used to influence what people buy.
2. At a recent conference on the simulation of adaptive behaviour in Rome, Zeeshan-ul-hassan Usmani, a computer scientist from the Florida Institute of Technology, described a new way to increase impulse buying using this phenomenon. Supermarkets already encourage shoppers to buy things they did not realise they wanted: for instance, by placing everyday items such as milk and eggs at the back of the store, forcing shoppers to walk past other tempting goods to reach them. Mr Usmani and Ronaldo Menezes, also of the Florida Institute of Technology, set out to enhance this tendency to buy more by playing on the herd instinct. The idea is that, if a certain product is seen to be popular, shoppers are likely to choose it too. The challenge is to keep customers informed about what others are buying.
3. Enter smart-cart technology. In Mr Usmani's supermarket every product has a radio frequency identification tag, a sort of barcode that uses radio waves to transmit information, and every trolley has a scanner that reads this information and relays it to a central computer. As a customer walks past a shelf of goods, a screen on the shelf tells him how many people currently in the shop have chosen that particular product. If the number is high, he is more likely to select it too.
4. Mr Usmani's “swarm-moves” model appeals to supermarkets because it increases sales without the need to give people discounts. And it gives shoppers the satisfaction of knowing that they bought the “right” product—that is, the one everyone else bought. The model has not yet been tested widely in the real world, mainly because radio frequency identification technology is new and has only been installed experimentally in some supermarkets. But Mr Usmani says that both Wal-Mart in America and Tesco in Britain are interested in his work, and testing will get under way in the spring.
5. Another recent study on the power of social influence indicates that sales could, indeed, be boosted in this way. Matthew Salganik of Columbia University in New York and his colleagues have described creating an artificial music market in which some 14,000 people downloaded previously unknown songs. The researchers found that when people could see the songs ranked by how many times they had been downloaded, they followed the crowd. When the songs were not ordered by rank, but the number of times they had been downloaded was displayed, the effect of social influence was still there but was less pronounced. People thus follow the herd when it is easy for them to do so.
6. In Japan a chain of convenience shops called RanKing RanQueen has been ordering its products according to sales data from department stores and research companies. The shops sell only the most popular items in each product category, and the rankings are updated weekly.
Icosystem, a company in Cambridge, Massachusetts, also aims to exploit knowledge of social networking to improve sales.
7. And the psychology that works in physical stores is just as potent on the internet. Online retailers such as Amazon are adept at telling shoppers which products are popular with like-minded consumers. Even in the privacy of your home, you can still be part of the swarm. (644 words)
Questions 1-6
Complete the sentences below with words taken from the reading passage. Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
1. Shopowners realize that the smell of _______________ can increase sales of food products.
2. In shops, products shelved at a more visible level sell better even if they are more _______________.
3. According to Mr. Usmani, with the use of “swarm intelligence” phenomenon, a new method can be applied to encourage _______________.
4. On the way to everyday items at the back of the store, shoppers might be tempted to buy _______________.
5. If the number of buyers shown on the _______________ is high, other customers tend to follow them.
6. Using the “swarm-moves” model, shopowners do not have to give customers _______________ to increase sales.
Questions 7-12
Do the following statements agree with the information given in the reading passage? For questions 7-12 write
YES if the statement agrees with the information
NO if the statement contraicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this in the passage
7. Radio frequency identification technology has been installed experimentally in big supermarkets like Wal-Mart.
8. People tend to download more unknown songs than songs they are familiar with.
9. Songs ranked high by the number of times being downloaded are favored by customers.
10. People follow the others to the same extent whether it is convenient or not.
11. Items sold in some Japanese stores are simply chosen according to the sales data of other shops.
12. Swarm intelligence can also be observed in everyday life.
Answer keys:
1. 答案:(freshly baked) bread. (第1段第2行:Shoppers know that filling a store with the aroma of freshly baked bread makes people feel hungry and persuades them to buy more food than they intended.)
2. 答案:expensive. (第1段第4行: Stocking the most expensive products at eye level makes them sell faster than cheaper but less visible competitors.)
3. 答案:impulse buying. (第2段第1句:At a recent conference on the simulation of adaptive behaviour in Rome, Zeeshan-ul-hassan Usmani, a computer scientist from the Florida Institute of Technology, described a new way to increase impulse buying using this phenomenon.)
4. 答案:other (tempting) goods/things/products. (第2段第2句:Supermarkets already encourage shoppers to buy things they did not realise they wanted: for instance, by placing everyday items such as milk and eggs at the back of the store, forcing shoppers to walk past other tempting goods to reach them.)
5. 答案:screen. (第3段第4行:As a customer walks past a shelf of goods, a screen on the shelf tells him how many people currently in the shop have chosen that particular product. If the number is high, he is more likely to select it too.)
6. 答案:discounts. (第4段第第1句:Mr Usmani‘s “swarm-moves” model appeals to supermarkets because it increases sales without the need to give people discounts.)
7. 答案:NO. (第4段第3、4句:The model has not yet been tested widely in the real world, mainly because radio frequency identification technology is new and has only been installed experimentally in some supermarkets. But Mr Usmani says that both Wal-Mart in America an Tesco in Britain are interestd in his workd, and testing will get under way in the spring. 短语 “get under way”的意思是“开始进行”,在Wal-Mart的试验要等到春天才开始)
TIME ALLOWED : 30 minutes
will have a chance to check you work.
All the recordings will be played ONCE only.
At the end of the test you will to transfer your answers to an answer sheet.
Choose the picture that best matches what you hear on the tape letter
免费提供各种资格考试真题、模拟题、练习题、精选题及答案 A B C D
numbered 5 to 10 with the information you hear on the tape. Given Name : ………….LUCY………………
Date of Birth (6) :
Sex : …………..FEMALE……………
Nationality (7):
Address (8) : .
(9): ……NSW 2040………..
Telephone No. (10) .
to 23.
Safety on Australia's Beaches
DON'T swim beyond a (11) .
and don't swim in (12) .sea
DON'T swim at (13) .
免费提供各种资格考试真题、模拟题、练习题、精选题及答案DO swim between the (17)
and obey all signs.
but DO swim (19) .to the beach.
as (21)
Complete the summary of the news item by writing in the missing or in the
Since last week serious………:storms
Have been sweeping the Australia. Sixteen people have died and at least 24
Seven Early to day an 25 Capsized off the New South Names have not yet been 28 An Australian Also died in Some men sleeping 28
免费提供各种资格考试真题、模拟题、练习题、精选题及答案to the correct answer
33. Gold was first discovered in Australia in:
(a) 1831
(b) 1841
(c) 1851
(d) 1861
(e) 1863
(b) Australia didn't allow them to
(c) China didn't allow them to
(d) All the above reasons
(e) None of the above reasons
(a) to look for gold
(a) the Chinese looked for a scapegoat
(b) the government looked for a scapegoat
(c) the miners regulated the Chinese
(d) the miners blamed the Chinese
免费提供各种资格考试真题、模拟题、练习题、精选题及答案 (c) developed Australia culturally
(d) started Australia's export industry
each one. Choose which of the alternatives A, B, C or D is the an example.
This advertisement is for
This advertisement is for
Your answer
雅思口语Part 1考题
Your Work/Your Studies
Your Hometown<必考题目>
1. What foods do you usually eat?
2. Did you like to eat the same food when you were a child?
3. What food did you like to eat when you were a child?
4. Do you still like that food now?
5. If you had children, what foods would you recommend they eat?
6. Do you think it's good to (often or sometimes) take children to restaurants?
7. How has food in your country changed since you were a child?
Hand-made things-----较新(抽象话题,注意types/kinds of 题型的答题技巧)
1. Did you ever make anything by hand when you were a child?
2. What kinds of things do children make by hand?
3. Do children often make things by hand?
4. Do you like make things by hand?
5. Why do you think people choose to buy hand-made things?
6. How are hand-made things different from machine-made things?
江苏总部:南京市新街口商茂世纪广场(中山南路49号)22层C3C4座 电话:025 86890418 86890458
7. What kinds of handicrafts do people in your country like? Number 1 .Do you have any lucky number? Why? 2. Do numbers have special meanings in your country? 3. Which numbers are important for you to remember? 4. How do you memorize numbers? Flowers 1. Do you like flowers? Why or why not? 2. What flowers do you like? Why? 3. Are flowers important in your culture? 4. On what occasions do people give or receive flowers? 5. When was the last time you bought flowers for someone? 6. Where do people usually buy flowers? Time Management 7. Are you good at organizing time? 8. How do you usually organize time? 9. Do you think planning is important for time management? 10. Why do you think some people pay to learn time management? 11. Do you think children should learn to manage time? Leisure Time
江苏总部:南京市新街口商茂世纪广场(中山南路49号)22层C3C4座 电话:025 86890418 86890458
12. How much free time (or time to relax) do you have (per week)?
13. How do you relax?
14. What do you do in your spare time (= free time)?
15. What do you do on weekends?
16. (In the evenings), do you prefer to relax at home and watch TV or go out with your friends?
17. Do you think it's important to (have time to) relax?
18. Do men and women relax ( = spend their free time) in the same way?
19. What do you usually do with your family?
20. Do you think modern people like to do things with others, in a group?
21. Do you often do things in a group?
22. Do you prefer to do things in a family group or in a group of friends?
23. How did you spend your last holidays (vacation)?
Mobile Phones
1. Do you have a mobile phone (= "a cell phone")?
2. Is your cell phone important for you in your daily life?
3. What do you use it for?
4. How often do you use it?
5. When did you get it?
6. How did you get your first mobile phone?
7. How did you feel when you got your first mobile phone?
江苏总部:南京市新街口商茂世纪广场(中山南路49号)22层C3C4座 电话:025 86890418 86890458
8. What feature (or, function) of your cell phone do you like the best? 9. Is there anything you dislike about using cell phones? Colors 1. What's your favorite color? (Why?) 2. Do you usually (or, often) wear clothes in your favorite color? 3. Are there any colors that have a special meaning in your country? 4. What color would you choose to paint the walls of your room? 5. Do you think different types of people like different colors?
摘要:Animals 1. What's your favorite animal? (Why?) 2. Are people in your country fond of animals? 3. Do you think cities are suitable places for keeping a pet? 4. Do children like animals? 5. What was you
1. What's your favorite animal? (Why?)
2. Are people in your country fond of animals?
3. Do you think cities are suitable places for keeping a pet?
4. Do children like animals?
5. What was your favorite animal when you were a child?
6. Did you have any pets when you were a child?
7. What do you think are the benefits of a child having a pet?
8. If you have children in the future, will you allow them to raise a pet?
Sounds and Noise
1. Do you prefer a quiet environment or an environment with some sounds?
江苏总部:南京市新街口商茂世纪广场(中山南路49号)22层C3C4座 电话:025 86890418 86890458
2. Does your school have any quiet places for studying?
3. What natural sound do you like (the most)? (Why?)
4. What sounds do you dislike? (Why?)
5. (Possibly the question above is worded this way:) Are there any sounds that you dislike? (Why?)
6. What sounds remind you of your childhood?
1. Did you collect anything (such as stamps or CD's) when you were a child?
2. Do you still collect them now?
3. Do you collect anything as a hobby now?
4. Why do you like collecting things?
5. Do people in your country like to collect things?
6. Why do you think people like collecting things?
7. What are some examples of things that some people collect (as a hobby)?
8. Do you think you will collect anything in the future?
9. If you had a lot of money, what would you like to collect?
Weather and Seasons
1. What's the weather (usually) like in your hometown?
2. Do you like that weather (or, that kind of climate)? (Why?/Why not?)
3. Have there been any changes in the weather over the past few years?
江苏总部:南京市新街口商茂世纪广场(中山南路49号)22层C3C4座 电话:025 86890418 86890458
你会选择谁和你一起旅行 Cue card
Talk about a person you would choose to travel with. Please say: - Where would you travel? - Why did you choose this person?
- Tell me about the person’s character and qualities.
- What qualities does a person need to be a good traveling companion? - Would you prefer traveling alone or with someone? Why?
你住过的一家旅馆 Cue card
Describe a hotel you stayed in or know about. Please say: - What is it’s name? - Where is it?
- What does it look like?
- Explain why people like to stay there.
- Have you ever stayed in hotels?
- Do you think hotels attract tourists in your country?
- What is the impact of tourism on economic condition of your country?
你理想中的房子 Cue Card
Describe your ideal house. Please say - Where do you want the house to be? - What should it look like?
- How many people should it accommodate?
- Do you think people in cities are better off than those in rural areas, and why?
- Do you think cities will grow bigger and bigger in coming years? - What problems are involved when cities grow bigger?
- Is there something that can be done to restrict the growth of cities?
你会购买的一种汽车(如果你有能力购买) Cue card
Talk about the car you would choose if you could buy any car. Please
- What car would you buy?
- Why would you buy this particular car?
Questions about public transport.
你崇拜的一位家人 Cue Card
Describe a person you admire in your family. Please say - Who is this person?
- Why have you chosen this person as a role model? - When did you last meet this person?
- Who makes decisions in your family?
- Is it necessary to consider everybody’s opinion in you family? - Who makes decisions mostly in families in your country in general? - What is the importance of joined and nuclear family? - What will be the future family structure? - Why do people prefer nuclear families?
你喜欢的一位外国人 Cue Card
Tell me something about a foreigner that you like the most. Please say: - Where did you meet that person? - Why did you like him/her? - What do you learn from him/ her?
- Do you like making friends with foreigners? Why? - Is it easy to spot foreigners?
- What do you think about immigration?
- Why do you think people immigrate to other countries? - What are the advantages and disadvantages of immigration?
一家成功的小公司 Cue Card
Describe a small company in your hometown that you think is successful, please say
- Why you think it is successful, - How you know it, - What they produce,
- Explain how you think it became successful. Discussion
- How do you think some business companies become successful? - What companies are successful in your hometown? Are they small or big?
- Why are some companies more successful than others?
- Is it easier to work as an employee or to manage a company? Why?
攒钱买的一件东西 Cue card
Describe a thing you bought, that you had to save money for, please say
- what it was,
- how long you saved money for it, - what you felt when you bought it.
- Do you think children should be taught to save money from their childhood? Why?
- Should parents buy everything their child asks for? Why? - Is it easy for you to save money?
- Do people in countryside have different shopping attitude than people in a city? Why?
和他人一起合作完成的工作 Cue card
Describe a project or a piece of work you did together with someone, please say - who it was, - what you have done,
-why you have chosen this person.
- Do you think it is important to do something with another person? - Is it important for children to have subjects in school that include working with another person? - What subjects would those be?
- How could businesses work together with schools or universities? - How could wealthy countries help poor countries?
1.一项法律 Cue Card
Talk about a law or a rule that you would suggest to improve your country, please say - what law/ rule that is, - why you think it is needed,
- explain how it would improve the situation in your country.
- Do you think that being a policeman is an easy job in your country? - Do you think men and women make equally good police officers? - In general, is policeman’s job easy?
- Do you think it is a good idea for the police to carry guns around? - What do you think are the responsibilities of a good lawyer? - Do you think men and women make equally good lawyers? - Are lawyers respected in your country? - Is it fair that lawyers are paid very well?
2为保护环境而做的一件事 Cue Card
Talk about an activity that you do to protect the environment, please say
- what activity that is, - how often you do it, - who else does it with you,
- how it helps with protecting the environment.
- How can we change the life style that affects the environment negatively?
- How do you think we can solve the problem of industrial pollution?
3. 一种野生动物 Cue Card
Talk about a wild animal you would like to find, you should say: - What is the animal? - Where would you find it? - Why that particular animal? Discussion
- What is the effect of humans on animals? - Is animal conservation important?
- How can we contribute as citizens to the conservation of animals? - Do you think zoos are necessary?
- Do you think people are being fair when they kill wild animals?
1. 一位你心目中的成功人士 Cue Card
Describe someone who you think is successful, please say - who he/she is,
- what his/her achievements are, - what made him/her be your choice,
- how his/her success contributed to the society.
- In your own opinion, is a rich person considered to be successful? - Does work matter to you more than your family?
2. 一位主持人 Cue Card
Talk about a TV or Radio broadcaster you know, please say - What is his / her name?
- What type of program do they present? - Do you enjoy his / her program and why?
- What is the impact of technology on broadcasting? - What are the required qualities of a news caster? 3. 一位艺术家 Cue card
Describe one of your favorite artists (an actor, a musician, a painter), you should say: - Who is the person?
- What about that person influenced you? - How do you know about him / her? Discussion
- What is the favorite art in your country? - Do you think schools should teach arts?
- Do you think it is necessary to develop the art of literature in colleges?
- Whether the art was more popular in the past or at present. 4. 一个说另一种语言的人 Cue Card
Talk about a person who speaks a different language to yours whom you have met. Please say
- Where & how did you meet this person? - What was so special about this person? - What did you learn from him/her?
- What are the best ways for immigrants to learn the language of the new country after immigration? (Other than language courses) - Why do people immigrate?
- What are the benefits for countries that accept immigration?
5. 好久前遇见的一位朋友 Cue Card
Talk about a friend that you’ve met a long time ago. Please say - How did you meet? - How do you keep in touch? - Why is this person important to you?
- Do you think technology has played an important role in friendships? - What do you think are the characteristics of a good friend? - Have you ever met someone through the Internet?
- Do you think that in the future friendships are going to be virtual and people are not going to have the need of physical contact?
6. 和你一起生活过的人 Cue Card
Describe a person you lived with, please say: - What is the name of the person? - How are you related to the person? - How long have you lived with this person?
- What interests do you have in common with this person?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of living at home and away from home?
- What are the disadvantages of living alone? - Can the attitude of a person change over time?
7. 儿童时代教过你的一位老师 Cue Card
Talk about a teacher from your childhood that you would like to meet again. Please say:
- What is the name of the teacher? - What did you learn from this teacher?
- How much do you want to meet this teacher again?
- Is teaching a good job?
- Would you choose teaching as a profession?
- In your opinion, what qualities should a good teacher have? - What do you think about people not being into teaching nowadays? - What can the government do to encourage people to take up teaching? - Can a good teacher still remain good even if her students are bad in class?
8.你曾经帮助过的人 Cue Card
Talk about a person that you know who you once helped, please say - Who that person was, - What they needed help with, - Why you helped them, - How you felt about it. Cue Card
Talk about a person that you once helped or that helped you, please say - who the person that you helped / that helped you was, - why he/she needed help / why you needed their help, - how does it feel to help people? Discussion
- Do you like helping people?
- What is the difference between helping/taking caring of young children and elderly people?
- Who would you prefer to help, a child or an elderly person? 9一个你喜欢的家庭(不是自己的) Cue card
Talk about a family (not your own) you like to spent time with, please say:
– Who they are, – How you met them,
– Why you like to spend time with them.
Follow up question: is it important to spend time with your family regularly? Discussion -
We spend more time with friends than with family these days. Is this a good or a bad thing? 10 一位老年人 Cue Card
Talk about an old person who has influenced you, please say - who that old person is, - how he/she has influenced you, - what you like in him / her. Discussion
- Do you think the future generation will change the attitude towards elderly people?
- Do you think in the next generation old people would have to live separated from their families? - What is the solution?
11. 一位最好的朋友 Cue Card
Describe your best friend, please say - How did you meet? - How do you converse?
- What do you like about your friend? - How often do you see each other?
- Do you think friendship is important in life? If yes, how? - How important is to keep in touch with friends? - Do you have many friends? - What type of friends do you like? 12. 你的家庭 Cue Card
Talk about your family, please include in your speech the following points
- Name a family member whom you admire. - When did you meet him/her last time? - How often do you meet him / her? - Why do you admire him/her?
- Are you familiar with problems of large or small families? - Do you like a large or a small family?
- Will it be necessary for women of the family to work in the future? - What are the benefits of living in large families?
1.知识问答的电视节目 Cue Card
Describe a knowledge quiz show on TV; please say - Why do you like this kind of show? - Is it easy to prepare for this show? - Would you like to participate in it?
- Let’s talk about competition in your life. Do you think you are a
competitive person?
- Is it important to be competitive? Why?
- In business, do companies need to be competitive? - Should companies promote competition? Why?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of competition? 2. 一个不喜欢的电视节目 Cue card
Tell me about a recent TV program that you didn’t like, you should say: - what program it was, - when you saw it, - what it was about, - why you didn’t like it. Discussion
- Do you think that nowadays quality of TV programs has dropped? - Do you think nowadays TV artists are getting a fair pay? - What type of TV program do you like? - How many hours a day do you watch TV for? - Do you think TV programs influence people?
- What should the government do to improve quality of TV programs?
3. 一个喜欢的电视节目 Cue Card
Describe a TV program that you enjoyed. You should say: - What was the program?
- Where did you watch it and who was with you? - Why did you enjoy that program? Discussion
- What TV program is popular in your country? - Why is it so popular?
- What are the advantages of TV programs?
- Do you think that TV will be more popular in the future?
4. 一则电视广告 Cue Card
Talk about an advertisement that you saw recently on TV. Please say - What is your favorite advertisement and why? - What is it about?
- What audience was the advertisement for? Discussion
- What do you think about advertisements using children?
- What do you think about producers spending a lot of money to make an advertisement?
- What do you think about advertisements using just good looking people?
5. 上次看的一场电影 Cue Card
Talk about the last film you saw, please say - Where did you watch it? - What did you like about it? - What did you dislike about the film? - Why did you choose to watch that film?
- Would you watch that movie again?
- What do you prefer, staying home to watch a movie on DVD or going out to the movies?
- Do you find time to relax at home? - Do you relax while watching a movie? - What are the effects of movies on children? - Do you learn other people’s culture via television? - How does watching a film/movie affect a person?
- What do you think about movie stars of today and their actions? 6. 本国一种流行音乐 Cue Card
Talk about the type of music which is popular in your country, please say
- What type of music that is, and
- Why this music is popular in your country.
- Why preferences of music keep on changing with the passage of time?
- Do young people and old people like the same kind of music? - What do you think, should music remain as hobby or is it better to see music as a business?
1. 一件出故障的东西 Cue Card
Describe a situation when something in your house broke or stopped working. Please say - What was it?
- What happened when it broke/stopped working? - How did you feel about it?
posted by anna
When was the last time you saw a frog? Chances are, if you live in a city, you have not seen one for some time. Even in wet areas once teeming with frogs and toads, it is becoming less and less easy to find those slimy, hopping and sometimes poisonous members of the animal kingdom. All over the world, and even in remote parts of Australia, frogs are losing the ecological battle for survival, and biologists are at a loss to explain their demise. Are amphibians simply oversensitive to changes in the ecosystem? Could it be that their rapid decline in numbers is signaling some coming environmental disaster for us all? This frightening scenario is in part the consequence of a dramatic increase over the last quarter century in the development of once natural areas of wet marshland; home not only to frogs but to all manner of wildlife. However, as yet, there are no obvious reasons why certain frog species are disappearing from rainforests in Australia that have barely been touched by human hand. The mystery is unsettling to say the least, for it is known that amphibian species are extremely sensitive to environmental variations in
temperature and moisture levels. The danger is that planet Earth might not only lose a vital link in the ecological food chain (frogs keep populations of otherwise pestilent insects at manageable levels), but we might be increasing our output of air pollutants to levels that may have already become irreversible. Frogs could be inadvertently warning us of a catastrophe.
An example of a species of frog that, at far as is known, has become extinct, is the platypus frog. Like the well-known Australian mammal it was named after, it exhibited some very strange behaviour; instead of giving birth to tadpoles in the water, it raised its young within its stomach. The baby frogs were actually born from out of their mother"s mouth. Discovered in 1981, less than ten years later the frog had completely vanished from the crystal clear waters of Booloumba Creek near
Queensland"s Sunshine Coast. Unfortunately, this freak of nature is not the only frog species to have been lost in Australia. Since the 1970s, no less than eight others have suffered the same fate.
One theory that seems to fit the facts concerns the depletion of the ozone layer, a well documented phenomenon which has led to a sharp increase
in ultraviolet radiation levels.The ozone layer is meant to shield the Earth from UV rays, but increased radiation may be having a greater effect upon frog populations than previously believed. Another theory is that worldwide temperature increases are upsetting the breeding cycles of frogs.
1.Frogs are disappearing only from city areas.
2.Frogs and toads are usually poisonous.
3.Biologists are unable to explain why frogs are dying.
4.The frogs" natural habitat is becoming more and more developed.
5.Attempts are being made to halt the development of wet marshland.
6.Frogs are important in the ecosystem because they control pests.
7.The platypus frog became extinct by 1991.
8.Frogs usually give birth to their young in an underwater nest.
9.Eight frog species have become extinct so far in Australia.
10.There is convincing evidence that the ozone layer is being depleted.
11.It is a fact that frogs" breeding cycles are upset by worldwide in creases in temperature.
Answer Keys1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.NG 6.T 7.T 8.NG 9.F 10.T 11.F 雅思阅读T/F/NG模拟试题(2)
Almost everyone with or without a computer is aware of the latest technological
revolution destined to change forever the way in which humans communicate, namely, the Information Superhighway, best exemplified by the ubiquitous Internet. Already,
millions of people around the world are linked by computer simply by having a modem and an address on the `Net", in much the same way that owning a telephone links us to almost anyone who pays a phone bill. In fact, since the computer connections are made via the phone line, the Internet can be envisaged as a network of visual telephone links. It remains to seen in which direction the Information Superhighway is headed, but many believeit is the educational hope of the future.
The World Wide Web, an enormous collection of Internet addresses or sites, all of which can be accessed for information, has been mainly responsible for the increase in interest in the Internet in the 1990s. Before the World Wide Web, the `Net" was comparable to an integrated collection of computerized typewriters, but the introduction of the `Web" in 1990 allowed not only text links to be made but also graphs, images and even video.
A Web site consists of a `home page", the first screen of a particular site on the computer to which you are connected, from where access can be had to other subject related `pages"(or screens) at the site and on thousands of other computers all over the world. This is achieved by a process called `hypertext". By clicking with a mouse device on various parts of the screen, a person connected to the `Net" can go traveling, or surfing" through a of the screen, a person connected to the `Net" can go traveling, or `surfing" through a web of pages to locate whatever information is required.
Anyone can set up a site; promoting your club, your institution, your company"s products or simply yourself, is what the Web and the Internet is all about. And what is more, information on the Internet is not owned or controlled by any one organization. It is, perhaps, true to say that no one and therefore everyone owns the `Net". Because of the relative freedom of access to information, the Internet has often been criticised by the media as a potentially hazardous tool in the hands of young computer users. This perception has proved to be largely false however, and the vast majority of users both young and old get connected with the Internet for the dual purposes for which it was intended - discovery and delight.
1.Everyone is aware of the Information Superhighway.
2.Using the Internet costs the owner of a telephone extra money.
3.Internet computer connections are made by using telephone lines.
4.The World Wide Web is a network of computerised typewriters.
5.According to the author, the Information Superhighway may be the future hope of education.
6.The process called`hypertext"requires the use of a mouse device.
7.The Internet was created in the 1990s.
8.The `home page"is the first screen of a `Web"site on the `Net".
9.The media has often criticised the Internet because it is dangerous.
10. The latest technological revolution will change the way humans communicate. ;
Answer Keys
1.F 2.NG 3.T 4.F 5.T 6.T 7.F 8.T 9.F 10.T
※青岛雅思 美国留学梦之Beer-lahai-roi
※青岛雅思培训 笑书传奇筑辉煌 青岛托福培训
※青岛雅思培训 寒假之龙年海外展鸿图 青岛雅思
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Published online: Nov 9th 2006
From The Economist print edition
How shops can exploit people’s herd mentality to increase sales
1.A TRIP to the supermarket may not seem like an exercise in psychological warfare—but it is.Shopkeepers know that filling a store with the aroma of freshly baked bread makes people feelhungry and persuades them to buy more food than they had intended. Stocking the mostexpensive products at eye level makes them sell faster than cheaper but less visiblecompetitors. Now researchers are investigating how “swarm intelligence” (that is, howants, bees or any social animal, including humans, behave in a crowd) can be used toinfluence what people buy.
2.At a recent conference on the simulation of adaptive behaviour in Rome, Zeeshan-ul-hassan Usmani, a computer scientist from the Florida Institute of Technology, described anew way to increase impulse buying using this phenomenon. Supermarkets already encourageshoppers to buy things they did not realise they wanted: for instance, by placing everydayitems such as milk and eggs at the back of the store, forcing shoppers to walk past othertempting goods to reach them. Mr Usmani and Ronaldo Menezes, also of the FloridaInstitute of Technology, set out to enhance this tendency to buy more by playing on the herdinstinct. The idea is that, if a certain product is seen to be popular, shoppers are likely tochoose it too. The challenge is to keep customers informed about what others are buying.
3.Enter smart-cart technology. In Mr Usmani’s supermarket every product has a radiofrequency identification tag, a sort of barcode that uses radio waves to transmitinformation, and every trolley has a scanner that reads this information and relays it to acentral computer. As a customer walks past a shelf of goods, a screen on the shelf tells him
how many people currently in the shop have chosen that particular product. If the number ishigh, he is more likely to select it too.
4. Mr Usmani’s “swarm-moves” model appeals to supermarkets because it increases saleswithout the need to give people discounts. And it gives shoppers the satisfaction of knowingthat they bought the “right” product—that is, the one everyone else bought. The modelhas not yet been tested widely in the real world, mainly because radio frequencyidentification technology is new and has only been installed experimentally in somesupermarkets. But Mr Usmani says that both Wal-Mart in America and Tesco in Britain areinterested in his work, and testing will get under way in the spring.
5. Another recent study on the power of social influence indicates that sales could, indeed,be boosted in this way. Matthew Salganik of Columbia University in New York and hiscolleagues have described creating an artificial music market in which some 14,000 peopledownloaded previously unknown songs. The researchers found that when people could seethe songs ranked by how many times they had been downloaded, they followed the crowd.When the songs were not ordered by rank, but the number of times they had beendownloaded was displayed, the effect of social influence was still there but was lesspronounced. People thus follow the herd when it is easy for them to do so.
6. In Japan a chain of convenience shops called RanKing RanQueen has been ordering itsproducts according to sales data from department stores and research companies. The shopssell only the most popular items in each product category, and the rankings are updatedweekly. Icosystem, a company in Cambridge, Massachusetts, also aims to exploitknowledge of social networking to improve sales.
7. And the psychology that works in physical stores is just as potent on the internet. Onlineretailers such as Amazon are adept at telling shoppers which products are popular with like-minded consumers. Even in the privacy of your home, you can still be part of the swarm.Questions 1-6
Complete the sentences below with words taken from the reading passage. Use NO MORETHAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
1. Shopowners realize that the smell of _______________ can increase sales of food products.
2. In shops, products shelved at a more visible level sell better even if they are more_______________.
3. According to Mr. Usmani, with the use of “swarm intelligence” phenomenon, a newmethod can be applied to encourage _______________.
4. On the way to everyday items at the back of the store, shoppers might be tempted to buy_______________.
5. If the number of buyers shown on the _______________ is high, other customers tend tofollow them.
6. Using the “swarm-moves” model, shopowners do not have to give customers_______________ to increase sales.
Questions 7-12
Do the following statements agree with the information given in the reading passage? Forquestions 7-12 write
YES if the statement agrees with the information
NO if the statement contraicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this in the passage
7. Radio frequency identification technology has been installed experimentally in bigsupermarkets like Wal-Mart.
8. People tend to download more unknown songs than songs they are familiar with.
9. Songs ranked high by the number of times being downloaded are favored by customers.
10. People follow the others to the same extent whether it is convenient or not.11. Items sold in some Japanese stores are simply chosen according to the sales data of other
12.Swarm intelligence can also be observed in everyday life.
Answer keys:
1.答案:(freshly baked) bread. (第1段第2 行:Shoppers know that filling a store with the aromaof freshly baked bread makes people feel hungry and persuades them to buy more food thanthey intended.)
2.答案:expensive. (第1段第4 行: Stocking the most expensive products at eye level makesthem sell faster than cheaper but less visible competitors.)
3.答案:impulse buying. (第2段第1 句:At a recent conference on the simulation of adaptivebehaviour in Rome, Zeeshan- ul- hassan Usmani, a computer scientist from the FloridaInstitute of Technology, described a new way to increase impulse buying using thisphenomenon.)
4.答案:other (tempting) goods/things/products. (第2段第2 句:Supermarkets alreadyencourage shoppers to buy things they did not realise they wanted: for instance, by placingeveryday items such as milk and eggs at the back of the store, forcing shoppers to walk pastother tempting goods to reach them.)
5.答案:screen. (第3段第4 行:As a customer walks past a shelf of goods, a screen on theshelf tells him how many people currently in the shop have chosen that particular product. Ifthe number is high, he is more likely to select it too.)
6.答案:discounts. (第4段第第1句:Mr Usmani’s “swarm- moves” model appeals tosupermarkets because it increases sales without the need to give people discounts.)
7.答案:NO. (第4段第3、4 句:The model has not yet been tested widely in the real world,mainly because radio frequency identification technology is new and has only been installedexperimentally in some supermarkets. But Mr Usmani says that both Wal- Mart in America anTesco in Britain are interestd in his workd, and testing will get under way in the spring. 短语“get under way”的意思是“开始进行”,在Wal-Mart的试验要等到春天才开始)
8.答案:NOT GIVEN. (在文中没有提及该信息)
9.答案:YES。 (第5段第3 句:The reseachers found that when people could see the songsranked by how many times they have been downloaded, they followed the crowd.)
10.答案:NO。 (第5段最后两句:When the songs are not ordered by rank, but the number oftimes they had been downloaded was displayed, the effect of social influence was still therebut was less pronounced. People thus follow the herd when it is easy for them to do so.pronounced 的词义是“显著的、明显的”)
11.答案:YES。 (第6段第1 句:In Japan a chain of convenience shops called RanKing RanQueenhas been ordering its products according to sales data from department stores and researchcompanies.)
12.答案:YES。 (最后一段最后一句:Even in the privacy of your home, you can still be part ofthe swarm. home应该算是everyday life的一部分)